inhumanhacker · 2 months
Hansel stumbles as he makes it threw the portal, which is closed up behind him. He was shocked to find the witch he followed in a net on the ground seemingly unconscious and a host of people with guns pointing at him. He dropped his own gun letting it hang from the strap on his body as he puts his hands up "Hey look I was just after her, I don't mean you any harm" he says keeping his hands up.
Skye was on point her gun trained on the portal as a man stumbled through. There were protocols for this kind of thing and so far these two hadn't followed any of them. "Who are you and what do you want with her?" Skye didn't lower her gun as she gutted her chin towards the woman. Two of the agents with her moved round ready to cuff the man or as the woman had found out quickly when she threatened them, be knocked unconscious and and caught in a net as well.
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vyrulent · 5 months
meme || @jacks-muses
"Well, don't dish out insults if you can't take them in return," Chloe cautioned him. Having grown up around cops, she'd known how to dish out some insults when she needed to -- be them in jest or in serious anger -- but it was a talent that she didn't like to drag out.
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protectxthem · 5 months
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@jacks-muses asked: "Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension." (from Chip for Dean. Maybe in a situation where Dean has been hunting a werewolf and has Chip cornered as Chip explains he's just a harmless werechipmunk)
Dean wrinkles his nose at Chip as he attempts to flirt with the hunter. "Do you always flirt with people trying to hunt you?" He asks, pushing off of the wall, gently, putting some distance between them. Dean lowers his gun a bit and takes a small step back to give the other some more room.
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deandrowningdemons · 2 months
{ Bwhahahahaha! OMG! @jacks-muses
Dean all but crashed the impala. hahahaha
Those questions were fantastic!
I'm dying! }
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johannestevans · 5 months
its so funny that stephen maturin lays eyes on jack aubrey and is, furiously, aware that this is one of the stupidest and stubbornest men to ever live. he hates him on sight... and almost immediately afterwards is like. well i suppose i just have to be fucking in love with him
tfw you're an emaciated caffeinated cocaine addict who is obsessed with birds and bugs and medicine and languages and everything else there is in the world to study and then some great bear comes in who's simultaneously utterly ignorant and also a master tactician
your whole libido latches onto him and worse than that its not even just his body because hes a MUSICIAN and hes KIND despite being bull-headed and he asks about your interests even though he doesn't understand any of them and you're in love with him, and you're like
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there you are just going about your life and this fat hunk of muscle and mutton says "god, i wish i'd thought to kidnap you" and you go "excuse me?" and he goes "well there's be weird fish, and also, maybe money!" and you're like. well kidnap me then big boy let's go
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radiance1 · 6 months
Vlad: Would you like to form an alliance... with me?
Ghost writer: Absolutely. Absolutely, I do.
Now, Vlad should know better than to ally himself with someone who broke the Christmas truce, buuuut. The call for DnD is so tempting that he just had to do it.
He then dragged Daniel and his friends into it as well. Daniel dragged his sister along and then the Fenton parents found out and, well.
It suddenly became a thing.
Oh well, both Vlad and Ghost Writer sculpt up some lore from each of their character sheets, weave a world from words and then drag a random number of people to act as their 'players.'
It was supposed to be people from Amity Park, but there was a miscalculation on that part, and honestly you can't even blame them because they've been weaving nonstop and Vlad ignored quite a bit of sleep to try and make this perfect as he could.
So instead of civilians they dragged in a few members of the Justice League and, well.
As long as they play by the rules nothing would hopefully go wrong...?
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malevolent-muse · 2 months
~ 🏹 ~
Ahhh... Autocorrect strikes again! And I can't edit a poll after it's been published. Oh, well. Just know that I did type Bedelia correctly (though maybe not Maurier).
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lovings4turn · 3 months
This one is weird. Jack Hughes always has his stuff touching yours. Puts his shoes next to yours at a friend's place, rearranges the shower so that his shampoo is next to yours and his body wash is next to yours etc, at the lakehouse he moves his brothers coffee mugs to a different shelf so that his is next to yours. He likes the reminder that your lives are so deeply intertwined and wants every extension of your existence next to him. Thought this up because of my middle child compulsion to have all my things together/organized and Jack has such strong middle child energy lol.
nonnie love … i am OBSESSED with your mind because you’re SO RIGHT !!! ‘he likes the reminder that your lives are so deeply intertwined and wants every extension of your existence next to him’ i’m dizzy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
and he doesn’t even think anything of it either !!! it’s only rly when luke walks into the kitchen as he’s rearranging the mugs and is all ‘jack what??? are you doing??’ that he’s like hm … maybe this is a Thing for me
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soleminisanction · 11 months
If I were put in charge of making a true-to-the-comic adaptation of the original Young Justice, I do think there's one change I'd make:
I'd ditch the "Batman has a rule against revealing secret identities" angle and instead root that subplot entirely in Tim's personal need to keep his superhero and civilian lives separate through compartmentalization. That'd make Tim's personal arc more strongly about finding a place among his friends where he feels truly comfortable being himself, gradually realizing that "Robin" and "Tim Drake" are both masks, one he wears for Bruce and the other he wears for Jack.
Initially with the rest of YJ he puts on another mask, "Rob," the leader, the responsible one, the stick-in-the-mud but the one everyone can rely on, basically his best attempt at play-acting the role he thinks Dick took in the Teen Titans. But over time he sees the others growing into themselves and becoming more genuine with each other, and he wants that, but he struggles to let himself have it because it goes against everything that kept him safe as a child, that helped him earn Robin's wings, that got him on the team in the first place.
I just think that'd fit his arc in the story a little better.
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justinepush · 7 months
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the artist and her muse...
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HAPPY JACKUNZEL MONTH!! Maybe it's still October 31 in some parts of the world BUT IT'S OFFICIALLY JACKUNZEL MONTH HERE 🎉🤩✨
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inhumanhacker · 2 months
Gabriel was starting to question his choice to play Loki in this new Universe. Of course the chains they had on him couldn't actually hold the trickster but he was playing along for the time being since he didn't want to reveal who he really was. He had even changed his face to match the Loki of this universe having seen him on TV, but he hadn't quite understood the differences in attitude and ability between the two universe and as a consequence a few of the people who captured him were already suspecting he wasn't the real Loki... or at least 'their' Loki
"So where are we going?" He asks
Skye was more than a little unsure of Loki. From all the things she had been told about him from his attitude and disregard of humans, even if she wasn't exactly human herself, he so far hadn't matched up. Or he was playing coy waiting for his moment. She wasn't sure yet.
"The fridge. We're putting you in holding until your Brother comes to get you." She had to admit she was excited to see Thor and being made one of Loki's guards was one way to meet him.
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vyrulent · 6 months
continued || @jacks-muses
It really was no one's business what she and Lucifer were or what they weren't. Though, in truth, Chloe wasn't exactly sure what they were. So the question was left unanswered.
"Well, with Maze being gone, he's going to be alone. I was going to invite him over for dinner," Chloe admitted. "He's my partner -- you wouldn't enjoy your Christmas knowing that your partner was alone on Christmas Eve, would you?"
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protectxthem · 5 months
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@jacks-muses asked: Send “ ⛓ ” for an arranged marriage starter (your Dean Winchester and my Samandriel/Alfie)
Send “ ⛓ ” for an arranged marriage starter | Accepting
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"Great. Great." Dean spoke, pacing back and forth as he waited for his arranged marriage partner to enter the room he was currently in. He turns toward the door as he hears the doorknob turn and the door squeak as it opens.
"It's.. It's you?" He asks as his brows push together in slight confusion. He takes a small step back, tensing up a bit. "Who's bright idea was this?"
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nova--spark · 7 months
One of the things that will irk me to no end with it comes to RID'15, is the way the Jasper trio got benched SO hard, even when references were thrown to TFP all the time.
Like, when Soundwave popped in, I screamed and hoped so badly for flashback when Bee name dropped the trio, but nope, all ignored.
And when they outright went to Jasper, to the original outpost that was blown up, I'd hoped maybe more mention of the kids, be it in flashback, ghost images [ you know the type, where the character is recalling memories and sees things around them?], or even remnants of their previous times there, old toy cars from Raf, music instruments from Miko, drawings.
Most egregious in my opinion is when they found Bee's holo diary, and it was just...an 80's work out video? That made 0 sense
Imagine if it had been a picture of Team Prime from back in the day, or even a video of Bee with the kids, showing the old dynamic to compare to the current new one he has.
To show the past is gone and remembered fondly, the present is now to make new memories.
I have a LOT of feelings about RID and it's failures as you can see.
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johannestevans · 5 months
jack aubrey talking to stephen maturin is like. did you know i think sodomy should be legal? i would have kidnapped you on our first meeting. would you like to be on a ship with me? i could pick you up with one hand. what can i give you? how can i make you happy? a cool bird?
i love jack aubrey's perspective because this man is so severely autistic and it's glorious. he has no idea what he's feeling at any time. he has almost no mouth brain filter. to avoid confusion he will simply tell the VERY UNWISE truth, to a complete stranger
but luckily where jack aubrey has a moderate social disability, stephen maturin is 12 levels of actually and literally clinically insane. he is a danger to the general public, a radical, and luckily for jack he's just as obsessed with jack as jack is with him
jack never knows exactly what he's feeling until he's accidentally crushed his violin in his big hands: stephen maturin knows EXACTLY what he's feeling at all times and a lot of those feelings are just. superiority. lust (sex). lust (stimulants). hatred. lust (jack aubrey).
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filmtribv · 6 months
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