truphysics · 1 year
Introduction Interferometry is a family of techniques in physics which use the phenomenon of interference to make precise measurements of various quantities. It involves superposing (or “mixing”) waves to extract information about the waves or the media they have interacted with. Basic Principle The basic principle of interferometry involves splitting a wave into two or more parts, allowing…
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ourwitching · 1 month
Screenshot of the Zygo white light interferometry microscope software. (Credit: Huygens Optics) Whit...
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boredphysicsstudent · 3 months
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Michelson-Morley type interferometry! The ring pattern shown here is a special type of pattern that shows up when a coherent light source (think lasers, not light bulbs) interferes with itself.
I wish I had better photos of the interference patterns.
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pitch-and-moan · 5 months
A biopic about physicist Ian Walmsley. The film completely ignores the contributions of Chris Iaconis.
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Raise the visibility of this unique light-based technique.
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World Interferometry Day aims to raise the visibility of this unique light-based technique, which has been able to open up new perspectives of knowledge and continues to prove this today. It is to be understood as a call to strengthen scientific and economic cooperation and to use its potential to promote sustainable development worldwide. The Technische Universität Ilmenau.
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Laser Interferometer Market Analysis, Size to 2027
North America is expected to govern a large share of the global laser interferometer market.
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thelegend9798 · 2 years
A New Quantum Technique Could Change How We Study The Universe
A New Quantum Technique Could Change How We Study The Universe
There’s a revolution underway in astronomy. In fact, you might say there are several. In the past ten years, exoplanet studies have advanced considerably, gravitational wave astronomy has emerged as a new field, and the first images of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) have been captured. A related field, interferometry, has also incredibly advanced thanks to highly-sensitive instruments and the…
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mentalisttraceur · 11 months
Symbiotic Disorders
We know this idea as a joke: "I'm not healthy, I just have a system of perfectly balanced disorders". But I think this is a useful model to try out, especially for mental stuff. What would happen if at least two disorders can coexist and mask each other?
It could hide or stop dysfunction or the differentiating features so much that the person doesn't fit either diagnosis - but internally there is still all the pain and struggle of the disorder. It's worth remembering that when trying to understand others, and ourselves.
It might help you be more durable, willing, or able in certain roles, in the face of certain pressures and risks - maybe sometimes that's even worth the personal cost?
It would be harder to heal, improve, or even acknowledge problems, because each disorder is now load-bearing. You try to give some advice a fair shake, you work on being healthier, and yet you get worse outcomes which you know your old ways reliably prevent.
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mentalisttraceur-long · 5 months
A key thing about abused kids....
Kids are often so far away from knowing what's abusive and what isn't, and from even having a correct interpretative lens about it, that if you naively ask them to describe their home life, odds are extremely high they won't even think to mention a lot of the abusive stuff.
Because it doesn't even stand out to them. And the worst stuff that does stand out? Well that was obviously because they "deserved it" or "brought it upon themselves" or whatever. They might feel shame bringing up any of the stuff they did that the abuse was punishing.
They don't know that their dad doing a thing that physically hurts and leaves them unable to breathe for a while is abusive - they think surely other dads do that too when you make them mad, or worse, and honestly their dad is better because that's not hitting, it never bruises or bloodies or breaks anything and it doesn't even hurt that much.
They don't know that that one time their dad seriously hit them when they were like five is fucked up enough to mention - they think it totally makes sense because they did something that exceptionally raised negative feelings, surely any parent would.
They don't know that the one time they half-performatively ran out of the room because mom hurt herself doing something and expressed angry frustration, and then mom chased after them yelling and hit them, because she interpreted the kid's played up fear whimper sounds as laughter rather than as a meta comment on fearing literally exactly this behavior that mom is now doing... yeah they don't know that's particularly worth commenting on because that event is the only one they still remember but it's memorable precisely because it was an exceptional situation that's the most understandable.
They don't know being made to retrieve and eat food out of the trash that one time is abusive - they think "well I did waste some of that food, and I deprived someone else in the family from eating it who might've enjoyed it" and then don't even think anything of it until they're in their fucking thirties and two years deep into a self-chosen unemployment after they've realized they need something that drastic to work through everything.
And when that's the highlights, they're not even going to think about how every argument happens in the intimidation shadow of getting physically hurt if you make a parent too mad or stand up for yourself too angrily. They're not going to bring up all the yelling and chronic drip of self-esteem-damaging insults about their intelligence and moral character that come out whenever they do something bad or not-actually-bad-but-apparently-adults-think-its-bad or bring home bad grades.
They sure as fuck aren't going to think to mention the kinds of data points that a psychology-versed person will immediately recognize as textbook cause of CPTSD, but which to the kid just seems too subtle of a detail within their normal to even mention, like "oh, and I can never know if the yelling is done - it could randomly resume at any time if one of the parents thinks of another Great Point to make about how I'm bad or am doing bad things to my life or [...] - so sometimes I only fall asleep long after the yelling has stopped because I noticed that the sounds outside my bedroom have distinctly indisputably shifted to my parents talking pleasantly about something amongst themselves, or the lights have gone out".
Point being: if you just naively ask an abused kid to describe their experiences, they're probably not even going to think of a lot of the right stuff to bring up. You gotta really try to creatively apply your more experienced perspective to feel around, think of possibilities, ask questions that would trip over some detail, and most of all you gotta notice relevant mental movements in them and ask yourself what kind of abuse pattern might cause them.
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maybe physics is cool?
i've been struggling with not looking physics anymore. for. a. while. maybe it's because i've been doing both my undergrad and grad part time and i feel like i forget what i've learned faster than i'm learning it? or maybe it's because it's just talking soooo long? but i've also gotten bored of my small research project already, which i started at the beginning of march.
but, today, for the first time in quite a while, i actually thought to myself "physics is cool". so maybe i do still like physics? maybe i'm reaching the end of this marathon and i'm just exhausted? but maybe, once i've had a chance to recover, i'll fall back in love with physics again?
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truphysics · 10 months
LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory)
Introduction The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) represents one of the most ambitious and successful projects in experimental physics. It was designed to detect gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime caused by violent cosmic events like the collision of black holes or neutron stars. Theoretical Background: Gravitational Waves Gravitational waves,…
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dineshpawar27 · 3 months
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roselinel690 · 2 years
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a-typical · 2 years
For even greater sensitivity, there are plans to send gravity wave detectors into outer space. The project, known as the laser interferometry space antenna (LISA), might be able to pick up vibrations from the instant of the Big Bang itself. One version of the LISA consists of three separate satellites in space, each connected to the others by a network of laser beams. The triangle is about a million miles on each side. When a gravity wave from the Big Bang hits the detector, it causes the laser beams to jiggle a bit, which can then be measured by sensitive instruments.  The ultimate goal is to record the shock waves from the Big Bang, and then run the videotape backward to get the best guess for the radiation before the Big Bang. These pre–Big Bang waves would then be compared to what’s predicted in several versions of string theory. In this way, one might be able to get numerical data about the multiverse before the Big Bang.  Using devices more advanced than LISA, one might be able to get baby pictures of the universe. And perhaps even find evidence of the umbilical cord connecting our infant universe to a parent universe.
The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything by Michio Kaku
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astroblogs · 2 years
Dankzij nieuwe kwantumtechniek kunnen optische telescopen zo groot als de aarde worden gebouwd
Dankzij nieuwe kwantumtechniek kunnen optische telescopen zo groot als de aarde worden gebouwd
Impressie van het Europese VLBI Netwerk.  Credit: Danielle Futselaar (www.artsource.nl). Bij radiotelescopen is de techniek van de Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) al decennia in gebruik, het gelijktijdig waarnemen van een object aan d ehemel met meerdere radiotelescopen. De beelden van de telescopen worden dan samengesteld, waarmee één telescoop gesimuleerd wordt met een diameter gelijk…
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