#it's anything that alters your brain
yellow-yarrow · 1 year
i think characters in elysium would say I think I huave covid tzaraath. wait a minute
what does this mean. obviously its following the themes of memory loss, but also
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if what Measurehead said is true i imagine it probably messed with people's motorics skills, memories, etc.
Nilsen when talking about building Samara:
"I was a ruling machine on amphetamines, I never slept. None of us slept." (..) "You can’t imagine what happened here, how it was. It ran through the world like happiness intoxication.”
“Happiness intoxication? Amphetamine was common in your country then, and not yet medically tested.”
thinking about this from a gameplay perspective, everyone during the revolution must have had insanely hightened or lowered skills
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newyikecity · 5 months
tagged by @romansmartini to post my top 9 first watches of 2023 (which made me v excited bc i am soso normal abt movies<3)
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there it is. ✨ I didn't watch too many new movies in 2023 (i have hyperfixates on tv shows disease) but I'm thankful to say I watched a ton I really liked! Including Recovery which only exists on youtube as far as I know but is well worth it and def the most unexpected gem of this list.
tagging @ctrl-esc, @frengers, @andbutsowhen, @bjerre, @wambs, @modernoracleofdelphi and any other dear mutuals who are interested. I love to snoop on what other ppl have been watchin 👀
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collegeboysam · 8 months
been watching house of the dragon and the uncle-to-niece/nephew toxic staring got me fucked up. gothic romance but make it inbred dragon royal family
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
hey does SRK giving the locker room speech during the last half hour of Chak De! India (2007) cause you to spiral into an emotional meltdown late at night or are you normal somewhat
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riot-control-camp · 14 days
one piece openings so far have just been like
we are: i have bonkers catchy chords and my visuals are heartwarming, symbolic, and compelling. i can't wait to become an instant classic!
believe: maybe i'm a slight visual downgrade and a different vibe, but i have big shoes to fill! maybe i don't quite succeed at doing that but my vocals are still great and i do a fantastic job of showcasing how far the straw hats have already come!
hikari e, actively crushing a metal pipe into dust and snorting it like fucking cocaine: we are going to rotoscope everything while simultaneously changing the camera angle every 7 frames Exactly. my music was crafted by rats who painstakingly churned the ancient music glyphs into a shape that satisfied me, and i melted your brain with it so quickly that you didn't even fucking CARE that the next crew addition got spoiled along the way. i spit on ozymandias' grave and demand you despair at MY works instead. anyways watch your stupid pirate show or whatever
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dilfkuza · 1 year
watching Nishitani's death scene always leaves me devastated. like noooo king you can't die you haven't gotten your rocks off in a decent fight yet
#jokes aside the first time i saw that scene I wasn't ready for it. he's such an earnest guy who embodies this wild persona fully ->#and when the audience may believe he'll go wild again or pull some shit to save himself what does he do?#he tries to run for his uncle and shields Majima from the bullets.#he didn't have to give up his life but he saw something in Majima that he wanted to protect. a reflection maybe.#that line he says about “why couldn't we have met earlier” and chiding himself for being sentimental... goddd i need more of him#it makes me wonder specifically what he would think of the Mad Dog persona.#would he be proud that Majima took after him? glad to have someone that understands?#or perhaps downtrodden that Majima could follow his direct footsteps into an early grave himself?#i mean we've seen Majima throw himself into situations where he could die any minute. its not wrong to say its a miracle he's gonna see 60#but is that also something he learned from Nishitani? that he can sacrifice himself if it means the ones he loves will thrive?#ughhhh mr nishitani i miss your silly ass... literally altered Majima's brain chemistry that day in the jail cell....#also not to be too theorist or anything but like. i wonder if anyone tried to get Nishitani help or if they let him die.#bc his men were in the (unlocked) cell with him; one of them could have run for help or a medic even if it was too late#but would he want that? or would he have wanted to be left in peace with his only family member- dead by association with him?#grrrr i need more info on him..... but at the same time i love that they left him fairly vague...#we get just the hint of his attitude being a persona and thats it.... GOD i need to rip something up im consumed with blorbo thoughts#nishitani homare#bulletin board
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Sometimes I forget I have C-PTSD until I think "Hey Imma go do computer stuff in the living room / at the living room desk so I can be in the same room as my fiance playing games" and out of nowhere for no reason my brain turns the hypervigilance on max and ramps up the stress and I was like
"On second thought, I think Ill go right back to our room with my birds thank you" XD
My cockatiels are my emotional support birds and are used to less predictability in routine and staying up until I do, so I am letting them wake up and stay up next to me but they have to be quiet else the sleeping lovebirds might get jealous XD
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seraphdreams · 1 year
you’re so right though. ran can’t be in a relationship unless it’s codependent. you lean on him and he provides you that emotional support, and you provide him honesty, your undying love. ran understands that he’s a bad man and that he’s not perfect. his previous lovers couldn’t keep up with the cold, harsh facade he keeps up as one of bonten’s executives, or how busy he is and how neglectful he can be when work piles up. but you do. you comfort him, rub his back and tell him he’s doing his best with what he’s got, and he softens. ran adores how understanding you are. that’s probably what made him fall in love with you, for real. past the appearances and how your personalities click.
- user creepngs
his heart aches when he’s away on business for too long, he starts forgetting how to do all the minuscule things that otherwise he wouldn’t face complications with. all he can think about is you. your voice comforting him, your touch easing him, and how fucking cute you are. little does he know, you’re the same way. seems like you can’t even get out of bed unless he’s there :(
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sturmhondsdemjin · 10 months
It's always "wyd" and never "ilyibapayn"
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am I the only system that has a fucked up perception of people who don't have clear roles or responsibilities or patterns of behavior like what are you for
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Oh my god was Vigilante 2005 a system because that was the slasher vigilante run. Im coughing
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
i think the thing with quirky capitalisation and punctuation and structure in poems is that if you take them away and it’s no longer a good or interesting poem then it was never a good or interesting poem in the first place, and then if the poem is good without them it kind of begs the question of why they’re there. like sometimes theyre a deliberate creative choice that enhances the poem but its actually so grating how its kind of the default voice now so it has the opposite effect because theres nothing surprising or unusual or meaningful about writing that way... its not like oh the poet is using simple sentences to show that the speaker is young or theyre using jolted run on sentences to show the speaker’s erratic train of thought.. its just like oh they just wrote with lowercase letters because it looks pretty. i feel like every poet under 30 with internet access would benefit from trying to write like some sonnets or something lol because its 50% people with nothing to say hiding behind aggressively quirky use of language and 50% poems i would actually enjoy reading if they werent like beating me over the head with how humble and stream-of-consciousness they are............. and like if you think im a dinosaur for caring abt shit like form and structure and tiny language choices in poetry then its just like well why are you writing a poem then and not a short story or something if you dont care abt the fundamental shit that makes a poem a poem and not anything else. like did you choose the medium decisively because you want to utilise it or was it just like well i cant really do anything else so im just going to pick the thing with the lowest skill requirement :/
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mwagneto · 2 years
red valley making me realise my ptsd affects me in even more ways than i thought
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monsterhugger · 1 year
finished omori and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same
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shouting into the void here but since i had EMDR therapy uncover things, start and then stop just as suddenly without recovery or good coping I literally cannot think about things too hard or my head starts to get fuzzy and something literally grabs my brain matter and says "you don't need this" and now functioning is like. Way Harder.
it's like the archives of my brain got rearranged and then pages were ripped out of certain books and now i can't remember things i used to recall easily. it also revealed the fragility of my identity?? the moment we started doing it my brain started to split apart. i didn't like it and still don't like it when we drag out the feeling to analyze it. what did that mean. what did you do therapist.
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the-ethereal-demon · 8 months
The hardest thing for me about being open to other diagnostic possibilities is not letting myself slip into denial. I dont want to say that i definitely have DID and im not entirely sure why. Whether its pure denial or feeling like my childhood wasnt "bad enough" to cause DID, or some other third thing i dont know
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