#jeff bezos yacht
worldnewsforus11 · 4 months
Jeff Bezos plans to divest 50 million Amazon shares by January 31st Next Year.
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mybapopupshow · 1 year
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filosofablogger · 2 years
The Return of the Snarky Snippet
The Return of the Snarky Snippet
It’s been a while since I’ve done a ‘snarky snippets’ post.  Actually, I’ve started a few, but then the first snippet as often as not turns into a full-length post on its own.  So, let me try again … Biggest story of the day … The biggest news of the day yesterday was not about gas prices, President Biden, the January 6th Committee, or the former guy … what’s his name again?  It wasn’t even…
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datgreenmonstah · 1 year
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“Sink the Rich”
Based on the recent orcas attacking sail boats near Spain, thanks to what they think is white gladis teaching other orcas within their pod on how to capsize sailboats/yachts. Manifesting the energy of them dealing with a certain billionaires boats.
I’ve been busy with work and getting suits done and out.
Plan to make this into merch or something maybe
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sephirajo · 11 months
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iolojones · 1 year
Every time you order another miserable box delivered by a minimum wage miserable driver, handled by minimum wage miserable warehouse staff and produced, most likely in China, remember that this is the reason for it all. So that one man can stick it to us.
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briearesea · 2 years
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This bridge is too small for bozos' stupid fucking yacht!
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Nice work everyone!
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politicallolcenter · 2 years
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snuperateez · 10 months
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anumberofhobbies · 1 year
Okay, so, how can I get 500 million out of social Security Disability to pay for my own yacht?
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seabattical · 2 years
Jeff Bezos’ $500 Megayacht Launches Under the Cover of Darkness, on Secret Route
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serialunaliver · 3 months
my hate for the walton family is literally equal to my hate for jeff bezos. "alice walton seen on her yacht" while walmart has a business model built around poverty of its employees like please jump off the yacht at a high enough altitude to kill yourself if i'm being honest
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liberalsarecool · 2 years
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Jeff Bezos has a $400 million yacht while all of Europe has 25-35 days of paid vacation.
The veneration of billionaires is pathetic.
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sassyfrassboss · 9 months
My dad knows Bezos, and as my mum is British he joked to Jeff recently about if he’d ever get with Meghan after she divorces and Jeff just laughed out loud and said that he has stories about Meghan that would shock even her biggest supporters and when my dad asked, Jeff basically said that she 1) got around 2) billionaires close ranks to what they call ‘repeat diggers’ 3) he knows that there is a tech bro currently running around with her and she has turned him away from Jeff & others
the thing about Bezos is that he gets engaged and then he has a yacht full of model-type like women on his yacht...
Don't tell me that isn't an open relationship...on his end. He just doesn't want anything to do with Meghan.
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princesscolumbia · 7 months
The Locked Tomb Thoughts
So something occurred to me as I was scrolling my timeline and seeing fanart for The Locked Tomb scroll up my dash; New Roh and all the non-Empire human occupied planets are REALLY FREAKIN' ADVANCED as colony worlds go. Here we have the Empire which has actually stagnated, if not flat out reverted in a LOT of its developmental levels (specifically tech, but also governance, industry, most sciences, etc.) and some parts of the Empire have shortages on things that a supposedly advanced spacefaring civilization should just...have. Why the fuck are the Nine Houses using flimsy? That shit is hard to use and expensive to make and the production is torture on any environment and NOT RENEWABLE when you just gotta plant a few bamboo shoots in a field somewhere and next year you have more fuckin' bamboo than you can ever use so you cut a bunch of it down and pulp it and make friggin paper. The only thing you have to really worry about as far as the renewable-ness of the resource is keeping the soil fed...and if the Empire has LOTS of anything, it's corpses to turn into fertilizer. (Morbid, but true)
And yet, New Roh, before becoming a literal hellscape when Varun shows up, has so much infrastructure to spare that it becomes a refuge world when the Empire sends its walking WMDs called Lyctors after BoE.
Here's The Ninth House struggling to feed its people even though it's one of the most important houses in the system and meanwhile there's this "backwater" planet called New Roh that only starts to struggle to feed people when it takes on the escaped population of a DOZEN or so other planets.
New Roh had new construction, full industry, functioning space ports, agriculture, school systems, fast food, private and public transit...the Sixth House was having problems making babies.
This, more and more, makes me question the accuracy of Jod's account of Earth's final days in NtN, because a bunch of rich twats piling onto some custom space yachts with plans to just leave behind the most productive 99% managing to escape by the skin of their teeth and magically make not one but DOZENS of colony worlds that all become self-sustaining with rich, diverse cultures, multiple languages, healthy and robust economies, weapons manufacturers, black markets, etc.?
I don't care that it's been more than 10k years. If the ships that launched really only carried with them the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and the people that they decided would be good for shining their shoes, then that colony would have crashed and burned HARD before the first 10 years was up, forget the next 9,990.
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jackoshadows · 2 years
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'The world's richest are plundering the planet': Billionaires' huge carbon footprints prompt call for action
Oxfam has called for action over billionaires "plundering the planet" and placing the world "in grave danger" from climate change with their enormous carbon footprints.
Jamie Livingstone, the head of the charity's arm in Scotland, said the emissions from a single billionaire space flight would exceed the lifetime emissions of someone in the poorest billion people on earth.
A new study for Oxfam, based on research by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), found that by the end of this decade the carbon footprints of the richest 1% of people on earth are set to be 30 times greater than what is compatible with keeping global warming below 1.5C.
The report's authors have now called for governments to bring in measures to "constrain luxury carbon consumption like mega yachts, private jets and space travel".
The report has been released after Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made a short trip into space and Sir Richard Branson journeyed to the edge of space in his Virgin Galactic rocket plane, while Elon Musk's private spaceflight company SpaceX is developing a vehicle to take humans to Mars.
But scientists have said that to achieve the goal agreed at the 2015 Paris climate summit, every person on earth would need to limit their CO2 emissions to just 2.3 tonnes by 2030 - roughly half the average carbon footprint today.
According to the new research, the richest 1% of people - smaller than the population of Germany - are expected to account for 16% of total emissions by 2030.
This is an increase from 13% in 1990 and 15% in 2015.
However, the total emissions produced by the richest 10% could be sufficient on their own to exceed the aligned level for 1.5 degrees in 2030, regardless of what the other 90% of the world's population do.
Mr Livingstone said: "The luxury lifestyles and continued plundering of the planet by the world's richest people are placing us all in ever graver peril.
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