#j6 insurrection
porterdavis · 4 months
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odinsblog · 3 months
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Just a reminder that Lindsey Graham still needs to be charged and held accountable for his role in the January 6th insurrection and trying to overturn the election.
👉🏿 https://www.vox.com/2020/11/18/21571684/lindsey-graham-brad-raffensperger-georgia-ballots
👉🏿 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/georgia-election-brad-raffensperger-lindsey-graham-throw-out-ballots/
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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wilwheaton · 1 year
Be wary, be wary, come each January The 6th's mob of Nazis and fascism's rot I see no reason Why Republican treason Should ever be forgot. Don Trump, foul chump, 'twas his intent To wreck the Republic and murder foment With legions of deplorables America to make horrible. By Patriots' bravery he was thwarted No matter what Tucker insists be reported. Holler all, holler all, let Freedom ring; Holler all, holler all, True justice now bring!
Nice work by Ben St. Hilaire, on my Facebook.
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tpquill · 2 months
What would another 4 years under Trump be like?
Imagine if you will, someone who has zero empathic qualities. A person vibrating with revenge. Someone who has spent their entire life self indulging on a brand, a purpose that is all they ever care about. A narcissistic sociopath; deeply entrenched in outbursts of anger, hatred and lustful ignorance. Living life on “my brand is higher turnover than any loan a bank can give you.” A gentleman’s agreement, but they are no gentleman. This person has spent their entire life; 70+ years on this planet, growing up in a standard of living he has only ever known. A man, whose father was a businessman and through his businesses, met a lot of wealth, a lot of influence and a lot of questionable behaviour. This person was surrounded by people he was introduced to in a world of social ignorance and old money wealth, because he had become his narcissistic father’s business protégé.
Throughout his entire academic and business career he has bought, bullied or faked his way out of everything, resplendent in the firm belief “dearest daddy” bred into him “everyone can be bought for a price”
Banks, businesses, criminals, judges…the list is endless in their world, because money speaks many languages, including Russian. His deep needed greed to be famous, to be talked about, to be adulated and praised - strokes his fragile ego. He demands attention like a toddler in the throes of a temper tantrum, because he’s always got what he wanted. Not an only child, but definitely a high maintenance one. Reminding me of a character from a well known book series, whose ridiculous parents spoilt their child endlessly while ignoring the child in their foster care. A child who demanded everything and got it no matter the cost - this is how this person has lived their entire life, bully into submission, threaten legal action if they never got it.
I watched in 2015 this person proclaim they were setting their sights on the presidency and I laughed with concerned hysteria. This idiot, who had spent his entire business career in and out of court due to bankruptcies. Casinos and hotels foreclose due to overdue loans, employees not being paid. Employees who had invested most if not all of their pension money in “shares” that would make them a sizeable profit to pay off their mortgages - to later find out it was just another scheme to help pay off or pay into his businesses, while they lost everything. His desire to hire undocumented migrants is old news he’s always done it. That’s why he holds favour with the old dusty republican men and women in congress, because they come from a long line of plantation owners and as you would know through American history, plantation owners had…you guessed it, slaves who they bought at auction to do the menial tasks for next to nothing. He is a man of very little talent but one who has bought and sold everyone and anything for his brand. He wants the celebrity status, he wants the adulation and ceremony of a King, he wants the authoritarian rule and suppression of a dictator, he wants the immunity of god but does not live with a Christian heart (not evangelical brainwashing)
Yes, this very same person wanted to be crowned a King, because he coveted that rule, but settled for Commander in chief instead. And, just like everything else in his life, he took measured steps to secure it through nefarious ways. His questionable admiration for authoritarian leaders puts his loyalty in the right paths of those who see America as their bankable gain. Years of political and foreign resentment balances out evenly when you meet with a weak minded, fragile ego who has always wanted to be praised. The art of the deal was never about the savvy businessman lie he always told but about the “fake it to you make it” mantra and he always excelled at that.
But here’s what lies ahead. He spent four years destroying America the last time. You can listen to the mentally concerned drum on about how he made their lives better, or how he made America great. Or how he made America the best it has ever been and think to yourself - do they actually go outside?
There was only one thing on Donald Trump’s mind from 2016 to 2020, how can I benefit from all of this? He used the office and seal of the president of the United States to enrich both himself and his blood sucking family of hangers on. He made his children (all adults) head of administration in the White House with no formal training in anything, including business (fake it to you make it) the nepotism he used in his questionable business practices, he simply transferred to the “People’s House” he installed a cabinet of lawmakers who lusted for fame, but felt left out. Grievance and vengeance because a black man had held that coveted office for 8 years and they needed (dusty and white privileged republicans) to drive that stench out. His plan was to stay there to show the world he wasn’t just Trump the businessman (6 bankruptcies, several business failures, university & charity disasters) but also the greatest world leader ever.
* stock market tanked
* economic downturn
* unemployment at an all time high
* infrastructure never fixed
* Medicare never looked at
* tax breaks for the filthy rich, tax increases for the working class
* migrants put into cages and separated from their children (white privileged free world)
* racism raised its ugly head and laughed, fascism, xenophobia, homophobia soon followed.
* gun related deaths increased, because why not? he abolished or allowed laws to lapse that had been put in place.
* scraped bills that he deemed unnecessary, pulled out of the Paris agreement, called America veterans suckers & losers, disgraced the military, threw paper towels at hurricane ravaged states claiming they weren’t part of America anyway.
Went on the world’s stage and mocked NATO demanding the countries pay more (America had only started paying more) or he was pulling out of NATO and Russia could occupy them all. Completely made himself an absolute laughing stock in front of other well respected leaders by throwing temper tantrums if he didn’t get his way.
Kissed the ass of Putin on more than one occasion. Ignored daily briefings, hired horrible actors to be his press secretary on multiple occasions. Went through more “chief of staff” positions than any former president.
And then came Covid and his botched handling of that. Nearly 5 thousand deaths, the worst of any country’s handling of the pandemic due to the size of the population of the United States. Mocked the scientists and doctors, refused states (who did not support him) of vital PPE instead, used another nepotistic family member to sell it off to states that didn’t use it because they questioned the vaccine and any easier way to keep their people alive.
His disastrous handling of the very serious pandemic led to so many unnecessary loss of life, ignorance into vital medicine that could help, instead advertising the use of injecting bleach into your veins. Once again Trump’s ignorance of not listening to sound advice, instead using his own because, he knows everything.
I won’t beat on about what happened during the previous election (we all witnessed it) the insurrection, the riots, the deaths and the damage when he very legally as witnessed by over 60 court cases all saying the same thing - lost the 2020 election, it was not stolen. Since then, he has done daily if not weekly rallies (he needs that hit of serotonin that can only be found through crowd adulation) he seeks to be re elected back into the White House. Not because he did such a fantastic job the last time, but because he could very well go to prison. 91 felonies, he’s already lost one tax fraud case and one sexual assault and rape case. He still has the hush money case, the RICO and espionage case to go through all while pleading he needs immunity, because without it, a president can be subjected to influence from foreign countries or leaders. Donald J. Trump already is, he just wants the freedom to do it all over again only this time, not get caught and answer for it, because immunity means he will be like Vladimir Putin and the leaders he greatly admires from Saudi Arabia - Turkey - Israel - China - North Korea - Russia -self appointed leaders with a regime that cripples the people of their country.
The point to this journalistic account on my tumblr is simply this;
After everything I have documented (not all in order) after all I have written, after everything that has been witnessed and grieved for. Even in the face of terrorism in your own country. The birth of a very dangerous ideology of Making America Great Again, christofacists plotting revenge on the country built on freedom and democracy, where in its constitutional legislations simply put the rule that divides church and state and successfully removed its colonial predecessors - the stripping of women’s rights and freedom of anatomy, the destruction of legal abortion (Roe vs Wade) and the push to go back in time to the 1800’s - will people still firmly believe this hate filled, vengeful, egotistical, delusional narcissistic sociopath is still worth electing him as the next president, knowing full well that once he gets in again he will do everything in his power to stay there. To then elect his predecessor (another Trump) to take over from him? He successfully taught his children well - grift, lie, squander, tax evade, hide business assets - they won’t let him down.
Or do you look at all that you went through, all that has taken 4 years to recover. To put right the horrors of the predecessor. To make the economy grow, to improve the medical system. To fix and improve the infrastructure, to raise employment and lower the cost of living. To help with student debt and get more money back in your pockets. To make America respected on the world’s stage and warn authoritarian leaders that this is not the way a countries people should be ruled. To stand up to murderous dictators and help a country fighting for its freedom from tyranny. To try and unify their country, not divide it. To have empathy and compassion, respect and loyalty to their people, not to themselves. To lift all voices including women’s to fight for what is most important up.
I hope this time you don’t send yourselves backwards, but move forwards to a better place. There is only one place Donald J Trump needs to go, one time he will ever be held accountable for his poor behaviour. One place he needs to be shown and to answer for all he has done for far too long…
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Don't Americans get tired?
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Capitalism and global warming are going to kill us all and this is what you fuckers spend your time doing
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sleepyleftistdemon · 3 months
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(via Cartoon: Horse-face Hawley)
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lenbryant · 7 months
Outside the oval. What kind of wild nonsense were they planning?
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lasseling · 22 days
January 6 participants file class action lawsuit over police misconduct, brutality
For the first time since the incident occurred, those being prosecuted, and in many ways persecuted, for their involvement in the January 6 so-called “insurrection” are fighting back with a major lawsuit.
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blackandredblog · 6 months
Speaker of the House is a Trump Shill
Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the house, is just another in a line of followers direct from the Project 2025 playbook.
For those unfamiliar, Project 2025 is a conservative manifesto designed to consolidate direct Presidential control of all assets in the Executive branch of the US government, using Unitary Executive theory. This "logic" is based on the vesting clause of Article 2 of the US Constitution. It will eliminate all checks and balances on the office of the president.
This playbook includes replacing all personnel with pro-Trump supporters, banning gender-affirming care and language (even the term gender affirming), gay marriage, abortions, and anything not white, Christian, or conservative.
It would turn the US into a Christian theocracy. A place where AFAB women are breeding stock, and homosexuality becomes a criminal offense again. It would turn the office of the President into a dictatorship.
Johnson has voted against Gay Marriage, against certifying the 2020 election, and is a threat to what's left of this so-called country. His election as speaker of the house is a direct attack on freedom.
We can no longer bury our heads in the sand. We can no longer stand idly by and watch as fascism returns to power. This looks more like the Weimar Republic in 1923 than the United States in 2023.
For any who doubts that this playbook exists, or views this as some Right Wing conspiracy, I invite you to read this document for yourself. This is real. This is a threat. This is not a test.
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Our guest this week Scott Fairlamb, pled guilty to assaulting a police officer on January 6th and during this conversation shared his personal narrative of the day's events, offering a perspective that defies mainstream media portrayals.
Listen To More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/podcast/podcast-scott-fairlamb-from-saving-police-to-solitary-the-j6-story-msm-wont-tell-you
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porterdavis · 4 months
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odinsblog · 5 months
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So here is the long and short of it:
Google used (uses) geofencing data, location data that undeniably shows where you and your phone have been.
Google sells this data to data brokers and advertisers, whether you like it or not. And yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me if Apple also did/does this, but if they do, Tim Cook has done a yeoman’s job of keeping it secret.
Google also hands out your location data to police departments (and governmental agencies led by conservative, anti-abortion Republicans, but I’m sure that’s unimportant, right?).
Now—and here’s the crux of the matter—just as the government was using Google’s location data to prosecute January 6th rioters, Google has had a sudden change of heart and will effectively limit their ability to remotely store your GPS information on their servers (which means it will mostly only be available locally on your Android phone’s hard drive, thus making it significantly harder - not completely impossible - for Google to give the police access to bulk location data, even if presented with a search warrant).
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The bottom line is, it was always wrong for Google to collect and then sell their “reverse location search data” to advertisers, data miners, the police and the government. The germane question is, why now? Why has Google suddenly found Jesus, so to speak, and decided that customers privacy rights are sacrosanct, just as the U.S. government is using that data to prosecute Trump sycophants who wanted to overthrow the election?
SN: I think the whole green bubble vs. blue bubble argument is a stupid made up problem by whiny people who don’t have enough real problems in life (if you disagree then please go make your own post), and Idgaf if you’re an Android or an iPhone user. If you’re happy with your phone, that’s all that matters — but our privacy rights constantly being violated isn’t trivial, that’s actually very important. And Google suddenly deciding that now is the best time for them to end their practice of ratting people out seems highly sus.
👉🏿 https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/11/25/the-maga-tourist-geofence-and-the-violent-confederate-flag-toting-geofence/
👉🏿 https://www.forbes.com/sites/cyrusfarivar/2023/12/14/google-just-killed-geofence-warrants-police-location-data/
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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Few, if any, of these J6 defendants are genuinely remorseful, tho.
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geezerwench · 6 months
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He's practically the perfect maga candidate! He served his time and he apologized. That makes it all better.
Just have to check his background to see if he's sexually assaulted anyone. MAGA and Republicans love that.
What church does he go to?
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woodboogie · 10 months
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