#it only took 3 days discovering that i had been doing the subtitles on stupid hard mode and a completely wrecked sleep schedule <3
mayfriend · 2 months
SPIRACLE - Saltburn (2023)
and i want your parties, the shark in your water the scrapes on your knees and the blood that spills over
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maemi324 · 4 years
Black Coffee
Hey there friends! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Today i come at you with a new piece for a new My Hero character! Well new to me writing him.  Here we have....Villain Deku! Inspired by this tiktok! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUywn9t/ it just screamed Villain Deku to me. This is my first time writing him, so if he seems a little OOC, that’s probably it.  Here are some songs I listened to while writing this 1. headless waltz- Voltaire 2. Don’t go by the river- Voltaire 3.House of Myth, Such horrible things, Gorey Demise, Grave Robber, Greatest Show Unearthed, Aim for the head, Buried Alive- Creature Feature 4. Spooky Halloween Mashup, Syndicate: Underground- Cover by Peter Hollens. Warnings: Robbery, Guns, violence, let me know if theres more I need to tag please! Only edited by me, so I’ve probably missed some stuff! With that! Let’s get into it!
Dawning light streamed in through the windows, the scent of coffee heavy in the air, steam from the hot drink you made rising softly. Soft music flowed through the room, other employees taking the chairs off the tables and whipping them down. 
You sipped your drink, your eyes barely staying open as you leaned against the counter.  It was far too early to be awake. Pain flashed through your mouth as you reluctantly swallow, your tongue protesting not only being burned but the now cool air that touched it. 
It was too early for your own nonsense. 
As the sun rose in the sky customers began their daily migration to the bean and leaf juice they all craved. Thankfully it was still rather early, only a handful showing up, and even fewer deciding to take a seat and enjoy their purchases. 
“I can help whoever’s next?” you call out, closing the cash register and looking up to the new customer with a bright smile. 
Bright viridian eyes stared back into your (e/c) colored ones, ones that you hadn’t seen in a very long time, since middle school in fact, his green hair cementing just who he was. Recognition dawned in his eyes. 
“Y/N?” “Midoriya?” 
A surprised laugh bubbled up, catching you by surprise, “I haven’t seen you in months- years even!” a short glare from your manager got you ready to enter in his order. Taking a peek behind him you saw that the line had lengthened considerably. “Y-yeah, it has been quite a while hasn’t it?” He stated his order, as you typed it in and gave him the total amount. He must have been pretty tired still as he stared into your eyes. You waved a hand in front of him, snapping him out of his daze as his face flushed a deep red, frantically digging his hand into his pockets to fish out his wallet- where had the damn thing gone- oh it was in his hand already. 
Even after all these years, Midoriya was still just as much of a spaz as he’d always been. He moves to the drink pick up location, leaning against the counter as you made his drink. “I wish I had more time to talk, but with the line growing…” 
“Well What if I came back later today? Or tomorrow?”  You prepped the cup, adding a drizzle of caramel to the sides, offering him a kind smile
“Yeah, I’d like that,” 
You handed him his drink and sent him off with a wave. A disgruntled Karen decided to ring the service bell as you hadn’t jumped back to take her order. 
Why did it have to be a Karen?
Unfortunately you were unable to see him later on that day.
However, just as you turned the sign from closed to open that next morning, you were surprised to see those same bright eyes aimed at you. 
“Well, you’re here quite early” you teased, opening the door for him as you walked in. It would be a while yet before people came into the little shop. He rubbed the back of his neck, eyes looking tired with circles under his eyes, “It’s been a long night,” He laughed off your look of concern, “Just work, nothing too terrible! I just thought I’d swing by earlier before I had to get back to it” 
Your coworkers paid no mind as the two of you walked to the counter as you made him and yourself a drink, taking a seat at one of the tables. No one was here and wouldn’t be here for a good half an hour. 
“So tell me, how have things been? Is your mom alright?” 
“Huh? Oh! Yeah she’s doing fine, still at the same place! She’s retired now actually” “Oh, good for her! I hope she’s enjoying it” you sipped at your coffee, thanking just about everything that you didn’t burn your tongue in front of him. 
“But what about you Midoriya? Last I checked you were wanting to become a hero?” While it would have been hard to be a quirkless hero, It wasn’t impossible. It probably wouldn’t get you ranked in the top five or even the top twenty, but so long as you were a good hero, what did rank matter? 
His eyes shifted from contentment to something a bit more sad, a deep sadness that surprised you. Just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, a hesitant laugh served as a cover. “Well, I did try, but eventually I just gave up. It just hit me that no matter how much I worked, I’d just be in the way of the pros. I could do some things sure, but...it’s not...it wasn’t enough. So I took a step back and found myself getting into computers, fixing them up, making sure they’re running properly. It’s...It’s nice” 
You place a hand over his, an overwhelming urge to comfort him raced down your bloodstream. His hand jolts at the sudden touch, but he doesn’t bat your hand away. “I always believed you’d make an incredible hero” it made you feel guilty that you hadn’t been there for him when he clearly needed someone, anyone even just to listen to as his one and only dream crashed around him. 
“I know you did, I appreciate it (Y/N),” he offers you a more content smile, “But I’m happy where I am now, really! Plus if I was a hero, I might not have met up with you again” 
You let go of his hand, though not before he gives it a gentle squeeze, picking up your drink and taking another sip. 
“I’m glad to see you're happy though, you said you were fixing computers?”
“Yeah! It’s not a big thing really, just a little repair shop. Clients bring me their various electronics, I clean them and fix them up! It can be really challenging sometimes, especially when it’s an older model! I swear I’ve seen some that I could have sworn were from the early nineties!” 
You listened as he rattled on about his clients, his eyes lit up, a subtle blush on his cheeks as he talked with his hands. More than once you had to back away from getting a straw to the eye, but you hardly minded. 
It became a regular thing, He’d come to the shop at various hours of the day, typically right at opening, on your break, or right as the last customer shifted out the door. You always had his favorite drink ready for him, though you had to fight him to keep him from paying. You didn’t mind after all, paying for his drink. He somehow always managed to sneak in the exact amount into your pockets or purse before he left, leaving you to discover it when he was far and unable to take it back.
The ass.
The more you met up the more open he became, you both talked about work and your grievances there. Now you were talking about anything and everything, TV shows you’d recently watched, movies you were excited to see, stupid stories about Karen's getting owned was a personal favorite. 
However His favorite happened to be the news. He was still hero obsessed as he’d always been. However, there was a more...critical insight into it. 
“Ugh” he huffed out, turning his attention from the TV, though muted, the subtitles were still on. It was currently showcasing Endeavor, how he rescued some civilians from a collapsing apartment building, from a disgruntled worker who had turned to villainy when kicked out of their apartment. They decided to take revenge on the landlord, though it quickly turned to chaos as the entire complex crumbled.
“What is it?” You paused from chewing on the straw to take a sip, “ is it Endeavor?” You knew damn well it was, but it was better to let him process through his words. “Yes! Look at him, smug as can be. He doesn’t even care about those people he rescued, He’s shown no comfort towards them, not even a glance to the children he’d saved. He acts as if he’s too good for them. A real hero would be reassuring, give a sense of calm to everyone involved in a rather tragic turn of events”  he sipped at his drink angrily, nearly choking on it as you patted his back.
“ You mean a hero like All Might?” you offered, knowing that the hero had a special place in his heart. 
Instead of the perky response you would have expected, his lips turned to a thin line, staring into a far off place beyond the TV.
“Yes....just like All Might” 
Figuring he was still going through the appalled emotions from Endeavor, you didn’t press the matter, turning to focus on something else, his latest client, or even a Karen you had encountered earlier that morning. He took your bait readily, eager to listen.
It took you awhile to notice, but during your lunch breaks, on the days he didn’t come in early, he would always be watching the news. He’d rip them to pieces with a barely concealed snarl. He’d rant and rave, while keeping in mind the other customers. He talked about the villains even, and how they were people as well, forced into unfortunate situations, where were the heroes then?
As much as you would have liked to stay in the hero worshiping normalcy, the more he went on the more you began to realize, heroes were actually rather corrupt. You could feel yourself becoming angry alongside him. Why did they do that? What about the people they were rescuing? What about these so-called villains?
You shook your head from your thoughts, looking down to see your next customer that afternoon, a young girl no more than ten years old just out of school and looking to buy a snack and a small drink. 
You sent her off on her merry way, happily sitting down at a table and munching on her snack. Checking your watch, you realized it was time to take your lunch. You sat down at your usual booth and waited for Izuku, sipping at your own drink.
The bell by the door went off, your eyes instinctively looking to see who had entered. Time slowed down as three men came in, guns at the ready and masks pulled over their faces. The first had a black mask, the second having a red one, and the third having a white one.
“Alright! Nobody moves, and no one gets hurt!” the first one shouted, as horrified shrieks went off in the small shop. “Put your hands up and go over there!” he motioned with his gun to collectively gather in a corner. You obeyed along with everyone else in the shop.
The second one aimed his gun steadily at the barista at the register, “No! Not you, you’re going to fill this with all the money you have!” He threw a bag over at the barista who shakily picked up the bag where it had landed, tears running down her cheeks. 
The third held out a bag to the gathered group, “ Put anything valuable in here! Watches, Jewelry, Money, Phones, all of it!” He shouted, an elderly woman shakily began taking off her earrings, another gentleman taking his wallet out. 
The young girl stared with wide eyes, tears falling rapidly down her cheeks, face red as she tried to be quiet, but her hiccups would not allow her. When red looked over at the little girl, her wails increased tenfold.
“Hey! Shut up before I give you a real reason to cry about. You don’t want that do you?!” he shouted, taking a step forward the girl took an extra step back as she put her arms out in front of her to protect herself.
“I said QUIET!” he raised his hand.
Your body moved on it’s own. 
You took the hit for the young girl, your cheek stinging from the impact. That didn’t matter, not over the safety of the little girl, the roar of your heartbeat thumping against your cheek.
“What the hell?!” “Just leave her alone! She’s a little girl, she’s just scared!” You held your arms out, effectively blocking her from view. The elderly woman took the girl to her side, watching for the slightest movement from the robbers.
“ So you want to take her punishment? Is that it brat? Fine,” He shoved you down to the ground easily, glancing over to the young girl, “Take this as an example of what happens when you disobey me!” 
You couldn’t hear anything, your sight blinded as well as his foot collided with your stomach, sending you rolling across the ground. He pinned you down as he punched you, over and over again, arms, stomach and your face, seeing stars as your head hit the ground.
Izuku...Izuku please....
You didn’t know what you wanted from him, whether it was to save you from the pain somehow, or to not show up at all in fear he’d try something heroic like you did. 
The shop doors burst open, a cloth or tape like substance shooting out from someone you couldn’t see, wrapping quickly around the robbers, dragging them to ram into one another, the shock of it making them let go of the guns they held so tightly onto. You faded in and out of consciousness, even though the sounds of battle continued on.
It was all a blur as you slowly came back into reality, sitting in an ambulance being checked over by a nurse. The other heroes who had arrived stood before you, scolding you for your actions.
“What were you thinking?! You put yourself and the girl at risk! They could have made you watch as they hurt her!” 
What was I supposed to do, let her be beaten?
“There were so many other things you could have done! Next time think through your actions before you do anything!”
What could I have done? You fail to mention what else I could exactly do. I didn’t even know what I was doing.
But you didn’t say that. You took the abuse as the nurse began to shoo them off, proclaiming that they’d made their point, nothing more could be said. It wasn’t long before the nurse gave you your results. You were a bit battered but otherwise alright, you’d bruise like hell but you amazingly didn’t have a concussion. Once you were home you were to Ice the bruising spots. With that they sent you with your things back home.
Upon entering your home you changed out of your clothes, something bubbling under your skin. It felt so up close and in your face you couldn’t decipher it. You changed into some incredibly soft shorts and tank top, wincing as you moved to change. 
The silence was too much in your apartment, with shaking fingers you called the only person you could.
“(Y/N)?” “Izuku..” something in you snapped as you heard his voice, a sharp gasp turning into a sob. “(Y/N)? What is it, what’s wrong?”  “I...Can...can you come over? Please? I...I don’t think I can over the phone”  “What? Yeah, Yeah of course, I’ll be right there!”  You gave him your address and hung up after that, flopping onto your couch and hugging a pillow.
It only took him twenty minutes to arrive, but it felt like forever and a second simultaneously. The swift knock at your door startled you out of your blank and racing thoughts. He was dressed in casual clothing, some jeans and some random white button up, a thin green vest over top. Your vision blurred as he stepped in at your allowance, going head first into his chest as you sobbed. He grunted from the impact, but wrapped his strong arms around you regardless. “ Shhh, shhh, it’s alright, I’m here. I’m here” he cooed softly into your ear, “ Here, let’s go to the couch alright?” You nodded but didn’t let go. You shuffled your way to sit on the couch with him, only parting to readjust his hold.
“There was an attempted robbery at the shop today,” you sniffed, resting your head on his shoulder, “ There was a little girl there...she was so scared, she was crying. The...one of the robbers got angry at her, which made her more scared. So I...I took the hit for her”
He lifted your face gently, examining the forming bruise. His frown showed his worry, but he didn’t comment on why you ran to this girls side, “ I was wondering about this black eye I see” You nodded, continuing your story, “Yeah...He didn’t like that I’d taken the hit for the girl...so as an example he beat me up. I don’t remember too much after the ‘heroes’ arrived.” you spat.
“But the heroes arrived and saved everyone, that’s good right?” he prodded. If you had been more aware, you would have heard the underlying tone in his voice. He didn’t really believe the heroes had done well, not with how you spat their name as if it was venom. 
“They told me i was stupid for putting myself in front of the girl, that I should have done something else! What else was I supposed to do? My body moved on it’s own! They could have tortured the girl to get a rise out of me, or hurt the both of us…” As you said those words, another sob tore from your core. “Maybe they were right, maybe I should have just...I don’t know. I’m so sorry I didn’t think of anything faster.”
Izuku cut you off gently cupping your face in his hands, thumbs softly brushing away stray tears. Your eyes refused to meet his.
“Oh darling, look at me,” hesitantly you looked into his eyes, filled with concern, determination and...something else you couldn’t quite place, but it was so soft...so powerful. “You’ve done nothing wrong, you are perfect darling. Without you, that girl could have ended up beaten, or worse!” 
The endearment was new, but not unwelcome, his words wrapping you in a soft blanket of safety.
“You did nothing wrong, you are perfect, everything about you, you’ve done nothing wrong. So please, don’t apologize” You leaned forward to hide in his chest as his words brought a fresh wave of tears. He gently rubbed your back, taking care if you so much as winced to move his comforting circles. 
“It isn’t right that they lectured you. You had just gone through a traumatic event, you needed reassurance, kindness. You aren’t trained to be a hero, you acted on instinct. An instinct that hardly anyone else in that room had. They acted so wrong to you” he whispered, “Those ‘heroes’ are what's wrong with the hero society as a whole. Things need to change”
“But I don’t know how to do that, or where to even start” you whined, your hiccups slowly dispersing. 
“Join me” 
“Join you...I don’t...I don’t understand…” You look up at him, searching for any hint that it was a badly timed joke. You found none. 
“When I told you I worked with computers....I wasn’t lying, but only technically. You see, I work with this group, as a hacker. We’re going to show the world what these heroes really are, and the need to fix them. The roaches will have nowhere to hide, not from the public, and certainly not by the hero commission”
That was...quite a bit to process. He was a Villain?! All this time?! 
You were shocked, your heart sinking to your stomach. “Why...why didn’t you tell me?” You knew why the second you said the words...but you needed to hear if those were the same words he’d say back. 
“If I’m being honest darling...I was scared. You were always so kind, so soft hearted, to learn you were talking with a villain? Plus, it wasn’t like I could just...tell you in the shop right?” the corner of his mouth lifted up into a slight smirk, though it quickly vanished.
You thought back to today, how angry the heroes had made you. How many others did they tell the same thing when they were just trying to help? How many children paid the price? How many people? 
But the feeling of fists landing on you echoed back in your rapidly increasing heartbeat. You couldn’t do that again, not against a villain, not against heroes, not against anyone!
“I...I’m not cut out for villain work Izuku, you see what happened to me! I...I couldn’t go through that again...I don’t want to go through that again”
He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, warmth blossoming from the spot. “You don’t have to, just...supporting me is enough, more than enough” he took your hands in his, gentle circles rubbed into them. “You wouldn’t have to quit your job, or move, or anything, just knowing you support me? It fires me up, I have to do this, for you, for everyone, to right the wrongs that have been done. What do you say?” his green eyes were lit up in hope.
Your hands squeezed his, “I do.”
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kwrittink · 6 years
Hidden Majesty (4)
Genre: FLUFF
Warnings: Language, mentions of threats, mentions of defiling
Words: 4,479
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  Part 3    ---    Part 5
Suggested Song: Castle - Hasley
 Sleep tight my little child
Here in my arms you are safe
Clean the worry of your mind
Dream with angels will you may
Sleep tight...
The old lullaby Hani used to sing faded as Y/N emerged back to conscience, eyes fluttering open to stare at a beautifully painted ceiling. A wolf and a rose. She recognized the symbol painted on gold, but wasn't able to look at it for long, since the sun was insistently warming her face.
 - Oh, good thing you're awake, we were worried. - Jimin spoke, as he entered the room, his soft tone still startling her. He chuckled seeing her reaction, approaching with a tray with food, and Y/N 's stomach grumbled. When was the last time I ate? 
   - How long I was out? - she asked, and Jimin sat beside her on the bed, looking up as he pondered, taking some grapes from the bunch.  
  - About ten hours, more or less. How are you feeling? - he asked, and Y/N shurgged, hands going instantly to her moving belly. You’re okay, aren’t you baby?
  - I... Did yesterday really happened? The thing about the letters, me being... - she trailed off, looking up at the knight with trembling breathing. Jimin snickered, nodding.
   - As far as my understanding goes, you're the Queen of a little kigdom. But Queen nonetheless. - he said, and Y/N could feel herself getting lightheaded again. Taking a deep breath, she rose her torso from the bed, steading herself. This was terrifying. A Queen?
   - This is nuts! I mean after twenty and a few years I'm suddenly to discover that I'm the daughter of a Queen that died fighting some barbaric men as I was taken away by what I thought was my harmless aunt to a neighbour kingdom over said kingdom's Queen protection only to be hunted down by her because I'm carrying her son's child? Does any of this has any fucking sense to you? - she said in a single breath, and had Jimin cackling hard at her actions.
   - I swear, sometimes I think you're Jin's sister. How can you talk so much and so fast? I barely had time to understand what you said. - he snickered, wiping the tears of the corner of his eyes, that were almost invisible due to his way of smiling. Y/N sighed, courners of her mouth just a little curled up, not really wanting to laugh, but Jimin's giggles were funny to her.
   - Ah, but here's the thing - Yoongi showed up on the door, Hoseok right behind him, a bright smile on his face as he spotted the woman. - Your mother, the Queen, was Queen Fae's rival on marriage. Those lovely elders told me a lot about the history of this little land, and turns out, Fae was actually pinning for your father, Y/N. - he said, and she frowned, because how could that story get even more complicated.
   - Like Yoongi said, Queen Fae was in love for your father, but he actually loved your mother. There was rumors of that even after JungKook's elder brother was born. But for some reason, the story of that started to turn into a tale, and suddenly all this place was forgotten with their people in it. My guess is that Fae had something to do with it. - Hoseok explained, as he sat on the other side of the bed, handing Y/N a book. She examined it quickly, spotting the autor's name almost immediately, sticking out like a sore thumb on the front. Tales of Southern Kingdoms, from Faery Princess. Well if this isn't a unexpected nickname.
   - Is this from her? I mean, "Faery"? - Y/N asked, opening the handwritten book. Woman at that time usually didn't learned how to write and weren't allowed to read - at least not on the environment Y/N was raised in -, but turns out Queen Fae was known for having been raised like a man, so she had learned how to read, write, math and fight, besides all the stuff woman also learned on their lives. Aunty Hani only taught me how to read and write. I learned how to fistfight myself, thought.
   - Yes, very original of her. Turns out it just became another tale book, and people started to tell it like it wasn't a true story. Clever, if you ask me. - Jimin commented, taking the book from her hands to inspect it further.
   - You know, if you had told me about the book I could have figured the whole story out in half a day. - Namjoon entered the room too, together with the other knights that were missing, but Taehyung.
   - We know you are smart, but I wanted to pat myself in the back for once. Besides, I also let a lot of breadcrumbs for JungKook back at the castle, thing that I'm sure you wouldn't be able to do without breaking something. - Yoongi sassed, making Namjoon rolled his eyes.
   - Wait, what do you mean with breadcrumbs ? Are we going to tell JungKook? - Y/N inquired, chest suddenly tightening. Yoongi turned to you, a smirk on his pale face, eyes twinkling with mischief.
   - Oh milady, I have been planning this for a long, long while. Let's wait for Taehyung to get here, so I can explain more accurately. - he said, plopping on a chair nearby, completely relaxed.
   - Might take a while, you better eat while we wait. Tae went fufill his "primitive instincts". - Seokjin said, looking away from the window he was peeking, to find the inquiring stare of all. - He went hunting for food, you know how he got after we told him to take care of Y/N. - he rolled his eyes, and they all hufffed. Y/N scoffed, pulling one of the grapes from the bunch on the tray Jimin brought, and biting into it. Will JungKook then search for me?
Yoongi never lets the keys to his room in such obvious hiding spot. JungKook frowned, after his foot kicked a stone in front of the spy's room, revealing the brass key that opened his chambers. He was looking for his team, but since they were all out - for some unknown reason - he decided to ring the only one he knew would be sleeping on his house the entire day.
- Yoongi, wake up, I need you to help me with somet... - his voice dien on his throat, as he stopped by the doorframe of Yoongi's room, seeing that said man was nowhere to be found. Weird. He thought, entering the mess of papers and random items Yoongi kept in his chamber.
What was he searching? I don't recall any orders given to him. Maybe a private research? He asked himself, picking one of the papers, which seemed to be a map.
  - "Location of the mission of the wolves" - said the subtitles, a line drawn to a place marked with an "x" on the map. Mission of the Wolves? What... He wondered, looking at the other papers, asking himself what kind of job Yoongi was doing behind everyone's back. I know he's a spy and all, but we all have full trust in him. So why didn't he told me anything?  He kept fumbling around, finding nonsensical notes, a grocery list - why would he do one of those? - correspondence between him and a woman called SonJi where he talked about he taking some documents from some place called... Lupino...? Wolf? And an envelope with the royal crest, which he opened, where the unmistakable writing of his mother could be read.
  - I, Queen Fae, convoke all the men of my personal guard and army to go for a search of a dangerous woman, which is on the run within our kingdom. She's accused of treason and blackmail, and should be escorted back to this castle and presented to me, and only me. The name is Y/N, surname Tolouse, but may be also known as Y/N Tant...- his voice died on his throat as the words sank in and he felt suddenly out of breath. Y/N Tantalas?!
He turned around, head spinning, searching blindly for the map he just had on his hands. It kind of made sense all that cluttered paper at the moment, it had been another way of Yoongi for telling him what was going on, but not directly, since he imagined the spy couldn't do it. My mother was holding a search for Y/N, my Y/N. The story of Tantalas, the Tolouse name - which I knew, but never found source in any research that I made, on futile efforts to find royal blood on her lineage... But all this time she was a Queen! JungKook scoffed, observing the map closely this time, because surely that knight had left another clue about her.
  - I think the thing you're looking for is this, my prince. - the little voice of Yoona made him turn and reach for the dagger in reflex. His widened eyes relaxed as he took in her presence, but then he frowned, noticing her way of dressing, as she wore some sort of black balloon cotton pants and same color long-sleeved blouse, feet wrapped in some sort of thick leather. And holding a sheet of almost transparent paper.
  - Wh... Princess Yoona? How did you found me? - he asked, walking towards her. He noticed she had a mischievous smirk on her lips, something very different from the shy and collected expression she always had.
  - Well, I may not be as good as my big brother Yoongi, but I guess I made a great job keeping an eye on you, Majesty. - she said, and he stopped looking at the sheet of thin paper - hell, he even stopped breathing - as he glanced up to the little pale face of Yoona. Oh fuck how could I be so stupid?! His mouth hanged a little open, as he looked at the perfect feminine version of Yoongi, only with long black hair, skin so white it was almost transparent and the same damn eyes, and what to say about the smirk. I mean I knew Yoongi had a kind of royal background, but to be brother of one of the Five Flowers. He scoffed.
  - I can't believe this... You, sister of Yoongi? I mean I see the resemblance but... - he wondered, and Yoona chuckled, putting a hand on her waist. She had a totally different demeanor, since she didn't needed to pretend anymore in front of him.
  - Half-sister, if you may. But We're really attached, he taught me a lot of things. - she admitted, and JungKook nodded slowly, still in shock somewhat. - But anyway, as my brother says, mission first, explanations later. - Yoona said, urging the prince to complete the puzzle.
  - Right. So this is to be over this, and that line shows us the complete trail we have to follow to wherever they are. - he said, sighing anxiously. Yoona nodded beside him, pointing at the name on the other far corner of the pages, where random letters in both of them intercepted themselves to form a phrase.
  - Go through the Dark Woods. What does this mean? - Yoona asked, and JungKook hummed, pondering.
  - He maybe mean the woods that cut a small part of our country, a place where people don't go, even due the name, and because it was know for having a huge pack of wolves there. - he explained, frowning. - But according to what I read, that may be a part of the tale that was disseminated wrongly, since the Tantalas kingdom, as you read for me the other day... - he trailed off, looking over to Yoona, that smiled, lifting a napkin with a crest embroidered in gold.
  - ... Is represented by a wolf and a rose. Interesting how the people mistake things huh? - she completed his thought, and he smiled back at her, sighing relieved afterwards.
   - Yeah, but your brother knew that, and when that letter came for the guards, he knew where to take Y/N to. At that moment, her kingdom is the safest place for her, at least for a while. – he said, while Yoona took a bag from under Yoongi’s bed, stuffing also the dagger JungKook had left on a table nearby.
  - Exactly. Once the Queen drive the King’s mind out of that matter of her army, she’ll make them search again for her. This time she knows where to find her for sure, so it will be more problematic. The issue of Y/N being Queen is going to get out eventually, and it’ll be a pretty difficult matter to handle. – Yoona reasoned, and the prince agreed, knowing that they had to leave as soon as possible.
- You’re coming with me, princess? – he asked, and Yoona turned to glance at him bewildered, saying that it was pretty obvious that she would. – Well, I don’t know, maybe to keep your façade I wondered if you’d stay and weep because I ran away to find my beloved one… - JungKook joked, and the girl rolled her eyes, a resemblance so great with her older brother that he wanted to bash himself in the face for not noticing it sooner.
   - Are you kidding me? And be comforted by your mother? With all due respect, I can’t handle her telling me how she knows that I love you so dearly and that is just a matter of giving you time to fall in love with me without wanting to puke. – she complained, and JungKook laughed wholeheartedly. – I did better, packed some of your things, kept mine here, and wrote a letter to the King, telling that I had proposed to run for a romantic escapade with you this night, to “resolve pressing matters”. – Yoona crossed her arms over her chest, a smug expression on her face. JungKook thought brilliant, mainly because she had wrote to the King, not the Queen, so his word wouldn’t be contested, and his mother wouldn’t have any saying on the approbation of that.
   - It’s smart, but the “pressing matters” thing grossed me out. It’s like sleeping with Yoongi… That’s why it felt so weird to even consider you as my wife. – he realized, and Yoona slapped his arm playfully as she walked by him, heading to the door.
   - Don’t think I’m not grossed out too. You’re disgustingly like my brother as well, but that was the most unquestionable thing I could think of. Besides, Yoongi would probably kill you if you defiled me. – she commented, and JungKook cringed at the perspective of “defiling” Yoona, as she put it. That’s why he told me to not consume the marriage then. Well, I wouldn’t anyways so…
   - Are you coming or are you going to keep wondering in how many ways my brother could make you sterile? – she mocked, and the prince scoffed, jogging after her, which was headed to the bays.
   - So you are telling us that Taehyung killed one of the wolves from Tantalas’ guards and you two were almost mauled to death here? – Hoseok asked incredulous, and Taehyung nodded, running his fingers through his sweaty head, and Yoongi shrugged beside him.
- That’s what he told me. I only remember being hit on the head, and woke up on a similar room to this, with all these people asking questions about who we were. And Taehyung was there, bandaged everywhere, but still smiling content because of the girls flirting with him, while he was healing. – disclosed the spy, and Taehyung started to laugh, telling the older to shut up. Y/N just listened, not recalling any events on that around the castle, not even that JungKook had mentioned it. Well at the time we were months into our secret relationship, so we really didn’t talk that much, if you know what I mean…
   - But it was just because JungKook had asked me to do some research on Y/N’s background. I think he asked Namjoon about it too, didn’t he? – Yoongi asked, and Namjoon nodded by his side.
   - He asked me to study some laws, just in case Yoongi found something. He was planning to marry you since the beginning, Y/N . – the knight said, and the girl felt her eyes sting as she smiled. She knew how JungKook was stubborn and at that time, she had to be the one with her feet on the ground to tell him it wasn’t possible for them to be together, but still, he didn’t listened to her at all. Headstrong boy…
   - But then when did you discovered the correlation of me and this kingdom? How can we be definitely sure about me being… Queen? – Y/N inquired, and Yoongi glanced to the archer, which was distractedly picking at the engravers on his bow.
   - Oh, me? Oh yeah right we got to my part. – Taehyung breathed out, giving Y/N and the others the boxy smile he was known for. – You see, I kept coming here because of that incident, since I felt bad for have killed one of the guards. Eventually they grew fond of me, that couple of elders amongst them, and they let me explore around this land, which was small, but had so much history that it was unbelievable. Namjoon will like to walk around this place immensely – he started, looking at his friend, patting him on the arm. – Anyways, I got to the castle, and I had access to those letters. After I read it, I found that it had really weird coincidences with that story we always heard of when we were little, and when I got back to Jeon, I commented with Yoongi. After a while, we visited here again, and when our spy read the letters, he was able to put a raw draft of the whole story together. – he explained, talking in a monotone like he had rehearsed the speech. It made Y/N chuckle, but more yet, to be incredulous about the whole thing. I mean, I understand it now, but still, it’s so unreal…
   - And all of this, you decided to just keep in secret for two years? Guys, we’re a team, and you should have told us something. – Hoseok scolded, but Yoongi got up his chair, breathing out tiredly.
- Yes, but happens that we couldn’t let anybody know about this. If this went to JungKook, knowing the kid he’d act right away, and then maybe Fae would have ordered Y/N to be killed at that time. If not, this place would just disappear by her command, then she wouldn’t be Queen of nothing. Do you realize how easy it would be to burn this little kingdom to the ground? So no, we couldn’t open our mouths on something that couldn’t be even real after we had sure it was legit, commander. – Yoongi gave Hoseok a tight smile, and the whole speech had made him nod, pondering. Y/N shivered, taking in the realness of those words. If this was discovered earlier, before Yoongi handled it, I don’t know if we would have come this far… She thought, looking down at her tummy, hand caressing it. Seokjin placed his hand over hers, and she looked up, to find his warm smile.
   - But don’t worry Queen, now you’re safe. We’ll take care of you as we’ve been doing all this time. – he said, and this time, the tears brimming her eyes spilled, as she turned her hand over to grip his slender fingers.
   - Ah, this is the pregnant woman I know. Now, now Y/N don’t cry – Jimin approached her, handing his handkerchief to wipe her tears. Yoongi walked up to her too, patting her head.
   - Yes, just cry like this after JungKook gets here. That is, if him and my little sister found the instructions I left. – Yoongi commented, and she nod. Wait, little sister? At her other side, Namjoon tilted his head.
  - You have a little sister? – he asked, and the spy nodded again, frowning.
  - Wait a minute, is that little sister we’re talking about? The really pretty one? – Jimin interjected, and Yoongi glanced to the side, cocking an eyebrow at the knight.
   - The only one I have. The other four aren’t even related to me, or Yoona, for that matter. – he stated, and Y/N blinked, wondering why the name was so familiar. The last thing I heard right before I left the castle with Hoseok was the King announcing JungKook’s engagement with…
  - Lim Yoona?!  Your sister Yoona is the same princess of the Five Flowers that married JungKook? Your sister? – Y/N asked, baffled, and Yoongi huffed, nodding once again, annoyed.
   - So… That’s why you had me recommend her to the King, even if she’s still underage? – Seokjin asked, his face in such immense shock that his eyes were almost round with surprise.
   - Do you guys think that just because I give priority to my sleep that I do things half-assed? I had to have someone inside that environment, for fuck’s sake! So of course I recommended my dear sister to marry JungKook, because I knew she at least wouldn’t be tricked into fucking him, and give me time to sort things out. – he said, and Taehyung burst into laughter with his friend’s crude statement. The others just remained silent, marveling at how brilliant Yoongi was. And what a tongue he has, sharp as his dagger’s edge.
   - So now we just wait for them to get here and do what? – Hoseok asked, and Y/N wondered if he was okay with that sudden change in command. He looked calm and collected at the moment, almost thoughtful. I think I’ve never saw him so quiet before, but maybe there wasn’t such urgent matter at hand like that. I mean, it’s almost like they all are committing treason.
   - If I’m not mistaken, the Queen will order another search, this time to here, and much bigger than just a couple of soldiers. But if luck’s on our side and Yoona and the prince get here before that, then it could all be discussed with the King. – Yoongi proposed.
  - But if it isn’t the case, then a fight is going to happen. – Hoseok countered, and Y/N felt panic icing her blood.
- What are we going to do then? You guys can’t fight a whole army of soldiers! – she exclaimed, frowning exasperated. Taehyung got up, a smile on his face, walking towards the bed, and extending a hand to her. Hesitantly, she took it, getting up from the bed.
  - We’re not going anywhere away from you, Y/N . If there’s a fight, but on if – he emphasized, rising a finger – You have an army to protect your land. And we’re going to meet it right now. – he said, opening the wood door that sealed the room she was in. I have an army?
  - Oh, this is going to be good. Guys, you’ll want to see the Lupus Auream, or Golden Wolves. They bite. – Yoongi commented, walking right behind the first two. Y/N felt her heart hammering her chest – while putting on some leather shoes Tae handed to her -, fearing to wake from that moment and realize it was all a dream. – Are you ready to meet them, Queen? – Yoongi took her out of her momentary stupor, smirking excitedly at her. Swallowing hard, she tried to smile back, nodding once.
   - Let’s meet them, then. – she said, and as they walked down the stairs from the chambers’ floor, there was a roar of cheers downstairs, startling Y/N a great deal, before she realized what was before her.
  - I guess they were eager to meet you, Queen. – Jimin plopped from behind her, and Y/N observed, with wide eyes, the great amount of people – easily a thousand to two – that were standing from the doors of the castle, without trespassing, to the outside, crowding the front gardens, till somewhere she couldn’t see. Kids, old people, young people, dressed simply, with their work tools in hands. My… People? She chanced to think.
  - Oh, here they come, please let’s head down. – Taehyung said, pulling Y/N ’s arm and rushing her down, ignoring the other’s scolding to go slower, since she was pregnant and all.
But as soon Y/N saw them, the seven wolves walking calmly in between the people to enter the castle, she was in complete awe, and approached at her own will. Behind them, other seven guards, with stark black armor appeared. 
  - Are you the… Golden Wolves? – she asked insecurely, and they all took their helmets, nodding once.
  - A little part of them, milady. The wolves are also just the main protectors of the Black Woods. We’re here to recognize you as our Queen. – the one with brown hair and lightly tanned skin spoke, his soft voice making Y/N a little more at ease.
  - Recognize me? How can you do that? – Y/N inquired, and the black knight made a gesture, snapping his fingers, which made all the wolves walk towards her. She stilled, scared, but another knight stepped up to her, maintaining a safe distance.
  - Don’t fret. They’ll only smell you. If you have the same blood as our late Queen, and I’m pretty sure you do, they will recognize it, and then you’ll definitely be identified as our Queen. – he instructed, just as the seven dogs reached her, and she was impressed at how big they were. Colored in different hues and shades between black and grey, they stuck out on a clean place and in the light. But I think that in the woods they are completely invisible to the untrained eye, more yet with this winter snow. She pondered, as the lupines sniffed around her. The air was kind of heavy, and she wanted to look back, to have the knights reassurance.
But it quickly came to an end, when they all retracted a little, Y/N held her breath. The wolves all sat down, and to everyone’s amazement, bowed their heads to her, low almost touching the floor with their noses. From the knights came a relieved sigh – from all the fourteen knights around Y/N – and Y/N couldn’t help but squeal in happiness. The crowd behind her started to cheer again, chanting her name in unison, and the Battle Troops knights came down to hug her. She smiled, she cried, and held her belly tight, wishing, begging for JungKook to reach her soon. Please, come meet me. Let us be together now, come meet your child and mend my heart. 
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