#its gonna deal with both babygates and beards etc so be warned
ohthathurt · 7 years
Time Will Tell Chapter 2/?
so i’ve decided to make this fic a chaptered work, hope you like it!
Read on AO3 Summary: The aftermath of the interview and Liam looks back on all the mistakes he's made and all that he's grateful for.
Hand already reaching his back pocket, Liam stepped backstage leaving behind the screaming and finds a dark corner. A flurry of fingers over the screen of his phone and he pulled the one contact up.
Lips quirked at the image attached to the contact, a close-up of his husband snuggled with Rhino as they both nap on the couch, he didn’t waste a minute and pressed dial. He clutched onto his phone with dear life, silently urging his husband to pick it up, although if he knows his husband and he does very well (“Why are you so dirty-minded all the time, jaan?) he would have kept his phone close to him, waiting to hear about the reaction. He needn’t worry, Liam thought, grinning into his phone as he hears a husky, melodic voice come on.
“Babe?” asked Zayn, uncertainty painting his voice. Liam exhaled in one long swoop, allowing himself to finally release the tension from his shoulders, his stiff spine and wide eyes.
His only answer was one loud, disbelieving and slightly hysterical laugh. Thankfully, his husband caught on.
“Yeah? Really? We’re good?” whispered Zayn, his voice giving away the awe and shock Liam felt in his bones just then.  
“Yeah, babe. Really.” is all Liam can manage, a watery, thick voice betraying his emotions.
A sniffle on the end of the line signals to Liam that they are very much on the same level of emotion. Disbelief and shock gave way to heartfelt gratification and thankfulness for having the world’s best fans. Back when, Zayn had left for the UK following a teary-eyed goodbye from his mates and boyfriend, Liam had thought all was lost. He had felt distraught because there he was standing alone in a mostly-empty airport in the middle of the night, having seen off his boyfriend. He shouldn’t have done that.
Louis shouldn’t have agreed to the deal nor should Liam have. Zayn should never have accepted the contract and Harry should have stayed away. After what felt like years of hell, painful fights between married couples, and tearful reconciliations, they all sat down and just looked at each other. Looked at the difficulty and pain of having gone through all that. Where Louis and Liam bonded over leading a very false life in the media circles, Harry and Zayn talked about the hardships of having to work with difficult people as beards. Niall, always sat in the corner, with sad eyes running over the boys every now and then, as if they would disappear from his vision if he looked away.
Liam regretted every word that came out his mouth during the years where he led a false life. Selling the image of his impending fatherhood to the media then returning home to a wonderful, beautiful man who he didn’t deserve, took a toll on him. It got worse once the birth was announced and he was finally free to carry out his solo career plans. Liam had thought he was finally granted freedom, having done what was asked of him, but a quick phone call changed all that for him.
What followed were the most trying few months he’s ever had since he was signed up for the band. Fighting constantly with his husband and coming home to empty rooms and silence was all that awaited Liam in those months. But he had had enough. A quick, determined call later he was sat in front of Zayn with pleading eyes and soft mouth wrapping around apologies and promises. This was it.
This was the beginning of the end. A beautiful beginning of them.
Casey Farrow, Monday, July 20th 2020 Where do broken hearts go indeed; Liam Payne, 27, reveals in an all-tell interview given on the Ellen Show how him and RnB heartthrob Zayn Malik are in a relationship and have been for a while now! The 1d rockstar let the cat out of the bag with a sweet picture of him and husband, Malik, cuddling in bed, causing our hearts to melt. Following the tumultuous scandal of Louis Tomlinson’s not-so-real baby and the involvement of Harry Styles, Malik and Malik (?) are ready to revamp the image of the world’s most famous boy-band. What’s in store for them now? Who knows but we sure are excited to see more of those romantic snaps!
Lorna Kelly, Tuesday, 21st July 2020 Many fans rejoiced earlier this week when two more members of the world-famous One Direction came out of the closet in an emotional sit-down interview with Ellen Degeneres on her talk show. The host being an avid LGBT activist welcomed Payne, now Malik as he claimed, with open arms on the show where he revealed the well-kept secret with a picture of him and 27 year-old husband in bed. The reactions were as expected, most fans were ecstatic taking to twitter and trending the hashtag ‘ziamisreal’ worldwide, while curiously some were downright furious at being kept in the dark and lied to.
In March 2015, Zayn Malik had allegedly left the band under suspicious circumstances and had apparently cut off all ties with his former bandmates. Where Payne mentioned him throughout his solo career, Malik kept tight-lipped about all the drama that followed. In early 2017, exactly 2 years after Malik left, Payne allegedly welcomed a baby boy named Bear with X-Factor Judge, Cheryl Tweedy, who was ten years his senior and from the get-go the two had a very public and notorious relationship in the media. Payne hasn’t revealed any details about son, but fans ask is that really his son?
If anyone asked Liam about his most cherished memory, a few years ago his answer might have been different. He might have talked about performing in arenas internationally, meeting fans who cried when they met him, being praised so openly by big names in the industry, hearing his name being said so reverently. And his boys by his side.
All this would still apply for a position in his list of Most Cherished Memories, but the one that topped it all didn’t come until later. After experiencing the heartbreak of watching the love of his life being forced to walk away from him, from his dream, from his boys and brothers, Liam had thought they’d never make it. It should not have worked.
(“We can make it if we try, you and I” Zayn crooned into his microphone, unashamedly staring into Liam’s eyes, his own full of promises, as an entire arena looked on)
But it did. And excuse his French, but he’s so fucking glad it did, he thought, as he watched the love of his life laugh across the hall, nose scrunched adorably and eyes reduced to slits. He stood there, transfixed, at the mesmerizing sight, the memory burned into the little cells of his brain. And that right there was his Most Cherished Memory.
The memory that ignited something inside of him as well as calmed him down considerably. The knowledge that the beautiful man stood across the room from him was finally his husband, sworn to him through two faiths, bound to him by years of friendship and love. He had known then, right away, that it would be a cold day in hell before he ever let his husband walk away from him.
And if Liam thought that the most heartbreaking  sight in the world was his boyfriend walking away from him, then the most profound was watching his husband walk towards him, a small smile curving his lips and eyes glinting with love and mischief.
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