#jaebum soft
v6mpcat · 2 years
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drive me to the moon
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matttsato-web · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀nothing stops me from believing, but I will never believe in you like I did in the beginning. 🇺🇸
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                 bienvenue au romantisme
              ⤹ クッキー ꧑૭૭ᦺɓ૭ᥲ𐑾ᦺ 𓂃 💭
          ⌗͢ꕤ! ﹫𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐚𝟎𝟎𝟏 🖇��⠀𖠗 ᝢ⃗▓ت︎▒▓⃨༉
             » 𝙻Ꭵ𝗄ᦸ 𝚘𝚛 𝚛ᦸ𝚋𝗅𝚘𝚐, 𝗉𝗅𝗌 ! ▓⃨♡▒⃛ ༄
                  ♡⃡⃠ ﹙🥞﹚ᥕᥲẜẜᥣᦸ꯲ ᕱ⑅ᕱ
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a-fence · 2 years
Trial Dad
Jay Park as your future baby daddy
The doorbell rang and you saw DJ Wegun on the intercom. You opened the door and he shoved Daon into your arms and practically ran to the elevator, leaving you stunned with his actions.
You took out your phone from your pocket and called him. "What the h e l l?" you whispered angrily.
"I appreciate you spelling the word and not cursing in front of my son. But remember you told me you wanted to know if Jay can be a good dad right? So there, babysit Daon. I'm going on a date with my wife, just us two since Daon was born and our babysitter cancelled on me at the last minute. Thanks!" he explained quickly.
"Uhh, I never agreed but okay I guess? Have fun on your date," you replied reluctantly and hung up.
Jay spotted you by the door with Daon in one arm, his stuff hanging on your other arm and hurriedly took Daon’s stuff.
"What do we do with him?" Jay asked.
"Babysit him?" you answered unsurely then mentioned to him that you think there’s more stuff in the hall and Jay fetched his car seat and high chair.
Jay brought them in and told you, "You can put him down you know."
"Our house isn’t baby proofed! What if he hurts himself? Wegun’s gonna be mad at us," you argued
"Well you can’t carry him forever. We’ll just chase after him I guess," he countered.
You did a quick survey of the room and seeing nothing potentially dangerous laying around, you cautiously put Daon down and he started walking around and you followed him just in case.
While you followed him, Jay unpacked some of his stuff like his food and his milk, his bottles and eating utensils. Unsure of what to do with all of it, he Facetimed Wegun to ask. He didn’t forget to tell him that he should have at least given you two a heads up about Daon to which Wegun replied that he wanted to know how to handle a child, and y/n wanted to know if he’s ready for fatherhood and that he's just helping both of you.
Daon finished roaming the apartment and realized he was not home and started to cry. You picked him up and tried to console him.
Jay heard him crying and immediately showed Daon his dad which consoled him a little and Wegun told him they’ll pick him up later and that you two should maybe try and feed him as it’s lunch time already.
"Right!" Jay exclaimed and slapped his forehead and Wegun talked him through prepping Daon’s food.
You grabbed a juice packet to give to Daon which immediately stopped the crying and he finished it quickly and asked for more.
"After lunch, okay? You have to eat first," you told him and you carried him to his high chair and strapped him in. You asked Wegun if he’s allowed screen time and he said they try not to give him any but when they need him to stay still, that’s your best weapon and to limit it to kids shows or educational stuff.
So you played him some Pororo while he waited for his food and you prepped yours and Jay’s lunch. You ate lunch together and you helped Daon feed himself and Jay volunteered to look after him while you do the dishes.
Jay surprisingly played well with him, playing with trains and playing ball. Jay played some air basketball which seemed to be a hit to Daon as he kept on laughing then you suddenly noticed he became quiet and he was scrunching his face.
"I think he’s pooping oppa," you stated.
Jay lifted him and smelled his butt. "Ohhhh ohhh!! I didn’t know kids' poop smell really bad and I think I put his butt way too near my face!"
You cracked up at Jay and the ugly face he made after smelling Daon. You tried to catch your breath and he put Daon back down.
You approached Daon and asked him, "Daon-ah, who do you want to clean your butt? Me or this guy?"
Daon looked at you, then at Jay. He brought a hand up slowly and pointed at Jay.
"Daon-ah, jebal!!" Jay pleaded causing Daon to laugh and he was left with no choice.
You felt a little bad so you helped him out by holding Daon as he sat on the toilet and Jay used the bidet to clean him up. Jay then carried Daon and dried his butt as you grabbed a new diaper.
Jay put the diaper on and set Daon down and he immediately ran out of the bathroom and into the living room where you started to play  Pororo on the TV.
"Daon-ah it’s nap time. Who's gonna put you to bed?" Jay asked, giving you the stink eye as he silently sought revenge.
Daon pointed at him and he pretended to fall dead which only made Daon laugh and crawl beside him.
You prepped his milk while Jay laid a mat on the floor and some pillows for Daon to sleep in.
You brought Daon his bottle and you noticed Jay fell asleep already before Daon did.
You quickly snapped a photo to send to Wegun telling him that the sitter fell asleep before the baby did. You gave Daon his bottle, put his pajamas on, and laid on his other side, patting his thigh lightly to help lull him to sleep. The motion was so rhythmic you didn't notice yourself falling asleep.
There were loud clattering noises coming from the kitchen which woke you up and you saw that Daon was still beside you, also awake and chewing on the nipple of his empty milk bottle. You stood up and checked on Jay and Daon followed you.
"What're you making?" you asked Jay as you gave him a back hug.
"Daon's food and our dinner," he answered as he placed his free hand on top of yours.
"What was all the ruckus though?"
"Oh that woke you up? Sorry. Some of the pots got stuck together and one fell when I pried them apart."
"Hmmm," you hummed in reply.
"Is Daon awake?"
"Yeah, he's –," and you felt a tug on your leggings,"– here."
You untangled yourself from Jay and picked Daon up.
"Are you hungry, little man?" you asked. Daon was still holding his empty bottle and you gently pulled it from his hands and placed it on the sink. You strapped him on his high chair and got him some rice crispies as a pre-dinner snack.
With Daon preoccupied, you started setting up the table and waited for Jay. The doorbell rang just as he was placing the food on the table. You stood up to get it and Wegun and his wife were at the door.
"Is it pick up time already?" you asked.
"Yeah. Where is he?"
"In the dining room. We're just about to eat dinner."
They started packing Daon's belongings and brought some of them to the car. You left the door unlocked so they could let themselves back in.
You started feeding Daon his dinner and his parents stood behind him watching. They were happy that he was behaving well with other people. "Daon-ah look behind you!" and you pointed behind him. He immediately squealed as soon as he saw his parents. They said they'll feed him so you and Jay could eat in peace. You offered them dinner which they kindly declined as they themselves just had dinner.
Wegun helped with the dishes despite your refusal and his wife cleaned Daon up. When everything was cleaned up, they bade their goodbyes and it was just you and Jay in the apartment.
"What do you think?" Jay asked
"I think we can handle a child? Right?" you answered. "Plus it's so quiet now that Daon's gone home."
"Well, it wouldn't be that quiet anymore if we start getting in on it," Jay teased.
"Ya!" you shouted, a frown forming on your face. "We can handle a child but me handling a pregnancy remains to be seened."
"In due time, in due time," Jay appeased, and placed a kiss on your forehead. You snuggled into him and thought that a future with Jay doesn't seem so bad after all.
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mxillusion · 2 years
Anywhere with you.
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➝ pairing: im jaebum x reader  
➝ words count: 600+
➝ genre/warnings: suggestive; sexual content, teasing, grinding, …
➝ summary: Late-night visits in your lover's studio turn into something more... again.
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Carefully you walked into his studio, ensuring you wouldn't disturb him with whatever he was currently doing. Deep, low beats spread across the room, indicating he was still working on something. 
Placing the take-away cupcake box on the side table next to your boyfriend, you caught his full attention. He raised his head, smiling at you. 
"There she is!"
You grinned at him, only to be pulled onto his lap the next beat. "I've missed you," he muttered into your ear, the tip of his nose hidden in your soft hair. 
"Missed you too." Your arms wrapped around his neck, tugging him even closer. "What are you working on? I like what I'm hearing!"
Chuckling, he raised a brow at you. "Oh, do you? I just finished these. Might use them for my next EP. We'll see." Jaebum moved your hair over one shoulder, offering himself access on the other side to place delicate kisses on it. 
Relishing the sudden physical contact, you hummed delightedly. "What are you doing, babe?" you asked, giggling. "I brought you cupcakes. Don't you want one?"
"Maybe later," he purred, his plush lips brushing the bare skin on your shoulder blade. "I found something much more delicious here." One of his palms ran up your inner thigh, settling down on a precarious spot. 
"But they'll get all mushy if we won't eat them now." Slightly toying with him, you wanted to see where this would take you. Usually, you wouldn't dare to object, yet you were in the mood to do so anyway. At least a little.
Groaning in frustration, the grip on your thigh strengthened while his other hand slipped underneath your arm to rest on your belly. His fingers played with the hem of your shirt, fingertips dancing over your exposed skin every now and then, causing you goosebumps. 
"Don't wanna wait," he sighed, his lips kissing all the way up your neck, making you moan and close your eyes. Tugging your lower lip between your teeth, your hands found his hair so fingers could rank through his obsidian-colored hair. 
"You remember last time you were here with me?" 
Playback of those memories initiated in your head, turning your cheeks crimson. "I do," you breathed, recalling every single detail of this moment. Last week you decided to visit him spontaneously, having pretty specific ideas on what to do with him. Being on a shopping trip beforehand, you wanted to surprise him with brand new lingerie purchased only for him. Unable to wait for him to come home later that night, you figured you'd show him right here, right now. And he loved it.
"You visiting me is always so... compelling." 
You grew impatient at this point, shifting your weight only to reposition yourself by straddling him shortly after. "You don't say," you whispered, placing your hands on his shoulders to gently let them run down his upper body. 
That's when his lips found yours, capturing them eagerly. Your addicting traces along his body made him lose his mind. Every single time. 
Jaebum grabbed your hips, squeezing them in order to raise his crotch so you could feel how much he needed you at this point. You started grinding your hips down on him, causing him to deeply moan against your lips. 
"You're driving me crazy, babe." 
Still holding on to your waist, he stood up in one quick movement, helping you wrap your legs around his mid to walk you to the side table. He placed you next to the cupcake box, pressing his body close to yours. Hands and lips everywhere, he was almost devouring you. 
Just like he did last time...
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blu-joons · 2 years
When Your Child Says That They Prefer You To Him ~ Got7 Reaction
“Mummy, you’re my favourite,” your son suddenly told you. Your body tensed up, refusing to look at Mark who was sat beside your son, slightly uncertain too.
“Don’t you mean that daddy is your favourite? Mummy can’t be,” Mark joked, tickling against your son’s sides with a forced smile on his face.
Your son’s head shook back across at him, “mummy is my favourite because she makes me lots of yummy food,” your son smartly replied to Mark.
“I can’t blame you for that, can I?” Mark laughed, glancing across at you as you shyly looked across at them both. “But out of mummy and me, who makes the better music Y/S/N?”
Your son’s eyes glanced between the two of you, almost as if he was pondering for a moment. “Daddy!” Your son cheered, pointing across at him.
“That’s one thing,” Mark chuckled, looking at you.
“I don’t think there’s any comparison.”
Mark’s smile turned up as he noticed still how panicked you were, “being the favourite musical parent is enough for me.”
“I guess you can’t compete with my cooking though.”
Jay B:
“Are you alright?” You asked Jaebum as he came down from putting your daughter to bed, sitting upright properly at your side of the bed.
“Do you think she favours you because I’m never here?” Jaebum asked you, cutting straight to the point as he tried to figure out what was going on.
Your head shook as he slid under the duvet beside you. “You’re here plenty, I mean you did all the school runs last week.”
“But then I spend weeks away on tour,” he huffed, “maybe we’ve not had that time to bond properly because I’ve constantly been between here and the road, I’ve never really settled.”
You reached across and placed your hand over the top of Jaebum’s. “She adores you; you’ve done everything you’ve done for our family.”
“What if I’ve neglected her?” He frowned to you.
“You’ve not done that at all Jae.”
A soft sigh came from him, “maybe I need to do more, try and spend a bit more time at home with the two of you.”
“I think we’d both like that a lot.”
“Good answer Y/S/N,” you smiled across at your son as he pointed across to you after taking a moment to decide who out of you was his favourite parent.
“What did I do?” Jackson laughed, looking offended back across at your son. “I can’t believe that you chose mummy, mummy smells,” Jackson reminded him.
You reached across and hit your hand over the back of Jackson’s head, “it seems that the boys don’t stick together after all.”
“Yeah, what about the boys ganging up on mummy?” Jackson then asked your son, beginning to tickle against his sides, “all the fun things we do when mummy isn’t here, and you prefer her?”
Your eyes widened as a snigger came from them both, folding your arms in front of your chest. “What do the two of you get up to then?”
“That’s a boys secret,” your son told you.
“Yeah, that’s between the two of us.”
Your head shook back across at the two of them, “you guys can have all your secrets, at least I’m the favourite parent still.”
“You’re never going to let this go.”
“You don’t have to smile,” you whispered across to Jinyoung as you stood behind him at the worktop of the kitchen, nudging your hip gently against his too.
“I can’t let her see that I’m annoyed that she so honestly says that you’re her favourite,” Jinyoung sighed, his voice letting you know how disappointed he was.
You smiled weakly back across at him, “you know that you don’t have to smile around me then, I can tell that you’re upset by it.”
“How can I not be?” He asked you glumly, “she’s too young to realise how much some of the things she says hurt, but that stings more than most of the other things she’s said Y/N.”
Your arm wrapped around him as Jinyoung let go of a sigh, “she’s probably saying it to be silly, there’s no way that she would actually mean it.”
“Kids are honest Y/N,” he reminded you.
“I’m just trying to help here Jin.”
His head nodded back at you, “if you want to help me then maybe you could stop being such a fantastic parent to our daughter.”
“Hey, there’s no need to be like that.”
“Why?” Was all that Youngjae could say as your daughter suddenly decided to let you know that you were the parent out of the two of you that she preferred.
“Nanny keeps telling me that I’m a mummy’s girl so that means that I’m supposed to like mummy more, right?” Your daughter asked the two of you.
Youngjae’s head shook, knowing exactly who it was that had spoken to her. “Was it my mummy that told that to you?” He quizzed.
“She keeps saying it,” your daughter told him, slightly unsure why Youngjae’s head was shaking. “She said that I should be a mummy’s girl because I shouldn’t be a daddy’s girl.”
Youngjae glanced across at you with a sigh, “why do my family not want my daughter to turn out like me? Do they not see how great I am Y/N?”
“They’re just messing,” you tried to assure him.
“But does Y/D/N know that though?”
Your shoulders shrugged honestly, “as her parents we can let her know that being a mummy’s girl is just a joke Jae.”
“You’re right, she can be a daddy’s girl too.”
“Mummy is my favourite,” your son spoke up in reply to Mark’s question wondering which one of you two was their favourite, “she’s just the best.”
“You remember that I’m your daddy not mummy, don’t you?” BamBam asked your son in confusion, “I think you meant to say that daddy’s your favourite person.”
Jaebeum’s chuckle was the loudest as your son’s head shook back at him. “He knows exactly whose side his bread should be buttered on.”
“It must kill you to be the second favourite parent,” Jinyoung mocked back at BamBam, “you constantly tell us that you’re Y/S/N’s number one, but it turns out, your number two.”
BamBam’s head shook at the smiles that were on the boys’ faces. “I can’t believe that you guys are enjoying this as much as you are, I’m actually hurt.”
“He prefers Y/N,” Jackson cheered to annoy him.
“Y/N, what do you think about this?”
BamBam’s head shook as Youngjae spoke up too, “don’t bring Y/N into this, we all know that she’ll take Y/S/N’s side.”
“He loves us both equally guys, stop causing trouble.”
“Are you alright?” You asked Yugyeom as you walked into the bedroom, noticing the drop in his shoulders as he studied his reflection in the mirror before him.
“I get that kids are honest, but it just hurts a little knowing how much she prefers you,” Yugyeom admitted, turning around to face you.
Your smile was weak as you saw the expression on Yugyeom’s face. “She adores you, I’m sure that she doesn’t prefer me, it’s just one of those things kids say.”
“I can’t blame her Y/N,” Yugyeom added, “I mean you’re the most incredible mum, can’t do enough for Y/D/N or me, I’d feel like the luckiest kid in the world too if you were my mum.”
Your head shook as Yugyeom spoke, “don’t underestimate how great of a dad you are Yugyeom, if anything, you’re much better at parenting them I am.”
“That’s impossible,” he quickly replied to you.
“We’re both equals, how does that sound?”
A hum came from Yugyeom, “at least we’re equal to each other, even if Y/D/N might end up disagreeing with that.”
“Don’t, I promise that she loves you too Yugyeom.”
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kpopsickies · 1 year
Got7 sickfic part 2
Y’all. There will be a part 3
Maybe part 4
I have no self control.... help
Bambam p.o.v
The group continued to watch for most of the rest of the day. By the time 9pm hit everyone except Jayb, Jinyoung and I were asleep. The three of us talked in hushed voices, “I’m really worried about Yugyeom” Jinyoung said quietly, Jaebum and I both nodded, “I know he’s incredibly stubborn and will continue to insist he’s fine, even though he’s obviously not” Both of them agreed with me, “I’m surprised Jackson didn’t put up more of a fight” Jaebum said, stealing a glance at the Chinese member. “honestly me too” Jinyoung said, tracking the leader’s gaze. “do you guys think Youngjae hyung is on the way to getting sick?” both of the nodded, the three of us glanced over at him. He was asleep but breathing through his mouth, confirming that he was likely sick. My eyes wandered over to the maknae, I had grown worried about my best friend, I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw the leader behind me, “you alright Bam?” 
“I’m worried about Yugyeom, he had a really high fever, like... really high. And despite what he said, he doesn’t actually usually run warm.” 
“I know, he’s just being stubborn. Eventually he’ll confess” 
We were distracted from our conversation when a painful sounding cough was heard from Mark. The leader made his was over to the oldest member and Jaebum gently rubbed his shoulder, Jinyoung left and returned a second later with a cup of water and handed it to the leader, who helped Mark sit up and brought the cup to his lips, Mark thanked him softly, his voice rough and soft. Mark drank the water, “you okay hyung?” I asked, all three of the members who weren’t sick all stood around the eldest, “yeah.” he coughed, “better now” Jaebum checked the clock, “all the sickies can take medicine in about 45 minutes, I’ll make some food so they have something to take it with.” the three awake members nodded. “in about half an hour start waking up the sleeping sickies” Jaebum instructed before leaving.
Mark fell asleep almost instantly after the leader left, and Jinyoung left to help the leader at some point. I sat down on the couch next to Yugyeom. I placed my hand on his forehead, not surprised that he was still quite more. He softly groaned as I did, he turned over, whimpering softly, his eyes fluttered open, “you okay Yugs?” 
“felt good”
“what did?”
“your hand, ‘s cold”
“my hands aren’t that cold Yugs, you just have a really high fever” 
“oh” he turned away from me and sneezed twice. “bless you” 
“thanks” he said softly, he sat up, the color faded from his face. “take it slowly dude, I don’t want you to pass out” 
“m okay” his words were slurred slightly, I gently pushed his shoulder and guided him back to laying down. “I’m not that sick” he said softly, “actually I think you are” he shook his head, wincing slightly after. “I’ll be right back Yugs, DON’T GET UP” he nodded slightly. I went to the kitchen “hey hyung? where’s the thermometer?”
“on the table, why?” 
“Yugyeom is awake and he’s kinda delirious and is very unsteady, I just wanted to check his temperature.” 
“okay, tell us when you find out” I nodded and took the thermometer to the living room over to ear the maknae sat, he seemed to be only half awake and was humming let it go under his breath. “hey yugs” he glanced at me, but I honestly couldn’t tell if he actually saw me. “I need to check your temperature” the maknae half nodded, “open your mouth, this goes under your tongue” under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have explained it, but something told me the maknae needed a bit of help today. He followed my directions, “keep it under your tongue and keep your lips closed tight” the maknae did as instructed, the thermometer beeped after a few seconds, I took it out and was shocked, and worried, 39.7 (103.5) 
“shit Yugyeom, you’re really hot”
“thanks hyung” he giggled and started standing up, I grabbed his shoulder, “what are you doing?”
“I gotta go”
“I gotta go”
“where are you going” 
“the muffin man he needs my help” I was so taken aback by his words I almost let go of him, but I quickly composed myself, “HYUNG!!!! Come here!” I was slightly panicked not even thinking about the three sleeping members. Jaebum and Jinyoung hurried in the room from the kitchen and the three sleeping members began stirring. “what’s wrong Bam?” I pointed at the maknae, “I ga-go” 
“go where Yugs?” Jaebum asked looking confused but worried, “muffin man, he needs me” the maknae mumbled, still trying to stand up. “what’s wrong with him?” Youngjae asked, having woken up from my yelling. His voice displayed the panic I felt. “I think he’s delirious” Jaebum said, Jinyoung turned to me, “what’s his temerature?” 
“39.7″ all the members stopped what they were doing and stared at me in shock, “seriously?” Mark asked in a cracked voice, I nodded, “we need to bring his fever down” Jaebum said, “how?” 
“he’s gonna kill us for this, but ice bath” Jaebum said before turning to me “Bambam can you help me get him to the bathroom” I nodded, the two of us half dragged half carried the maknae down the hallway. The entire was he mumbled incoherent words. 
Jinyoung p.o.v 
I watched as Jaebum and Bambam half carried Yugyeom out of the room. “I’ve never seen him like that, it’s kinda scary” Youngjae said softly, “it is, I’ve never seen anyone like that” I agreed, “I’m surprised he got so sick so fast” Mark said softly, his voice barely hanging on by a thread. “I wonder if he was sick be-f-f-hEtChu- IAtcHU- hh-TcHu- sorry ugh, I wonder if he was sick before”
“possibly, both Yugyeom and I have been here for a couple days longer than you guys and now that I think about it Yugyeom was a bit sneezier than usual, even for him. But he kept saying it was allergies” I explained to the others, “I think maybe he knew he was getting sick but didn’t want to bother you guys with the comeback plans coming, but now that he’s not the only one sick he stopped fighting it and his body is finally allowing him to relax.” as Mark spoke, his voice cracked after the words and he coughed a few times. “that makes sense. Also, stop talking hyung” Youngjae said nudging Mark with his knee. Mark nodded and cleared his throat. “how are you feeling Youngjae?” I asked, he shrugged, “that’s not an answer” Jackson said half rolling his eyes. “I don’t feel too bad, mainly just a stuffy nose and a bit of a sore throat.” Youngjae explained, “Let’s try and get you guys feeling better before you end up like Yugyeom” I said standing up and going to the kitchen to finish the food that Jaebum had begun so the sick members could eat and take medicine sooner rather than later. 
Bambam p.o.v
I hoped things were going better with the others than they were with Yugyeom, because the makane had gotten the idea in his head that we were trying to torture him. He fought against us the whole time, even getting to the point where he tried to punch me. It was scary because it really seemed like he didn’t know who we were, who he was, or what he were trying to do. 
At some point the poor kid exhausted himself and gave in to us, whimpering softly the whole time. Once we got done we took him into his room, he seemed a bit more aware and wasn’t openly fighting against us anymore. We brought the sick maknae to his bedroom and helped him into a tshirt and light, thin, pajama pants. He whimpered softly, “what’s wrong?” I asked him gently patting his shoulder, “don’t- hngtChU- nngtcHH- hh-engtCH-feel good. ‘m cold” 
“I’m sorry Yugs, but we don’t want to raise your fever.” he coughed uncovered, causing me to step back a bit. “Jaebum hyung can you go get the thermometer?” The leader nodded and left the room. “Bam?” I looked at the maknae, he held his hand extended out. I took it, “can you stay” his voice was soft and timid” he coughed again, “I don’t like being alone when I don’t feel good” I nodded, I took it as a good sign that the maknae’s words were coherent now. I knew that Yugyeom was hesitant to show his weak side to us, despite being the makane he always fought to appear strong. I sat down on the bed next to him, he leaned over and placed his head on my shoulder. “hyung, I’m not feeling good” 
“I know” he sniffled, I glanced over at him, worried he was crying, but he, thankfully, was not. “thank you for taking care of me”
“no problem” I said softly, the maknae lay down in bed, “tired”. he said softly, “why don’t you sleep. I’ll wake you up later” The maknae nodded and layd down and closed his eyes. Once he fell asleep I left the room and closed the door. I went to the kitchen and saw the JJ parents cooking. “Hey hyungs, Yugyeom is asleep.”
“okay, that’s probably a good thing, he needs to sleep” 
“we’ll wake him up in about half an hour so he can eat and take medicine.” Jinyoung commented, taking a few bowls of soup to the living room. “keep the pot on a low temp to keep warm” he instructed as he left. 
About half an hour later Jaebum and I went up to the maknae’s room, Jaebum carrying a bowl of soup, I brought the pills and thermometer. When we opened the door we were both a bit surprised to see the maknae was awake, “Hey Yugs! How’re you feeling?”
“okay. Not great though” he admitted softly, surprising me. “well let’s get some food into you then medicine.” The leader said setting the bowl down next to Yugyeom. The maknae mumbled a thank you. Which I took as a good sign. The leader handed the thermometer to Yugyeom, The maknae slipped in under his tongue. A moment later it beeped, “38.9″ (102)
“that’s a bit better, but not great” Yugyeom looked at me, “what was it be-ff-hngtChHu- ngtcHHu- before”
“bless you, and 39.7″ he looked really surprised, “that high?” 
“do you remember anything?” I asked, somewhat worried, “no, nothing really. I thought I slept. I don’t even know when or how I ended up in my room. “it was kinda scary actually, you weren’t really making sense. You kept trying to fight us and you were really emotional” Yugyeom looked embarrased. “sorry guys” 
“it’s not a bad thing, we were mainly just worried about you” The leader said, he nudged the maknae and nodded to the bowl of soup, taking the hint Yugyeom picked up the spoon and began eating it. “do you want to stay here or go down with the other members?”
“stay here, I’m tired, I’ll go back to sleep after I eat” we both nodded, “can you stay though?” he asked me, “sure” Jaebum smiled a bit, “I’ll go check on the others” he said closing the door as he left. 
Jaebum p.o.v
I was glad that Yugyeom wanted Bambam to stay because I was worried about leaving the maknae alone for a long time. As I started walking down the stairs I felt a slight tickle in my nose and throat, I cleared my throat a few times hoping the sensation would go away. It somewhat did, but the itch was still eating at the back of my mind. I got down to the living room, Jinyoung and the 3 sick members were watching a korean dub of a disney movie, “how’s the maknae?” Youngjae asked when he saw me, bringing the attention away from the screen and onto me. I noticed every member had the same look of concern. “He’s doing better, He’s still got a fever but it’s gone down a considerable ammount” 
“what is it now?” Mark asked, his voice barely surviving. Jinyoung shot him a glare while Jackson scolded the eldest, “no talking” 
“that’s not great but it is-” Jackson was cut off when Youngjae sneezed four times. He quickly apologized, but Jackson wasn’t fazed, “bless you, it’s good that it’s gone down. Especially because Youngjae is definitely sick” Youngjae half glared, but didn’t deny what the Chinese member had said. “how are you guys feeling?” Youngjae asked looking between me and Jinyoung, “surprisingly fine” Jinyoung said, “but you also have a really strong immune system” Youngjae said with a playful bitterness, I knew he was refencing the fact that in the 7 years we lived together he had gotten sick a grand total of 5 times. “how about you?” Mark asked me. 
“STOP TALKING!” Jackson half yelled at the oldest member, shoving his shoulder, Mark laughed a bit which turned to a cough. “can we ducktape his mouth shut? He keeps talking, he’s going to absolutely destroy his voice” Jackson said, looking half annoyed and fully concerned, “Surprisingly, I’m with Jackson on this” Jinyoung said, he side eyed the eldest member. “guys, I’m f-HNXTCHh HKXtcHH HHnXKtch” he noticeably winced at the sneezes and rubbed his throat. “have you tried not stifling them” Jackson said, looking worried, Mark shook his head, his eyes were teary, I wasn’t sure if he was crying from the pain and fever or his eyes were just watering, but I assumed the former. “Do we have any throat numbing spray?” Jackson asked, a comforting hand on Mark’s shoulder. “I don’t think so. I can go pick some up, I need some groceries anyways” I said. I stood up, “I can go real fast. Can you guys think of anything else we need?” They shook their heads, Mark raised his hand, “text it” Jackson said, he handed the eldest his phone. Mark typed something out, Jackson took the phone, “he said fever reducers” Jackson placed his hand on Mark’s forehead, “Your fever isn’t that high” Mark shook his head and pointed upstairs. “for Yugyeom?” Mark nodded, “Okay, I’ll do that.” 
I left the house, kinda glad to get fresh air and be away from the petri-dish my house was quickly becoming. I was kinda worried because I had a sneaking suspicion that I was getting sick, and I really didn’t want to, I wanted to be able to take care of the members. And I knew they wouldn’t let me if I was sick. 
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
Abandoned (Jay Park AU)
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- Torn -
Sophia saw the candid photos of Jay and the woman from the wedding party in the newspaper first thing in the morning and instantly became furious. How did she ever think she could be someone special to Jay? The man obviously didn’t care about her feelings at all.
“Good morning.”
Ho-Seok’s soft kiss on her cheek brought her back to reality. It had only been a couple hours since Sophia received Jay’s text. Her phone lit up in the middle of the night and her heart raced knowing it could only be him. But his text immediately put out the fire the mere thought of him had ignited in her.
Where are we with our project?
Sophia scoffed and put the newspaper down, rushing to get her husband a cup of coffee. Ho-Seok wasn’t a project to her. Not anymore, at least.
“Did you wake up with a temper today?”
Ho-Seok chuckled as he watched his wife’s expression. Silently, Sophia opened the newspaper in front of him.
“He’s running the business to the ground and all he cares about is his girlfriend.”
Ho-Seok stared at Sophia intently before he broke out in loud laughter.
“Relax! Running the business to the ground? Who told you that?”
“Dohyun. You met him at the wedding party.”
“Lim Dohyun?”
“Yes, we keep in touch.”
Sophia was expecting a follow-up question but was relieved when Ho-Seok didn’t press her on.
“Instead of uniting the family and expand the business, instead of reaching out to you and your father with ideas for a cooperation, he spends his days going on dates. How pathetic!”
“Whoa! Cut the guy some slack! He’s been single his whole life. Now he finally met someone he wants to spend time with.”
“Since when are you on his side?”
“Since I got married. I guess I became soft and want others to experience love too!”
Love? Jay? Sophia never thought about the possibility of him falling in love with that woman. Was that what was happening? Sophia couldn’t ignore the sting she felt in her chest.
“Whatever. Not our problem, right?”
Ho-Seok met with his father later that day, surprised when the old man started talking about Jay and the woman he had been photographed with.
“Do you know her?”
“I know of her, but we’ve been met. Is the interrogation over?”
Ho-Seok’s father raised his arms up defensively and quickly changed the subject. After their meeting ended and his son had left, Sang-Woo pulled his phone out, making a call.
“Well done. I know my son and daughter-in-law will be dinning out tonight, why don’t you convince Jaebum to take you out to dinner as well? I’ll text you with the exact location as soon as I know.”
Sophia was looking forward to dinner. Ho-Seok surprised her with a new dress and took her out to the fanciest restaurant in Seoul. She was about to take a sip of her champagne when she saw two figures approaching. Instantly, her mood shifted.
“What a surprise! Mind if we join you?”
Ho-Seok looked at his wife who just shrugged, so he pointed to the empty chairs. Jay and his date sat down and the female introduced herself.
“I’m Bora.”
Sophia was initially very uncomfortable. On top of having her romantic dinner crashed, it was none other than Jay and this woman who disturbed their peace. Still, she put on a smiling face and cozied up to her husband, demonstratively putting her hand in his.
She could see Jay’s anger rising and continued to pay attention to her husband only.
“So what do you do, Bora?”
“I’m a curator.”
Sophia nodded politely but found Jay’s date shallow, boring and unappealing, wondering how Jay ended up with someone like her.
After dinner, Sophia ordered an espresso while Ho-Seok absentmindedly caressed her face. It drove Jay crazy that’s why Sophia smiled affectionately every time Ho-Seok’s fingertips made contact with her skin.
“Babe, do you want to share a dessert?”
She proceeded to ask Ho-Seok, loud enough for their company to hear.
“No, you have it all. I know how you won’t be satisfied if you don’t have dessert.”
“We can have dessert later. At home!”
Bora drew in a sharp breath, while Jay cleared his throat but the two lovebirds seemed immersed in their own world.
Sophia could tell by Ho-Seok’s genuine smile that he cared a lot about her. Something resonated in her, maybe she would just stay married to Ho-Seok and try to influence him in a positive way rather than manipulate him.
“I think we will call it a night.”
Ho-Seok announced, helping Sophia get up. Together they walked out, leaving a perplexed Bora and a fuming Jay back.
At home they quickly got rid of their clothes and almost didn’t make it to the bedroom before Sophia hungrily jumped on Ho-Seok’s lap with him lining his erection in front of her entrance.
Exhausted but delighted, Sophia later rolled off Ho-Seok, still panting.
Her husband laughed nervously and playfully hit her arm.
“Much better than dessert, huh? And you don’t gain calories.”
Sophia propped her head up in the palm of her hand, intently looking at Ho-Seok. She would be lying to herself if she claimed to be unaffected by his charm. He was attentive, loyal and caring, every woman would fall for him, Sophia was no different.
“I love you!”
They said almost in unison, and laughed, pulling the covers over their bodies, gearing up for round two.
A week later Ho-Seok whistled absentmindedly, as he entered his father’s office.
“Someone’s in a good mood.”
“Got every reason to be! Life is good.”
“Are things with Sophia going that well?”
“They couldn’t be better!”
“In that case, you should better sit down.”
Ho-Seok furrowed his eyebrows but complied with his father’s demand.
The old man had an unreadable expression on his face, and though Ho-Seok took notice of it, he didn’t seem to be worried.
“Jaebum and Sophia are secretly dating.”
His father started off and immediately Ho-Seok jumped off his chair.
“I won’t sit here and let you slander my wife. She ha-”
“Sit down! I knew you’d react like this, so I brought evidence.”
He handed his son an envelope. Ho-Seok took out the photos someone shot of Jay and Sophia in front of her old apartment. Sophia’s mother appeared in one of them too.
“That’s it! That’s your evidence?”
Ho-Seok scoffed at his father, smiling triumphantly. But his father wasn’t done. When Ho-Seok reached for the doorknob, the old man spoke again.
“Last week when you accidentally ran into Jaebum and his date, it was no coincidence. I actually orchestrated that.”
Ho-Seok let go of the doorknob and turned around, facing his father. He took it as a sign to continue.
“I’ve been keeping tabs on Jaebum for a while now because I never saw him with any women. Then someone introduced me to Ms. Bora, saying that Jaebum pursued her in the past but she turned him down. With your wedding party as a perfect excuse I instructed her to contact him and so he brought her along as his date. I wanted to see how Sophia would react, seeing someone else by Jaebum’s side. How he would react, seeing the two of you acting affectionately towards each other.”
“Not that it’s any of your business, father, but Sophia and I are doing very well!”
“Those American women can be very conniving. How do know she’s not secretly seeing Jaebum too?”
“I just know!”
“Because I trust her!”
“Then you’ve already lost the fight. She knows you trust her, so she knows you would never suspect anything.”
“I’ve heard enough. I’m leaving.”
“I told Bora to seduce Jaebum and have sex with him. After he saw you and Sophia bring all loved up in the restaurant. But he refused. She said he looked tormented and absentminded. How can a sex-deprived guy resist a woman throwing herself at him? Huh?”
“I don’t know! Maybe he’s meditating!”
Ho-Seok yelled out before slamming the door behind him.
Sophia immediately knew something was wrong when Ho-Seok came back and threw a fit in his office.
“Is everything okay?”
He took a few deep breaths and walked up to his wife.
“I don’t know, you tell me!”
Sophia smiled, but furrowed her eyebrows, brushing a loose strand of hair off her husband’s face.
“Why don’t you come with me to the gym?”
Ho-Seok took a step back, examining his wife. She had her gym clothes on and wore no makeup. This wasn’t someone who was about to go see her secret lover.
“I have stuff to do, you go ahead.”
“Okay. I won’t be long!”
Sophia stood on her tiptoes, kissing Ho-Seok, before she left their apartment.
As soon as she stopped in front of her gym, her phone pinged. Thinking it was Ho-Seok, she quickly read the message. It was from Sang-Woo instead.
Let’s have tea together. Are you free?
Of course. I’ll drop by in an hour.
I’m not at home. I’m on the countryside. I’ll have a driver come and pick you up.
Okay. Give me his number. I’ll text him the address.
Soon after, she received another text from Sang-Woo with the driver’s number on it. She texted the address to him and started her workout.
While on the treadmill, Ho-Seok facetime’d her. Smiling, she picked up the call.
“Does working out make you that happy?”
“Of course! It releases endorphins. But to answer your question, no. Your father texted me earlier, said he’d like to have tea with me.”
Ho-Seok’s eyebrows furrowed but as he watched his wife’s excited face, his suspicions faded.
“Why? Are you jealous?”
“Of the man who gets to spend one on one time with you? Of course!”
“Don’t pout! As soon as I get home I promise to spend some quality time with you too.”
“That can be arranged!”
She winked and waved, ending the call.
About the same time as Sophia got in the car Sang-Woo had sent, Jay received an ominous text from an unknown number. It was an address. Jay wanted to delete it but decided to show it to Minsoo first. Not many people had his phone number, maybe this was something important.
“No idea, Boss.” 
Minsoo shrugged when Jay showed him the text. He recognized neither the address nor the number that sent it.
Annoyed, Jay put his phone down only for it to ping again.
If you want to see Sophia alive, you better be there!
Instantly, the blood froze in Jay’s veins and he stormed out of his office.
- Strategic Decisions -
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
6. [8:17am]
Jaebeom yawned while scratching the back of his head, messing up his bed hair until it resembled a bird’s nest. His fluffy slippers shuffled along the hallway towards the smell of fried eggs and spring onions, a low grumble sounding from his stomach. He paused at the kitchen once his eyes settled on you, dressed in only his oversized t-shirt, and watched with amusement.
It was way too early on a Sunday morning. Most weekends, the two of you would sleep in until noon, limbs intertwined, engaging in pillow talk and basking in each other’s embrace. It was a rare occurrence. On weekdays, you had to get up early to commute to your workplace, leaving an unsatisfied Jaebeom alone on the empty bed. Most weeknights, he worked on his music in his downtown studio until past midnight, resulting in you dozing off on the couch while waiting up for him. The mismatch in working hours wasn’t ideal, but there was comfort in knowing that you could make up for lost time on the weekends.
This Sunday was different. Jaebeom had scheduled a recording with another artist for their upcoming collaboration, and he had to leave in about an hour. You managed to quietly slip out of his arms to prepare a hearty breakfast for him. Your boyfriend always preferred traditional Korean food to Western food, so you decided to prepare a few side-dishes and a bowl of multigrain rice to give him an extra energy boost for his recording. While the soybean stew bubbled away in the background, you tended to the sizzling fried eggs and spring onions side dish in the frying pan. You added a few drops of soy sauce as a finishing touch and plated up your boyfriend’s favourite dish.
The rice cooker chimed, signalling that the rice was ready. Smiling to yourself, you reached forward to turn it off, only to be beaten by Jaebeom’s swift fingers. He approached your apron-clad figure and wrapped his long arms around your waist, his naked upper body immediately comforted by the heat of your body. “Morning, babe. What’s all this?” His voice spoke right next to your ears, low and hoarse, spreading warm tingles across your body.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. I made your favourite.” You stirred the soup as he nestled his face against your neck, tickling you with his slight stubble. “It’s a proper meal before your recording later. There’s soybean stew and eggs, plus your mum’s kimchi and the potato stir fry from last night.”
Jaebeom took the soup ladle out of your hands and turned you around to capture your lips in a slow, lazy kiss. You gasped when his wandering hands settled on your behind and he took this opportunity to languidly slip his tongue into your mouth. The pair of you made out unhurriedly, enjoying each other’s presence.
Eventually, you pulled away to catch your breath. Even after so many months of dating, you still lost yourself in Jaebeom’s kisses. He wore a lopsided smile, looking at you with so much affection and appreciation that you wanted to combust. “That was my way of thanking you for going to so much trouble to prepare breakfast on a Sunday morning. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’d probably starve, for starters.” He gave you a light smack on your butt in response. “It’s true! Now go make yourself useful and scoop your rice.”
The rest of the morning was spent on the dining table, with you watching him as he inhaled your cooking. You had to remind him to slow down in case he got indigestion, but Jaebeom only responded with a “it’s tastes so good that I can’t help myself”, and proceeded to down the rest of the soup in one gulp.
As you cleaned the dishes, Jaebeom washed up and got dressed in his typical recording gear, consisting of one of his many hoodies, cargo pants and a bucket hat. A part of you was sad that he had to leave. Reluctantly, you squeezed him in a tight goodbye hug and placed a kiss on his cheek. You knew how important this recording was for him because the artist he was collaborating with was someone he respected for a long time. “Have a good day at work, and good luck, baby.” You wished him with a slight pout, missing him already.
“I will. I’ll be back in no time, okay?” Jaebeom promised, squishing your cheeks to turn your pout into a smile. He felt sorry because he knew that quality time was precious in your relationship, but it was hard to come by. “We can watch something tonight, your pick.”
“Deal.” You sealed it with a sweet kiss.
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bgicons · 5 years
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:: boyf material im jaebum lockscreen 🌴❤️ ::
》 please don't repost or edit, thx!! 《
⃕ ♡ likᥱ or rᥱblog if you usᥱ/savᥱ.
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softmoonlighttt · 5 years
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♡͙۪۫ׄꦿ𝓳𝓪𝓮𝓫𝓾𝓶 𝓲𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓼 繼꤬꣦𝆃☁驥驥
驥驥驥驥驥驥like/reblog if you save pls─⃜🧦 ⃟  ᮫᳝۟۟۟𖠵
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cafeidols · 6 years
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he’s so boyfriend 𝑼𝑮𝑯
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namjaebiased · 6 years
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(a/n: i’ll be jumping around a lot in their relationship. this is after a time where they are really comfortable in their relationship. Also CREDS TO THE FANSITE WHO TOOK THIS CAUSE ITS GLORIOUS THANK YOU)
one would think that with the amount of dancing in Jaebum’s profession, he’d be tired of it. but watching her from halfway across the room, swaying her hips to the melody of the song blaring through the club always thrilled him. he loved the curve of her hips moving in a motion that just made him want to take her home and make her forget everything but his name. after nights out, they’d stay up into the early hours of the morning getting lost in each other. even if Jaebum had practice the next day and she had classes it would always be worth it.
so here he was, nursing a drink as he watched his girl dance around on the dance floor. his members were around him joking around and celebrating their announcement of tour. he hated being away from her for so long, but coming home to her always overshadowed the heartbreak. the youngest was on the dance floor with her, keeping a decent distance out of respect for his leader. they both seemed to having fun with the song. he loved that she got along with his brothers. Jaebum smiled to himself, still watching her.
after a few songs, yugyeom retreat back to the table. worn from a long day of schedules, no one seemed to be able to keep up with Jaebum’s girl. when it came to stuff like this, she was insatiable. she lived for the feeling of the bass running through her body. she got lost in the rhythm. looking up towards her boyfriend and his friends, she caught Jaebum’s eyes and winked. teasing each other was their favorite past time. Jaebum smirked at her and nodded as an indication to continue.
“dance” he mouthed to her. Jaebum leaned back in his seat, now completely focused on her. She rocked to the rhythm and lost herself. To jaebum, she was the most beautiful thing on this planet; just barely above music. he glanced around and saw that others were watching his girl. something set in his stomach. something was telling him to get up and claim her as his for everyone to see. his temper was flaring, but he knew that if he didn’t control himself all hell would break loose. because she was her own person and nowhere near a possession, but God what he’d do just to mark up her body.
finally feeling tired, she sauntered back to the table. she grazed herself against Jaebum as she sat down between him and Jinyoung. water was waiting for her and the boys easily included her into their conversation. she was laughing along to something bambam said when she felt Jaebum’s hand on her thigh. Jaebum had always been subtly affectionate in public places. a hand on her thigh, or a hand on her back or gently grazing along her skin in some kind of way. that’s what she loved about him. he was there but he gave her her independence still. He respected her. His fingers trailed lightly on the inside of her thigh as the rest of the band kept talking animatedly over the countries they would be visiting. BamBam was excited to visit home and the group as a whole was excited to be hearing back to the states. But in this moment, all Jaebum could think of was what his girl’s hair would look like sprawled across the pillows of her (their) bed. He craved nothing more. It was well into the night and he was exhausted form the day.
“Baby,” his voice barely above a whisper. “Let’s go home. If you wanna continue dancing, you have a big enough bed room.” His hand was still hot against the inside of her thigh. she hummed in response and grabbed his hand to lead him out the door. They bid the boys goodbye and headed through the the fog filled room. Eyes still trailed her as she walked in front of him. Jealousy flared through his body again and Jaebum was quick to wrap an arm around her waist. She would be in for a long night.
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charlieweb · 2 years
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䨺 ꯭✎⠀⠀🌪️ ⃝ ᪳ . ⠀﹫⠀𝗐ꪱ𝘯ꫫᥱ𝕣⠀ ˖⠀⠀囕 ⠀𖧷 ⠀⠀!
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Give Them Silent Treatment ~ Got7 Reaction
A sigh came from Mark as another of his questions went unanswered as he followed you around. His hand scratched over the top of his head, struggling to quite know what to do.
“Y/N, please,” Mark begged with you, hating the awkward silence that existed between you.
You carried on walking around the house, almost pretending as if Mark wasn’t in the room. You were in your own little world, still beyond angry with him.
You almost got a kick out of hearing the desperation that was in Mark’s voice to get something from you, absolutely anything.
“Just at least say one word.”
There was a moment of hope for Mark as your eyes looked up, only for them to quickly look back down as you focused elsewhere.
As you began to make yourself a drink, Mark hung at the back of the room. “Is this really how things are going to be?” He challenged, beginning to realise that he was wasting his time.
The silence that came from you in reply was exactly what Mark needed to know that perhaps he needed to give you time.
“Alright, if that’s how you want to be.”
Jay B:
You tried your best to avoid Jaebum’s eyes as he proudly smiled across at you, relieved to finally get conversation out of you after almost several hours of silence.
“I knew I’d get you eventually,” he smugly told you, having dug you into a hole.
Your hand pushed against his arm as you walked past him, “I couldn’t be silent with you forever, but I hope you know at least just how annoyed I was with you.
Jaebum’s head nodded in reply to you, “I know that I upset you, I said sorry enough times in between that silence.”
“I actually quite enjoyed it.”
His eyes rolled at the smile that formed on your face, “I never want to go that long without talking to you again Y/N.”
After your chuckle, your head nodded in agreement with Jaebum. “Trust me, there were several times when I nearly said something to you, but I managed to stop myself.”
Arms wrapped around your frame as Jaebum followed behind you, “I knew deep down you always found me irresistible.”
“I’ve still only just forgiven you.”
The silence that was between the two of you was wearing Jackson down, after several attempts, he was still getting not a single word out of you in response to him.
“Shall I just go?” Jackson asked you, placing his hands on his hips, almost in despair.
You continued to stay silent, knowing that Jackson wouldn’t end up going anywhere. He was always good at making threats, but never following through with them.
You didn’t say a word still, watching as Jackson began to pick up a couple of his things around the living to pack up.
“I really will go you know.”
A shrug of the shoulders followed from you, perhaps wondering if the distance would do you both good, let Jackson see what he’d done.
What had happened wasn’t a quick fix, despite how easy he thought it would be. You were surprised when you heard him begin to pack, but there was no way that you’d stop him.
He was sure that you would though, so when he made it to the front door unstopped, the scale of things began to weigh down.
“Alright, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
A hand tapping against his shoulder caught Jinyoung’s attention, glancing to his left as Jaebum looked across at him in confusion as you excused yourself from the room.
“What have you done now?” Jaebum asked him, watching Jinyoung’s head shake.
His shoulders shrugged too, “I wish that I could tell you what it was that I’ve done wrong but that’s the issue, she’s not said a word to me all day Jaebum.”
“Do you think you know what you could’ve done?” Jaebum enquired, but Jinyoung still didn’t have a real idea what was wrong.
“I don’t think I did anything.”
A shake of the head followed from Jaebum, “if you don’t think you did anything then that definitely means that you did something.”
A sigh came from Jinyoung in reply, “I didn’t think she’d be like this at work around you all. If you can tell, then surely the rest of the boys will know that something is up too.”
A soft smile formed on Jaebum’s face, “if you’re worried, then maybe that’s a sign that you should try and make things right.”
“You’re right, this is ridiculous now.”
Your eyes rolled as Youngjae purposely did everything wrong in the kitchen, knowing firstly that you were watching him, and secondly that you were still definitely annoyed with him.
“I’ll just cut this,” Youngjae announced, making sure that you were paying attention.
You watched in disbelief as he began to cut the onion, somehow managing to mess it up time after time, failing to do as good as a job as you did.
“It’s not quite working,” Youngjae murmured, trying to cut the onion several times but missing every single attempt too.
“Do you really want to wind me up?”
A sheepish smile appeared on Youngjae’s face as finally you spoke, “I’m just trying to cook dinner, I’m not doing anything wrong.”
Your eyes rolled as you pushed Youngjae to one side, “you know exactly what it is that you’re doing, you’re being this bad on purpose, so I’ve got no choice but to step in here too.”
“Am I?” Youngjae innocently sniggered, surprised by just how well you managed to read him, knowing him too well.
“You’re not as smart as you think you are.”
A sigh came from BamBam as still you remained silent, deciding to watch the cats instead as they walked around the living room, hoping that he’d get more out of them instead.
“What do I do Latte?” BamBam asked as they approached him, moving into his lap.
Although you seemed as if you weren’t paying attention, you were listening closely to everything that BamBam said as he began stroking over Latte.
It seemed for BamBam at least that he would get more sense from the cats, as Latte at least looked in his direction as he spoke.
“Can you say sorry for me Latte?”
The faintest of smiles almost appeared on your face as BamBam tried to rope the cats in to help him, knowing they were your weakness.
Luckily for you though, BamBam hadn’t noticed the smile on your face, focused instead on King who was approaching him too, almost as if he was offering his assistance to get you too.
“Can I get all four of you to tell Y/N I’m sorry?” BamBam asked, looking across at you as you watched the cats instead.
“You can’t blackmail me with cats Bam.”
Your eyes glanced across as a piece of paper was passed across to you, looking to Yugyeom who shyly watched you to make sure that you were reading through what he had written.
“If you won’t talk, at least read,” he asked you to try and get you to pay attention.
Your eyes looked down as you read through the note, first reading through his apology and then his explanation to try and justify what he had done to you.
“I really am sorry,” he added once your eyes looked up from the note, “I hate it when you don’t speak to me like this.”
“Are you really sorry though?”
“I am,” Yugyeom chirped, jumping up at the sudden sound of your voice. “I made a mistake, and I really am sorry for being so mean.”
Your head nodded as you bit down on your bottom lip, reading in Yugyeom’s eyes just how sorry he really was. “Don’t do it again,” you warned him, still deciding not to say too much.”
“I won’t,” he promised, offering you a sheepish smile as he tried to fix things, “I’ve learnt from this, with you being silent.”
“That’s exactly what I was trying to do.”
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harumi-web · 2 years
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💭 '' § : Diz-me como te convencer. Não finjas que nem queres saber, yeh. Já não há outra forma para te dizer que...querer-te nunca é demais!
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jrnstick · 2 years
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I need a cha cha bboy.
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