#it's his full name after all ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
chained-sweater · 1 month
Maximilian (Steve's father): Steven, why do you have a shrine of photos of your friend Soda in your closet?
Steve: Not to avoid the question, but why were you in my closet?
Maximilian: I was looking for you.
Steve: DAD.
Maximilian: STEVEN.
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wolfgirl-valentine · 6 months
10 fandoms 10 characters 10 Tags
Thanks for the tag @rainy-days-and-nights 🫂✨💚 sorry for the delay in answering, I been thinking about who put in the list sjsjsjsj(batalle para elegir solo a unx por fandom 🥹) so! Ten characters in no particular order.
Corvo Attano-Dishonored
I love him so much and I even named one of my cats after him 🖤
Boba Fett- Star Wars
Been obsessed with him since I was a child, a little disappointed in his treatment in recent years u_u
Garrus Vakarian- Mass Effect
My husband actually
Zuko - Avatar The las Airbender
He still has the best redemption arc in my opinion
Marko - Saga (Comic)
It was so difficult to choose only one character of this comic 😭 but if I have to he is definitely the one
Olivier Armstrong - Full Metal Alchemist
My queen 🖤✨
Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2
I just played this game this year for the first time and the wound is still fresh 🥺
Bigby Wolf- Fables/The Wolf among us
THE big bad wolf what can I say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Vincent Valentine- Final Fantasy VII
The reason behind the "Valentine" in my nickname xD, fun fact I haven't played FF7 for a reason or another all the copies that have ended in my hands were damaged, but I played Dirge of Cerberus a lot.
Will Graham - Hannibal (NBC)
I enjoyed how his character adapted through the series, still salty about the cancellation ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ
Tagging....uuuuuhhhh.....@sparkylulu @the-cloudy-dreamer @marvagon @dian-skywavecounty
Only if you want to :)
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patorosa · 1 year
Uh, so yeah,
I think this one is longer than the other sorry xd
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These are the (not definitive) redesigns that I made for my fnafhs remake. Why these guys and not the main five? I like them more, and I have a better idea of what I want to change specifically as a band and for the individual characters, I'm just gonna talk about what their Dela was in the og series, my personal issues with each character and what I want to change about them.
The band
This is just about what their role was in the story when the band "The toys" (I will call them TT) were introduced.
As I mentioned before, the characters were introduced to attract fans to the series, when TT were presented, they were initially introduced to be rivals of the main cast (mc), they were implied to be more skilled, confident and to be friends since they were young, a pretty good way to show what the mc needed to work on to win the competition. Though, after that their role changed a bit, and the story stopped focusing on them as a group, since the main competition was often left behind, and showed different aspects of their personalities.
In my version they will also be rivals to the mc. They are, however, friend because of casualty, they never expected to be together as a group, but we're not complaining. Think of the study group from Community.
Meg (or mangle)
Apparently her full name is meglody tf
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The bad bitch, the emo, the icon. After her song released you could see tons and tons of recolor of her sprites online. She is the lider of TT, the vocalist, in the first image you can see her og design with the character chart, her s2 design and my redesign on bottom left.
She is one of the characters with most development, since she was shown to have various relationships with other people outside her band (though she hated most people) but she isn't shown to have any kind of development, a real shame.
For her redesign, she has crutches, not as a Tragic Backstory ™ but because I think that the series doesn't really explore that eye thing that she has (is she blind, is it a glass eye, is it a normal eye? Who knows ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯), and also this was kinda inspired on the animatronic. Can someone help me to portray disability correctly?
Personality wise, she is someone likes it when she is control of her things, though, she tends to go to the bossy side. She is prideful on who she is, and won't let anyone hurt her or her friends, who are precious to her. Her strong personality may not be of everyones taste, but she doesn't want to appear to everyone. She's been under a lot of stress lately, and that has resulted in burst of anger towards anyone who crosses her when she is not in her best mood, lest just hope this doesn't affect her closer relationships.
When she and her friends heard about the band competition they decided that they would participate, she is the main singer bc the others say she has the prettiest voice of them (their words).
Bon (toy Bonnie)
Not to be confused with Usagi bon who was also inspired by toy Bonnie
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My personal favorite, he is the character with most development in my opinion, and part of the most (in)famous yaoi shota ai ships in the series, guitarist in his band and apparently a confident personality. Again in the image is his 1s and 2s looks, plus my redesign. In my design he looks darker bcs I drew him from memory.
Ever since his introduction, the fandom has shipped him with Bonnie, leading to the shota ai story, that is mostly based on bon crushing hard on Bonnie and going on his journey from "wtf dude I'm not gay" to "well I might be gay" that never actually ends in them being a couple but rather a lot of baiting from the creators and like two or three subplots that go nowhere (the fiancee, the homophobic dad, bullying the nerd). Anyway, even with all that he does show some growth on standing up for what he cares about and whatever, also, the ship got like two unrelated miniseries of 6 chapters each.
If you look closely (pls don't), it's clear that my design is closer to the 1s version, just with a sweater instead of that weird sleeve thing. I don't really like the 2s design bcs of a bigger problem with his character. I kept him a guitarist bcs is one of his main characteristic besides the homosexuality.
Now, my main focus on the rewrite of this character is around the treatment that he got with the ship material, since his only purpose was to make a romantic subplot, his original confident personality is changed to "UwU I'm not gay UnU" which I hate btw. So in my version he is going to be over the top confident, especially with his guitar skills, which makes him insufferable to other people to be around at times. In the yaoi department he is still going to be interested in Bonnie, so don't worry bout that.
He was the first to try and convince his friends to join the band competition, as a way to show off his skills beyond his performances at the park that he goes everyday after school. Huh, I wonder why he always gets home so late...
Joy (toy chica)
I forgot about her for a minute :P, there's no yellow font to match her :(
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You know how in animes shen there's a rival team there's always a cute waifu who is just for fanservice? Well she's that waifu, and the fanservice goes around her being shippable, instead of the other kind of fanfiction. She's the pure, cute girl who is kind to everyone, no matter what (thinking of it, I don't remember her being angry). She also sings in the band (I think) and is constantly supporting other characters in their personal growth, while showing almost nothing herself. Uhh, what else? She sings kpop. The images are in the same order as the other two.
As you may have noticed, Joy has almost no role or personality in the story, she could've been replaced with a sign most of the time, and has little relationships with other characters (we barely know her role in the band).
I tried to add some ruffles and fancy accessories to her school outfit, more in the cutesy side, she would dress in lolita style, and adapt her style to the school regulations. Since she doesn't have much going on in her og designs.
I tried giving her a twist to her personality, so that she appears all kind and cute when you first meet her, but starts acting condescending at times, and other times straight up insulting you with her little :3 face. Though she claims that it's out of her control and tries to stop doing it, people around her are very careful in her presence, maybe to the point of straight up excluding her. Not her friends of course, since they may be the only ones that invite her to do things together.
A band competition sounded like a lot of work to joy, especially when she didn't know how to play an instrument of her own, but her friends insisted that they could teach her to play the bass, she just needed to get the hang of it
Toddy (toy Freddy)
Hated for crimes she didn't do 😔
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For some weird reason she wasn't introduced with the rest of TT, making an appearance later in the series as (I'm not joking) Bon's fiancee, since then she was hated and put aside by everyone. Due to her brief appearances, she only has been used to make silly little jokes, forgetting the whole engagement, she plays the triangle for a joke, and also doesn't have character development. The world has been so unfair to her 😞✊.
Isn't it weird that the purposefully hateable character is dark skinned? Anyway, she is shown to be vain, arrogant, and in need for constant attention, with almost no positive qualities whatsoever. She's also shipped with a random character, no that you need to care because is part of the joke :).
I had always thought that dark skin characters in fnafhs had an ashy look to them, that's why I made her skin more vibrant, it may look redish, but that's bcs I used the orange background and it doesn't look as intense in there. Her outfit is accompanied with a lot of accessories, just to show off and shine. She is fancy and she will let you know it.
Her personality would be more down to earth than the others, she is more open about other people and tries to reason if conflict arrives, but if she considers it necessary, she will not doubt to completely cut ties with anyone, though it often leaves the confused.
Lately she haven't been hanging around the others as much as before, and refuses to participate in the competition, or to explain why.
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bookwormlover10 · 1 year
Jacob Wittesmith
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( btw this drowning is MONTHS old .I'm just lazy¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ )
This is Jacob h. Wittesmith. ( His full name is Jacob hunter Wittebane-smith. His last name is shorted cause it a month full) he is one of( the menny) owl house o.cs. he is the son of Philip Wittebane and my o.c Rosie Smith. While he is a baby in the my Cannon divergence with Rosie ( don't worry I haven't explain that) . But in my suneye au Jacob grew up and became a knight later on and made a government to after the undead war.
He grow up with loving home with his human dad and not a Witch but definitely not human mother. Both wanting to keep him safe and smart. He leard some glifs from Philip and his powers from Rosie ( cause he inherited thorns and a unique mutation from his Father he can tern into Rosie when he runs and is fast)
Growing up Jacob was bullied for being a half-ling and for not even being half Witch. ( Remember Rosie isn't a witch) so he wasn't even a half - a- witch. Kids called him " not witch" and "pick frakled freak" course of his unusual pink frakles.
When he was younger he meant jay( I'll explain him to don't worry) at the park with his dad . Who was there with his dad also ( the Wittebane brother were having a heart attack if you were wondering.) They het it of immediately because Best friends, like brothers even( can you see what I'm going with this). they don't even know that they were cousins until both their mom comfermd it... And that they both have hunter in their name.
He always wants to be a knight sence he was a kid. cause he always heard of story from his dad hearing about knight in shining armor and always helping people. Of course people don't believe in him, but he is wanted to prove them wrong.
He wanted to go to a training academy for knights. Unlike his cousin jay who parents were ok with him going. He didn't know what his parents ( specifically Dad)might think cause they don't want him in any danger. ( And not to mention that his dad had major appointment issues from his brother* looks at Canon*) but thanks to a "witch" name luzora *hint* and her aunt he was convince to tell his parents about going to the training academy. Turns out his parents ( mostly Philip) was ok with him going along as he tells them that hes leaving.
He trad became a knight then the war happened he was nickname the rose knight cause of his ability to tern into a rose wille renting face ( like hunter in Canon and ruby from RWBY) he also had a special move called rose thorns ( it awesome in my head) after the war he helped made a new government for the boling iles. He was offered to be king but he kindly rejected it.
He befriend the Collector and try to help him set free. He didn't ask for everything in return ( unlike his dad in Canon) he just wanted a little brother. ( They basically became adopted brothers)
He married a woman named Lora navy, who was a noble woman but she gave it up to be with him. Her family didn't like him not being a Witch. They had a daughter name Clara who later became an artist
Sadly he was merder couple years after the war. He was guarding some cart with jay on the way to bonesboro. But he was attack. ( Jay was knocked out ) He did fight him back he adventurally grew wigs like a fairy * hint to what Rosie is* but at the end, His head was cut off and he was stapled multiple times he also had a eye carving on his back. by a hooded figure with a suneye medallion.( This is all in front of the collector btw) and the hooded figure took the mirror that held the collector
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