#it just adds to Kazuki's unworldy-ness
magnoliawaltz · 11 months
Soushi might have sprinted to his room right after he finished his “business”.
Now that you mentioned it, I’m totally agree: “nobody went to his room”. Wasn’t it too convenient? The scene gives the impression as if that particular scene was scrapped/roughly edited to give & not to give any suggestion.
Hm yeah. The flow of time is a bit weird because we don't see Soushi go back to Alvis after that and it cuts to the next day. That's the magic of having an ensemble cast, probably. Mostly. Still want the doujins tho.
Tbh knowing Soushi, the prospect of having commander Fumihiko see him sleep like that would probably make him wake up and leave immediately. Well, maybe since HaE their relationship became more relaxed, as it seems to be normal for him to spend time at their home anyway.
I think what it being edited like that may be implying is two things 1. that Soushi at that moment was beginning to step down from his role as a guide and 2. that Kazuki is a lone dog son of a bitch (by novel Kouyou™) after all and no matter how close one gets to him no one knows his heart = room.
And his room is small and empty.
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