#it is almost certainly a coincidence
galaxyseclipse · 4 months
maybe I shouldn't have started a trend where I overanalyze every Side Order trailer we get...
five minutes, plus what's in the season trailer, AND the Japanese website got updated with a buttload of new stuff...
I got shit to do, man!
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lambfromfield · 4 months
i need gwendolyn and (original) elias bouchard to be siblings/twins SO bad. i know it doesn’t make sense. i know it literally defies different universe logic and everything about the way that we’ve been introduced to tmagp. i also don’t care. i need it
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wingsoverlagos · 1 month
Hi, wingsoverlagos! Love your blog from The Bruce McMouse Show' Paul to your posts on magic Lewisohn. Thank you a lot! And not that it matters but I thought about you when read this comment on youtube (by @DrAnne-mc8er, who tells nice and seems truely stories about her family, especially on her unkle worked with The Beatles in 1969, and her own childhood near Paul, John, George and Ringo),
'… I've kept written diaries my whole life, which our youngest daughter is in the (necessarily) very long process of putting in date order with my help. These go way back to the early 50's, and include things which (now) seem so innocent and naive. Like when John knocked me off a swing in the local park, and when John and Paul had a real fight over a pair of £2 roller skates, both refusing to give up the one skate they each were holding on to for dear life! LOL Obviously this was when we were all still teenage kids fooling around.
Yes, I was contacted by a lady well over a year ago from "the office of" Mr Lewisohn in London, which to be quite honest, I thought was an arrogant way of him going about things, and I said so to the lady. Anyway he called back to "personally apologise". I should probably clarify that I'm now well into my seventies, and have a number of health issues. Yet rather than come up and see me at home in Liverpool, Mr Lewisohn assumed that I would be so keen to be in his book, that I would take the 3 hour train journey, to go and see him (or an assistant) in London, stay overnight if necessary, and then "hope" that anything I would say about the early days, might make it into his planned book. ALL at my own personal expense!
Needless to say I told my husband what Mr Lewisohn expected, and I also phoned Paul to tell him (in no uncertain terms) what I thought of the man. Frustratingly, our daughter who's here now, has just said I can't say what Paul said to me over the phone, here in a public forum. So that's as much as I can say. Well, other than I chose NOT to take the delightful Mr Lewisohn up on his offer! (I'm angry with him now all over again, just recalling what the arrogant sod expected me to do!) But anyway greenatom, you now know the story behind all that.
PS - Our daughter's gone home, so I'll quickly tell you that Paul said he'd talk to Richie (Ringo) about everything, and would phone me back. Anyway in the meantime, Barb phoned me and said Richie was furious with this Mark Lewisohn about what had happened, and that he should "stick his effing book where the sun don't shine!" LOL Then Paul phoned me back the same evening, and said he'd been round to Richie and Barb's (which of course I knew after chatting with Barb earlier), and said it was entirely up to me. but that he and Richie, both felt that I should tell Mark Lewisohn to "eff off". So I don't know for certain, but I think Paul and Richie might have temporarily fallen out a bit with Mr Lewisohn. Not just because of how he spoke to me, but mainly because as Paul said over the phone, the book is supposed to be about The Beatles. Not what the lads got up to as kids individually. Sorry for writing such a stupidly long reply, but take care anyway, and please stay healthy and wear a mask x' From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hv2EkzqUb8&lc=Ugy-Dnq03NdsYhh6xTB4AaABAg&ab_channel=YouCan%27tUnhearThis
Thank you so much for reading my posts, and for sending this message along! The comment thread in question is very interesting and sent me down quite the rabbithole. I wanted to believe! But I fear this person's story doesn't line up on close inspection.
The thread in question is at the top of the comment section on this video on the You Can't Unhear This Youtube channel. It's from the user "DrAnne-mc8er" who claims to be the neice of Bob Moog, of synthesizer fame. The thread is over 100 comments long with many replies by Dr. Anne. In addition to being the neice of Bob Moog, she claims to have known Paul and George as kids, being a couple of years younger than them, and to still be friends with them to this day. She says she has many handwritten journals starting in the 1950s and, most pertinently, she claims to have been contacted by the office of Mark Lewisohn. Her story goes that a research assistant of Lewisohn contacted her; Dr. Anne thought it was rudely done, and Lewisohn then conteacted her personally to apologize. She came away with the impression that he was full of himself, and then spoke to Paul & Ringo, who confirmed that Lewisohn was bad news.
Obviously, this story was like catnip to me. Having beef with Mark Lewisohn is such a specific thing to lie about, I thought, would anyone bother to add this detail if they were simply LARPing as someone celeb-adjacent? Still, there were some details that gave me pause. Dr. Anne said, for instance, that John was a devout christian at the time of the Maureen Cleave interview, which...lol. But one very wrong assumption doesn't necessarily invalidate her entire story. She also said that George Harrison had done uncredited backing vocals on London Town, which sounds improbable, but idk, you never know???
So I decided to dig in to see if anything she said held water. First, I image searched her profile picture (crazy how using a basic google function makes me feel like Sherlock Holmes), and the results were somewhat encouraging: the picture was indeed of a Dr. Anne Cremona, a psychologist. Further digging showed that the real Dr. Anne and the commenter Dr. Anne both professed to have at least four children. On the flip side, Commenter Dr. Anne purports to live in Liverpool, while Actual Dr. Anne practices in London. Not a realistic commute, eh?
But the story truly fell apart once I looked into Bob Moog, who I previously knew nothing about aside from the fact that he was the Synthesizer Guy. Commenter Dr. Anne said that her mother was Bob Moog's younger sister, who had moved to the UK in 1938. She named her grandfather as Robert Sr. There are claims with all of these problems, not the least of which is the fact that Bob Moog seems to have been an only child. I read the first few chapters of a biography of Moog--(Switched On by Albert Glinsky)--which provides plenty of detail on Moog's family going several generations back, but doesn't mention any siblings.
The second issue is the timing: based on this commenter's story, she would have been born around 1944 or 1945. Bob Moog was born in 1934. If he somehow had a younger sister who went unmentioned in his biography, she would have been at most three years old in 1938, when she purportedly went to Liverpool--with a non-parent guardian, as Bob Moog lived with both his parents. This sister would have been ten at the oldest when "Dr. Anne" claims to have been born.
Then we have her grandfather, Robert Sr. Bob Moog was actually the first Robert in a long line of Georges. His dad was George, his grandfather was George, and his great-grandfather was, I think, Georg. There may have been another George thrown in there.
So it seems like this commenter is just doing some high effort LARPing. The thing I'm left wondering is whether or not this commenter is actually Dr. Anne Cremona. If it isn't, they didn't just pick a random picture for their troll account, but used her name as well, all while incorporating details that seem pulled from her life. There's the number of children for one, but the commenter also sprinkles in some psychology talk.
What's the deal? Is this an actual psychologist doing some dedicated trolling (the comment chain spanned a time period of more than a year) with her actual name and picture? Or is this a troll impersonating an actual psychologist as part of their neice-of-Bob-Moog routine?
Thank you for sending this my way, @tavolgisvist! It may not be the genuine article, but I had a lot of fun digging into it. The Mark Lewisohn Tipline (my askbox) is always open!
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"I recognize in thieves, traitors and murderers, in the ruthless and the cunning, a deep beauty - a sunken beauty."
Jean Genet
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trainsinanime · 6 months
In the Blue Eye Samurai fandom here, there's a lot of interesting analysis about the relationships of the three main characters, Mizu, Akemi and Taigen, how they relate to each other, to gender roles and so on, and it's fascinating stuff. But I think it's all missing something: There are actually four main characters all throughout. All this analysis is missing how the fourth member of the Bea-
Oh shit, hold on.
Holy shit.
I just realised something.
The fourth member of the group?
The one who seems a bit useless in comparison?
The one who isn't here because of exceptional skill or anything, but just because he was in the right place at the right time?
That character's name is…
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Faith shows back up and suddenly the lesbians start having gay magic sex….okay
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agentravensong · 1 year
three observations / thoughts from reading the editorial notes in my new physical copy of Hamlet (the pelican edition, edited by a. r. braunmuller):
1. There's this bit from Act 2 Scene 2 where Hamlet is telling Ros and Guil about how he's depressed, how all the beautiful things in the world mean nothing to him. The thing that stuck out to me on this flip-through was the highlighted line and associated footnote below:
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If we go with what is "traditionally supposed" as canon, then, it makes this line one of the most direct fourth-wall breaks in the whole show (that isn't a narrative device i.e. the soliloquies), because it implies that Hamlet sees the literal ceiling of the theater the play is being performed in.
You could just say that the golden fire refers to the real stars and such, making the "roof" metaphorical... but that's less fun.
2. There are a lot of bird allusions and metaphors in this play. Not just the “special providence in the fall of a sparrow” line that seems to haunt me specifically, but a lot of times that people are compared to birds.
marcellus calling for hamlet like how a falconer would apparently call a hawk in act 1 scene 5 when he's left on the battlements after the ghost disappears ("Illo ho ho, my lord!")
woodcocks (foolish birds) caught in springs (traps) (see polonius in act 1 scene 3 (talking about hamlet or ophelia, i think?), and laertes once he starts dying)
knowing a hawk from a handsaw, a spy from a true friend (act 2 scene 2) (according to the book "handsaw" is also supposed to sound like "hernshaw", a type of heron)
"it cannot be but i am pigeon-livered" (also act 2 scene 2)
cladius' limed soul (act 3 scene 4), "limed" apparently referencing birdlime, a gluey material used to snare birds
osric, the "lapwing" who "runs away with the shell on his head", comparing him to a freshly hatched baby bird
and at least one or two more that are currently slipping my mind.
Now, I’m relatively new to analyzing Shakespeare's works in this depth, so maybe this is a trademark in all his stuff, or maybe it was just common at the time; maybe it isn’t meant to be a pattern.
But amongst all those lines, I read this (part of Hamlet talking to Horatio after the play-within-a-play, leading up to him bragging to Horatio that he could definitely get a whole share in an actors' company):
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And, given how meta Hamlet is as a play (see section 1/3 of this post)… perhaps this line, as unemphasized as it is, is meant to re-contextualize the rest of those bird references as pointing out / reminding us that all the characters are actors? Both in the literal meta sense and also the thematic “every character is playing a role for others and engaging in varying levels of deceit” sense?
Again, it’s possible I’m giving this more weight than it’s due because of my lack of context, but. It’s an interesting possibility, at least.
3. Okay, this last one is just funny. Remember when Laertes and Claudius are just beginning to brainstorm how they’ll eliminate Hamlet in the last scene of Act 4, and Claudius alludes to some skill of Laertes’ (fencing) that someone else has been spreading the word about? Do you remember who that someone was?
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Well, the thing about this noted excellent horse-rider is…
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Obviously, the only conclusion to draw from this is that the guy talking up Laertes’ fencing prowess is the literal Grim Reaper, setting things in motion for the fated fatal duel, and neither Claudius nor Laertes had the thought that taking such inspiration from a guy named as such might lead to an unfavorable end. Good job, you two.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
'oh, one of the only original things WFC introduced that has kinda stuck is how soundblaster is a clone-' WRONG BECAUSE AS PER FUCKING USUAL THIS SOMEHOW TURNS OUT TO ALSO BE A THING DREAMWAVE GOT TO FIRST
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how is it always fucking dreamwave
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reluctantbimbo · 1 year
I'm noticing there seems to be a lot of bimbos/wannabe bimbos out there named Chloe 🤔
Three guesses as to what my name is 😳
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sendmyresignation · 2 years
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speaking of wwi poetry and my chemical romance.
"Dead Man's Dump"- Isaac Rosenberg / Desert Song- My Chemical Romance
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shinybulbasaur · 1 year
I already love Farrah dearly but if some unknown woman walked up to my apartment door waving a gun and started asking me to open the door I simply would not open it. I'm with Todd on this one
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alethiometry · 2 years
honestly spite is such a strong motivator like now i HAVE to write out my own eivor-ends-up-in-vinland fic that's been rattling around in my mind. just to stick it to the dec 6 update
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Today I’m thinking about a couple different people, and how i barely knew them, but miss them utterly.
“we could have been such friends”, i think, about these people who passed through my life, like shooting stars clipping a planetary gravity well, leaving me behind instantly. the only sign they were ever there a series of imperceptible orbital path anomalies.
i hope they’re all alive, but i’ll never know, and i will never be able to track them down and find out.
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emeraldhazeidentity · 2 years
OK, so this might be a very stupid theory, and way off base, but...
I've always wondered where the name "Ebott" came from.
I'm not aware of any cultural or language significance for it (I might just be really uneducated tho, so let me know if I'm wrong 😅).
But nearly every other name in Undertale seems to have been very carefully thought out and chosen. Names are very meaningful in UT, so what does the name of the mountain and city mean?
Then I realised.
Ebott is the phonetic spelling of Toby, spelt backwards.
Just switch the y for an e, add an extra T, and you get a place name from the developer's first name.
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so i just got reminded of the fact billie eiilish does in fact exist, and the thing is i did have a phase when i was really into her music
but now that i got reminded i immediately started connecting it to my current hyperfixation: sao
and literally minutes after starting this train of thought i came to the conclusion that "ocean eyes" is the most *aggressively* yujikiri-coded song i know
and then it hit me
"can't stop thinking of your diamond mind"
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Y'know what I take back wanting every dupe donor to get full names and shit I want all of them except Marie so I can continue my half joke hc that she and Mi-ma come from the same donor
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