jaythelay · 8 months
Considering a series of info-tainment style videos, problem I have is I fear I won't get all the information, let alone right, but then to script and present is the biggest of walls. God you'd think someone who spends too much time writing would be decent at a script, but maaaan.
The worst part is the longer I take, the more likely someone else will cover it, and the double worst part, if I don't take my time, then someone else will do it better, utterly replacing my own work with something more worthwhile. That's fine I'm not complaining, just stating, fuuuuck do I miss old youtube when you could be fresh and new.
It didn't seem like it could end, but, man, here we are, people are recovering old grounds with new infomation, replacing the old with the more worthwhile up to date info. Meaning, we're retreading old ground!
With new stuff yeah, but this means there's going to be an entire layer of youtube that's outdated in a way nobody expected. Which is what I'd love to avoid as much as humanly possible. No point in making a throw away piece.
I'm trying to go for, how I believe the best of info-tainment content is, the feeling of a fieldtrip with a friend showing their hobby off and you the eager viewer are along for the ride.
Hopefully if I do get into this, I can obtain that feel, because really, if the info is sparse or wrong, at the very least you and I can say I gave you a good time as a friend on that trip regardless, and grow on my mistakes for the next one. Trips pass, but experiences last, n shit.
My biggest fear, is two duds in a row though. One? Fine, unlist it move on, 2 though, that means I hit a wall I can't bypass without some mental blockage both already there unknown and now a more present blockage is introduced.
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gacha-incels · 2 months
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also the nerve to send this to a Korean woman and tell her SHE is the one peddling misinformation and is the reason PM’s headquarters got “raided”, referring to extreme misogynist hate campaigns as “drama”, speaking over her as someone directly affected by these issues while presenting the views of someone unaffected as “clear”. the sense of entitlement and condescending tone. unbelievable yet extremely common. EVERYONE who thinks they are getting the full story from a youtube “video essay” should know you are watching info-tainment. there’s a dangerous amount of editorializing done for a mainly younger demographic who already struggle with media literacy and critical thinking. it’s fine as a jumping off point for some things, but for an issue as serious as this it is absolutely not even a start let alone something that should be treated as serious journalism. this is obscene. Is clicking “win rate” and gambling for anime drawings really worth a defense like this?
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thewebcomicsreview · 10 months
Throwback all the way to FCA. How much research should you do into a topic before marking a comic about it? I've wanted to make a history based webcomic for a while, but I feel like the research is never finished and I'll never know enough to get every detail right. I know I'll never be able to know everything, but how do you strike that balance between shameless Hollywood inaccuracy and obsessing like your comic is going to be systematically torn apart by pedants at any moment?
Oh Christ, that’s a comic best left forgotten. 
Anyway, that’s kind of a big question, and it depends on a few factors, like how serious the comic is. An info-tainment comic like Law and Sausages should probably have more research than a comic with a giant enemy crab in it. And I think that with webcomics, as years-long projects, you should be continuously researching the topic all the time (seeing as you were interested enough to make a comic about it!) 
For Falls Count Anywhere, I had read all of two (2) books:
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Chris Jericho’s first autobiography, which I half considered a plot outline
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And The Death of WCW, which is legitimately one of my all-time favorite books (it since got an updated re-release, which I still skim sometimes).
I would consider this to be not enough research for something that’s going to be heavy on obscure information, and if I’d actually continued making that comic it would’ve basically just been a one-to-one of Chris Jericho’s career with more cocaine. I’ve since read a few more books, seen Wrestling With Shadows, and started regularly following a few wrestling-y podcasts like OSW Review, but I’m no expert by any means. It’s that thing where the more knowledge you have the more you realize the gaps in your knowledge.
All that said, there’s never really “enough” research, right? Hopefully it’s a topic you’re really passionate about and can talk about in detail before you decide to dedicate years of your life making a comic about it. You just kind of have to know when it feels right, I guess.
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mmmthornton · 1 year
Soul is so good lol. I wish conversations about it didn't get textbook Tumblr-stupid because its just so well written and so sharp. Love the way the visual metaphors of the movie read kind of like those info-tainment specials from the 50s, the way it takes its own stakes seriously even while having a lot of fun with it....its just good moviemaking baby!
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lokaleblickecom · 9 months
Wikinger und Piraten gegen Quietsche-Entchen
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Kreativ-sportliche Höchstleistungen beim 15. Badewannenrennen Es ist das Highlight der Saison und längst schon Kult: Das Badewannenrennen, das die DLRG Moers, die ENNI Sport & Bäder Niederrhein (Enni) und der Freundeskreis Bettenkamper Meer Jahr für Jahr in der Grafenstadt ausrichten. Trotz durchwachsener Wetterprognosen lockte das Event wieder rund 1.000 Zuschauer ins Naturbad Bettenkamper Meer, die dort erneut Augenzeugen eines bunten Spektakels wurden. 34 Teams kämpften in speziell präparierten Badewannen im Wasser um den Streckenrekord. Dabei kam es allerdings nicht allein auf die Zeit an, sondern auch auf die liebevoll gestalteten Kostüme. „Wir sind mehr als zufrieden. Es war ein Riesenspaß für alle“, zieht Mit-Organisator Frank Hüfken vom DLRG Moers ein rundweg positives Fazit und hat dabei nicht allein die gute Stimmung im Blick: „Wir sehen, dass die Kostüme von Jahr zu Jahr immer ausgefallener werden.“ Der Aufwand lohnt sich auf jeden Fall: Denn neben den Sportlern in der schnellsten Wanne, kann sich auch das am kreativsten gekleidete Team über einen Preis freuen: eine durch einen Bundestagsabgeordneten organisierte Reise nach Berlin. In diesem Jahr war es das Team „Ente Tainment“, das in Quietsche-Entchen-Kostümen in die Wanne stieg. Sportlich musste es sich schließlich auch dem „Usain Boat“ geschlagen geben. Kein Wunder: Der an den jamaikanischen Sprinter angelehnte Name verpflichtet eben. Die schnelle Crew konnte sich ebenso wie die Teams auf den Plätzen zwei bis vier über Karten zum Comedy-Arts-Festival freuen. Nach dem sportlichen Wettbewerb ging es dann mit Reggae-Live-Musik der Band Trijahnity bei der After-Race-Party in der Strandbar weiter, für die sich unter anderem Tobias Berndt, Vorstand des Freundeskreises Bettenkamper Meer, stark gemacht hatte. Enni-Bereichsleiter Benjamin Beckerle freut sich über die Strahlkraft, die das Events weit über die Grenzen der Grafenstadt hinaus erreicht: „Das ist beste Werbung für Moers und die tolle Location.“ Frank Hüfken nimmt derweil bereits das nächste Badewannenrennen in den Blick, das am 10. August 2024 den 100. Geburtstag des Naturbades aufgreift. Unter dem Motto „100 Jahre, 100 Paddel“ wollen die Organisatoren das Starterfeld auf 50 Teams aufstocken – wofür es auch ein paar weitere Badewannen geben soll. Immerhin: „Die ersten sieben Teams haben sich bereits angemeldet“, so Hüfken. Weitere Infos zum Naturfreibad gibt es auf www.enni.de Read the full article
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weekendtonki · 2 years
Beyond the lens
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#Beyond the lens professional#
#Beyond the lens free#
Diana is a member of Art Saint Louis, St Louis Camera Club, Women in Focus StL, and PhotoFlood Stl. Louis area, the Ozarks, Native Missouri Wildflowers and Travel Photography. Since retiring from the Times, she continues to work as a free-lance real estate and fine arts photographer.
#Beyond the lens free#
During that time, she received more than 20 awards from the Missouri Press Foundation and the International Free Paper Association. Please contact Groupon customer service for all inquiries. There she receive two awards from the Georgia Press Association.ĭiana was a staff photographer for the Webster Kirkwood Times for 20 years. Groupon is not affiliated with or sponsored by the Beyond The Lens in connection with this deal. She also served as a staff photographer for several newspapers in Atlanta Georgia. She began her career in the late 70s’ as a photography intern at the Alton Telegraph, later working as a photographer for two universities and a hospital system in the public relations departments. She has an Associates of Art degree from Lewis and Clark Community College and continues her education in digital images through Meramec Community College, the International Photography Hall of Fame and the St. Beyond The Lens is a video production company that exists to not only creatively tell. Where Is Beyond The Lens The museum is located at 3115 West 76 Country Blvd. 2450 likes 1 talking about this 19 were here.
#Beyond the lens professional#
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refohopose · 2 years
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  SEAT LEON 5F Betriebsanleitung Bedienungsanleitung Media System Plus 2017 - EUR 24,90. ZU VERKAUFEN! (5F0012705BD) Seat Leon - Modell 5F Heftausgabe von Artikelmerkmale ; Herstellernummer: 59216402 ; Produktart: Bedienungsanleitung ; Hersteller/Anbieter: Original Volkswagen Group ; Modifizierter Artikel: Nein. Seite 5 Digitale Bedienungsanleitung Genannte Videos Auf der offiziellen Webseite von SEAT können Die Bedienung einiger Fahrzeugfunktionen Sie sich dieWir empfehlen Ihnen, die Bedienungsanleitung des Kindersitzherstellers Modells SEAT Leon aufweisen, erfüllt die spezfischen Werte für „Auslands-. Die gedruckte Bedienungsanleitung enthält wichtige Informationen über die Benutzung des Fahrzeugs und die Bedienung des Info- tainment-Systems. In der digitalen Bedienungsanleitung. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Seat Leon (2017) an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie Autos und wurde von 4 Da es sich hier um das allgemeine Handbuch für die Modellreihe LEON handelt, sind be- stimmte Ausstattungen und Funktionen, die in diesem Handbuch beschrieben Bedienungsanleitung. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Seat Leon ST (2017) an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie Autos und wurde von 1 Alle SEAT Handbücher und Anleitungen ✓ Umfassende Informationen ✓ How-Tos ✓ Warnhinweise ➤ Zum Download für alle Modelle!
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winathian-blog · 5 years
Mon-El: Now stop fighting and help me do this crossword. I need a five letter word for disappointment
Rokk Krinn: Garth.
Garth Ranzz:
Mon-El: It fits.
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jaythelay · 7 months
I don't know how to word this but stick with me: People, like me, tend to not be perfectionists, but have too high of standards for yourself to reach.
It's like you should know absolutely everything before even saying anything on something.
And lacking that confidence makes actually doing not happen.
I really, really believe it call comes down to "be foolish enough to be confident enough to try enough to get it done enough"
If you over think shit, you ain't getting anywhere. You gotta get experience before you get that true confidence your peers appear to have. But really, they don't overthink things.
At some point, you know enough, so just go.
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liberalsarecool · 2 years
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FOX is built on advertising revenue from pills and schemes targeting old folks. Buy gold! Do you suffer from...? It's non-stop 'conspiracy as alternative to reality'. [Check out the ads sometime. See who sponsors their shows.]
No wonder con artists and snake oil politicians thrive on the info-tainment channel.
Guys like Joe Rogan have no education or experience in medicine, yet speak the language of the gullible perfectly.
They all think they will have the last laugh due to their unique view of the world; they have the real answers. Their ignorance is their bliss, but it is also our collective pain. The anti-intellect and knownothingism identities of the Right are a modern Dark Age and burdens us all.
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whitehotharlots · 2 years
People don’t trust liars
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I don’t like The Joe Rogan Experience. Not for political reasons. I just don’t think he’s very funny, and the times I’ve tried to listen to the show I found it boring, even when the guests were otherwise interesting.
In spite of my indifference, I’ve never understood the amount of vitriol that Rogan inspires. Again, I can’t claim an intimate familiarity with his beliefs, but while his politics seem somewhat inconsistent (something that’s true of the vast majority of Americans), on the whole he seems more progressive and leftish than most of the mainstream media. Why is this man a uniquely dangerous fascist, when the much more conservative and malignant beliefs of other info-tainment personalities go without much comment?
Turn on any news network for an hour and you’ll be subjected to a whole helluva lot of misinformation. This is such an obvious truth I don’t even know if I should bother googling for examples. Remember when Joy Reid brought on a “body language expert” to explain that Bernie Sanders was a lying Jew? When the media was lockstep in explaining that Iraq probably did 9/11 and even if they didn’t they’re still very dangerous and our troops will be greeted as liberators? When they said that Russia somehow stole the 2016 election and is also responsible for the collapse of our infrastructure? 
At the very least, the outrage against Rogan is selective enough to warrant examination. A person won’t get deplatformed for, say, supporting a war that kills a million muslims, arguing that the poor deserve to starve, consigning two generations of black men to the most aggressive and punitive legal system in world, or decrying the inefficiencies of single payer healthcare. You can hold all of these positions and not only receive airtime but still be considered a woke icon. But expressing skepticism toward a vaccine? That’s nazism, right there. We need everyone else to pull their work off this one platform to show how serious we are about fighting Bad Thoughts.
Ultimately, only the empowered favor censorship**.  They do so for one of two reasons: either they are lying and don’t want to get caught, or they realize they’re doing unpopular stuff and so they seek to disallow any scrutiny of their actions and beliefs. And, well... ugg...
See, the reason Covid vaccines are such a flashpoint right now is because the elite consensus does not hold up to scrutiny. If it did, there’d be no rush to silence critics. Vaccine mandates become a much more difficult sell when people are informed that the vaccines do not prevent the transmission of the disease. They greatly reduce the symptoms. They might lead to some reduction in transmission. But they do not prevent transmission. This is a scientifically undisputed fact. 
And yet, you can still go on TV and claim that the vaccines prevent transmission. That’s good misinformation, and so it’s not only allowed but encouraged. 
You see the problem here, right? Just from a public trust perspective?
I’ve mentioned this before, but the fact that official narratives regarding Covid have changed so many times should be manifest evidence of the idiocy of attempts to formally police “disinformation” in regards to public health. One of the most prominent examples is also the most illustrative: at the start of the pandemic, Anthony Fauci said we shouldn’t bother with masks because they don’t stop the spread. And, honestly, this shouldn’t have been a big deal--it was early on, we were still figuring stuff out. Expert consensus can change, and experts can actually improve their sense of authority by being open and honest in admitting how and why mistakes were made. 
But, jesus, just look at the explanation Fauci gave when explaining how his own misinformation was good:
"Well, the reason for that is that we were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply. And we wanted to make sure that the people namely, the health care workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in a harm way, to take care of people who you know were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected."
Charitably, we can say that this was a noble lie, like what Awkwafina did to her grandma in that movie I rented but didn’t watch. A Slate piece titled “The Noble Lies of COVID-19” demonstrates that Fauci was actually lying about this lie, that he also gave private advice against masking, but he did so nobly. He was right to lie, and then right to lie about the lie, because he knows what’s best.
So, okay, we admit that lying took place. Experts wanted to avoid panic buying, so they did a little fib. But... the fucking glibness of this man, the inability to countenance the fact that admitting to lying on national TV might harm his credibility... this is the state of the American intelligentsia in the twenty-first century: we’re gonna lie to you, and you’re still gonna listen to you us, we are allowed to lie because we know what’s best and you’re too stupid to be trusted with the truth.
Those who can remember way back to spring of 2020 might recall that panic buying occurred even in spite of this very noble fiction. If you’re a real Corona-Head, you might even be aware that our public health response to the pandemic has been a disaster on all fronts, that the United States has one of the highest COVID death rates in the world, that our leaders utilized the pandemic as an opportunity to more than double the wealth of the billionaire class, and that trust in public institutions has never been lower. This begs an obvious question: why? We very nobly gave our public health officials glowing praise and carte blanche to say whatever jumped into their heads. C-could people somehow be disinclined toward trusting experts who gleefully admit to lying to them? No, no that couldn’t be it. Instead, the problem must be misinformation (the bad kind, the kind we don’t do). The problem is that there exist venues in which non-official narratives may be given voice.
Prior to last year, the (much more correct) assessment of Joe Rogan was that he was an empty vessel, a curious and gentle meathead who allows his eclectic parade of guests to speak at length about whatever topics they please. Joe just nods along, and says stuff like “that’s wild.” He rarely pushes back. He lends an ear and encourages his listeners to do the same.
This assessment is still in place, and still mostly true. Only it’s now cast in a much more terrifying light. This very process--simply letting people speak without recrimination, regardless of whether or not their beliefs have been sanctioned by corporate media--is now understood as the means and ends of fascism. All of our nation’s troubles, past and present, are attributable to the existence of so-called “discussions.” So long as we allow the existence of communication that is not subject to formal HR review, social justice shall never be achieved. 
Media elites have grown accustomed to never, ever being challenged. Even when they are wrong. Even when they admit to lying. And especially when they advocate for policies that fail. The rest of the pundit class doesn’t hate Joe Rogan because he’s conservative, because he’s not really conservative. Nor do they hate him because he lies, because they lie all the time. They despise what he represents. The notion of having to explain themselves is such a massive indignity that they reject it out of hand. The thought that expert opinion could ever be debated, in any context, represents such a profound threat to their self-conceptualization that they have honestly come to believe it is a form of fascism. 
** If you want to go down the pedantry hole and tell me that actually a boycott isn’t censorship since only the government can do a censorship and so when I get my coworker fired for giving Black Panther a low imdb score I’m not a censor... you can eat my shit. I don’t like you. I don’t care what you think. Your children are ashamed of you.
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sailorfailures · 5 years
October 29th is Setsuna Meiô/Sailor Pluto’s birthday!
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So how can you celebrate?
♇ Rewatch or reread your favourite Pluto-centric chapter, episode, or musical! Pluto’s narrative role is one of solitude, the lone Guardian of the Space-Time Door, so it stands to reason she would have the fewest dedicated episodes in the series - but she does still have some! Try episode 75, where she is introduced in order to guide the Sailor Team into Chibi-Usa’s dream and save her from a phantom reaper; episode 82, where the Sailor Team meets her in person for the first time and they learn of her unique duty as she guides them through time; episode 121, where she discovers Tellu’s plot to use alien plants to absorb energy and helps Sailor Chibi Moon thwart her; episode 171, where an unusual pair-up sees her join forces with Sailor Venus to fight Nehellenia’s Mirror Paredri; or episode 182, where she is intrigued by the appearance of a mysterious young girl into Usagi’s life, and the three of them must fight off a new villain.
In other canons, she had much more of an impact on the R finale in the manga than the anime, so you could reread Act 24: Attack – Black Lady and Act 25: Confrontation – Death Phantom of the manga or watch their corresponding episodes in Sailor Moon Crystal. She was also much more prominent in the Musicals, so why not try watching a production from the classic Myu run like Eien Densetsu, Shin Densetsu Kourin, or Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady, or a newer musicals like Petite Étrangère? Lastly, while she didn’t have a huge role in the SuperS anime season, she did feature in SuperS: The Movie after Sailor Moon S: The Movie along with the other Outer System Sailors.
♇ Sailor Pluto is one of only two of the ten main Sailor Soldiers not to receive an official vocal image song, but she does have an instrumental song called GARNET GUARDIAN and two solo songs in the classic Musicals, STAY ALONE and FORBIDDEN HADES. She also shares a song there with Queen Beryl called Onna no Ronsou (“Dispute Between Women”).
Here’s a playlist of all these songs and other Sailor Pluto BGM cues!
♇ Setsuna’s favourite “food” is tea, implicitly but not necessarily green tea, so steep a pot of your favourite loose leaf blend in her honour. There are actually a couple of official Sailor Moon teas, including “space” flavour (which apparently means rum and raspberries, an approximation of the sweet aroma of ethyl formate experienced by spacefarers), but there are also various fan-crafted blends on sites like Adagio or Etsy, or you could visit a teahouse with some friends. Of course, any tea becomes Pluto tea if you put your cup on a Pluto coaster. If tea isn’t your thing, just try and avoid her least favourite food for the day, which is eggplant.
♇ Sailor Pluto is a mysterious character, but we still know a few of her hobbies/interests. She would love to become a designer, even famously depicted wearing a (now vintage) 1992 haute couture Chanel dress, so you could dress up in your most high-fashion outfit, browse some style blogs for inspiration, or just watch The Devil Wears Prada for the 973154th time. She is also said to be talented at sewing, much like Sailor Jupiter, so it might be time to bust out the sewing machine and look up some elegant patterns - though word-of-Goddess also states that she likes to lounge around the house in hotpants, so you could, you know, just do that.
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(Manga scan credit: SailorMusic.net)
She’s also a physicist, so you could read about or watch some science info-tainment, from a good old Carl Sagan documentary to a smaller YouTube channel like Physics Girl.
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Her stated hobby is shopping, so why not embrace the 90s by going mall-trawling, patronise some local sellers, or browse online for ways to support small businesses or official series merchandise.
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♇ Dress like Setsuna for the day! Setsuna had possibly the most iconic personal style out of all 10 Sailor Soldiers because she almost always wore the same outfit - a mauve two-piece suit inspired by Chanel’s 1992 Spring ready-to-wear collection. She did branch out into other outfits on occasion, though, particularly in the manga, where she dabbled in more risque looks. No matter what she wore, her style was always chic and elegant, giving the impression of a luxury designer brand, and it had a professional edge that separated her from the rest of the cast as a more mature working woman, featuring blazers, button-downs, statement jewellery, and bowties. You don’t need to own designer-label clothes to emulate Setsuna’s style - turn to YouTube or independent bloggers for tips on how to DIY some thrifted pieces so that they look ultra-fashionable without the price tag.
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As Sailor Pluto, her image colours were black, grey, and maroon/reddish-brown, and when transformed, we could see she wore a plum lip tint. Her earrings were large, deep red (her favourite colour), and arrow-shaped, reminiscent of acrylic or enamel.
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♇ As the Guardian of Time, her birthday is the best opportunity to get yourself organised. As the new year approaches, why not work out what your schedule will look like, and invest in a quality calendar, planner, or app that will help you achieve your fullest potential in the months to come?
♇ Setsuna is often portrayed as the loneliest Sailor Soldier, having to defend the Time Door all on her own. If you know someone who’s often isolated and could benefit from some social interaction, reach out to them and hang out for a while. It may make more of a difference than you think. Especially if you have a super-cute tiny polite purple kitten to bring with you.
♇ Have you considered dying dramatically then coming back to work the next Monday like nothing happened?
♇ If you’re still harbouring unrequited feelings... it’s time to move on. Take it from someone who’s pined for millenia.
♇ Fav and read some Sailor Pluto fanart and fanfic on sites like Pixiv, Twitter, and AO3 - or contribute your own new content! Don’t forget to tag!
Feel free to reply and reblog with your own ideas of how you’re going to celebrate Setsuna’s day!
Happy Birthday, Setsuna!
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scottbcrowley2 · 5 years
It's 'info-tainment,' not news - Fri, 05 Apr 2019 PST
I agree with Mr. Lythgoe ("Democrats, media don't care," March 28) that what he calls the media got way over its skis during the Mueller investigation, including Fox News and News Max as well as MSNBC and CNN. It's 'info-tainment,' not news - Fri, 05 Apr 2019 PST
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freetheoristlover · 3 years
Looking for a performance that will leave your audience spellbound? Guy Bavli brings his fast pace funny, interactive show into your Corporate Event.
After being featured in more than 500 TV shows in all major networks, appearing for hundreds of conferences and corporate clients in over 60 countries world-wide, it is time for your corporate event to shine, too, with Mentalist Guy Bavli!
A performance that will not only entertain your audience but also inspire with messages for positivity, creativity and productivity are guaranteed to be the hit of your next conference, banquet, fundraiser or association event.
Planning a Virtual conference or Live venue corporate event?… small or large?… Company party, or VIP executive meeting? Guy Bavli will deliver an outstanding appearance for your esteemed audience. A clever Corporate Mentalist and a funny man, with over 30 years of experience will guarantee your event’s success!
Guy Bavli provides world-class corporate entertainment while bringing prestige to your brand and company. Bavli has performed for hundreds of fortune 500 companies including Delta Airlines, Cisco, Coca Cola, IBM, and Microsoft.
Make your next corporate event spectacular with displays of telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance coupled with elite showmanship. Bavli is capable of performing his feats up close, just under the noses of your audience, and caters to vast and small crowds alike. No matter the occasion, Bavli will tailor the experience to your specific needs and audience.
Guy Bavli provides world-class corporate entertainment while bringing prestige to your brand and company. Bavli has performed for hundreds of fortune 500 companies including Delta Airlines, Cisco, Coca Cola, IBM, tand Microsoft.
Make your next corporate event spectacular with displays of telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance coupled with elite showmanship. Bavli is capable of performing his feats up close, just under the noses of your audience, and caters to vast and small crowds alike. No matter the occasion, Bavli will tailor the experience to your specific needs and audience.
Corporate Mentalist & Entertainer Guy Bavli mixes entertainment with information on your brand.
INFO-TAINMENT is a unique and energetic way to bring content to your corporate event and let your audience not only interact with one of the best Corporate Entertainers but also to hear YOUR MESSAGE. Bavli will plug your content to his Mind Reading show and involve your product into his program. A great way to spice your conference entertainment with information about your product. It’s entertaining, informative and highly energetic.
VIP parties & Hospitality Suites. Make your guests of honor feel special by inviting a world-renowned corporate Mentalist and illusionist to entertain them up close. Bavli can mingle with your guests presenting his highly interactive mind miracles and telekinesis under their very noses. An upscale Entertainment for your esteem guests!
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Over 500 TV appearances in all major networks
Over 30 years of LIVE and TV shows experience
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Original and fast-pace entertainment at its best
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Virtual or live in person appearances
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