pellavised · 1 year
True Color
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photoblogdujour · 2 months
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Apeirophobia is the phear of inphinity. Apeirophobes are unable to do calculus. Inphinity is a necessary concept in calculus and many other subgenres of mathematics. Hope I spelled all those phwords phright.
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boowasphone · 11 months
Hello phighting tag!!! If you saw there is two qna videos for phighting which includes some lore, now those videos combined are about 4 hours but my friend @hexyn went through the videos and compiled some of the most interesting bits of information
Everything will be under the cut
- boss battle plans, everyone teamed up to defeat one big guy (probably ????? kind of????? already done considering the sfoth rounds)
- gacha system with zuka hosting a item store to buy crates for skins
- being able to buy stickers from zuka's store
- "storymode really roughly outlined/planned" said by soda and will pay their attention towards singleplayer storymode after they're done with multiplayer
- plans on adding chat titles next to your name
- dom and valk were apparently born into fame by their parents being very popular and them carrying their career
- allusions has a phighting map in their game
- more accesory npcs besides dom and valk coming soon
- rocket canonically being adopted by zuka
- valk and dom apparently sees the phighters as nothing but a faster way to make money and nothing else said by soda
- hyperlaser apparently has a mask under his helmet, not specified which one tho but its probably a joke answer
- in future updates, the skins will go away and would soon be added in zuka's shop
- possibly being able to visit other areas around the map (thieves den, playground, lost temple and blackrock)
- minigames getting added in crossroads such as fishing, etc
- apparently said by soda, blackrock are the heavily demonized people in the lore so far by her and the devs, "purposefully starting shit to piss others off"
- none of them can't eat spicy food besides hyperlaser
- crossroads, thieves den, playground, lost temple, blackrock etc all live in one big giant land and are separated by regions around the areas
- apparently the Inphinity is/or has an extremely large sentient entity outside of the phighting universe
- with the subspace and medkit situation, medkit wanted to help people with the crystals while subspace wants to cause chaos, the crystals in between their horns are from their own expirements, they both use the alternative energy source to wield their weapons
- all of the regions canonically hate eachother and all have different motives
- skins in game are described as non-canon alternate universes, just a excuse for skins and some in the future may be canon
- subspace was assigned to make biograft by blackrock's leader
- darkheart is (sort of) friends with venomshank, similar to the way you'd wave to someone you know across the street
- broker will give you daily challenges, and when completed he will tell you a bit of lore
- sfoth swords (excluding sword) are like deities in the inphinity
- banhammer was originally going to be a part of Blackrock, with many of the Blackrock figures knowing him; however, this was changed, and now he is factionless
- broker has been arrested for murder, manslaughter, and gear laundering (although no one said that he did the recent murders in crossroads, ofc still very bad and deserves to be imprisoned)
- The faction leaders will be playable characters, and the four will each be based off of overseer, darkage, korblox, and redfield/redcliff
- biografts do NOT wipe
- medkit found sword injured and nursed him back to health; the two eventually became friends as a result (this will probably be expanded on in the future)
- rocket can't swim and is in first place of playable characters that would most likely swear the most. The 2nd is subspace, and that's it. Note that rocket apparently gets it from zuka
- biograft does not truly hate everyone; they are simply a killing machine who shows no mercy to their enemies
- banhammer isn't blind, he just thinks he's so powerful he intentionally nerfs himself by blinding himself (he thinks it's funny)
- hyperlaser's face has never been revealed due to the idea him being a very mysterious character; they may reveal it in the far future, though it would ruin the mysteriousness
- soda plans to make ugc for Phighting (not lore related though notable to add)
- there are multiple biograft models such as zeta, epsilon, and beta (zeta is the orange one)
- regions may have genetics:
blackrock will have demons with fangs
lost temple will have big dudes (with "something with their eyes?" this was not expanded on)
thieves den will have markings on their body
they don't know what playground would be just "very very silly"
- phighters are created from a big fountain called "The Spawn"; the spawn pops out new people with their own gear these people are not born as babies, and they have a level of intelligence. after they are born, they are assigned a faction and shipped off to their respective location. If two people sacrifice their gear to the spawn, a biological child is formed; however, this is very uncommon as few are willing to sacrifice their gear
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By Inphinity Design
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hyp3rsh0ck · 4 months
I'm curious: what is Phighting about (aside it being a roblox game XD)
basically theres these demons called phighters which are birthed by sacrificing their gear to the spawn and they fight, and these demons live in this place called the inphinity and the phighters can either be in one of four phactions or be phactionless.
Theres Blackrock, which has a tyrannical government and also is in the mountains
There's playground, the enemy to Blackrock that is located within a playground like jungle
Theres Thieves' den which is grassy cliffs that surrounds a large structure and values nature
and then there's lost temple, a desert where the rich phighters live
theres three different types of classes on phighting, Melee, Ranged, and Support
I wont go in depth on the character lore (the phighting fandom wiki is a good place to look)
Melee: Banhammer, Biograft, Katana, Skateboard, and Sword
Ranged: Hyperlaser, Rocket, Scythe, Shuriken, and Slingshot
Support: Boombox, Medkit, Subspace, and Vinestaff
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magnesiumxp · 10 months
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ill post here too
this started as me wanting to draw a happy medkit and then i realized if he is happy for too long then like the entire inphinity would crumble so i added the biograft
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veganbread1 · 5 months
sorry about your boyfriend. yea we trapped him in the inphinity. sorry he cant get out. oopsie he just got killed by a guy with a sword
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(bonus info about #173 and bonusoul and guideline under the cut! blog best viewed in puters.)
This is a biograft oc archive,with the purpose of sharing and showing your own biograft oc,sentient or not! as of rn this blog only have 1 mod (#mod lily of the valley) do not submit problematic and hateful biograft. no,you do not need to be good at biograft to have a bio oc.
Bonusoul is #173's "shadow",created when #173 received their energy source. the energy source became too much for one biograft to handle,and now #173 is here with 2 energy source. Bonus is able to communicate,while #173 cannot,despite having a voicebox in its shell. because #173 have to carry 2 energy source,they are clumsier and slower than every other prototypes but gets faster when bonus is separated from #173 both of them cannot stay separated for an extended period or both will stop working.
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the-temples-doctor · 4 days
You got a nice eyepatch though :)
It looks good 👍
Anyways, can you survive a knife..stabbed through your head-? Cuz i did, i got stabbed three times for now.
But that doesn't matter, have a good day med! Even though April fools passed for me, happy April fools for you! <3
Late response, i apologise.. but why in inphinities name would you ask such a thing?
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crayonnhex · 1 year
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for my phighting au, offbrand inphinity !! wont say much but it took very long
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i-like-sticks · 10 months
🎼The King and the Queen of all Cosmos !
Oh boy!
The King and Queen of all Cosmos do have such a lively and fun outlook on things! Hell, they look like they're always having fun too! And they look always so in love with each other!
Here's to hoping I captured that with this list!
-Love of My Life by Queen -When I'm Around U by Burns -My Heart is Beating Boom by DJ Inphinity -Never Let You Go by Kygo -Ritual by Marshmello -Intersteller by LeBrock -Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay -One More Time by Daft Punk -Hooked on Love by Dead or Alive -You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by Dead or Alive -Rhythm Divine by Enrique Iglesias -Glow by The M Machine -Lamia to Shiro by Susumu Hirasawa
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444namesplus · 12 days
Ak Akbi Akcam Akchu Akfi Akla Aklay Akne Akpo Akquäs Aksol Aksu Aksy Aktar Aktho Akvuk Akxhu Akyo Al Alche Aldar Alfy Algyä Alshul Alti Alvo Alweë Alxik Alziä Alzot Am Amfha Amgi Amphij Ampul Amxa Amxhor Amxon An Anbiy Anfhy Anhy Ankuë Anlys Anmu Anni Annuk Anpa Anpey Anphil Anphul Ansas Anthy Antys Anve Anxhe Ar Arbik Arfhul Arsal Arwoä Arzun As Asbu Ascak Aschy Ascië Asde Asdy Asfa Asgar Askhiä Asno Aspa Asphi Asrin Asrot Assha Assi Asvi Asxhik Asya Asyaä At Atban Atchi Atcho Atchu Atdat Atkho Atkis Atky Atlat Atnu Atquä Atryt Atse Atshys Attek Atwil Atxaë Atxhi Atzu Atzyk Ay Aybil Aycho Ayfas Ayfaë Ayfhar Aykey Aykhi Aykir Ayko Ayle Ayni Ayro Ayrum Aytho Ayxuë Aä Aäbe Aäby Aäcas Aäki Aäni Aäro Aäthuk Aäti Aävu Aäwym Aäya Aäza Aäzi Aäzur Aë Aëbu Aëchak Aëchi Aëcy Aëfhiä Aëgu Aëkoä Aëlom Aëmuk Aësa Aëtij Aëyeä Bal Be Bem Beë Bi Biy Bo Bom Boy Bu Bur Buä Buë By Byl Byä Ca Ce Cen Cha Chak Chay Che Cher Cheä Chi Chin Chië Cho Chus Chyk Chyr Chyë Cim Cit Cië Con Cu Cuk Cy Da De Dey Di Dil Doy Dut Dy Dyt Ek Ekcer Ekcy Ekgis Ekijm Ekmy Ekru Ekta Ekthi El Elcey Eldan Eldy Elfus Elhar Elhet Elhi Elkhun Ella Elnoë Elpe Elquäel Else Elshar Elthi Elti Elto Elve Elwul Elxal Elxin Elxy Em Emba Emchin Emchus Emfhi Emfo Emguä Emhar Emsaë Emthos Emty Emyak Emyen En Enbor Endo Endyk Enfhoä Enfu Enge Enkhat Enkho Enkhy Enki Enkir Enly Ennas Enne Enphe Enpyt Enshin Enthan Enva Envim Enxhaë Enxhië Enxu Enzu Er Erbi Erbim Erfha Ermu Ernis Erquä Erquäi Errun Erxy Eryim Eryuë Es Eschey Esdi Esdo Esdos Esfak Esij Esli Eslok Espha Espym Esquäië Esry Esso Esthe Esti Esvem Esvij Et Etby Etfos Ethi Etkey Etkho Etle Etles Etli Etni Etnu Etphy Etquäe Etquäim Etsut Etthek Etxin Ey Eybyt Eychu Eyfho Eyfhy Eyfy Eykhy Eymok Eynel Eyphir Eyshym Eysy Eyves Eyzu Eä Eäbe Eächi Eäka Eäkhe Eäko Eänu Eänyk Eäphen Eäphuk Eäraä Eäthu Eävok Eäwer Eäyi Eäzyt Eë Eëchet Eëchiä Eëfi Eëkhe Eëkun Eëlyr Eëmyë Eësha Eësher Eëshin Eëto Eëyi Eëyu Eëzu Eëzuy Fa Far Fha Fhe Fheä Fhi Fho Fhu Fhul Fhus Fhy Fhyë Fit Fo Fu Fuk Fus Fuy Fy Fys Fyt Ga Gal Gam Gar Ge Gi Gij Git Gu Gus Gy Gyt Hal He Heä Hi Hin Ho Hon Hos Hul Hy Hyr Hyë Iijik Ij Ijcho Ijfun Ijfy Ijgim Ijk Ijke Ijkhi Ijphe Ijra Ijsa Ijshe Ik Ikfaä Ikkher Iklu Ikmu Ikne Ikno Ikvyä Ikwe Ikxho Il Ilbo Ilfhik Ilfur Ilgyn Ille Illi Ilmyë Ilpha Ilrit Ilseë Ilshi Ilsi Ilsus Ilsyn Ilva Ilvij Ilxhy Im Imcy Imfho Imgis Imhy Imla Imlaä Imlo Imphar Imxy Imzeë In Inbar Inbi Inbij Inco Infen Ingyl Inhyn Inku Inly Inma Inmaë Inphin Inphu Inphy Inso Inya Ir Irbuä Irchey Irgi Irgok Irhul Irmyl Irphat Irshe Irthi Irthij Irvy Irwo Irxhi Iryem Is Isben Ischië Ischot Isdin Isdoä Ishat Iskhi Iskhyt Islus Isman Isni Isnir Isphy Isphyk Isril Isru Isrys Issi Isthoy Isthuë Iswyä Isxhy It Itceä Itchul Itchym Itcym Itgur Itgy Ithe Itke Itken Itkul Itqo Itquäe Itquäl Itri Itsa Itsol Itvyk Itwe Itxi Itxir Iy Iycho Iyfhy Iyfil Iyfo Iykan Iykhok Iykhu Iyki Iymy Iypa Iypu Iyshi Iyshut Iysi Iythoä Iytu Iyxo Iyxy Iyxyë Iä Iäbe Iäijn Iämi Iäniä Iäphat Iäqot Iäquä Iäquäi Iäquë Iäru Iäsheä Iäva Iävi Iävos Iävyk Iäwal Iäxeë Iäyo Iäzo Iäzyä Ië Iëda Iëfu Iëma Iëne Iërun Iësem Iëti Iëvi Iëvy Iëwi Iëxet Iëxeä Ka Ke Key Keä Kha Khaë Khe Khek Khel Kher Khes Khi Kho Khu Khut Khuä Khy Ki Kil Kin Kis Ko Ku Kuä Ky Lat Le Leë Li Lin Lië Lo Lu Lun Lur Ly Ma Me Mi Mo Moë Mu My Na Nen Neë No Noë Nuä Ny Nyä Ok Okcha Okfit
Okloë Okluä Okmu Okmy Okpe Okphyl Okpu Okquäe Okre Okthil Okzuy Ol Olbië Oldan Olfa Olfe Olfhi Olkher Olna Olthim Olvyn Olway Olxut Olyes Om Omchu Omhik Omkhan Omkhuä Omlyk Ommi Omna Ompen Omsy Omthy Omve Omvo Omxhyl Omxok Omzom On Onban Onfhu Onfol Ongu Onhat Onkhun Onmi Onpun Onput Onqor Ontyk Onxhoä Onxor Onxu Onyo Onzek Or Orfhu Orgat Orker Ormu Orphes Orqo Orquäi Orshy Orso Orto Orwe Orwek Orxhis Orya Oryi Oryok Oryuä Orzim Os Osber Oscaä Oschy Osfa Osgek Osgy Osha Oshe Oskho Osla Osmy Osnay Osri Ossys Osti Oswym Osxhel Ot Otgyk Otij Otkha Otkhil Otko Otla Otlum Otnië Otphut Otphy Otpol Otsoy Otto Ottor Ottul Otve Otzy Oy Oykië Oyphe Oypi Oyru Oyryr Oythu Oywe Oyweä Oyxa Oyxho Oyxis Oä Oäbo Oächa Oädik Oämi Oäny Oäquäl Oärik Oäshys Oë Oëbas Oëchu Oëchy Oëcyr Oëda Oëdi Oëdoë Oëduë Oëphoy Oëquäit Oëtha Oëthoy Pa Pen Peä Pha Phak Pham Phaä Phe Phi Phit Phok Phoy Phu Phun Phy Pi Pis Piä Pië Po Pol Por Pot Poä Pu Pyk Pyn Qo Qoä Quäa Quäe Quäek Quäel Quäes Quäet Quäeä Quäi Quäy Quë Quël Quëä Quëë Ray Raä Re Rek Rer Res Ri Rik Rol Rul Rum Rus Ruä Ryk Ryr Ryt Sak Saä Sel Sha Shar She Shet Shi Shiy Sho Shol Shot Shy Sul Suy Sy Syä Tan Tat Te Tet Tey Tha Thaë The Them Ther Thi Thir Tho Thom Thor Thu Thum Thur Thuä Thy Thyt Ti Tiy Tiä To Ton Toë Tu Tus Ty Tyt Uije Uijul Uk Ukce Ukdi Ukgiy Ukhaë Ukkhol Ukliä Ukphat Ukphaë Ukpo Ukri Uksyä Ukza Ul Ulchu Uldan Uldu Ulgeë Ulguë Ulsho Ulvij Ulxit Um Umbal Umcek Umcu Umfhal Umgik Umhey Umny Umpi Umquäa Umvo Umwa Umwul Un Uncha Unfa Ungi Unha Unhu Unlos Unme Unphu Unquäe Untu Unvu Unxe Unxo Unza Unziy Ur Urcak Urcheä Urcyë Urfha Urgom Urhi Urkas Urpho Urphul Urru Ursy Urthi Urtho Urwuë Us Uschar Uscu Usgi Usne Usnil Uspa Usshu Usti Usvot Uswul Usxuk Uszu Ut Utby Utfu Uthel Utkak Utko Utma Utnaä Utny Utnyä Utphir Utshak Utshyn Utvo Utvoä Utwit Utxor Utxu Uy Uybe Uybi Uychaë Uychen Uycy Uyfu Uyga Uyger Uyha Uynen Uynoä Uypha Uyphis Uythuä Uywit Uyxas Uyxheä Uä Uäba Uächen Uäfeë Uäha Uäkhi Uäla Uäli Uämi Uänus Uäpi Uäteë Uäxun Uäzij Uäzon Uë Uëchi Uëchyk Uëhi Uëkij Uëpho Uërat Uëter Uëxa Uëxor Va Val Vay Ve Ves Vi Vo Von Vor Vu Vul Vum Vus Vuë Vy Vyn Vys Wak Wam Waë We Weä Wi Wim Win Wis Wo Won Wor Wu Wy Wyk Wyr Xa Xay Xe Xha Xhar Xhas Xhaä Xhe Xhey Xheë Xhi Xhil Xho Xhu Xhuk Xhut Xhuë Xhy Xin Xo Xor Xus Yam Yay Yaë Ye Yi Yis Yk Ykbo Ykbu Ykchur Ykdil Ykfhi Ykha Ykker Ykkhin Ykmel Ykpa Ykqo Ykra Ykroä Ykset Ykta Ykwyr Ykxhe Yl Ylbi Ylciä Yldi Yldië Yldyk Ylgy Ylne Ylpas Ylphu Ylte Ylthi Ylto Ylxiy Ym Ymci Ymcor Ymfon Ymfuk Ymhy Ymhyk Ymkhy Ymna Ymnyl Ympha Ymphaë Ymphuë Ympi Ympo Ympyë Ymsem Ymwa Ymxe Ymzyt Yn Ynbo Ynbus Ynce Ynci Ynfhi Yngyt Ynhu Ynkho Ynmu Ynpi Ynpur Ynquëä Ynryl Ynti Ynvi Ynwul Ynxhus Ynyim Yo Yor Yos Yoë Yr Yrcaä Yrcheë Yrfo Yrge Yrhiy Yrla Yrpat Yrquäi Yrsam Yrtyë Yrwym Yrxhit Yrye Ys Yscho Ysfhi Ysfhu Yskik Ysmeä Ysphu Ysquäe Ysxhij Yt Ytde Ytget Ytha Ytij Ytkal Ytkhal Ytlay Ytme Ytne Ytnu Ytphu Ytpy Ytqor Ytqos Ytrol Ytsaë Ytshuk Yttho Yttoë Ytwal Ytye Yu Yuk Yuä Yä Yäcak Yächak Yägy Yäke Yäkha Yänys Yäquäi Yäry Yäwu Yäxhi Yäzes Yë Yëcha Yëcy Yëka Yëkhe Yënot Yëphoä Yëpu Yëpy Yëse Yëshin Yësu Yëthut Yëwi Yëwuä Yëxho Yëxhy Zaë Ze Zer Zeë Zij Ziy Zo Zoy Zum Zuy Zy Zyl Zyt
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dawnleaf37 · 2 months
ghdhhrhggh furniture store hungry feed it every phighter in inphinity ever
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obsessed-fanatic · 6 months
Oh dj inphinity from 2008 where are you?
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namenerdery · 7 months
Girls with interesting names born in Ohio between 2016-2020 [G, H & I]
Galadriel Cristalina Galaxie Aurora Nova Gallerie Skye Gemini Marie Germany Havana
Gidget Merie Ginger Georgeanna Strawberry Glorious Olivia Goldie Wonder Grayclyn Ila-Mae
Greenleigh Frances Gregreyonna Re'Nae Gustice Antoinette Denise Gypsy Rebel Storm
Haevyn Arie Hainslee Larae Haleaux Ari Hamilton Purpose Henzleigh Ruthann Herizon Hailey Hestenne Lynn Highly Sacred-Rose Historia Michelle Horizon Twilla Grace Hormonii Mariee Jozlyn Hunny Louise Huntsleigh Grace Hypatia Jean
Icelene Marie I'Dorable Nina Marie Ilevyn Charly'K Leshay Illyasviel Artoria Rose Independence Joy
Indyca-Rain Nova Nicole Ingland Denise Inphinity Starr Inspire Maxine Isaaclyn J
Issabeaux Helene Anne Italiee Marie Ivyrsen Mckinley Iz'Beanec Elaine Lorraine
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Inside Scoop! Variation B. Inphinity Phlebotomy’s brand-new commerical that will air Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays beginning Monday June 19th on KFox El Paso. Let us understand when you seen us survive on your screens. #inphinityphlebotomy #kfox #elpaso #breakingnews #new #insidescoop #phlebotomytraining #trainingcenter #healthandsafetytraining
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