#infinty train spoilers
chocopvffz · 4 years
My Problems with Fandom
It’s been a while since I’ve kinda just let out my thoughts and feelings on this stale hell site. It’s just now more than ever I’m having the weirdest realizations while I’m participating in any Fanbase. This topic may piss ppl off. But to that, I say fuck it, I’m gonna do it.
Around 2 years ago I took a backseat to actively participating in fandom. So I’d be more of an onlooker rather than someone who contributed. Just reblogging stuff rather than making my own content. Usually in fandom, things are said in the heat of the moment, with little thought and more emotions. Taking a step back I started to realize that while that’s fine in and of itself, You’re entitled to what you like and what’s interesting to you, but I’ve realized that people kinda settle for the bare minimum. Especially now that representation for marginalized groups is becoming the norm. Which is great, but there are still problems that plague us as a community.
I just finished watching Unicorn of War’s video on RWBY, and they delved into the absolutely garbage writing that surrounded The White Fang subplot. I highly recommend you watch the video, it’s about the bad representation of minority oppression and how it relates to RWBY as a whole. While this post doesn’t stem from that in particular. what did was though is how UoW confessed that they were guilty of completely ignoring how harmful the writing was for pocs, as well as downright silencing and downplaying poc that had a problem with the writing. Unicorn of War is not racist, the fact that they realized the type of systemic racism they’ve been inadvertently spreading is so harmful is a a step in the right direction. Here is where the problem lies. UoW said that they were a perpetrator of this because they were to focused on the representation the show did give the fans. They said that they lumped all of the genuine criticism of the problems with homophobes and bigots because they didn’t want to hear any of the criticism at all. RWBY has some pretty shit representation in ever field. UoW said that they were settling for the stuff they did get because they get so little, and their whiteness blinded them to listening and trying to understand why so man poc had an issue with the show.
Basically what I’m trying to say is that, a lot of the time In Fandom, ppl would rather settle for what they do have and what caters to them, rather than criticize a product of its faults and ask for more.
I’ve been scared to talk about She-Ra because the fandom is pretty scary. I liked the show. To me it wasn’t anything special. But it was a fine show, and I can’t wait for what the crew does next. But here’s where a lot of the issues come from for me. There are some problems both w/ the show, and the representation. Catra and Adora have been queercoded up until the very end where it does get revealed that they are in fact lesbians. Which is great and all but at the end of the day. They kiss at the very end of the last episode, nothing was explicit before then. But the thing is that Catra is an abusive manipulative person, that kinda just gets a pat on the back, and all is forgiven when she realizes she’s alone(both in the fandom and the show). I mean glimmer got more hate than Catra. The point I’m trying to make is that I’ve seen way to many ppl ignore the fact that they side stepped the development of Catra and Adora, and kinda get mad at the ppl that criticize that we could have gotten better rep. For a lot of the fans, at least from what I’ve seen, yall are okay with the problems the show has as long as you get some form of rep. Which is valid, but when that complacency spills over into silencing ppl with criticisms. This usually happens when someone has had another experience with the show where the thing that represents them isnt done as well. it rubs me the wrong way. Someone could see Catra’s behavior, liken her to a toxic person they knew, criticize how the show kinda ignores that. I can bet that some ppl would tell this person that they’re wrong, because she ended up where she did at the end.
This brings me to my last example, during my watch of Infinity Train, I started getting a little bit more involved in the fandom; reblogging, commenting. During the show I noticed a small amount (larger than I would have liked) making passive aggressive remarks toward Grace (the only black girl and protagonist of the season). They were all in regard to her having a redmeption arc. At first I was kinda in denial. Like most ppl are immediately after suffering an injustice, cuz despite her being an awful person at first. She gets better. And there are so little black women that are protagonists. I felt represented. But then I’d see ppl demeaning her in order to make her friend Simon (basically the antagonist) more sympathetic. Mind you he’s white. And after the show ended I had a weird encounter. There were many posts about how enthralling it was that Grace, a black women, telling Simon, a white man, that his problems were his own, and she doesn’t have to be the one to fix them. Most of the ppl that made these posts were woc. The show isn’t about race, but the fact that the character is black resonated with a lot of ppl.
Under ever single one of these posts, I saw multiple people, getting weirdly angry at them. Like “this has nothing to do with race, why are you bringing it up here.” Which I guess is fair, but no one says it as much to ppl when the post is about sexuality. So getting fed up, I responded to one of these ppl explaining how odd it is that the characters that get really popular are always of the same archetype. White Sad Boys, it’s the same with ships. Instead of critiquing the show or anything I wanted to call attention to subconscious biases in fandom. The person accuses me of calling them racist, tells me that race isn’t an issue in fandom, and tried to gaslight me into thinking that what I was talking about doesnt apply to how ppl choose who their favorite character is.
This issue here isn’t about the race, or the actual content in the show. It was about the person telling me that the empowerment I and other woc experienced while watching infinity train s3, doesn’t exist and we shouldn’t criticize ppl putting her down in order to uplift the antagonist.
Which leads back to the point I’m trying to make. So many ppl in fandom settle for whats there instead of trying to make things more representative of everyone. Representation can always get better, we just have to stop fighting ppl that give constructive criticism to the things we like.
And I’m completely guilty of this too, that’s why I took a step back. I don’t like silencing ppl when they try to criticize something that resonates with me. So I try to sit back and let them tell me what can be done better based on their experiences. I’m still struggling. I’m pretty sure I was ultra defensive with the person telling me that race doesn’t matter.
This happens a lot more with white ppl than it does with people of color. And this isn’t a dig on any white person at all. It’s just that white have a vastly different experience than a poc. A white LGBT person is going to have a completely different experience than a black lgbt person. Just like a cishet white person is going to have from a poc cishet person. And since we have different experiences, there are aspects of my life you won’t understand and vice versa. An abuse survivor is going to be more equip to tell us what works better than other things in a story that tackles those subjects. You see what I mean.
I just want everyone to take a step back and consider the criticism that is being made. And try to understand why this person may see it that way.
TLDR; We need to stop silencing marginalized ppl just because they criticize things we relate to, especially when it pertains to their experiences. It’s settling for the bare minimum when we deserve better. Just because we’ve got a gay character doesnt mean the show is perfect. It happens way more than we think. Especially now more than ever.
Sorry this is so long, and full of typos. I just needed to rant.
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bitchterra · 4 years
Ok I’m not defending Simon for legit acting like a Disney villain but I will say that he was AT LEAST 10 when he got on the train, maybe even a little younger which is both really young and really a long time to be on the train. No one raised him or taught him how to be ethical. AND he was abandoned by The Cat so...I mean I’m mad too, but the character isn’t quite canceled for me yet. I don’t Stan him or anything but I’m just trying to keep an open mind 😰
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 4 years
I think Hazel is gonna turn out to be one of Amelia’s creations. It fits the theme of the season as “Cult of the Conductor”, it would really shake the Apex up, it explains why she just turned into a turtle-like creature, and if she isn’t a passenger her number couldn’t glow.
Maybe Amelia has designed her as a “proof of concept” for recreating her husband or perhaps she is intended to be their child.
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linkprize · 4 years
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theproblemsofdonhi · 4 years
simon seeing hazel next episode:
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burritodetodo · 4 years
Infinity Train Book 3 review 1/3
When a new Infinity Train book premieres it feels like that moment of the month where you go dinner to your favorite place and enjoy whatever you eat, something we can’t do to the COVID pandemic. That is the feeling I had after finishing the first half of the third book (aka season) of the neverending choo choo: a story that takes off from characters we already seen (Grace and fucking Simon) that go through something and then find some company who happens to be the other main characters: a passanger and their company.
After two seasons, IT has found their way to build their stories that is far from being the same stuff all over again. On B1 a girl from Minnesotta enters the train; on B2 Lake is escaping the Flecs; on B3 there is a musical and the Apex leaders are separated from their tribe having to travel 47 cars until they reach the Mall Car.
Remember The Apex is an anarchyst cult started by Simon and Grace that opposes One One as the Conductor and praisies the real Conductor aka Amelia. The more numbers they got, the better. That’s what these two teens tell little kids who find through the cars and easily convince to join them, surviving by making assaults to other cars and gathering stuff.
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This scripted series is getting better on character development. Grace and Simon aren’t as united as we see on The Mall Car (2x07) and this is more notorious as they are going back home and even more on the Jungle Car when they meet Hazel and Tuba. Hazel is a little orphan (?) who got on the train but her hand isn’t glowing for unknown reasons (and in 3x05 end it seems she’s a null too apparently) and Tuba her powerful giant gorila with a tuba *wenk!* with a sad backstory too, but another null (a zero, a thing the Train creates) that stops the Apex leaders plans.
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Simon is a fucko. But he has a tragic past on the train too: he was a 10 year old kid from France whose null company was no other one but The Cat. She abandoned him because of her addiction to collect things and Simon almost dies, but Grace found and saved him. Grace apparently gets into the train because she was sad for not having much friends and being pushed to be perfect thanks to their demanding parents, as she told Hazel before learning waltz.
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Since that accident, Grace and Simon’re together. Simon behavior towards Tuba after working together in the Giant Color Clock Car is despicable and that’s why all IT fandom hates him. And things seem to go darker from here.
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Then there are nice moments like the Ballroom Car or the Cat’s Cabin where is my favorite background character: Richard the Bear. And Randall comeback! Backgrounds are incredibly beatiful, so as Chrome Canyon’s music! Luckily there is more, Darkest episodes are coming, including the eighth which is usually the season’s climax. More to come!
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cinno · 4 years
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“why did you-“
“I don’t know.”
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corvin-ito · 3 years
the cowboy bug car really spoke to me on an emotional level because my brain can only think about hollow knight half the time
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also heres the moth as a seperate image because.... M O T H
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drawermary · 4 years
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Minor Infinty Train book 3 spolilers Had to draw Grace with her little origami bird friend! (also not sure if her number I drew is her current number at the moment sorry)
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catflowerqueen · 3 years
Okay, but, like, just hear me out for a moment. I think I have a groundbreaking theory for who it was that created the Infinity Train. Get ready to have your minds blown:
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That’s right. Randall. 
Seriously, though! He has the perfect motive for it! His original intent was to create a captive audience to test out things like marketing strategies, and to gauge interest in various products. Why else would there be so much variation in the train cars, huh?? And what better way to successfully advertise his products! Plus, offering a genuine service (therapy) means that once the results are successfully achieved, he will get plenty of reviews (good, bad, or otherwise) and get the word out about his creation via word of mouth.
I mean, just look at what happened with Jesse! He told his little brother all about it! And Ryan and Min-Gi even made a hit song specifically about their time on the train! What better endorsement is there than that?
Plus, you want some further proof? Just look at the medium the passengers lie in when they get assigned their numbers. What is it? Just take a look at when Ryan and Min-Gi are getting their numbers (and also enjoy a younger One and Amelia!)
That’s right. It’s a liquid. Just look at it rippling! And we already know that any water or liquid substance on the train has a high probability of being Randall, given Samantha’s Chalet.
Want further proof? What did One, the train’s conductor, do when faced with 33 years of isolation? He split himself in two so that he would have someone to talk to. And what does Randall do whenever he’s alone, or needs a friend or soundboard for his ideas?
That’s right—he splits himself into as many Randalls as he wants.
I’m onto your game, Randall. You can’t hide the truth any longer!
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mitiyou · 4 years
The train really sat here like be a good person and work on yourself while realizing your mistakes otherwise I’m gonna sweep you with a swiffer and I think that’s sexy of them
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bitchterra · 4 years
Idk I kinda felt like Simon going full 1 demintional villain and then dying was a little too cliche for something as outside of the box as Infinity Train. But I loved seeing Graces growth and development in the last two episodes, she became an amazing protagonist and I hope she’s having a good day!!! It would really suck if this was the last season because it’s the least wrapped up by fAR. I need to know that grace finds hazel and they make up ahh.
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neocrows · 4 years
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sans stands for
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thenicedevil · 4 years
This season of infinity train is different from the others because when the other two seasons started, tulip and mt/lake already didn’t like their lives and had problems that they needed to solve. When season three started, grace and simon, they were happy and already had the life they thought they wanted. Tulip and mt/lake spent the season trying to fix there problems and get off the train, but that’s not what happens with grace and simon. Through the season three, grace and simon get their lives completely blown up and they both go through their respective character arcs. Neither of them are really working towards an end goal like how tulip and lake wanted to get off the train. Simons goal is to get back to the apex, but that doesn’t end up solving his problems, and grace doesn’t know what she wants, and that is what makes this season inherently different than the others. Usually, the main character(s) start out with problems and end with solving their problems and getting off the train. Grace and Simon start out happy, but then everything changes and the season ends with simon dead and graces journey nowhere near done, but with her in a better place and starting something new on the train.
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multiverse239 · 4 years
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