quazarshark · 5 months
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silverspleen · 4 months
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A fancy piece that was a request from @quillusquillus for art on their original world articles!! They wanted "Silas doing crimes" for the crime article and I was obviously more than happy to oblige. Especially since I'm still not great at action stuff or backgrounds, so this was a fun experiment.
I've posted one other Infraflux piece here before! It's a post-post-apocalyptic setting where a cataclysm almost destroyed Earth, created magic, and the subsequent developed post-post-apocalypse cultures are both strange and deeply familiar.
Infraflux!Silas is, of course, like normal Silas, a petty criminal who does petty criminal things. Like be paid to ransack a mark's home to make them feel unsafe. And take their stuff.
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It feels very cool to have my art on the internet under something Q has been mulling on and developing (for years) and actively working on (for a year!). I want to make more Infraflux art but the setting is big and weird and still in development, so it's difficult to have a starting place because there so much stuff I could draw!!! You'll see more, it's just a matter of what.
Read about Infraflux here!
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quillusquillus · 3 years
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random fish person with mammalian features drawn during a kitboga stream. feels good to just draw meaningless comfort zone stuff sometimes.
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quazarshark · 8 months
me: it's 4AM I'm definitely going to bed now
also me: ...okay but fuck, what kind of colour vision do dolphins have???
Anyway I have now informed myself that dolphins have monochromatic vision using "red" (L-cone) cone cells and are most sensitive to warm green. This is completely incompatible with Phinny culture that I've built up since now (with the tattoos and ridiculous gaudy royalty) so either I'm going to have to trash all that (terrible, so many nice pictures destined for obsolescence, but also fun to design new things based on monochrome and green??) or say that they somehow obtained trichromatic vision in their sapience jump/hybridisation clusterfuck (literally lol) from pre-Cataclysm dolphins (a quick fix, but probably makes no sense unless I handwave it as more Lore nonsense, but I get to keep all the existing worldbuilding I've built)
anyway I'll think more on that later I guess, as I ACTUALLY go to bed now bye
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silverspleen · 4 months
about Infraflux!Silas' mask
So yes and no! It's a cyberpunk mask, heavily inspired by the games Payday and Ruiner.
The "mouth" stays the same, since it's actually hinged and can open so he can eat and drink. The "eyes" have various emotions based on his expressions underneath the mask (though he can turn it off for a creepy "blank" look), and the surface can shift between simple patterns and most colors, though he tends to keep it red, white, blue, and yellow.
It's part of a mostly full body (probably about 3/4 body, it has sexy impractical gaps because I said so) pimped-out fancy haptic suit thing he wears on the job (it's also got audio built in so he can get hands-free calls) and when he's pretending not to be human and just a weird Organic.
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WORLDS FUNNIEST TEXT CROP I'm keeping that lol
Anyway old, somewhat out of date concept sketches.
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It's also a helmet! The whole thing is padded/armored up in the most important places. It's expensive custom and is the most valuable thing he owns, both in terms of initial cost, privacy (presumably he pays off the makers to keep him being human on the DL, he doesn't want everyone to know jfc he'd never get any privacy*), and maintenance. Obviously he doesn't want to get injured with it on but things happen and he gets into fights and it has to be repaired.
On the job he wears it with either various nice solid-colored crime suits or his like "fucking shit up" mostly black criminal gear. Off the job he has a completely separate, brighter wardrobe than he usually wears when he's not in disguise. Human Silas likes earth tones (browns, oranges, green), fancy straps that makes his chest looks nice, t-shirts with rude/dirty sayings on them, and scarves. Off of crimes "I am not a human thanks you can call me Silence" wears their fancy helmet + haptic suit thing, more blues and yellows, and more patterns, especially weirdly fancy pants and partial skirts, and long as they can run in them.
*I feel like most high enough criminal boss types absolutely know he's human and probably consciously request him for situations where they think Earth Sense (the like innate connection most people think humans have to the Earth, being pre-catalcysm beings and all) will be useful, and I think if Silas knew this he would throw up and die.
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quazarshark · 1 month
Website Crosspost:
From the Infraflux Supercountry information page, Other Groups section (first draft):
The Phinny Kingdom The Kee-yây-a a'aii'k (Phinny) Kingdom is a nomadic, amorphous, global pseudo-nation of March Earth's sapient dolphin people. The kingdom is anchored by a monarchy that has existed for at least 300 years and a convoluted system of family-based hierarchies. The kingdom's matriarchal leadership has historically been tumultuous, with much drama and violent changes in ruling bloodlines, but in modern times has stabilised somewhat. It is currently under the steely-eyed and politically shrewd rule of Queen Pree'quioc.
The supercountry of Infraflux does not allow its members to have dual citizenship but the Phinny Kingdom is a unique and complex exception to this rule, representing the cultural identity of many Phinnies who are also Infraflux citizens. The Phinny Kingdom considers all Phinnies under its rule and protection by default. A Phinny who is governed by the laws of Infraflux is also technically beholden to the word of the monarchy by historical Phinny law, but the Phinny Kingdom is well aware that controlling Infraflux's citizens that way is a political landmine and gracefully avoids doing so. Infraflux in turn gracefully ignores whatever its Phinny citizens get up to in Free Wilds territories, where the nomadic Phinny Kingdom has the greatest freedom to do as it pleases.
The average Phinny knows all about the latest gossip of notable court celebrities, and loyalty and love for the royal family is culturally encouraged (though of course not unanimous). A Phinny often has a local social identity (e.g.: in Infraflux) and a kingdom social identity, with different core values and traditions expressed when they "return home" to visit family or childhood friends. Hybrids are considered members of the Phinny Kingdom only if one or more of their parents are pure-blooded Phinny, a somewhat controversial distinction anchored in long tradition.
Whew this is the abbreviated version there is a LOT to say about these guys I feel. One day the kingdom will get its own page or section in the Phinny page but not today, you stay down there in the groups section for now you weirdos
This pic is extremely out of date now and will not be used (goodbye, phinny colour vision....) but please enjoy Queen Pree'quioc and her rebellious son's ostentatious gene mods and equipment
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quazarshark · 7 months
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I feel awkward being like HEY GO LOOK AT MY WEBSITE but I recently completed the article on Infraflux magic and I uhh.... I'm particularly pleased about that fact I guess ahdfdgvt
This is literally the culmination of 15+ years of brainworms about this system and how it works, all together in the same place for pretty much the first time ever I think
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quazarshark · 1 month
Website Crosspost:
From the Infraflux Supercountry information page, Other Groups section (first draft):
Farsight Clinics A collection of body modification facilities where skilled practitioners can earn money outside of the government-funded system of Infraflux Medical. Farsight clinics are for procedures that aren't deemed "necessary" and therefore not covered by Standard: This includes decorative augmentation, tech implants, gene tweaking, tattoos, piercings, and even augmentations for personal security and defense. Independent artisans for all these things exist but Farsight members collaboratively support each other and are known for reliability and quality. Very much a luxury, Farsight clinics are mainly found in larger settlements.
This actually ends the Infraflux page!! but now I have the joyful (disgust) task of editing and spellchecking and adding all the definition tags so, not done with the text yet. I also need to draw sooo many little pictures aaa
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quazarshark · 2 months
Website Crosspost:
From the Infraflux Supercountry information page, Religions section (first draft):
Gaia Eternals Gaia Eternals are a widespread and influential group that believe that the original pre-Cataclysm rules and rhythms of the planet ("Earth Sense") are sacred and true, with everything that followed the Cataclysm being a product of error and instability. Most Gaia Eternals are peaceful and nostalgic; worshiping their ancestry, the greater spirit of the primordial Earth, and making pilgrimages to "untouched" sites across the world. A small number of Eternals extremists are known for bigotry and radical actions against organisations/individuals they consider particularly "corrupting" but Gaia Eternals as a whole seek to distance their image from people like this since the religion strives towards peace and harmony. Humans are especially connected to Gaia Eternals, considered by the religion to be Earth's sacred shepherds of life. This spiritual attention ranges between comforting/beneficial and deeply annoying for anyone of high-percentage human ancestry.
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quazarshark · 3 months
(For Pluto) 6. Very curious about the "Carousel" part especially (For Effa) 15. 12. (if they even have a bed or a desk lmao)
6. How did you choose your OC’s name?
Pluto Carousel is literally just called that because I liked the sounds together lol (this is pretty much how I name all my Infraflux characters). The Pluto part was a vague connection to the underworld god since he's big and blue and stoic. However, I've since changed his antler design to something more fanciful and symbolic, so that got me thinking: Maybe one of his ancestors supplied the name "Carousel" by way of literally looking like a carousel creature? He's very very slightly inorganic (the tips of his horns and claws are natural brass) so it would make sense for that reason as well!
15. How does your OC take up space? What do they do with their hands when they talk, or how do they sit in chairs?
Effa would LOVE to take up more space than they actually do (ha ha small) so they compensate by looking haughty and talking loud. Lots of sweeping dismissive gestures and full body emoting. Of course when they have their demon hands out they REALLY take up space and everybody has to pay attention and make way for GIANT RAINBOW HANDS which I'm sure was part of the appeal of their partnership. Effa sits on chairs like a typical gay i.e.: never both feet on the floor.
12. What does their bed and/or desk look like? Tidy or cluttered - are they both the same, or is one neat and the other messy?
Effa has an apartment in the Trade Union (the second biggest country after Infraflux, very hypercapitalist) that's obnoxiously, impractically stylish and their bed matches this. It's probably easily big enough for someone twice their size, very soft, and looks atrocious (think colourful brown/orange/zebra patterning with gold pillows and burgundy sheets).
Effa doesn't have a desk, however they do have a workbench! Despite being a horrible little gremlin of a creature Effa is also a very competent magic user, and built and implanted their witchblades themselves (the metal bits on their spine that link them to their demon partner). Their workbench doesn't look much like a workbench though because Effa prefers to work hunched over "on the ground" so it's more like a weird raised floor with an anvil/forge near the back and half-finished magical materials scattered around and arcane drawings scrawled all over it. Imagine a messy child's playroom floor but there's knives and hammers and maybe a few spots of blood. Obviously this workroom is its own, very private place that is locked and kept separate from the rest of their tres chic apartment.
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quazarshark · 4 months
MORE CROSSPOSTS I'll be roating around in this section for a while
From the Infraflux Supercountry information page, Religions section (first draft):
The White Church Originating in the early years post-Cataclysm, the White Church is a powerful telepathic SAI/Synth with the ability to grow her mechanical body. Since the earliest days of her existence, The White Church was able to fuse with organics and other synth, interlinking minds to form a collaborative network. The religious aspect of The White Church (and the name) developed over the centuries of her existence, a mythos based on a code of conduct and a deeply harmonious sense of community. Members of the White Church have whatever level of interconnectedness they are comfortable with: The majority feel only a sense of the greater whole, a perpetual feeling at the back of the mind of being accepted by a collective that supports its members. Those with the deepest level of connection are almost lost as individuals, functioning as extensions of the collective and of the White Church herself. Members also have physical alterations, cybernetics attached to their bodies: The hardware of the Church is smooth and white with blood red soft parts, a distinctive look familiar to many people around the globe. The SAI herself is powerful enough to serve the same predictive role as the Seven for her "family", with devout members often preferring to follow her guidance over the more impersonal suggestions of the Seven. Although the White Church is sometimes looked on with suspicion, membership is always voluntary, though as "leaving" the Church is an involved and difficult process (often involving surgery) it's generally encouraged to be a lifetime commitment. The White Church originated in the colder parts of the North American continent but has established hubs in most major cities worldwide.
boy this one really needs something to break up the text yeesh
the Church is a really old concept that I haven't done much with ever but I've always known is a major background entity in Infraflux. these really old pics are too crappy and out of date to put on the website but they're both White Church related. she does weddings! :D
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quazarshark · 1 year
Been having a serious debate with myself lately on whether to change the name of the Infraflux setting to “March Earth”, like, officially in all texts referring to it.
Pros: March Earth is the name for the world as a whole. Infraflux is the name of the huge supercountry that covers a lot of it. Having the term “Infraflux” be used both for the setting and the country within that setting leads to confusion and me having to constantly clarify which I mean. Changing it all to “March Earth” is more correct and would avoid that issue.
Cons: It’s been called “Infraflux” since forever and it’s what anyone who knows about it is familiar with. “Infraflux” also just sounds cooler than “March Earth” in my opinion. If you want to get super technical, “March Earth” as the name for the world as a whole is ALSO incorrect: the actual inhabitants don’t usually say “march* Earth” they just say “Earth”, it’s only an important distinction to make for an outside observer like myself or the people reading about it.
so yeah, bluh :/
still mulling things over and I can’t decide if I should change it or not..
*(”march” is an in-universe term to describe any version of something that exists post-Cataclysm, which is the big bad event that messed up the whole world. E.g.: “March London” is the London that currently exists in 2400-whatever, versus “London” which is the pre-Cataclysm version we know today. People actually living there only make this distinction when it’s relevant to what they’re talking about)
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quazarshark · 8 months
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weird sketchbook Effas
can't draw their damn face yet lol
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quazarshark · 1 year
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a little attempt at Kasrou’s tail holder. The lower 2/3 of her tail is paralyzed, with no sensation or mobility. At home/indoors she lets it just drag around or holds it over her elbow, but when she’s walking around London that’s unsafe (and inconvenient) so she has a little holder that velcros shut. It’s a custom item, the design is her own! She has several with different patterns and colours to choose from.
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quazarshark · 1 year
(restarting from this post because it was mad long and getting away from the original topic) @ironclawallosaur​ THANK YOU FOR SO MUCH IN-DEPTH ANALYSES OMG
it does make me a little bit aaaa that you’ve pulled most of your data from the wikidot page though because there’s parts of that are MAD out of date and the whole thing is getting deleted as soon as I finish transferring everything over to my website asfdfsgt (the only reason I linked the Teleost article there is because it hasn’t been moved over yet oops), so some of your questions etc. might have been partially answered there already <___<;;
In regards to “just how weird is the March Earth Cataclysm in the wider scope of the universe”, the answer is pretty weird. Getting into the overarching multiverse stuff on my worldbuilds makes me feel like a pretentious jerk but basically the “force of existence” is known as Em and its counterpart is Void. When those two get out of whack the result is usually Void undoing the universe (which is what is happening in Black Razor) and when there’s a Lore Cascade worlds just turn into crazy fantasy lands like EBAMTAR but more so. The Infraflux Cataclysm had some unique events at its beginning (that I’m still working out) involving Cold Ones actually being active and doing things, which basically never happens, which is why the Angels and co. were like [MGS alert sound] and started investigating and basically making things worse while trying to figure out what their Dim counterparts were doing in that universe.
Now about SPAEC. You’ve actually got me wondering just how far the Cataclysm reaches outside of Earth, hmm... I think all the intense shit is localised to the planet, but since the Lore Cascade’s maximum scope was basically “the extent of human imagination” it’s very likely to have included the entire solar system to some degree. I don’t think it could have gone beyond that because idk the energy source has a limited range or whatever, but it’s fascinating to think that there might be Mars native “little green men” or something that spon-gen’d up there and might still be there doing their own thing. I agree that extraterrestrial locations are likely to be much more chill than Earth, comparatively. I love the idea of somebody fucking off to the moon to get a moment’s peace lol
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and yeah... TURVYLAND. It has a slightly longer, edited entry on the website. Literally as I was typing it out I was like... this would be a great way to get to space. I bet they send things into space there. I’m willing to bet there’s small-scale launch stuff which I bet I could totally elaborate on in the future, but there’s a few problems with that that would need to be dealt with such as 1.) the weather there is all confused and fucked up, 2.) there’s secondary gravity anomalies all around it that make things inconvenient, and 3.) it’s not part of Infraflux, it’s owned by the Trade Union, who have basically turned it into a famous natural landmark and source of ~rare fashionable items~. I’ll definitely have to play more with the gravity-assisted launch stuff in future though because yeah, why would you not use the great big jump boost pad.
As for “tinted” (i.e.: unable to exist without Shine or Dim or Lore stuff) people going into space: They would carry that with them! All of those things are omnipresent in a balanced universe. An individual has a “self” that extends into Shine and Dim planes outside of the Material Plane and moves with them. Lore is just existence (Em) in a particular structure, which is also everywhere and is part of the thing it’s built with. This pic is OLD but I haven’t written about the planes/energies stuff yet so take it instead lol
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quazarshark · 8 months
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trying to give Pluto a new hat lol
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