8-bitdyke · 1 year
✌, ☯ i ❀ z ask game'a :)
hvala !!!
već odgovorila na ✌️ u drugom odgovoru !
☯ : what do you love about your language?
odgovoriću samo za srpski i za norveški jer su mi oni maternji jezici :) kad se tiče srpskog strašno volim padeže i menjanje glagola jer mi daje toliko mogućnosti da se izražavam kratko i čisto i na načinama na kojim jezicima bez padeža nemožeš se izraziti i to je super kul! volim i mnogo da se čita kako se piše i tako dalje, suprotno otprilike od francuskog.. a kad se tiče norveškog mnogo volim sve dialekte i sve različite načine na koje ljudi izgovaraju reči. strašno mi je zanimljivo kako možeš čak i samo u mom gradu da čuješ odakle je neko po kojim gramatičnim rodovima koristi a i sviđaju mi se svi ti dialektalni svukovi i reči koje u rečniku nemožeš naći. kod kuće sam kad svoj dialekat mogu pričati
❀ : which language(s) would you like to speak fluently?
pa odgovor ovde je stvarno svi jezici ali rekla bih bar francuski i korejcki jer njih učim i hoću da mi to uspe ali i mandarin, kantoneski i ruski mi se mnogo sviđaju i činu mi se bitnim takođe. švetski, danski i islandski bi takođe bilo zabavno sbog toga što mi je norveški maternji a i jer su slični i što imaju kul svukovi. mada i poljski je kul jer poznajem dosta poljaka i zanimljivo mi ali i tailandski i i i kao što rekoh u stvari želim sve jezike da znam T^T
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8-bitdyke · 4 months
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8-bitdyke · 6 months
slava mi je u nedelju ?????
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8-bitdyke · 8 months
i need da se vratim u beogradu i tamo prijatelje da nadjem crću kunem se
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8-bitdyke · 10 months
Добар дан :3 како си?
добар дан!!! то јест јутро али Скоро је подне па нека буде добар дан :) школа је управо почела, и данас имам први час физике и први час латинског са новим наставницима па сам нервозна али се и радујем! сунце сија, август је и последњи летњи дани су дошли па у њима уживам :3 како си ти? јел ти је школа/посап већ почео?
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8-bitdyke · 10 months
поплава :3
поплава ? у овој економији ???
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8-bitdyke · 11 months
ubeđena da je kafa iz džezve bolja nego druga kafa (nisam pila kafu iz džezve)
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8-bitdyke · 1 year
zašto mi je ceo deš samo psi
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8-bitdyke · 1 year
mama pravi krofne <3333
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8-bitdyke · 1 year
ix/felix or my rl name, he/him
18, butch lesbian
looking 4 a beta reader !! refer to this post and this tag or just send me an ask :)
essential tags, the rest are under the cut:
- #langblr - langblr related content
- #ix.txt/en - textposts in english
- #ix.txt/no - textposts in norwegian
- #ix.txt/한 - textposts in korean
- #ix.txt/yu - textposts in serbocroatian
- #ix.txt/fr - textposts in french
- #ix.jpeg - photos by me
- #ix.txt/docx- my fics n other writings
i'm not making a dni i'll simply block if ur making me uncomfy <3
read under the cut for more tags, my language goals and more about the languages i know and am learning !
the rest of the tags:
- #star wars - star wars related
- #good omens - good omens related
- #hannibal - nbc hannibal related
- #mcr - american rockband mcr related
- #formel 1 - formula 1 related
- #art - art tag for rbed art
- #modern rights - for current events and issues
- #lesbianisms - lesbian tag
- #butches - butch tag
languages i'm fluent in:
norwegian (native): i'm born and raised in norway, which kind of speaks for itself. i speak a dialect close to standard østnorsk. (send me an ask if you're curious!) if you want a language exchange partner or grammar explanations or general help with the language, i'm here to help! my primary målform is bokmål but i know nynorsk too because i'm cool and sexy obviously. i will also talk at lenght about norwegian sociolects and dialects if you prompt me!
serbocroatian (native, heritage): my mum came to norway some thirty years ago and raised me in serbian, so this one's technically a heritage language, but i deem myself native :) i speak ekavski and i read and write in latinica and ćirilica, cursive as well. if you want grammar or language help or a language exchange partner or tips for learning cursive i'm here! i didn't learn cursive until a few years ago so the memory's still pretty fresh...
english (fluent): i started learning english when i was six and kept learning it for eleven years, so by now i'm pretty much fluent to the point where people ask if i'm british because i (unfortunately) acquired a scottish/northern english accent on the way to fluency... here too i am always up for a language exchange and ready to help with anything :) i write british english as well as i can, but american slang makes its way into my sentences no matter how hard i try ...
languages i'm learning:
korean (ttmik 5): i know ttmik 6 isn't really a good level signifier for those who don’t use the ttmik curriculum, but i haven't taken any official tests yet. i've been self-studying korean since august of 2020, so close to three years now. while i can't give as extensive help in korean as in the languages i'm fluent in, i'm always up to help, give tips and do language exchanges ^_^ (and rave about the history of the language)
french (b1): i studied french for five years in school, now i’m continuing on my own, and i can hold conversations without too much struggle! went on a school trip to paris last year and really got to test it out :) i can read and write and speak and listen on a number of topics, and i'm close to fluency, i think. always up for doing a language exchange here too! my french grammar is a bit of a mess, but i'll help anyone to the best of my abilities ^^
latin (2 years): i took latin for two years and enjoyed it immensely! i've had the luck to have a fluent teacher, so my speaking latin is pretty good. i’m going on 2 take it as an additional subject in uni this year :) i study classical latin with classical pronunciation and i'm always up for a chat about it! as with other languages i am always up to help, but i don't think a language exchange for latin is viable, so i'll keep it at help with grammar and tangents about antiquity.
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