#jax teller x chibs telford x reader
a whiskey with jax teller pleaseeee just him being a little shit during a hot sex bc hes jax ofc theres so little writing about him and yours is fuckin phenomenal <33
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warnings - smut. cursing. jax and his filthy mouth.
you're so lovely - thank you!! this man's middle name is mischief. I just know he'd be a fuckin menace in bed.
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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"Shhh darlin'. You don't want them to hear, do you?"
You wish he'd thought about that before he'd linked his fingers with yours and led you through the clubhouse, whispering something about having to have you now.
"This was- fuck- your idea, Jax," you pant, gripping the sheets beneath you.
He's got you practically folded in half, his body cloaking yours, weight pressing you down. He keeps tilting your chin up to look at him, slapping your cheek gently when you close your eyes. He wants to be your sole focus.
Little does he know, he always is.
"Oh, come on. Like you didn't want it as bad as I did."
He has this tone, when he's fucking you. It's low and it's menacing and it's rough around the edges. It's lethal.
He punctuates his words with a particularly deep thrust of his hips, a surprised moan leaving your lips before you can stop it.
"You wanna get us caught? Huh?"
He thinks he feels you tighten around him, so he tests his theory.
"Or maybe that is what you want. I see the way you look at Chibs, honey. Do you want him to hear? Come and see what all the noise is about? Join in, maybe?"
You clench down, back arching at his dirty stream of thoughts. He chuckles, getting the exact reaction he wanted.
"Filthy fuckin' girl. You want your president and your vice president to fuck you together? At the same time? Talk about club bonding, huh?"
Jax grips your chin in between his fingers, forcing you to look at him. His hips never cease their relentless rhythm, stars floating in your vision. You open your mouth, and he spits right into it, winking when you swallow.
His other hand moves to your throat, gripping lightly. The man knows how to play you like an instrument.
"Come on, baby. I wanna hear them, all the dirty little fantasies in that pretty little head of yours. Or maybe it's not Chibs? Who is it then, hmm? Juice? Happy?"
You choke out a whine, and he laughs, dark and mischievous.
"Fuck, you're squeezin' me so tight. It's one of them, isn't it? Which one, honey?"
You shake your head, tears forming at your lash line.
"Oh, I know. How about all of them? All four of us, passing you around, taking turns. How's that sound? Is that what you want, dirty girl?"
The thought sends you right over the edge, gasping for air as the heat licks up your spine. Your end is Jax's too, the low groan he releases vibrating both of your bones. He collapses on top of you, the two of you panting.
"You're relentless," you laugh, catching your breath.
"It's one of the reasons you love me so much," he chuckles, kissing you softly. "That, and the fact I have hot brothers."
"You're right about one of those things," you tease, squealing when he pinches your sides.
A knock on the door startles you both.
"Jackie boy, we have some business we need to attend to. That is, if you're not... preoccupied."
The familiar Scottish accent sends heat rushing to your skin. Jax notices.
"Be there in a minute, VP!"
You hear Chibs' footsteps as he leaves, breathing a sigh of relief.
"So it was Chibs, huh?"
"Like I said," you chide jokingly, smacking him on the shoulder. "Fucking relentless."
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thisreadswhatever · 7 months
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The Chase: Part One
Pretty Sweet
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series masterlist
[description]: jax teller x female reader
[wordcount]: 2.7k+
[summary]: Jax Teller is used to getting what he wants. At least that was the case before he met you.
[cw]: 18+ only minors do not interact - AU, follows some canon characters & themes but timeline is different. otherwise none yet, but stick with me, I have a smutty plan!
[authors note]: this has been really fun to write. thank you so much to this anon for requesting this idea! I plan on writing a good few parts of this.. as I am really loving writing this reader insert. if you have any ideas or suggestions on where you would like this to go, please let me know! I absolutely love getting your suggestions. I really hope you enjoy!
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It had been a long sixteen hour drive. You sighed with relief as you sped past the large wooden slice, “WELCOME TO CHARMING”. You rolled your windows down, the wind blistering through your hair as you took in the warm California sun. 
You turned the music up, attempting to drown out the events replaying in your head that led you here in the first place. 
Charming wasn’t exactly on your bucket list of places to travel. Your parents had split a few years back, after your mom decided she could no longer handle the baggage that came with the Sons of Anarchy MC. Your Dad was an avid member of the Denver Charter, and she soon realised she couldn’t sit back and watch as he grew deeper into the Club. It was a quick and amicable divorce, made easier by the fact you were an only child and more than understanding of why the relationship had to end. You were old enough to see the pain your mom went through trying to make it work, and you knew that it was the best decision for them both. Your Dad on the other hand, never really got over it. 
When your mom remarried last year, he decided to leave Colorado and transferred to the SAMCRO Charter. Charming was his home now. He’d been begging you to visit him for months, and despite the fact you were genuinely pleased that he was happy, seeing him so far from home and content without his family wasn’t something you’d looked forward too. 
Charming was a small place, and from what your Dad had told you, it had never really left the seventies. Denver was the total opposite, a city full of life and people, and ever growing with new expanding chains of business. Even with the freezing winters, there was always something to do in Denver. But Charming? They barely had a population of fifteen thousand. 
You had evaded the trip for as long as you could, blaming college assignments and exams for the reason you couldn’t make the drive. Now that you’d graduated, the excuses had run thin, and it was time to visit your Dad in Charming. 
You pulled into the road of the address he had given you, entering a long unpaved driveway that ended on the outside of a dainty cabin. Your Dad’s bike was parked stagnant on the dirt. You dug your suitcase out from your trunk and walked up the wooden steps to the porch, bringing your hand to the door to knock. Before your knuckles could meet the wood, the door flung wide and your Dad lunged at you with open arms. 
“You’re finally here!”, he squealed in excitement as he grasped you into a giant bear hug.
“‘Finally’ is right. That was a serious drive, Dad.”
He took your suitcase and carried it through the entryway. “Sure is. I’m so glad you got here safely, kiddo. Come on, let’s get you settled. You hungry? I was just about to make some lunch.”
You followed him inside as you observed the interior of the quaint, dusty cabin. “I could definitely eat.” 
Your Dad showed you to your room and then became sidetracked from lunch, giving you a full tour of his new home and the complete low down of all things SAMCRO. He’d explained that the place was owned by the Club, but nobody ever frequented it unless they were in hiding. Your Dad was housed here for the long term, or at least until he could find something he liked better inside the Charming suburbs. 
Once he’d caught you up, he made his start on lunch. You watched as he strolled throughout the kitchen, sitting patiently at the small round dining table. 
“It’s a nice place, Dad. Not sure how I feel that you’re out here all alone though.”
“I’m barely here, kiddo. Spend most of my time down the Clubhouse.” He shrugged nonchalantly as he continued to make sandwiches, dropping a piece of turkey in the process. “I can’t wait for you to meet the guys, y/n. A lot more warm than the ones up in Denver. Some of them are your age too.” He placed the plate in front of you, and you grimaced at the site. Your Dad had never claimed to be a great chef. 
“Thanks.” You smiled at him politely, taking a bite and struggling to swallow down the piece of dry sandwich. “I’m sure they’re great, Dad.”
“So, how’s your mom?” 
You shrugged dismissively, unsure how to broach the uncomfortable topic of the newly weds. “She’s doing well. Mike is good to her.” 
He nodded. “That’s good. I’m really glad she’s happy.” 
It was hard to see your Dad try to be okay with the fact that your mom had moved on. The awkward silence was interrupted by his chair scraping against the floor as he stood up from the table. “Finish lunch and we can head on out. The guys are getting together at the Clubhouse tonight, you can meet them all there.”
You knew an evening with a bunch of Californian bikers was going to be inevitable during your trip. At least you could get it over with on the first night. 
“Sounds great, Dad.” 
You weren’t thrilled to be back in the confines of your car so soon after your long road trip, but your Dad knew better than to ask you to sit on the back of his motorcycle.
You rolled the windows down of your car as you followed his bike through the winding road from the cabin. As you re-entered Charming, you passed by locally run stores and cafes. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think this was a quiet, peaceful town. But you did know better. You knew what the Club’s presence actually meant for a small community like Charming. If SAMCRO was anything similar to the Denver Charter, the underworkings of this town would be anything but quiet and peaceful. 
You pulled into the lot of Teller-Morrow Automotive Repairs, instantly drawn to the huge row of Harley motorcycles lined up on the inner bays.
Your Dad parked up and met you outside your car, telling you all about his new job in the garage as you walked together. He led you across the lot towards a small black door, entering into the SAMCRO clubhouse. It was impressive, a comfortable space with its own bar and lounge area. The place was full of MC memorabilia and pictures from the club’s long history. The furthest wall was centered by two large double doors that were surrounded by mugshots of the SAMCRO members. You had visited the Denver Clubhouse enough to know that room was where the decisions were made.
Your Dad introduced you one by one to several members that were there, a few of which he’d mentioned to you that afternoon. Bobby, Chibs, Trager, Juice and Opie all greeted you with open arms. They were extremely friendly and welcoming, just as your father had promised. The one your Dad called Trager seemed very pleased with your arrival, hugging you for a little too long. Your Dad managed to break the long embrace, pulling you away to start touring you around the building. 
“Don’t get too close to that one, kiddo. He’s a little out there.” 
You giggled as you nodded in agreement, “I’ll keep my distance.” 
You sat alongside the club’s Secretary, Bobby, on a leather bench that faced out with a view of the entire room. You observed as the Clubhouse filled with more members and women, a handful of which were old ladies. The rest of them, very clearly single. Of all the members you’d met so far, Bobby had been the easiest to talk to. He clued you in on some of the Club’s legitimate businesses, Cara Cara and Red Woody Productions. You figured that’s where most of the girls came from, retired and current porn stars. 
It was a little strange, and anyone else may have felt uneasy seeing their father in this kind of environment. But you were used to the life of girls and guns from growing up with a dad in a motorcycle club. The Denver Charter had its fair share of women in and out of their doors, but mainly just bartenders and the odd crow eater looking for a way in. These girls were more forward, scantily clothed, makeup on point, and obviously comfortable with their surroundings.  
Bobby nudged your shoulder, regaining your attention from the party happening around you. “You know your Dad talks about you constantly. He’s so happy that you’re here, kid. We all are.” 
You glanced over at your father, a huge smile forming as he collected a drink from the bar. 
“He does seem happy. Just weird seeing him away from home.” 
“You got a home here with us too now, y/n.” He placed his arm over you and squeezed your shoulder reassuringly, “we’re your family as much as we are his.” 
“That’s really sweet, Bobby. Thanks.” 
He pulled his arm back as he chuckled to himself, his large stomach bellowing as he laughed. “I am pretty sweet.” 
Suddenly, the front door opened and a roar of drunken welcomes filled the clubhouse as two more members entered. The President of SAMCRO, Clay Morrow, walked in smiling ear to ear, hands held up as though he was a celebrity greeting his adoring fans. You’d heard a lot about Clay from your father, mainly that he was the initial sponsor for his transfer from Denver, and some remarks about what an ass he was. Behind him, a much younger member followed, embracing Opie as he entered. He was different from the other members, not totally clean cut, but you could at least tell he had showered. Not only was he bathed, he wasn’t harsh on the eyes either. You watched as he talked with Opie, his hands pushing his long blonde hair behind his ears as he spoke. 
“Who’s that?” You asked Bobby, your eyes never feigning from the man. 
“That’s Jax. Club’s VP.” 
As you watched him converse with Opie, he suddenly glanced your way, locking eyes with you. You quickly turned away from him and back towards Bobby. 
“He looks a little young to be Vice President”, you mumbled as you took a swig from your beer, still conscious that he was looking at you. 
Bobby laughed, “Yeah, well, he’s a Teller. His Dad was First 9 alongside Clay and Piney Winston, Ope’s pops. Jax has been SAMCRO since he came out of the womb.” 
You raised your eyebrows, glancing back over your shoulder. Jax’s attention had now been obtained by one of the Cara Cara girls. She was pulling him in by his cutte, batting her eyelashes at him as she leaned against the bar. 
Bobby watched as you observed Jax. He sipped his drink, amused by your interest. “He’s known for his way with the ladies.” 
You wanted to press Bobby further, but your Dad suddenly was stumbling over beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“Come on over here, kid. I want you to meet my sponsor.” 
“The asshole?”, you whispered to him as you stood up from the chair.
He snickered back at you, patting you on the back. “He’s having a good day.” 
You were impressed by the brotherhood the Redwood Originals shared. It wasn’t unfamiliar to the Denver Charter, but the way the members of SAMCRO loved one another was palpable. You observed quietly throughout the night as they all ripped into each other with lighthearted banter and spilled beer all over the place. You were conflicted by the fact your Dad fit in so well here. It was painful to know he had chosen this life over one with you in Denver, but you still felt at peace knowing he had found a place in this family. 
He was now slumped over a leather armchair in the lounge, snoozing after one too many beers. You nudged his shoulder, trying to wake him. “I’m gonna head back to the cabin, Dad. I’ll meet you here in the morning?” 
“You sure, y/n?” He tried to stand up as he slurred, but his balance failed him, collapsing back into the seat. “I can lead you back-” 
You chuckled, placing a hand on his head as he closed his eyes, “No way are you getting on a bike in this state. I remember the way.” 
Tig overheard and slid himself beside you, placing an arm across your waist. “We’ll take care of him, sweetie. Don’t you worry. Get back safe, okay?”
You unwound from his grasp, collecting your bag from the coffee table as you searched through the contents for your keys. “Thanks Trager.”
A strange laugh left his throat as he watched you leave, before his face turned straight as a board. “Call me Tig.” 
You said your goodbyes to the members that were sober enough to communicate, and made your way to the parking lot. 
Jax Teller was sitting outside the clubhouse, journal and pencil in hand. He glanced up at the sound of the door opening, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips.
He smiled boldly, in a way that perplexed you. Almost like he was happy to see you, even though you’d never met. He took the cigarette from his lips as he asked, “you’re Ralph’s kid, right?”
“I usually just go by y/n.”
He placed his pencil inside the journal and tucked it snug in his cutte, standing from the bench. “It’s a nice thing you’re doing, coming all this way to see him.”
You nodded, “had to make sure my Dad wasn’t living with some crazed psychopaths, you know?” 
He exhaled, his lips forming a perfect O as the smoke left his lips. “Pretty sure a few of those knuckleheads could pass for psychotic”, he teased. His mouth pulled into an infectious smile, and you couldn’t help but smile back. 
Jax walked closer towards you, your bodies now inches apart. He held out an open pack of cigarettes, prompting you to take one. You shook your head, declining the offer.
 “And what about you? How’s your level of sanity?” 
Jax hesitated. “A work in progress.” 
You smiled politely as you walked past him, making your way to the car. “Anyway, I was just leaving. Was nice meeting you.” 
Jax’s brow creased in concern, “you heading to the cabin on your own?” 
You looked over your shoulder to see him pacing behind you, flicking his cigarette to the cement.
“My Dad’s not exactly in riding order.” 
“I can take you back.” 
You stopped outside your car and turned to him, scoffing at how forward he was. “I met you thirty seconds ago.”
“So?” He shrugged. 
“I don’t really think that’s appropriate.” 
“I’m not asking to get in bed with you, y/n. You can ride the Harley with me and I’ll leave the second you’re in the cabin.” 
You opened the car door, sliding into the seat. “Not gonna happen.” 
“I won’t lay a hand on ya, darlin’,” he raised his hand up, smiling, “scouts honor.” 
You pressed your lips together, suppressing yourself from giggling at his innocent gesture. “I don’t ride bikes.” You affirmed. 
Jax cocked his head at you, confused at the statement. “Denver girl’s scared of bikes?” 
Your eyes rolled at his assumption. “No offense, but I just met you. I’m not sure my safety is your concern.” You shut the car door, realising your window had been left ajar from the way there. You wanted to curse aloud that the good Californian weather enabled the opportunity to ride with the windows down.
Jax didn’t push further, nodding his head as he watched you settle into the driver's seat. “No offense taken.”
Jax leaned his head into the open window, resting his arms on the roof of the car. You turned the ignition, letting the engine roar to life. “Nice to meet you, Jax.” 
“You too, darlin’. Will I see you again?” 
You were looking directly at him, your faces parted only by the frame of the window between you. “I’m here for the week, darlin’.” 
His lips pulled from ear to ear, smiling playfully as you put the gear in reverse, forcing his hands off the car as you pulled out of the parking lot. You peaked in the rear-view mirror, finding Jax still watching you drive away into the Charming night.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
a/n: I made a quiz ‘Which Son Is Your Old Man’, so you can find out once and for all who you would be best suited to!
Warnings: swears, mentions of violence, smoking, drugs
𝐉𝐚𝐱 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
・Yes, he does spend a lot of time doing club business. But it also means he’s home randomly throughout the day. 
・His speciality is making breakfast; eggs, bacon, toast, french toast, waffles etc 
・Yes, he did develop the skill from all the one night stands he’s had...
・But hey, at least now you’re the one that reaps the reward!
・Doesn’t snore in his sleep, but does toss and turn a lot 
・Sometimes he has really really bad nightmares. He doesn’t want to wake you up, so he goes and has a smoke outside
・Really loves chewing on ice cubes. When you get McDonalds, he’ll eat everyone’s ice from their drinks (obviously after their done with it)
・When you’re feeling down; physically or mentally, he’ll read to you. Jax bought you a new edition of your favourite book for your birthday and he’s so used to holding it in his hands by now. 
・Really likes when you light candles when he gets home, he prefers them over the overhead lighting 
・Doesn’t like loud sudden noises - definitely has undiagnosed PTSD. He’s gotten really good at hiding it, but some days - when he has really long showers, you know it’s a bad day 
𝐎𝐩𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧
・When he isn’t doing things for the club, he loves to work in ‘the shed’. 
・He has a lot of projects going on - making garden beds for Gemma’s events, 
・Opie usually ends up trekking dust, shredded timber and so on throughout the house. You make him have a shower as soon as he’s finished working outside. 
・But you can’t lie, he does create some beautiful things. 
・He made a dining room table - and the detailing was so amazing you nearly teared up
・Opie is great at painting as well, honestly, he’s just good at general renovations. Somehow he knows how to do stuff around the house - unclogging drains, fixing pipes, changing lightbulbs, stopping leaks etc
・Opie’s like your own handy man! 
・Secretly a cat person. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t mind dogs. They’re great, but cats are so unpredictable - without the risk. He finds them so interesting. 
・Loves Disney movies, especially the cartoon version of Robin Hood. You’ll find him humming the song about Robin and Little John 
・Likes that he towers of you and will put things out of your reach just to rile you up
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝
・Actively cleans up after himself and you. 
・Really likes a clean home, and he’s lived on his own for a long time, so he knows how to run a house
・He also grew up around a lot of women, so he knows how to cook some great meals 
・Chibs was also whipped into shape by these women, so that’s why it’s ingrained in him...
・Knows a lot of Scottish drinking songs, and he always sings them when he’s had a few too much to drink
・And his voice is actually quite lovely 
・He also sings in the shower 
・A loud gruff Scottish man singing in your shower always brightens your day 
・Automatically turns the kettle on when he gets home (and will make tea for two, knowing exactly how you like it)
・Not a lot of random visitors, he likes to keep business and his home life separate. Even though the club is his life, he likes having his own space 
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐰𝐦𝐚𝐧
・Many, many takeout and movie nights
・Especially when he’s been gone on club business
・Does the washing and folding for both your clothes. It was his main job when he lived at home too. 
・Also mows the lawn without a shirt on, so that’s...a fun sight to see (he likes showing off in front of you)
・Loves the movie Avatar; would definitely go into a deep dive of how it all works and how they created it. 
・Would die if you showed interest in it as well. You bought him a book about the characters and he spent a whole afternoon reading it
・Surprises everyone with how much he loves books 
・A man of few words, he actually has really profound things to say. Some of it can be really poetic...
・Likes having his shoulders rubbed, and in return, he massages your feet 
・Is really good at looking after you when you’re sick. He has a lot of homemade recipes; soups, oldwives tricks etc. (Except the term ‘oldwives tricks’ shouldn’t be overlooked. A lot of their 
𝐓𝐢𝐠 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫
・Rescue dogs galore 
・Tig hates seeing any animal hurt, but he has a special place in his heart for dogs
・Big fucking snorer, and is out as soon as his head hits the pillow
・Hates cooking but doesn’t mind doing the dishes - yeah he’s fucked up that way
・So you handle the food; he’ll get the groceries, but for the love of god he cannot make a proper grown up dish
・In return, he doesn’t mind doing the vaccuuming and mopping (he would so dress up in a maid’s outfit and do it)
・Whenever he wakes up in the middle of the night, he goes into the loungeroom to watch cartoons - like popeye
・Cried while watching Titanic btw
・Oh and has a stash of different types of drugs. Nothing too hardcore though. 
・He also makes you have an unregistered firearm so you can protect yourself 
・Also loves comic books. He’s a DC kinda guy...yes, his favourite character is Joker
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kdogreads · 1 year
My Savior
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Chibs Telford x reader (minors DNI)
Warnings: implied kidnapping, injuries described, disassociation due to trauma, death (only the bad guys), nothing too graphic overall but please be gentle to yourself and skip this one if it will make you uncomfortable ❤️
AN: idk why I am so in my feels lately but I just love this man 😭
Check out my masterlist for more Chibs content 😍
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Your head hung low as the fatigue of hunger, exhaustion, and fear weighed on your body. There was commotion outside the bolted door to your back and you prepared for more abuse to ravage your body and mind. You shut your eyes and willed yourself to go somewhere else in your mind, anywhere else.
You floated to an unlikely oasis, the Sons’ clubhouse. The smells flooded your senses: booze, cigarettes, weed, even the slight fragrance of sex brought you comfort, silly as it was, because it smelled like safety to you. You tried to place yourself at the bar top, surrounded by the laughter, arguing, chatting of the guys. Next to you and all around you, like a blanket of safety, you felt his arms around your waist, hands pressing into the small of your back in a comforting embrace; Filip.
Baby, you heard in your head, his voice washing over you like a summer breeze.
“Christ, baby. Come back to me, love, please,” A desperate plea caused you to tense your body, “I’m gonna take ya home, lass, come on.” The familiar accent you loved so much sounded like it was right in front of your battered face.
You fluttered your eyes open, daring to leave your dreamscape just for the slim chance your mind wasn’t lying to you.
“There ya are, love, tha’s it,” You shuddered as a calloused, gentle hand brushed against your cheek, “Oh, lass, ‘m so sorry, my love. Come on, I’m gettin’ you outta here.”
You started to believe what you were seeing, close enough for you to touch. He was here.
Your Filip was here, right in front of you, reaching out to hold you, to wrap you in that warm embrace you so desperately willed yourself to imagine.
“Filip?” You croaked, your voice breaking as the realization finally sank in that he found you. He saved you.
“Aye, M'annsachd (my blessing), ‘m here,” He cooed to you, staring deep into your bruised eyes as you reached out to cling to the black cotton of his plain sweatshirt, “Put yer arms around me, lass. Come on.”
You did as he said, not thinking, just giving yourself over wholly to Filip, your savior.
He slid one arm around your back and the other under your bent knees, grasping you as gently as he could as to not cause you any more pain. Like you weighed nothing at all, he lifted you from the cold, hard concrete you’d lived on for god knows how many hours, maybe days. Exhausted and relieved beyond measure, your head fell to his broad shoulder as you slipped back and forth between awareness and unconsciousness.
You felt the heaviness of the room change as Filip carried you through the doorway, into one hallway, and turning down another.
“Oh Christ, sweetheart,” Another familiar voice filled your ears; Tig. “Is she alright?”
“Aye, for now. Let’s go,” Filip answered as you felt Tig’s hand brush over your hair affectionately.
Your eyes fluttered open and shut as Filip carried you through some rooms and up a flight or two of stairs. You caught a glimpse of who you could only assume used to be your captors. Their bodies slumped in an unnatural way, blood dripping down the wall behind them. Filip would tell you what they’d done to them if you asked, but you decided right then that you didn’t care. All that mattered is they found you, and those monsters got what they deserved.
A heavy door swung open and you felt the warmth of the sunshine beaming onto your skin for the first time in days. It washed a relief onto you that was only amplified when you saw the faces of more of the guys fleeting past you. Bobby, Opie, Jax, Happy, and Juice came into your view as Chibs kept walking towards the van, each with a look of despair or sympathy on their faces. Half-Sack sat up in the driver’s seat and turned the engine over as you got closer, his eyes widened.
You knew you must be looking worse for wear, but it must be worse than you thought given the looks each of the men gave you.
Filip settled you into his lap as the guys filed into the van and headed off towards home. Your bones began to ache as the shock wore off and the reality of your condition set in.
“Sleep, lass. We’ll get you home,” Chibs cooed into your ear, his hand brushing over your bloodied hair in the most comforting touch you’d ever felt.
You weren’t sure how long you were in the van, but you heard murmurs here and there as you faded in and out of sleep.
“Aye, she’ll be alrigh’, she’s gonna need all of us to get through it,” Filip spoke quietly during one of your short periods of awareness.
“We’re here both of you, brother,” Jax responded first.
“For anything, bro,” Bobby added warmly.
A chorus of mmhmm’s and yep’s followed the sentiments, undoubtedly accompanied by nods.
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The next several hours went by in a blur. You were vaguely aware of the familiar voices coming and going, offering sweet encouragement and reassurances. You lost count of everyone who was there, but you made a note to thank every one of them for being there for you.
When you finally came to for more than a moment, the comfortable weight of a broad, calloused hand in yours pulled you fully into the waking world.
“Baby?” You croaked as best you could, throat dry from being under for so long.
“There’s my girl,” Filip smiled as he brought your hand to his lips, “Back wi’ the livin’”
“Thanks to you, Filip,” You weakly reached for his face, fingers gliding through the scruff on his chin, “You saved me.”
He leaned into your touch, pressing another sweet kiss to your knuckles, careful not to pressure on the bruises blossoming there.
“Aye, lass, maybe so,” He stood up to wrap you in his arms as best as he could over the rails of the hospital bed, “But you saved me long, long ago just by bein’ you, my angel.”
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rimunagenius · 8 months
Pairing: Filip ‘Chibs’ Telford x f!Reader (soon will become an ‘x fem!OC’ during the second chapter)
Word Count: 897
Warnings: I think it’s just foul language
Summary: Getting a new neighbor is always fun or even interesting. But an annoyingly cute biker who makes too much noise, isn’t.
Note: I did totally get this from a movie or show i saw on my tt fyp soooo…i don’t own the plot, nor do i own the Sons or the SOA plot (my boy Kurt Sutter does) but i just own my reader inserts kids as characters. If you find the name or know the name of whatever movie or show this is (if you recognize the dialogue), pls comment it so i can put it in here.
Part 1 of the Unexpected Treasure series !
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It was hard to get your little one to bed. Recently she’s being crying all night long and when she sleeps, she only sleep for two hours and then wakes up. Your oldest ones weren’t bad at all. So easy even.
Tonight was a rough night. You had already done three laps around the back yard, two around the kitchen and living room, and 6 of her bedroom. Her eyes finally started to close as you were slowly and silently rocking her in the rocking chair in her room.
Laying her in the crib slowly, carefully calculating any moves to not wake her up, you stood up and closed the door, leaving a crack so you could hear her from next door.
You had applied moisturizer to your fresh and healing tattoo before hearing the an odiously loud rumbling of bikes outside the door.
Groaning loudly you quickly made your way outside the front door before crossing your lawn over to the neighbors. You saw four men outside and just one bike while they stood in the garage. The rumbling was loud that you signaling them to keep it down wasn’t heard.
“Hey!” You stood closely behind the two with their backs faced to you, and yelled in their ears so they could hear. They turned around quickly and looked upset at the loudness of your voice.
“What gives, lady?!” One with crazy messy curly black hair turned around, finger lodged in his ear.
“Bloody hell, woman.” The other one who seemed to have facial scars turned around. The rumbling of the bike stopped immediately after the two stopped yelling at you. A man with long blonde hair and another man with long brown hair looked at you.
“Why are you guys doing making so much goddamn noise!?” You were visibly upset that these men dragged you out of your house at 10pm to rev stupid bike engines.
“Introducing ourselves to the neighbors, darlin— his neighbors.” The blonde one pointed towards the man with the crazy scars. You knew someone was moving in but the bikes weren’t really a problem when they were leaving and coming back so little.
“Well, I’m the neighbors, and we’re introduced, so if you wouldn’t mind, could you please shut the fuck up.” You looked at all four then before turning around and walking back across your lawn. You made it to the door before the one with the accent started talking to you.
“Wait, hold on. Let’s start over okay? My names Filip, what yours?” He had long hair, salt and pepper colors and the leather and kutte were actually very attractive on this man. But you didn’t know him, and men weren’t exactly your specialty considering you have three kids who’s dads left them.
“That’s cool. Just think of me as the person next door who likes it quiet.”
“Aye, but come on, love. Don’t be like that. We live next door to eachother and I feel bad. I feel terrible. I’m sorry. Will ya accept my apology?
“I don’t need your apology, I just need the quiet.” You then turned to go up the 3 steps to your porch before he started talking once again.
“Why don’t I take ya out to dinner to apologize for my rudeness? You give me yer’ number and I already have your address. I’ll call you up like a proper lad, and ask ya out.”
You giggled, “You want my number?” You smiled as you looked at him, and back at the other three men who seemed to resume talking but kept looking over to listen. Your sarcasm evident to them as the snickered amongst eachother.
“I do. I do want your number.” He nodded as he fixed his hair, his eyes never leaving yours once.
“Which number do you want? Filip?” You knew his name, you just didn’t have the capacity to care about or spare his feelings considering you had three children to get inside to and a early shift at the hospital to get some of the very little sleep for.
“Filip, now I like the way you say that, darlin.” He huffed as he smirked while he looked at you and then back to his friends before looking to you again. “How many numbers do ya have?”
“Oh I have plenty, darlin,” you mocked his endearment for you. “I have numbers falling out my ears. For instance, nine.”
“Yeah, that’s how many months my baby girl is.”
“You got a little girl?” He looked intrigued and surprised in your statement. The guilt for being too loud already getting to his conscience.
“Yeah. Sexy huh? And how about this? Four is how old my oldest boy is. Two is how old my other son is. Two is the amount of time i’ve been married and divorced. Twenty is the amount of money I have left in my bank account. 850-3943 is my phone number, and im guessing zero is the amount of times your going to call it.”
“That impresses me, and your wrong about the zero thing, sweetheart.” He spoke as you walked inside and shut the door. He turned around and walked back to the boys as she looked back at your house, the living room light being shut off at the same time.
“Damn, she was pissed.” The man with long hair spoke, adjusting his beanie.
“Yeah, Chibs. Opies right, you gotta stop moving and pissin off your neighbors. This has happened like four times already.”
“Oi, shut up, Tiggy.”
“You got her number though, right?” The blonde asked, his eyebrows wiggling in a mockingly manner.
“Aye, Jackie boy.”
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Hey, heads up! future chapters will be longer, but i made this one short bc i didn’t have any idea on how to make further scenarios where they interacted more.
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ravennaortiz · 4 months
Story 1 : Jax and Chibs
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Summary: Part of the Three: The Magic Number Series. Reader x 2 of the Sons/Mayans. Purely smut. Click here for what led up to the events of this story. As always 18+
Jax stormed down the dorm hall practically kicking the door to Chibs room in. Slamming the door shut behind him he turned to face the two of you. "Need something Laddie?" inquired Chibs with a raised brow and smirk as he trailed his hands down your side making you bite your lip. "She's mine" he stated firmly his icy eyes locked on Chibs. "Yet I'm dripping down her thighs" chuckled Chibs as he started lifting your dress back up to prove his point.
Jax clenched his jaw in anger as his eyes moved down to your bare legs that were slowly being displayed to him. "Lay down on the bed Lassie and show your hubby my offering" ordered Chibs as he pushed you down on the bed. You shivered at the tension in the air as heat pooled between your thighs.
Jax couldn't help himself as he licked his lips as he stared at your dripping cunt. The idea of another man being in what was suppose to be his had his own cock coming to life. Without a word he moved to the bed and pulled you to the edge before burying his face between your thighs. He groaned as he tasted the exotic mix of you and Chibs that danced along his tongue.
Moaning you pushed your hips up trying to fuck yourself on Jax's skilled tongue as he dipped in and out of you. Within minutes he had you cumming on his tongue as Chibs watched stroking himself. Right before he came he grabbed Jax by his hair and yanked his face up before shooting his cum onto it. "Now you are both mine" growled Chibs lowly as he let Jax go before climbing onto the bed with you.
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lanadelray-gurl · 3 months
Just starting re watching sons of anarchy prepare….
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garbinge · 5 months
But Not Today
Chibs Telford x F!Teller!Reader
Summary: Part 2 from Maybe One Day // Chibs comes to visit you on the farm.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Angsty. Mentions of death, murder, emotional distress, emotionally heavy.
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
A/N: I've been thinking about these two a lot </3 Part 1
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Your chest was rising and falling as you caught your breath and stared at the ceiling. It was the moment where all your wits and sanity came back over you and the thoughts of what just happened came flooding in. The smell of his Scottish cologne and cigarettes filled the empty space on the bed next to you, it was still warm to the touch. You heard the water from the faucet turn off and any thought that was sneaking in your brain was now being rushed out as Chibs reappeared in your room. His hands were tangling through his shirt as he put it back on. Your eyes darted from him to his kutte, waiting to see if he was going to put it on. That’s when your heart began to race even more. The thought of him leaving made you uneasy, he had come all the way up here to the farm to see you and explained nothing. It was partially your fault too, you made pleasantries, some quick small talk but before any explanation was given you were kissing him and dragging him into your room. 
“What’s with the face, love?” Chibs spoke as he grabbed his kutte, your heart sinking with it. 
“Leaving already?” Your eyes moved back to his. 
A smile grew on his face as he shrugged the leather over his shoulders. “You promised me uh tour, didn’ya? If I ‘member correctly you said sum ‘bout chickens?” 
The way the relief washed over you made you sad for a minute. You knew this was a feeling you’d feel again, that it’d be heavy when it happened, but you took a deep breath and tried to stay in the moment. 
“Earl, Tootsie, Olive, and Jameson.” You named them off as you stood up and re-dressed. 
Chibs was now grinning as he waited for you to get ready. “Jameson, huh?” He asked pulling out a cigarette to hang in his mouth, eager to get outside and smoke it. 
“Abel and Thomas named them when they were young kids, but I made sure I suggested one.” 
Chibs was holding out your sweatshirt for you. You approached and grabbed it from him but instead of letting go he pulled you closer. “Not tha only thing you have ‘round here as a reminder of me.” His face was dangerously close to yours as he looked down at the sweatshirt. It was the one item of his you could still wear around. There were no SAMCRO tags, just a black zip-up that barely had his scent left on it. 
“I’ve got pictures too.” You said stealing the zip-up back from him and placing a kiss on the left side of his mouth where the cigarette wasn’t dangling from his lips. Moving past him you made your way to the backdoor, the barn dog you got quickly getting up from her bed and moving to the sliding door just waiting to run around to herd the few goats you had. 
“Where’re the boys?” Chibs asked as he walked behind you. 
“Thomas is with Nero. Tuesdays he picks him up from school and takes him to basketball practice.” You spoke as the door slid open and the door ran past your legs. “Abel is 16— I’m lucky if I know what he’s wearing for the day. I thought Gemma was being exaggerated when she’d talk about the “Teller Terrible Teens” but Abel has made her words an understatement.” 
Chibs looked to you with a frown as you stepped onto the back deck and made your way down to the farmland. 
“It’s not horrible. He’s not a dick to me, he helps out when I ask. He just– he questions everything, he’s asking about Jax, he’s getting into trouble at school.” You shook your head thinking about these last few weeks and how Abel had been acting out.
“The worst part is, he reminds me of him so much. The way he looks, the way he talks.” You laughed as you unlatched the barn fence and moved around it to look at Chibs and invite him in with the sway of your arm.  “Yesterday, we were at the grocery store and he looked at the girl bagging our shit and said, “thanks, darlin’” I swore I was looking at Jax, I froze for a minute and just stared at him.” You laughed again. 
Chibs laughed with you knowing it sounded just like the boy’s father. 
“He’s probably out with his friends on his dirt bikes in the back trails.” You spoke as you walked through the goat pasture. “They probably do real stupid shit but I’d rather them do it on the property than at some random’s house or parking lot downtown. I’ve turned them into real country boys.” You turned back to see Chibs admiring everything around him. He was still listening to you but he was taking in the sight around him. 
“This is the goat pasture, Billie girl, our dog, loves herding them, honestly I got ‘em because I don’t have to mow the lawn as much. We’ve got 1 horse, Delilah, real beauty, she’s back in that red barn over there. Then there’s the chickens. We had more but they aged out, now we’re down to the four. Waiting to get 12 more, can’t go to the Farmer’s market with only 2 dozen eggs, you know?” The words were falling out fast as you spoke, nervous habit, but it didn’t stop you from beaming as you showed Chibs around. 
“You seem happy.” Chibs couldn’t help but smile as he took in every word you said. The both of you approached the back deck and plopped down on the rocking chairs Nero insisted you kept back here for company. It was an argument between you two when you first moved onto the farm. You looked at him like he was crazy when he mentioned company. It was hard to believe a normal life with having people over could exist when you were running from what you were running from. 
You looked over at Chibs as he looked right back at you after making his last comment, the smile on your face wasn’t at his words but at the memory of Nero’s. 
“I don’t know about happy.” You began to shake your head. “But, I don’t know I’m content, I’m…” Your mind wandered to find the right word. 
“At peace.” Chibs nodded as he finished your sentence, not even bothering to look at your eyes to see if his words were correct, he knew they were. 
You would have agreed with a nod but Chibs was looking out at the farm, his fave had fallen into an expression that was hard to read. He seemed…bittersweet. Happy but yet sad. 
As he stared out at the barn he nodded his head and said something under his breath. 
“The Universe will never give you peace in something you were never meant to settle in.” 
“What?” You leaned forward, frown filling your face as the familiar sentiment fell from his lips. It was hard to really pinpoint anything since he spoke it at a mumble. 
“I, uh.” Chibs reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small pocket notebook. “found this. In the garage. S’why I came out here, figured you should have it.” He handed over one of Jax’s notebooks. You knew what it was immediately, it matched the style of the other one you had. 
“I read it.” Chibs said those three words with multiple emotions behind it. Regret and apologies, for intruding on whatever privacy there was there, but also firmness and understanding like something in there just made sense. 
“And?” You rested your elbows on your knees. 
“‘nd, it’s’y I came here and didn’t mail it out.” He looked troubled now. “I wanted to make sure you were settled.” 
Now that statement held more weight knowing what he had just mumbled under his breath. 
“I guess I am.” You hated that the words felt like they were breaking his heart. 
“You are, love.” Chibs spoke with certainty. 
You looked out onto the farm, taking in the life you had. It was different than the life you had been born into, forced into. The life that took pretty much everything away from you. 
“It’s impossible to be at peace in that town.” You said the words outloud. It felt relieving to say it. All this time you had never said it outloud, they were just thoughts that danced around you head. 
“Don’t I know it.” Chibs agreed with you. 
That made your head turn to him, a little shocked. All your conversations when you were together, or involved was probably the better word, back in Charming never were really about the big problem. Sure, you two talked about club stuff, the things members told their ol’ ladies, about your brother, about Jimmy O, about a lot, but never the real source. 
“What are you saying?” You questioned him, more bold than you ever would have before. 
“Things are different. Things are messy.” He wanted to share but you could tell he was hesitant, that he was trying to ease back into your dynamic and add another layer to it. But the loyalty to the club ran deep, that was a multi-decade long habit that he was trying to break for the first time. 
“Doesn’t sound different.” That was the new you coming up to speak. The you that lost your brother, your brother’s best friend, your mother, your father to the club. 
Chibs nodded at that. “We’re getting into it with the Mayans. Other charters, they’re falling apart, it’s bleeding into SAMCRO.” 
“Yea, doesn’t sound different at all.” You crossed your arms and fell back into the rocking chair. 
“Your brother–Jax–Jackie boy,” Chibs went through all the names he’d call Jackson Teller, smiling at the last one before letting his lips fall, “this wasn’t what he wanted, he worked hard to leave everything in a good place and it’s like shit unraveled.” 
You could tell he was venting to you, you could tell he hadn’t been able to do this with anyone else in his life, no one from the club, no one in his love life, it could’ve made you feel special, a characteristic Chibs never failed at with you, but this wasn’t so much of a fail but just not something you could ever feel special about again. 
“As someone who's seen it before, from the outside but up close and personal. This doesn’t seem different at all.” 
It was the same statement you kept repeating, but this time, the way you said this, it made him look at you. His eyes were low, tired, and you could see the gloss and redness in them as he held back tears. Two strands of his long salt and pepper hair escaped from his sunglasses and fell in front of his eyes, oily and dirty you could tell he was going through it. 
He didn’t need to say anything, you knew he was looking at you to elaborate. 
It was mean to laugh, but you felt that you had the right to after everything you’ve been through and talking about it now was bringing that bitterness up. 
“You’re so deep in it, you don’t even see what’s plain in front of your eyes.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath letting the irritation leave your tone for the next sentence out of your mouth. “Your next. Everyone who's held that gavel ends up in the same place, making the same mistakes as the one previous, no matter how hard they try not to.” 
Chibs took in what you said. 
“Jax tried so hard to be JT, then tried so hard not to be him. Both of those things dug that grave for him. He loved the club more than anything and the club couldn’t love him back.” You were saying things that you had locked away in your mind for years, things you thought about as you buried your brother, as you packed your life up and left. “The club will never love you back.” You looked at Chibs. “Those guys might love you, but the club never will.” 
“Do you?” 
You weren’t sure if he was trying to change the subject, at first your head snapped to him with a smirk and a snappy remark to shoot back at him but you saw his face that was looking out at the farm. 
“Never stopped.” 
The words made him look at you and you smiled at him. Your head tilted and lowered to meet him at eye level since he was leaning his elbows on his knees. “Best part is, the farm,” you tilted your head a little more before leveling it out, “it loves you back.” You nodded. “Every animal, every acre of land, the boys even when they fucking hate you for embarrasing them in front of a girl,” you laughed at that one and smiled hoping the last one was going to be enough to convince him, “me.” 
The tear dropped at that one. His eyes shut tight as a couple more fell. 
“Move here. You can open up a garage, we have the buildings for it, Nero would even let you put something up closer to the road, you can come with me to the Farmer’s market, you can drive me to the vet at 2 in the morning when I’m worried that Billie got into something or that one of the chicken’s has a fever,” you chuckled, “you can ride dirt bikes with the boys and tell them about Jax, not SAMCRO president, but your best friend, how you fell in love with your best friend’s sister, you can wake up and feel settled, feel at peace.” 
Chibs wanted to say yes. He wanted to build a fire and burn the kutte right here right now, but he knew it wasn’t that easy. In this moment it was but as the thought settled, as the days would pass, he’d think about it, he’d dwell in it, wonder if he made the right decision, miss the kutte, miss the guys. 
“It’s not that easy, love.” Chibs tired to level with you. 
“Doesn’t seem like the life you’re living now is either.” You would beg him, it wasn’t below you to beg. “It’s going to kill you.” You were firm in your words, it wasn’t begging but you thought it might have an impact on him. “The club is going to kill you.” 
“A normal life would too.” He answered too quickly and immediately you knew it was a losing argument. 
The sound of an engine and the gravel dirt being stirred up and you knew it was Thomas and Nero coming back home. Chibs looked over and saw them pulling into the driveway when he stood up.
“Was really good seeing you, love.” He put his hand on your cheek and looked down at you. “Really good.” His thumb caressed your cheek and he smiled. 
You nodded in agreement and thanked him for the journal. His hand was still on your cheek when you shut your eyes tight. “Don’t come back here unless the ink is blacked out and the kutte is off.” 
The words broke you to say, but it was more than just you that you had to look out for. You had two boys to think of and the man who was generous enough to give you half of his acreage to live on. 
“Ay.” He agreed with no disdain in his voice, if anything it was littered with understanding and what you hoped was well, hope. 
Your eyelids remained shut as his hand dropped and he walked off the back porch. You heard the car doors close but no words exchanged. If you weren’t dealing with everything that just happened in your head right now you’d be imagining the way Nero was probably lifting his sunglasses while Chibs was lowering his, the nods both would give to eachother, the curious questioning look on Thomas’ face as he tried to place the visitor. 
“You alright?” Nero’s voice was filling your ears and you wished it offered up the level of comfort it normally did. 
The tears were wiped from your face immediately and you stood and smiled. “Yea, I’m good.” 
Nero knew you weren’t but he also knew you weren’t going to share with Thomas two steps from joining you on the porch. 
“Who was that?” Thomas was asking as he looked down at the snack he was fidgeting with to open. 
Your gaze looked at Nero and said so much while not speaking at all. Before you either had a chance to answer, another voice was coming from the other direction as the back door swung open. “Was that guy on the bike here at the farm?” Abel’s voice was like a knife to your heart. 
“Yea, it was someone looking to sell me something.” You lied straight through your teeth to both boys. 
“Oh.” Thomas said as he passed by both you and Nero without second guessing your statement and walked right past his older brother into the house. 
Abel looked like he might need more convincing but you could tell he decided to drop it. “I’m goin’ out later but I picked up the feed order and left it in the ATV wagon.” 
“12AM curfew.” You pointed at him and he waved you off but you knew he’d be back before 1. 
“What was he sellin’?” Nero asked you, the only one besides you who knew exactly who it was that was here. 
You looked at Nero and shook your head at him.
“A dream.”
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filipfuckingtelford · 10 months
The Forbidden Fruit. Remastered. Final Part.
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Chibs x Reader fanfiction. Obliously
I wrote the previous version long ago, now it seemes too short and flat to me. So I decided to write the new version.
Y/N is Clay and Gemma's daughter. Club's princess. Everyone in the club loves her and she treats everyone nice and caring as well. Chibs was seeing her growing up and never noticed what a beautiful yound woman she became. Untill one night.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 In Flames bonus
Chibs didn't expect their stay in Stockton to be peaceful, having Pope as an enemy was dangerous without a dobt. But what happened to Opie was way too much. Jax, Tig and Chibs were broken, shocked, it was too unexpected, too stupid and too brutal. And Ope wasn't even supposed to be there with the three of them. He was staying close to Jax, to his brothers and he sacrifieced his own life to save one of them.
Chibs saw how heartbreaking this loss was for Jakson. He knew the two of them were best friends and that Teller would want to eliminate everyone who was involved. And Filip himself was ready to help when they will be outside again.
Soon enough they were released. Coming back home was nothing like it usually was. No party, no joy. They lost another brother. They've lost too many people because of the drug deal Clay started. And Chibs kept thinking that this man was still dangerous for the club and for his own family. He already hurt Gemma and there was no guarantee that one day he won't do something bad to Y/N. Not even speaking about the club itself. God only knew what he could do even now when he was no longer their president.
But it was all to think about later. Right now Chibs was in his room, he had shower and was now sitting on his bed, smoking. His hair still wet and he was wearing jeans and white shirt, his leather resting on the back of the chair. He was trying to cope with his emotions after loosing Ope and knowing that it was not the last call from Pope. He was tired, grief for one brother and worry for the rest of them consuming him. Filip took another gulp from the bottle but scotch had no effect on him right now.
A knock on the door made him frown and look up, distracted from his gloomy thoughts. "It's open" He said but still had no idea who it was.
Door opened quietly and Y/N stepped into the room. She was sad as well, her eyes red and swollen. When Chibs left to his room she was talking to Jax and there was only one topic for them today. But she smiled softly as she closed the door behind her and came up to Filip. Y/N sat on the edge of the bed next to him and took his palm.
Chibs looked at her confused a little, his mask was back on as he thought she might need his help and support. He was always like this, ready to help any of his brothers or anyone from the family not really paying attention to his own needs and feelings, not even showing those to anyone.
"Ye okay, lass?" He asked quietly. Filip didn't know why she came here but he was glad to see her, feel her close again. He missed it.
"I am. But I know you're tired, hurt and sad" Y/N said quietly and looked into his eyes. Her palm gently touching his cheek, thumb brushing against his scar. "And you don't need to hide your feelings from me, Filip"
It was usually so uncomfortable for him when someone was touching his scars or even paying attention to those so he stiffened at first. But her touch felt so soothing and Chibs relaxed, his eyes closed, leaning towards her soft palm. Y/N was not here looking for support she came to him to help him sooth his pain and ease his nerves. And she was probably the only human being who could do it.
"Why didn't ye stay with Jax?" He whispered quietly his eyes still closed. It felt like a beautiful dream and Chibs didn't want to wake up from it.
"Because he has Tara to take care of him. And I know you will be sitting here alone with all of your emotions and tomorrow you hide it all and show up looking as calm as always. I know what happened is hard for you just like for everyone here. You don't need to hide it" Y/N was still touching his cheek as she was talking, every word making his heart melt and squeeze with love and tenderness.
"Thank ye, lass" Chibs whispered and leaned down, his forehead pressed against her shoulder.
Y/N tangled her fingers into his hair, stroking his head gently. She was an angel, she knew exactly how he was and what he needed. She was perfect for him. Chibs wanted to tell her, confess his feelings but he couldn't. The moment wasn't right. There would probably never be the right moment. He couldn't lose what he had - her as a friend with telling her how he felt about Y/N.
Soon enough Chibs was laying on the bed, his head resting on her lap. Y/N was stroking his head, gently, carefully. He felt tears running down his face and for the first time in his life he didn't want to hide it.
What happened in the next week was a sequence of hurtfull disturbing events. House invasions in Charming, deals with Irish, finding those who killed Opie. And at the end Gemma and boys were almost killed on the road. It left Chibs no time for anything else. All he was doing were club issues.
The next day after Gemma was attacked Sons thought they found out who did it. Everything was leading to Frankie. But he was nowhere to be found. Until the evening when Jax got a call from Nero.
Jax, Boby and Chibs headed straight to Diosa. They entered the building and it seemed empty but in the next room they saw Nero, who was tied to the chair. Frankie showed up before they could do anything, he was holding Lyla and made Sons to unarm and stand on their knees, his gun in poor girl's mouth. Chibs would kill him with his bare hands if he could but it was too dangerous for Lyla.
The bastard wanted money, but club didn't have that much to give him. Happily Nero did.
"Just take the gun out of her mouth!" He begged after Frankie agreed to take it.
"Hey Elvis, get up your fat ass and get the money" He pointed the gun at Jax and Chibs who were kneeled infront of him, their hands behind heads "You try anything I kill them both"
Nero gave Bobby instructions on how to find and open his safe and Bobby left.
"How do you think it will end?" Jax was looking at Frankie fearless as usual but man's answer made him surprised.
"This wasn't my idea, kid. Clay promises shit he can't deliver" Frankie smirked, pointing gun from one man to another.
"You want to tell me Clay was behind the break-ins?" Jax raised his brows.
"Come on, Jax" Frankie seemed irritated with the conversation "You know he will do anything to get his gavel back and his cash points"
"He sign off on you going after my family?" Jax still couldn't believe it was this way, even for Clay it was too much. And Chibs hardly believed it either. He was silent, allowing his president to speak and was just watching for a moment to trick Frankie if he'd get distracted.
"I never went after your family" Bastard shook his head pointing gun at Jakson again.
"Someone went after Gemma and my kids last night!" Jax raised his voice in anger.
"Now why the heal would I do that!?" Frankie was pissed, insulted with this accusation.
"Cause ye're the greasy scumbag animal!" Chibs couldn't help it, he hated the bastard and when the gun was pointed at him again he closed his eyes, waiting for the shot to follow, but it didn't thanks to Bobby who came back with the money.
Chibs opened his eyes watching his brother to drop bags on the table and being put down on his knees again. Frankie demanded the van Nero had and finally released Lyla to get him keys. Chibs was scared that he will take her or Nero as hostage but he pointed at Filip.
"Get up scotty" He said and Chibs stood up.
Jax tried to stop Frankie and he pointed his gun at Teller again. It was too dangerous to argue right now, the bastard could kill one of them easily.
"Jakie..." Chibs looked at his brother to calm him down.
Next moment Frankie tossed him keys with "You're driving" and Chibs followed him.
"You come after me, I'll kill him" Frankie promised, his gun now pointing on the back of Chibs' head.
"You're making a mistake" Jax warned as calm as he could. And it was enough for the bastard to shoot Lyla, grab Chibs and push him out of the building.
Chibs didn't know how bad the girl was hurt, he couldn't do anything to stop Frankie and stay alive. So Filip sat behind the wheel and drove where the man told him, outside of the city.
It was already dark when Frankie ordered to stop the car, next to another one that was probably waiting for him to help him escape and cover his tracks. Chibs stopped and Frankie got out of the van. Filip hoped he would just leave but he came to the driver's door and opened it, making Chibs follow him to the side of the road.
Pointing his gun at Filip Frankie pushed him and ordered him to kneel again. Chibs was looking at him with rage in his eyes but there was nothing he could do. He kneeled, looking down. It was inevitable, he knew the bastard will blow his brain out, so as Frankie moved around to stand behind his back Chibs crossed himself ready to face his end.
He felt the gun pressed against his head and looked up, tears blurring his sight. All he could think about now was Y/N. He regreted that she won't ever know how he felt, how much he loved her.
"Hey" Chibs said, his voice raspy "At least ye could look me in the eyes befor ye kill me. Ye guinea coward"
He felt that Frankie was ready to pull the trigger. He was waiting, tensed. It wasn't the first time he was close to death but this time Chibs couldn't do anything at all to prevent it. Suddenly he heard the car horn as the driver in the second vehicle asked Frankie to hurry up. Filip felt a gun hitting his head and fall down, passing out.
Chibs woke up on the ground several hours later. Feeling terrible headache he groaned and touched the back of his head feeling dried blood under his fingers. He sat up slowly and reached to his pocket. His phone was luckily with him still so he dialed Bobby's number.
His brother answered immediately and soon he found Chibs on the road.
"You're okay brother?" Bobby hugged him before they got into the car "Want to go to hospital?"
"Nah, I'm fine. Just a scratch. I wanna take shower and sleep" Chibs shook his head and winced with pain.
"Alright Chibby, but I'll stitch you up at least" Bobby insisted.
They came to the clubhouse early in the morning and headed to the club room where Bobby cleaned and stapled his wound quickly. All the time Chibs had a feeling that someone was watching him but there was no one around so he thought if was because of what happened last night.
"Thank ye, brother" Filip nodded to Bobby and headed to his dorm. He wanted to take shower, change his clothes and have some rest before they had to deal with anything else.
The knock on the door was heard right after he got out of the shower, so Chibs quickly put his jeans and t-shirt on and opened the door. He thought that maybe Bobby needed something or Jax came to see if he was alright. But it wasn't any of his brothers.
"Y/N?" Chibs asked, confused. It was so early and he didn't even know she was in the clubhouse.
She didn't say anything, instead Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist hiding her face on his chest. He felt his shirt getting wet with her tears but had no idea why she was crying.
"What happened, lassie?" Chibs asked quietly his palms resting on her back. He was confused and worried.
"I was so scared" Y/N sobbed and looked up at him. She didn't even bother to wipe tears from her face "I thought he'd kill you"
"Me? What are ye talking about?" Chibs frowned. How did she even know about what happened.
"Tig told me about Frankie" Y/N explained while he closed the door and made her sit down on the bed kneeling infront of her "I... I thought he will kill you and I will never have a chance to tell you..."
Chibs saw it was hard for her to find words and he didn't know what was going on.
"Tell me what? Lass, I'm okay, don't ye cry because of me" Chibs brushed his thumbs against her cheeks wiping off her tears and looking at her with surprise. He didn't expect her to worry about him so much.
Y/N touched his face with her fingers so softly looking into his eyes. "I love you, Filip" She whispered and he could see how scared she was.
"Ye love me?" Chibs asked as he could not believe it just yet. Maybe it was because of the head injury and it was all an illusion?
"I do... I loved you since I was sixteen, even longer I think" Y/N said never breaking the eye contact "I know you don't need it but after what happened I just couldn't keep it a secret. I don't want you to die and never know how I feel about you"
Chibs was hardly breathing at all while she was talking. His heart was squeezing with every word he heard from Y/N. Breaking with the insecurity he heard in her voice. How could she ever think that he didn't want it. It was all obvious to Piney and he only saw Chibs looking at this girl for couple of hours. But for her his own feelings were still unknown.
"Y/N... You have no idea how you made me feel now" Chibs took her palms, pressing his lips against her fingers "I love ye, lass. I loved ye before ye even left and I've never stopped"
"Why didn't you ever told me, Filip?" Y/N squeezed his palms with her fingers looking at him confused.
"I couldn't. Ye were so good to me and ye told me I was such a good friend, I couldn't lose it with spilling out my feelings to ye" Chibs sighed and stoop up as well as Y/N. She was here in his arms, she loved him. And he still didn't dare to touch her the way he wanted "I'm twise yer age, lass. An old broken outlaw. Why do ye want me?"
"You just don't see yourself the way I do, Fillip" Y/N whispered and looked up at him "Will you finally kiss me?" She teased with a soft smile.
Chibs leaned down finally allowing himself to kiss her. Her lips were sweet and soft and it almost made him moan with pleasure when he finally felt it after so many years of waiting. His palms were resting on the small of her back as Y/N pressed herself against him as tight as she could, her fingers sliding under his t-shirt and sending shivers on his skin.
The kiss once soft and gentle bacame deeper, filled with passion they both were holding back for so long. Chibs finally stepped back for a second and locked the door befor he lifted Y/N her legs wrapped around his hips, and kissed her again with a quiet groan of pleasure escaping his chest.
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Chibs with a reader around the same age as Juice and they do it on Chibs’s bike at the club house thinking nobody is there but they get caught by a few of the members
Teach Me How to Ride.
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Synopsis - Chibs is teaching you how to ride (in more ways than one).
Pairing - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Female Reader
Warnings - smut. cursing. age gap.
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 1k
Author's Note - thank you SO much for this request, anon. it made me feral. that old man owns me and i'm not sorry about it. always open to SOA and chibs requests. <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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"Any weekend plans, darlin'?"
You smile at the blonde man sat on the other side of the bar you're wiping down.
"Nothing too exciting. I think I'm gonna try and get out on my bike."
His brows raise in curiosity.
"You have a bike now?"
"Yeah. Chibs is teaching me how to ride."
"I bet he is."
You roll your eyes at the snickers that come from the other guys who are dotted around the room.
"Real mature, Jax."
"Is he charging you for these lessons, or are you paying him in other ways?"
You put down your cloth and look up.
"I'll jump over this bar and beat your ass right now, Tig. Don't think I won't."
They all laugh, and you can't help but chuckle along with them. You know they mean well. They'd do anything for you, in a heartbeat.
Eventually, the sun sets, and all of the guys make their way home. You've been restocking the bar, not minding staying a little later if it means you get the job done.
You're crouched down filling the fridge when you hear a familiar Scottish accent echo though the clubhouse.
"You still here, sweetheart?"
You stand up and smile at him, grinning wider when he reciprocates.
"Still here. Trying to get my shit done."
"That's my girl. Always working ten times harder than the rest of us."
You laugh, throwing him a beer.
"You're here late. How did the run go?"
"All good, nothing to worry about," he winks.
You think back to Jax's comment earlier, and decide you've had enough of avoiding the truth. You want answers. You also just kind of want to know what he'll say.
"Why does everyone think we're fucking?"
Chibs practically chokes on his drink, taken aback by your sudden brashness.
"You heard me."
He takes a moment to process, before a slow smile etches itself onto his face.
"Why do you ask that?"
"Just something Jax said earlier."
"Ignore that bastard. He doesn't think before he speaks."
You chuckle in agreement, finishing up your jobs for the day.
"You wan' a ride home?"
You nod gratefully, making sure to lock up before walking over to where Chibs is leaning against his bike. He's parked by the door, under the shelter, obscured from the yard. He slips a helmet onto your head, before standing in front of you to do up the buckle. His rough fingertips slide under your chin, clasping the straps in place. He swipes a thumb over your bottom lip gently, eyes never leaving your face.
"You're too good for me," he murmurs. "Pretty young thing like you."
"Everyone already thinks we're fucking anyway," you whisper, smirk on your face.
He chuckles lowly, before leaning in to capture your lips with his. He kisses you with need, unbuckling the helmet he just put on you and dropping it to the ground. He's grabbing at you - your hips, your ass, anywhere he can find. You've got your hands tangled in his hair, yanking roughly when he bites your lip.
The two of you waste no time. Chibs is shrugging his jacket off while unbuttoning your pants, pulling them down. You're fumbling with his belt, undoing his jeans with shaky hands. You're both high on adrenaline, desperate to feel the other person. He smashes his lips back to yours and you groan, reveling in the way he tastes like smoke and peppermint.
Chibs grabs your hips and walks you backwards, twirling you around so you're bent over his bike. You can't help but laugh, remembering what Jax had said.
"What?" he chuckles into your ear, hot and heavy against your back.
"Nothing," you giggle. "I'll tell you later. You gonna fuck me, old man, or just stand there?"
He growls under his breath and smacks your ass as punishment, smirking when you whine.
"You gonna ask me nicely, sweetheart?"
At this point, you're not above begging. Besides, you know it'll do wonders for his ego, and you don't entirely mind that.
"Please, Chibs," you whinge. "Waited so long for this."
"Oh, ya have?" he coos. "Better not keep you waitin' then."
In one smooth thrust he slides home, both of you groaning in unison. He plants a hand on the back of your neck, the other with a firm grip on your hip, providing him with leverage. He sets a steady, even pace, careful not to knock the bike over.
He tilts his hips upwards a little and you keen, seeing stars.
"Right there? Yeah? That's it, isn't it?"
You only nod in response, holding onto the motorcycle for dear life. You trust him, though. You know he won't let you fall.
"Fuck, darlin'. You feel so good."
"So close," you choke out.
"I know, I know. Can feel you squeezin' me. Come on, that's it. Good girl."
The lilt of his accent combined with the glide of his hips is lethal, sending you over the edge in no time. You see stars, heart racing and mind blank.
Your undoing is also Chibs'. He groans as he finds his release, leaning over to rest his head between your shoulders. You're both panting, chests heaving as you recover.
After a moment, the bike groans, and you both jump up, laughing as you do it. You're redressing, Chibs stealing kisses from you, when you hear a voice cut through the darkness.
"Well, shit. I was only kidding earlier."
You can hear Jax's teasing drawl before he comes into view, cocky smirk drawn across his face.
You groan as Chibs rolls his eyes and throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. Both of you know you're not going to hear the end of this for a long time.
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thisreadswhatever · 8 months
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Only Mine
find my masterlist here
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[description]: jax teller x fem!reader
[wordcount]: 2.4k
[cw]: 18+ only, smut, jealous overprotective Jax, angst, short fight scene (if you can even call it that), car sex, oral f receiving, teasing, unfinished sex
[authors note]: I had this idea floating around for awhile and then this request inspired the rest! thank you!
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“I’m sure you say that to all the ladies.” 
You were along the bar, chin in palm, blinking your lashes at the man sitting beside you. He smiled back wryly. He was pretty perfect. Clean cut, slightly muscular, no tats covering him from top to bottom, no bike sitting in the parking lot. He was a little cocky, aware of his good looks, and in all honesty, any other day he’d be the type of guy you’d usually find pretty boring. But for tonight, he’d be a welcome distraction. 
“So you’re really here alone?” the man asked, looking around as he took a sip from the glass in front of him. 
You smiled back, twisting a strand of hair into your fingers as you sipped your beer, “that surprise you?” 
“Someone like you doesn’t come around here often. Can't imagine you haven’t been snatched up yet.” 
Technically, he was right. Jax and you hadn’t spoken in days, and although the mutual silence was a regular occurrence, you somehow always found a way back to each other. It never had been made ‘official’, but it never really needed to be. You both stuck to each other like the end poles of magnets, impossible to keep apart yet impossible to stay together. You and Jax were a burning flame amongst a sea of trees condemned to an endless drought. Your love was toxic and infuriating, and it pained you both how hurtful you could be to one another. Yet for some reason, you always went back. You’d reconnect, one of you would fuck up, and then it was back to square one all over again. 
“Haven’t found the one yet”, you teased. 
He gestured to the bartender with his hand, “can I buy you another beer?” 
You smiled politely back at him, “you can buy me as many as you want.”
You picked up your drink and pulled his hand with your other as you led him to one of the quiet booths settled at the back of the bar. You spent the next hour cosying up to your stranger, soaking in the attention he gave you. He was overly attentive and extremely polite, almost a little too nice for your liking. No roughness on the edges, no fight in him. Just a gentleman through and through. You sat inches from each other, tension building as the drinks continued to appear. 
“Can I kiss you?” The man asked as he leaned in, hovering above your face. It wasn’t often you were asked to be kissed. You stared into his eyes through your long lashes, nodding in approval.
He smiled shyly into your lips as they pressed against his. He was gentle, his hands slowly moving to your waist, never straying further. 
He laid back into the bench, taking a sip from his beer. “You know I never did catch your name.” 
You didn’t want to share anything with this stranger, the anonymity bringing less questions and expectations. 
You cupped his face in your hand, grazing his jaw with your fingertips as you brought his mouth to yours again.
He was nice, but the longer you spent kissing your gentle stranger, the more you yearned to be in the hands of your depraved biker. Jax was urgent and desperate for you each time you were in his arms. There was a mutual desire that turned you both into crazed maniacs when you were together. It was something you’d searched for every time you were with someone else, because nobody you’d ever come across had given you that same feeling. 
Jax had a way of turning you into the only girl in the world. Until he was fucking the next croweater who threw themselves at him the following day. 
Tonight, you were going to allow yourself to enjoy the gentlemen in front of you. You leaned back into the bench, trying to edge him on top of you as you sunk into the bench against his lips.
You were so entangled in your stranger that you never even noticed him arrive with half of The Club. It wasn’t until you were interrupted by the break in your lips as he was pulling the man off you by his shirt, forcing him to the floor as he was knocked flat on his back. 
“Dude! What the fu-“ he tried to stand up, but Jax placed his shoe directly on his chest, crushing him to the ground. The man grunted under the weight, failing to pry the shoe off of him. “What the fuck are you doing!?”
“What do you think you’re doing?” He pressed down into the man’s chest harder, restraining himself from crushing his rib cage all together. 
The stranger looked at you with wide eyes, trying to speak through the force compounding his lungs, “she said she was alone!” 
Jax smiled at him as he laid spread out on the dirty bar floor. 
“I don’t give shit what she said. Your time is up, pretty boy.”  
You were ashamed to admit that you thoroughly enjoyed watching Jax furious with envy over you, but you did feel bad for the innocent guy beneath his sneaker. 
“Get the fuck off him, Jax.” 
He glanced up at you, taking a long look at your flushed pink cheeks and swollen lips.
The crowded bar was now zoned in on your table, watching and entertained by the drama unfolding. Chibs, Juice and Bobby guarded the table, ensuring no onlookers got in the way of Jax’s jealous fuelled rage. 
He picked the man up by his collar, pulling him to his feet as he threw him against the wall. Jax gripped at his jaw, lifting his chin to force his eyes towards you at the bench. “I suggest you apologise for bothering my girl.” 
“Jax don’t be ridiculous-“ 
He ignored you, glaring at the man in his grasp, tightening the grip on his collar. 
“I’m sorry, okay!” 
“Not to me, asshole. To her.” 
You rolled your eyes, watching as he tormented the innocent stranger you had set yourself upon.
“I’m sorry I bothered you.” His voice cracked from the hold Jax had on his collar, draining the circulation from his neck.
Jax shoved the man off the wall, releasing him as he was once again flown across the laminate. He stumbled to regain his balance before he started running, bolting for the exit. He disappeared at the speed of light, chuckles from Juice and Chibs echoing through the bar as he ran. 
You stood up from the bench, storming off in anger for the door. 
Jax followed you into the empty, dark car park outside the bar. His hands stuffed into his pockets as he watched you slump against the brick wall, sliding down to sit on the pavement. You put a cigarette to your mouth as you searched for a lighter in your bag. You hadn’t felt tipsy until the air hit you, realising your head was spinning.
He paced over to you, crouching forward with his lighter, igniting the cigarette between your lips. 
“You’re such a prick sometimes, you know that?” 
Jax slid down the wall beside you, his legs bent slightly at the knees as he sighed to himself, lighting his own cigarette. “Not gonna argue with that.” 
He exhaled a large cloud of smoke as he spoke, “but you were basically fucking that guy in an open bar, y/n.” 
“First of all, no I wasn’t.” 
He chuckled, amused by your irritation. 
“And second of all, what the fuck has that got to do with you? You’re the one who decided to get knee deep in Ima last week, again.” 
“I told you I was drunk.” 
“And now I’m drunk too”, you protested.
He shook his head as smoke escaped his lips, fingers twirling the silver lighter in his hands. “That isn’t going to happen again.”
Your head fell back as you groaned at his promise, leaning against the hard brick behind you. “Yeah, ‘cause I haven’t heard that one before.” 
He smiled, nudging your leg with his playfully. “You know I mean it. Doesn’t matter who I’m inside, there's only one face I see.” 
You turned your head towards him, leaning your face on his shoulder. “I’m tired of this, Jax. You and your mommy issues are giving me whiplash.” 
“Yeah, well your baggage ain’t so easy to handle either.” He placed a hand over the back of your head, stroking your hair as he spoke.
You responded with a punch to his knee, swaying his leg. “You can’t just keep beating men up because they’re interested in me. That guy was actually sweet.” 
He threw his cigarette across the pavement before he grasped his hands into your hair, entangling his fingers between the strands. He crushed his lips against yours, his tongue lapping into your mouth. His fingers smoothed against your face, the feeling of his cold rings brushing against your cheek. Your foreheads connected as your eyes closed, resting silently along each other. “I can be sweet too.” 
You chuckled, playfully biting his lip. “You’re a sweet, jealous prick, Teller.”
He pulled into you once more, pecking your lips slowly before escalating into your lips, pulling you on top of him. You straddled him there in the lot, surrounded by empty parked cars in the dead of night. His hands gripped at your waist, pulling your body tighter to him, the feeling of his erection pressing into your jeans. Your hands twisted into his hair, holding his head against yours. He smirked against your lips, trailing his hands lower to your ass, as he secured his hands in your back pockets. He stroked your cheek with his nose, kissing the pink tinted skin.
“I just don’t like sharing what’s mine.” 
Your mouth found his as you raised your eyebrows, mumbling into his lips, “then take what's yours.”
He grinned, lifting you in one swift motion from his lap, standing you up against him. He pulled you across the parking lot as you stumbled drunk, trying to keep up. He led you to your car, opened the back door and pushed you flat against the back seat. 
Jax laid above you, planting himself between your legs. He angled himself between the seats, crushing his mouth against yours. His touch was ravenous, ripping the buttons from your jeans waistband as he pulled the denim from your ass. You giggled as he struggled to get them off entirely between the leather of the flat seat. You lifted yourself up, helping as he removed them. He pulled at your shirt, lifting it higher to expose the skin around your stomach as he leaned into you, gnawing at the skin in short pecks from your navel to your now exposed panties. You grasped at his hair as he claimed you with his warm mouth, suffocating himself into the fabric that covered your mound. 
“Jesus Christ, you’re fucking soaked for me.” He groaned at the taste of your slick pooling into the cotton, pulling your panties to the side. He circled his tongue against your clit, watching you, utterly mesmerised as you whimpered at the sensation. He rolled his thumb against your dripping fold, “this pretty cunt is mine.” 
Vibrations filled your entire being as he nuzzled into your mound, lapping his tongue repeatedly against your slick, his hands lifting your ass to push deeper into you. You tugged at the roots of his blonde hair, drunken moans of his name filling the car park as you struggled to keep quiet. He pulled away, his face glistening from your juices as he smirked at you, caressing his fingers against your pussy. “You want your sweet guy to finish you off?”
Your head fell back at the taunt, “c’mon Jax, don’t- stop-”
He pulled your panties down your ass, exposing your cunt entirely. His tongue stroked you, prodding at your swollen nub, before hesitating again. “Tell me you’re mine.” 
“Fuck, Jax- I’m- yours. I’m only yours.” The words trailed slowly from your gritted teeth, your head swirling from the feeling and the beer. You chased for his mouth, drawing your hips up closer to his face.
“Look at me when you tell me.”
You used all your might to lift your head from the seat, finding his eyes staring into yours, fire blazing within them. You spoke between your sharpened breaths, trying to form a coherent sentence. “I said- I’m yours.”
“I can’t hear you, darlin’. You’re only what?” 
Your head collapsed into the leather seat, cries escaping your lips as you squirmed your hips higher to find his mouth again. “I’m yours- Jax- shit-”
“That’s my pretty girl.” 
He stoked his tongue against your clit, enjoying every moment as you pleaded through your moans for him to take you to your climax. He was revelling in your anguish as he teased at your cunt. He played with your folds again, his fingers caressing the soaking skin. 
“No other man comes near my pussy, isn’t that right?”
You groaned in response, his claim on you sending you further into spiral. “No- no one else.”
His lips reconnected to your cunt, whimpers of desperation pouring from your lips. His fingers finally found your entrance, rewarding you as he slid into your seam, pushing you towards your release. 
He muttered into your mound, “you only cum for me.”
Your body exploded at his instruction, collapsing onto his fingers as they curled against your sweet spot, his mouth soaking in your orgasm. He delighted at your unravelling, his hands travelling your body as he found your breasts, kneading into the soft skin.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Let go for me.” Your thighs shook around his face uncontrollably, squeezing his head into your cunt.
He released his hand from your mound, hovering over you as his lips laid flush against yours. He danced around your mouth, forcing you to taste your slick that covered his tongue. Jax straddled over your hips, holding himself up against the headrest of the seat as his throbbing cock found your entrance. He positioned himself, sliding between the folds, a squeal escaping your throat as he filled you entirely. 
Before he could fuck you senseless, a loud repeated bang was heard against the hood of the car, startling you both.
“Jackie boy! We gotta go!”
Jax collapsed against you, groaning in frustration. If you weren’t so drunk from Jax and the beer, you would’ve been furious. Instead you giggled, amused by the interruption, “Chib’s and his impeccable timing.” He sighed, his head resting against your chest. 
He pulled out from you, as you rushed to put your underwear back in its place. He smirked against your mouth as he kissed you one last time, parting your lips between his, "guess I’ll just have to finish claiming you later.”
read part two here
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬’ 𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: lil short one <3
𝐉𝐚𝐱: Sweetheart | Darlin’
He keeps his nicknames short and sweet, with a bit of mischief lacing his words. Definitely isn’t afraid of calling you nicknames in front of the guys. He also likes to see the blush on your face when he says it in front of people. 
𝐎𝐩𝐢𝐞: Babe | Honey
A bit more traditional with his nicknames for you. He says them quickly while he’s kissing your cheek and running out the door. He thinks these names are respectful yet show his love for you. 
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐬: Love
When you’re not there he refers to you as ‘his better half’ as well. He isn’t much for nicknames, not like Tig is. He prefers to go old school, plus it sounds perfect with his accent (he knows it drives you crazy.)
𝐓𝐢𝐠: Beautiful | Princess | Gorgeous | Kitten
He has a lot of nicknames for you. He’s one of those people who gush over their s/o, and don’t care how over-the-top they sound. He’s genuinely in love with you, and some may think he’s just winding you up, but his words are true. 
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲: Mama | My Love
Part of it is a cultural thing, even if you aren’t a mother. Happy wants you to feel recognised and appreciated. So he doesn’t go overboard with his nicknames. He’s happy with what he’s settled on. 
𝐉𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐞: Angel
A bit more embarrassed than the rest of the guys when it comes to nicknames for you. He doesn’t know what sounds right or wrong. Since he hasn’t been in many relationships, he’s still figuring things out. But ‘Angel’ felt the truest - since he sees you as his hope in life. 
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juicesgf · 3 months
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drakoneve · 9 months
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
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Requests are OPEN. Who I write for listed below the cut;
Tig Trager
Long Run.
Tig w/ a cat person
Chibs Telford
coming soon...
Jax Teller
coming soon...
Juice Ortiz
Destined Meetings.
Opie Winston
coming soon...
Happy Lowman
coming soon...
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ravennaortiz · 9 months
Ravennas Randoms Chibs #1
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*Minors DNI 18+ -Smut Below*
“Mmmm … fuck yes” you moaned as your face was pushed further into the table as Chibs thrusted into you from behind. “Won’t last much longer” panted Chibs through gritted teeth as he dug his fingers even harder into your hips. Honestly you were impressed the man had been going this long bringing you orgasm after toe curling orgasm on the table the Sons used for club meetings. You grinned as you thought about how you had come in here to find comfort….. and comfort you found. “What the fuck” growled a voice from the doorway causing you to turn your head but neither you nor Chibs stopped.
You knew you had won when your eyes met his piercing blue ones. The look of shock quickly masked by anger as he watched. A sight it must have been for the Prince of Charming to see his Old Lady with her hair plastered to her face from sweat and her dress bunched up around her waist as his VP went to town on her. You swore you heard Chibs laugh before smacking your ass and giving one final thrust that had your eyes rolling in the back of your head as you both came.
After a moment Chibs slipped out of you and fixed your dress. “Maybe you’ll learn to treat women better Jackie Boy” he stated before carrying you out and towards his dorm room to clean up.
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Hello!! Can I pretty please have number 3 with Jax Teller? Thankyou😍😍😍
Hellooooo! Of course, you can, babe!
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"Don't think I don't know what that look means, darlin'. Sitting there, giving me that stare, but then playing hard to get," he begins, leaning into your space, close enough for you to smell the faint traces of cologne lingering upon his neck. It makes you want to bury your face against it, but you hold back. "I know you want me."
You do. He's correct in his assumption. However, perhaps not quite on the same terms as what he's looking for.
“Maybe I don’t want just you. Maybe I want your friend, too.” Nodding over your shoulder, you watch a set of dark eyes, offering him a wink, the tall man a picture of curiosity.
Jax casts a glance over his shoulder, turning back to you with a grin, his eyes not leaving yours as he speaks. "You up for seeing how well this girl can handle two outlaws at once, Chibs?"
"Oh, aye," he rumbles, sinking his whiskey before sauntering over to you. "I'm always up for that."
Jax grins, his eyes touring you approvingly. "Looks like you got your wish, babe."
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