#j/ohn w/atson
softsnzstuff · 11 months
Thinking about an overworked detective who just caught a big break in the case having to stand out in the rain at night overseeing a crime scene investigation (or something) when he’s already got a bad cold 🤤🤤
I’m here to request this!! 🤭
Ask and you shall receive!! Getting back to my roots with some classic M/ystrade goodness.
Summary - D.I. Lestrade has caught the worst cold in a long time but he’s stuck working a new lead in the case thanks to Sherlock. Mycroft stops by and fusses. As per usual. 🥰
Dedicated to @snzagaba for encouraging me to write it and also to my lovely Anon for requesting 💕
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The winter rain hammered the pavement all over London, icy winter chill freezing people to the bones. Most people were inside their warm homes at this time of night, but Detective Inspector Lestrade was out near a construction site.
Sherlock had informed him earlier that they needed to go to the site immediately and search for the discarded backpack that would lock up the suspects for good - nasty fellas involved in a brutal child murder.
Greg wasn’t sure how Sherlock always managed to do it, but he hadn’t been wrong yet. This time he was on about the way the suspect wore his belt. Had to give away that he worked construction in the side.
The consulting detective and his partner were standing under two umbrellas, Sherlock barking orders at the dog team. Greg was without umbrella, soaked to his shoes.
He snapped forward, water droplets flying off the soggy whisps of hair.
Sherlock shot him a glare that said ‘you’re interrupting my thinking’.
“Bless you.” John offered before turning back to face the scene with sherlock.
With Mycroft away on business this week, no one was around to tell him to get some rest. The DI had been working late nights at Scotland Yard every day this week, running himself ragged. By Wednesday he’d already started coming down with one hell of a cold. Donovan and Anderson avoiding him by Thursday.
The silver haired man used a wet hand to try and wipe the rain out of his eyes - an effort that was futile. He pulled an already damp tissue from his pocket and coughed harshly into it.
The cough sounded worse than it was - two decades of smoking seemed to have that effect on Greg whenever he fell ill.
“You’ll catch your death out here, Gregory.”
The man in question turned around and was met with none other than the British government himself holding an umbrella over them both.
Mycroft huffed a sigh, always startled by how loud his partner could be.
“I thi’gk I already have…” Greg mumbled from behind the tissue. He blew his nose, practically turning it to confetti.
“For heavens sake Gregory, do throw that useless napkin away.” The younger man removed a clean and pressed handkerchief from his suit’s breast pocket and handed it to the detective who was already putting it to good use.
“Bless.” Mycroft pursed his lips as he strode over to Sherlock and John.
“Ah, brother. You’ve gained weight.” Sherlock quipped.
Mycroft rolled his eyes, “Could you perhaps hurry this up, brother dear. Detective Inspector Lestrade is unwell.”
“What Grant?”
“You know his name, Sherlock.”
The younger of the Holmes’ brothers shouted at the crime scene investigators who were digging in ponchos.
“Not there you idiots. Your other left!! For Christ’s sake Anderson, didn’t anyone teach you directions?? THERE!”
Right where sherlock pointed, someone hit something solid. After a couple people joined in the digging, it was unearthed as a backpack. THE backpack needed to crack the case.
“Detective, I think you’ll find the backpack was exactly where I’d thought. Inside you’ll found damning evidence that the banker did it all along for the insurance claim. We’ll be on our way now.”
Sherlock turned on his heels, John apologizing but following after him.
“Is that enough to get you home and into some dry clothes then?” Mycroft asked. “Anthea has the car ready to go.”
“Erm… let me make sure Donovan can handle this before I just snfff leave them…”
Mycroft made a note of his partner’s growing congestion. He’d prepare the humidifier later that night.
A few moments later, Greg was trotting back over through the rain.
“Alright, she’s got it. Don’t suppose the British government can summon me a towel?” He teased.
The window of the car rolled down and Anthea handed one over. It was warm as if it had just come out of the dryer.
“How did you-? Nevermind…”
“Don’t mumble, Gregory.” Mycroft ushered him into the back of the car. “Let’s tend to that cold of yours, shall we?”
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fukko · 6 years
ran as ano kata verse. 
sixty years ago, a woman at the age of twenty-one has an idea, and the black organisation was then born. young and fledging it had been, but over the years it grew fiercely -- fiercely enough to catch the attention of some truly dangerous people, and the woman had almost been discovered. in order to throw them off of her trail and to keep the organisation safe, the woman swallowed a pill and turned into a child, who was then adopted by the couple of m//ōri k//ogorō and k//isaki e//ri, and m//ōri r//an was born. 
she grew up with k//udō s//hinichi and s//uzuki sonoko as her best friends, and while she tolerated sonoko, she found herself fascinated by the intellect shinichi wielded, and she would throw small, untraceable mysteries in his direction to see if he could solve the case, which he normally could. so, she remained by his side as his loveable j//ohn w//atson to his s//herlock h//olmes. 
when ran found out that gin attempted to kill shinichi, she was furious, and it was only due to his good work in the past that ran didn’t kill gin. however, when ran saw conan, she knew exactly what had happened to him, and so she decided to just... wait and see how the detective would fair up against the beautiful pearl of an organisation she made, and if he would ever figure out just who his m//oriarty is. 
in this verse, ran is NOT romantically interested in shinichi. ran is actually way way way older than shinichi ( she’s in her... sixties? seventies? ), and she’s more interested in his mind and intellect rather than him as a person. 
vermouth is the only member of the b.org that knows that ran is ano kata. everyone else HAS NO CLUE. ran is still leading the b.org despite her “age” since the majority of the members have never seen what she looks like face to face. she also doesn’t give off the “scent” of being a b.org member because she’s lived as m//ōri r//an for a long number of years. 
ran deaged due to an early version of the APTX, which was made for that reason. after shiho got a hold of it, it became a poison. 
the reason why everyone who is, to ran, clearly against the b.org isn’t dead is because ran wants to see how shinichi would use the tools at his disposal to find her and the b.org. she doesn’t want to make it impossible for him, but she’ll impede him sometimes ( not through killing but through taking care of conan ) just to see his mind at work. 
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Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
@crimeblogger --- do not reblog unless you are michelle!!!
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anakin-obiwan · 7 years
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Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
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kiermasz · 7 years
but like can you imagine the madness of this
we, genuine, fans, would prefer, rather than the shitshow of the actual episode, for the script to purposely hurt  John Watson, my sweet, sweet grumpy gay son,, captain in the fifth northumberland fusiliers, clean shaven, jealous doctor, the love of sherlock’s life,
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Out of all the episodes in the show, The Six Thatchers was the most obviously weird episode. For all episodes except The Abominable Bride, Sherlock has always been on cases with John, and the shows are, for the most part, understandable. And though there are misunderstandings between characters, Sherlock talks to John, and John talks to Sherlock. They don’t talk past each other, and John interacts actively with other characters.
Most importantly, John participates in cases. Even when Sherlock was at his worst during The Great Game, John still helps. And yet, here, he makes a balloon version of himself, and he’s out of camera.
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At this point in the conversation, it’s already been revealed that John is standing behind the chair. But why does the camera actively omit him? Why doesn’t John ever sit in 221B?!
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The camera never shows John and the client together, and the client and John never talk to each other. It’s as if John is not there to the client. John is only present in Sherlock’s point of view.
When the client leaves, John walks into frame and starts talking to Sherlock.
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But he literally disappears when DI Hopkins walks in.
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Mind you, this is a wider shot. John should absolutely be there in the shot, but he isn’t. DI Hopkins never sees John. (If Martin Freeman were not available when the actress who plays DI Hopkins was, then the shot would be closer to reasonably omit John Watson, not wider. Also, tangential thought, if the editors had added scary music and a screech, this would be a horror movie where John is a ghost.)
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When Lestrade (someone who is in on Sherlock’s plan) enters again, John reappears.
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Hello, John. Nice of you to pop back in.
John is only present to certain people: Sherlock, Mary, Lestrade, Molly, Mrs. Hudson. And throughout the episode, his dialogue is largely inconsequential -- people talk past him all the time. And there are numerous other pieces of evidence (pointed out by other meta writers) that this is Sherlock’s retelling of events; it’s his doctored footage of a case. 
John is being inserted in places he never was, and most of John’s role in this episode has been doctored. It’s been carefully edited to put both Sherlock and John in places they weren’t (John was never in Sherlock’s flat in the episode) (Sherlock was not with John in the jellyfish case, and Sherlock was not with Mary when she went through labor) (Sherlock was not at the Christening (he would feel utterly honored to be a godfather; he wasn’t really asked to be one, also why he doesn’t know the name) -- many other instances of this that others have pointed out) and to instill motive that wasn’t there (the repeating of the bus scene to make it seem like he was cheating).
Where is John Watson? Is he not free?
All this smells fishy of Mary orchestrating some plan that keeps him from Sherlock, and Sherlock desperately wants to see John. But the only time John is present -- the only time John talks to Sherlock -- is at the aquarium, and John's words are meant to drive Sherlock away.
Bonus meta: 
Rosamund Mary = Rose Mary
Rose Mary’s baby = the child of the devil
The Devil = Moriarty
Jennifer Wilson’s daughter, Rachel Wilson, was a stillborn. 
John Watson’s daughter, Rosamund Watson, is a stillborn. Moriarty stole a baby for Mary.
Bonus sad thought:
Sherlock imagined he’d create a balloon!John to cover up for the fact that John isn’t actually there. He even drew his face and everything.
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Sherlock Watson-Holmes & John Watson-Holmes
@strongmoralprinciple --- do not reblog unless you are mikki!!!
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