jennifersminds · 2 years
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1k followers celebration  🦈 → a comfort show  H2O: JUST ADD WATER
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jennifersminds · 2 years
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1k followers celebration 💋 → fav ship from (tvd) ELENA AND ELIJAH
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jennifersminds · 1 year
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1k followers celebration  💋 → fav ship from (Pretty Little Liars) MONA VANDERWAAL AND HANNA MARIN
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jennifersminds · 1 year
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1k followers celebration  ♎️ → a character that shares my star sign CASSIE HOWARD
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jennifersminds · 2 years
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seriously cannot express or comprehend how grateful I am thank you all sm !! The fact that even one person would care enough to deal with my slutty vampire renaissance and never-ending dairpression (along with the seemingly endless nonsensical answers to even the simplest of asks) is insane and i’m constantly awed by all your enthusiasm and encouragement- and to thank you i’ve decided to display my quasi-narcissism via request gifs and fic drabbles <3  Guidlines send me an ask or dm with one of these emojis (+ a prompt(s) if you’re requesting a fic and I’ll attempt to get it done in a somewhat timely manor)  (open to anyone who follows me) 💋 - gifset of fav ship from (insert tv-show or film) 🧚🏻‍♀️ - gifset fav outfit from (insert tv-show or film) 🦈 - gifset of a comfort film 💘 -gifset of a comfort show 👼🏻 - gifset of my fav character(s) of all time ♎️ - gifset of a character that shares my star sign Fic drabbles <3 (because I apparently have no range here’s a small list of ships and characters- I’m also providing prompts, you can request a character or ship with more than one if you want to mix and match a bit. Also feel free to request more than once bc tbh I’m really excited to try writing these) Ships and Characters 🫀 - Elejah 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 - Beklena 🕷 - Bonlena 🐇 - Klonnie 🌫 - Dair 👑 - Blair 🌼 - Elena 🕸 - Bonnie Prompts 1. A Carnival 2. They’re in a play 3. Tattoos 4. Mermaids 5. Aquarium 6. Hotel 7. Friends with Benefits 8. Mirrors 9. Hot Tubs 10. Hands  11. Domestic Bliss/ Slice of life 12. Graveyard 13. Fake Dating 14. Accidental Love Spells 15. Blood 16. Forced Proximity 17. Dancing 🍒 - if you’d like smut in addition to the prompt(s) above
Tagging mutuals below the cut <3 thank you all again xx  (lmk if u don’t care/wanna be tagged in this lmao ly bye) @vorpalmuchness @sevensistersofsussex @terapsina @amandamonroe @strideofpride @misandriste @elinorsfairmont @lemonbreelxnds @feralcherry @qvnthesia @noheteroexplanation @laventerhaze @jennifersbod @taureanluver @trashfordair @alllwritenow @ashleysolsen @sheiscoming @alaynestone @katherineholmes @brandyovereager (I think that’s everyone if not on my knees repenting rn true story)
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jennifersminds · 2 years
🫀and 15. blood?
me when i held a gun to your head so you’d request this 🔫 🔫
everything is teeth
He’d dreamt of her hungry. A sick wish, a detestable longing. He found her starving, a macabre reality. Nightmare made flesh. Twisted, wretched, bone-lined flesh. 
He finds her beneath trees, thin limbs on crushed leaves. She doesn’t notice him, red neon lettering flashing in the dark of her eyes. Vacant. She’s a vision of tragedy, draped in loss like silk. Her hair blending into soil, prepared to burrow beneath it like roots, let her hide in the earth like she’s supposed to. 
He supposes it his biggest flaw, his last large transgression where she’s concerned. He’d unearth her, always. Dirt-caked cuticles dragging her from the depths, it's what he promised, quietly with no one to hear him. 
She’s small- below the trees; curled in white- stained with blood and dirt. Cherry-red rivers soaking the cotton of her dress. Caked around her lips and chin- it smells wrong; the blood. Putrid puked notes perfuming the clearing. Bunny blooded bile soaking the recently slain girl where she lies. He steps forward, shoes crushing deceased leaves. She startles at that, springing up in a ruckus of dust and bark. Her eyes find him immediately, bathed in blue. The doe depths still so full of life. Filling with questions like water as she stares at him in the arctic light. She looks cold, as do the woods. He can see now, as faint drops of dew slide along her, winter mornings sloth. Leaving lines in the blood as they run down her neck.
Her face is a fascinating cocktail of surprise and everything but. Mouth O’d but eyes squinted. She doesn’t say his name, that shatters him just a little. Shifting on her knees, pulling them from beneath her to lean against the bark, tucking them up to rest below her chin. She shifts her head to the side, a question to the untrained eye. He sees through her, through the shattered exterior where it truly lies. A demand, an order, a gift. 
He falls alongside her, propped shoulder to shoulder against the tree. He says nothing and waits, as good men should.
He doesn’t wait long as seconds after he aligns himself with the oak she tumbles. Still curled she slides sideways, landing easily in the cradle of his lap. Hair falling over his wrist and thigh to the dirt, strands begging to burrow. He wraps the mass in his hand under the guise of supporting her head. Thwarting her return, keeping her with him. 
She shakes, rattles like a snake in his arms. He lays a large hand on her side, calming, alarming. His fingers sliding between the prominent bones of her ribcage. Too much of her held in one palm. Too little of her left out of his hands. She soothes as he spirals, rage flowing with the blood in his veins. She turns into him, forehead burrowing into the base of his abdomen. He lets her hide, would let her slice him open and stay curled within him if she asked. Let himself grow roots around her. Be consumed by nature as he’s consumed by her. 
He brings his hand from her ribs, taking his handkerchief from his pocket while his hands rattle with stolen shakes. 
“Look at me please,” he says, fury absent from his tone. As soft as the fur on the bunny's still-warm corpse. She obeys, finding him with watered eyes. Misty as the surrounding clearing. His other hand stays submerged in her hair, tangled like dirt in the dark brown roots. He lifts her head, bending a knee upwards to support her torso as he wipes the rejected blood from her chin.
read on ao3
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jennifersminds · 2 years
👼🏻! congrats again!!!
thank you so much !! your blog is literally so beautiful,,
here <3 blair my beloved to no ones surprise
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jennifersminds · 2 years
🧚🏻‍♀️ tvd please
here <3
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