#ive talked in the tags enough byee
hikiclawd · 5 months
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Didn't even realize I didn't post this and it's from all the way back in October ☠️
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numetalcatboy · 2 years
yayyy ty @sailorpants for the tag :} 
favourite colour: green green green ! (great taste btw scooter.) i love moss green like rocks by the streamside, and forest green like douglas fir leaves, and lime green like sour gummy worms. and every other kind of green also
currently reading: Search History by Eugene Lim, and The Woo-Woo by Lindsay Wong. The former is a wild, abstract, meandering sort of story about lunch dates, adult friendships, and a cyberdog, though I’d say its also about Korean-American identity and loss. Very unusual, and very good. The latter is more directly autobiographical, about surviving life as a young Chinese-Canadian with a deeply dysfunctional and mentally ill family. I’d say its written with a wry sense of humour that belies the very painful and traumatizing nature of her experiences. 
last series: hee hee i think this is probably question about tv but the wording is vague enough i can talk about the comic series i’ve been reading, which is ‘shade the changing girl’ ! its pretty fun, but tbh the first volume does it for me more than the last two.
last movie: I Dongt Remember. i dont partake in cinema.... (jk but it is hard to get me to watch things). i think i can honestly say it was star wars episode iv because my girlfriend put it on for fun
currently working on: um. just generally small art projects  ! bits of collage, digital doodles, and just trying to get myself in the habit of Creating. 
too lazyyyy to tag anyone byee. if u wanna do this, do it. i tag thee. 
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