#its so fascinating to think about
if hypnosis doesn’t work on Guillermo then that bit in the hospital where Nandor said he was his friend and then found it awkward, he hypnotized it away, means Guillermo remembered it. 
drives me insane
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bulkhummus · 2 years
sometimes its crazy to think about how wtnv is narrated by a character created to represent the very things it creates satirical commentary about. how cecil functions as an unreliable, and often wrong/problematic narrator.
a man whose emotions/ bias completely effect news/facts, whose strong opinions and narratives are assumed to be fact because he is for the most part all we hear and we as the listener are not given other povs (and when we are they usually discredit/offer insight to only part of the picture cecil has painted), his blatant lack of moral objectivity, how some of his opinions/actions alter depending on who they effect (carlos, janice, steve etc)
his character has been created to be so likable, and YES i know its a show, but its weird to think about whether or not I’d like him if he was a real broadcaster. he is SO biased and Such a brat and yet i love him. And that makes my brain itch. like.. its so interesting that the content AND structure of the show are both commentary. It tricks you. you love and believe man who is constantly lying to you, or at least, you think he is, but you're never really sure, because hes likable, you know? the relaying of information and how that gets distorted? v cool
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spiribia · 2 years
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noticed that in game zodiark is actually significantly larger than hydaelyn (not 1:1), which makes sense because zodiark was made by half the planet’s sacrifice and hydaelyn was made by like 13 guys who would meet in venat’s basement to play dnd
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
okay, so im super tired right now but i need to get these thoughts out. this includes manga spoilers. 
i think gojo is a delightfully complex character. like, not only does he have a personality and design that makes him intriguing, but he is also misleadingly overpowered. i genuinely believe that he’s one of the most interesting characters ive read. 
now... maybe i spend too much time thinking about him. BUT in that time i’ve spent, i kinda think that while yes... he’s hot and funny... he’s also profoundly sad.
gojo satoru is a tragic character. 
i think that because gojo was born with the limitless technique, as well as the six eyes, he has never experienced real humanity. from the moment he was born, he was revered as something more than that. i think that is profoundly tragic. 
i mean setting aside the trauma of several attempted assassinations as a child (if we can really even do that), he has also been shown and told time and time again that he is the strongest. gojo doesn’t know what it’s like to lose and as a result, i don’t think gojo knows who he is at all because loss is a fundamental part of identity.
it’s pretty clear his personality is a result of being the strongest, but i think it goes so much deeper than just being cocky. gojo was genuinely born on a pedestal and he doesn’t know anything else beyond that. his confidence is a result of YEARS of adults and peers TELLING him that he’s the strongest. his personality is an amalgamation of all of the things he EXPECTS someone who is the strongest to do. but i think he lacks a sense of self that is necessary for a person. he just is who everyone expects him to be. 
i think that gojo says he’s the strongest constantly not only to convince others that they are safe (because i do think he has a good heart in that way), but to convince himself. he’s never lost, but i also don’t think gojo has ever felt like he’s won. purely because he’s been told who he is since birth and it makes his victories feel trivial because of course he’d be able to do that. 
i also don’t think its a coincidence that he was such close friends with getou who, like gojo, was strong in a way that set him above his peers. the only difference there is that while gojo sits at the strongest and thus is told who he is / needs to be, getou was given little enough leeway that he was able to form his own idea of self. and that idea of self just happened to be INCREDIBLY warped. it is not purely for emotional value that getou lost his sense of humanity. he is a parallel to gojo because gojo lacks that same humanity. the humanity of loss and weakness. but where getou became warped and twisted, gojo became something of a shell that allows other people to project their beliefs onto him. 
it’s important that gojo is conscious (canonically) in the seal. this is the first time he’s ever lost in a fight where he actively stepped in. before this, the only thing we really knew that he knew about himself is that he’s the strongest. now, he gets to sit in a seal and think about that loss with no one but himself. gojo, while in the seal, is essentially being forced to reckon with himself, his emotional losses, and his lack of identity as a result of his upbringing as the inheritor of limitless and the six eyes simultaneously. that is not an easy task. 
gojo, as a character, has a bit of a weak mental fortitude. his wishy-washy, non-committal personality is not purely for comedic effect, but for a reason. if he doesn’t commit to something, he cannot lose. you can’t lose a bet you never make. the only thing he consistently “bets” on is what he’s been told by others (ie; the strength of his technique and the way he appears to others). he says very little about who exactly he is outside of being the strongest sorcerer. the fact that he tried in shibuya, that he actively bet on himself and then lost... is a huge disconnect for him (between self and percieved self) and one i think he has tried to deliberately avoid. gojo isn’t preoccupied with letting others down, but rather himself because his entire identity is based around something that he’s been painfully trying to convince himself is true. i (personally) think that’s the reason for his wishy-washy attitude, to avoid thinking about what he lacks. gege himself said in an interview that gojo lacks a personality. granted, gege hates gojo, but he is still the author of the series with a plan for one of his most important characters. 
looking into gojo further, it’s obvious that there is something lacking and it becomes even more painfully obvious that it is a personality the deeper you look. the “gojo” we’ve been introduced to is not who he is, but rather a projection of all of the things he worries that he’s not or he’s told he should be. being in that seal, i guarantee, will have a profound effect on who he is or how he presents. we’ll be introduced to a gojo who has been forced to reckon with the fact that he was 1) robbed of a childhood and 2) robbed of an identity by way of jujutsu sorcery. this is where his relationship to getou is so telling. he’s going to come out of that box understanding, for the first time, his own humanity and subsequently, lack thereof within some of his sorcerer peers. we’ve already seen that he detests the current order, imagine what that’s going to look like when coupled with his reckoning that he, despite what they’ve told him his entire life, can lose and that that particular loss resulted in the death and injury of several people he cares about. not to mention that as soon as he does step in fully, the very same society that put him in this predicament turns their backs on him and deems him a traitor because they were threatened by the very power they idolized in him. it’s exceedingly cruel. 
i think that as a fandom, we tend to simplify gojo because of his design. which is fine because obviously it’s fun, but as a result he becomes something very 2 dimensional when the fact is that he is not. this is a man who is not insecure but doesn’t have enough of a sense of self to feel secure in the first place. 
and this doesn’t even scratch the surface of his emotional losses. ones that he has nEVER been allowed to process. getou especially. the fact that he was forced to kill his own best friend and then expected to be okay after? all because he’s the strongest? what they did to him, the way they put these ideals onto him only to tell him that the person they basically created is wrong... is beyond cruel. gojo was essentially treated as if his power negated his humanity (emotions especially) and now he is sealed with only himself for company by the very people who taught him to be that way. he is an indescribably tragic character. 
essentially, gojo is a man without his own sense of self and a dangerous amount of power that he has never truly been allowed to reconcile. 
thanks for coming to my ted talk. 
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crescentfool · 2 years
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hello tumblr today i offer you a ryoji shitpost
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considering his heritage, how well do you think Alucard staves off his blood lust? i know he's a dhampir but he can't use his vampiric abilities without some 'juice' so to speak right? like eventually, would he have to recharge? i dunno just wanna hear you ramble about our boy
Hes going to need to feed regularly. Using his abilities will only speed up the timing of it. I think Alu is big on self control, discipline and slightly masochistic. He'll feed by necessity for the most part. Meaning, he'll drink if he's been in a fight and he's wounded. Or he's been using his abilities often.
Though he can survive on blood there will be times where he'll crave human food and will ravenously devour whatever he can get his hands on. It truly depends on his activities.
But we can't forget. Vampires are predators and that's a characteristic that dhampirs also inherit. The feeding isn't all about the blood only. It's about the hunt. So feeding regularly is easy but he's never truly satisfied unless the game is played all the way through.
But like I said, he's in control and rarely has this kind of opportunity without preying on some innocent which goes against his understanding of right and wrong.
Though, that doesn't fully dictate the different situations where his vampiric nature will show. It's in moments of adrenaline that the desire to feed will arise. Usually, these moments are sexual in nature. Physical pleasure pulls out the most carnal part of a person's psyche and it's no different for a dhampir. At these times, he'll hunger for the essence of the one he's so near. But I doubt he'd give into it unless the intimate relationship he's in is one that is serious and his lover has consented to the experience.
And don't even get me started on the act of bloodsharing 👀👀
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
one of the things about tbdate is that nearly every single person who reads the book has this idea that they’ll survive, this ability to look at a story and be told how it ends and somehow not believe it just because you don’t want it to be true. And I think that's partially created by the popular media we see now and how all our stories have our favorite characters making it through and finding loopholes, enough of them that it seemed impossible Mateo and Rufus would be anything but the same. The impact of this book couldn’t exist without the precedent set by nearly every other book on the market to deviate from. I just have so many thoughts
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
so much respect for kusuke lovers who don’t declaw their scrunklemeow “yeah he’s destructive and a creep and an overall low quality decision maker who’d crush me personally and I won’t apologize for him but i’m electing to make a decision to love this walking talking atrocity” yall are so strong i’m shaking my fist at people who are loving my anti-blorbo by erasing his sins
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gentil-minou · 2 years
My biggest fear is people think I'm an expert or that i make myself out to be one. Im really not I'm still finding my footing in my own career and I try to keep that in mind when I read folks' responses to my psych posts. I don't want people to take my words as gospel and truth I really am just going off opinions and my own experience and training but every person is different. My analyses do not have to match yours so please please please if it sounds like it full of myself or bragging or even humble bragging I'm really not I think half of what I say is dumb nonsense ahsjgksk
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youngbuck nation rb and tell me which buck you’re more like
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palms-upturned · 2 years
kaoru miki is so funny bc there is just smth so wrong with him. on the one hand he is so sexist and weird. on the other he is friends exclusively with the local lesbian population. on the one hand he hates touga on the other he is not only emulating him but also having weird gay thoughts about him. on the one hand he has oldest child of divorced parents syndrome and is trying to take on the duty of looking out for kozue, on the other he’s trying to replace her role in his life with whatever girl will let him project his needs onto her. on the one hand he’s thirteen and well meaning and has a way better chance of changing than the other boys, on the other hand he starts gulping and sweating whenever someone talks about forcing the rose bride to do whatever they want. and then there’s anthy trolling him by pretending to marry his dad. i don’t even know what to do with that. he’s such a deeply weird and unpleasant little guy under the surface but im like juri can fix him. on the other hand she might not bc she seems to think whatever is wrong w him is funnier, not to mention her relationship w the rose bride and what she represents is even worse than his. anyway i just want to study him under a microscope
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blackberry-jam · 2 years
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Have I mentioned I’m writing an emh fic about the one iteration where Steph lives
#thinking about Steph and habit turf war over who gets to keep Evan#and on the one hand go emo girl go kill him#on the other it’s so funny to wrestle the embodiment of all human savagery out of your boyfriend and stick him in a Tupperware container#emh#mine#wip#mostly the fic is rumination on what it means to go through version after version of the same scenario#from the pov of Steph and Evan and habit and like. the differences in how they each get in and out of it all#like you’ve got Patrick (chaotic neutral) vs Habit (neutral evil) wrt remembering this shit and knowing what’s coming#and then you have Vinnie vs Evan wrt what it means to gradually remember and recognize#and then you have Steph. who is fighting for her fucking life but also just. she Knows. she doesn’t know what it is but she Knows#and I think the idea of Habit going ‘fine. anything for some variety’ and then getting his ass kicked by a fine arts major is funny#and very profound actually. because I think a lot about Evan saying that Steph and their baby are the two good things in his life#and like. the depth of violation habit commits by forcing him to kill then with his own two hands#implicitly repeatedly. like he does this every time. he always kills Jeff and Steph first.#and that’s INSANE like. the rivalry between them when they can both remember. Steph must maul him constantly in the ark#she must just. eviscerate him constantly.#for what he always does to her and the people she loves#and that FASCINATES ME#I THINK ITS SO INTRIGUING TO THINK ABOUT THEIR ENMITY#AND HOW DESPERATELY HABIT CRAVES ANYTHING NEW#AND WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO WATCH HER JUST. WEAR HIM DOWN OVER THE COURSE OF MULTIPLE CYCLES BECAUSE HE HASNT EVER ACTUALLY SEEN#WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HE LETS HER LIVE#IDK. I HAVE THOUGHTS.
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bulkhummus · 2 years
How do you design characters? I want to draw my own characters (or my own versions of existing ones) but I don't know how to come up with design ideas and they all end up with some variations of the same face :c
There are far more qualified people to give you advice, but the four rules I personally follow are these:
1. Embrace the 'ugly'. Make your characters look like people. This is explained very well in this post. I find perfection to be very boring in art and its becoming more and more common bc of social media algorithms and when everyone is sexy nobody is. Things we view as ‘flaws’ often make for unique character design and end up making beautiful and wonderful and sexy additions in making characters feel more authentic and realistic anyways. I always find people who look like people way more enticing than a stream lined perfection. (All v good reads!)
2. Have an idea of who your character is. The personality and story of your character should be enhanced by how they look. Constantly question why you're applying certain characteristics to your characters, and whether or not you’re coding those characteristics as positive or negative. If you’re subverting a trope, give those choices a reason.
Look at your favorite shows and see how this is applied— take Arcane for example. Jayce is supposed to symbolize strength. This is amplified by the fact that he an iron worker. Very classic design. He’s got a square jaw, broad shoulders, and is very symmetrical.
In FMAB, you’re supposed to remember the Edward Elric is a kid — despite having automail, a mean face and scary intelligence, a large part of his design is overall how small he is despite trying to be so grown up, and a big brother for Al. Arakawa pairs Ed with his huge suit of armor brother who amplifies this, while also giving Al the gentle giant trope.
If you subvert a trope, look at ATLA (excellent character designs) — Toph subverts normal characteristics of what ‘strength‘ is and is one of the most beloved characters. This works stylistically because part of her backstory discusses people underestimating her and telling her she needed protecting— she learns from blind badger moles how to earth bend— so her being a tiny blind girl who is the best earth bender who ever lived suddenly works very well. Shes barefoot because she sees with her feet. Choices and reasons.
3. Use Reference images!!! Reference!!! Reference!!!!!!!! Almost every figurative artist works from reference. Compile a big grand reference folder on your computer or phone and actually reference it. Snap a picture of people you see in a magazine, screenshot ads on some recipe website, watch videos of people talking or dancing and pause them, reference comes from everywhere! Train your brain to keep track of the stuff you find visually interesting whether its poses, clothes, settings, a face, palettes of an ad, or even other art! (its so easy now with phones!)
You aren't going to know how to draw something if you can’t picture it. I always go through my reference folder after I have an idea of what I want to draw — then I make the reference image work for me. Reference doesn’t mean you copy the image to a tee, you just use it as reference. I can push and pull features and angles once I have the base down, change positions of limbs, expressions, add or take away clothes, etc.
4. Hate to say it but you just have to keep drawing. Don’t be afraid to fail. Fuck up. Thats what sketchbooks are for. Its why I don’t often post sketchbook stuff because thats for me to fuck around in. You just have to get comfy with failing. Failing is SO important and don’t let social media think you’re the only one doing it. Take a breath, come back with fresh eyes, and try again. It’s your weirdest and most fucked up fails that create the most interesting work more often than not. And your designs might change and will grow and become more of what you want them to be! I love my old designs bc they helped me grow as an artist! I was learning then, and I’m learning now!
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I went to school for painting not illustration whatever that means etc. etc. but this is my own personal artist manifesto. Embrace the ugly, give your choices reason, make research part of your art process and fall in love with failing!
I hope any of that helped, at least a little— and take what I offered with a grain of salt. ♥️
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rodentbrains · 2 years
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rebirth: oretga & sidestep + unreliable/divergent points of view pt. 1
#fhr#chargestep#SO#maybe mayhaps! i got a bit obsessed with this theme in their relationship#and maybe i did go through all of the code and took a bunch of screenshots of parts that best illustrate that#and if i did what about it!!!!#as i said brain rot BUT its actually extremely good and both funny and jarring and sad#their dynamic is so fascinating and messed up and filled with both a) intentional lies and secrets#b) wrong conclusions that they never talked about#c) wildly different perspectives on something from the get go#which just go worse the more time passed and the less each of them said#and when i start to think how these two people who are in one regard really close and now each other so well#and naturally just are /partners/#simultaneously have an image of each other that's so out of touch with reality is just#fascinating to say the least#so yes i do have too many of these no i dont know who this is for besides me and yes i did include all possible variations of their#relationship and gender/sexuality variance#:)#i can't write fic so this is how i create content to entertain myself i guess!!!!!#at least until i'm able to draw again#so do with all of that what you will!!!#also retribution is even better for this but#i can't include that for obvious reasons so! guess this is gonna go on for a while :)))#oh final note: every time i read sidesteps dumb ass#the idea that ortega would take your death personally didnt even cross your mind#i'm shot on site#the stupidity.....astounding
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meringuejellyfish · 2 years
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this sort of evolution is really sweet + agott probably didnt get much encouragment/compliments back at home so shes not used to it. im glad shes in a better environment now .. and even with that i enjoy seeing times where she gets mad and storms off, how her frustrations arent met with attempts to shut her down but rather patience and the desire to help her become better every day and work through her troubles in a healthier way. gosh i dunno its just really refreshing and sweet to see how thoughtful both qifrey and olly - and just a good chunk of the adults in wha - are, they really care, but even they make mistakes at times. i believe thats just one of my favorite things about this series, likeee this world and these characters feel so human because theyre messy and sometimes get worse instead of better and dont think straight and say awful things they dont mean and make stupid mistakes and honest mistakes ...which is fine ! everyone is just going through their own things and trying their best. to strive for perfection is to plot your own downfall
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gayfranziska · 2 years
kinda obsessed with the idea that the karumas and mitsurugis are both offshoot branches of the original asougi clan with beef that goes back for GENERATIONS. the von karma-edgeworth family drama is just the inevitable consequence of history repeating itself
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