#it’s so rich in reload im losing it
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Junmina real :3 <3
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masonsystem · 5 months
OK my tingle thoughts before i end up forgetting them
let me get the negatives out of the way first..... firstly, the racism: terrible. yamatami tribe is super uncomfy and everything abt samba the king's daughter makes me want to strangle whoever at vanpool that had thought of this. deku forest being a temperate forest yet having a rando tarzan-esque hero is like 🆗. also the random durians in mt desma despite durian not being a mountain fruit at all.. like yeah ok this isnt the only fruit to grow in a random place, but the association of durian = exotic, which by proxy equates seasia = exotic, is.... 😑 also this isnt racism but i was disappointed that pinkle ended up having a thing for tingle. i was put off by the whole "you saved me from a terrible situation so i must reward you" bla bla bla deal. theres more layers to this that im honestly not to bothered to tackle like how its a subversion of expectations with how tingle is portrayed as a 'ugly character', but the way this game wrote its female characters just felt stereotypical af and its like eh.... and like it sounds worse in balloon trip of love which i have absolutely 0 plans to play.
and secondly THE GAMEPLAY JANK..... like the rupee system is Very... yeah i played without a guide for like the first dungeon before i realized it was unsustainable. bc it really is. practically no leeway for players who may ask for too much rupees, and asking for too little will end up stifling players' progression. and in both situations theyre gonna have to go and grind for rupees which is REALLY... NOT AT ALL fun to do. there is nothing fun about loading and reloading a map area to kill some enemies again and again in order to sell their drops. or digging an area over and over again. this doesnt just extend to rupees but to getting ingredients as well; like i dont understand why minced meat is so hard to come by. like after the first continent, i barely got any minced meat. and minced meat is a main ingredient for the health potion so its like.... fuck me i guess. had to farm minced meat at cape treasure until i was rich enough that it wasnt too much of a loss to just revive my bodyguards with rupees.
other gameplay janks are the fact that there isnt a way to view the zoomed in map in its entirety, the walking speed is sooooo slowww, and you can fucking lose access to fast travel to the most recent area if you neglect the tower. also there are a few puzzles and one boss fight that requires pushing shit around; and if you have a bodyguard they will 100% makes things even more difficult for you, sometimes to point where they'll push the item to a corner and you have to leave and reload the entire area to redo it. terrible developer oversight. also fast travel and saving is so tedious 😑
and the last main 'complaint' (sort of)... this game made me realize that ive been taking satisfying endings and credits for granted. bc ive been playing so many amazing games in these recent years, ive come to expect that the finale and its accompanying credits of any game would be a satisfying wrap-up of everything ive achieved. but trr had made me realize that No!!! thats not always a given. because i definitely didnt get that in this game. and that was so disappointing to me, because this game had so many diverse and quirky and unique characters and settings, but there was no final acknowledgement or one last wave goodbye for any of them. what a shame.
also the ending itself was uh.... not very satisfying either. both the good ending and the standard ending. i think i like the standard ending more honestly. it was nicer to see the children lament the adult's greed, than it was to see the unrealistic ideal of rupeeland actually be achieved (yes im completely aware how silly this sounds irt a tingle game IDC). neither ending was a super deep commentary on money and i wasnt expecting it to be a Perfect Socialist Manifesto, but the ending was essentially just "money can be good and money can be bad. ok bye" and it was like.... ??? ok bye
OK NOW THE GOOD PARTS: i love the music and i think the art direction of this game was soooo so fun. it was so quirky and zany and it reminds me a lot of mother 3! its like mother 3 if it wasnt an rpg, didnt have emotional moments, and hated you even more than mother 3 hated you. thats what this tingle game was like.
despite the gameplay jank, i think there were many good parts abt its gameplay. like despite how badly designed the rupee system is, i think it made for a very interesting setting and really emphasized how valued rupees are to the characters of this world. i really wish it was designed a bit better bc i really didnt hate the idea of this mechanic. and the music and character portrait screen when youre made to ask/pay for rupees is so creative and good too!
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i think the mapping system was super fun as well. annoying that you couldnt view the full zoomed in map, and that sometimes the circling feature just... wouldnt work.. but paying attention to the overworld while simultaneously paying attention to the map, and being paid handsomely for spotting the differences made exploration all the more rewarding. and i loved the bodyguard system! i think the 'combat' in this game was very fun actually. i loved the music of the bodyguard's combat. the bodyguard salons were such a fun tidbit of world-building, and it was nice to have a place where i could actually spend money and get something worthawhile in return, compared to the rest of the game where you need to pay people just for the basic decency of like, being able to talk to them (which i dont mind thats how this world works, but again it was nice to SPEND MONEY ON SMTH USEFUL). see, i liked a lot of this game's mechanics, its just that they werent ironed out enough and had enough jank to really piss you off 😮‍💨
the dungeons (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE WRETCHED INSECT CAVERN FUCK THAT PLACE FOREVER) were good too! nothing to write home about but like they were fine. but oh man the boss fights.... THEY WERE ALL AWESOME!!! sorry minish cap and albw but i actually enjoyed the boss fights in this game a lot more than any top-down zelda ones LOL. each one was so different and creative and unlike zelda, didnt just rely on Sole Item Gimmick for you to defeat them. and they were actually challenging!! but not too challenging to feel unfair. i think the lack of a standard combat system allowed for boss fights as interesting as these.
what else... i think it was really fun to see the foreshadowing of uncle rupee throughout the game. i think pinkle's ominous dialogue of being trapped in a room all day was very neat. i liked the lyphos lore too. OH and the zelda references throughout the game was amazing. like aba and her father being a sort of emotional reunion echoing the hero of time's origins.. only for them to beat each other's asses a second later was great. the saria theme in the deku forest was awesome too.
overall it was a game that i wish i could like more. like i really really wish i could like this game more! cuz the parts that i liked i really liked. also i only played like 30 minutes of phantom hourglass but this game was way better than that regarding its control scheme (fuck nintendo for ph and st control scheme forever btw). unfortunately trr has too many weird things and gameplay jank that i cant like it as much as id like. sad!
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mrswanggae · 4 years
Hi! This post is really for no one in particular I just really want to put this in writing and get it out there because this is how I want to cope. Read this, don't read this, love it, hate it, say what you want, I don't care. I have come to term with my feelings, and I don't think anyone's words can invalidate them.
My parents are divorced, always kind of have been, I dont remember them ever being married. I have a brother who is 7 years older than me and my mom has primary custody. My dad left when I was 10, and although I loved him and I was surprised, I wasn't all that upset. He wasn't the best dad, he had a shitty on/off relationship with this bitch named Kim that outwardly hated children. He was toxic, he always had a headache and was always in a mood, you the regular shit.
Thats not too important, just a little back ground.
I always hated my mom and I still do. She never beat me, never starved me, never out right did anything technically, but just everything she did was to hurt me emotionally. At least that's what it feels like.
I always struggled with keeping my room clean and cleaning up and staying organized and paying attention and I lied a lot and I didn't really know why at the time. I was a bad kid, I will give her that much, but its her fault, I feel, that I was like that.
Every single day, my mom made comments about how poor we were. Looking back, we weren't. Don't get me wrong, we weren't rich, but we definitely weren't struggling to eat and pay pills per se. I internalized that a lot and it still affects my spending habits as an adult. (I'm 18 but you get my point). My mom would whine and bitch that we were so poor but would turn around and go spend 300 dollars on a leg massager. She would buy a lawn chair and shit we didn't need and I took that to mean that I couldn't ask for anything. A lot of times I didnt eat at school bc I thought it was too expensive. I didnt ask my mom for lunch money or toys or food or anything. Instead, occasionally, I would steal money from her. I don't know why. Genuinely. I think that's how my 7-9 year old self decided to deal with the stress and impending doom I always felt about money. Say what you want about that, but I've grown and learned from that trauma and there's nothing I can do about that now.
Another thing is that I always lied. Even when i didnt need to lie, I did. I wouldn't turn in school work, and lie about it. I would eat the last pack of pop tarts, and lie about it. I would lie all the time about everything and tbh I don't know what caused that specifically but I do know what contributed to it.
I was always in trouble growing up. I know, I lied and stole and shit, but before and after that I was always in trouble. I would get grounded for eating the last pack of crackers, for eating candy, for not cleaning up, for going out when I'm 'not supposed to', etc. I did lie, but that should've been a warning sign to my mom that smth was going on, and not that I need punished, bc that obviously didn't work. I did steal, but that self corrected. The bad shit I did do, I deserved to be punished for, but I didn't do that much bad shit!
I would be grounded for eating the rest of the marshmallows, but I didnt eat them. My brother did. My mom looked at me and said "just admit it. I asked Connor and he said he didn't do it so it must be you. You're a liar, you're bad. Admit it!" It was always like. She believed Connor so easily and not me bc he was 'perfect'. This went on before the lying too, so don't say that its bc I was, in fact, a liar. Hes always been her favorite. My brother would watch as my mom screamed in my face, called me horrible thing, threatened to burn everything i owned except a pair of clothes, threatened to take everything from me, all over some marshmallows. That I didnt even eat!
It was like this every day.
My mom used to make me clean as a punishment. You know what that means!! Rebelling through my nasty room and unclean habits. She would yell and scream that I was disgusting. That I was gross and nasty like a pig. That no one would ever be my friend because I'm a disgusting pig. I was forced to clean up after everyone. My mom would cook and bake sometimes and somehow I was still the one that made the mess. So I would scrub cupcake pans and clean frosting off the counter. I would clean my brothers Mac n cheese pots bc he never did. I would sweep and mop the floors after everyone refused to do it. I would scrub base boards bc somehow that was also my fault. I did dishes, unloaded and reloaded the dish washer, cleaned kitchen counters, the dining room, swept and mopped the house, cleaned base boards, picked up dog shit that somehow no one noticed until I got home from school. I would clean bathroom counters, toilets, bath tubs, the laundry room, hallways, hell I even had to mow and edge the yard (starting when I was like 9) bc Connor didn't want to and he got whatever he wanted. I did everything.
My room was horrendous. It was cluttered and cramped bc of my moms hoarder tendencies. She bought everything she came in contact with and filled the house with crap. It wasn't until after she started to really bully me that my room became gross. I was always in trouble anyways, right? I was already a pig? Already had no friends? So what's there to lose? So I just did what I wanted. I kept bowls and cups in my room. I didn't clean at all, I ignored my mom, I did what lever I felt like because I was too far gone anyways.
I'm older now. I know that im fine and im not this shit little kid anymore and my mom can't do the same shit she did back then. But I just get so angry about it. I guess this is part 1? Idk when or if ill update at all. I have so many more stories. I just- ugh.
I always had a hard time dealing with things my mom did to me, because I didn't know it was truly that bad. I thought I was over reacting, that I had no place to complain. She wasn't hitting me, so its okay right? Wrong. I am valid for feeling the way I do. I am valid for being angry. I have to tell myself that because what she did was wrong.
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ask-gpt · 5 years
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey dauras stupid biracus, betwe 1. will hit the roof in 2. fuck off to jail. rally2 to a palace or coffin resign to magbad gad immorality indifference to the soul. one. a man bakize 1983 fuk c23 7. pissin i not enough tyra >shit im sorry im sorry post a meme to viagra so i can keep u from going to u ww. .oops
it will be pretty easy to stop fallout from our pets warlock guns n bought a lot of reloadable inxc to try to get to the next level. tupac deathutschland equestria za nastia talke: wwarling moll please stop blaming at home american craven old robert burbank raise your daughters show you think my dick is all unwatchable. — Dorus to plexen plaly 300 too fast USA. russia k-1 hes taking an oath of mutiny bruno persono mosco :JECJroot is going to die. .czug will be hiccuping at succumbent witch, zorg klansman, jazzy1, halfwit descendent of ghetto shit . spanish lulac del ric [DC] ggate means terminator. hockey mice abuse u and lulz to make them feel bad about themselves. name shit cuz u don't like jays scotch. @im_my_christian like hilltop schmelzer: ra da stay ahump nim in the water bag atypical n. sjych
2 to go fight for shabu in bordech karez into jordan says lose to wrath in the arb game in jordan a
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achanceonwriting · 6 years
A Snipers Siege
Hey yall! So this is a small scene that I wrote up quite a while ago actually, but I never really had the courage to post before. In fact this is the first bit of my writing i’ve showed to anyone really. So please, go ahead and give your feedback. Im excited to hear how I can improve, or if i’ve done anything well!
A Snipers Siege
I pulled back the bolt on my rifle, already scanning the buildings for targets. By the time the bolt was back in place, I found him. Shotgunner, who didn't seem to understand where the gunshot came from. I braced my rifle against my shoulder, barrel on the crumbling remains of the wall, and sighted him up. I only took a few seconds to steady my breathing, then squeezed the trigger. A second later, he whirled around, blood spraying out from his back, and fell to the floor. His body tightened reflexively and fired off a shot from his shotgun.
Their second squadmate dying put them into action. The other four quickly started taking cover. I pulled back on the bolt again, this time slowing down as I waited for reposition, maybe decide i'm somewhere else, or nudge their head out just enough.
A few seconds later I got my wish, and I saw a helmet poking over the rim of the kitchen counter. He probably thought such a small target was safe from across the street, and I was eager to prove them wrong. I found my target and fired. With a spark the helmet bounced and rolled out of the kitchen into the living room, but there seemed to be no reaction from his team.
No quick repositioning or attempt to grab his body. However, a hand popped around the corner and pointed across the street, directly at my building. I swore and crouched low, starting to move. I moved across my little nest and went prone where most of the top floor of my building had blown away. I fell for their trick, something I should've seen immediately, and they had eyes on my building at least. Overlooking a target-rich environment for three days had made me cocky, less vigilant.
I shouldered my rifle once more and quickly re-sighted them. They were still, as far as I could tell, in the same places. I could see the occasional bit of grey uniform poking out from their cover, but they stood still.
I could move. I'd grown accustomed to the nest I made and it lasted me for three days, but a snipers greatest gift was mobility and stealth. Especially when that sniper had no fire support to speak and still needed to last another three days at least until the main force comes in.
But could I safely relocate with a squad just across the street? I sure as hell didn't want to meet them on the street itself, they'd fuck me up quick. We were at an impasse. They couldn't move out of the way without exposing themselves to me. But they had their eyes on my position and if I tried moving might be able to take me out. Yet on the other hand if I waited here too long, they'd surely have reinforcements coming and I definitely couldn't take on anymore.
Hell, these rebels didn't really understand the importance of conserving resources. They might go for overkill and call in artillery to take me out if I was in range of their guns. Which, if the intel was to be believes, I most surely was.
I figured i'd take my chances. I started to slowly crawl away from my former position until I was sure they'd see me If I went any further. I immediately bolted upright and sprinted for the crumbling remains of the door. Just as I thought, gunfire immediately peppered my position, knocking up dust and rubble as I ran. I felt something swipe at my leg, like a claw grabbing for me last minute, before I practically threw myself down the stairwell.
Looking up, I saw the gunfire exiting through the doorway for a few more seconds before it stopped. I quickly got up and started to head downstairs. I sling my rifle onto my back and then un-holstered my pistol. I held it at the ready, while simultaneously wishing I chose to take my former spotter's carbine. What seemed like a gesture of respect at the time put me at a disadvantage.
I aimed it down the stairwell in the unlikely event that they were there. Granted, even though if they started to leave their building exactly as I did there was no way they'd be here. Yet my lack of vigilance got me into the mess. I won't screw up again.
It was quiet until I managed to reach the service entrance of the apartment building I was in. If they were going to hurry to catch me they'd just head for the front entrance that'd face them. Hopefully I could avoid a confrontation all together.
I exited into a parking lot which held the charred and burnt wrecks of cars. I had managed to get halfway across before gunfire sparked off the hood of one of the wrecks right by me. I quickly went down into a crouch, taking cover behind it.
It didn't take me long to find the shooter. He was across the parking lot taking pot shots at me. Yet he was on his own. His team must've entered through the front and he was sent to secure the back.
That was troubling on its own. These rebels had barely been commoners with daddys old shotgun, occasionally getting lucky shots on us. This unit had knowledge of tactics, and was sure as hell using it.
I must've poked my head up a little too high as he let loose another burst of gunfire. It stopped when I took cover and I could hear him faintly saying, "I've got him pinned in the parking lot. Hurry."
Fuck. I was close to escape. If I could get past him and out of the parking lot, I could probably lose them in the streets. I'd been here a long time, much longer than these chumps, and knew the area better.
Instead of poking over, I inched around the corner of the car and fired a few shots at where I thought his position was. Thankfully there was no return fire, so I must've gotten it right, but there was no way in hell I got him. I could hear my rounds bouncing off the metal of the car he was hiding behind.
However, I did use the moment to move forward. I kept firing, hoping he wouldn't realize I was trying to relocate and barely fired my clip's last round before I took cover behind a dumpster somewhat closer to him. Immediately, return fire came out and saturated my old location. I got lucky, he didn't have a clue where I was.  
I quickly peeked around and saw that he realized I was gone and was looking all around the area. The barrel of his rifle followed wherever his line of sight was as he scanned the area. He leaned to what i assumed was a microphone on his collar and said, "I lost him. Hasn't left the area but i'm not sure-"
This was my chance. He had forgotten to take cover and was preoccupied with talking to his team. I quickly poked around, leveled my pistol, and fired several rounds. The first perfectly hit its mark, getting him in the chest. He recoiled from the force of the round, in time for his right arm to take the second round. However this unbalanced him, causing him to fall back and inadvertently dodge my last two rounds.
I immediately ran forward, reloading my pistol as I did so. I got close to his cover and quickly circled around. He had a hand on his rifle and already leveled it at me. Thank god he decided to try his hand at aiming an automatic with one hand. One round whizzed by my cheek, while the rest shot straight up. Immediately, just a split second after, I fired at the man laying on his back before me.
He grunted and writhed with each shot until finally he went limp in front of me. I sighed and took a second to gather myself before I heard a door slam open on the other side of the lot.
The squad made it through the building and out the other end, almost immediately sighting me. I broke into a sprint, leaving the parking lot and exiting out onto the street. They fired off a few shots that went wide as I ran off. I turned left down a specific street I knew was practically a pile of rubble. I ran down it a few meters before making a sharp right into a nearby alley. Thankfully here there was plenty of alleys and short streets that I could be lost in. Yet I realized that they hadn't made a pursuit.
I ducked into an old cafe and went up the stairs leading up to a small apartment on top. I quickly searched each room, making sure I didn't have any unwanted visitors before finding a space in the corner to sit down. WHile I didn't think I was pursued, no way did they find me. I kept an eye on the door just the same, and was grateful for the window that gave me a line of sight over the entrance.
Rebels are sentimental and I got lucky again in that regard. They probably stopped to attend to the man I killed and decided I wasnt worth it.
I frowned at the thought. Lucky again? I shouldn't have to use luck at all. I was slipping. Two weeks in this city, and three days in a building I thought was safe made me clumsy. I was missing things. If I didn't shape up, or get help soon, I wouldn't make it until the reinforcements got here.
Sitting down in that corner made me realize. I was exhausted. Now that the adrenaline was ebbing away, I felt my eyes dragging themselves down of their own accord. No, I had to stay awake. If I escaped them, just to have them stumble on me asleep in a corner of my hiding place and shoot me, i'd probably go to hell. That's a Cardinal Sin right?
Still, I couldn't help it. I realized i was just zoning out in the direction of the doorway. Someone could've walked in, aimed my own gun at me, said, "I'm gonna kill you alright?" and I wouldn't have noticed.
Fuck it. I'll rig the hall with noisemakers, shut the door, and hope i'm not so dead to the world that i'll ignore it. I got up and forced myself to look for bits of metal such as tin cans I could hang from bits of string. When I finally did I sat down, and almost on automatic, started to thread the string through little holes in the bits of metal. I actually nodded off at one point doing so, but snapped back awake when my dumbass dropped a can.
I tied several strings of these noisemakers to bits of rubble on the floor. If the string was disturbed, itd cause the cans to shake and rattle, waking me up. My spotter showed me the trick a while ago.
I frowned, finishing up the last string. My spotter.
My thoughts went back to his death just yesterday. Unit 2274 was just walking down the street, kicking around an old ball he found. I'd always found it fascinating that he found ways to relax in a warzone. In training, they always told us to never let our guard down.
If the sergeants saw him like this, just walking around without a care in the world, they would've shot him before the rebel did. Fucking rebels. I was about to tell 2274 to knock it off when his head snapped back and an instant later I heard the crack of a rifle. He fell back to the ground, blood pooling from the new hole in his skull.
We were encouraged to have a disconnect between soldiers. If one of us fell in battle, we needed to grab whatever useful gear they had and finish the mission. BUt seeing 227- no.
Seeing Michael, just fall like that. One moment kicking around a toy and the next, just sprawled on the floor and lifeless. It gave me an understanding of what we were. We weren't just bodies made to hold gear. We weren't unit numbers. And we *weren't* disposable.
I realized I was daydreaming, stuck in that day. I got back up and moved to the room I was in before, back to my corner. I found a jacket that got left behind when the city was evacuated and wrapped that around myself as a blanket. Making one last glance around the room, I sighed. The days couldn't come slower if they tried.
I tucked my head down into the jacket, taking one more large breath, and then promptly fell asleep.
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