#its just when i notice traits people have that i have sometimes im like 👀 “same hat?”
Im just imagining Akari noticing Izuku's hyper fixation on Heroes and All Might and looking over at Keigo like 😏
And Keigo is IMMEDIATELY "No." Because she cannot peer diagnose everyone she suspects could be neurodivergent
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astrojoy · 3 years
AJAJHSHAB YOU NEVER FAIL TO IMPRESS🤩🤩I really am stuck in my head and most of the time it’s not even on purpose, i’m literally just zoned out not thinking about anything - it’s such a bad habit oml I can’t tell you how many times I got yelled at about it
Hehe I have an Aqua rising so that aloof part is even more noticeable! Having pisces placements is really a blessing and curse for me. Seeing the good in everyone really got me messed up even when I see red flags...bc I feel like even deserves a second chance😀
Neptune is my dominant planet so I’m not surprised it plays a big role in my chart😂Pay attention to the 12th...my neptune is in the 12th- is that important? It also conjuncts my asc so i’m sure it directly affects my appearance as well, actually all my dominant planets are in my first house and conjuncts my asc which I’m sure also affects my appearance (?) Ah it’s so exciting to talk about this since I’m beginning to get deeper into astrology and I somewhat know l what i’m talking about!!!😂🥰 You make the experience even more fun bc the info you give out is easy to understand:)
Btw I absolutely adore art! It’s one of my favorite subjects and I love making new things, it’s like I always need to do something with my hands.
Huh ...this is the second time I’ve heard someone say there’s a possibility for me being a psychic considering how much in tune I am with things , I was also actually just talking about this with my friend the other day! I’m not sure how I feel about it but since I’ve been trying to use my intuition more I might just try it:)
I’ve always been complimented for my eyes, it’s one of my favorite traits🥰Oh god how did you know!? It’s literally so hard for me to not smile without my eyes!!Hey leave me and my round head out of this LMAO🤚🏼
My dressing style is...interesting to say the least. I’m constantly changing my aesthetic, I can’t stay with one thing:’) Ooooh mysterious vibes~ Ik the 10th house may also play a part in how we are viewed to the public and I have a scorpio mc with pluto in the 10th. Eh idk if that really does anything tho. NOOO NOT THE HEIGHT! I’m more on the average side but i’m the oldest of my siblings yet i’m the shortest💀
Funny you mention that- Luicd dreaming is something I got interested in but for some reason I forgot about it, I’m gonna look into it again!👀
Bby I really am shy but tbh I feel like once I’m comfortable i’m definitely extroverted- Hmm I guess you can call me an extroverted introvert AJSKHSB anyways sorry i keep getting off track oml. I feel that sometimes my 1st house stellium can wash out my reserved personality and that neptune dominance. YYESSS I LOVE STYLING!!!😌 ITS LIKE MY STYLE IS ALWAYS DIFFERENT BUT YOU CAN GET AN IDEA OF WHAT I LIKE. AWHWHJMSKS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! YOUR WORK IS BEAUTIFUL! MUAH MUAH MUAH I HOPE MY FEEDBACK WAS INFORMATIONAL ON SOME THINGS FOR YOU! TAKE CARE AND CONTINUE TO SPREAD YOUR JOY YOU BIG BUNDLE OF SUNSHINE AND HAPPINESS🌈✨
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Oml you must look soo gorgeous btw! So first you said you keep changing your aesthetics and stuff? GIRL YOUR RISING IS AQUARIUS IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE AHH
plus Neptune is conjunct your AC and in 12th? You must look so ethereal and not even know it oml
Neptune conjunct AC is seen in a lot of models charts btw 🥳 my mom who has Neptune in the 1st was scouted for modelling when she was younger so I know first hand experience! Neptune conjunct ascendant is definitely in their head often. You could daydream a lot or if you have dreams they could be vivid AF and if you do get into lucid dreaming or astral projection I feel like you could do wonders oml. Astral projection I've heard for some people can be scary and you need to be careful and protect yourself, personally for me I've gotten used to it some more but still working on it!
I love your placements so much!! Thank you for taking the time to share everything, I enjoyed reading it!
Have a beautiful day and I'm glad it resonated!! 🥳🥺🌈🍭
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sailorhyunjinz · 2 years
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damn, i hope it's okay to share this part of the lecture notes because it's publishing my profs skript?
Anyway, i did not think about how i wrote what at all because the lectures are going by so fast; it's also a bit hard to read because of that, but i got you an excerpt mentioning the subspace top 👀
That weird looking T isn't a capital T, it's a lower case greek "tau" and the mirrored capital E is maths for "it exists". I write my actual upper case Es like € but with only one line in the middle. I don't know if that helps but yeah
-horny!jisung is valid
OH I AM SO EXCITED THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS and im sure its fine, no one can understand those fucking mathematic formulas anyways SO WE JUST GONNA LOOK AT THE WRITING <33
The size of your writing is adequate, not too big not too small maybe leaning a bit on the smaller side sometimes which means that you are humble! the baseline is relatively straight, some waves which is great, it means that you have a healthy way of coping with your emotions. the distance between your words changes from time to time which is normal as well, you might be closer to some people than others but in general you have a healthy distance in all your relationships, like you're not forcing yourself upon anyone or have an overbearing issue with abandonment.
theres a slight backwards slant happening ever so often which signals that you are more rational than emotional, your descions are often well thought through and maybe youre not so much of a team player, you like working with machines more than people WHICH IS FINE, WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. i feel like one of or maybe both of your parents were strict when you were a child and you arent that open when it comes to expressing feelings, you have them of course but you a reluctant to share them, thinking that maybe you are a burden to someone else or that you are equipped to deal with it on your own yeee,,, I DONT KNOW YOU ARE GONNA HAVE TO TELL ME LATER ON IF ANY OF THIS DOESNT RESONATE
for the most part your writing is loopy and round which indicates playfulness and your writing is connected with downwards stroke sometimes and sometimes its disconnected which is normal, nothing weird, the downwards stroke shows friendlyness! its also very middlezone dominant which means that you are here in the present moment, you dont thinking too much about the past and you plan ahead sure but not to like every detail, you are trying to get your tasks done in the present moment yk but theres one thing i noticed and that its although you dont have massive lower zones when they are present so for example the "p" and the "f" your writing gets sharp which signals sexual frustration or maybe frustrations when it comes to power or money like you want more of the lustful things in life but youre not sure how to get there,,, yk
OH I REALLY WAN DO LETTER SPECIFIC STUFF OK ALRIGHT the first thing that really stood out to be is the very inconsistant "t-bar" which is that stroke across the "t". in your writing its sometimes a bit higher but for the majority of the time its very low which gives the impression that you have a low self-esteem, you dont believe in your abilities and you think that you are not as good as everybody else (lemme tell you honey judging by these notes that look like something from a cave you hae nothing to worry about) BUT YOU ARE because look at the loopy "p", thats a sign of intelligence and that you vibe with people that are also intelligent where yall can have interesting discussions about stuff yk
all of your "a" letters are closed which means that you usually dont talk a lot,,, you talk when you need to but like thats it,,, also this is gonna sound very personal but you dont have that much of a craving for oral sex,,, y-yeah ITS NOT YOUR FAVORITE
oh you mentioned that you write your "e" like a backwards 3 and like with a line right? i dont know too much about that trait and i have it too like i write my capital "E" like a backwards three and all of those kinda clump together in something that ive understood as a person that likes to explore different cultures! idk if thats some bullshit explanation cause the only other person i know that writes like that is,,, me like I HAVENT ANALYZED IT ALOT but thats kinda the general understanding of it
minimal insecurity loops but like everyone has insecurities once in a while and a last thing is that you have a "hint" of secretivness but you only use it when you need to like you dont go around holding secrets for no reason but if someone needs you to keep a secret you wont crack and tell it to everyone, thats a positive trait but it can turn very negative if you have a lot of like looping in "o" and "a" where its like someone keeps secrets so hard that it ends up hurting them and their mental state.
,,,, hope this wasnt too personal,,, h-he,, BUT THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN, it can be personal and although i dont see any major red flags i want you to be more believing in yourself because other aspects in your writing show that you are not only a friendly person butalso intelligent <333
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lovelocus · 7 years
can u do all the soft emoji asks :))))
lakjsdhdjks omg this is not what i wanted. be careful next time you reblog a long ask post  👀👀👀
💗  - if you could choose, which time period would you live in? why?
80′s because i really like some of the music from back then and the culture. Plus looking at my mum’s photos the fashion seemed pretty nice and everyone seemed a little more chill/friendly/charismatic/cool
🌿  - what place do you wish you were right now? why?
2028, i have a job and my own apartment, i come home at 4 or 5 every weekday and can enjoy my time alone in peace doing whatever i like. i don’t have to think about anything i don’t want to and thats it.
💫  - what’s the feeling of one emotion that you’ve never been able to label?
everything i’m feeling right now?
🌷  - what are some physical traits you are attracted to?
Have you noticed how fit people stand and walk differently? it’s kinda attractive. Eye smiles and smaller/monolid eyes. I think girls with chubby-ish cheeks are adorable - seunghee, suhyun, jennie, this girl on instagram i follow. Nice arms and thighs 👌 but i like a lot of softer looking guys. if you smell nice. a nice (or) deepish voice, freckles sometimes. MOLES, esp. in interesting places
💐  - what are some personality traits you are attracted to?
humour (if you make me laugh i’ll probably fall in love with you), doesn’t take themselves too seriously, is “smart”, a bit adventurous, respectful, actual friendliness, easy-going. is soft? idk how to explain it. cute in a natural way? but its more than that
📺  - describe a picture you’ve had in your head and wanted to take.
those nice food/beach pictures i always reblog.
👼🏼  - what is your ideal friend like?
im comfortable talking with them but also with keeping some things private. doesn’t feel the need to talk all the time or doesn’t make me feel like i need to make them laugh all the time. knows what to give me for my birthday. is comfortable not talking to me using social media or through texting. likes to go out and try new things/food. honest, reliable and loyal
🌙 - are you more nostalgic or foward-looking? or are you neither?
nostalgic about tv shows and photo albums but otherwise i’m pretty forward-looking
☁️  - what colour does one of your idols remind you of?
i hate it when people say dk reminds them of yellow. i get it but also :/ its everywhere, boy deserves better.
joan on yt reminds me of a light, warm yellow though
sawako reminds me of anime uniform pink and blue
💞 - what does love feel like to you?
i wouldn’t know ^^ love’s too meaningful but i felt different looking at dean in the and july video today. I guess the moment you start to look at someone differently, your chest feels heavier and you can’t help smiling? and you’re just like, wow, i love this person so much.
🍃 - what’s one thing that you regret never saying?
not gonna say who but a few weeks ago i finally got the opportunity to talk to someone but i bailed out and ended the conversation too early. wish i’d talked with them more about anything
🐰 - what’s one of your favourite childhood memories?
sitting in the living room with my family and watching the chinese tv together?
going to the library. they got rid of it so i miss it a lot :( esp. the smell. it was so nostalgic
✨  - what normally happens in your dreams?
i’m always going somewhere??? i don’t write down my dreams so i don’t remember them but they’re pretty wild. The only one i remember atm is a soonwoo dream i had that was like this really high quality but fanmade amv/movie trailer except with clips from things they’ve never done in real life?? like they ride on a rollercoaster and wonwoo pretends to die but gets zapped back to life by cgi lighting like the one on variety shows. A channel called thejapanstudio made it.
☕️ - who makes you feel warm and cozy?
dean, minghao, dk, suga, jimin, rapmon. this is a sOFT BOY blog. no nice wholesome answers like me mum or my boyfriend
🌟 - who’s a character that you relate a lot to? why?
michael from the office because he’s a horrible human being and everything i hate about myself lmao. I hated him so much when I watched the office
this is a lot buut,,,I love over sharing :)
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