#it’s not even my supervisors fault… an emergency happened so he’s OOO
athetos · 2 months
When you tell your manager you know they want to make you team lead and you’re cool with that and the responsibilities but there’s too much stress on yourself right now and so I vented about all the shit heaped on me atm and she said “ash once your supervisor is back we’re all gonna sit around and discuss this because even once you’re promoted you should never be expected to handle this much responsibility”
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Thirty-Three: The Phone is Ringing ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Haruno Sakura, Hyūga Hanabi, Hyūga Neji ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
It takes exactly eight rings before the answering machine picks up.
When it does, a honey-sweet voice speaks.
“Hello! You’ve reached Hinata Hyūga. I can’t make it to the phone right now, but leave your name and your number, and I’ll c-call you back as soon as I can!”
She’s always hated how she stutters in it. After a dozen tries and every single one having at least one hiccup, she just gave up and took the last one. In part, she wonders if it’s played any roles in certain calls simply hanging up rather than leaving a message.
The machine is on a little table in the entryway of her apartment, the volume soft as not to be too terribly overheard by anyone walking by. Beside it is a little bowl where she typically keeps her keys, and a hook for her coat and purse. Today, all three are missing.
When the phone rings, it proceeds all the way to voicemail.
“Hinata, this is your father. This is the fourth time I’ve tried calling you the past two days, and you’ve still returned none of my messages. This is hardly becoming behavior, young lady. Something we’ll have to discuss once you finally get back to me. Your sister tells me you’ve been ignoring her texts. You can’t avoid us, Hinata. We’re family, no matter how disdainful you might find that to be.”
There’s the subtle sound of a landline being set back in its cradle, and then the apartment goes quiet again. A bright red 5 blinks along the screen, eager for attention.
No one gives it.
A few hours later, rain begins to pour. Carried by the wind, it impacts rather noisily against the windows that face the north, droplets exploding and slithering down the glass. The view from the fifth story blurs. Downtown is drenched in grey as the storm settles over, headlights a soft yellow as they struggle to cut through the gloom. Neon signs of downtown flicker and warp in the view through the water.
Just as the sun starts to go down, the phone begins to ring again. After eight tones with no answer, the machine picks up.
“Hey Hina! It’s Sakura. Just thought I’d check in on you - it’s been a while! Haven’t heard from you in a hot minute, and uh...figured I’d see if maybe you’d be down to hang for a while! I’m back in town next week for a conference, and I’d love to see you. I know you’re pretty busy, but hey, if you’ve got a spare hour or two while I’m around, let me know! Bye.”
There’s a few muffled background noises before the message cuts off completely. The 5 changes to a 6.
Night falls, and still the table remains empty save for the machine. Light creeps in around the main door, and a light on a timer in the kitchen flares to life. Otherwise, the apartment remains dark, and just as silent.
And so it goes until morning.
At seven am sharp, the phone is ringing once again. Once, twice, all the way to eight times.
“Hello Miss Hyūga. This is your supervisor Kurenai Yūhi. It was brought to my attention that you failed to appear at work yesterday with no prior notice. I know that you mentioned, in passing, that you had some...personal issues going on. But work policy mandates that, outside of an emergency, you give at least eight hours notice before a missed shift. If this happens again, I’ll have no choice but to write you up and place you on temporary suspension. You’ve been an exemplary employee during your three years with us, but I can’t make exceptions. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.”
The line goes quiet.
The table is empty.
The 6 becomes a 7.
Midafternoon, the ringing tone of the phone shrilly sounds five times...and then silence. On the phone’s caller ID, an obvious spam number displays. It leaves no message.
It’s nearly five o’clock when it rings again. And again. And again, until her pre-recorded message greets the silent apartment.
“...hey, ‘nata. It’s me, Hanabi. Look, uh...I’m seriously starting to get a little freaked out? You’ve never ignored me this long. Not even when I broke that old rabbit figurine Mom gave you. Please, just...let me know you’re okay? I dunno what I did to make you mad, or...maybe it’s not me you’re mad at. But I’m your sister. We might not always get along, but like...we’re sisters. Talk to me, ‘nata. If Dad’s being an asshole, just ignore him. But please...don’t shut me out. Okay? Love you…”
There’s a small, audible sigh...and then silence. The 7 blinks, and is reborn as an 8.
The rest of the evening passes quietly. The only interruption is a rowdy group of young men stumbling drunkenly past the door, the sober among them shushing for silence only to be ignored. They enter the apartment next door, where music begins to play and raucous laughter easily bleeds through the thin walls. But despite all of the rowdiness that carries well into the night, there’s no one home to complain.
The next morning, it’s foggy with a light misting of rain. Kurenai calls again and informs Hinata that her formal suspension is now in place. Should she miss one more day of work, she’ll be forced to terminate her employment.
The 8 becomes a 9.
A random number calls around ten, proclaiming that a recent fraud case in her town may have affected her identity, and to immediately call this number to confirm. Yet another clear case of spam.
9 makes way for the double digits of 10.
And then, in the early afternoon, another call.
“Hinata. This is your cousin Neji. Your father is furious that you have yet to return his calls, and is in the process of filing a missing person’s report. I implore you - if you are simply being obstinate - to drop this charade immediately before the police are forced to intervene. You know we can’t have a scandal like this in the family over a petty disagreement. Whatever Hiashi has done...surely it isn’t worth things becoming this complicated. Whatever has happened, you know I’m here for you. But this has carried on long enough. I only hope that...drama is all this is, and you aren’t in any trouble, cousin. Please call me as soon as you hear this message.”
...10 becomes 11.
The day continues to wane. The rain continues to fall. The machine continues to flash, seemingly desperate to be seen as the bright red numerical digits only get brighter as the ambient light fades.
...and then the door opens.
Heavy-footed, a figure steps in, exhaustion clear in their posture, but otherwise seemingly fine. A bag is tossed under the table, keys barely flung into the bowl. Coat still worn, she pauses as she spies the machine.
“...oh, s-shoot…”
A dainty finger presses the play button. The first message is a telemarketer, which she promptly deletes. The next four are from her father, and Hinata’s lips press into a thin, irritated line. Each message becomes more and more agitated, and a small part of her can’t help but feel satisfaction.
After all, he brought this all on himself.
Her gut twinges in guilt at Sakura’s message - she’ll have to call her back later. Kurenai’s earn a grimace. She has her mobile number...why didn’t she try there? Hanabi also makes her shoulders wilt guiltily. As soon as she’s done, she’ll shoot her a text. She just...hasn’t been in the headspace.
Neji’s, however, makes her swear. Sure, it probably looked bad, but...really? Really? What an idiot her father is...she’ll call Neji and let him know Hiashi can call off the stupid missing person’s case. And let him know that any drama isn’t her fault. That lies solely on her father’s stubborn shoulders!
But before she gets to any of that, she takes out her cell and scrolls through her contacts, finding the appropriate name before calling. It rings once, twice, three times.
“Hey...I’m home.”
“Oh, good. Glad you made it okay. So, uh…?”
“I’ll talk to my landlord tomorrow. It’s g-going to take some doing. I don’t have much, but some should probably go into storage…”
“That’s fine. I think there’s units near my place, so we can just put what you don’t want in there.”
“All right. Um...I think I might have gotten fired…”
“Oh shit, really?”
“I’ll call Kurenai here in a minute, but...for some reason she never bothered with my mobile. And I was just so out of it…”
“Well, hopefully she’ll understand. Anyone else?”
“Family, mostly...my father being r-ridiculous. Hanabi was worried, and Neji. But I’ll talk to them, too. They aren’t going to be happy…”
“Sometimes you have to think about your own happiness, Hinata. This is what you want, right…?”
“It is.”
“...I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
“I don’t. I told you they’d react like this. I knew they would...it��s my fault for being so quiet about it, but...I just didn’t want to deal with it after telling him. I needed a few days. Seems even that was enough for them to go ballistic…”
“All the more reason to stick to your decision.”
“I know...thank you, Sasuke.”
“We’ll make this work, with or without them. I love you.”
“...I love you too. I better go, though...I’ve got a l-lot of phone calls to make before I can call it a night.”
“All right. You need anything, just let me know. We’ll get you moved in and settled down. And if the job thing fell through, we’ll find you something new. Maybe even something closer.”
“Yeah...I just really like this job...I feel d-dumb for not calling in, I just…”
“Well, talk to Kurenai. Maybe she can pull some strings for you.”
“Hey, it’s gonna be fine. I’ll talk to you in the morning, okay? Get things straightened out, and call me when you’re done. We can plan from there.”
“I will. Goodnight.”
Hearing the line go quiet, Hinata ends the call and sighs. Just the first of many...it’s going to be a long night. Glancing to the 0 on her message machine, she makes her way in to her sitting room and dials the next number.
Here we go...
     This is really random, and uh...I really dunno what it is xD The suspense concept kinda just hit me, and I rolled with it as best I could given how day tired and burnt out I am, lol      But in case it isn't clear: Hinata told her father she's planning on moving in with Sasuke because they're dating. Mister Uptight Jerkface decided to throw a huge tantrum because traditionalism and being a controlling father. Hinata thus just...disappeared for a few days at Sasuke's place, hence missing all the calls (and ignoring texts because she just...did NOT want to deal with that).      I dunno if I really managed to make it as suspenseful as I wanted, with the question of whether or not something had REALLY happened to her. But I tried - I don't write this sort of thing very often xD      Buuut anyway, it's late, and I have yet another looong day ahead of me tomorrow. So just a warning: I might not post tomorrow. I know I'm abysmally behind, but this whole situation is VERY draining, and I'd rather be late than post garbo for these entries.      That said, I'll do my best. But no promises. For now though, I need to get some sleep! Thank you for reading~
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movietweets · 6 years
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Okie dokie, here we go one more time (obviously we’ll be doing it more times than one more) for another MCU film. This time I’ve got a jar of delicious greasy olives to hand and I’ll be watching Thor (2011). 
The only difference between this and other tweet-alongs is that I’m actually not going to tweet it! Yeah... I know that’s not really allowed but screw you! I make the rules and I prefer this format with the pictures and everything all at once.
Also since starting this I’ve lost 5 followers. It means almost nothing to me but I don’t want to be an annoying pest and I can see how filling up your timelines with endless tweets about a film you’re not even watching could get irritating. So suck it up, this is how it’s going to be from now on.
Anyway, on with the show.
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What’s this? A rag-tag band of misfits in a van! If only they had a dog it could have been Scooby and the gang! They even have a Velma.
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Daphney’s on point but looks like something awful happened to Fred. So sign of shaggy or scoob yet, no doubt they’re off somewhere making unrealistically tall sandwiches.
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Oh, but maybe they’re baddies... they do appear to have a bomb,
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Whoops, things aren’t going so well for them now. I’m having twister flashbacks!
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Damn! Did they just hit someone? Maybe they are baddies...at least they got out to try and help. This has a sort of teen horror movie intro vibe to it. I’m sensing that they all might die soon. 
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Oh now we’ve jumped back in time and now its a history documentary, That was unexpected! 
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Oh not these guys from Game of Thrones! Is this set in Westeros then? Even the music is a bit like the GoT intro music.
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Okay, this is a wackiest one yet, two alien races (that nonetheless look roughly humanoid) are having a war together on earth (of all places). It’s a little bit lord of the rings too. I’m having all kinds of feelings here. 
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Asgard: also known as Organ pipe city.
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So what? Fight to the death? My money is on the blond kid, the other one looks like the jealous villain type. 
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I guess he did win then...Look at that cheeky wink. Although, I think it was aimed at his mother? Maybe that’s normal here. 
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Healthy Asgardian flirting with mum
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Alternate cast of The Lord of the Rings
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And that guy dressed in jealous green must be his brother from before. Man he looks bitter. I bet he turns out to be the main baddy. These films have a track record of introducing the baddy within the first 10 minutes and I get the feeling it isn’t going to be Velma or any of the Mystery Machine bunch.
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Oh Heck! Its an icy man! They’re baddies too!
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Ooo, don’t piss off King daddy!
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He’s such a sneaky snake. If only Thor didn’t have such an ego. He’s like Norse Tony Stark
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Typical Gimli, in the room for 5 seconds and already grabbed a massive plate of food. 
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Why are they riding horses though, isn’t this world super high tech? Come to think of it, why are they wearing armor and fighting with swords? Don’t they have laser guns? Even that bloke from Ironman, living in a hovel in Russia, managed to cobble together a laser weapon. What gives!?
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Idris Elba! Oh I hope he’s a main character! Looks like he needs a rest though... his eyes are pretty bloodshot.
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Is this where rainbow road from mariocart is set? Or is that some kind of future techno-path?
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Ideally I’d like to make some clever comment about this transportation sphere thing but its just too bizarre... Who know’s maybe this is what alien technology is like?
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Hold your breath guys!
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Could have said something earlier Asian Aragron! No use piping up now with your doubts!
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Yep, I’m sure he’s going to back down now. He seems like the backing down type to be honest. Not a hot head, just easy going Thor, trying not to upset anyone.
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Nobody calls me a woman! Even though there’s nothing wrong with being a woman. I’m not a sexist demi-god, really I promise! I know literally every other religion has a pretty bad track record but I’m different... It wasn’t what he said, it was the way he said it! 
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Daaaaammnnnn! You got burned son! How you gonna let him front like that?
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Oww! You got me right in the hand! No fair! And down he goes like a premiership football player. 
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Cool hammer trick, I wonder how he does it? Magnets? It’ll definitely be magnets. I’ll bet it’s magnets.
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Oh no! Frostbite! I’m sure there won’t be any long term consequences though.
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Why is he only pulling out that attack now? Also, great wrist action, that must come in useful... Some friends he’s got though leaving him there to fight alone.
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Another neat trick...This guy is a demon with the hammer.
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Okay, now this is just hammer porn.
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How many legs does that horse have? Is that part of the mythology?
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Uh oh! Somebody is going to be grounded when they get home!
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Isn’t Thor the god of lighting? If Final Fantasy has taught me anything about elemental damage its that he should have gained HP from that taser.
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He’s going to end up in an institution! Hasn’t he worked it out that he’s on earth yet? They all knew about earth earlier.
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Here’s Johnny!
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I guess you’re not going to be crowned King Arthur.
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Told you! That’s it buddy, you’re in the system now. Your only hope is a Native American smashing a window with a water fountain. 
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Wow, Portman really has a knack for running this guy over.
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HMB I’m going to get me a kingdom. 
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Okay party’s over. Agent killjoy is here.
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Yeah, real subtle Portman! I know he’s got a pretty ripped body though so I don’t blame you for acting like a school girl.
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Oh surprise, surprise! Sneaky snake bro is a sneaky snake.
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I’m blue dabba dee dabba doo. He actually might be that guy from X-men though. 
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Stolen avatar baby. Again this seems familiar. Right George R.R. Martin? 
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HAHAHA! This guy is worse than Hulk for smashing.
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How much did Zuckerburg pay for that totally unnecessarily distraction from the scene.
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Oh she’s totally smitten. He’s everything a girl could want: brutish, zero social awareness, no money but really confident and with a killer bod. It literally makes no sense though, she’s a total babe but has to wait for a mental patient to literally fall from the sky to find a man. Has she even tried Tinder?
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America! Land of freedom! They’ll steal your stuff and there’s nothing you can do about it...
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Apple? you too? Aren’t you setting enough Ipods already? It’s 2011 for christs sake. I swear Velma is only in this for the product placement. 
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The king is dead, long live the king. He’s like one of those co-workers who suddenly becomes a dick when they get a promotion so supervisor.
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Good thing she turned up, that guy looked like he was about to show him to the back-room bestiality ring he runs on weeknights.
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She’s doing some pretty impressive mental gymnastics there to even consider that he might not be completely bonkers. 
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Is this a theme starting to emerge, ignoring daddies instructions?
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Why does he need to go in there at all, that’s my question. we’ve already seen that he can use his magnet hands to summon it from a distance. He could have done that from up on the hill and then flown them both the hell out of there before anybody knew what was going on.
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Gun or bow and arrow? 
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Hmmm... I’m feeling cocky today.
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I knew it was magnets! 
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He just said it! Right there!
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Oh, what a let down. He’s fucked now.
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No use crying over impossible to pick up hammer. As they say.
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Who’s this Robin Hood guy anyway, obviously not just a random grunt or he’d have gone with the gun and would probably be dead by now.
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What is snakeboy doing here? It’s all your fault but don’t blame yourself. This guy is a sociopath.
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I think my eyes just nearly rolled out of their sockets. Absolutely shameless.
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Okay MUM!
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Earth Daddy is a rebel after all. CHUG THE BEER, GET IT DOWN, DOWN IN ONE, DRINK IT ALL!
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Of course it was all him all along. Sneaky snake.
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Just having a chilled night in with a good book and some ‘Go Lean’ Cereal! 
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Oh! Heaven forbid that he see your cereal!
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Greedy ginger Hagrid is always stuffing his bloody face!
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“Don’t you DARE fat shame me!” 
Everything in Asgard is so serious and stern. Don’t they ever just chill?
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So that’s where crop circles come from! It’s just the Norse gods popping in for a visit. Technically it is aliens then I guess.
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Final boss? It does look like something from Dark Souls. 
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Oh cool! Cosplayers! 
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Just act natural guys...
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Not dinosaurs? I it could happen right? Wouldn’t be the craziest thing to have happened in this film so far.
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Oh no its just Norse Ironman. Eat shit Tony.
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Just like in the wild west... but seriously, why hasn’t Norse Ironman used his face cannon to finish the job yet? He’s wide open!
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Wow, that worked?
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He’s not going to have died though is he... lets get real here. Something is going to save him.
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There we go space daddy’s tears made a massive hammer fly out of the sky and electrocute him back to health. 
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Saw that coming a mile off, its straight out of the superhero user manual.
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Can you really hit fire with a hammer?
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It’s not exactly what you’d call comfortable though is it.
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What a melt.
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Really, all that tension and you’re only going to kiss her hand?
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WHAT? Double, double cross!? Such a sneaky snake but it won’t help you once Thor gets here.
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What’s the big deal about frost giant genocide? They’re obviously evil! Just look at what they’ve done north of the wall already! They’ll eat Danarys! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
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How come it doesn’t just crush straight through him if its so heavy?
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That was lucky. These superheros always get lucky.
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Nice shot. This film has been surprisingly good quality, I think its the first one that I’ve really enjoyed the whole way through. Even despite its ridiculousness!
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No surprises at who’s tucking in at the feast!
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Awhh Daddy is finally proud of you. What a tear jerker.
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Alright, lets see what happens in the after credits scene...
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Oh its earth daddy and nicky the patch! Take a look at my energy cube? Oh no! who’s that in the background?! Not snakey snake bro!
The End.
Well I didn’t hate that one. I didn’t hate it at all. Tune in next time for Captain America. It’s one that I’m particularly looking forward to hating every second of. Bloody America man! 
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