#j6 participants
chuck-glisson · 2 years
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felixcloud6288 · 11 months
Hank Hill is the kind of person who despite voting 'R' all his life would have voted for Hillary in 2016 after hearing the "Grab them by the pussy" comment. In 2020, he would have voted straight Democrat because he felt the Republican party was an embarrassment and hopes putting that little bit of pressure will make the party stop catering to fools and extremists.
Dale would be chanting "Drain the Swamp!" and be an avid Trump supporter right up until Trump became President cause now Trump is part of the government conspiracy. Dale thinks Qanon is a stupid quack conspiracy because the truth is actually more insidious. Somehow, his conspiracy theories would cause him to become a full-vax, pro-mask, bleeding-heart liberal who has somehow correctly predicted every major event, including a worldwide plague.
Bill would have fallen completely into Qanon, driving all his friends away. He's currently serving a 6 month prison sentence for participating in the J6 insurrection (Hank is the one who reported him). He's realized how wrong he was is wants to make amends.
No one knows what Boomhauer's political leanings are.
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soberscientistlife · 3 months
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Every member of congress that participate in J6, SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM CONGRESS, but no one in the Republican party has the balls to do it.
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
As much as I love hearing trump getting more charges and would love nothing more than him to get sent to prison, I fear that when he eventually goes to trial, they’re will be some crazy maga nut who could watch him kill their mother and would still claim he’s innocent.
Honestly, I am... not totally sure what y'all want me to say here? I get the fear, believe me, but also, after every Trump indictment, just like clockwork, a lot of Gloomy the Doom Men pop up to pre-emptively insist that it doesn't mean anything, it won't go anywhere, he won't actually be punished, etc. I'm not saying this is that, but it does happen every time, and I just... don't know what I'm supposed to do about it? Is this part of the whole "The System Doesn't Work and Therefore We Are Justified in Not Participating" thing that the online leftists habitually do, or what? Honest question. First it was he'll get re-elected, then it was he will never leave power, then it was the Republicans will win in 2022, then it was he will never get indicted, etc. The goalposts keep shifting so any progress we do make on holding him to account (which is far more than has ever happened to any other American president, including actual war criminal George W. Bush) somehow is "meaningless" and I just?? Don't get it??
First of all, jury selection is a thing, and aims to weed out those who, in this case, are either too vehemently against Trump or too vehemently for him. They want the exact sort of mushy middle voter of which there are far too many in this country, who can be persuaded one way or the other but doesn't have ironclad previous biases. Also, they must have done a good job selecting jurors so far, given that all the grand juries have returned indictments, and at least one of them (the one in NY) had someone who was a fan of conservative talk radio/right wing politics. So if by this you mean one rogue juror will preclude a guilty conviction, that is something that can actually be planned for and prepared, and as I said, all the grand juries seated to hear evidence against Trump so far have returned indictments.
Also, this case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is an Obama appointee and has been willing to sentence J6 defendants harshly in the past. She is widely regarded as competent, fair, and firm, and will not grant any of the bullshit delays that Aileen Cannon the Trump-stooge judge will bend over backward to find for him in the Mar-a-Lago docs case in Florida. So there's a strong possibility this one goes to trial before May 2024, and the judge in this case is neither a Trump judge or a slobbering Trump partisan: indeed, quite the opposite. So I don't think we can assume that she will be so incompetent as to not manage her own trial and/or jury.
Anyway, yes. We don't know what will happen, but similar to the Espionage Act charges he got hit with last time (themselves meriting of a stiff prison sentence) Trump is facing yet more high-level felony charges that come with serious jail time. So how about for now, we don't automatically assume that what will be the most watched and covered trial in a generation will fall apart because of a simple and easily avoidable mistake that even I, a non-lawyer, know how to fix, much less a team of extremely experienced prosecutors who know this has to be absolutely fucking watertight and then some? It will be better on your mental health for the long run and arguably also much more accurate.
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"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
Here's the thing with the push to remove Trump from the ballot on the grounds of committing an 'insurrection' - it's not just about Trump. Frankly I think it's a hell of a stretch to say that anything Trump has done qualifies as an insurrection or rebellion and I would argue that using this section against him when he has not been convicted of anything or even charged with insurrection is a violation of due process. But again, it's not just about Trump. If the left is allowed to remove Trump from the ballot because of January 6, they will try it on all Republican candidates, either on the grounds that they participated directly or that they gave 'aid and comfort' to those who did.
Did you donate money to a legal defense fund or to Trump's campaign after J6? Did you retweet something questioning the election? Did you like a post from someone who was at the Capitol that day? Did you vote for a politician who did? Will you refuse to formally denounce the protestors when the media questions you on it?
"Oh come on," you might say, "that's ridiculous. 'Aid and comfort' means something specific. They can't just apply to it everything like that." Yeah, I would have said the same about 'insurrection' a couple years ago. And yet here we are.
The worst part is they don't even have to win the lawsuits to win the fight. They just have to keep us tied up in never ending legal battles over it. Just think about what that means. They can drain our campaigns of resources and keep our candidates stuck in a courtroom all year instead of on the campaign trail. They'll scare off all potential supporters because no one wants to be the next one in the crosshairs. And judges apparently can put a gag order on you so you can't even defend yourself publicly while the media is free to write all the borderline libelous headlines they want. They don't have disqualify you to defeat you. The threat and accusation is enough.
I'm not generally prone to catastrophizing about politics but this is one that genuinely scares me. I'm not worried about losing an election, I'm worried about losing the country. If one party is allowed to do this to the other, what are we left with? Single-party rule until someone else decides to take control by methods more forceful than a ballot box. If the left thought what happened before was an insurrection, well... let's just say I don't want think anyone wants to see what a real insurrection looks like.
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corporationsarepeople · 8 months
Here’s what I find to be the most interesting part of the story:
Trump’s lawyers contend that it was never meant to apply to the office of president, which is not mentioned in the text, unlike “Senator or Representative in Congress” and “elector of President and Vice President.”
His defense is not that he isn’t an insurrectionist, and not that he didn’t commit wholesale fraud against the United States (if that was his defense then the Georgia RICO case would knock him off the ballot nationwide), but that the amendment doesn’t specifically apply to the office of president. So if he does actually win this case, it won’t dent the argument for kicking out several members of Congress and for continuing to keep other J6 participants off ballots nationwide.
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1americanconservative · 6 months
Charlie Kirk
The Mueller team "accidentally" erased all the data off not one, not two, but TWENTY-SEVEN phones by repeatedly inputting the wrong password.
The FBI gave immunity deals to members of Hillary Clinton's team in return for destroying their laptops — then didn't prosecute anybody at all.
The Democrat-run J6 committee didn't preserve or organize any of the documents or videos that its own rules required it to, and its communications with the Biden White House are now missing.
Even though phone ping data has been used to catch hundreds of J6 participants, the FBI says it can't use those pings to find the J6 pipe bomber, because THAT data was somehow "corrupted."
The pattern here is obvious.
The people who think they have the right to spy on everything you do don't want any record of what they're doing.
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ladiablesse · 5 months
i wanna say something but i don’t wanna sound like a j6 participant so im gonna choose my words v carefully and emphasize nonblacks do not interact !!
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Murder, Extortion, Violence, Hate, Jealousy, Envy, Intimidation, all the things they say they hate are at the very core of who they are.
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vomitdodger · 1 year
Horrific reading. Clean this entire house now.
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chuck-glisson · 2 years
Donald Trump, the AMERICAN TRAITOR, who tried to pull off a "Banana Republic Style Coup", via an OVERTHROW the U.S.A., and become a DICKtator.
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naturalrights-retard · 9 months
American Military News reports that Liberty Safe, a popular manufacturer of gun safes, gave one of its customer’s access codes to the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week, the company revealed. The FBI requested the code in connection with a raid on the customer’s home over his alleged participation in the January 6 Capitol protest.
So a J6’r is getting his guns confiscated because the safe he stores them in has been compromised… by the maker of the safe working in cahoots with the federal government. Mind you, this person did not bring any guns to the protest on January 6, 2021. But now the FBI wants to sift through his gun safe.
Liberty Safe practically drooled all over itself trying to explain why it betrayed one of its customers, simply because a corrupt Gestapo agency with a three-letter name requested it.
In a statement posted September 5th on X, formerly Twitter, Liberty Safe said it turned over “the access code to the safe of an individual for whom they had a warrant to search their property.”
Liberty continued with its weasel-worded explanation, stating:
“Our company protocol is to provide access codes to law enforcement if a warrant grants them access to a property. After receiving the request, we received proof of the valid warrant, and only then did we provide them with an access code. Liberty Safe had no knowledge of any of the details surrounding the investigation at the time.”
If this company truly “had no knowledge” of details surrounding this investigation, then why didn’t it ask before coughing up the access code?
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longwindedbore · 9 months
You may be in a cult if you take legal advice from your fearless leader and refuse to respond to subpoenas… Including ones from Congress.
You’re probably been drinking too much or have some emotional issues if you retain loyalty to your cult leaderafter he fails to grant you a pardon for your federal crimes. Or help with your legal fees.
You definitely have a serious problem if after being arraigned instead of keeping your big flapping mouth shut, instead you go on cable news, and confess that essentially should also be indicted for plotting J6.
At this point I can’t figure out if this is a Trump derangement syndrome or larger endemic white upper echelon privilege. Or widespread substance abuse affecting rational thought.
It certainly isn’t lack of education: this man has a PhD from Harvard and was a professor at the University of California at Irvine. He served in the Peace Corps.
In any case, like the rest of the participants in this Trump cult or conspiracy or whatever he believes they should not face any legal consequences for their actions. Or maintain their 5th Amendment rights by NOT essentially confessing in public.
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I thought waking up this morning to see a photo of Trump at his hatealong last night in Waco with him standing in front of photos of the January 6 insurrection while the “song” “Justice for All” he recorded with the “J6 Prison Choir,” the insurrectionists he claims are patriotic Americans who participated in a “righteous protest” - essentially watching him remove the mask and admit he did in fact incite the insurrection and saying “Yeah, I did it - what are you going to do about it?” - was as strange as things were going to get this final Sunday in March, 2023.
I thought having a confessed statutory rapist and draft dodger - one-hit wonder Ted Nugent - calling Volodomyr Zelenskyy a “homosexual weirdo” was a about as crass a new low for the MAGAts as things were going to get.
I thought having Marjorie Traitor Goon publicly creating an alternative reality by calling the J6 defendants political prisoners who are being “badly treated” in a facility where they have access to computers and the internet, exercise and health services - all completely unavailable to the average inmate of the DC Jail - was a completely laughable denial of reality.
I was wrong.
Yesterday, the three blind mice - Gym Jordan and his co-conspirators masquerading as chairmen of three House committees - responded to District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s reply to their first letter sent this past week by doubling down in a second letter on their intention to intervene in the New York City investigation ahead of possible criminal charges against Trump, revealing they plan to to consider whether Congress should take legislative action on three separate issues “to protect former and/or current Presidents from politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials.” In other words, to find a way to make such a prosecution of Donald Trump impossible.
Trump admits his complicity in the January 6 insurrection and leaders of the Republican Party take steps to insulate him from accountability before they even know what specific charges he will be indicted on.
The Republicans declare war on reality and the rule of law. THAT is as strange as things got on this final weekend of March, 2023.
Bragg responded to the letter after it became public last night, writing, “We evaluate cases in our jurisdiction based on the facts, the law, and the evidence. It is not appropriate for Congress to interfere with pending local investigations. This unprecedented inquiry by federal elected officials into an ongoing matter serves only to hinder, disrupt and undermine the legitimate work of our dedicated prosecutors. As always, we will continue to follow the facts and be guided by the rule of law in everything we do.”
A spokesperson for Oversight Committee Democrats has stated, “Chairman Jordan, Comer, and Steil believe former President Trump is above the law. This outrageous position is further evidence of former President Trump and MAGA extremists’ hold on Congressional Republicans.”
The MAGA Republican Party has now officially declared war on the rule of law.
Here are the high points from the Letter:
“Notably, your reply letter did not dispute the central allegations at issue—that you, under political pressure from left-wing activists and former prosecutors in your office, are reportedly planning to use an alleged federal campaign finance violation, previously declined by federal prosecutors, as a vehicle to extend the statute of limitations on an otherwise misdemeanor offense and indict for the first time in history a former President of the United States.”
No, you morons, it wasn’t “previously declined” by federal prosecutors. The Trump-appointed Attorney General Bill Barr, citing the so-called “Nixon rule” that a sitting president cannot be indicted and prosecuted, ORDERED the DOJ attorneys to drop the case.
“Contrary to the central argument set forth in your letter, this matter does not simply involve local or state interests. Rather, the potential criminal indictment of a former President of the United States by an elected local prosecutor of the opposing political party (and who will face the prospect of re-election) implicates substantial federal interests, particularly in a jurisdiction where trial-level judges also are popularly elected. If state or local prosecutors are able to engage in politically motivated prosecutions of Presidents of the United States (former or current) for personal acts, this could have a profound impact on how Presidents choose to exercise their powers while in office. For example, a President could choose to avoid taking action he believes to be in the national interest because it would negatively impact New York City for fear that he would be subject to a retaliatory prosecution in New York City.”
This is wholly and completely specious, but what Republican argument about anything isn’t?
“Likewise, because the federal government has a compelling interest in protecting the physical safety of former or current Presidents, any decision to prosecute a former or current President raises difficult questions concerning how to vindicate that interest in the context of a state or local criminal justice system. For these reasons and others, we believe that we now must consider whether Congress should take legislative action to protect former and/or current Presidents from politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials, and if so, how those protections should be structured.”
“Second, the Committees’ inquiry has an obvious legitimate legislative purpose and is “a subject on which legislation could be had.” To begin with, as discussed above, Congress has a specific and manifestly important interest in preventing politically motivated prosecutions of current and former Presidents by elected state and local prosecutors, particularly those tried before elected state and local trial-level judges. Therefore, the Committee on the Judiciary, as a part of its broad authority to develop criminal justice legislation, must now consider whether to draft legislation that would, if enacted, insulate current and former presidents from such improper state and local prosecutions. These legislative reforms may include, for example, broadening the existing statutory right of removal of certain criminal cases from state court to federal court.”
Here is the argument to use the federal government to protect Trump.
“Moreover, as discussed above, your prosecutorial decision to indict a former President may cause a potential confrontation between federal and local law-enforcement authorities. Federal law requires the United States Secret Service to protect a former President.8 Therefore, your unprecedented prosecutorial decision raises the potential for conflict between the federal law-enforcement officials required to protect the former President and local law-enforcement officials required to enforce your indictment and exercise control of him throughout his presence in the local criminal justice system. Such a novel and potentially fraught collision of federal and local law-enforcement officials with the safety of a former President at stake is certainly a matter of interest for the Committees. The Committees’ oversight is necessary to inform potential legislation that would address or remedy any potential conflicts between federal and local authorities.”
You mendacious morons! It has already been established that state and local law enforcement would COOPERATE with the Secret Service, which would coordinate Trump surrendering after indictment. There is no possibility whatsoever of any “shoot out” happening.
This is the most audacious assault on the rule of law by the Republicans. They are ALL, each and every one of them, traitors to their oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, because ALL THEM ARE THE DOMESTIC ENEMY.
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1americanconservative · 6 months
Kyle Becker
So, it turns out there were "at least 200" Feds and undercover operatives working the Trump entrapment plot on January 6. That's according to U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), who sat down for a recent interview on the matter. “The FBI was not just participating in the January 6th acts from within. I suspect they had over 200 agents embedded in the crowd, including agents or, as they would call it, human assets inside the Capitol dressed as Trump supporters before the doors were opened.” This figure is in the realm of possibility, given the newly released J6 videos, court documents, and witness statements. “And when you track the text threads and the communications within those groups and find the origins of suggestions of potential violence or an active occupation of the Capitol on January 6th, you’ll find that those messages were led by members of the groups that ended up to be the FBI agents that had infiltrated the group,” Higgins said. “So the FBI’s involvement was deep, not just on J6, but on the days and weeks and months prior.” There is now zero doubt that J6 was a set-up. The Trump "incitement" narrative had been hatched months prior, as the infamous Time "shadow cabal" article made clear. The J6 riot was war-gamed multiple times before the Electoral College. The FBI unconstitutionally used NSA surveillance to track the extremist groups seeking to disrupt the event. It had Federal informants embedded in multiple extremist groups, including the Proud Boys. Yet, somehow, the FBI and Capitol Police were woefully "unprepared" despite multiple advance warnings, including from then Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund. D.C. Mayor Bowser, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and others, refused to press for more National Guard, despite it being documented and on the record that former President Donald Trump wanted 10,000 National Guard troops outside Congress to protect the Electoral College. Also, there was no 'centrally coordinated' plot to overturn the results of the 2020 election, as FBI sources told Reuters in an August 2021 report. Indeed, that was the entire point of the election challenges during the convening of the Electoral College. If Donald Trump wanted to overturn the 2020 election results, he would not have disrupted the Electoral College. He would have continued to pursue his legal challenges and his Constitutional right to challenge electoral slates in Congress. Trump would not have sent in unarmed extremists to disrupt the Electoral College in order to 'retain power.' This is not only illogical, it is absurd on its face. Nonetheless, this ridiculous partisan narrative has constituted the basis for prosecuting a former president in what has devolved into a partisan show trial and tantamount to election interference. It is not only ironic, but a disgrace to our entire justice system. January 6 was a Fed-manufactured riot to frame a sitting president and carry out election interference in 2024. Case closed.
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itsmythang · 9 months
Enrique Tarrio from Prison: Feds Want Me to Flip on Trump
Proud Boys leader says he would be out of jail now if he made a deal.
Ron Filipkowski
7 hours ago
After he was sentenced in federal court for seditious conspiracy to 22 years in prison, Proud Boys' leader Enrique Tarrio called in to the right-wing media outlet Gateway Pundit and said he would be a free man today if he agreed to cooperate with the Feds.
Tarrio, after telling the judge at his sentencing that he was done with politics and never going to talk about this again, now has a lot to say.
He claims that early on in the investigation the government was trying to prove a direct connection between Trump or someone in the WH to the leaders and organizers of groups that participated in the insurrection. Tarrio says he was offered a deal that would have had him free months ago, but he refused.
He said that investigators believed that something he said mirrored a message that Trump put out to someone, so they believed he had a direct connection to someone in the WH on J6 and they were transmitting messages back and forth as the insurrection was happening. However, Tarrio claims that he has no connection to Trump so he refused to make a deal.
What also raises suspicions is Tarrio's mysterious visit to the WH on December 12, 2020, where he claimed that he was just there to view the Christmas decorations as part of a tour of the Executive Mansion. He posted on social media that he received a "last minute invite" to the WH, but the Trump WH denied inviting him.
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