#its not great bc the painting is like the size of a note card but o well
feelindrawy · 8 months
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young arthur :3
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crowdsourcedloner · 4 months
unhinged cecil rambling time, caster edition fanfest cant come soon enough
in no particular order (and regular text size) heres my thoughts/ideas/babbles about the next caster job/what i think would be neat for a caster job/apparently astro thoughts?
one really nice thing about caster jobs is the weapon can be anything so i hope it wont be just. a stick. or something. or another goddamn sword like come on square give me a mace or a bell or a fancy schmancy focus or magical tattoos or prayer beads or... idk just go wild! be unique! the world is your oyster and i wanna go shucking!
similar vein, i wonder if it'll have a raise... red mage's damage has (relatively) suffered for having easy access to verraise and magick barrier (a genuinely great defensive cooldown), and summoner's damage is likewise lesser for having a raise of it's own compared to black mage... would they add another "selfish" caster? or would they leave black mage as the "selfish" caster, like they did with the "selfish" samurai?
...also, how mobile will it be? endgame fights are decently interesting to plan movement for on black mage and red mage, so i hope they don't just make it a sparkly phys ranged...
green mage is already very hinted at (re: the earring krile picks up at the end of current patch) but, since it's previous iteration as a debuff job probably wouldn't work well in current ffxiv, it'll probably be more green-themed than anything. so... what's green themed? just the color? plants? would plants/nature be distinct enough from conjurer and white mage? would it be like sage where it's just a name reference? will krile become green mage and the player job be something entirely different? who knows! its baseless speculation hours!
(for the record i kinda hope it's just gonna be krile's job if it does come true, the idea of being a green mage doesn't really inspire any interest from me... but maybe its just a lame name and it'll look sick in game and i'll change my mind lmao)
an illusion based caster could be neat as hell imo - it could be a cool take on a pictomancer, it just fights with 'drawn' glamours that explode? we already have examples of creatures like the ink tiger in Rokkon (though that could arguably just be a fancy carbuncle?) and we have ink mages (though they're effectively arcanists) in the Heroes Gauntlet dungeon that could serve as inspiration, though you could run into problems with another book caster... maybe a paintbrush weapon? would it be big enough? an illusion job could really go wild with particle effects too... just imagine a big sketchy lb3 with paint splatters and lots of color!
time mage! clocks! dots! gimme a dot job square you cowards! ...but i'll be the first to admit this idea is the least likely, just bc of how burst focused this game is in general... dot jobs dont like when things go untargetable (so every ulti and several savages and extremes and dungeon bosses and trash mobs dying) so it'd be such a pain to balance... probably not worth the headache and better to play a different game for that power fantasy tbh
on that note, the astro rework - i'm very interested to see where it goes. i love astro's aesthetics and can play it pretty well, but playing it for any longer than a lockout absolutely murders my hands/wrists (even after i've moved keybinds multiple times it's a recurring problem) so i'm curious if they'll aim for a faster pace again. astro's current kit is undeniably strong as hell, but it's so clunky and irritating at times (fuck astrodyne, all my homies hate astrodyne) i wonder what they'll prune from it. change cards to aoe cards, perhaps? remove the seal mechanic? go back to time mage ideas? go harder into heal-over-time effects versus white mage's strong burst heals? would that even be viable? we'll need to wait for the media tour for actual info on this, unfortunately - job action trailers aren't great at piecing together what heals actually do. should see some neat animations at least.
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nhilz666 · 5 years
being scene/emo on a budget!
it can be rough out there if ur poor and cant afford hot topic and spencer's prices here are some resources and ideas to be scemo on the cheap!
1: diy band shirts!
band shirts are extremely pricey, and not everyone has a hot topic close by that they can go to to check the clearance rack.
how to make cardboard stencils
hanes crew neck t-shirts sell for about 5-6 dollars at dollar general (depending on the size), and plain fruit of the loom t shirts cost 3-6 dollars at walmart
tubes of acrylic paint like this usually cost about 99 cents wherever you go
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acrylic paint holds up pretty well in the wash, but if the design fades, keep the stencils around to touch up the shirt
2: bracelets!
rubber bracelets are always overpriced. its always 10 bucks per what is honestly just an over glorified rubber band.
kandi is cost effective, customizable, and quintessentially scemo.
at dollar tree you can find baggies of beads in several verities, pony/stars/lettering. all for a dollar.
if you can afford it, bulk packages of pony beads like these sell for around ~10-15 dollars. id say it's worth the price sense you're getting it in bulk.
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a 10 yard spool of elastic string costs about 1-2 dollars at michaels, and various spools at walmart cost anywhere from 1-5 dollars.
3: bottoms!
this ones  a little hard bc denim and bottoms in general are always gonna cost a bit more than shirts. but we all gotta wear pants.
how to distress jeans how to distress jeggings how to distress tights (video)
jeans are always pretty pricey, but the cheaper jeggins at walmart go for about 6-16 dollars. tights can be found at walmart ranging from 3-15 dollars
4: makeup!
dollar store makeup can sometimes be harsh on the skin, depending on what you buy. however, ELF is a cheap makeup brand that has, in my experience, always treated me right.
this eyeliner pot is 3 dollars and is a must have. just dip your finger in and smear til you got the desired effect. mine lasted me all 4 years of highschool until i misplaced it in a move. 
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a cool little trick if you're having trouble finding a good black lipstick that doesnt break the bank: apply the eyeliner to your lips and then apply a coat of lip balm or clear lip gloss. it actually lasts pretty long and hardly fades.
also, check this pallete out. 10 dollars.
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look at these bold colors! the red, purples, and black would make even Ebony Dark'ness Dimentia Raven Way blush.
ELF can be found at walmart, target, and online at their store. ELF is also cruelty free!
5: shrinky dinks!
how to make shrinky dinks
the article doesnt mention this, but you dont need to purchase the shinky dink sheets. if you have any #6 plastic from packaging, you can use that! (shrinky sink plastic sheets also price around 3-10 dollars if you’d prefer to use the sheets)
packs of colored permanent markers cost ~6-12 dollars
make charms for bracelets, phones, and necklaces! trace designs from the internet or freehand your own!
6: halloween stores!
when its in season you can find plenty of deals! looking around i found a neon eyeshadow pallete for three dollars and neon tights for 10!
7: decorating your room!
posters are way too expensive, thankfully though there is an alternative
ups offers a service to be able to print off 8.5x11 sheets of paper for about 2$ in black and white and 2.50$ in color per page ( of course this depends on how much ink you use) 
your local library may also offer the same service, give or take a couple bucks depending on your library. do note though you may need to purchase a library card if you dont already have one as some libraries require you to have one to use the service. 
just fill up a word document with your desired pictures, pay, print, cut, and pin to your wall.
another alternative is to trace what you want by hand! cartoon characters, band logos, anything, just trace, color, cut, and pin. this is actually a pretty fun activity even if you're not good at drawing as trace jobs still look pretty good. 
a simple 12 pack of crayola colored pencils can be found for around 3-5 dollars if you dont already have some laying around.
here's my example as I do this as well:
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8: thrifting!
you'd be suprised how much you can find at thrift stores, ppl leaving leaving scemo behind. ive personally been able to find those studded belts you usually buy at spencers and things like converse and big black boots. making regular visits to local thrift stores, you're bound to find something.
9: fingerless gloves!
how to make fingerless gloves out of socks:
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of course you can also find some plain gloves and cut the fingers off, but sometimes socks have really cool/cute patterns that would make great fingerless gloves/arm warmers.
so, thats all i have for now, and feel free to add your own ideas!
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patchworktail · 7 years
ITS 4:30 AM AND I DONT FEEL LIKE SLEEPING so I’m gonna do this meme that i got tagged for twiCE and totally forgot to do til now!!!! (i had 2 dig through your blogs to find them omg)
ANYWAY i was tagged by both @mooitstimdrake​ and @cynessie​ (I MISS U BOTH BTW ❤)
RULES: Share 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions provided by the tagger, tag 11 awesome people and leave 11 questions for them to answer!
(I’m gonna skip tagging people/asking 11 questions - 1) because I’m lazy 2) because a lot of people who I would tag either have already been tagged or woN’T DO IT and 3) I have to answer two sets of 11 questions anyway so I’ll let one of those sets take the place of my 11 questions!!)
11 Facts
I was supposed to leave to move into my college 3 days ago but since my college is in Savannah they pushed off move-in/orientation for a weEK BECAUSE OF HURRICANE IRMA AND I’M STILL UPSET/DISAPPOINTED
That being said I’m about to start as a college freshman at art school, planning on majoring in animation! :D
I binged all of Buzzfeed Unsolved in like 2 days and I fuckin LOVE IT
Also BNHA is like my current main obsession???? I fell in love w that anime and uhhhh I’d Die For My Kids
I almost never use skype anymore - I’m always on Discord now (mutuals may add me just message me if you want my tag :3c)
I loooove creating OCs and my main OC is a forest elf named Rally and he’s precious and I LOVE HIM AND COULD TALK ABOUT HIM FOR HOURS (also my best friend @/harpxer and I have a huge ongoing rp with him and her mountain elf oc, Kahl!! they’re really gay)
Hmmm fun fact I guess I’ve been involved with internet communities since I was 10 years old and I made my very first internet friend when I was 10 and we’re still great friends and talk p much every day to this day (hi @/fiishr)
I want a tattoo super bad but idk what I’d geT
I worked at a jewelry engraving stand at an amusement park this summer and one night I accidentally gave myself a 1st degree burn on my finger from the hot glue gun and it hurt So Bad
I had my graduation party this July and it was really fun but the best part was when 14 of us played this giant game of spoons and it got really intense, made worse by people randomly screaming during it, and then we collectively decided to blast hardcore rap music from the speakers and Let Me Tell You i have not been involved in a more stressful card game in my LIFE
I’ll always always always fall for the hero/happy character/protagonist basically....idk what it is about me but I’m so Predictable...I love cute optimistic brave characters who just wanna do Right.....I don’t cARE IF PEOPLE THINK THEY’RE BORING I THINK THEY’RE PERFECT AND AMAZIGN AND I LOVE THEM
@mooitstimdrake​‘s Questions:
If you were to make a new blog dedicated to one single thing (fandom, hobby/activity, etc) what would it be? Honestly, right at the moment probably BNHA!!!! it’s legit my most recent big obsession and I love it?? so much???
If you could have any kind of animal as a pet, what would you have? A RACCOON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM SOSOSOSOSOS MUCH and some people actually do have them as pets! They can be difficult though but WORTH IT
Who was your favorite teacher and why were they your favorite? OH BOY......I’m gonna say it’s a tie between my AP studio art teacher and my AP US government teacher from this past year, my senior year! My AP art teacher because our class was super tiny, 12 kids, and it really felt like a family?? She was a-okay with letting us all goof around and say weird shit, she was really chill and funny and like. part teacher, part friend, which was always nice. As for my AP gov teacher, he was SO. FUCKING. FUNNY. OH MAN. NOT EVEN ON PURPOSE he just like? put up with SO MUCH? we had some real character kids in that class and my teacher’s reactions were HILARIOUS. he had a sarcastic streak too so his responses were equally as funny when someone did something weird. He would say the funniest stuff just ask @/harpxer I would tell her so many stories from that class sohboshrb. Aside from the humor that class was really interesting, and he’s a really good, invested teacher - he wanted us to learn, he’s super passionate about government and history, and he always started off each class with 2 current events which was really nice and helped me learn more about things happening in the world too!!! overall that was like my fav non-art class I’ve ever taken!!!!
What’s your guilty pleasure (and I’m challenging you not to say some kind of food)? HMMMMM. Honestly I’m gonna go ahead and say really cheesy or lame movies/shows (like, Disney channel movies, dumb shows - like the one summer I watched all of Glee LOL, stuff like that). Like yeah I know 90% of it is terRIBLE but it’s still amusing/lighthearted stuff that makes me happy KLSDJVLSDHB
Favorite pizza topping? EXTRA CHEESE IF THAT COUNTS, if not then pepperoni!!
What’s the last thing you bought (that wasn’t food)? I’ve actually been buying a lot the past few weeks in prep for college/spending a little money for ONCE since I worked all summer. I got a bunch of boring stuff but the things I’m most excited about are: two posters I got for my dorm (The Office is one and one is Lord Huron), a giant wall tapestry (it’s Up themed!!!), tWO BNHA/POKEMON CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY AND EVERY TIME I LOOK AT THEM I START CRYING BC THEYRE SO CUTE, and oh my GOD I BOUGHT THIS GIANT PILLOW FROM TARGET AND IT IS THE SINGLE SOFTEST THING I’VE EVER FELT AND IT’S HUGE AND IT IMMEDIATELY BECAME MY #1 COMFORT OBJECT AND TOP FIVE FAV THINGS IVE EVER BOUGHT!!!!!! I guess MOST recently though I just bought Clip Studio Paint online today (art program) since it’s on sale for 50% off and I’ve heard great things about it!
What upcoming movies/tv shows are you looking forward to? UHHHHH as for movies... justice league part 1, the incredibles 2, kingsman 2, the neW POKEMON MOVIE I CHOOSE YOU, probably a lot more I can’t remember rn. AS FOR SHOWS HMMM I’m...excited for the next season of the good place and izombie, and oh I’m excited for the punisher netflix show!! and the next season of voltron of COURSE!!! and next season of stranger things!! probably more I’m forgetting too tbh
Any recommendations (this could be anything just throw your best pitch at me)? JFISDJKLBJ I DON’T KNOW OMG tbh rachel you watch a lot of the same things I do already LMAOOO
What’s your favorite thing to wear that you own? OH FUCK I DUNNO HMMM I really like wearing my various leggings and scarves, but as like a Single Item....I like wearing....uhhhh I have this giANT sweater like it’s WAY too big for me but it’s so COMFY and I love it. I also love wearing my Star Labs sweatshirt bc it’s soft and comfortable
What was your first pet? my cat!!! we took her in as a stray kitten living in our backyard when I was like. 2 or 3 and so we’ve basically had her my whole life!!
If you could learn any language, what would it be? UHHHHHH honestly probably spanish - I took it 4 straight years and was okay at it in class but one year went by with me not taking it and I forgot everything LOOOL I’m...bad....at languages....
@cynessie‘s Questions:
Where is the coolest place you’ve ever been? I haven’t been many cool places :( I guess the coolest isssss I dunno it depends? Lake George is where I go on vacation every year, I LOVE NYC, I love Savannah too and it’s where I’m gonna be for college so?? ?? ?  ? I’VE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND I’M SAD BUT I’M POOR AND CAN’T AFFORD IT
What was the first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up? veterinarian!! 
Look to your right. What do you see? a dirty plate on my desk, my bed just past that, and my CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY THAT ARE SO CUTE I CRY EVERY TIME I SEE THEM
What are you procrastinating on? ajkldjboidj lik e 4 art commissions,,,, and 7 MAP parts,,,, and my pre-work for 2 of my classes,,,,,,,and cleaning my room,,,, and sending thank-you notes to relatives,,, SOMEONE KICK MY ASS AND MAKE ME DO SHIT
Which family member are you closest too and what is their name? UHHHH.... I guess my younger brother Luke? or maybe my mom? I’m not on bad terms with anyone though, I love both my older brothers too and we all have a good sibling relationship I just talk more with my younger bro I think - second closest would be with my second older brother Connor!
What’s the last song you listened to? I’m listening to Ultralife by Oh Wonder right now :3c I’ve been on a huUUGE Oh Wonder kick lately!!
What do you generally carry in your bag/pockets when you go out? my wallet (w my license and money and debit card and all), travel size lotion, phone, and chap stick!!
Do you believe in ghosts? I’m gonna hesitantly say YES but I’m not 100% convinced I don’t think
What is a skill you want to learn? MAYBE THIS IS WEIRD but I think learning how to act would be kinda neat. On a more realistic note I wish I could learn to exercise without dying
Tell me a joke. I’M BAD AT JOKES DON’T DO THIS TO ME NESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO YEAH THAT’S ALL FOLKS it’s 5am now...Nice..... :’) I love my ability to stay up obscenely late while also getting Nothing Done JLSDNVDHAGHVDLAK
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