erabundus · 9 months
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❝  ...  and  what  exactly  is  your  SOURCE  for  this  information?  ❞  indigo  gaze  peers  over  his  intertwined  fingers.  he's  skeptical,  clearly  —  though  that  isn't  necessarily  a  bad  thing.  on  the  contrary,  ren would argue a  bit  of  skepticism  is  good  for  one's  HEALTH.   ❝  or  am  i  to  assume  it  just  miraculously  came  to  you  in  a  dream?  ❞
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@infamiia &&. liked for a SMALL STARTER.
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fllameshield · 8 months
infamiia asked: [ STEADY ]:     sender gently catches and guides the emotionally distressed receiver against a wall in order to physically steady them. | portal crossover shenanigans here comes uri, joshua-
He didn't know what had come over him. If it was the sickness he's always battling, the thing in his chest, or something else. Hard to tell these days. It was just a passing moment of confusion, then dizziness, and he found himself about to topple over. Luckily, there was someone there to catch him, and help him to the nearest surface; a chilled wall. The sensation was enough to stabilize him, briefly, and those crystalline-blue eyes locked with the other as his senses came back.
"I-- forgive me... I don't know what... what happened."
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cvrseduser-a · 9 months
continued from @infamiia
It was incredibly odd, coming across a curse powerful enough to cause ripples in the strings of energy around them by her mere presence, and yet for him not to feel any hostility.
Meticulous as he was, he didn't lower his guard. On the contrary. He was well aware this could be a tactic, although no one had sent him to exorcise her, and he doubted a strong presence such as hers would go unnoticed.
« But if both parties do the betraying, is it really treason... ? » Suguru pondered. The treason she talked about wasn't the worst in his eyes, but the only one.
A breath escaped him through his nose, a very close thing to a laugh.
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« Cursing a family and their upcoming generations doesn't sound like not-holding-a-grudge to me, » he said lightly, despite the small fire ignited in him at the thought of innocent people dying due to her rage.
Although... Was she the cause of their deaths even before they were born, or was it the sins of their ancestors ? A debt of blood getting passed on.
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wormb0i · 9 months
for @infamiia
It had been at the very least a couple of hours since Yuuji’s been standing on the same spot. His shoulders are rigid ; his whole body tense. It had started to rain at one point, and still he didn’t move an inch except for the tight balling of his fists as he stared intently in her direction ; at her.
No, not at her ; at it. 
What was a special grade doing out there ? Should he call Gojo-sensei ? Nanamin ? Anyone …? He didn’t want to attack, not with so many people around, but he couldn’t allow himself to turn a blind eye to it and leave, either. So he stayed, rooted to the spot, almost unblinking.
What if she started attacking everyone ? 
He was soaking wet, pink strands of hair sticking to his forehead and dripping onto his face ; rain most likely seeping through his bag and soaking up his notebooks. He didn’t care. 
Then the low rumble of a voice he knew all too well in his head. It made his heart pound violently against his ribs. Every time the King of Curses spoke to him from within, rare as it was, it made everything in him run cold. 
« A Gojo ? That’s interesting, » he said, and nothing more. 
Yuuji frowned, confused, and his heart leaped into his throat when the curse in question slowly raised her hands to cover her face.
That was it. She was going to attack. Yuuji turned his head to look at her target ; a small toddler, making grabby hands into the air in her direction from where he was sat in his stroller. 
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A wave of sickness washed over the high-schooler, and just as he took a decisive step forward, the curse moved her hands away from her face in a peek-a-boo gesture.
Yuuji halted on the spot, knuckles white.
What was she doing … ?
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zorxro · 9 months
'he just tried to kill you.' @infamiia​
She barely dodges a nerve — his jaw clenches and posture hardens, the subtle reminder of a close call makes his moves sharper after a somewhat bittersweet victory. Heavy breathing, sweat runs down his forehead — he’s been here for how long, again? Sure feels like a lifetime:, he figures, each move sharper than the last.
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And yet, the eyes on his back just remind him of how he might as well crumble, exhausted to the bone. “Not just me,” he takes a step back, gaze shifting to her for a split second, before getting back to training — it weighs on him, clearly so: if he doesn’t have what it takes to protect who he cares for, then what is the meaning of it all? All else becomes blurry, both victory and the stinging of his injuries alike. “That’s why I’m here,” he somewhat explains himself, and the non-stop training.
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hiislegacy · 8 months
infamiia asked: " sorry. fuck, i'm sorry. " | cloud gets apollo now teehee
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"Ah! What the hell!?!" Cloud gripped his arm that now had a pretty terrible cut, all thanks to him accidentally surprising the other. How was he supposed to know the guy would react that way! He glanced down at the bleeding wound, so angry at himself for letting his guard be lowered for just a second, and kept his gloved palm over the injury. "If I'd known you would be that jumpy... man, I would've knocked first." He was just coming to tell the other that food was secured, and they were in some lonely cabin far from civilization; anywhere to just lay low from ShinRa for awhile.
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viisiond · 8 months
@infamiia said: ❛ how do you know my name? ❜ | shakes leucosia gently idk she strikes me as the type to somehow know that uri's full name is uriel- Lost Meme // ???
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"Angelfish, it wasn't hard to figure out- the water has eyes and ears you know." She mused to herself, looking down at her from her perch with a smile.
"A little bird also mentioned...." She uncrossed her legs and got to her feet, "you ran from her majesty's rule...." The smile she had on her face vanished as the fountains around them began to roar to life with a fury only the seas could carry.
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"And we can't have traitors and runaways walking freely now, can we?" The Harbinger slowly began descending from her perch little by little, "What made you, of all people, think you could run away that easily...?" And in a flash, she was in Uri's face, holding it in one hand so she couldn't look away from her.
"Answer me. I'm NOT a patient woman...."
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strawdxll · 9 months
starter for @infamiia
Nobara stares at Uri, contemplation evident on her features. She was currently trying to decide if she was going to ask the question that's haunted her since they first met-- how did she get her skin to stay so youthful. This question has been eating at Nobara since their initial encounter. She thought the other didn't look a day over 25, yet Nobara knew that was far from true.
So how did she look have such good skin? It honestly boggled Nobara's mind. She could spend money on masks, do proper exfoliation, and she still felt like that wasn't enough. She would still wake up with impurities or puffy skin at the slightest inconvenience.
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"So do curses use skincare too or do you just prune at a slower rate?" she finally asks.
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graytxrminal · 9 months
(Pre-plotted with @infamiia)
Robin browsed the dusty shelves of the bookstore, hunting for any title that piqued her interest. Her lithe fingers slid across the spines of various tomes, keen eyes scanning all of her possible options.
The crew was busy stocking up on supplies in some small port town, one Robin was too engrossed in her novel to pay attention to. She had run out of things to read lately, and apart from playing with Chopper and spending time with Franky and the rest of the crew, she would be bored if she didn't find more reading material.
As she wandered through the nonfiction section, she bumped into somebody by accident. "Ah, sorry. I didn't notice you." She offered an apologetic smile at the short figure before her.
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hydroglia · 10 months
@infamiia ⸺ ( x )
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Getting low in the tall grass, Childe slowly pulled out his bow as he kept his keen eyes upon the boar, a few meters away from him. It was a big one, one that would be enough to both eat a good portion of and to sell parts of - not that he needed the mora, but still, he didn't want it to go to waste. And unlike in his homeland, he couldn't simply lay it to freeze over night.
Suddenly seeing the boar become alert, due to a sound upon his left, Childe's eyes widened a little when spotting an individual, who was seemingly unaware of the animal, which now charged at them, at a speed that could easy bruise and break bones. Getting up, to make the person aware, he waved briefly.
❝ Hey! Look out! ❞
With that said, skilled digits quickly pulled the string of his bow back before sending an arrow flying through the air. With a squeal, the boar fell, only a meter from the woman, which made the harbinger release a sigh. Walking closer, a polite smile could be found on fair lips.
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❝ Are you okay? I didn't expect anyone out here. ❞
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icefell · 10 months
@infamiia S.C
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inquisitive gaze lingered on the woman for a moment. The Vidyadhara were so whimsically beautiful - it was hard not to stare! Though when it became apparent March had been shamelessly gawking, an awkward giggle passed by rose-tinted lips.
"S-Sorry. err....I only just learned my friend is like you ... the same species? So....um...I'm just a bit curious."
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wormb0i · 9 months
continued from @infamiia
There were two wolves inside Yuuji : one wanted to trust her, after all their encounters and conversations, the way she had proven time and time again she was not a threat. She had helped him before, humoured him plenty, even, and Yuuji couldn't deny he enjoyed spending time with her.
The second wolf, however, kept gnawing at the back of his mind, reminding him she was, after all, a cursed spirit. And just by that alone, Yuuji couldn't allow himself to fully relax around her. To fully trust her.
But, for the time being, it proved safe to remain neutral. Last time they talked, Yuuji mentioned a pond in Roppongi which allegedly hosted space fish. He read it in a magazine about obscure sights in the city, and there was no way he was missing out on the opportunity to see fish from another planet. Allegedly.
Except of course his phone had decided to die in the middle of the search, and now Yuuji wasn't sure exactly where to go to find the space fish pond.
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He looked around, humming thoughtfully as Uriel suggested helping, and he worried his lower lip.
« Ji ? » He asked incredulous, stopping to look at her. He brushed it off. A nickname was the least of his concerns at the moment.
« It's not the civilisation, it's the direction... » He said, rubbing his chin.
« Do fish smell different ? Maybe that way we can find them more easily. »
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noctuafought · 7 months
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[ 🔥 ]  ──  *  @infamiia  ⸤ starter call ⸣
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"i assure it won't be that bad. it's a quick in and out job. i promise you, everything will be fine."
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ayahimes · 9 months
@infamiia , pg . 68
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❛ i've been in such a hurry to get you home . you must keep up with me . ❜
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hiislegacy · 8 months
infamiia asked: imprisoned | apologies cloud, you have uri to deal with now.
Once his vision cleared enough, groggily looking around in a vague bit of dizziness biting at him, he realized something was off. The location was out of his scope of imaginings, but that didn't matter much for the moment. All he knew was that he wasn't somewhere safe. He was cold and alone, as well, and he stood up to go kick at the bars of his cell. A few hard kicks, metal clanging loudly, and trying to fully wake himself up in the process.
"Hey!! HEY! Let me out!!" He yelled, hoping to get the attention of anyone nearby. It was difficult to see in this darkly lit place, and not even his mako-tinted eyes were of help here. Cloud was so frustrated, and hated how even his weapon was gone, too. No potions. No sword. What the hell happened!?
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2xcursekissed · 9 months
“do i look like a monster to you?”
horror-inspired questions inbox memes | accepting
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"I don't think you want the answer to that question."
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