#it's actually been really fun playing around with a brio fic again
pynkhues · 10 months
25 and 28 (brio pls!)
Thank you!
25. What projects are you currently working on?
I'm working on a pretty massive original project, which is actually making me have a lot of fun with prompt fills again. They're such a great warm up exercise for me, and I have so many old ones in my inbox that it's a bit of a smorgasbord, haha. In particular, I'm messing around with a couple of Succession ones - a gen one I'm even hoping I might post today which is kind of a four + 1 fic about the kids with Logan's clothes, and a meatier Kendall x Stewy one.
I do actually have a Brio one though too I've been playing around with, which has been so fun, and even an Ava x Deb Hacks one, which I hope I might one day actually finish and post.
28. Share a piece from one of your current WIPs! (Brio)
The camping lighter click-click-clicks, but there’s no spark, no flare, no hint of anything that might make this night any easier. Beth cusses beneath her breath, squinting back down at the box of Dean’s old outdoorsy-things, barely able to make out anything that isn’t barbeque tongs or a dusty, unopened box of fishing tackle in the darkness of the garage. Back to Plan A then, she thinks, grabbing her 23% battery cell off the top of the shelves where she’d tried and failed to angle the flashlight in a way that still let her use both of her hands.
Portable charger, that’s gotta be first priority, but then, didn’t Kenny ask to borrow it for the iPad?
So batteries for the flashlight then. The drawer had been empty earlier, but she figures she can empty a few remote control cars / dogs / light-up Barbie disco floors from the kids’ rooms.
She pads back into the house, the thin stream of light from her cell the only thing to illuminate the path ahead, and she manages to step over the vacuum cleaner she’d been halfway through using on the clippings of a bad batch of the counterfeit cash when the outage hit, only to see a figure hunched over her couch.
It’s instant, the way she can feel the thrum of her pulse in her neck, throat, mouth, a scream trapped like a hummingbird behind her teeth, and she’s thinking lamp, she’s thinking vase, she’s thinking Kenny’s algebra text book, cracked on the back of a head, when Rio’s slow drawl slips like a knife through butter in her head.
“Hey, darlin’,” he hums, and Beth exhales a rough breath.
“Thought we agreed you’d knock.”
“Door was open.”
“And the lights were off.”
“Power’s out.”
“All over town,” she agrees, angling her cell light to catch the angles of his face, and she frowns when she sees the graze at his cheek and the pinched expression to his face. She knows it better than she wishes she did at this point. “Thought we agreed next time you’d go to hospital. Do you know how hard it is to get bloodstains out of a linen blend?”
Writer asks
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00gangfriend00 · 3 years
I was tagged by @jade-marie and @bourbon-ontherocks to list my top 10 books  fics I read in 2020.
and lemme tell you..
i’ve been WAITIN’ for this one!!
This IS a bit tricky because I spent most of 2020 just lurking on AO3, no acccount, no commenting, no kudos. so there are just so so so many fics that I remember pieces of, and have little headcanons that LIVE with me but I have no idea who the author is or what the fic is called.  
so.. that being said, the top 10 is ever changing and could never be fully complete. I just love every author and every fic, you are all so wildly talented. 
❤  a song inside the halls of the dark - ms_scarlet  (@mego42 )
This fic has everything!! a sexy ex-lover rival gang leader, relaxed rio, angry rio, angsty kitchen sex rio. LOFT rio. AND it’s my favourite post-S2 reckoning of all time. There are moments in this fic that I just want to SPAM the gg writing room with. like scrap ur plans. DO. THIS.  Overall, this is such a creative and well-written series.  The characterization is superb, the smut has.... so many feelings, and the angst is AMAZING. There are a couple chapters (I wont give spoilers) that involves Beth in a hotel in Canada that I legit could not stop reading. it’s just all... so damn GOOD. favourite line: You thought I could be something, right? Well, this is that something. The bitch you trained bit back. 
❤  we’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks - BourbonOnTheRocks  (@bourbon-ontherocks)
Whew! this fic has EVERYTHING. safe house brio. KARMA. brio ignoring each other. snippy, cranky brio. baking shows. mick overhearing loud shower sex. zero communication. brio getting high and giggling! all the feelings. I looooove this fic. like I LOVE it.  it's so creative and it feels so real!! I can play it like a movie in my head. There is so much fun smutty build up, so much tension, anxiety and a very, very, good Thaw Of Feelings which is my fav. I will forever have a soft spot for safe house fics, but this one hilariously twists the trope by doubling down on their idiot stubbornness. genius. favourite line:  He's using her and she's using him. Maybe it's the only thing they're truly equal at.
❤  my girl - elizabethmarks (not on tumblr?)
This fic has everything!!!!!!! (but TW that everything is not for everyone, as the plot primarily revoles around a rape scene.) This fic sets up some of the most soft, emotional, protective brio moments. I also adore how this author handles the delicate subject matter. I work from time to time as a crisis advcate for women and ...... this fic is so accurate and well written. All the emotions beth feels, the way rio reacts to her. everything. I have read this SO many times. It also inludes a Mick POV that will TUG at your HEART.  favourite line: *When on route to Rio’s loft* Rio nods, with that gentle look he has. "Alright, mama. Let's get you home." There's a beat, they both catch it, but neither of them make the correction.
❤  working on things - odenkirk (not on tumblr?)
THIS fic, now this fic has everything!!!!!!!!! masturbation! sexting! weed-smokin horny rio! DEAN?!??! in a way that didnt repulse me???? SEX. kinda threesome??? a heck of a lot of things that I didnt think id be into but then read it and was like HUH, guess i AM. and last but not least, deliciously perfect characterization. This is a fic I ask you to take a risk on. It will pay off. Its fun and oooh soooooooo sexy. Yes, dean goes to pound town too, but I promise- odenkirk makes it WORK.  Blush meter: off the charts. I had to put my phone down and reckon with Jesus.  favourite line:   Rio: Don't get precious, sweetheart. It's you cuz it's you.  AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
❤ miles before you sleep - FakePlastikTrees (@nakedmonkey)
THIS AUTHOR has EVERYTHING! FakePlastikTrees is one of those authors where... I read one fic - then buckled my seatbelt and clicked on her account so I could systematically read through every. single. fic. They are often short scenes that feel so true. Her Rio characterization makes me green with (benevolent) envy. and her smut?? oof. top notch.  This fic in particular lives in my heart because it really truly feels like a missing GG scene between Beth and our favourite tattooed babysitter. The atmosphere is tangible and the author slows time down for these two, it stretches out like you are smokin in the suburbs with them. I love a MickFic and this one is top tier. 
favourite line: “Oh come on. He’s a little unhinged.” “Takes one to know one.” 
❤  people can be so cold - s_t_c_s (@sothischickshe)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this fic has EVERYTHING. scrabble competitiveness! annie speaking truths! christmas beth! christmas rio?!?! delicious bickering! CABIN isolation!  gift giving perfection! I could go on and on and on.  This fic just pulls you straight in. stcs crafts the timeline so effortlessly, and weaves it with so many endearing and authentic feeling details (beth has her own ‘guys’ now, and we know this bc she gives them sweets and food. OF COURSE) The longing between her and rio is so RICH. if you want your heart to swell a million sizes - this is the fic for you.  favourite line:  They hadn’t – been intimate yet, back when she got him arrested, or the first few times he’d shoved a gun in her face. And the sexual part had been all done and dusted prior to their, god, kidnapping and shooting fiasco. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t present throughout – a hovering spectre, forming a treacherous spine through all their endeavours.
  ❤ listening through the air shaft - ms_scarlet (@mego42)
now this fic. actually for real, has everything. because its every POV you never knew you NEEDED.  and mego42 absolutely nails each and every one. especially Dean. Its a complicated look into his blubbering sexist mind, and misguided fixations that is really well-written. The way in which brio has their own arc throughout the chapters, but told through the eyes of those around them - is amazing. this fic just makes you love every character even MORE.  favourite line: well.. annie, mick and ruby have a group chat and thats all you need to know. anytime that comes up = favourite line.
❤ instigator - nomind (@inyoursheets)
be still my bisexual heart. this fic has everyONE! Yes, this fic dissolves into perfect threesome smut BUT before you get there, you get this awesome set up of a dangerous-feeling connection between Rhea and Beth. They are honest, open and fully acknowledging the fuckedupness of their desire. For how small a part Rhea has in the show - this author NAILS her voice, it’s uncanny. Both of them talking about rio? sign me up. Rio coming home to it? sign me UP.  favourite line: “Jesus,” she hears behind her. “What am I looking at right now?” Rhea smiles down on her, ignoring him, running her fingers through Beth’s hair.
** shout out to another be-still-my-bi-heart fic : @sothischickshe​’s “its a dirty, dirty, game”
❤ do not pass go - linzackles @mrslackles
this. fic. has. every. thing.  I am currently putting every single important thing in my life on hold to PLOUGH through this series. like full speed ahead. UGH. marcus!!! beth and rio at an event! a fancy one! big bad business dudes! betrayal! beth making bad choices! rio unable to fully communicate the weight of his desire for her! angst! just excellent, excellent, excellent plots. i like everything!!!!! favourite line: truly impossible. they are all art. but this one made me cackle.  Shrugging, she responds. In the bathroom, eating nuts.Annie’s reply comes through instantly. Rio’s???????
❤  meet me under the mistletoe - sdktrs12 (@sdktrs12)
this fic.... has.... everything. I want to include this not only because I loooOoOOOved it, but also because this author just has a talent for creating holiday themed brio fics that are not in the slightest cheesy, or forced. which is... hard! to! do! I read her halloween series while in quarantine, and it became apart of my little daily routine. each fic containing at least one moment that made me go AHHH these two!!!!!  so in short - thanks for infusing all my holidays with stellar brio. then christmas comes around and she nails it again! beth and rio begrudgingly working late?   YES. they migh each have a date but they dont DARE talk abut their jealously? YES. Bourbon as a third character? haha YES! Beth looking smokin hot? YES.  favourite line: “Is that your move? Meet me under the mistletoe?”  “Oh baby, you know my moves.”  
and PHEW. there ya go! 
Thank you amazing fanfic authors for making my year 10000000% better. 
I TAG @whiskeyjack @purplemagic @sdktrs12 @joeyjoeylee @ama-ssiempre @roxy206
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septiembrre · 4 years
GG Headcannons
Tagged by @sothischickshe. Thanks, boo ;-) 
Ship: Beth x Rio -- in honor of our lovebirds day for GGWEEK2020
38. What is/are their love language(s)?
Haha, this has already made its way into one of my ficlets. I am also writing love languages into my next chapter of Better Be Mine. I can’t let it go!! I don’t actually care about them as tool for my irl relationship but it’s so easily identifiable for Brio. So my headcanons here... 
Rio’s love languages: 
Rio prefers to receive love through Quality Time. 
Rio shows love through Physical Touch. 
Beth’s love languages:
Beth prefers to receive love through Words of Affirmation.
Beth shows love through Acts of Service
49. Do they have differing political opinions?
Lol, @sothischickshe I can’t believe you tagged me in this!!!! Stop reading into the underlying vibes of Beth/Rio conversations in my fics! 
So the short version of my response is: yes. 
Now the absurdly long response:
I think about Rio & Beth a lot. I think about them talking about politicized issues quite a bit and imagine them in conversation with each other, teasing their beliefs apart. I like picturing these conversations instigated by hard parenting moments, things in the news, and things that come up as they finally start saying more words to each other. I think Rio could also just directly ask Beth about her political beliefs (I can’t necessarily picture the reverse yet).  
I think Beth is definitely more conservative than Rio -- and that’s an assumption I make because Rio’s a Latinx guy who probably came up with lack of access to wealth, and Beth as a white woman in the suburbs who formerly perceived herself/her family as wealthy. 
Beth’s characterization is complicated -- sometimes it really leans into Karen stereotypes/white woman privilege (lol, I cannot believe they literally had her show up at Gil’s workplace. I CRINGE!) and other times her beliefs and actions positively surprise me. Personally, in my fic writing, I love leaning into an idea that Beth grew up more working class/experienced neglect from her parents. I don’t want to romanticize these experiences but trauma around financial insecurity & complicated family relationships personally resonates with me. Ugh, I love writing about it, and it’s something that I read in her childhood that I like to lean into. That flashback in Season 2 really humanized Beth for me and it really made me love her. 
Okay, that was a major digression about class, but her life experience must lend itself to her political beliefs. She married into a wealthier family -- a family that owned it’s own business, was financially stable and just... a family perpetuating all the harmful effects of white heterosexuality and problematic gendered labor. And she conformed to it! Beth diminished herself to make herself fit there, to find safety and stability, to feel worth. So, I think her politics as an adult are also “safe” and probably echo the popular moderate trends in normative, toxic parent groups. Honestly, irl as a queer WOC who is anti-capitalist and been forced to be political for my own self-preservation and preservation of folks I love, I would not seek out PTA Beth’s friendship for multiple reasons, but I still have such a soft spot for Beth as a character?
That being said, Beth in the context of Annie & Ruby is obviously a different Beth. She loosens up in these spaces, she speaks her mind much more freely and in these scenes she comes as a normal, relatable human and she’s funny and prim and awkward. I think she comes across as somewhat liberal but not particularly educated on the issues/progressive (as is the way most characters are characterized on network TV). In this vein, she throws around a lot of white privilege and because some of it has gone un-interrogated in the context of the show... I’m not sure how intentional these vibes are or if it’s just par the course of it being white-owned network TV. Obviously characters are allowed to make mistakes and do shitty things, but I wish there was more on-screen acknowledgement of race in the show, and more intentional naming of things. In regards to Ruby + Beth in particular, I feel like an American white woman can’t have a life-long/multi-decade friendship with a Black woman and not be intentional about acknowledging racism/the specific misogynoir that Black women face. But the show hasn’t really acknowledged this aspect of Ruby + Beth’s friendship... 
*stares at the camera like I’m on The Office* 
It would be such a rich opportunity to discuss the challenges of interracial friendship if done well. Also, what an opportunity to delve into what it’s like to maintain friendships across the years (um, it’s hard!!! Even with people you love so much! Tell us more about Beth & Ruby’s ups and downs!). Beth and Ruby care about each other so much. When they and Annie get friendship beats -- I cry! Just make it make more sense! If the show filled in these blanks, it would be so great. Beth is obviously awakening~ definitely so in regards to her gender and her power and it could shift her political opinions? The show definitely poked a little fun at her crime “wokeness” by having her push back on cultural appropriation with those other PTA parents. Just by the exposure of her own relationships, Beth has experience with the lack of American safety net, our terrible, impoverishing health-care system, and inaccessibility of higher education. 
So, on one hand the show tries to do a thing where they equalize and don’t name race in the context of the three leads, “they’re three women”, but then they play on racial tropes with Beth and Rio’s relationship... I would like for their interracial relationship to be more overtly discussed/acknowledged outside of Rio’s somewhat performative call outs of Beth’s white lady fragility. 
So anyway -- Rio’s politics. We don’t know a ton about Rio so we don’t have too much textual evidence to go off of. But, we do know that Rio picks at Beth’s facade of white women fragility all the time -- sometimes with more hostility and other times simply teasing. When I write him, I give him my own experiences of having to become well-versed discussing politicized issues by the default of growing up experiencing racism and xenophobia. Rio, like any Mexican-reading man, has probably been told to “go back to his country” throughout his life -- and I can’t imagine it not politicizing him... Though, conservative Latinx exist and constantly shock me with their assimilationist audacity. *stares at the camera like I’m on the office again* But, idk, it’s something about their characterization of him of being so worldly~~ I imagine him being informed and up-to-date on the American news. I want him throwing around his power and $$$ by donating to local, progressive candidates of color. But, this is all projection~ :-) 
Ha, I feel like this was too critical of my forever otp (and on ship day to boot)!! And of Beth. The show has a habit of putting Beth through the physical and psychological wringer, and what I want instead is for our baby to be out of harm’s way, financially stable, divorced and independent, and also forced to interrogate the more harmful ways she deploys her whiteness. Lol, no one would watch my show. I know. 
I love Beth & Rio. They thrill me. And like many others in the fandom,  I often want to remove them from the GG canon and make them have harder/real/necessary conversations -- and generally converse about anything/everything because they barely do that on screen. I love the drama of their scenes, but my happy place is skipping a year ahead and building headcanons about what they could look like in actual relationship with each other... and one of these daydreams is Rio pushing Beth on her politics. I’m in an interracial relationship with a white woman myself -- and one of the things I love is endlessly discussing political issues and processing and growing together, and I like transplanting that to Brio in my fic perhaps too much, and it makes them OOC in my writing at times. 
Okay!!! This got long again. Thanks for tangling with this if you’ve gotten this far. There were a lot of assertions up there and I’m happy to unpack something further (but, thats at your own risk y’know. Clearly I don’t know when to stop when it comes to writing these ridiculously long posts).
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missmaxime · 4 years
Ahem let's try this again - 14, 23, 27, and 43!
Yes thank you for these!💕💕 And also for these:  I think you've answered all the questions already - so I'm gonna come up with some of my own! What's one non-Brio pairing that you'd love to write? What's one fic you'd love to write but know you won't? What's one fun fact about any of your fics? What's one non-Brio pairing that you'd love to write? Okay, so yesterday I woke up in this ongoing dream where Rio and Joan Holloway were dating in Mad Men AU and I can’t shake that pairing off (and, y’know, the last time something like this happened I wrote Beth/Turner). So there’s a chance that I might write that one in the near-ish future. While I don’t think I will write a main pairing not involving either Beth or Rio, there’s a few side-pairings I might write into fics someday. Like I’d like to write Annie/Amber because that sounds like all the fun and drama. Another one, for a very non-outlined, non-existent ISYTT follow up is Marcus/Emma, even though it’s again about Jane. What's one fic you'd love to write but know you won't? When we all did the Fake Title Meme, I got this one from @foxmagpie I think. And while I still like the set-up, I’m not really into writing teens. But then again, every time I tell myself I won’t write something, I end up doing it anyway at one point. It’s a pretty good incentive actually. But I don’t see it happening soon-ish, because I already have a lot of WIPs.
Never is a Promise Beth and Rio met in their teens/early twenties at a holiday or summer camp - Rio’s single and Beth and Dean are on a break. When they parted they’d told each other they’d keep in touch, but all kinds of circumstances prevent them from following up on that. Years later, when Beth’s divorced, she finds a stack of letters Rio wrote her in the garage, that Dean managed to hide from her. His final letter says something like ‘Never is a promise, and I’ll always be waiting for you’, and Beth sets out to find Rio again.  
What's one fun fact about any of your fics? I’ll give a few about some: - Before I wrote Ain’t No Sunshine, I was telling myself I couldn’t really do angst and kink, and then I got the idea of writing that pairing and I did exactly that. - I really thought I See Your True Technicolors was going to be this fun weird thing nobody would read but the prompter, and hopefully at least they’d be happy with the result. Now that blew up! - Originally I intended for The Girlfriend Experience to be a full Pretty Woman AU, but it ended up being a wildly different story. There’s still a few bits and pieces in it, like the shopping scene (even if that’s a Rio POV, I was kicking myself over that so much!!) and the assault scene (I really played that down in the fic compared to the movie), and the price negotiation was a little inspired by the movie, but even more by the Rio/Beth negotiation over Eddie. 
ACTUAL QUESTIONS from the list under the cut:
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not?
No, absolutely not. I do like chapters being roughly the same length, but I don’t mind if it’s under 2k off (my chapters are usually on the longer side, so it’s not that much in comparison). Since I don’t outline every single scene, it’s never a dead given how many words will make up a scene or a fic for me. For the Reality Tv AU I’m starting to write I think I will aim for chapters to be around 4-5K, just because I personally like reading (at least) that length. When I read other people’s fic who post like 2K chapters a week, I can easily skip 2-3 weeks just to read more in one go. So I would like to give an audience the amount I would like to read. 23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write? LIKE YOU DON’T ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS LAUREN!! It’s obviously fake-dating. It’s my all-time favorite trope ever. I love to write it, and to read it. There’s just so much space for comedy, yearning, UST, bed-sharing, banter. It’s got potential for everything I love. 27. Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random? I do warn in the tags for future events I think might trigger someone (and also ask people to tell me if they feel like I didn’t do that enough). But I don’t tease a twist or something in my Author’s Notes. Especially for a fic like The Girlfriend Experience, I was very deliberately choosing my tags to still warn, but not give away the twist in that fic. I don’t think the impact would come across if I already teased it beforehand. 43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
Back in the days, like between 2005 – 2010, I was a member of a very close-nit (like 15 people) Harry Potter RPG forum. I had been involved with fandoms before, but I was super young and most people in those fandoms were 25-35 back then. And I never really had an opportunity to really make friends online, I was like orbiting around them, sometimes making some Ava’s or other artwork. But on that board we were all between like 14-18, and it’s the first time we didn’t just bond over the fandom, but also wrote together and created. This was MSN Messenger time, so we were in a group chat, but also discussed creatively which storyline we were going to play out, in between bonding over typical teen troubles and just our personal life. We mostly wrote our RPG, but we also started writing fanfic. And it was a super helpful and kind experience, because we knew each other so well that everyone could point out both good and bad parts about the fic, without there being hard feelings.
When we got older and went our own ways the forum died down. We had a brief revival, but the RPG is officially dead (the board that hosted the site is completely gone), but I still keep in touch with a few members on the board from time to time. It’s pretty fun to see what the people are doing in their real life now that you met fifteen years ago on a HP board. The GG fandom hasn’t even existed that long, and I haven’t been a part of it for even half of it. But hopefully I can feel a similar way about this one if it comes to an end.
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pynkhues · 4 years
I love brio and I've read almost every fic on ao3. I've made little notes here and there of some fics that I would like to write, but I've never wrote anything like fan fiction. I can think up scenes in my head, but I just can't seem to get it out on paper. What are some tips you can give me to help? Because I would really love to write, i just dont even know where to start?
Hi, anon! And how cool! Welcome to the wonderful world of writing. :-) 
My advice on how to start – as wishy-washy as it sounds – is always just to start. Pick up a pen, or open a word document, and just start throwing words together. See what comes out, and try not to edit or self-police as you write, particularly when you’re just starting out. It’ll cripple you creatively – gosh, it still does sometimes for me, and I’ve been writing for over 15 years.
A good way to try this out is to set a timer for fifteen minutes or half an hour, and just free-write – so just write, and don’t let yourself re-read any of it until the timer bings. Give yourself the space to write words – some will be good, a lot probably terrible, but you can always make bad words better. 
You can’t make nothing better. 
And look, I’m going to maintain that that’s the most important piece of advice here, haha, but I get that that sort of advice can also be sometimes frustrating to people who are looking for more structure, so hey!
Here’s some more meat-and-potatoes advice too.
(Put behind a cut to not eat your feeds!)
Plotting a story in three questions
Building a plot really comes down to asking three questions: 
1. What does your character want? 
2. What’s standing in their way stopping them from getting what they want? 
3. How will they overcome this to get what they want? 
It might sound basic, but it forms really the backbone of every story. Take the Harry Potter series for instance, for which these questions are crucial. 
1. What does your character want? 
Harry wants a family.
2. What’s standing in their way stopping them from getting what they want? 
Voldemort is a direct threat to the new family Harry’s found. A threat he feels acutely because Voldemort murdered his original family.
3. How will they overcome this to get what they want? 
Harry will do anything to save this new, found family – the stakes of which escalates with every book. 
Of course, stories are more than this too – they’re themes and settings and arcs and dialogue, and character motivation tangles up in those things which means that the story world appears to expand well beyond those three questions I listed above. After all, Voldemort’s never just a threat to Harry’s family, he is for the whole world, right? But the thing is the threat to the world is never what drives Harry through the story, and therefore isn’t what drives the story overall. 
The plot is always the threat to Hogwarts and the life and family Harry’s found there.
Good Girls is exactly the same. 
1. What does your character want?
Beth, Ruby and Annie want to provide for their children. 
2. What’s standing in their way stopping them from getting what they want?
All three of them are in dire financial situations because Dean’s lost everything, Sara needs a transplant and expensive medication, and Annie can’t pay for her son’s needs. 
3. How will they overcome this to get what they want?
They’re going to get into crime and make enough money to save themselves and their children. 
The answers to these questions can change and evolve too – after all, the ‘what’ has certainly grown more complicated for Beth, Ruby and Annie across the show’s run, but those changes should evolve out of plot progression aka cause and effect. 
Beth’s original want was for financial stability for her children, and she still wants that, but she wants more than that now too – something that has been explored through the instability of her circumstances, and her growing attraction to power after having lived a powerless life.
So let’s talk about cause and effect a little more.
Cause and Effect
With those questions in mind, it’s important to remember that the way a story takes shape should be a sort of domino effect of cause and effect. Scenes aren’t placed together in a haphazard order. They’re not stacked on top of each other like three children in a trenchcoat! One scene should always cause the next, and that scene should lead onto the next, and so on, and so on. 
The enemy of good storytelling is ‘and then’. 
So when you write a scene, don’t think ‘now what happens?’
Look at what you’ve written and say ‘okay, what does what I’ve written here mean? What is the fallout of this? What is going to happen to these characters and this story now given what I’ve just written?’
This is also a good way to reverse engineer a story (and something I often do!) If you have a scene in your head, but you know it’s a middle scene, or an ending to something, ask yourself what happened that made that scene happen. 
In one of my most recent standalone fics, Drive You Mad (wear me out), I actually started with two scenes in my head – one where Beth and Rio were soaking wet for a mystery reason I didn’t know yet, haha, and the fact that it lead to them having sex in his car, and I had a vague idea that I wanted it to be  related to a crime job. 
Similarly with the pornstar!AU! I just wanted Beth and Rio to make a porno, haha, but I wanted it to feel like a genuine choice for these characters, so I needed to think of authentic reasons that would put them in that room, opposite each other, about to throw it all to the wind and bone on camera. 
I reverse engineered  both these stories by just asking myself ‘but why did this happen?’ What choices did these characters make to get them here? How did Beth and Rio end up soaking wet? Why would they have sex in that car? What would get somebody like Beth to shoot porn? What would make somebody like Beth connect emotionally with somebody like Rio in this AU (and y’know what? It was the exact same thing as in canon – a combination of parenthood and validation).
In other words, your story should never say this happened and then this happened, it should always say this happened and so this happened. 
Every character in your story should make choices. Good choices, bad choices, choices they think are not choices at all (because never forget - you always choose to do nothing. Nothing is never thrust upon you). 
Your characters are what drive your story forwards, and they drive your story forwards by making choices, not by standing still and waiting for the story to come to them. And look, it’s great if they make the right one, but it’s so much more fun (and opens up so many and so possibilities!) when they make the wrong one.
Grounding Your Story
Grounding stories in a place or a space is something I think a lot of new and emerging writers struggle with, and it was something I was really, really bad at when I started writing and worked really hard to get better at. Characters should never be interacting in vacuums. We don’t exist in them after all. 
Stories come alive when characters are engaging with spaces, or when those spaces are utilised effectively. Horror does this especially well, but a lot of other stories do too (again, Harry Potter is actually a great example of this!)
This is something Good Girls pretty consistently does fabulously too – think of any of their heists for starters, but particularly the one in 1.01. Settings can open up and close and add conflict and provide release. Use them! Think about them! I can guarantee you’ll become a better writer for it.
When I was really struggling with this area, I got some incredible advice that I still use to this day from Kim Wilkins, a gothic fantasy and horror author from my home town. She told me that when I start writing a new scene, go through the five senses - what can your character see, smell, taste, touch, hear. Write all of it. Then pick the best two descriptions, and dump the rest. 
Then think about the function of those descriptions. Okay, so the character’s in a park and can hear the metal whine of a rusty swingset. Does the chain link snap? Harming their child? Or maybe they can hear thunder in the distance while they’ve been trying to have a romantic anniversary picnic! Do they make it to the car in time? How does that affect their dynamic? Does it lead to a passionate make out in the rain? Or a furious fight in it? (Notice how this is all cause and effect too?)
These descriptions don’t always have to lead to a plot point – sometimes they can be reflective of an emotional state – an oncoming storm can foreshadow an oncoming fight between characters as much as it can lead to those characters getting caught in it after all – and sometimes it can just be for atmosphere too! 
All of this serves though to build your story into something evocative and grounded for the reader, plus it can be really fun to play around with. 
Love it or have fun! Try for both, but never have neither. 
Sometimes writing is a slog. 
Sometimes you sit down for a session and want to pluck your own eyelashes out because the story’s not working or the words aren’t flowing or you know your characterisation is falling flat, but there’s a difference between not enjoying a writing session, and not enjoying writing overall.
Writing can be really hard work sometimes, and when it is, you either need to love it, and love the story you’re trying to tell, or you need to move on to something else. 
That can be your silly, fun crack fic that evades all logic and you just straight up enjoy writing, or it can be something that isn’t writing at all. 
You’ve got to make it work for you – and if you don’t love it, and you aren’t having fun? It’s not worth it. 
You can take a break and come back to it, or you can take a break and never come back to it. Just do what’s right for you. 
Don’t get turned off by The Gap
Ira Glass describes this perfectly in this interview, and it’s something I always recommend to people starting out. Writing is, like practically everything else, a trade. It’s something you grow and develop and should never stop growing and developing and learning about. 
Writing though I think is also something that’s really easy to give up when you feel like you aren’t immediately good at it, and, well - - 
I think he says it better than I ever could:
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pynkhues · 5 years
It’s officially ~spooky szn~ which means we need a brio Halloween fic, pleaaasee!! Like can you imagine Beth insisting on making costumes for all five kids?? Anyways, even if you don’t have time for this just want you to know that I love your writing and I look forward to any and all fic updates :)
Thank you so much! And haha, happy spooky season, anon. Hope you like it. :-) 
Set in The Centre and Circumference / Domestic Fic universe
“You know, I actually think it looks kind of cool,” Annie tells her, eyes on Beth’s blue-dyed fingers as Beth fiddles with her makeup palette, comparing the shades of skin toned foundation a few shades lighter than Annie’s own. “Like you’ve been finger banging one of those aliens from Avatar or something.”
And just - - god. Beth blanches before she can stop herself, stopping in her ministrations long enough to shoot Annie a look, before refocusing on the task at hand.
“Please never say that again,” Beth says, shaking her head as she throws a dash of grey face paint into her mixing palette with the foundation – gets it all thick and moonish. She tests it a little on her own hand before grabbing her make-up brush, lathering it up and starting on Annie’s face.
“Fine, sorry I’m trying to make your weird blue monster hands less terrifying.”
Rolling her eyes, Beth uses those weird blue monster hands to lay the first layer of ghoulish foundation on Annie’s face. It’s not like Beth isn’t used to it anyway – has dyed enough fabric in her time to know that dying your hands is just an unfortunate side effect. Still, she’s tried everything to get it off – all her tried and true measures, but nothing’s worked, so Beth has resigned herself to the fact that it’s just going to take time.
It’d all been worth it anyway – to see Marcus’ face light up as soon as his eyes had locked onto the Captain America costume. She feels like she’s spent the better part of the month making costumes – dying and sewing and cutting up fabrics, and sure, it’d been exhausting, but somehow not as exhausting as previous years, even with the extra one to make. And god, as weird as it is to think about, she’s pretty sure that that comes down to Rio more than anything else. The second he’d realised he couldn’t talk her out of making them from scratch herself, he’d been more helpful than she thinks even he’d realised – whether that was in organising dinner so she could work on them, or stopping by the craft store, or distracting the kids so she could work, or even just staying up with her, reading on the couch while Beth poured over her sewing machine, taking them both to bed when she stopped making any sense.
“All I’m saying is you could throw something together if you really wanted to come out with us,” Annie says, sucking in her lips when Beth does in instruction, twitching back when Beth paints the make-up hard over her mouth. And Beth knows she shouldn’t be annoyed by this – knows there’s no accusation there, no shame, more just a double check that Beth is really happy for Annie to take the kids trick or treating without her.
It’d become something of a tradition years ago – that Annie would show up and bundle all the kids together and take them out – her endless energy when candy was involved meaning they didn’t turn around until all the kids were dragging their feet, instead of after three or four houses when Beth’s own exhaustion from the lead-up would inevitably start begging her for bed. Annie was forever the Fun Aunt, and Beth was forever - - well, not the Boring Mom, but the Mom Mom. The mom you wanted making costumes, not the one you wanted tagging along to trick or treating and asking if you really needed that extra houseworth of candy, and honestly? Beth was pretty much fine with that.
Anyway, Annie had seemed extra keen this year.
(“With this new neighbourhood?” Annie had said with a scoff when she’d offered. “You know they’re handing out the good stuff, and Sadie deserves every opportunity to gorge on fancy candy as your kids do.”
“Sadie?” Beth asked, arching an eyebrow, and Annie had replied with a shit-eating grin.)
“I’m good,” Beth says now. “Seriously. I have a date with a glass of bourbon, a pizza and whatever spooky movie is playing on TV.”
“You know you don’t have to play Russian Roulette with basic cable anymore, you can actually like, choose your spooky movie now. It’s through this brand-new start-up – I think it’s called - - Netfilm - - no wait, Netflix, I think? Gotta tell you – I think those guys are onto something.”
Beth snorts, getting more make-up / facepaint onto her brush, and opening her mouth to reply, when Emma twirls back into the dining room, her golden dress billowing as she moves. She comes to a stop in front of Annie and Beth, who are sitting opposite each other on the same side of the dining room table – their chairs turned to face each other, the tools of Beth’s day – make-up, sewing kit, hot glue gun, curling iron, sprawled out across the table beside them.
“Mommy, I can’t find my tea set,” she says with a pout. “I want to take Mrs. Potts.”
Emma’s Belle costume from Beauty and the Beast had come together surprisingly well – or not surprising, Beth corrects herself, remembering Ruby’s words earlier that day (“What? Something you made looks amazing? Shocker. You gotta learn to own your talents, B, seriously.”). She’s good at this, after all, and she already had the fabric templates from Emma being Anna from Frozen last year (although Beth had added a few more layers to the Belle skirt to give it volume).
“I think it’s in the playroom, honey,” Beth says, and Emma darts out of the room in a puff of glitter hairspray and gold satin. Turning back to Annie, Beth grabs a small sponge, finds the bruise-purple eyeshadow she’d set aside earlier, only to blink at the look on her sister’s face.
“Okay, so, please remind me why we were robbing grocery stores when you can do that. That costume is - -” Annie kisses her fingers, and Beth grins, batting her hands away from her mouth.
“You’re going to smudge your make-up.”
Which wouldn’t be ideal, Beth thinks, shifting back in her seat. It’d be good to get the kids out of here – Annie’s the last one after all. Beth has already put the finishing touches on Kenny’s Hopper costume from Stranger Things (fake beard and all), Danny’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one, and Jane’s, which was - - weird, to say the least. Or - - maybe not. The shiny-obsessed crab from Moana feels pretty on brand for her. Hell, she’d even put together Sadie’s - although deciding to go as Karl Marx meant it mostly only entailed getting him a suit which Annie had done, and finding the right wig and faux beard which fell strictly in Beth’s jurisdiction.
At the thought of Sadie, Beth glances out of the dining room, down into the living room, where he’s helping Danny play Jacks (Glenvale Elementary has a Retro Games Club, which is intensely sweet, but also makes Beth feel about a million years old. It’s not like she played Jacks, but she knew what it was.)
She’s pulled from her thoughts by the front door springing open, and she knows who it is from the delighted reactions on the kids’ faces more than anything else. Doesn’t see him though until he steps light-footed through the living room, carrying the seven plastic, pumpkin-head candy buckets and an enormous bag of ghost-shaped candies – each individually wrapped for any trick or treaters they might get tonight. She sighs in relief, mouthing a thank you as Rio spots her, tilting his chin up in acknowledgement. God, she can’t even believe she’d forgotten to pick them up in the stress of finishing the costumes.
Leaning down to fist bump Sadie, then Danny, Rio promptly gives Kenny the pumpkin buckets, directing him to pass them out to the other kids before they head out. Darting over into the dining room, Rio moves easily into Beth’s space, leaning down to give her a quick kiss that makes her blush despite herself, before glancing over at Annie, who’s zombie hillbilly look is almost complete.
“Thought you said your sister was wearin’ a costume?” Rio asks her, forehead furrowed in faux confusion, and Beth bites back a grin, rolls her eyes a little as Annie yanks out her prosthetic teeth to scoff.
“Funny,” Annie says with a snort, scowling over at Rio. “You should take that act on the - - wait. Was that a dad joke?”
Her jaw briefly hangs open, and Rio huffs out a laugh, adjusting his grip on the bag of candy in his arms and heading into the kitchen, away from them. It’s enough to make Annie surge up in her seat, briefly checking the kids aren’t listening before whisper yelling:  
“Don’t give up your day job as violent gangleader, I think your career in comedy is lacking!”
Rio just waves an arm out at her, jogging over to where Marcus and Jane are sprawled out on the kitchen floor, colouring in an enormous haunted house picture Beth had picked up from the PTA. They grin as they see him, and Rio ruffles Marcus’ perfectly quaffed Captain America hair just to make his son gasp, and then immediately starts laughing as he gets his first real look at Jane’s blinged out crab costume. Red cheeked and outraged at Rio’s response, Jane opens her mouth to yell, but then Rio’s swinging her up into his arms, rocking her around, making her cackle like a little lunatic, and just - -
Beth exhales happily, turns back to Annie only to pause.
“Nothing,” Annie says, then shrugs, smiling. “Your face. Weirdo.”
“What?” Beth repeats, rubbing at her cheek, like there might be something on it, but she knows whatever Annie saw wasn’t - - well. Beth blushes, dips the sponge back in the bruise coloured eyeshadow and finishes the last one off. “I think I’m done, anyway, so you should probably get the kids out of here.”
“Sure sure,” Annie says knowingly, and when Beth squints at her, she adds: “So you can bone daddy over there.”
“Annie,” Beth groans, a bright flush finding her cheeks as Annie leaps to her feet, grabbing the vanity mirror off the table to check out Beth’s work.
“Not bad, not bad,” Annie says, shoving her prosthetic teeth back in and grinning at Beth in a way that just makes her shake her head, not quite able to hide the affection in her grin. With her messy hair and her pallid skin and her buck teeth and her flannel shirt - - she sort of has the zombie hillbilly look down.
“To the streets, my pretties,” Annie calls, and the kids seem to materialise around her like she’s summoned them, a bustle of energy and attention and joy, and Beth’s grin only falters when Annie leans down and adds: “I’ll text you when we’re on our way back so you can, y’know, hide your shame.”
With that, they’re all out the door and into the bustle of the night.
Beth huffs out a breath, briefly collapsing back into her seat at the dining room table, furiously swiping at her face, the exhaustion of the last few weeks finally catching up to her. Still, it had felt too good, giving them all what they wanted – her four and Marcus and Sadie and Annie too – making them feel so good. She can’t bite back her grin, can’t help but feel the worth in it, even as she leans forwards to start to bundle up her make-up and her craft supplies to pack away.
Only she’s interrupted when Rio suddenly leans over the table in front of her, his body bent as he eyes her off, lips twisted into a soft, barely-there grin. Beth raises an eyebrow at him, her fingers curling around her make-up brush again,
“Sorry, did you want me to do you too?” she asks, brandishing the brush in his face, and Rio rolls his eyes, but grins, pinching the brush from her fingers, grabbing a tissue from her collection to wipe off the last of the make-up. He makes neat, easy work of it and - - right, Beth reminds herself. Sisters.
“You gonna chill now?” he asks her, and it takes Beth a minute to process the words, to lean back in her seat, looking up at him, but then - - she nods, leaning back into her chair at the dining room table, folding her arms over her chest. She looks a little wistfully at the door, that contentedness she’d felt seeing them out of it warming in her belly all over again. But then again - - she wrinkles her nose. 
“At this time of year? Maybe for a week,” she says, her voice dry. “Thanksgiving is just around the corner, after all, and then there’s Christmas, and New Year’s too.”
She’d already found at least four new recipes she wanted to try too – experiments alongside old favourites. The menu for both Thanksgiving and Christmas already half-set in her head.  
“Thanksgivin’, we gonna go to my sister’s place.”
The words are enough to jerk Beth out of her own thoughts, to blink up at Rio, surprise evident in her look, and Rio stares back at her, then away, twirling the make-up brush in his hand.
“Carmen’s always wantin’ to host it, but she’s usually workin’ at the hospital. She got it off this year. Wanted to let her do her thing. Only found out yesterday.”
Beth turns the thought over in her head. It’s not that she’s adverse to it, rather - - she’s just not used to it. Annie’s never wanted to host, and Thanksgiving is the only holiday that Stan’s parents insist on, meaning Beth hasn’t had a Thanksgiving with Ruby since her and Stan were married. And after Dean’s dad died - - well, the expectation was that he’d host it, as the eldest son, and Dean hosting it always meant Beth hosting it, but - - but she’s not married to Dean anymore, she’s with Rio, and all the rules are out the window.
She looks back at Rio, who seems almost a little uncertain, like this wasn’t how he planned on broaching this with her, like maybe he expects a fight, and in the end - -
“We still have to take something,” Beth says, and Rio’s gaze darts up towards her, filled with a look that he gives her too often – something between amused and annoyed, before it gives way to something that’s just - - just deep and warm, and Beth can’t even begin to explain the feeling it unlocks in her own chest. But then Rio’s flicking the tip of her nose with the end of her make-up brush, and Beth rolls her eyes, going to grab it off him, but he holds it steadily out of her grip.
“I’m givin’ you a cap then, mami. One dessert, one side.”
“There are seven of us,” Beth counters easily. “Plus, Annie’ll need to come, so eight – maybe even nine if she has Sadie too.”
“Then Annie can go buy that nasty ass pasta salad she always does and bring that too.”
“Your son loves that nasty ass pasta salad.”
“He does, and if you don’t think I hold that against your sister, you kiddin’ yourself, darlin’.”
And Beth just laughs, wrinkling her nose, because the pasta salad really is awful, so she figures it’s fair, and her reaction is enough to make Rio boop her nose again with her make-up brush.
“One dessert, one side,” he repeats, dropping the brush back into her make-up bag before flicking off her hot glue gun and her curling iron. “That’s an order.”
And - - well, Beth arches an eyebrow at that, folding back into her seat, staring up at him, still mostly amused.
“An order?”
“Mmm,” he hums, pushing her crafting gear and make-up palettes aside before planting his ass on the table in front of her, kicking his legs out briefly like she’s seen Marcus do, before he’s knitting his hands together in front of him, dipping his head. “It’s a thing bosses do, yeah? Delegatin’. I know you’re allergic to it or somethin’, but - -”
“Last I checked, you weren’t the boss of me,” Beth interrupts, tone a lot less amused now, and Rio just laughs, the sound easy and lyrical in a way that makes her heart leap and also tells her that he fundamentally disagrees with that statement, and Beth rolls her eyes, opening her mouth to tell him all the ways he isn’t, when Rio smacks his hands down on his knees and looks over at her.
“So in all this craftin’ and knittin’ and stitchin’, you get yourself a costume?”
And just - - what? Beth blinks, head reeling back as she eyes Rio off. They’d had only the briefest conversations about Halloween – one that mostly revolved around the kids, or Annie (hell, she’d been surprised by the visible pleasure he’d taken in the prospect of Annie taking Marcus as a part of the Boland kid tradition, but then - - Marcus seems a little more enamoured with Annie than she thinks Rio’s realised). Still, she’d figured it wasn’t really his thing, and she’d been glad for it, particularly since Dean had always insisted on the goofiest, most embarrassing ways of celebrating it.
“I don’t really do costumes,” she says slowly, and Rio arches an eyebrow at her, before pointedly looking behind himself at the stacks of fabric offcuts and the make-up and her sewing kit.
“I mean, for me,” she replies. “Honestly, I just always run out of time, and I can’t exactly just run out and buy something. Nothing ever fits.”
He lowers his gaze to her chest then, reaches out, hooks a finger in the top of her blouse in a way that makes her breath catch. He tilts his head from side-to-side, considering.
“Worse things than a shirt that don’t fit.”
And well – that’s enough to make Beth laugh out loud, her hand finding his wrist, pushing it out of her top.
“I’m not talking about sexy, tight things, I mean like - - buttons that won’t do up and like - - too much fabric in places, and not enough in others and - - okay, you are not hearing me at all.”
Because he’s not, if the hot, amused look on his face is anything to go by, and it figures, she thinks. Guys really don’t get the intricacies of how much women’s clothing has never seen a woman’s body. She hits his leg, and he laughs, head back, and her gaze travels his throat, the long line of his neck, and she really must be tired because all she can think about is how much she wants to lick it.
She shakes her head, cringing a little at herself, before she looks away from him, out across the dining room, towards the kitchen, where Jane and Marcus’ colouring in is still sprawled out across the floor.
“Did you want to dress up?” she asks Rio tentatively, because maybe he does, maybe she assumed too much, but then he barks on a laugh, and Beth jerks her head back around to look at him, wrinkled nose and all.
“Fuck no.”
“You just said - -”
“Wanna see you in a costume. Well,” he laughs hoarsely in a way that pools hot and low in her. “Want to get you into one to get you outta one.”
He hums a little, considering, and it really is incredible, she thinks, a little hysterically, how easily he seems to be able to undress her in every sense of the word.
“Nurse Elizabeth,” he drawls. “You could give me a bath.”
And god - - that pulls her out of any reverie. She knows him sick now, knows him fevered, knows exactly the kind of patient he is, and just - -  
“You would hate that,” Beth says, laughing, and he huffs out a breath, but agrees all the same.
“Hmm,” he tries instead. “Maybe a witch then, huh? Or a librarian?”
Beth snorts, looking up at him, and immediately regretting it. There’s a heat in his look that she’s too used to – but - - there’s something else too, something she can’t place, something that runs deeper, and she shifts a little in her seat, electricity bolting from her knee when he knocks it with his calf.
“Mermaid or some shit.”
“You are not creative with costumes,” she says, trying to lower her temperature, and Rio hums in agreement. The next thing she knows, he’s tugging her up by the arm, and Beth lets herself be tugged, lets him move her between his legs, lets him brush her hair back, lets him unbutton her blouse to her belly button, pull it open enough to press a kiss against the top of her chest.
“Panty model,” he decides, and Beth scoffs – a sound which quickly turns into a gasp when Rio bites the curve of her breast. “Centrefold.”
“You’d hate that too,” she breathes, and Rio laughs.
“Mmm, don’t want nobody else lookin’ at you,” he agrees, and Beth shivers when his hands slip around her back, unhooking her bra with a practiced ease. “Then shit, it’s just pretend, ain’t it? We ain’t us.”
“I like being us though,” Beth breathes, and Rio exhales against her breast.
“Me too, ma. Don’t mean I don’t want to see you in some sea shell bra though, huh?”
And that’s enough to make Beth laugh, to rock against him as he unbuttons her shirt the rest of the way, slips it off her shoulders, and pulls off her bra. He makes a sound in his throat which is just - - so pleased, and it makes Beth keen before she even realises she’s doing it, makes her breathless, makes her shift a little closer, and then he’s sucking a hickey into her breast, his hands groping at her ass, pulling her closer - - so close that his half-hard cock digs into her lower belly, and her own nails are scratching through his short hair, her panties soaking, and god, she thinks, this isn’t fair, how quickly they get here, how much this - -
A yelp suddenly pulls her from her thoughts, and Beth’s head jerks around to find Annie standing in the doorway, her eyes wide and her lips broken into a sort of mortified grin. Beth jerks backwards, covering herself, before changing her mind and throwing herself at Rio instead, poking her head up over his shoulder, using him as a human shield.
“Is this a haunted house, because this is certainly straight out of my nightmares,” Annie says, with a half laugh, and Beth scowls at her.
“What are you doing back here?!” she hisses, and Annie rolls her eyes, striding into the living room and plucking an orange pumpkin bucket off the coffee table.
“Relax, sis, I just forgot my candy collector, not to be confused with your vagina, or like - - gangfriend’s mouth right now, apparently.”
“I’m going, I’m going, jeez, I thought you were supposed to lighten up when you were getting some on the regular.”
“Ain’t you babysittin’?” Rio asks sharply, hand at Beth’s back, pulling her safely into his chest, and Annie huffs out a breath.
“Yes, sir, I have briefly tagged Sadie in, but I’m going straight back. Right now, in fact. So. Anyway, enjoy your - - this.”
Annie steps back, and Beth glances up at her, her blush only deepening when Annie offers her a pointed thumbs up before disappearing back out the front door. Briefly, Beth hears the chatter of her children, of Marcus and Sadie too – buzzing with excitement still for the night and just - -  
“Oh my god,” Beth says with a groan, burying her face back in Rio’s shoulder, feeling him shift beneath her, before suddenly leaning back, heaving her up off her feet, on top of him on the table.
“Don’t stress,” he tells her, settling her weight on top of him, his fingers gliding over her thighs, briefly squeezing her ass, and Beth just laughs emptily, cringing, because god, Annie will never forget this, and there’s no way she won’t immediately tell Ruby - - hell, she’s probably already texted her.
“I - -”
“No,” Rio says beneath her, kissing her. “Nuh-uh.”
He kisses her again, longer this time, harder, and when it breaks, Beth blinks down at him, her cheeks still flushed, his hand warm now on her back.
“I will stress about it after.”
“I know,” Rio tells her, letting her push up off his chest, folding her arms across her own as she straddles him lightly.
“I can never sit with Annie at this table again.”  
“Don’t think about it too much.”
“I  - - ”  
Beth stops, looks down at him – at the length of him, his handsome face, his tapered torso. Her blush briefly deepens, the heat in her resparking.  
“We got maybe an hour and a half til they get back.”
She blinks, surprised, almost flails an arm out to gesture but then remembers that her arms are the only things covering her (and god – her hands are still so fucking blue). She shakes her head instead.  
“That’s a lot of time.”
Making a noise in the back of his throat like he disagrees, Rio lowers his hands, settling them on her hips. He nudges up against her, his cock shifting against her cunt through both their jeans, and really - - it shouldn’t be legal – how much she wants him.
“You ain’t got no costume,” he drawls after a moment. “But you can try me on if you want.”
And well - - that’s enough to make Beth snort. She looks down at him, wrinkling her nose, and Rio just gives her a shit eating grin in reply.
“That was bad,” she tells him, and he hums in agreement, before surging up and closing the distance between them.
“Yeah, but shit, ma. Works for us.”
And well, she thinks, pressing her lips hard against his.
He’s not wrong.
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pynkhues · 5 years
I’m so excited for this domestic Brio fic lol. I love reading about these two doing normal things and snarking the whole way through because they’re such failures at communication.
Hahaha, me too, anon. I’m having way too much fun writing it (even though they have ended up genuinely fighting a LOT more than I originally intended them to, lol. They’re both just kind of awful after all). I’ve been plotting it out as a series of one shots, and the first one is them actually deciding to live together and buying a house, which is like, one of the most stressful things you can do in life! And something that’s not helped by the fact that these two still won’t have a conversation about any of it, haha. 
Anyway, I got a bunch of messages about this domestic fic, and have been so slow updating anything this week despite all my former promises, so have an excerpt. :-) 
“Did you ever play dream house?”
At his look, the answer is aresounding no, but Beth powers through anyway, curling herselfa little closer to him, her fingers ghosting lightly over his bare chest. Hehums a little beneath her, content for the moment, and maybe she has to bite backthe smile when she finds that spot on his side that makes him twitch (she’dleave it alone if he’d just admit he was ticklish there).
“Ruby and me still play it. God,isn’t that sad? You’re supposed to have the dream house atour age, not still be fantasising about it. That’s the game by the way,building your dream house like - - big kitchen, big yard, swimming pool withlike, a little cave you can swim into that’s a secret spa.”
He snorts at that, his own handcoming up to massage the back of her neck, making her squirm against him. Healways finds the knots too quickly, and he’s not shy about trying to work themout. She’s pretty sure he does it here, in the afterglow, in her bed, for thatexact reason too – to get her wriggling and breathless against his side allover again. He’s doing a pretty good job of it too when he finally speaks. 
“Ain’t this your dream house?” heasks her, and Beth sighs.
“Parts of it were, I guess, but itwas a compromise. Everything with Dean was a compromise.”
The thought stirs bitterly in hergut, and Rio’s fingers glide up to the base of her skull, dipping into thepressure point there, so tenderly that she groans. She rocks her face into hischest to give him better access, and she can feel it – the way his other handgrips her shoulder, pulling her just slightly over so her bare breast pressesinto his chest too, and she’d roll her eyes (he might pretend he doesn’t – buthe really does have a one-track mind) if all of this didn’t feel so good.
“You gotta learn to relax, mami.”
“Easy for you to say,” she bites,pushing off his chest a little to look up at him. “If this sale goes through,I’ve got to find somewhere that’ll take me and four kids. My credit is stillshot, so I won’t be buying. Do you know what renting’s like?”
“Do you?” he counters easily,forehead furrowing in faux seriousness, and she scowls, getting annoyed enoughthat she tries to roll over, only to have him grab her and use her backwardsmomentum to swing her towards him and pull her better over him – until she’sdraped sideways across him like a doll. He gives her ass a lazy (but still hard) slap, making her yelp which only makes him – entirelypredictably – laugh.
Scrambling onto all fours andclambering off him, Beth glowers at him, grabbing her closest robe and wrappingit around herself.
“You’re an asshole, you know that?”
He nods in agreement, waiting untilthe exact moment that she’s finished tying up the sash on her robe to slide tothe edge of the bed, reach over to her, and undo it again. She glowers at him,but she feels it’s probably dulled by the fact that she lets him do it.
And it’s all downhill from there.
(I mean, not really, but they continue to be the worst, haha)
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