#jane fonda appreciation society
chainofclovers · 2 years
Dear @chainofclovers: It's not an ask. This is barely a coherent statement, but it's one I've been putting off for months. I had a moment over half a year ago about the impending loss of my feminist icons. Found your G&F fics. Tore through them. Read them over, and over. I know you're on to new things and that's amazing, but I had to thank you for that body of writing. You are incredible, and your writing has been so profoundly stabilizing. I simply cannot thank you enough.
Thank you so much for this incredibly kind message. I would reply/message you directly rather than posting, but since it’s anonymous my only way to reply is to post. Hope that is OK.
I truly appreciate you taking the time to share this with me. Are your feminist icons Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin? I’ve also spent a decent amount of time pondering the dangers of what I could flippantly refer to as “stanning an 83-year-old” but what is actually a very simple yet profound experience of appreciating the contributions of people who were changing the world for decades before I was even alive and feeling grateful to get some overlap w/them on planet earth!
It means a lot to me that my G&F fics have been a stabilizing force in some way. Thank you so much for telling me.
(And yes, Ted Lasso took over my brain, but I don’t think one ever truly moves on from Grace Hanson and Frankie Bernstein! In fact I’m signing up for Femslash Exchange this weekend and y’all know they’ll be among the pairings I both offer and request!)
Thanks again, Anon, for spending time with my writing and sharing your thoughts w/me.
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thatstormygeek · 5 months
Saw this from a friend on one of my infrequent fb scans. This is so heartbreaking.
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We get one life in one body, yet fatphobic society is going to make damn sure we hate every moment of it.
Instead of appreciating our bodies for what they can do, we are encouraged to torture them in an attempt to fit a narrow standard. An attempt that is almost guaranteed to be futile, no matter how little we eat or how much we sweat.
This post was remarkable for its vehement despair, but not the message. Everyone is talking about their weight all the time. I fill out surveys on the regular, and so many of them assume everyone is dieting to some extent, especially folks assigned female at birth. Often there's not even an option for not trying to lose weight.
And it's scary.
There but for years of surrounding myself with fat positivity and working to unlearn a LOT of shit, go I. And it did take years of regular effort to even begin to counter the brainwashing we get from before birth. I was a skinny kid, but I still went to my first weight watchers meeting before I could even drive because my mom was going and she figured it's never too early to start watching your weight.
Jazzercise. Jane Fonda videos. Step aerobics. Exercise wasn't about cardiovascular health or energy, it was all focused on burning those calories, losing those inches, battling that cellulite. The most common bonding activity among women was hating on their bodies, and if they were giving their daughters terrible body image issues along the way, well, everything is fair game in the war on fat.
Hell, they likely considered it a feature, not a bug.
I'm so sad for my friend. And for everyone who feels like this about themselves. It's not too late to turn it around. You can say no. You can decide you are going to live in the body you have. It takes a lot of work and backsliding happens, but unlike dieting, I can promise you it's worth it.
You're allowed to just be in the body you have. And there's no time like the present to give the diet industry a giant middle finger.
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frankterranella · 1 year
Long live the hourglass figure. Here's to the curves!
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                                               Sophia Loren
As a male baby boomer, I am sorry to say that the women that Hollywood is putting on the screen as the new models of feminine beauty often leave me cold.  When I see people like Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller or Olivia Wilde, all I want to do is feed them.  Eat some cheesecake; have a chocolate shake; gain 20 pounds; grow some curves! I think that men who grew up in the 1950s and ‘60s may have a different idea of the perfect female figure than young men today.  We boomer men first noticed women at a time when the feminine ideal was Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield. Oh sure, there was also Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly, but these were women admired more for their faces than their bodies. If you asked any teenage boy in the 1960s which movie star had the best figure, he was more likely to say Elizabeth Taylor or Raquel Welch than Doris Day or Jane Fonda .  Even on television, the most popular mouseketeer among boys was not Karen or Sherry or Darlene.  It was the “full-figured” Annette. Our fathers and grandfathers shared this admiration for a female figure that was, in their words, “healthy-looking.”  The ideal then was the voluptuous Gibson girl look of the early 1900s. That was continued into the 1930s with chorus girls in Busby Berkeley musicals showing a lot of meat on their bones, especially around their thighs. I don’t know whether those women would be considered beautiful today. But I do know that in the 1960s, women who by today’s standards would be considered fat were held up as the feminine ideal.   Men who grew up in the 1980s and later were born into a world where the diet and exercise industry has become pervasive. Feminine fitness now dictates that “you can never be too skinny.”  In fact, if you tell a woman today that she is too skinny, that’s just what she’ll tell you.  Anorexia and bulimia are all too common.  Yet I think that baby boomer men still are more attracted to a woman with curves – the classic hourglass figure. You can’t have an hourglass figure without bulges at the top and bottom. Fashion models have never had those curves because designers don’t design for real women.  But ask a straight man what he prefers, and the answer will in most cases be a woman with big curves.  Look at how popular Kim Kardashian is despite the absence of any other known talents.   That is not to say that younger men don’t appreciate a 38-26-40 figure.  It’s just that society right now seems to be obsessed with obesity.  Large hips and breasts are out; six-pack abs are in. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  If this is female obesity, I say let’s have more of it.  If Christina Hendricks is fat, then all I can say is fat is good! Of course we don’t want people to be unhealthy, but unhealthy comes in many different sizes. For example, Karen Carpenter’s size near the end of her life at the age of 33 was certainly unhealthy.  By contrast, the plus-sized Liz Taylor lived to be 79.   I’ll bet that more women die from trying to be skinny than from an obesity-related illness.  And that’s why these big, beautiful women were formerly referred to as having “healthy” figures.  Long Live The Hourglass!
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Adam McKay, Chelsea Handler Mum on Funding Attacks on Art, Society
Celebrities excel at taking sturdy stands, typically backed by their appreciable coffers. A rising quantity both can’t defend these positions, although or not often get pressured on the problems in play. Take the “Defund the Police” movement following the 2020 loss of life of George Floyd. Stars like Natalie Portman, John Legend, Lizzo, Brie Larson, Common, Tessa Thompson, Jane Fonda and extra…
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sheaking81 · 4 years
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Found this gem at an antique shop today.
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sapphoshands · 7 years
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weird, that’s totally not my new nightly ritual at all
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LXXII
3651. What do you think of jazz? >> I don’t have a solid opinion about it. I mostly like hearing it when I’m in NOLA, because that just makes sense. Otherwise I don’t seek it out. 3652. Why do you suppose Christmas has more hype than Chanucka? >> Because a blatant Christian hegemony rules this country, first of all. Second of all, Christmas and Hanukkah aren’t direct analogues -- it’s not like Hanukkah is “Jewish Christmas” or something, it’s its own thing and completely unrelated. So this comparison is flawed anyway, and only emphasises how Christianity has influenced society. 3653. What is like a rock? >> Chevy trucks, apparently. 3654. Who do you 100% trust? >> Can Calah. 3655. Are you dreaming of a white christmas? >> I’m not dreaming of Christmas yet, Halloween isn’t over. As rabid as I am for Christmas stuff, I do prefer to celebrate the holidays in their order and in their time. That’s part of the fun -- the anticipation.
3656. Have you done anything nice for your neighbors this year? >> I don’t do anything in regards to my neighbours. I really wish I didn’t have any. 3657. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done? >> I don’t know. Survive, probably. 3658. What things (not people) would you miss most if you were locking the big brother house for weeks on end? >> I would never choose to be on Big Brother. Ever. 3659. Use five words to describe your life now. >> No. 3660. Use five words to describe your family. >> --- 3661. Use five words to describe your childhood. >> --- 3662. Who has seen the wind? >> I don’t know. 3663. what's the point of MLA format? Why can't students just freely write their gathered info and opinions the way they feel is best for them? >> Because schools are teaching a standardised structure for academic writing that will ostensibly be used throughout one’s educational career. The sooner you learn it, the sooner it becomes second nature -- and if you end up not pursuing higher education after all, then whatever, no harm done. 3664. What's your favorite fairy tale? >> The Snow Queen. 3665. How will explain god to your children (or a child)? >> As far as the Abrahamic God goes, I’d just read them the stories and explain tricky bits as best as I can, just like I’d do with any other kind of mythology. I’d probably have to take a sidebar to explain that America runs on Dunkin Christianity so there’s a huge bias they’re gonna have to deal with, and a lot of people will say that this god in particular is the only god and will be perfectly willing to fight you about it. So... yeah, there’s that, but otherwise “hey wanna hear a cool story about this dude named Moses” or whatever would be my general tactic. 3666. Is this question satanic? >> I’ve read that it’s possible the Evil Number is actually read as 616, which I like bringing up in this city in particular because that’s the area code here. 3667. Name a person that you love. Describe how they look: Describe how they sound: Describe how they smell: Describe how they feel: Describe how they taste: 3668. What will last longer, the moon or the human race? >> I assume the moon, but there’s really no guarantee of that, is there? 3669. Whose lives do you value more; those of your country or all of humanity? >> The lives I value most are those in my actual social circle. 3670. If the jehovas witnesses dropped by your house what would you do? >> Well, I live in an apartment complex so I just wouldn’t buzz them in... also, real talk, I haven’t seen JW doorknockers in ages. I think they’re out of fashion, around here at least. 3671. Someone you work with or go to school with is giving you a surprise gift. Would you like it better if it were a talking teddybear or a mini tarot deck? >> --- 3672. Where does the sky begin? Just above the ground? >> I’m not sure. 3673. What's the most romantic thing to do? >> --- 3674. What's your most twisted, perverted or odd fantasy? >> I’m not going to go into that here. I have a whole different blog for that sort of content. Compartmentalisation! 3675. What's wrong with lieing? >> The hurting-people bit, when applicable. 3676. If you could have lunch with any _______ who would it be? rock star? actor/actress? political leader? historical figure? dead person? person from your past? person in the world? writer? artist? fictional character? Disney character? 3677. Dedicate a song to someone right now. >> No. 3678. It's christmas eve at ten o'clock at night and YOU HAVE NO SHOPPING DONE! The only thing that's open is the grocery store and the drug store. Do you do all your christmas shopping in the grocery and drug store? >> This is completely inapplicable to me as I don’t do “Christmas shopping”. 3679. If superman is so powerful how does he get with Lois Lane? Wouldn't he kill her? >> I don’t know the logistics of Superman’s physiology or whatever. 3680. What do you think of Jane Fonda? Alan Alda? >> I don’t think about Jane Fonda, but I like Alan Alda because M*A*S*H. 3681. Remember Mary Popins? Feed the birds tuppence a bag. What is 'tuppance'? >> Two pence? Or something. I’m not overly familiar with British currency. 3682. What was the saddest most tear jerking heart wrenching moment of the movie Titanic? >> I’ve never seen it. 3683. Would you like a nice hot bath? >> No, absolutely not. Sparrow probably would, though. 3684. Why is jesus always pictured as white when he came from the middle east and was probably middle eastern? >> Oh, you know why. 3685. Which is worse: Sand in your underwear or Sand in your mouth? >> Sand. Period. 3686. Has President Bush made his case for war with Iraq? >> --- 3687. Should Senator Lott resign (or have resigned) his leadership post? >> --- 3688. If you could pick time's person of the year who would you pick? >> --- 3689. Name all the people you know who you are attracted to and what is attracctive about them? >> --- 3690. What does RSVP actually mean? >> Respondez s’il vous plait or something like that. Google is liable to be more accurate than me. 3691. Is rhyming fun? >> I mean, I’m sure it can be. 3692. Are your dreams violent? >> Not usually. 3693. What 3 questions would you love to ask either your mom or your dad? >> --- 3694. What are the hardest words to say? >> --- 3695. Should I smile because we're friends or cry because that's all we'll ever be? >> ??? 3696. What do you think of the slogan 'you laugh because i'm different. I laugh becuse you are all the same' >> I think it’s pretty laughable, but I am also fondly reminded of being young and “edgy” and having MySpace graphics that said shit like that. There’s a certain age/development bracket where I think those kinds of slogans make perfect sense for someone to extol, but after that it gets awkward at best. 3697. How do you stop dry elbows? >> Moisturiser???? 3698. Why don't people MAKE gifts more often? >> Because it takes time, and energy, and skill, and people can have a wildly varying amount of all three of those. Also, maybe people just don’t want to, and that’s fine. To me, it really is the thought that counts -- the fact that you appreciate me and want to give me a gift to show that you’re thinking of me, no matter what the gift is. (This is also why I’m pretty restrictive about holiday gift-giving, because I don’t trust or want gifts that are given out of some consumerist Hallmark-ass social obligation. And Sparrow’s family buys into that shit hardcore, so.) 3699. Tell it to the world! Read my lips: >> --- 3700. Do you like those plastic couch coverings? >> Do I like them??? Absolutely not, lmao?
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Thumbnails 8/28/18
Thumbnails is a roundup of brief excerpts to introduce you to articles from other websites that we found interesting and exciting. We provide links to the original sources for you to read in their entirety.—Chaz Ebert
"Miranda Harcourt on 'The Changeover' and Whānau Values in New Zealand": At Indie Outlook, I interview the acclaimed actress and acting coach about her terrific new feature that she directed with her husband, Stuart McKenzie. We also discuss her ingenious coaching techniques, clients such as Melanie Lynskey and Nicole Kidman, and her daughter, "Leave No Trace" star Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie.
“I was coaching a few actors via Skype for the role that Thomasin ended up playing in ‘Consent,’ and she was reading a book while listening to our session. After I hung up, Thomasin said in her little voice, ‘I’d like to audition for that role,’ and I went, ‘What? But you hate acting.’ She replied, ‘No, it sounds like a really great story to tell,’ so we did a little read-through of the script right here, exactly where I am sitting right now. I was like, ‘Oh my god, you are amazing.’ It was a great performance, and when she went in for the audition, she got the role. The film was directed by Robert Sarkies, who also made another great New Zealand movie, ‘Out of the Blue.’ Even now, I don’t think Thomasin has seen all of ‘Consent,’ because she wasn’t even allowed to see the bits that she was in. She’s only in the first 17 minutes, but it’s a very intense journey. It took a lot of courage for her to portray a girl who is raped. Francis Biggs, one of my students I taught at Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School, portrayed the rapist with whom Thomasin had to play that scene in ‘Consent.’ We’re both really grateful to Francis because he and Thomasin did ‘hug to connect’ before they played that scene. It enabled Francis and Thomasin to play quite an intense rape scene together so that they are in the flow of telling that story together. They weren’t in opposition, which would’ve been very psychologically damaging, not only to Thomasin, who was 13 at the time, but also to poor old Francis, because it was not a happy job for him. I’ve got a collection of great photographs chronicling the interactions that Thomasin and Francis had in order to build that relationship over a couple of weeks while preparing for the scene. Over the couple of weeks after they did that scene, Thomasin would consistently check in with him and say, ‘Hey Francis! I’m really proud of the work we did together, and I hope you feel good about it too. Just remember—it’s only acting!’”
"Call it a Comeback: The Inside Story of Elvis Presley's Iconic 1968 Special": As remembered by our contributor Donald Liebenson at Vanity Fair.
“Elvis looms large in the singer’s legend. The live-wire special is featured prominently in two 2018 documentaries, Eugene Jarecki’s ‘The King’ (now in theaters) and Thom Zimny’s ‘The Searcher’ (on HBO). It capped a decade in which Elvis could mostly be seen only in the movies, and, increasingly, not very good movies at that. Taped in June and broadcast on December 3, 1968, it was his first television appearance since 1960, when he guest-starred on ‘Frank Sinatra’s Welcome Home Party for Elvis.’ At the time, he hadn’t performed in front of a live audience in seven years. But Presley and Binder’s creative team delivered. [Steve] Binder, a self-professed ‘West Coast guy into surf music,’ finished the special feeling in awe of Presley. ‘For me, the ‘68 special is seeing a man re-discover himself,’ Binder said. ‘I saw it on his face and in his body language as we progressed.’ Susan Doll, author of Elvis for Dummies, agreed. ‘I think it’s the peak of his career,’ she said. Col. Tom Parker, Presley’s infamously controlling manager, had promised NBC a one-hour special if the network financed Presley’s next film—‘Change of Habit,’ Presley’s screen swan song, released in 1969. He never told Presley about the deal, with good reason: ‘Elvis didn’t want to do television,’ Binder said. ‘He felt he had been burned by it.’ Even Steve Allen, the talk-show host hip enough to give Lenny Bruce a shot on prime time, forced cheese on Presley, putting him in a tuxedo to sing ‘Hound Dog’ to an actual hound dog.”
"'It Was No Gang, It Was One Guy, And He Wasn't Really a Killer': Producer and Star Edward James Olmos on 'The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez": In conversation with Jim Hemphill of Filmmaker Magazine.
“When Bob [Young] agreed to do the picture and rewrite the screenplay from scratch, he and I went to the real locations where it all happened. We went to Gonzales, Texas, where they captured and imprisoned Gregorio Cortez, and we found the exact prison. We found his cell. The jail and the courthouse were exactly how they were in 1901, it gave us an authenticity unlike anything I had ever experienced before in film. We had to talk the district court judge in Gonzales into letting us use the courthouse, and when he asked us what kind of movie we were doing, Bob kept speaking in general terms of how important our subject was to Mexican-American people and to the Latino culture, but he wouldn’t say the name because at that time no one knew who Gregorio Cortez was. The judge kept asking, ‘What’s his name?’ and finally Bob says, ‘His name is Gregorio Cortez, but he’s a really important—‘ and this guy says, ‘Stop, stop. I’ve been waiting for you guys for 35 years.’ He opens his filing cabinets, and in these cabinets is every single piece of testimony and every single newspaper article from around the country related to the trial. This judge was the foremost authority on the case in the world, bar none. He felt it was one of the most important cases in U.S. history because it was the first time a Latino had been tried in an American court of law, and with an interpreter, which was unheard of in 1901. This guy had filing cabinets filled with material, because the case was followed all over the country – it involved something like 600 Texas Rangers in hot pursuit of what they thought was a Mexican gang of killers. And it was no gang, it was one guy, and he wasn’t really a killer – it was self-defense. Anyway, discovering all that material was just unbelievable. It was magical. And it allowed us to make what the United States Historical Society claimed to be the most authentic Western ever made in American film, ever.”
"John McCain, War Hero, Senator, Presidential Contender, Dies at 81": Robert D. McFadden of The New York Times reflects on the honorable legacy of the late politician.
“In a 2018 memoir, ‘The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights and Other Appreciations,’ he defended Ms. Palin’s campaign performance, but expressed regret that he had not instead chosen Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, a Democrat-turned-independent. At some McCain rallies, vitriolic crowds disparaged black people and Muslims, and when a woman said she did not trust Mr. Obama because ‘he’s an Arab,’ Mr. McCain, in one of the most lauded moments of his campaign, replied: ‘No, ma’am. He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.’ Analysts later said that Mr. Obama had engineered a nearly perfect campaign. And Mr. McCain confronted a hostile political environment for Republicans, who were dragged down by President George W. Bush’s dismal approval ratings amid the economic crisis and an unpopular war in Iraq. On Election Day, Mr. McCain lost most of the battleground states and some that were traditionally Republican. Mr. Obama won with 53 percent of the popular vote to Mr. McCain’s 46 percent, and 365 Electoral College votes to Mr. McCain’s 173. ‘Few of us have been tested the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did,’ Mr. Obama said Saturday. ‘But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At John’s best, he showed us what that means.’”
"Inside Patricia Clarkson's brutal 'Sharp Objects' performance: 'It's dark and nasty and twisted and beautiful'": The actress chats with The Washington Post's Jessica M. Goldstein about her role in HBO's excellent miniseries. 
“In Wind Gap, poison is poured down the throats of unsuspecting children. Baby teeth are pried from little girls’ gums, and skin is sliced until it scars. Yet the most transgressive act of violence in town is the low, almost-whispered delivery of four small words. Over a drink, by candlelight, a mother tells her daughter: ‘I never loved you.’ There’s no shortage of cruelty in ‘Sharp Objects,’ the eight-part HBO miniseries based on Gillian Flynn’s 2006 debut novel, whose women pass trauma from generation to generation like a haunted heirloom. But no one cuts quite like Adora, played by Patricia Clarkson. She’s a matriarch [...] who coolly tells her wayward eldest daughter, Camille (Amy Adams), that she feels nothing for her, save for disappointment and disgust. Clarkson, the 58-year-old New Orleanian actress who sees glimmers of her own grandmother in the best parts of Adora, knows these scenes appear brutal. ‘But I think why they have the impact they do is that I don’t think Adora ever thinks of them as brutal,’ she said by phone from her apartment in New York. ‘I think that was what was essential. When I tell her I never loved her, I think it’s just Adora feeling connected to her for a moment to be as honest as she can be. … Sometimes she was just openly cruel. But other times, I think, when she speaks, she’s actually revealing the truth.’ ‘This is the most violent line in the series,’ said director Jean-Marc Vallée. ‘It’s not something you say to your child. … You just destroyed her! And she’s not realizing that. Or maybe she does, and she’s that cruel, that evil. But we’re not sure. And that’s what’s great about the character: that you try to understand, and you’re not sure.’”
Image of the Day
Robert Redford and Jane Fonda starred in "Barefoot in the Park," the 1967 screen adaptation of the 1963 play, one of four works by the late Neil Simon selected by Vox's Aja Romano to illustrate why he was one of America's greatest playwrights.
Video of the Day
Stella McCartney's profile of David Lynch is a stirring ode to the role intuition plays in one's creative process. Look for cameos by "Moonlight"'s Ashton Sanders and "American Honey"'s Sasha Lane.
from All Content https://ift.tt/2oitCeo
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
These Actors Are Notoriously Troublesome To Work With
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/these-actors-are-notoriously-troublesome-to-work-with/
These Actors Are Notoriously Troublesome To Work With
Individuals in present enterprise love being within the highlight, however generally they let their egos get the very best of them. However whereas some have simply earned a fame for being downright terrible to work with, others have paid the last word value for his or her poor attitudes. From not memorizing their traces to being described as “soul-crushing” on set, these actors are notoriously tough to work with.
Did any of your favorites make the listing?
Regardless of making of thousands and thousands of by means of his movie work, Val Kilmer grew to become notoriously tough to work with through the mid-’90s. Richard Stanley directed Kilmer for 3 days in The Island of Dr. Moreau and revealed, ”Val would arrive, and an argument would occur.” John Frankenheimer changed Stanley and mentioned: “I don’t like Val Kilmer, I don’t like his work ethic, and I don’t need to be related to him ever once more.” Even Kilmer’s brother thought he was a narcissist. On the time, Kilmer was going by means of a divorce and was touring world wide to work on location — maybe that’s why his habits was so troubling?
In 1995, Joel Schumacher launched Batman Eternally, starring Kilmer because the caped crusader. The 2 had so many points with each other, at one level they refused to talk for 2 weeks throughout filming. Following the movie’s launch, Schumacher mentioned that working with Kilmer was insufferable, telling media shops: “He was being irrational and ballistic with the primary assistant director, the cameraman, the costume folks. He was impolite and inappropriate. He was infantile and unattainable. I used to be pressured to inform him that this is able to not be tolerated for another second. Then we had two weeks the place he didn’t communicate to me but it surely was bliss!”
Kilmer, who appeared in hit movies like The Doorways and Prime Gun early in his profession, has just lately battled throat most cancers and presently speaks with a rasp. He instructed CNN in 2017: “Fame is type of a multitude. You get handled otherwise, but it surely doesn’t have something to do with who you truly are.” He added: “I’d get upset when issues like Oscars and recognition failed to return my manner. I want to have extra Oscars than anyone.” Whereas he has appeared in quite a few movies for the reason that ’90s (in addition to some TV sequence), it seems the height of his profession has handed, perhaps because of his habits on set.
The subsequent actress had a promising profession forward of her, however then it crashed and burned.
In 2005, Chris Pine labored with Lohan on Simply My Luck. He referred to as the expertise and media consideration on the actress “an actual cyclone of madness, like being round The Beatles.” In 2007, there have been issues on the set of Georgia Rule, together with arriving late and never displaying as much as set in any respect. Morgan Creek Productions CEO James G. Robinson despatched her a letter, writing: “We’re effectively conscious that your ongoing all-night heavy partying is the actual cause on your so-called ‘exhaustion.’ We refuse to simply accept bogus excuses on your habits.” Her unprofessional habits even irked her co-star, Jane Fonda, who instructed her off.
In 2012 Lindsay Lohan made an look on Glee, but it surely was not a superb expertise for individuals who labored together with her. A supply from the present instructed E! Information that she was by no means on time and didn’t just like the job: “Lindsay was a complete nightmare. She was three hours late within the morning, and when she did lastly arrive, she simply didn’t need to be there. She didn’t need to work. She had not memorized her traces, and she or he saved disappearing so nobody may discover her … she has rubbed [the staffers] all of the fallacious manner by being so disrespectful of everybody else’s schedule.”
Lindsay Lohan later admitted to Oprah that she had an issue with tardiness. However she was more and more unreliable, and through her stint within the play Velocity The Plow in London, they needed to feed her the traces. She was dumped by a publicist and is reportedly tough to insure. Add that to her rap sheet of drug and alcohol offenses, and you may see why she’s struggled to achieve the trade. But, she retains getting supplied work. In keeping with Selection, she has been forged in season 2 of Rupert Grint’s sequence Sick Observe, set to air in 2018.
Subsequent, see how Edward Norton paid the last word value for being too pushy along with his artistic course.
In 2008, Edward Norton met with director Louis Leterrier to star in a reboot of Hulk. The actor agreed to the challenge on one situation: his options for the screenplay could be used within the script. Norton proceeded to make a considerable rewrite of the script only a few weeks earlier than capturing began, but it surely was far too late to alter something huge. The director added Norton’s adjustments, however Marvel hated it, notably the addition of extra dialogue and character improvement, which Norton had inserted into the script. When the Hulk returned as a part of The Avengers, Marvel changed Norton with Mark Ruffalo.
Edward Norton later wrote concerning the expertise on Facebook: “It appears it received’t work out for me…I sincerely hoped it may occur and be nice for everybody, but it surely hasn’t turned out as all of us hoped.” 4 years later he claimed that he simply didn’t like doing sequels. It wasn’t the primary time he messed with a script. In 2002, Edward Norton performed FBI profiler Will Graham within the Silence of the Lambs sequel Purple Dragon. When he confirmed up on set, he introduced the director Brett Ratner a number of pages of the script that he had rewritten (and never been requested to do). For sure, his enter was not appreciated.
Edward Norton has additionally fought with Paramount over contract negotiations, notably about showing in The Italian Job in 2002. The studio practically needed to sue the actor to look within the movie. On the set of Demise to Smoochy, he clashed with the costume designer as a result of he needed a swimsuit fabricated from hemp designed by Armani. The actor additionally demanded he make his personal edit of American Historical past X. Director Tony Kaye was so incensed, he instructed a reporter that Norton was “a narcissistic dilettante who raped the movie.” Norton’s most up-to-date movie, Collateral Magnificence, bombed on the field workplace.
Say it ain’t so! Is everybody’s favourite Glee star is definitely a nightmare to work with?
Naya Rivera starred alongside Lea Michele in Glee and the pair didn’t get alongside. Rivera recalled a time that their co-star Chris Colfer wrote an episode and introduced some canine with him to the set. Whereas Rivera didn’t title names, folks knew who she was speaking about when she wrote in her ebook that one explicit Glee star determined to “amp up her b**** issue” by making “an enormous deal concerning the canine, and demanded hand sanitizer any time one got here close to her.” The strain between the 2 girls bought so unhealthy, that their feud might have even price Rivera her job.
In 2014, Naya Rivera was so upset with Lea Michele’s habits on the set of the FOX present that she complained about it to the higher-ups. The very subsequent day Rivera discovered that she had been let go. She wrote in her ebook Sorry Not Sorry: Desires, Errors, and Rising Up: “So I assume you possibly can throw a b*** match, lock your self in your trailer, stall manufacturing but nonetheless allegedly discover time to leak tales to the press. I feel Rachel— erm, I imply Lea— didn’t like sharing the highlight. Ultimately, I do want that Lea and I had gotten alongside higher, however I’m not dropping sleep over it.”
Whereas engaged on Broadway’s Spring Awakening, Lea Michele reportedly freaked out when the air conditioner broke. Her colleague claimed the actress “saved threatening to name SAG concerning the unsafe working circumstances.” However regardless of her doubtful fame behind the scenes, Michele landed a job on the short-lived sequence Scream Queens, which was additionally created by Glee’s Ryan Murphy. She’s mentioned that she and Murphy are good associates. Michele is presently starring on The Mayor and says she seems as much as the careers of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. On her newest position, she mentioned: “I needed one thing that felt related in that type of trajectory for me.”
Discover out who one director described as “soul-crushing” subsequent.
Kevin Smith directed Bruce Willis in Cop Out and had a horrible time working with the motion star. He revealed in a 2011 interview: “It was tough. I’ve by no means been concerned in a scenario like that the place one part just isn’t within the field in any respect. It was f*****g soul-crushing.” He added that Willis was not solely an issue on set. He additionally didn’t need to pose for photos for use on the movie’s promotional poster. Smith famous, “I imply, lots of people are gonna be like, ‘Oh, you’re simply attempting responsible the film on him. ‘I had no f*****g assist from this dude in anyway.”
In 2015, Bruce Willis claimed he had scheduling conflicts relating to the stage adaption of Stephen King’s Distress and was pressured to drop out of Woody Allen’s interval piece Cafe Society. But the rumor was that Willis was fired as a result of he didn’t know the traces. Twitter person Tom O’Leary tweeted: “Yep. Fired. A buddy is on the movie. Bruce couldn’t bear in mind a line. Cue playing cards had been no assist. Solid had been dropping their minds.”
Sylvester Stallone labored with Willis on “Expendables three and though he didn’t title names, he tweeted a few co-star in 2013: “GREEDY AND LAZY …… A SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE.”
Regardless of the issues Bruce Willis allegedly has had behind the scenes, he doesn’t appear to have an issue getting performing jobs. He starred in half a dozen movies in 2016 and 2017, though none of them had been huge cash makers. He additionally has loads on his plate for the approaching yr. He’s internet hosting the TV present Gershwin Prize for Well-liked Track and can seem within the kidnapping drama Acts of Violence. He’s additionally rumored to reprise his position as John McClane in Die Arduous Yr One. His movie Demise Want hits theaters within the spring of 2018 and he’ll additionally seem in The Bombing.
Discover out why everybody hates Chevy Chase subsequent.
Chevy Chase is notoriously laborious to work with, in response to many who’ve starred alongside the actor or directed him. Within the ebook Saturday Evening: A Backstage Historical past of Saturday Evening Dwell, the writers be aware that Chase was generally known as “a viciously efficient put-down artist, the kind who may discover the one factor someone was delicate about — a pimple on the nostril, maybe — after which child about it, mercilessly.” Chase would additionally mock the writers, telling them that their concepts weren’t superb. He gave little credit score to his colleagues throughout interviews, ordered folks round, bragged about his fame, and did numerous cocaine.
Chevy Chase was shut with SNL producer Lorne Michaels till he abruptly stop the present on the finish of his contract. He additionally fired his supervisor. In keeping with one author, “Chevy was a scumbag the way in which he left. Deceitful and dishonest about the entire thing.” Chase mentioned his cause for leaving was “cash. A number of cash.” He additionally ticked off SNL co-stars comparable to Jane Curtin and Invoice Murray. In 1985, he steered homosexual forged member Terry Sweeney seem in a sketch the place they weighed him each week to see if he had AIDS. Within the ’90s, Chase requested a feminine author to pleasure him.
Regardless of his fame for being very tough, Chevy Chase landed a job on the TV comedy Neighborhood in 2009. He famously feuded with present creator Dan Harmon, who leaked a profane voicemail the actor had left him. Chase additionally fully alienated his co-stars, a lot of whom had been girls. Yvette Brown as soon as mentioned: “Perhaps he was from a time when girls weren’t empowered sufficient to talk up.” He’s appeared in a number of movies since leaving the present in 2014, a lot of which have been bit components. 2015’s Trip grossed simply $58 million on the field workplace and acquired simply 26 % on Rotten Tomatoes.
Do you know Jenny from the block has a nasty fame?
Jennifer Lopez reportedly has an extended listing of calls for film execs should adjust to if she stars in a movie. She’s additionally been identified to have a match if issues don’t go her manner. She instructed the Hollywood Reporter in 2016: “I used to be at all times fascinated by how I may see (a person) being late or being belligerent to a crew and it being completely acceptable. In the meantime, I’d present up 15 minutes late and be berated. Like, we’re not allowed to have sure opinions and even be obsessed with one thing, or they’ll be like, ‘God, she’s actually tough.’ It’s like, ‘Am I? Am I tough as a result of I care?’”
Jennifer Lopez instructed the Hollywood Reporter that she doesn’t like being generally known as a diva as a result of she isn’t one. “I bought a moniker of being ‘the diva,’ which I by no means felt I deserved — which I don’t deserve — as a result of I’ve at all times been a tough employee, on time, doing what I’m imagined to do, and getting that label since you attain a specific amount of success,” she defined. She revealed that she usually feels “crippled to voice her opinion.” She added, “Particularly as a result of sure administrators and the boys’ membership that they type could make you’re feeling like, ‘Oh, I can’t say something.’”
Jennifer Lopez, who can be a really profitable singer, has labored steadily on the massive and small screens all through her profession. Regardless of her fame for being a diva, she has no downside discovering individuals who will work together with her. She presently stars as a police officer within the TV drama Shades of Blue. In 2018, she is going to seem within the romantic comedy Second Act and the made-for-TV film Bye Bye Birdie Dwell! She is engaged on some music with DJ Khaled and collaborating with Cardi-B. She additionally seems in Guess Denims’ spring 2018 advert marketing campaign. Privately, Lopez retains busy together with her boyfriend Alex Rodriguez.
Photograph: Matthew Simmons/Getty Photos
Contemplating that Charlie Sheen was fired from the present he starred on, Two And A Half Males, it comes as no shock that he’s tough to work with. His battle with alcohol and medicines was in plain sight on the set of the hit TV present, as costars and the crew mentioned there have been occasions when Sheen “couldn’t get it collectively” they usually needed to cease filming. Whether or not he was offended, absent, or couldn’t bear in mind his traces, it was extraordinarily disruptive and pushed everybody to the purpose the place Sheen needed to be reduce.
Photograph Credit: Mark Gail/The Washington Submit through Getty Photos
At his peak, Charlie Sheen was the very best paid actor on tv, but it surely additionally ended up destroying his possibilities of changing into the true actor he dreamed of changing into. At one level, he was being paid $1.eight million per episode within the sequence Two and a Half Males which individuals regarded him as charming when he first began. Nevertheless, folks started to note a change in Sheen as soon as the cash began coming in. It’s been attributed that the cash in addition to the identical outdated jokes on the present ultimately drove him loopy and sucked the present proper out of him.
Photograph Credit: Andrew Burton/Getty Photos
In 2017, Charlie Sheen instructed NBC’s As we speak Present that he was recognized as HIV-Optimistic and that a couple of folks knew about it, but demanded cash so as to maintain it a secret. He simply needed to clear the air and let everybody know in order that he now not needed to stay with this secret. Nevertheless, he wasn’t going to only let his analysis get the higher of him. In 2017, Sheen was in two movies titled mad Households and 9/11, proving that he isn’t totally out of the sport simply but. We’re positive that we are able to anticipate some extra motion from Sheen within the close to future.
Photograph Credit: Common/Getty Photos
Though Russel Crowe is called a powerhouse actor, starring in action-packed but tasteful movies comparable to Gladiator, Grasp, and Commander: Far Facet of the World and extra. Apparently, all of his power and bruteness doesn’t simply keep behind the digicam. He has been identified get fairly rowdy on and off of the set of his movies. He’s no stranger to bodily altercations and different emotional habits. On the set of Gladiator, he even bought so upset with movie producer Brank Lustig, that he needed out of the manufacturing for worry of his personal life.
Alongside his brief fuse, Crowe has additionally been identified to make quite crude feedback about girls that he doesn’t discover to be as offensive as they are surely. In an interview with Australian Ladies’s Weekly, he commented that, “I feel you’ll discover that the lady who’s saying that the roles have dried up is the lady who at 40, 45, 48, nonetheless need to play the ingénue, and might’t determine why she’s not being forged as a 21-year-old”. The largest downside with that is that he instructed this to a lady’s journal which definitely didn’t entice many females to need to work with as they as soon as may need.
Photograph Credit: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Photos
But, his performing speaks for itself and it hasn’t appeared to cease too many administrators, producers, or different actors/actresses from nonetheless eager to work with him. He has starred in quite a few award-winning movies, and he’s not probably the most hated actor in Hollywood. He received the Academy Award for Greatest Actor for his work in Gladiator, been nominated twice extra for a similar award, and has received quite a few others. he’s been persistently making motion pictures all through the years and even has an upcoming film in 2018 titled Boy Erased. Though he could also be just a little tough across the edges, Russel Crowe is much from completed with performing.
Photograph Credit: Noam Galai/WireImage
Because it seems whereas engaged on Star Trek for all of these years, William Shatner was not all that well-liked and was identified to have quite a few feuds occurring with completely different members of the forged. He was described as being jealous and at all times needing to be the focal point. In 2015, this stubbornness was demonstrated when Shatner determined to not go to Leonard Nimoy’s funeral due to a feud the 2 had that predated Star Trek. Though he says that he unintentionally missed his flight, that was no shock to anyone.
Photograph Credit: Ethan Miller/Getty Photos
One in every of Shatner’s most well-known feuds was with George Takei which has been occurring for over 5 a long time now. This animosity was fairly apparent through the Roast of William Shatner on Comedy Central when Takei actually laid in on Shatner to the purpose that it was clearly private. Though the purpose is to be as harsh as potential, it bought just a little actual when Takei closed with the assertion “F***okay you and the horse you rode in on”. In an interview with Invoice Maher, Takei even went on to say that he was so laborious to work with, that he was the one forged member that didn’t know Takei was homosexual.
Photograph Credit: David Livingston/Getty Photos
Lately, Shatner has appeared on the NBC actuality mini-series Higher Late Than By no means, which was concerning the adventures of Shatner and three different ageing celebrities as they traveled the world. He additionally has co-founded a comic book ebook sequence which wone the 2017 Unbiased Writer Ebook Awards’ Excellent Books of the Yr Unbiased Voice Award. In 2017, he additionally appeared within the animated sequence My Little Pony: Friendship is magic the place he was the voice of the character Grand Pear. Clearly, Shatner has been taking his older years to do his personal factor exterior of performing and testing the waters for brand spanking new ventures.
Photograph Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Photos
It’s no secret that Mel Gibson has had a little bit of a rocky previous in his points with alcoholism, anti-Semitic remarks, and violent cellphone calls to his spouse. However working with him apparently wasn’t all sunshine lollipops and rainbows both. Round 12 years in the past, Mel Gibson received the title of probably the most hated man in Hollywood, which made many individuals draw back from working with him for quite a few causes. He was seen as a legal responsibility, violent, offended, and fully unpredictable. Many believed that he would truly by no means find yourself working once more due to his habits and noticed working with him as a loss of life sentence. That was till he cleaned up his act.
Photograph Credit: Frazer Harrison/Getty Photos for AF
Andrew Garfield revealed that he was “warned off” working with Mel Gibson on the movie Hacksaw Ridge, arguably the movie that rocketed him into stardom after his breakthrough Spiderman position. Garfield instructed discuss present host Graham Norton that Mel’s previous fame in not simply Hollywood however life, generally, was “an enormous factor for me to have a look at” previous to signing the contract to work on the movie. he mentioned that he’d learn and heard about every little thing that had occurred though he nonetheless admired him as an actor. However he wanted to fulfill him so as to make up his thoughts. Nevertheless, after assembly him, he knew that he’d moved on from his previous transgressions.
Photograph Credit: Andreas Rentz/Getty Photos
Though Mel Gibson had made fairly the title for himself on either side of the spectrum some years again, his current work has proven some clear promise for the long run. After his DUI, anti-Semitic and racial remarks in opposition to African Individuals, it appeared that each one hope was misplaced for Gibson. But in 2016, he got here out along with his first directing position since 2006 along with his movie Hacksaw Ridge. He went on to obtain a directing honor on the Hollywood Movie Awards accompanying a standing ovation for his general comeback. Though it took 10 years, plainly Gibson is again and able to play ball once more.
Again in 1979, Meryl Streep instructed TIME that not solely was Dustin Hoffman tough to work with however that he has sexually harassed her the primary time they met whereas she was auditioning for Kramer vs. Kramer. Describing the interview to TIME, Steep mentioned: “He got here as much as me and mentioned, ‘I’m Dustin—burp—Hoffman,’ and he put his hand on my breast,” Streep mentioned. “What an obnoxious pig, I assumed.”
Steep went on to get the half and she or he and Hoffman famously clashed on set. In a single occasion, Meryl steered altering a climactic scene to make clear her character’s motivation. When writer-director Robert Benton agreed, Hoffman reportedly exploded and mentioned: “Meryl, why don’t you cease carrying the flag for feminism and simply act the scene?”
On prime of his now well-known beef with Meryl Streep, many others have echoed her sentiment and mentioned Dustin Hoffman is tough to work. A number of folks imagine that is do to him being a perfectionist. Wanting artistic management over every little thing associated to his efficiency in a challenge, the 80-something star even admits he’s tough. This isn’t too stunning, contemplating The Graduate star has had such an extended and profitable profession spanning greater than 5 a long time. Though he’s earned a fame for being very off-putting on set, it hasn’t curtailed his profession, and he has continued to be forged in quite a lot of roles all through the years.
If one factor’s for positive, Dustin Hoffman is effectively conscious of his fame for being tough to work with and isn’t afraid to say that he thinks this label is unfair, contemplating different actor’s unhealthy habits. “I stay in a neighborhood the place there are rather more objectionable issues being completed than disagreeing with a director,” Hoffman instructed The Guardian. “I imply, Jack Nicholson threw a tv set at Roman Polanski, Invoice Murray picked up the producer and threw her within the water, and Gene Hackman would throw a director from one finish of the room to a different, and I at all times thought, why have I bought this fame…”
Gwyneth Paltrow has had a formidable profession during the last 20 years. She’s starred within the Oscar-winning Shakespeare In Love, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Se7en, simply to call a couple of. There’s little doubt that the star is proficient, however she isn’t probably the most favored star both.
On a number of events, it’s been mentioned that Paltrow isn’t simple to work with because of her coldness and demanding nature on set. In keeping with IMDB, “Paltrow is alleged to be ultra-competitive and may be unfriendly to folks she sees as rivals. She apparently refused to talk to Scarlett Johansson on the set of Iron Man 2.”
What makes Gwyneth Paltrow’s case much more fascinating is that not solely is she notoriously unhealthy to work with, however she is seemingly hated by…everybody. At the least in response to Star Journal, she is. In 2013, the publication named her the “Most Hated Celeb.” And whereas they didn’t listing causes, it’s simple to see that they aren’t alone of their opinion. Google “Gwyneth Paltrow annoying quotes” and greater than 266,000 outcomes seem. However why precisely does everybody really feel so negatively concerning the star? Now we have a hunch….
Gwyneth Paltrow has earned herself a fame for being one of the vital pretentious stars on the market. However maybe what provides insult to damage is that she is so contradictory, claiming she’s identical to us however then at all times reminding us she’s higher. Affiliate editor Louis Peitzman says: “ the entire concept that she insists she’s relatable and like everybody else, however she makes it clear again and again that she’s simply not.”
Need proof? Listed below are a couple of memorable Paltrow quotes: “I’m actually (expletive) good at my job. People who find themselves fascinating and good know that, and that’s all that issues.” “I’m who I’m; I can’t fake to be someone who makes $25,000 a yr.” And naturally, “I might quite smoke crack than eat cheese from a can.”
Christian Bale had maybe one of the vital well-known on-set blow-ups ever, which has solidified him as one of the vital notoriously tough actors to work with in Hollywood. Whereas filming Terminator: Salvation, director of pictures Shane Hurlbut apparently interrupted an intense motion scene. Bale was greater than livid and fully exploded on set.
Bale halted all work and commenced shouting: “Am I going to stroll round and rip your (expletive) lights down, in the midst of a scene? Then why the (expletive) are you strolling proper by means of? Ah-da-da-dah, like this within the background. What the (expletive) is it with you? What don’t you (expletive) perceive?
Bale’s rant went on for practically 5 complete minutes as he proceed berating Hurlbut. Sadly for Bale, video of his episode was leaked and now stay on the web perpetually.
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dancergurl3000 · 6 years
My year in review! 12/31/17 (In books, the books that I have read in the year 2017). An essay.
In the year 2017, I have read 23 books in total. I will review some of them that I did like, and others, not so much.
1. Kathy Griffin’s second memoir, “Celebrity Run-Ins, A-Z.” Last year I had bought this specific book as a Christmas present to myself. 2017 has been a totally shitty year for Ms. Griffin. In May, she posted to Facebook.com a picture of a Halloween mask with ketchup smeared all over it, and once it spread, it spread like wildfire. She lost a lot of her coveted jobs: CNN fired her the following week from the New Year’s Eve broadcast that she would do with Anderson Cooper, literally the only thing fun about New Year’s Eve was watching her make Anderson Cooper do weird shit in the freezing cold. It was a bad call, but not one I would say is on the same level with Kramer yelling the “N-word” to an audience member for heckling him at a stand up show. She’s literally on the FBI terror watch list now, lost her sister due to a significant and long battle with cancer, and cut all of her hair off. She’s Janice Ian in Middle School, with Trump being Regina George. It’s ridiculous, but if anyone can come back from a tasteless joke, it’s Kathy. Like Jane Fonda, she’s had (in Kathy’s own words mind you): “ a wall of shit fall in on her, and she’s survived, I dig her!” My sentiments on exactly on how I feel about YOU Ms. Kathy Griffin. What I hope for Ms. Kathy Griffin in 2018 is that she gets her revenge. Whether it’s a revenge body, or a revenge stand up set that knocks it out of the park, I would hope honestly that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of her, and that in 2018 she makes fun of the truly dumb as shit New Year’s Eve broadcast with cross-eyed as fuck Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper tonight. And no I am not watching it.
2. Charles M. Blow’s Memoir “Fire Shut Up in my bones.” The first ten pages of this novel made me want to scream into the heavens: “HOW COULD YOU?!” to his cousin, who he tells in intimate detail mind you of how his cousin raped him when he was a kid, and for most of his life, he tries to figure out why, and how in the world did he let this happen, and what he did to bring this on. In the first 20 pages of the novel, we see him struggle with maybe trying to kill his cousin for his crimes, as his cousin was never charged with sexual abuse. But the main problem I have with that was: his cousin was much much older than Charlie. And it damaged this particular writer for LIFE. I’ve read a lot about sexual abuse, and sexual abuse victims/survivors all say a variation of the same thing: that basically it affected them for life. He then goes on to become the first Black Historical writer for The NY Times, and finds himself struggling to tell people his secret, mainly the women he has sex with. Wouldn’t you?
3. TA- Neishi Coates Memoir “Between the world and Me.” In 2017, I FINALLY was able to read this novel. It’s the love letter of our time. It also proves to me at least, that even with 8 years of a Black President, cops honestly have some work to do with how they treat young black men in this country. And body cams don’t change behaviors. 
4. Trevor Noah’s Memoir “Born a Crime.” This novel I bought in February after nursing a bad heart-ache for someone who had rejected me, and I wanted to honestly dive into Trevor Noah’s world for a while. And while he’s unfortunately no Jon Stewart, what he is is very funny. His stand up sets are exactly like this novel, and his work on the daily show right now is so necessary. We all need to be laughing more and more right now, and I appreciate Trevor to let his audience know: that it’s totally OK to be laughing AT Trevor, and WITH him. Please read this book.
5. “A horse walks into a bar” by David Grossman. I didn’t get this one. I finished   it, but I didn’t really understand it.
6. “Sick in the head” by Judd Apatow. As probably the only man in Hollywood who literally HASN’T* pinched a woman’s ass on set, I appreciated Judd’s candor here, and his ability to basically get in the mind of a comic. He’s like the journalist who followed around rock stars in the 1970′s. Totally reminds me of the dude in “Almost famous” who interviewed rock stars, instead this guy just followed and stalked Jerry Seinfeld before anyone knew who Jerry Seinfeld was. (Side-note: Jerry in the 80′s never had any furniture in his NYC apartment).
7. “Difficult Women” by Roxanne Gay. This was the first novel I read by Gay, and it was awesome, sad, depressing, understandable, & relatable. I read it in March when it was too cold to do anything else but read, and it really took me on a journey of fictional women who have very difficult lives. It’s a modern take on what women go through every single day.
8. “All grown up” by Jami Attenberg, my first E-book! I bought this book for my phone, and devoured it, bit by bit, page, by page. It’s really a great book. It follows the main character in her 30′s: aimless, a bit of an alcoholic, and totally removed from anyone in society or her family. She’s a journalist or a writer in NYC, and her older brother has a child who’s dying. She’s drinking herself to death, and her mother just wants to know where she is at all times, and she’s like meh. No. I really liked it. It shows you what’s going on in someone else’s mind when they are just too caught up in their own problems to do anything about anyone else’s. 
9. “The Refugees” by Viet Than Nguyen, yeah I read this one, but I didn’t love it, I liked it fine, but it didn’t have a rhythm to it at all. Wasn’t really all that much of a page turner, it’s not riveting enough.
10. “Evicted, Poverty, and Profit in the American City”, by Matthew Desmond. Now this book! This book was a page turner, might be one of my favorites of the year! I read it in April-May of 2017 this past year, and it honestly tells the tales of poor people in this country and what they will have to go through to keep a roof over their heads. It’s riveting, depressing, sad, and honestly? A necessary read in Trump’s world.
11. Augusten* Burrough’s “Lust and Wonder.” This book made me LAUGH. I read it in June, June of 2017, and Burroughs is really not known for being funny. He is known for being depressing and sad. My mom has read “Dry” like a zillion times! But this book was both funny, and heartwarming! It warmed my heart! Honestly was confused as to who wrote this one, it honestly could be confused with a David Sedaris novel because it is just so funny. I was laughing out loud literally the whole way through!
12. “La Fayette in the somewhat United States” by Sarah Vowell. I have wanted to read this ever since she came on the daily show, and this year I did! Lay Fayette really had a lot of political aspirations, not only that, but he is the man who truly holds American ideals, and American Idealism in the palm of his hand. I enjoy Vowell’s work. And she wrote this during the 2010 Government shut down, which is impressive, to say the least!
13. “The Princess Diarist” by Carrie Fisher.
14. “A $500 House in Detroit, rebuilding an Abandoned Home and an American City” by Drew Phillip. Good read, depressing though!
15. “Sweet bitter.” By Stephanie Danler, this is a necessary read if you want to make it* as a 20 something bartender in NYC. 
16. Neil Degrasse Tyson “Astrophysics for people in a hurry.” A delight, a true delight! Made me want to be in Astronomy class all over again! Read it in a week in May.
17. “Hunger” by Roxanne Gay. Signed first edition, this was a necessary read. I literally had no idea about Gay’s back story, and I’m sure her parents had no idea either. She was gang raped by a boy she loved at 12, and went on to eat and eat and eat to then later cope with the PTSD and depression that comes after a significant trauma. I encourage everyone to read this book, not for the fact that she gained so much weight, but for the fact that she didn’t think she could tell literally anyone that she was gang raped. 
18. “The blood of Emmet Till” by Timothy Tyson. Ugh. This book. It takes you through the journey of what happened to Emmet Till, and the people’s lives it affected, and the author spends some time with either the real woman who said that Till raped her, or wolf whistled at her, or her grand child. The takeaway for her was this: “yes he whistled at me, or yes I cried rape, but honestly?” “That boy did not deserve what he got for that.”
19. “Letterman, the last Giant of Late Night” by Jason Zinoman. This book was fun, and it showed what those TV wars between Leno and Letterman were actually like. He may be an asshole that David Letterman, but he keeps you laughing, so it’s less dangerous! 
20. “The Daily Show, an Oral History” by Chris Smith. I am so glad I own this book. It’s 407 pages long, but it takes you behind the scenes of the daily show. Watching Jon Stewart’s last show, I own it, but I honestly can’t watch it without sobbing. It just can’t happen. “BULLSHIT!” “Is everywhere!” “Are the kids still here?!” “OK, we’ll deal with that later!” 
END OF READING GOAL. BONUS: Read 5 more books!
21. “Standard Deviation” by Katherine Heiny. SUCKED.
22. Al Franken’s “Giant of the Senate.” Too long haha.
23. “I am the messenger” by Markus Zusack*, (comfort reading, I’ve read this book before).
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Me: Jane Fonda hasn't posted much about being back at work with Lily, I hope they are okay, what if they had a horrible fight, what if things don't feel the same :(
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chainofclovers · 2 years
Slightly cynical yet loving thoughts about the Grace and Frankie first look photos behind the cut
Even though I have chilled out considerably re: G&F, omg, the power these people have over me!? Even though I truly, truly believe that the creators, writers, showrunners, and actors would not all consent to a situation in which Grace and/or Frankie DIE, scrolling through these photos I was just like
* they are going to FUCK
* they are going to DIE
* they are going to DECLARE LOVE
* Dolly Parton is going to MARRY THEM
And that is the power of an interesting little collection of first look photos, because after hooking my brain back up my predictions are more along the lines of
* there are going to be SHENANIGANS
* there will be FOIBLES
* there will be a heartfelt declaration of SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP LOVE
* they are going to HUG ON A BEACH
I have thought about these people every day since the middle of 2017!
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chainofclovers · 2 years
His t-shirt. 🥺🥺🥺
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The way I wish this would never end but am also very glad Jane and Lily get to go make their movie with Paul Weitz now!!!
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chainofclovers · 3 years
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I realize it is a little dramatic to say my soul is at peace because there is evidence of Jane Fonda on set as Grace with grey hair, but it is also TRUE
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chainofclovers · 3 years
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chainofclovers · 3 years
do you think there’s any chance they’ll let grace and frankie end up together, like romantically?
Hey! Putting my answer behind a cut for anyone who wants to avoid spoilers and speculation.
I do not think Grace and Frankie will end up romantically together on the show because the actors and showrunners have indicated pretty clearly that that’s not the direction they’re taking the story. Since you are on anon I’m not sure how involved you are in the fandom, but a couple of years ago there was a bit of a fandom uproar because Jane Fonda mentioned in an interview that a few seasons ago, there’d been some talk of Grace and Frankie marrying each other as a season ender but everyone decided against it. Since there was almost no context for this statement (as well as some “series” vs. “season” terminology confusion in the tweet that reported it), I was pretty convinced that a mid-series wedding would’ve been some kind of ~~PLOT POINT~~ instead of an actual romantic direction for the leads.
All that being said, I do think there’s a really interesting (if frustrating!) perspective that the show is taking, which is that they really seem to be doubling down on the concept that the thing that needs representation here is friendship, and what it looks like for women to prioritize friendship over their romantic relationships and even their family structures. I completely agree that this is an important and meaningful story to tell, and I love seeing older women on screen being there for each other and living life to the fullest.
I think fandoms can have a pretty wacky definition for queer-baiting and I don’t tend to dive into the topic that much. My main issue with G&F not being romantic partners isn’t a perception that the show runners are intentionally queer-baiting viewers. I think they are telling the story they wanna tell! And that is okay! Sort of! My issue is that:
The leads have wild chemistry. When you have that lightning in a bottle chemistry within a cast, do you let it play out and evolve or do you buy the leads Best Friends necklaces and call their impeccable chemistry, timing, and tension-y interactions a celebration of female friendship?
The idea that a romantic partnership would mean the end of a friendship is absolutely absurd. And if a romance between Grace and Frankie threatens some viewers’ understanding of their friendship, that’s about those viewers’ limitations and not about anything inherently limiting about romantic partnerships.
This probably crosses a bit of a line but I am certain that Jane Fonda being totally over marriage and romance and having had such damaging interactions with men throughout her life is something that’s at play here. I could totally see it being true that for her, the liberating and exciting and valuable story for her to tell about Grace Hanson is a story about the triumph of a (presumably platonic) friendship becoming the central love story for her character. And I get that and think it’s great...I just also wish it was different, and by different I mean more clear that friendship and romance can coexist in a partnership.
But! For all that I find it disappointing and frustrating to not see a way for the show to change directions at this point, I genuinely do feel that this show is doing really special things in portraying older women making choices they really don’t have a script for, and I believe very firmly that when the show concludes within this coming year, it will be with Grace and Frankie having chosen each other. That does feel like the intentional narrative of the show, and I like that, and I’ve gotten to a point where that narrative just doesn’t really conflict with my reading of Grace as a lesbian and Frankie as bisexual and their characters being in love w/each other.
* I also think Christina Applegate‘s framing of female friendship vs. romance in talking about her character’s friendship with Judy on Dead to Me is actually way, way, way more offensive than anything anyone involved with Grace and Frankie has said about G&F’s romantic prospects.
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