#jeeves had this indifferent look on his face
cjjferk · 17 days
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What if Jeeves had worked as a page boy at a private boys' school in his youth?
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v-thinks-on · 4 years
Are you afraid of ghosts?
It looked to be a perfectly pleasant evening on the face of it; there could be none better for strolling about the city of lights as the sun set. Jeeves and I were vacationing in Paris, you see. We had passed a leisurely day doing this and that, and after an excellent dinner - I forget where, after everything that followed - we were off to the opera to see their latest show. I couldn’t say I had high hopes for the thing; I’m more a chap for musical theater myself, but Jeeves was looking forward to it. I could see an especially brainy glint in his eyes at the prospect of an evening of the improving stuff, not that a chap like Jeeves needed any improving. As the managers had sent me a couple of tickets on the house, I couldn’t very well refuse. If nothing else, I expected to get a few extra hours of the dreamless.
However, all was not sanguine even as Jeeves and I strode up to the grand doors of the opera house.
I believe, I exclaimed something along the lines of, “Jeeves, she’s already making wedding arrangements!”
“Most distressing, sir,” was all Jeeves said in reply, and that with all the enthusiasm of a stuffed frog.
You see, I was engaged again, and none too happy about the fact. She had a perfectly fine profile and what not, but I had no desire to see it each morning from across the dining room table. The fact of the matter was that the prospect of marrying anyone at all was looking less and less appealing. It was starting to seem to me that no girl, no matter how beauteous, could possibly be worth all that trouble. The topper on the cake was, of course, Jeeves, who had expressed every intention of tendering his resignation the instant the wedding bells ceased to chime - or perhaps a moment before, punctual as he is.
It was the last point that had me the most biffed about the man’s reaction. For all he’d said about “ties that bind” you’d think the chap would do more than say “most distressing, sir” upon hearing that a Wooster marriage loomed on the horizon, growing ever nearer. But Jeeves seemed dashed indifferent to the matter, as though he’d just as soon say “toodle-pip” and never set eyes on Bertram W. again. As a result, you can imagine my manner toward the man was distinctly cold as we stepped into the opera house and I passed him my coat with hardly a glance Jeevesward - “most distressing” indeed.
I confess I was rather consumed by my own troubles, when a rummy chap caught my eye. The only way I can describe him is rummy, from his bright green eyes to his cap, which would have made Jeeves faint if I’d been the one sporting it. His eyes met mine and he took it as an invitation to step over and rub elbows.
Not to be rude despite my preoccupation, I greeted him with a “What ho!” that was perhaps only just shy of my usual cheeriness.
“You are an Englishman?” he asked in a low, urgent voice, as though we were fellow attendees at a meeting of some secret society.
“I am,” I said, with a bit of a, “what of it?” in my voice.
“Be careful,” he urged.
“What do you mean by that?”
“You can never be too careful,” the man insisted, glancing frantically about, his secret society rot no clearer than before. And then without another word, he hurried off and vanished into the crowd of our fellow opera-goers.
I didn’t have long to consider the whole rummy thing, for just as the chap disappeared, Jeeves materialized at my elbow. “Sir?”
I waved it off airily and was about to proceed with a smile, when I remembered the dashed indifference of the man and so gestured for him to lead the way with naught but dignified reserve.
I confess, with all that ensued, I can only recall the opera in pieces. The whole plot of the thing was rather lost on me; something about a bit of a pill of a chap who made a deal with what I think was supposed to be the devil or some sort of demon, and there was something about a girl. I wonder if I didn’t drift off into the dreamless at a few particularly slow bits, but some of the pieces were catchy enough.
The managers had not only provided for me and a guest to see the show, but had invited us backstage besides - no doubt courting the much sought-after Wooster patronage. I could have told them they were wasting their consideration on me; it was Jeeves who could be swayed by an opera and Jeeves who managed my checkbook besides. And, as I have mentioned, on that particular evening I wasn’t feeling too kindly toward the chap, but even I found the prospect of a backstage tour enticing.
So, as the rest of the populace filtered out, Jeeves and I filtered ‘round to the stage door. The first rummy thing that ought have tipped us off, bizarre warnings aside, was that there wasn’t anyone there to greet us. Instead, it was Jeeves who pulled open the door to welcome me back, into the domain of the performers and stagehands. I crossed the threshold from the opulent theater into the austere halls, filled with men and women hurrying to and fro in varying states of costume. It wasn’t so different from my own experiences on Broadway with my chums on the opposite shore of the great pond.
At last, we heard a fellow call out to us from the fray; “Suivez-moi, monsieurs!”
Jeeves and I exchanged a glance, before, with the valiant spirit of my ancestors charging off to Agincourt, I flung myself into the crowd after him, and true to his feudal spirit, Jeeves followed shortly after. I couldn’t say it was easy going, there were a few times, as towering set-pieces tottered by, that I saw my very life flash before my eyes, but at last, we emerged into a quiet hall off the main thoroughfare.
The comparatively fresh air was such a relief after the squeeze of the throng that I didn’t realize at first that the hall was a little too empty. It was so empty, in fact, that the only fellows there were Jeeves and myself, even our guide had vanished. I believe I had begun to turn around to consult Jeeves - dashed silent despite all this rummy business - when I fancy I recall the feeling of someone grabbing me, and then nothing.
Jeeves Meets the Phantom of the Opera coming next week!
Part of The Mysterious Mr. Jeeves.
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adamarinayu · 5 years
Now that we're on this hiatus, do you mind telling us what you thought of each episode?
Okay, I know I’m super late to answer this but here I am! I’m not gonna go too in depth on them, but I do want to talk about them.
Treasure of the Found Lamp!
This one was amusing, and I absolutely love what they did with Djinn. I’m so so so glad they changed his name, too, as “Dijon” always bothered me, even as a kid. Also, the story of the lamp was very heartwarming! And seeing Selene again was fun, especially as she had to run around and we find out she’s a terrible liar lol (so she definitely had nothing to do with Della’s disappearance, I think we can all finally put that theory to rest).
The wild goose chase aspect was funny, coming from both sides, and I still think the actress on Ma Beagle’s TV looked vaguely like a character from PKNA so. But Djinn did not pull punches and them Beagles at least got hurt XD
Also. It kinda has a “the greatest treasure is family” vibe to it.
The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!
As someone who loves Scrooge and loves Goldie, but is indifferent to Scroldie… I still loved this episode. It was great! It was also absolutely hilarious. And Gyro’s time traveling was amazing. Especially Scrooge’s sudden moment of realization when Gyro returned lol.
Louie’s gonna befriend Goldie! That makes me excited. I bet they’re gonna teach each other things that we haven’t even thought of (ie Louie values his family, while Goldie doesn’t even have a family. Maybe Goldie will officially join the Duck-McDuck family not through her strange but obviously antagonistically-romantic relationship with Scrooge, but through her friendship with and tutelage of Louie? Maybe he’s the one who shows her the importance of family and offers her a place in their family… it doesn’t mean giving up adventure, it just means always having somewhere she can call home, and people she can trust and rely on!).
I’m iffy about Jeeves’ redesign, and also his somewhat betrayal of Rockerduck, but I’ve never been like a hardcore fan of the two of them so it was easy for me to move on. I am curious, though, just how they’re gonna come back… guess Gyro’s not quite done with time travel shenanigans.
The only real gripe I have is Sheriff Marshal Cabrera. DON’T GET ME WRONG, I absolutely loved him. He’s a beautiful babby boy. But at the same time, he’s literally just. Fenton. I know he’s like. Fenton’s great grandfather (or maybe uncle, idk) or something. There should absolutely be similarities yes, but it felt like someone had taken the characters and placed them in an old west setting. That being said, I do love him, I just wish he’d been slightly more his own character. Like, maybe a little more like a mix of M’Ma and Fenton! Idk.
The 87 Cent Solution!
…….. You really want to know?
Okay, the episode was good. It was funny, and I enjoyed seeing Glomgold’s timestop shenanigans.
But the funeral scene? That wasn’t cool. I saw the “not really dead” twist coming, I think we all did, but no one thought to tell Donald? Donald thought that, so soon after finally making amends with his uncle, he had lost him for good.
And I get it. It’s meant to be a gag. It’s supposed to be funny. But it kinda really soured the rest of the episode for me. I hate to say that too, because it was a good and funny episode… I just… I can’t believe they did that to Donald. :(
The Golden Spear!
AGONY. Agony is how I feel about this one. Della made friends with the Lunarians! Actual friends! And then Penny made a bad choice, and Lunaris… damn you, Lunaris, you traitor.
All the things Della listed off, wanting to do with her kids and brother and uncle… they’re things the others have already done without her. That hit me in the feels.
AND THEN DONALD- AGH, I CAN’T EVEN. Poor Donald. He’s so stressed and his family loves him so much and just wanted him to have some peace. But alas, it was not to be. And now the fandom cries.
… Even if he really shouldn’t have climbed into that rocket but y’know. He didn’t MEAN to press buttons….
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!
Della reunites with her boys and no one realizes Donald is gone. And we see Della trying to be a mom, and kinda failing miserably. But she’s trying, and she’s learning!
It really put to rest one of my biggest fears, that all of the triplets would accept her immediately (Louie showed serious hesitation through the entire episode, definitely coming from his place of insecurity that Dewey and Huey don’t share) and she’d be super-mom. She makes mistakes, and it’s acknowledged that she seems to be trying to be one of them rather than be their mother. It does feel awkward at times, and alien, like the boys are trying so hard to think she’s doing great when she’s really causing harm, but in the end when it comes down to it she’d do anything to protect them, and gives them the choice of letting her into their life. She doesn’t try and force her way in (as she kinda did at first, but came to realize this isn’t easy for them either).
Right now she feels kinda more like a cool aunt than a mom, but she’ll learn.
Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!
Anyway Scrooge and Glomgold’s parts were absolutely A+ hilarious. Della and Dewey bonding, they’re so much alike, but we see Dewey’s insecurity flare up- how he wants to impress Della, feeling like he has to earn her love. Even though she’s already loved them for ten years, even without ever knowing what they looked like.
Della has a moment of realization here, too. She looks down and realizes Dewey is in a dangerous situation. She realizes that Dewey is in danger. She questions if they’re doing something crazy, clearly thinking maybe we shouldn’t be doing this, but when Dewey quotes her “I’m your son, I can do anything!” she instead chooses to encourage him, not wanting to discourage him and possibly cause him to fall.
And then of course, her “exit strategy” thing. I honestly kinda feel like it’s a bit of an ass pull, but it at least makes a little sense. When you’re being hunted by a monster on the moon, you always want to have an escape route planned. Scrooge sees that, even if she’s the same ol’ Della she was before, she’s still changed. Ten years still changes you.
Friendship Hates Magic!
New Girl! New Girl! Violet’s pretty cool. At first she comes off as one of those “um, actually” people, but since I’m one of those “um, actually” people it’s pretty whatever to me lol. And Lena’s back! I’m super excited about that.
Lena gets a little jealous-possessive but who can blame her, Webby’s one of the few people who have always believed in her. And Webby spent so much time we never knew about trying to find ways to bring Lena back, to the point that it’s like clockwork.
The whole “being tormented by her own mind” thing was actually frightening in a way, and I’m just glad it all turned out alright. And now Webby isn’t just a fourth triplet, she’s the central member of her own trio. It’s great!
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!
Admittedly another plotline to be seen from far away. A good episode full of secondhand embarrassment, but dang Huey’s LUNGS.
I love Gandra’s design and personality. It’s pretty durn great. I love it! I just have one gripe. Warning, this is a bit of a rant.
Why can’t we let characters be feminine? By this I mean traditionally feminine. Dresses, makeup, shopping, high heels, giggling, soft and compassion and gentle and things I’m not, pinks and lilacs, etc. Yes, Webby’s favourite colour is pink and she likes glitter and wears skirts, she is pretty feminine. But she’s the only one, besides Roxanne Featherby (Featherly? I don’t remember, and that’s only arguably because of her clothes), to be even slightly feminine, and even then it can be argued she’s not all that traditionally feminine because, well… she’s the bruiser of the group. Which there’s absolutely nothing wrong with! A feminine bruiser absolutely works, and I love it, but looking at it from certain angles…
Most of the (non-villain) females, besides Webby, show next to no traditionally feminine qualities- Goldie is the closest, when she dresses up for special events or for schemes. Which I don’t mind, per se, I don’t have many traditionally feminine qualities either, but you’d think at least a few would. The original Gandra Dee, who I am glad they changed mind you, was very feminine; she wore her hair long, wore dresses, enjoyed makeup and manicures, etc. She was traditionally feminine, AND smart. (even if I never liked how they drew her face (the eyes and beak look weird imho, DT17 pulled it off better), and I felt like she left much to be desired *cough*…)
There is nothing wrong with having traditionally feminine characters. There is nothing wrong with having characters who enjoy dressing up, or putting on makeup, or shopping, etc. The problem with traditionally feminine characters comes in when it’s done for sex appeal, or you have a woman running from dinosaurs in 6 inch heels (yeah I’m calling that out) or there’s a feminine character there only to be dragged on by the others for their feminine characteristics.
Anyway, rant about that over. I still love what they did with Gandra, but I’m just noticing this trend where female characters aren’t being allowed to like traditionally feminine things. Yeah, there are absolutely a lot of girls who don’t, but there’s probably an equal amount who do! And there’s nothing wrong with showing a competent, traditionally feminine character. :/
The Duck Knight Returns!
Need I say more?
Okay, Launchpad is a sweetheart and let’s be honest, we knew the moment we saw him that the other guy at the signing was Drake Mallard.
I love that they kept the “Darkwing Duck inspires Drake Mallard to become Darkwing Duck” aspect of DW’s origin story, while twisting it around so that time travel and paradoxes don’t occur. Also! We still get Jim Cummings as Negaduck, while also getting a new VA for Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck- someone who does a pretty good job at sounding like them, too. So now Negaduck, who is no longer Darkwing/Drake Mallard from an alternate universe, has his own distinguishable voice!
… And I still think Negs is gonna have an unhealthy obsession with Launchpad, thanks to the “my fan” comment. I figure that’s how we’ll get Nega Launchpad, but who knows! There’s so many possibilities!
Anyway Gosalyn, yesterday please. Gimme.
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