#it ate a umm... squirrel and some birds
Hello~ I ummm... I think I messed up. I umm... tried to see if I could um... grow something poisonous. I ummmmm.... think it's flesh eating? @nrcgardens what should I umm... do?
Ummm... @nrc-therapist does this umm... count?
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Stuck with you~Lindsey Horan x Reader
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Prompt: Lindsey and Fem reader are quarantined together. Lots of cuteness and fluff ensue. Enjoy!
Requested by: @kweens14​
Lindsey PRO//
These last 3 months in quarantine have been pretty hard, not being able to play soccer or hang out with my friends is killing me. But there is one person that is making everything better, and that’s my girlfriend Y/N L/N. She is the sweetest, most understanding person I have ever met. And what’s even better is that she also has a crazy, goofy personality to match mine, we have all these little inside jokes and nicknames for each other and she is the only person who can make me laugh 24/7. We also have a mutual understanding and deep respect for each other’s careers and everything we work hard to achieve. 
Sure the first few weeks quarantined together in our apartment in Portland were challenging but now we have an understanding of when the other needs space or alone time. More often than not however we find ourselves doing almost everything together. We wake up at the same time and we eat breakfast together every morning before going on a walk with Ferguson. We also work out and train together at least twice a week but when we’re not doing that we can be found snuggling on the couch binge watching the latest Netflix shoe or movies that we both love. 
Y/N had gone to take a nap but asked me to wake her up when I had returned with lunch. I did my best to not make too much noise as I entered our room. Seeing her laying in bed with a content look on her face and more relaxed then I’ve ever seen I just had to take a picture before I woke her. That’s gonna be my new lock screen. I approached the bed softly and then leaned down and gently shook her awake.
“Wake up sunshine, lunch is here.”
“Hi” She said sleepily 
“Hi lovely, I got your favorite from that bistro around the corner.”
She sat up, stretched and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before pulling my head down to give me a gentle kiss on the lips. 
“Thank you for going to get food, my hero.” She said, giggling softly
“Always at your service m’lady.” 
I tipped the imaginary hat on my head and took her hand, kissing it before busting into giggles myself. Y/N got up and followed me to the kitchen table where our food sat and after opening everything we sat down to eat. 
We ate and talked about our days and how we were feeling, we always made sure to check in with on another on a daily basis to make sure we were still in a good place. On the days we struggled we did our best to be there for each other or give each other space depending on what was wanted. 
We started to goof around at the table, putting chopsticks in our noses or taking noodles and turning them into a mustache. We were laughing so hard that it made the water I tried to drink come right back out, through my nose. It hurt a lot but seeing the look of pure joy on Y/N’s face and hearing her wonderful laugh was enough to make me want to do it again.
“Babe, be careful! You know that’s what happens when you laugh and try to drink water.” She giggled.
“I know, I did that on purpose to make you laugh.”
“Mhm, sure you did.”
“It’s true!”
We started laughing all over again and even though I had more water come out my nose it was totally worth it. After we finished eating we decided to take a walk with Ferguson to get out of the house. After putting his little harness on and racing him to the elevator we made our way down to the lobby of the apartment complex and made our way outside. We walked hand in hand for over an hour, just taking in the fresh air and admiring  all the little birds, squirrels and bunnies we saw along the way. 
Lindsey and I were taking our daily walk with Ferguson and I couldn’t help but spend my time admiring Lindsey instead of paying attention to everything else around us. She was captivating to me, the way her eyes sparkled when she Ferguson did something silly or when she saw a really beautiful bush of flowers. Or the way her eyes crinkled when she was smiling super big, or that, that same smile always reached her eyes when she looked at me. Her laugh is something I want to hear all the time, it makes my heart swell with joy whenever I hear it, and being the one to make her laugh is one of my favorite things in the world. 
While we walked she intertwined our fingers and held my hand firmly in hers. I love when she rubs her thumb gently over my knuckles or squeezed my hand three times as a way to say “I love you.” I was so lost in thought about her that I didn’t realize she was trying to get my attention.
“Y/N? Hey.”
She squeezed my hand and I finally made eye contact with her as she smiled softly at me.
“Hi love, what’re you thinking about?”
“You.” I answered without a second thought.
“Oh, really? You are?”
“Yeah I am.”
“And why is that?”
“I’m madly in love with you.”
“Oh really? Well you should know I’m in love with someone too.”
“Oh? And who might this mystery person be?” I asked, playing along.
“You might know her actually.”
“Yeah she’s got this amazing Y/C/H hair these beautiful Y/C/E eyes that I could get lost in forever, the brightest smile I’ve ever seen, and she also has a kick ass personality. I’m madly in love with her because when I’m with her she makes me feel alive, and like I can do anything. She was my first kiss, she was my date to the senior prom, she taught me how to dance. I’m my best self when I’m with her.”
When she finished talking she was looking at me with so much love in her eyes, that I teared up. Remembering how far we’ve come since we met when we were sophomore’s in high school and how much we’ve grown together in that time made me certain now more than ever that she was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. 
“I love you more than I will ever be able to comprehend. You are the love of my life.” I said, letting go of her hand and turning to kiss her while placing my hands on her cheeks. She kissed me back with just as much love as I had and we kissed for what felt like an eternity but was really just a couple of minutes. 
“I love you to the moon and back, always.” She said when I finally let us come up for air. 
After that we started walking back the way we came in comfortable silence and when we returned to the apartment and let Ferguson in to get some water we decided to head to our room to change and lay down together.
“You tired, babe?” I asked
“Yeah, but that was a good walk. You are good company.”
I giggled and agreed with her statement and then we both agreed that we should nap for a little bit to renew some of our energy. She wanted to be the big spoon so we shifted so that my back was to her front and she wrapped her arms around me protectively and I took to intertwining my fingers with hers and blowing on them just to mess with her. 
“Y/N… Sleep now, mess around later.” She mumbled as she was already drifting off. 
I felt her breath even out and knew that she had fallen asleep and I followed not soon after.
Several Hours Later…
I woke up to find that the bed was empty and Lindsey was nowhere to be found. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already… 5 pm. I really took a 4 hour nap?! I got up in search of my girlfriend and found her playing with Ferguson in the living room. She was attempting to teach him how to dribbling a soccer ball. I smiled softly as I watched them play, wondering if we may one day have a little human running around learning how to dribble.
“Come on Fergs! You can do it! Mommy believes in you!” She cheered him on
When he finally made it back to her with the ball she cheered wildly and praised him for what he had done.
“Good job buddy!”
“You’re the best teacher.” I said, deciding to make my presence known
“Hi sunshine! I didn’t know you were up. How long have you been there?”
“Oh, just long enough to see you teaching our son how to kick a soccer ball.”
She got up of the floor, making her way over to me she wrapped me up in her arms and kissed me on the forehead before hugging my head to her chest and rocking us back and forth.
“You ready to start making dinner, love?” 
“Yeah, what do you want to make?”
“How about that dish you love, umm… what’s it called again?”
“Oh yeah that! What do you say?”
“Let’s do it.”
We set out to get all the ingredients from the fridge and pantry and when we had it all gathered we started on the dish. Half way though it was time to feed Ferguson so I fed him and left Lindsey to continue cooking. When I came back she was ready to put it in the oven. Once it was in we just had to sit and wait for it to be done, which to us felt like an extremely long time but wasn’t at all. I got restless sitting and waiting for it to be done so I told Lindsey I was going to shower and excused myself to do that.
Little did I know however, that as soon as I left Lindsey started working on something she had been planning for us.
When I returned to the living room, freshly showered I was shocked to find that the couch and table had been moved and in their place stood a beautifully made fort, that had been made out of blankets, pillows and other objects to make it stand tall. hung above it was some white Christmas tree lights and the lights in the kitchen and surrounding area had been turned off so you could see them better. 
“Hi, sunshine.”
“Lindsey… this is beautiful. How did you?… When did you?… Did you do this for me?”
“Well when you went to take a shower I saw the perfect opportunity to pull this off and luckily with your music turned up you weren’t able to hear me moving around. I thought I’d treat you to a romantic.. fort dinner.” She stumbled, looking slightly worried that I didn’t like it.
“It’s perfect, I love it. Thank you.”
“Oh! And don’t worry I didn’t let the food burn.” She said, reminding me of what I had been impatiently waiting for.
“Oh, good! I’m starving.” I said giggling.
“I know, me too.”
She went to serve us both and handed me my plate, I followed her to the fort and was trying to find a way to get settled without spilling food everywhere. I was so busy trying to figure it out that Lindsey had to catch my plate when it slipped out of my hand. I sat down on one of the pillows and looked at her sheepishly.
“Wow, my hero.”
“Always at your service m’lady.” 
“What would I do without you?” I said dramatically.
“I’m sure you would be just fine, but I am always happy to be of service.” She giggled while kissing my hand.
“Hey babe?” I asked part way through the meal.
“Yeah, Y/N?”
“You know how these last few months have been hard, and how being in the house all day drives us crazy?”
“Well, as hard as it is, I’m glad I’m with you.”
“You know you’re stuck with me, right? There’s no take-backzees.”
“There’s no one else I’d rather be stuck with.”
Hey ya’ll! This was not based off of Ariana’s Grande’s new song with Justin Bieber, I just thought of the title and well this was born lol. Sorry for any mistakes.
- N
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icequeenoriginal · 4 years
An Unusually Anxious Prince
Summary: Roman goes into the forest to collect berries and finds something much more interesting. 
Author’s Note: I couldn’t help myself so I wrote another scene for my Sleeping Beauty AU. I’m still not sure if I’m going to write a whole story for it though, I just really wanted to write this one, it’s my second favorite scene. Also Happy Pride
Here is the original scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXbHShUnwxY (Not the entire scene but it was all I could find on YouTube)
Warning: One bad word in caps, jokes/fears about being eaten
Roman opened his window as he hums a melody he has known since he was a child. He smiled as he looked over the beautiful valley he lived next to. This was going to be an amazing day. 
It was his birthday! His 16th birthday! 
This was going to wonderful! He has read in so many of his storybooks that the most amazing things happen on your 16th birthday. Anything could happen!
Including falling in love.
Roman quickly threw on a white shirt and white pants. He posed in the mirror before pausing. He hummed as he felt something was missing. He searched through his dresser before pulling out a black corset with gold string and gold border. He slipped it on and posed in front of the mirror again and smiled at the satisfaction he felt as he looked at his outfit.
He started to descend the stairs but paused when he heard familiar whispering.
“You make the suit and I’ll make the cake, Lolo.”
“How are we going to get Roman out of the house?”
“We’ll think of something.”
Roman couldn’t help but smile. He loved Patton and Logan, really, but they could be as secretive as an elephant trying to sneak through a china shop. He still does not have the heart to tell them that he found out the truth about Santa Clause when he was five after catching Logan wrapping his gifts. 
He couldn’t hold anything against them, they raised him after all. They were the best kind of guardians. They were very doting, always giving him what he asks for, but still raise Roman to never be greedy. Patton would sing to Roman whenever he was scared and Logan taught Roman everything he knows. He loved his dads.
Roman shouted, “Good morning everyone!”. He happily ran down the rest of the stairs
Logan and Patton jumped back quickly, using their backs to hide whatever was on the table. Roman smirked at them, they were very much failing at being slick.
“What are you two up to?” Roman asked, trying not to laugh as he did so.
“U-Up to?” Patton squeaked out, slowly trying to make himself as tall as possible. “Nothing at all!”
“Oh really?” Roman attempted to peer behind Patton. 
Logan gently pushes him back “Ah! Roman! We need you to...to…” Logan back at Patton, his eyes screaming for help.
“To pick more berries!” Patton yelled, startling both of them. Patton picked up a basket sitting on the table. He was going to use it to place flowers in for Roman’s birthday party as a centerpiece but sacrifices had to be made.
“Berries?” Roman asked, clearly thrown off. “But I picked some yesterday”
Patton made a nervous face before smiling, “Well, we need more. We used them all to make Logan’s favorite jam, a-and I ate the rest. You know I get snacky when I’m cooking.”
Roman smiled as Logan placed his red shawl over him. It was his favorite, Patton had made it for him on his 10th birthday. Roman stepped outside of their small but comfy cottage. 
Patton smiled at him and said, “Take your time, no need to hurry back” 
Logan nodded in agreement, “But don’t go too far!”
“Yes and don’t talk to strangers!” Patton added 
Roman chuckles, it was the same speech they always gave him when he left the cottage. He waved as he walked down the path, pretending that the huge excited smirk on his face was not there.
“Do you think he bought it?” Patton whispered rather loudly to Logan 
“Of course he did” Logan whispered back.
Roman covered his mouth to muffle his laughs and headed off. ~ The forest was nice. The weather was warm and the wind was low.
It was nice; calm and quiet. Too quiet for his liking.  
Roman began singing loudly, a melody Patton taught him when he was five. He paused to listen and smiled as the birds responded to his call.
He sang again as the bird flew towards him, one landing on his extended finger. More small critters made their way over to him. Squirrels, rabbits, and small birds surrounded him. Even an owl awoke from its slumber to land in his empty basket.
Roman smiled and pets all of them before heading back on the path to the berry grove. This was much better. A walk through the forest is so much better with company. 
Roman continued to sing, a bit louder, hoping to attract more friends to make his special day even more special.
Virgil rode on through the forest with a small frown on his face. He was undoubtedly bored. The journeys to and from home were always boring. Not that he was complaining! He would never leave home if his home again if something “exciting” happened on any of his journeys. 
If there was one thing Virgil did not like, it was trying something different. It was way too stressful and overwhelming to him. He always thought the status quo got a bad rap. It was nice, relaxing, and kept him safe and sane.
Which is why he was screaming at himself for following a random voice in a random forest. Internally of course. He has class.
All he had to do was keep heading straight, he was very close to home. He could do this in sleep. Which he was so he didn’t hear the beautiful voice.
He didn’t know why he wanted to follow the voice. It was probably a siren luring him to be eaten. That thought was enough to make him turn his horse the other way.
The voice continued to sing, this time using words. “I wonder~”
It was a very nice song...and logically it couldn’t be a siren. They resign in the ocean and he was nowhere the ocean. If anything, it would be a fae who is leading him to its circle so it can eat him.
And now he was heading back to the path home...
“To someone~. To find me~”
He turned his horse back towards the way of the voice and used the lope to make his horse go faster do he couldn’t chicken out once more. 
If he got eaten, his ghost will just haunt the fae. It was only fair--
Virgil was so lost in his own mind that he did not realize his horse jumped over a small pond and he was not holding on. Gravity pulled him right into the pond. 
That’s what he gets for following mysterious voices in a forest...
Roman happily skipped as his basket became more and more filled with berries. He spins, slowly so not to drop any berries and picks some more berries. He walked over to the rather large edge of the cliff, his favorite spot in the world.
There was a tree with low enough for him to sit and nap in for hours. It was nicely shaded with the higher branches of the tree where his animal friends could rest with him. Best of all, it overlooked the beautiful castle with its gorgeous landscape. 
Roman always pictured himself heading over there for a ball, late at night while Logan and Patton were sleeping. He would look around the gorgeous castle and then bump into someone. As soon as he was done apologizing, he would make eye contact with the man and it would be his true love!
Roman threw his head back and groaned. He turned away from the castle and walks away in a huff. The animals follow him, trying to be as concerned as they could be.
“They treat me like I’m still a toddler!” Roman said as he stomped his foot. He only stopped when he almost dropped his basket. The owl flew in front of him and hooted, seeming interested in Roman continuing his rant.
“My uncles! Logan and Patton! They don’t want me to go anywhere! They barely let me come this far to get berries! Much less meet another person.” 
Roman plopped down in front of a different tree, letting himself stew in his own anger. Once that past, he smiles to himself. “Well, jokes on them! I have met someone!” Roman then jumped up determinedly with a large grin on his face, leaving the basket on the ground. 
The animals moved closer, eager to hear more about this person. The birds tweeted as if to cheer for him.
“That’s right! And not just anyone! He’s a prince! An amazing prince! He’s handsome and kind and the most romantic person I have ever met, after me of course!” Roman giggled as his own joke.
“We usually spend our time talking and singing together as he takes down by the lake on his horse. We will have a picnic together, it would be silent so we could hear the wonderful sounds of the forest. Then when we finish, he picks me up by my waist and then…umm...”
One of the squirrels nudged his foot, demanding that he finish the story he was telling.
Roman gave the squirrel a bittersweet smile, “Well, I don’t know what happens next, I usually wake up around that part.” All the looked down sad, making Roman blush from embarrassment.
“I know, I know, it’s depressing. But uncle Patton always taught me, since I was little, that if you have a dream more than once, it is more likely to come true. And trust me, I have had this dream more than once.” Roman said to them with a laugh.
The animals did not look convinced, causing Roman to sit back down. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He watched as some of his animal friends run off into the forest but he thought nothing of it. He figured they had something important to do.
Virgil groaned as he rubbed his neck. He groaned as he leaned against tree. He turned his head and watched as his favorite cloak dried on a tree branch. It was black it not only matched with his black boots, black pants, and black shirt (he loved the color, okay?) but also was his favorite color.
He pulled off his boots, groaning as more water fell out of each boot. He tossed them under his cloak and rubbed his feet.
“You know what Susan? I probably deserved this. No, I definitely do for a random magical forest voice. This is definitely my punishment, right girl?” He smiled at his horse but frowned quickly when she neighed loud and quickly. Her snout was pointing towards his cloak and he turned in horror as a bunch of animals were stealing it along with boots. 
“Hey! Give me my stuff back!” Virgil shouted as he ran after the animals, Susan right behind him.
~ Roman hummed softly as he gently petted the chipmunk on his lap. He yawned into his free hand, the sun pulling him into a nap. Logan and Patton did tell him not to hurry back…
A couple of his bird friends tweeted loudly, stirring him wide awake. The squirrel from before nudged him again, this time pushing on his face. He turned his eyes towards the direction the squirrel was pushing and bursts into laughter.
His owl friend had a black cloak tied around its neck while two birds held up the ends. Two bunnies were hopping, each in a black boot, under the cloak
Roman smirked as he made his way over to them, “Now what do we have here? Could it be? My dream prince?” He looked at the animals up and down and his smirk widened. “It is! Your highness,” he bows playfully “I had no idea you were coming! What a pleasant surprise! Oh, but what would my uncles say! They would say ‘Roman! Why are you talking to a stranger!’,” Roman frowned turning away the clothed animals but suddenly turned back with a big smile on his face, “But then!” he boops the owl’s beak “I would say...I know you! I walked with you once upon a dream!”
Roman spun around and leaned next to his owl friends, “I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam”
Roman grabbed the sides of the cloak and began dancing around as he sang, “And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem.”
“But if I know you, I know what you'll do.” He pulls the owl closer by the cloak and giggles. 
“You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.” Roman wraps the cloak around himself. He closed his eyes for a bit, imagining that his dream prince was really there, holding him lovingly.
Roman let go, nearly causing the owl to fall, and began to dance away from the cloak as he sang “La La La La!”
Meanwhile, Virgil and Susan had made their way over to the clearing and took in the sight before them. The voice from before did not come from a fae, luckily from him but a boy. A very handsome boy at that…
Virgil shook his head to shake the thought away, he needed to focus. As the boy danced away, Virgil reached over and pulled his cloak away from the owl. The rabbits quickly followed and, by grabbing the front of his boots, dumped the rabbits out.
He should have just left right then and there, he got the answer of the voice and his stuff back. He should just get back on the road and head home.
“If I know you, I know what you’ll do~.” The boy sang with his back still to Virgil. Virgil recognized the song, from when he was a child. 
Virgil couldn’t help himself, he sang, “You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.”
Roman whipped around and made eye contact with Virgil, “Oh!”
Virgil freezes, his eyes lock with the boy in front of him. He now has a good look at the boy. At his gorgeous brown eyes, his beautiful autumn hair that was long enough to reach his shoulders, his broad chest, and the terrified look on his face as Virgil stared at him.
Virgil jumped back “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was just...your animals...they...I...you…”
Roman giggled, after calming down from the initial shock, “No, I’m sorry they took your stuff.”
“Oh, uh, n-no hard feeling,” Virgil said with a nod. 
Roman raised an eyebrow, “Have we met?” There was something familiar about this boy, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
Virgil couldn’t lie, he felt like he knew this boy, it was on the tip of his tongue. Though his brain was too busy short-circuiting so he switched to his most basic function, sarcasm, “Was it once upon a dream?” He smirked.
Roman laughed and smiled sweetly at Virgil. “Was that it? Hmm…”
Virgil blushes embarrassed as he rubs the back of his neck and laughed nervously. He had no idea what to say. 
“Hmm...I’m not sure, you might be a stranger after all. You’re gonna have to prove it.” Roman says firmly
“Prove it?”
“Mhmm,” Roman stretches out his hand to Virgil “Dance with me,”
Virgil was nervous, to say the least. He wasn’t that great of a dancer and he didn’t want to embarrass himself. He didn’t even like dancing that much but still, something in him told him that he wanted, no, needed to dance with him.
Virgil nodded and took Roman’s hand. They danced so well that it was as if they were dance partners for years. It was magical and romantic and neither wanted it to end. It seemed meant to be, but neither knew why.
But we do. We know it’s true as visions are seldom all they seem. 
But if I know you, I know what you'll do.
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
Taglist: None this time because this, like the first one, was just a fun little thing for me.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveyss 015.
WHO ... was the last person you saw face to face? gram
... was the last person you texted or messaged online? Ummm, Harrison? We were talking about health.
... was the last person who asked you for a favour? Kile asked me to respond to him. I came so close to doing it, but we are almost at a week without talking.
... was the last person you lent something to? Uhhh, probably my sister.
... was the last person who told you a secret/confided in you? Em
... is the tallest person you know? Nick. I think hes 6′5?
... the shortest person you know? Goodness... I don’t know.
... your oldest (in years) friend? My mom?
... is the oldest (in length of time) friend? Alix. Since i was 5.
... is your youngest friend? I’m the youngest of my group... so ...
... is your newest friend? Probably my school friends
... is your closest relative? my sister? nephews? niece?
... was your favourite teacher? Mom looool. Or in college I really liked Dr. T
... was your least favourite teacher? ugh. shelly?
... did you spend the most time with when growing up? scott
... knows you the best? kile
... always beats you in games or sports? probably nathan lol
... who is the most creative of the people you know? Thats a great question. maybe my sister.
... is the funniest person you know? EM. definitely a goofball.
... is the most organised that you know? Em. 
... that you know has travelled the most? Nathan travels a lot, roger has gone to so many countries.
... has always been there for you? Hmm. 
... has given you the most personal gift? Mike
... has an annoying laugh? Marcia
... never forgets a birthday? sawyer
...,do you have the most in common with? I really don’t know. I don’t share a ton of the same interests with anyone.
...is the sportiest person you know? devin?
...was your last missed call? I think my sister
...did you last open your door for? mom
... has your heart? sigh. I don’t think it’s wanted right now.
... has your respect? people who are honest 
...do you share a special song with? i got my first kiss to the song “my best friend” by tim mcgraw
...do you miss right now? kile andrew. I miss who i thought he was. I miss talking to him all hours of the day. He felt like an extension of myself... almost like we shared this secret life where we could just .. exist together. without him, I just feel like I lost part of myself.
...last made you angry? the hose.
...did you last buy a gift for? I got my mom and my brother and kile something on my vaca.
...did you celebrate your last birthday with? So kile spoiled me like crazy. I spent the day with mom and then at night, em, nathan, devin, and I got tanked lol.
...have you gone to a concert with? sister, janelle, uhhhh nicole
...can make you laugh? It is easy to make me laugh
...has taught you how to do something? Uhhhhhh, thats a very good question. Probably kile teaching me how to do a stats problem? 
...has lost something of yours? Uhh, not sure.
...has broke your heart? kile
...has stood you up? I haven’t been stood up
WHAT Is your favourite colour? blue
Can you do that most your friends can’t? memorize really well, deny bread, sign, talk neuro
Is your birthday? next weekend
Colour eyes do you have? blue with navy and gray
Form of transport do you take to work/school? typically the car.
Music do you like to listen to in the car? Oh goodness anything that I put on spotify
Languages can you speak? english. some spanish and some asl but not fluently
Was the last thing you drank? diet coke
Was the last thing you ate? trail mix
Time did you wake up this morning? I wake up all hours lately and just stare out my window or at the ceiling. Eventually I just give up and get up for good. I think today was like 5am
Colour are your bedroom walls? They’re kind of a mauve-y brown-y purple
Drink do you usually order when eating out? sometimes, not always.
Food can you cook well? I’m a great baker but I don’t cook all that often. Or rather I should say I am insecure about my cooking.
Animals have you had for a pet? Oh goodness. Dogs, cats, bunnies, chickens, turtles, pigs, horses, birds, parrots, fish, flying squirrels, lizards, ...
Are your initials? dls
Kind of activities do you like to do on the weekends? I like to play games, go on drives, see the world, see friends, window shop, idk
Movie do you know line by line? father of the bride, finding nemo, sleepless in seattle, youve got mail, something borrowed, how to lose a guy in ten days, made of honor, while you were sleeping
Band(s) have you seen in concert? I don’t remember all of them. relient k was one.
Do you buy/get to treat yourself? food or clothes lol.
Colours your phone cover? right now it’s like a teal color. 
Part of the world would you love to visit? switzerland. europe. 
Question do you dislike being asked? when are you going to be married.
Subject were you good at in school? science
Careers do your parents have? mom is a manager of a store and I’m not entirely sure of what dad does. I think he owns a company.
Brand of clothing do you buy most often? probably ON
Chocolate bar is your favourite? right now, probably uhmmm 
TV show have you watched every series of? tbh I couldn’t tell you
Radio station do you listen to the most? 99.5, 98.3, 103.5, 96.3, 
Podcasts are you subscribed to? I’m not the biggest fan of podcasts
Is your favourite dessert? anything mega rich
Can’t you do that most around you seem to? roller blade, skateboard, ice skate
Are 5 qualities you value in a friend? honesty, loyalty, kindness, consideration, humor
Are 5 qualities you value in a partner? honesty, loyalty, kindness, slow-tempered, loving
Size pizza do you usually order? goodness I havent had pizza in so long.
Cuisine do you like to order or cook? I suppose right now mexican
Colour(s) dominate your wardrobe? Black. I want to wear more colors I think I refrain because of drawing attention to my figure.
Toothpaste brand do you use? I think right now it’s crest!
Sounds can you hear right now? one of the most dear movies to me.. Serendipity. I think about this movie all the time in my current situation. Maybe.
Is the weather like today? Steamy. But I have been very comfortable in the AC tbh
Are your plans for tomorrow? I’m going to sleep in. Relax. Spend the day reading in the pool, trying to not think about my situation. 
WHERE Do you keep your phone when not using it? I used to always keep it on me, but now I’m trying to get used to leaving it in the other room or just leaving it at home so I stop obsessing.
Were you born? Palos.
Do you go to unwind? On a drive
Is your best friend right now? I’m not sure where Kile is anymore. Emily is likely asleep. Nathan’s probably out lol
Can you go nearby to have a good time? Tbh, I can be alone and have a great time.
Is the nearest restaurant? like 3-4 blocks away.
Is the nearest beach? There is lake michigan, indiana dunes, or lakes. depends what you fancy.
Did you meet your closest friend? kile and I met on CM. em and I met thru Alix. 
Did you go for your last vacation? Pigeon Forge, TN.
Is the nearest mall or superstore? mall would be orland. Superstore would probably be like a walmart or a target. 
Did you last get an injury? I screwed up my foot somehow so I’m trying to nurse that.
Is the most extravagant place you’ve stayed at? Hmm, probably when my sister would travel and we would stay in these exotic hotels.
Do most the local kids play? If you mean kids like 21 ish, there are some great local bars on Oak Park Ave
Have you been with your family? I mean, I’m going to need more detail in the question
Did you spend Christmas last year? home. Then the boys called for us to come over and see their new toys lol
Did your parents grow up? they grew up in roseland which is now a chicago ghetto lol
Did you buy the shoes you’re wearing? barefoot at the moment.
Would you like to go right now if you could? if I can be totally transparent, I would give anything to go sit on a park bench next to kile. 
Do you miss the most from your childhood? The innocent beliefs. the lack of trauma. 
Is the best restaurant you know? I donno, I’m fairly easy-going about restaurants.
Will you never go again as it was so bad? lol this local burrito joint
WHEN ...was your last vacation? two weeks ago. 
...did you graduate? this may. I really thought it would have been more exciting, but it was such a tragic time. 
...did you have your first kiss? on my 16th birthday
...did you learn how to swim? young. like 5-6? 
...did you have your first relationship? uhhhh 19.
...do you feel the most at peace? on a drive.
...do you usually fall asleep? I have no idea. I’m all over the place these days.
...do you usually wake up? thats a wide range of times.
...did you last watch a movie? i’ve been watching movies in bed all day. 
...did you last go to a party? yesterday
...did you last cry? today
...did you laugh really hard? I laughed yesterday. 
...did you buy something pricey last? my vacation I suppose. I really need to get new gym shoes because it has been a few years but man they are pricey.
...did you have an argument last? I haven’t argued this past week. I don’t know if I’m just worn down or if I have lost the fight in me? I’m not entirely sure.
...did you last have a sick day? donno really.
...did you last recieve a hug? I got about 400 hugs from the kids yesterday lol
...when is your best friend’s birthday? aug 16. april 20. march 13.
...did you learn how to drive? I refused to drive as long as possible. mom tricked me into drivers ed when I was about 18.
...did you last receive a surprise? umm.. I really don’t know.
HOW Many pets do you have? Two.
Many houses have you lived in? one
Often do you shower? once per day usually.
Well can you cook? I am mediocre at the moment.
Many close friends do you have? just gets smaller and smaller.
Many Brothers or sisters do you have? one sister two brothers
Often do you go swimming? I WISH all the time. tomorrow will be my first time in a long time. it’s hardly swimming cus its a small pool, but still.
Many times have you texted today? I’ve hardly touched messaging apps. I’m really behind on my correspondence. 
Do you like your toast (colour, topping)? I used to love it toasted with light butter and then pb
Do you like your tea and/or coffee? no coffee. I’m not huge on tea.
Do you like to celebrate your birthdays? typically the way I spent it last year. this year was supposed to be with Kile. For some reason I just glanced at the calendar and it had our weekend trip for march all highlighted. 
Are you feeling today? I’m ok. I mean, I’m not but it’s closer to being OK.
Serious are you about your career goals? I’m passionate about it.
Many rooms are in your house? 11 I suppose.
Many bedrooms in your house? 4.
Did you do in your school exams? I excelled at them. 
Close do you live to your parents? very close to mom. thousands of miles from dad.
Close do you live to your siblings? My brother is around the block. another brother is maybe 30 mins away. my sister is thousands of miles.
Sensitive to criticism are you? pretty sensitive. its a fault.
Motivated to make changes are you? quite motivated.
Creative are you (1-10): 5
Hard working are you (1-10): 11.
Sporty are you (1-10): 1
Musical are you (1-10): 0
Do you prefer your eggs? uhh, moms scrambled, over easy, or sunny side up.
Often do you go out to eat? like once a month.
Would your best friend describe you? I don’t really know. probably studious, the caregiver, patient
Can someone cheer you up if you’re sad? if they know me well enough. 
Often do you meet up with your friends? like 2-3x a month
Important is religion to you? faith is important.
Old were you when you first stayed overnight from home? like 5
Old were you when you got your first pet? I was an infant
Tech savvy are you? decent. not great but decent.
Do you show you appreciate those you care for? I learn what matters to them and I support their dreams obsessively. I research things that matter, I ask questions, I write cards, buy gifts, and just tell them.
Often do you cut your hair? I need to cut it. asap.
Often do you paint your nails? I’ve stopped painting my hands since graduation. I just .. i cant.
Many countries have you visited? 1
Boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? haha
WHY  ... did you choose your username? because it’s one I use
... did you take this survey? it seemed to have some decent questions. I’m trying to work through stuff regarding kile right now, so it had some opportunities. right now I’m wondering if he still reads these. It doesn’t tell me if someone does, only if they like or comment on it. what does it matter, I don’t know. my mind just swirls.
... did you choose the career you did? I had a professor who showed me a video during a neuro class on aphasia and it was a CLICK moment.
...did you last leave the house? running errands for the party
...did you last give up on something? I am in the process. I don’t want to. my whole body aches and screams not to let go, but my brain is recognizing it is time.
...did you search the last thing you searched? i was converting celsius to fahrenheit 
...would you give up on someone completely? I think sometimes I have this mindset that I can help. I can support. I can enhance your situation. I want to help you grow. I want to be there for it all. I think the reality is I am learning that not everyone wants that. I don’t know that i’m helping as much as I hope, and it destroys me to think I was maybe making his life worse. 
IF You could live in any country which would you choose? switzerland
You could choose any animal as a pet which one? cat or dog
You could be famous for something what would you like? I don’t know that I would want to be.
You are sad, how do you combat it? Right now it is sitting with the feelings of loss. I’m trying not to just blow over it or pretend it isn’t real, but to just let it suck as bad as it sucks. I don’t know. I don’t have any magic way of moving through the sadness.
You can drive when did you learn? when I was 18
You could have any job what would it be? I would want to be somewhere with little human interaction tbh.
You could go anywhere for a vacation where would you go? europe. 
You could eat anything right now what would it be? nothing. loss of appetite.
You wrote a book what genre/topic would it be? maybe a book of poetry. or a biography.
You had a theme song what would it be? that would take me a while to come up with.
You could meet any band/singer in person which one? harry connick jr.
You could act in any movie which would it be? I’m not sure I would
You get married what venue would you like? i think I would want to elope 
If you have kids do you have names picked out? I have names I like on a list.
Could describe your dream home what would it be like? farm. land. big ole porch with comfy furniture. lots of trees. a dreamy bedroom. i really want a window seat. You could go back in time what would you change? for the longest time I wished I could have gone to see John immediately. However, had I done that I would have left here and moved there and I wouldnt have the life I do now. So I guess maybe i dont really know.
Could use 3 words to describe your childhood which ones? the memories without my dad were extremely pleasant. My mom tried her best.
Could get the answer to any question which question would you choose? right now I’d want to know why Kile kept things from me. Like how do you wake up everyday OK with knowing I’m unaware. I wanna know what the plan was.. was he planning to meet me and just secretly break up with her? was he ever planning to move to me? Why did he never fight for me? how was I so easy to let go of? why wouldn’t he just break off what he was was “breaking off” to keep me? what was the alternative? keep us both?? why couldn’t he see how he was hurting me? why didn’t it matter? how does he just let go of me so simply and not c ---- but honestly I’ll never get those answers. I would probably be better off asking will i have my own family one day
You could have an endless supply of something what would it be? Money, because of course.
CAN ... you ride a bike? yes
... you ski? i want to learn
... you bake a cake? oh yes.
... you sing well? mediocre
... you do your own taxes? badly
... you remain calm in a crisis? extremely calm.
... you do first aid? like... bandaid level yes.
... remember your best friend’s family members’ names? almost entirely.
... you fire a gun? yes
... your parents drive? Yes
...your best friend dance well? probably not.
...you make people laugh easily? mom, yes lol
...stand up for yourself? if i get pushed enough, yes.
...you do a martial art? Nope
WOULD You like to learn a new language? absolutely.
Save the life of a stray animal? Absolutely.
Know what to do if there was a hurricane? sure, but it would be very very very very unlikely for me to need to utilize that sort of skill set considering I live in the middle of a loooooooot of land. Not coastal at all.
Try a new cuisine? yes
Risk your life for anyone? Yes.
You like to get back in touch with someone? oh boy. how i wish.
You drive in the middle of the night to get a stuck friend? Ina heartbeat.
You Know how to perform CPR? I mean.. vaguely.
You likely win in a game of chess? I promise you no.
You stop talking for a day for $100? happily.
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storiesbysofia · 4 years
A Cat’s Life
One night a kitten was found by a family. They named the kitten Wilbert. Wilbert was a calico and Siamese mixed breed. His coat was dark grey and had two different colored eyes. One morning Wilbert was wide awake in the garden stalking a bird. “What are you doing?” shouted the neighbor’s dog. “You scared the birds away!!” said Wilbert. “Sorry!” said the dog and he ran away.
Wilbert sighed, the family was going to go on vacation to London and he could not go. Wilbert ate his food and went outside to find squirrels. While on his search he got lost. Wilbert found himself in the forest. “This is scary!”, said Wilbert. Other cats in the forest were rough. Wilbert lived in the forest for a long time. Then finally, “Hey you!” a voice said as Wilbert was catching fish. It was another cat, a black one. “H-hi” said Wilbert. “The names Shadow, yours?” said the cat. “Wilbert” said Wilbert. “You know cats here are tough”. Shadow looked at Wilbert’s collar. “You don’t look tough…lets fight” the two cats fought until Wilbert got a scar.
“Meet me here tomorrow.” said Shadow. “I will teach you how to fight.” Wilbert learned the ways of a wild cat. He marked territory, made a bed out of grass and hay and learned how to hunt. Wilbert got older and wiser. Then Wilbert traveled a long way and found the city. “These streets look like home” he muttered. When he was about to walk into an alley way a cat stopped him. “Ya have an appointment with the boss?” said the cat. “No...” said Wilbert. “Well, scram then!” said the cat as he walked away.
Wilbert did not give up, he wanted to take over the territory. “Umm I actually have an appointment with the boss” said Wilbert. “Come on in” said the cat. At the dead end of the alley there was a cardboard box and in the box was a brown cat. “What do they call you?” said the cat. Wilbert thought, tough cat’s names are not like his so he changed his name. “Spike” he said. “My name is Jazz” said the cat . “My old owners liked jazz music.” Then Spike got out his claws, “I want to be leader!” he hissed. “Ahh I am the strongest cat in the city you will never defeat me!” said Jazz. Spike hissed as he said it then Spike swiped his claws at Jazz’s face. The old cat fought back slapping his tail into Spike’s face, Spike saw that Jazz was very old so he aimed his claws to Jazz’s lungs and his heart. The old cat dropped to the floor.
All the cats wanted a new leader for a long time they celebrated because they have a new leader. At the celebration the cat ate dead mice, old human food scraps and other yummy stuff. Spike was given Jazz’s old leaf collar, the collar Spike had was burned and eaten by the strongest cat in the clan. The cat’s greatest enemy were the dogs. Their leader was named Scarface, the cats feared the dogs and Scarface. While Spike ate some old human scraps an ambush began. The camp was covered with dogs! Scarface came to Spike the blood of his enemies dyed Scarface’s fur. Then Spike’s life flashed before his eyes, he was on the ground lying in the middle of the battle.
Spike barely opened his eyes when he realized he was on a vet table. “Hello little guy.” said the vet “You are all good, we are going to send you to the adoption center for animals.” Spike was too sleepy to hear though.
Spike opens his eyes again to see he was in a box. “Hello” said a voice. It was a hamster. “My name is Fluff, yours?” “Spike” said the tired cat. “Welcome to Pet Stuff!” said Fluff. “Better eat your food! You look hungry.”
Spike was hungry so he ate the cat kibble as fast as he could. “Awww look at this little kitty, he looks a lot like my old cat.” said a man at Spike. “My children would love you!” said the man. The man bought Spike and took him home.
“This house looks familiar.” said Spike.
“KITTY!!!” said a pair of twins. “He looks a lot like our old cat! Yeah he does!” “Wait...” thought Spike, “THIS IS MY FAMILY! MY HOME ! MY HUMANS!”
Then Spike jumped down and licked both twins. “IT’S WILBERT!” said the pair. “WILBERT WE MISSED YOU!” said the man. “I am happy to be home again!!” said Wilbert.
The end.
October 24, 2019
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