#it made her so groggy but she drove anyway and crashed her car (no injuries at least)
Jackson Brodie x OFC
Based on Jason Isaacs’ portrayal of Jackson Brodie in the BBC adaptation of Kate Atkinson’s ‘When Will There Be Good News?”
Summary: Jackson accidentally declares his love to OFC after being in a train crash. Inspired by the interaction between Jackson and Louise in the BBC adaptation. 
Rachel sat by the hospital bed, watching him sleep. His breathing was shallow and barely audible over the humming and beeping of machines. She hated hospitals, always had, and avoided them whenever possible. The smell, the endless people milling around, it reminded her of things she would rather forget but never could. She closed her eyes tightly, as if trying to force the memories back into the past and returned her gaze to Jackson. He had a large dressing on his forearm, a smaller one on the side of his head, numerous cuts and grazes to his face and what looked like extensive bruising on his chest. The doctors had assured her that it looked worse than it actually was; a fairly nasty head injury and a couple of broken ribs but he was going to be ok. Thank god.
He wasn’t even supposed to be here. He was supposed to be in Scotland for at least another couple of days. She had been working late and had missed his call. He had left her a message. “Hi, it’s me. Hope you’re ok. Look, I’m heading back early and……erm…… I  wondered if you were free this evening…… for a drink or……meal…….or…..erm………well, you’re obviously not free……. probably working …… erm…… I should be back by 8, I’ll try you again then………bye.” She had smiled to herself, he was absolutely shocking at speaking on the phone, and checked the time, 9.15pm. Strange, there had been no other missed call or message. Looking at the pile of paperwork still on her desk, she had decided it could wait until tomorrow and dialled his number while shutting down her computer and switching off her lamp. No answer. She had tried again while heading to her car, still nothing. Maybe he had got caught in traffic, or just changed his mind. Just as she was about to set off for home, her phone had rang. It was an unknown number. “Hello?”
“Hello, is that Rachel Morgan?”
“Speaking, can I ask who is calling?”
“I’m calling from St. Thomas’s Hospital; do you know a man by the name of Jackson Brodie?”
Her stomach had lurched, there was a pounding in her ears, her hands began to shake.“Yes”
“He asked us to call you and we found your number in his phone. I’m afraid he’s been involved in an accident…….”
She hadn't  heard the rest, she had dropped the phone and headed straight to the hospital.
Jackson suddenly let out a low moan and started to stir, pulling her back to the present. His eyes opened slightly, and he turned his head towards her. She leant forward in the chair and gently laid her hand over his, “Hey, it’s about time you joined me. It’s bad manners to keep a lady waiting you know?” He squeezed her hand and a small smile flickered at the corner of his mouth. “How are you feeling?” 
Jackson frowned “Where…?” His breath caught in his throat and he looked confused. 
“You’ve been in an accident. I’m told you picked a fight with a train and, apparently, you didn’t come out of it on top. You’re in hospital” He closed his eyes again and grimaced “Are you in pain?” She stood up and leant over him to press the call button for a nurse. 
He opened his eyes again, struggling to focus on her face as he groggily said, “You’re so beautiful”.
She raised her eyebrows and smiled. She reached down and gently stroked his face with her fingertips, careful to avoid the cuts and bruises. “They said you had hit your head; I didn’t realise it you’d hit it that hard…”. Sitting back down on the chair, she saw him close his eyes again and watched his chest rise and fall as he took deep, laboured breaths, struggling for air, pain etched onto his face. She slipped her hand into his and held it tightly “It’s ok Jackson, take it easy. You’re ok. I’m here”  
His expression relaxed and his breathing began to ease. He looked directly at her, just for a moment, gripped her hand and muttered “I love you” before he closed his eyes and his breathing became shallow again. 
She hadn’t expected that. She was shocked, it felt like the rug had been pulled out from under her. 
Just then the nurse entered the room “Everything OK?” 
“What? Oh, sorry, he came round…….he was talking…..just for a moment….he was in pain and struggling to breathe….” 
The nurse walked over and Rachel let go of Jackson’s hand, rising from the chair and stepping aside and out of the way. She watched as the nurse checked his over and her sight became blurred. She couldn’t breathe, she panicked and left.
She almost ran out of the hospital. This wasn’t what she signed up for. She didn’t have serious relationships, in fact up until recently she didn’t really have relationships of any description, serious or otherwise. She had met Jackson during a case a few months ago and he had made an impression on her from the start. As an ex-policeman turned private investigator, he should have been of immense irritation to her, like he was to pretty much all of her colleagues. She had heard rumours about him, both before he left the force and afterwards, but she always preferred to make up her own mind about people instead of listening to idle gossip. Besides, he had interested her. There was something about him that made her want to get to know him better and apparently the feeling was mutual. When the case was over, he had asked her if she would like to go for a drink and she had accepted. She hadn’t planned for anything to come of it, but she had liked him in spite of herself and it became a regular thing. It hadn't taken long for them to take the leap from friendly banter over drinks to something much more. Sure, they were getting on well; he was nice, he didn't place any expectations on her and seemed to accept her for who she was which was a miracle in itself, really. But she had made it clear that she couldn’t offer him anything serious and he had said the same. She thought he was ok with how things were, that they were on the same page. Now he was saying that he loved her. She got into her car and took a deep breath. Maybe it was just the accident, or the medication. He was really groggy. He probably didn’t even know who she was……… But what if it was the truth? What if he did love her? Oh Fuck, what if she was falling for him as well? What then?
She looked back towards the hospital and thought of him lying there broken. A tear came to her eye and she turned the key in the ignition and drove away.
Bloody bike. She absolutely loved the freedom she felt while she was riding it, but maintaining the damn thing was a nightmare. The carburettor needed cleaning along with some other minor jobs, so she put her playlist on and got to work. She had spent a lot of time working on it over the past couple of days, it helped her think. The thing with Jackson at the hospital had floored her and she had handled it badly. That was three days ago. She had called the hospital every day to find out how he was but had not visited or contacted him directly. That was really shitty even by her standards. They didn’t live in each other’s pockets by any means, but she had missed him while he was away in Scotland and when she had received the phone call from the hospital, she had been terrified that she was going to lose him and now she probably had anyway. Why would he be interested in her now? Maybe it was for the best, she was a mess and he deserved better. 
Never the less, she couldn’t get him out of her mind. She felt bad for how she had treated him, she had behaved disgracefully and the very least he deserved was an apology. So, she resolved to finish up with the bike, clean herself up and go and see him. Although, that was assuming he even wanted to see her and why would he? Even if he did, what the hell was she going to say to him? ‘I’m sorry I bailed on you when you were seriously injured in hospital, but…..’ But what? What could possibly excuse that? She wasn’t concentrating and caught the back of her forearm on a sharp bit of metal “Bollocks!” Pulling her arm away sharply, there were already droplets of red falling from the deep gash and dripping onto the floor “Well, that’s just brilliant.” 
Just then, there was a knock at the door. Great timing whoever that is, “Hang on a sec…” she called as she scrabbled up from the floor and looked for something to wrap around the cut, finding only a stray sock on the radiator. Well, it would have to do, at least it was most likely clean.
She got to the door, almost falling over her cat on the way, and opened it to find Jackson on the doorstep. He seemed a little surprised to have been confronted by a grease-covered Rachel, spanner in hand, with AC/DC echoing through the hall. But not as surprised as she was to see him. He should still be in hospital. His left arm was in a sling and his face was mottled with bruising. He looked exhausted. “Jackson, Hi. Are you……..How are you?”
“Yeah, I’m good” He seemed guarded, anxious. “I was just wondering…”
“Wondering about what?”
His gaze shifted to the side. “The hospital. I remember you being there, then you weren’t. Did something happen? Did I…….?”
She didn’t know what to say. He knew that something happened but not what. Maybe it was better to keep it that way. “No… nothing happened. I just………I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have……I should have…..”
Jackson stepped forward and looked directly at her, holding her gaze. “Rachel, I may not know what happened, but I know something did. You were with me…..then I woke up again and you were gone and I haven’t heard from you since. Call me paranoid but……..Did I……say something?” he said, with a slight quiver in his voice.
She paused for a moment, considering what to say. “You were pretty out of it...I mean, you had been in a train crash, obviously you were out of it……you said, well…..you told me you loved me.”
Jackson suddenly seemed vulnerable. His eyes watered and he looked away, slowly nodding his head before quietly saying “Right, well, not exactly how I had planned to handle it.”
Rachel gasped in mock surprise “Jackson Brodie, you mean to tell me that you actually had a plan?!” He glanced back up at her and smiled briefly before looking away once more. Her own smile faded as she studied him for a moment, considering what he had said and what it meant. “So, it wasn’t just the fact that you had taken on a train and lost then?”
He shook his head and shrugged “No. Well, I didn’t mean to say it….not like that”
“You didn’t mean to say it, but you meant it?”
“Yes, I did… I do”
She bit her lip and shifted her weight from one leg to the other, unsure what to say. It’s true that she hadn’t planned for her relationship with Jackson to become anything serious, but she felt…..how did she feel? She thought back to the journey to the hospital, the panic that threatened to overwhelm her that he would die. The pain at seeing him so badly hurt in the hospital……had she fallen for him too? She guessed there was only one way to find out. “Okay.”  
He looked back at her with a searching expression “Is it?”
She paused for a moment, before smiling “Yes”
He looked down again and nodded before smiling himself “Okay”.
“Do you want to come in?”
“It’s ok, you’re busy. I don’t want to intrude…..” Just then, he looked down at her arm “Your arm……what happened? Are you ok?” 
She looked down and saw that the white sock that she hand wrapped around her forearm was now stained red and blood was dripping onto the floor. “Oh, I caught myself on the bike. It’s fine, really. It’s nothing.’
“It doesn’t look like nothing, let me see.” As he bent forward he seemed to lose his balance and put his hand out to steady himself on the door frame. 
“Jesus. Jackson are you ok?” She dropped the spanner she had been holding and slipped under his arm, wrapping her own arm around his waist to support him. Just in time. He suddenly went deathly pale and looked as if he were about to pass out. She helped him inside and through into the living room, gently lowering him onto the sofa before crouching in front of him and holding his face in her hands “Jackson….Jackson what’s wrong? I’m calling an ambulance….” 
She stood to get her phone out of her pocket but he shook his head  “No….I’m alright”
“You are absolutely not alright. The hospital shouldn’t have let you out so soon….”
He groaned “They didn’t”.
She looked up from her phone, raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to one side “What?”
Jackson leaned forward, resting his head in his hands, and took a deep breath through his nose, holding it for a moment before exhaling through pursed lips. “I kind of checked myself out. I hate hospitals.”
“Jesus Christ Jackson. No one likes hospitals, but they come in pretty handy when you have been in a train crash. Come on, I’m taking you back.”
He reached up and took her hand “No, please Rachel. I’m fine honestly. I just need a minute.”
She looked at him, he really didn’t look fine. In fact, he looked bloody awful. “You need more than just a minute. What the hell were you think……Woah!” Jackson had suddenly pitched forward and she lurched forward and caught him holding him upright with both of her hands on his shoulders. “Ok….I’ve got you. Let’s get you laid down” Rachel slid her hands down his chest and around his back, holding him tightly as she lowered him slowly to the side and then onto his back before lifting each of his legs and resting them on the sofa arm. She then undid the buttons around his collar and as she began to loosen his belt, Jackson let out a small groan and muttered “Steady on, I have just been hit by a train you know?” Although his eyes were closed, a smile spread across his lips.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?”
“It has been pointed out once or twice”
She laughed in spite of herself and shook her head “What the hell am I going to do with you?”
“Don’t answer that. Back in a second” 
She headed to the kitchen to get him a glass of water and contemplated calling an ambulance. He had been in a serious accident and really didn’t seem well but, against her better judgement, she decided against it. She walked back to the living room and found him sitting up, leaning back against the sofa and resting his head against the wall and staring at the ceiling. “Feeling better?”
He slowly sat forward and smiled “Yeah, sorry”
She offered him the glass “It’s ok, I won’t hold it against you. Here, drink this.”
Jackson took the glass and slowly sipped the water as she walked over to the window, opening it wide to let in some fresh air. Behind her, she heard him place the glass down on the table and turned to find him staring at her. “Rachel….are we….I mean, I know you said…..but…”
She walked over to the sofa, sat down next to him, put her finger on his lips and smiled “Shut up Jackson”. She leaned in closer, her hand reaching round to the back of his neck, pulling him towards her until her lips were almost touching his ear and whispered, “I love you too.” 
He inhaled sharply and pulled away. Their eyes met and he cupped her cheek in his hand as he kissed her lips, her cheek, her jaw, then her neck as he held her tightly against him. His breathing rapid, his hands, searching and hungry, she whispered into his ear once more “And now, I’m taking you back to the hospital.”  
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
Handsomely Swapped
Pairing: Dean x Reader add Cas Word count: 3.1K Warnings: language, SMUT, lots of oral, bi!Dean, bi!Cas and bi!Reader just go with it. A/N: This was written for Jordan’s trope Challenge @queen-of-deans-booty. My trope was Body Swap, so this might get confusing but I tried my hardest to make the correct distinctions. Also I blame Jordan because she convinced me to give you guys all the smutty goodness that you are getting. Which meant this fic went from about 1,500 words to over 3K. I’m sorry, no, I’m not sorry. I hope you enjoy! Feedback inspires me to write more, please leave a comment! Thank you!
Dean pulled out his phone and went to his car so he could talk in private, “Hey Sweetheart, did I wake you?” “No, no you didn’t.  I was just reading a little.” Your nose was still stopped up a little but your voice didn’t sound deep like Cas’ anymore.  “How’d it go?” “Real good, real good.  No injuries. We burned the witch and we should be home tomorrow.” He informed. “Oh that is great.  I really wanted to come this time.  I’ve been so bored without you guys.” “It’s late Sweetheart, why don’t you go to sleep.  Hopefully, you will be over this crud tomorrow because… I um… can’t wait to be with you. If you know what I mean.” He implied. “I know exactly what you mean.  I’m going to let that thought get me right to sleep.” “God, I wish I was there.  You’re probably wet right now aren’t you?” “Oh yeah! Do you wanna know where my hands are?” you asked. “You would be 400 miles away and turned on.” He smirked at the phone. “You know you could get here by morning if you drove all night.” You teasing suggested. “If it was just me I’d do it in a heartbeat but Sam and Cas are exhausted.” “I know baby, just get some sleep.  I should be better tomorrow.  I love you.” “I love you too.” He mumbled. “I didn’t hear that, what did you say again?” You giggled, he was always so quiet when he said it. “I love you.” He spoke clearer this time. “Much better, night Dean.” Then he hung up knowing that you were satisfied by what he said.  
Dean and Cas crashed in the same bed since Sam was known for moving a lot.  The next morning, Cas woke up early and walked to the bathroom to pee.  He found this constant need to vacate one’s bladder and bowels completely tedious.  He grabbed his toothbrush and paste from his leather toiletry bag, looking in the mirror, he dropped everything on the ground.  “Dean! Dean!” He yelled as he touched his face. Dean came running “What is it, buddy?” “Look, look Dean!” Cas stuttered. “What the fuck?!?” Dean gasped touching his face well actually Cas’ face.   “What is going on guys?” Sam asked still groggy unsure why the two men were looking in the mirror at themselves. “Sammy, look at me!” A higher pitched voice came from Cas’ mouth. “Why are you calling me Sammy, Cas? And why do sound like that?” Sam scratched his head. “Because he not Cas, I am.” Dean’s voice was deeper than normal, finally Sam foggy mind started to put things together. “Dammit, I knew something was going to happen. It’s too early for this shit.  I’ll make us some coffee.” Sam made his way to the small motel coffee pot.   Dean and Cas just stood and stared at each other.  “Shit, fuck.” Dean started to laugh. “What is so funny Dean?” Cas questioned sternly. “It could be so much worse. At least, we’re still handsome.” Dean smacked Cas chest laughing hard.  Dean ran his hands over his new body grabbing at his junk realizing he was hard. “Damn Cas, ok I can work with that.” He pulled at his waist band to get a better look at his new penis. “You should’ve told me you were packing.” Sam chuckled at how stupid his brother was being, “So how do you guys feel anyway?” “Like I’m in a new vessel.” Dean’s mouth open but Cas’ words came out. “Yeah, Sammy so far I’m good.  Wait until (Y/N) sees me.” Dean flopped on the bed. “Cas, did you recognize what the witch said last night?” Sam continued his round of questions. “Yes, she said, ‘change your soul, change your form’. I assumed, as we all did, that since we killed her the spell wouldn’t work.” Cas explained.   “Well let’s get dressed and get back to bunker (Y/N) and I will figure something out.” Sam suggested.
You heard the rumble of the Impala in the kitchen making yourself some tea with honey to soothe your still semi-scratchy throat.  With your hips pressed up against the counter, two arms wrapped around your waist, feeling the scruff against your neck.  You looked down noticing Cas’ trench coat and you straighten up slightly pulling away from his touch.  This wasn’t right but it still felt like Dean. You turned around and your hands slid around his neck, “Cas, you know we can’t do this in public.  What if Dean finds us?” You giggled. “What?!?” Cas’ form moved away from you. Dean walked through the door, “You!” Cas lunged at Dean.  Yeap something went wrong on the hunt.   “Hey! Dean, I was just joking.” You tugged at Cas’ trench coat.   “You know?” Cas’ blue eyes looked at you, but you could tell it was Dean. “Yeah, baby I know. Don’t look so shocked okay. Once a witch always a witch.  Plus Cas would never try and make a move on me.” You took his hand pulling him into a kiss. “Whoa well that took no time.” Sam stood against the fridge watching you kiss Dean in Cas’ body. You hummed never knowing how good Dean could kiss you in any body.  “Body swap?” “Body swap.” Sam replied. “What did the witch say? What did she do?” You asked. “She said, ‘convertere anima tua mutare speciem tuam.’” Cas informed her. “Oh that’s a soul swap spell then.  Man, that witch most have been a nube. Any decent witch would’ve have known that this kinda spell takes time to happen. It should wear off in a day or two.” You took Dean’s hand and looked into his new blue eyes.  “That means I have plenty of time to give this body a good test drive.” You raised your eyebrow, kissing his chapped lips.   “You do know that is my body right?” Cas inquired. “Uh huh, that’s why you should join us.  I wouldn’t want to do anything to your body without your consent.” Cas gulped at your comment. “I’ll be going now.” Sam let out a snicker as he left the room. “What cha say boys? I want Dean’s mind and body and I think I’ve just hit the jackpot.” You smiled walking down the hallway stripping your shirt off as you went.   “Dean, I don’t know about this.” Cas aired his concerns. “Dude, what the lady wants the lady gets.” Dean answered and made his way down the hall.
He and Cas both pushed the door open to the room you and Dean shared.  Both men eyed your almost naked form, only sheer lace from your bra and panties kept you from being totally exposed.  Watching Dean’s expressions of arousal on Cas’ face was a new experience, those blue orbs raking over your body and that smirk on those kissable lips sent shivers down your to your core.  You walked up to Dean and kissed him passionately, hands roaming over your bodies, you slid off Cas’ trench coat wanting touch his tight firm body.   Turning your head, “Do we look good together, Cas?” You chuckled. Shyly he confirmed your suspicions, “yes, you do look good together. Your hand reached out for Cas, pulling him closer to Dean and you. The focus shifted, from Dean to Cas kissing those wonderful plump lips.  Cas’ kisses were timid, almost nervous, your lips grazed over his cheek and sucked onto his those ear lobes you loved so much, “Cassie, honey bee, are you ok with this?” “It’s just unusual being in a different vessel and feeling this way.” He explained. Dean put his hand on Cas’ shoulder, “Unusual but not bad right?” “Not bad at all. It’s just I haven’t had a lot of experience with intimate relationships.” He replied. “Don’t worry about that cause Dean and I want to take good care of you.” You kissed Cas’ collarbone, while unbuttoning the top few buttons on the dark red flannel that he was wearing. “Don’t we Baby?” You asked Dean. “Yes, buddy, good care.” Dean pressed his chest to Cas’ back, kissing softly on his neck and running his hands down front of the flannel shirt. “Yeah this is weird touching myself but not actually touching myself.” Dean let out a small laugh.   You palmed Cas’ cock through the thick denim, “God, do I love this cock!” Dean kissed Cas on the mouth has he moved to his side. The surprise from the kiss on Cas’ face was priceless. You touched the front of the blue suit pants Dean was still wearing, he moaned at your touch and Cas’ lips on his. “Wow, Cas” you turned your head and looked into Dean’s green orbs, “you are so thick! I can’t wait to taste you.” Cas shyly hung his head and blushed, all of those lovely little freckles standing out against the pink in his cheeks. “I know right.” Dean let out a chuckle.   Clothes were flung all over the room until you could finally feel their soft taut skin under your fingertips.  You giggled watching Dean and Cas together; they had been crushing on each other since before you joined the picture.   “Cas, do you like me or Dean more?” You asked. “I um I like Dean more, you are a beautiful, nice woman but we share.” You cut him off, “I know a profound bond. It’s ok Cassie.  Maybe you two should spend some time together without me.” Your smile indicated to Dean you were completely ok with this. “Oh no, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to fuck myself.” Dean replied. “You gotta stay and feel what the two of us can do to you.” Your tongue moved over your bottom lip, “ok then but you two should have alone time when  y'all switch back.” “I would like that very much, Dean.” Cas kissed Dean interlocking his hands into his.   “That is so sexy. Maybe I’ll call Charlie, when you two have your fun.” You kid. “I’m so there, watching in the corner, if you and Charlie get together.” Dean smiled and he left a trail of wet kisses down your neck while you giggled.   Your fingers played with the top of both of their waste bands. “These need to come off.” Standing back, you watched as Cas and Dean helped themselves out of their underwear. Oh my they were beautiful, with thick long dicks standing at attention, Dean’s hand began to stoke Cas’ cock and vice versa. You got on your knees in front of the men and took Dean’s cock, ok it was Cas’ cock, in your mouth, Dean moaned.  This was going to get confusing but they would understand if you screamed the incorrect name.  With your other hand you added your hand to Dean’s and helped to slid your hand up and down Cas’ shaft.  You watched through your eyelashes as Cas and Dean continued to touch and kiss each other, your pussy clenched around nothing wanting some friction.  Cas’ cock was pressed near your face and and you stopped sucking Dean and focused on Cas’.  You knew what Dean liked and you wondered if Cas would react the same way.  You swirled your tongue around his tip and ran your tongue down his length. Cas let out the deepest moan, you didn’t know that Dean’s vocal cords could go that low. “That good?” You chuckled. “You have no idea, (Y/N)” Cas growled. Your hands stroked up and down both of their shafts, guiding the tips of their cocks into your mouth.  Fitting as much of both of them between your lips.  Listening to the sinful expletives Cas and Dean groaned was positively heavenly.   “You that so well, Sweetheart.” Dean told you. “You ready to feel what we can do to you?” “Oh yeah!” Dean took your hand and helped you up off your knees. You flopped on the bed finally feeling your wetness, you rolled on all fours.  “Oh no, (Y/N/N), we gotta make you cum before you get this cock.” You complied and rolled over on your back, “Cas,” Dean kissed him, “have you ever eaten out a woman?” “No, Dean I have not.” Cas informed. “Oh you’re in for a real treat buddy ‘cause (Y/N/N) here, make the most unreal noises as she comes.” Dean spread your legs and went straight to work lapping all of your juices, licking into your folds.  Cas watched with those emerald eyes you loved, as Dean made you wiggle and squirm. “Oh shit” you yelled, “oh baby just like that.  I’m so close.” “Good, ‘cause I want Cas to finish you.” Dean smiled as he called Cas over. “Just lick into her, she is already warmed up.” Dean instructed and Cas cautiously did what he was told to do. “She likes it when I circle my tongue right there.” Dean pointed to your clit.   “Fuck yes!” Your whole body shook, your hand flew into his hair keeping him in place. “Damn she must like that. Now, put two fingers into her and curl them up then suck right on her clit.” Dean showed Cas. “You ready baby?” “Yes, please!” You pleaded. Cas’ lips wrapped around your clit he suckled gently for a moment before he dipped his fingers in your needy hole.  He increased the amount of pressure when he was sucking and thrusted his digits in and out with great force, that had you moaning his name.  Your thighs boxed his ears pulling him closer to you as you felt your climax hit you. “Make sure you work her through it.” Dean coached. Cas kept licking until you were a giggling mess and your legs finally released him.  The familiar smug smile that Dean normally wore spread across Cas’ face when he came up for air.  “Can I assume I did well?” “Oh Cassie, sweetie you did amazingly.” You pressed your hand to your forehead, still trying you wrap your head around how wonderful that felt and gaining your composure.   You watched Dean unwrap one of your favorite ribbed condoms and you gasped at the sight of his glorious thickness.  He took ahold of your hips and roughly turned you over on your knees, he knew how you wanted it, you were in that kind of mood.  You pressed yourself up from the bed and signaled Cas over.  “I want to return the favor big boy.” Your breath hitched when you felt Dean press his cock head into your pussy. “Feel good Sweetheart?” “Uh huh!” You moaned, biting your lip feeling the slow pleasurable burn of his dick push into you. “Oh! Oh! That feels perfect.” Dean’s new penis and his years of experience were going to make this a night worth remembering.  “Cassie, come right here” you instructed in a sensual voice.  He crawled onto the bed, presenting his cock to your face. Dean didn’t move until he saw you licking the tip of Cas’ cock. “God, that’s a good view.  It’s like watching myself in a mirror.  I am completely phantom limbing it over here.” Dean’s thrusts had your mouth moving up and down Cas’ length by the sheer force alone.  Cas’ fingers became tangled in your hair, you moaned around Cas’ cock feeling the ramming plunge of Dean’s dick in and out of you.  He hit your g-spot perfectly knowing you wanted to be fucked into a blissful submission.   Both men yelled out their pleasure, they were about to hit their climax and you were too.   “(Y/N) just keep sucking. That’s just so fucking sexy to watch.” Dean’s voice was low like Cas’ normally was.   It sent a surge right to your core.  “Fuck” you somehow said with Cas’ cock still in your mouth. “I’m going to cum!” Cas announced, his hand was even tighter around your hair telling you what he wanted.  He bucked his cock in your mouth a few more times allowing him to hit the back of your throat before ribbons of cum shot into your mouth.  You greedily swallowed everything he could give you when sated Cas flopped on the bed to watch Dean and you come undone. Chasing your ecstasy, Dean picked up the pace now that you didn’t have a cock in your mouth anymore.  You slipped onto your shoulder, your face buried in the sheets as he fucked you so hard you started to see black spots in your vision.  You cried out feeling your orgasm hit you as Dean’s cock swelled right before he came.  Your bodies came crashing down on the bed as limbs became entangled with each other.  The neediness of earlier was gone replaced with sweet kisses and praises for everyone.  The trio stayed like that until morning when the boys reverted back to their regular bodies. The bond between Cas and Dean grew as your bond with Cas did.  Nobody was jealous or upset when the threesome became a twosome for an evening because the three of you always found your way back into each other arms.  
I love all the likes and reblogs but I really do want your feedback. Please leave me a comment; let me know what worked or what didn’t. If you hated it let me know what I could do different. It may determine how I write my next fic.
“Give it to me! You know you want to!” Writer winks at reader.
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Everything @bandobsession98, @greenappleeyes, @honeybeetrash, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @18crazybutcutealsopsycho, @xdifsx, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @queen-of-deans-booty, @notnaturalanahi, @justanotherdeangirl, @samwinjarpad, @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel
Reader insert @jensen-jarpad
Cas only @webcricket, @angelsdeadromance
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