#india is sooo old
themorguepoet · 11 months
Veera Raja Veera sounds exactly like the vibe I imagine great hindu kings from the golden era of India to have embodied. It just sounds so perfect.
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wdapteo · 24 days
It's sooo weird watching old videos and seeing they mention stuff that we also know from other moments... Like I was watching Srs Bsnss and he mentioned it being 2010 and he wanted to get fit. And boi. Do I know hundreds of tweets Dan exchanged w Phil that year. He was also in India in that video, and I know there was a live show where they both lied (badly) about being on the phone w each other when Dan was in India. This feels all so???
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obsessedtoafault · 2 years
My telugu comfort movies :)
1. Dookudu: I LOVE THIS MOVIE. AND ALL THE SONGS SLAP. So obsessed with Samantha in this movie.
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2. Magadheera: Classic.If Panchadara bomma starts playing I will start singing idc where I am
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3. Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu: I am a sucker for family movies. I love mahesh babu’s character in this and I will always rewatch this anytime I miss my family
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4. Bommarillu: Absolute classic. I love everything about this movie. They are both so adorable <333
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5. Khaleja: I have no idea why this movie flopped because I love it. It is sooo funny and has a decent plot. I love anushka shetty <33
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6. Pokiri: Another classic. All of MB’s old movies are gold. I rewatch this like once a month.
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7. Baahubali 2: Do I really need to explain this one? From the cinematography to the plot to these two adorable fierce amazing characters, every part of this movie is amazing.
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8. Srimanthudu: ANOTHER MAHESH BABU MOVIE I KNOW (but he has excellent script selection if you ask me). I love this movie’s message. It also has catchy songs and pretty good comedy!
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9. Mayabazaar: Ok I know this movie is old but you will not find a better movie and thats a guarantee. From the songs (VIVAHA BHOJANAMBU!) to the amazing acting, this movie is everything to me.
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10. RRR: The patriotism in this movie will always get to me. I <3 India 🇮🇳 (also ram charan and jr ntr ❤️)
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ronaldofandom · 1 year
Drunken Truth or Dare
Ok people. This is the craziest, whackiest, most insane drabble I have ever written.
Plot: Ram, Bheem, Sita and Jenny go on a double date. Get drunk. And play truth or dare. The women get nuts and the men get scandalized.
No warnings. This is sheer whackiness with some fluff.
Jenny and Sita had spent only two months together. But in that short time, they had forged a deep, unbreakable bond, almost akin to Ram and Bheem.
They had so many layers of shared memories and stories by now; it felt like they had known each other since forever. Each was that friend to the other, who is always there just when you need them. Who has this weird telepathy with you and can just tell when something is off with you. Who knows you and understands you like no one does.
This friendship had meant a lot to Sita. But it meant infinitely more to Jenny. She spoke to Sita about some things that she didn’t even share with Bheem, not yet. Sita was her mentor, her guide, and her support system in this new world. Jenny learned from Sita’s silent wisdom every day.
The woman was also crazy when she wanted to be. Very few people knew that side of her. Maybe since her circumstances never really allowed her to let loose. But with Jenny, Sita took the liberty to discuss anything under the sun.
The two women were sitting by the lake, chattering away. While the two men were indulged in a passionate, animated debate about some plan of action a short distance away. The women knew it was normal for them. That they would kiss and make up soon after the argument. So they ignored them and got back to their discussion, which was far more interesting than the men anyway.
Sita had that half smile on. Jenny knew she was about to ask a scandalous question.
‘Sooo, who was the first person you had a crush on? The first person you wanted to kiss? And don’t say Bheem; that’s such a boring answer.’
Jenny narrowed her eyes at Sita.
‘What if the answer ACTUALLY is Bheem?’
‘But it’s not, right? I can feel it’s not. C’monn, tell me no.’
Sita wiggled her eyes at Jenny, making the younger woman smile. Jenny caved, and started to tell the story.
‘Well, he was a professor at Eton who used to home-school me on subjects I was curious about, which were not covered in my school. World history, economics, oceanography etc. I heard my cousins talk about these things all the time and I wanted to learn too. So my folks caved and let me have this home tutor. And boy, he was something.’
She giggled and looked down. Sita clapped her hands in delight, waiting for Jenny to continue.
‘He used to come every day at 6, and our session went for an hour. But I always had so many questions, so it went on for a bit more. I loved his intellect, his gentle eyes, his non-patronising attitude, and his genuine willingness to help a 15 year old girl learn. And…well, he had a great physique too. Like really amazing.’
‘Ofcourse he did.’
The women giggled together.
‘So, did you ever tell him?’
‘Are you crazy? He was a friend of my eldest cousin. The scandal would have been drastic. And I wasn’t in love or anything. I just wanted to spend time with him because I guess he was the first true gentleman I had met. So different from everyone else I knew at the time. He was the reason I started to travel more, to learn. And that’s how I also came to India by the way.’
‘Now, your turn. And if you say Ram, I will hit you.’
Sita laughed and covered her face with her hands.
‘My answer is silly. You will laugh at me.’
‘I promise I wont. Tell me, please?’
‘Uhh ok. Well, my first crush was not a person. It was a god.’
Jenny was about to gasp, but she recovered quickly, nudging Sita to continue.
‘You see, we have a god called Krishna. We all have heard his stories while growing up. Particularly his tales from when he was a child / teenager. He appealed me to in a way I can’t describe. He was everything I could dream of.’
Jenny was tuned in by now. Krishna had captured her attention.
‘His earth-shattering cuteness as a baby made me want to have him as my child. To care for him. To take pride in him being my kid. He was that kid who was the apple of everyone’s eye. Everyone wanted a piece of him.’
For some reason, Jenny immediately thought of Bheem. And wondered what his childhood had been like. Somehow, she felt Bheem would have been that kid too. Everyone would have wanted a piece of him.
‘He was a very naughty child, he troubled his mother so much. But he loved her a lot, the most. I wish I have that one day.’
For the first time, Jenny wondered what it would be like to have Bheem’s kid. His mini-me. How could having a little version of him around be daunting? What was she so afraid of? She hadn’t been there for Bheem’s childhood but maybe she could experience that with his kid. To see him be a baby again with his child would be priceless. Shocked by how real and imminent that emotion felt, she tried to put that on a back burner and focus on Sita’s story again.
‘He was a cute little thief. Thief of hearts mostly, but also butter. He loved it so so much that he used to steal it from other women in the village. Funny thing is, if he had asked, they would have given it to him anyway. But he loved playing with them and teasing them. Secretly, they loved it too.’
Jenny closed her eyes and tried to visualise this menace of a child. All she could see was round perky cheeks and curly hair. And the kid could run like the wind.
‘And, when he grew up, he became the centre of attention again. Of all the young women. Everyone loved him. Everyone wanted him. Gosh, they would have done anything to be with him. To be his chosen one. He was sweet, kind, mischievous, gorgeous, loving, caring and strong. All in one. There are many stories of him protecting the people. He was their saviour, their healer, their pride. He was divine, yet so real.’
Jenny rolled her eyes. This was a story she had heard from Sita and Loki too many times. Of how everyone wanted a piece of Bheem now as well, but in a different way.
‘But, he had his heart set on one. While there were many gopis, there was only one Radha for him. She was his one true love, his whole heart.’
Jenny had no control on her reactions anymore. Her eyes were moist and her heart was racing. This was too real, way too real.
‘Did they end up together, then? Did Krishna marry his Radha?’
Sita came out of her trance and looked up at this question.
‘Actually, they didn’t.’
Jenny’s heart broke for Radha.
Sita pondered over it for a few seconds.
‘I think Krishna had to go away. At least that’s what I remember. But I will ask the village elders, they would know better. Somehow I can’t remember the full story.’
When Jenny just nodded and didn’t look up, Sita linked her arm with hers.
‘Even though they didn’t end up together, what they had was eternal love. Even today, their names are always taken together. There is no Krishna without Radha, and vice versa. They were soulmates, and somewhere in heaven, they must have found each other.’
Jenny looked up at her friend. Once again, without her saying anything, Sita had understood the turmoils of her heart. Gosh, she was really a godsend.
Sita attempted to change the mood, and chimed in.
‘So, how long did it take for you to imagine your Bheem, when I spoke of Krishna? Not long I am guessing.’
Jenny just smiled. It seemed like a rhetorical question.
‘Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is a woman madly in love.’
‘Yeah? As if you are any different.’
Jenny elbowed her. Sita elbowed back, laughing at their antics.
Both knew how deeply they felt for the two men. Their relationship dynamics were very different, yet the depth of the bond was similar.
This is how Ram found them - giggling and play jostling with each other. After the heated debate he had just had with Bheem over their next mission, he was in no mood for such perkiness.
‘The cabin is ready. Bheem is putting the final touches. We can go now.’
He said curtly, making the women look up at him.
Sita stood up first, half-annoyed with his tone, and ended up stomping on Jenny’s toe.
Jenny cried out in pain and Sita cried out in guilt. She bent down to check the gash her heel had made on Jenny’s toe. It wasn’t too deep but it needed immediate tending to. She just hoped it didn’t need any stitches. Sita needed her medical kit, which was in her bag in the hunting cabin. She always carried her kit with her, it had become a habit now.
Ram was still processing the scene in front of him and wondering what to do. It was all too sudden. But Sita swung into action immediately.
‘Ram, we need to get her to the cabin. Quickly. Carry her and follow me.’
Both Ram and Jenny recoiled in horror at that statement.
Ram dragged Sita aside and started speaking in native tongue.
‘Are you out of your mind? I can’t carry her.’
‘Why the hell not? This is an emergency. We need to get her to the cabin. NOW.’
‘Sita, she is……why do I need to spell it out? Isn’t it obvious?’
‘Are you really that small minded, Ram? You seriously think Bheem would have a problem with this? That he won’t understand the situation? What’s wrong with you?’
‘What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with YOU? Even if I forget Bheem for a second, which I can’t, don’t you think she would have a problem with this?’
‘Well, both of you need to suck it up. If the situation was reversed, don’t you think Bheem would help me?’
‘It’s different. You don’t hate his guts. And he thinks of you as his sister.’
‘Why? What do YOU think of her, then?’
Jenny was hearing the argument from the sidelines and understood enough that it was about her. She stood up with some effort and tried to put pressure on her toe. It wasn’t that bad.
‘Sita, look, I can walk. It’s not bad. I promise. Let’s go to the cabin.’
Sita looked between the two stubborn people, huffed in annoyance and agreed reluctantly.
‘FINE. But for the record, I am very displeased about this.’
‘Heyyy, I am the one who is hurt. Now come and help me.’
Sita stood next to her, wrapping her arm around Jenny’s waist. Jenny leaned on her, and held on to Ram’s arm on the other side.
The cabin wasn’t too far and they reached in a short while.
Bheem was fixing the outer boundary of the hut when he saw them. But something was off, they were walking weirdly. That’s when he realised Jenny was limping, and galloped in their direction. Reaching them in a few seconds.
He scooped her up in his arms immediately, and paced towards the cabin. Sita gave him a download of what happened.
Both the healers tended to Jenny’s injury. Thankfully, it didn’t need stitches.
‘But why did you walk?’
Sita looked at Ram pointedly, in an ‘I told you’ look, but stopped short of ratting him out.
‘Because it wasn’t too bad. Look, it’s healing already. Stop worrying, please.’
Bheem was neither pleased nor convinced, but this wasn’t the time to pick that up. So he let it go.
The group had their lunch then. Today was one of the rare days when they all had the afternoon free. Jenny and Sita had completed all their chores and classes for the day. And the men had only returned last night from a long mission, so there was no training today.
The mood improved markedly with lunch. Jenny had made the dessert with a lot of love. She had recently learned it and it was one of Bheem’s favourite too. Sita’s fish curry was legendary as well.
In the middle of the chatter, Bheem kept re-applying the ointment on Jenny’s wound every 15 mins, earning her a teasing smile from Sita.
It was a happy day. Sita was feeling particularly joyful today. And playful. It had been a long time since things seemed somewhat decent and stable. She didn’t know how many such days were there in her kitty. So she wanted to live today to the fullest. She wanted to let go and for once in her life, she wanted to have fun. They were away from others, up at the hunting cabin. It was the perfect time.
‘I have an idea.’
She said chirpily, with a twinkle in her eyes. Jenny knew she was up to no good.
‘You know what will make this afternoon memorable? Some bhaang.’
Bheem choked on air and Ram choked on water.
‘Yes, you heard me right. I said bhaang. Guess what, I have had bhaang too. More than once.’
Ram looked at her like she had grown horns. Who was this woman and what had she done to his fiance?
His reaction made Sita more adamant.
‘Why the surprise, Ram? Because I chose to not be sullen all the time? Or because only men should drink, not women? What is it?’
Ram had no such patriarchal notions. Neither did Bheem. They were just genuinely surprised by all this coming their way from Sita.
‘Umm, I am not sure we have the ingredients.’
Bheem pitched in, when Ram was still struggling to form words.
‘Oh I am sure I saw some bhaang trees on the way, not far from here. Ram, would you be a dear and get some for us?’
‘It would also help with the pain, I guess.’
Jenny chose that moment to double down, looking at Bheem lovingly, while holding on to his arm.
Sita smiled proudly at her friend. Well played.
Ram and Bheem looked at each other. They had never seen either woman drunk. Heck, they had never seen each other drunk. This was all a new unchartered territory for them.
But they both felt that there was no getting out of it. Sita knew that the decision had been made, and she was going to get her wish.
‘Bring enough for a few turns. Don’t be miserly.’
She instructed Ram, who nodded in response and went away quietly.
‘Are you sure you want to have it? It’s quite strong.’
Bheem whispered to Jenny, while Sita was merrily preparing the rest of the ingredients.
‘I could try. I haven’t had much hard alcohol before but I have had fair bit of champagne. It was quite nice.’
She smiled at him with excitement, still holding on to his arm, and Bheem didn’t have the heart to say anything else. So he shoved his concern aside.
Ram returned a few minutes later, carrying a ton of bhaang leaves, as instructed.
As Sita started to pour them into the mixture, Ram began to instruct her on the quantity. But she shushed him.
‘I know.’
She said decisively, leaving Ram guessing how many times she had made it before.
Sita put down the glasses in front of everyone, beaming with joy. Bheem looked at her and smiled. She had never been this open, this cheerful before. He wished she had more moments like this. She definitely deserved it, for the wonderful kind heart that she had.
Bheem decided to join in the cheerfulness, but Ram was still wary.
All three of them took the first sip and sighed happily.
Jenny looked at their reactions, and decided to take her first sip as well, with Bheem side-eyeing her throughout. She gagged, but the taste became better after a few seconds. So she took another sip. And another. Bheem constantly requested her to pace herself, but she paid no heed to him.
When she climbed into his lap after downing two full glasses quickly, that’s when he cut her off. She protested loudly, but Sita sided with Bheem. That traitor. Jenny swore to her that she would remember this, but Sita laughed in her face. That was annoying. But she was too happy to care. This liquid joy was addictive, and Bheem’s lap was too comfortable. She snuggled happily and tuned out the world for a few minutes.
Sita was nowhere close to done yet. She put another glass in front of the rest. Bheem refused politely, pointing towards Jenny who was mumbling gibberish in his lap.
Ram liked this feeling. Of zoning out. Of not constantly thinking. He wasn’t there yet but he was on the way. So he took the glass readily and then another one. They were four glasses down now.
Bheem was very amused by their antics. Ram was still mostly under control, mostly, but he had a loopy smile plastered on his face.
Sita was laying flat on her back and laughing maniacally, while breaking into a strange floor dance every once in a while. Ram cheered her on.
That’s when Jenny decided to wake up. She was still heavily drunk but her senses had absorbed the worst of it. Bheem slowly placed her outside of his lap, next to him. She didn’t protest and moved willingly. Just when he thought they were close to winding down, Jenny clapped her hands.
‘Alright everyone, let’s play a game.’
‘Yessssss. Letsssssssss.’
Sita rose up from the floor, swaying heavily on both sides.
‘So it’s called truth and dare. We can get a turn where we have to pick either truth or dare. And the person has to do what others ask.’
‘That’s such a profound game. I love it. Let’s do it.’
Sita backed her friend.
Bheem continued to be amused.
Ram was nervous - he didn’t like the sound of this game at all. But he didn’t protest. Not loudly at-least.
‘Wonderful. I can start to set the pace. Truth. Now you can ask me anything.’
Jenny giggled while rubbing her hands. Bheem loved this look on her, and smiled from ear to ear. The bhaang had done nothing to him yet but the giddiness of the environment was infectious.
‘Oooooh let’s see. Why don’t you tell me something juicy from your time in Delhi? Maybe something about the three of you?’
Jenny thought for a few moments, then jumped when realisation dawned on her.
‘I have got something. Do you know how my first meeting with Bheem was manoeuvred?’
The smile drained from Bheem’s face. As did all the colour. He avoided looking at Ram but could feel him staring daggers in his direction.
It had taken Ram half a second extra to process. When he did, his jaw dropped. How could she know? Unless Bheem had….that traitor. Ram had done it for Bheem’s benefit and that smitten puppy couldn’t even keep his mouth shut.
Smitten puppy. That’s what he will call Bheem from now on.
‘Ram threw iron nails on the road to puncture the tyres of my car. That’s how.’
Sita looked at Ram in disbelief. And part admonishment.
‘Ram, that’s so creepy.’
‘I-I know but hey, it worked right?’
‘God, are you really that stupid or you chose that particular day to say bye-bye to your brains? What if the nails punctured other cars, what about them? Did you go and help all those people too? Did you pick up the nails after?’
Ram looked down, like a scolded kid. Bheem couldn’t take it anymore and came to his rescue.
‘Look at it this way. If it wasn’t for that, we all wouldn’t be here right now. Sometimes the end justifies the means right?’
When both women narrowed their eyes at Bheem, he raised his hands in submission.
‘Can we please forget this and move on, in the spirit of the occasion?’
The women said together, then looked at each other, and laughed. Bheem breathed a sigh of relief.
Ram stood up to clear the plates and Bheem followed him, hugging him from behind.
‘Sorry Anna. I just blurted it out to her one night by mistake. Please don’t be mad at me. Please?’
Ram tried to break free from Bheem’s bear hug but Bheem just tightened his hold. And doubled down.
‘I love you, Anna.’
All fight went out of Ram. In a jiffy. This was a Brahmastra that never failed. Bheem could commit a murder and apologise after. And people would forgive him for it.
Bheem knew he had succeeded. So he ruffled Ram’s hair one final time and went back to the ladies, with Ram following behind. He would still call Bheem a smitten puppy though, that was decided in his head.
‘Ok Bheem, your turn. What’s it gonna be?’
‘I am proud of you.’
Sita patted his knee, and the whole group smiled at her antics. Including Ram.
Frankly, Ram was stunned to see this side of her. But it made him happy.
‘I heard you guys danced at that party right? I wanna see it. Please please please. I have heard so much about it.’
‘Gosh, it was amazing. Best thing I have ever seen. Everrrrr.’
Jenny chimed in.
Bheem couldn’t say no to the first thing Sita had asked from him. So he did a few steps himself, with a loud cheer from the rest. Then he dragged Ram up and the two danced together, instantly falling in sync even in an inebriated state. Without music. Without even looking at each other.
Sita was mesmerised and Jenny was nostalgic.
Once they were done, Bheem extended his hand to Jenny, asking if she wanted to dance with him. She didn’t know how much she could manage in this state but she could never say no to such an invitation.
He helped her get up, then placed her bare feet on his, moving them effortlessly.
Jenny was stunned to see that he remembered the steps. Like the back of his hand.
When she lost balance & swayed to one side, she yelped, and both his arms wrapped around her waist.
‘Shhh, I got you.’
He whispered slowly in her ear.
She smiled & wrapped her arms around his neck. This was not the posture of waltz but neither of them cared. They only cared about gazing into the eyes of their soulmate. Both thought back to that afternoon of the party a few months back and how much had changed since then.
Jenny willed herself to not get overwhelmed. To not cry. Because the moment was surreal.
However, Sita got teary-eyed looking at the two. Their love was palpable. She had seen their journey first hand - from the nervous shy looks to baby steps towards other to being madly in love. They made her believe in miracles. In destiny. They also reignited her faith in love.
It was sweet for a while but when the two kept going, she had to intervene. She was happy for them and everything but they didn’t need to rub their closeness in her face.
‘Ummm hello, get a room you two.’
They blushed profusely and sat down, still holding hands. Jenny tried to kick Sita but the woman anticipated it and ducked away in time.
Ram was glad for the intervention. Because he was about to puke at this mushy display. Smitten puppy was such an apt name for his love sick friend.
‘You are extra chirpy today, aren’t you? Fine, your turn then. Let’s see if you dare to pick dare.’
Jenny goaded Sita, wanting to get back at her. And it worked.
‘Oh please, I am not a coward. Fine. Dare it is.’
Jenny laughed her best naughty smile. Making Sita nervous for the first time that night. She didn’t like where it was going.
‘Give Ram a lap dance.’
Ram and Bheem gasped loudly. Sita looked down. Her evil friend had her checkmated, or at-least that’s what she thought. But Sita was in no mood to cower away or back down. Not tonight.
She stood up, made another glass of bhang, downed it in a few sips and came back to her spot.
The men looked at each other nervously, and at the two women, not knowing what else to do.
‘Let’s do it.’
Sita declared, looking straight at Ram. The said man died a thousand deaths instantly.
‘Ok that’s enough. This is madness. This can’t go on. I can’t watch this. This has to sto….’
Jenny interrupted Bheem’s rant by covering his mouth with her hand.
‘Stop being such a prude. This is happening. If you can’t watch it, go sit in a corner and cover your ears.’
Bheem did exactly that. He huffed and puffed his way out of the circle, found the farthest corner, sat down facing the wall, and plunged his fingers in his ears. Sita was like a sister to him, and watching this would be wildly inappropriate.
Sita kept looking straight at an ashen faced Ram. Who was stunned into silence. And numbness. At the suggestion. And the acceptance. Both.
Sita wanted to do this partly to not back down. But also, she knew they would never get a chance to do anything remotely wild again. Their real life didn’t allow it. This was the only moment and she wanted to seize it. Curiosity got the best of her. Jenny had told her about their night in the cabin. She knew she could never have that degree of adventure but this was massive for them too. She wanted to know what this would be like.
But her legs didn’t move. Despite her best efforts. She needed more liquid courage, so she asked Jenny to fetch her another glass of bhaang. And gulped it readily.
When Ram realised she wasn’t backing down, he decided to put his foot down.
‘Sita, no. You are out of your mind. And pissed drunk. Let’s go back.’
Sita blew raspberries at Ram, making Jenny burst into a fit of giggles. Bheem could mildly hear the commotion from the corner and was horrified that the dance had already begun.
‘Oh, that’s the opposite of what I am going to do just now.’
Sita stood up, and slowly walked towards Ram, petrifying the shit out of him.
She opened her hair, letting them fall to her waist. And transformed into a siren that neither Ram nor Jenny could ever imagine.
‘L-listen, this is…..this is…..’
‘You just saw those two, didn’t you? Then why is this any different?’
‘For once in your life, stop being a buzzkill will you?’
Ram shut up and stayed rooted to his spot, as Sita started to caress his torso and dance around him. She slapped his hands away from his face and made him look at her. Actually look at her.
Ram was equal parts horrified and mesmerised. Extremely confused by his emotions. The woman glided into his lap, and moved like the smoothest jazz dancer. For the life of him, Ram couldn’t figure where Sita had learned that from.
Jenny’s mouth open and closed repeatedly. She had no idea her dare would unleash this kracken. While she wasn’t a party to the dance, she was feeling all bothered inside for some reason. For a moment, she wanted to be in Bheem’s place. This had started to feel like an invasion of their private moment. But then, she would have never known this side of her friend.
6 glasses of bhang in one hour and can drive the best drinkers nuts. And Sita had very little experience with that drink earlier.
So, just when Jenny was sitting on the edge of her seat, literally, Sita passed out in Ram’s lap. Like a light. Ram looked at her in confusion. Then looked at Jenny. The roller coaster of emotions had thrown their senses haywire. They had lost all context of reality.
‘Is the atrocity over or is it still going on?’
Bheem’s pained voice got them back to earth. Ram gathered Sita in his arms while Jenny found her voice again.
‘Umm yeah, it’s over. You can come back.’
Bheem returned to find Ram and Jenny shell-shocked, while Sita was dangling in Ram’s arms. He had no intention of ever finding out what happened there.
‘I-I should go back to the village. She needs to have some lemon in her system soon. And we don’t have any here.’
Bheem nodded at Ram, and Ram walked back to the village. Carrying a passed out Sita in his arms. If it wasn’t for the weight of her, he would be pinching himself right now to snap out of the dream he was in. Because, how could anything that happens just now be real?
Jenny decided that she needed another glass to recover. Looking at her face, Bheem didn’t even protest.
The drink did it’s job, and Jenny was chirpy again in no time. The scene from earlier already a distant memory in her head. But the heat from the situation remained. She hugged Bheem tightly, peppering kisses all over his face.
Before he could recover, she had dragged him to the cot and pulled him on top of her.
Bheem broke their kiss shortly, rolling off to her side. She whined loudly, reaching for him again, but he stopped her mid-way.
‘Jenny, you are in no state to give consent. Nothing is going to happen tonight.’
He said decisively, leaving no room for arguments. She wanted to be annoyed, to tell him that she was in full senses and that he should take her word for it instead of making his own assumptions. But she knew his heart was in the right place and she could never get him to budge on his moral grounds.
Cuddling with him was the best she was going to get. When she snuggled next to him and adjusted her legs, a cramp made her wince loudly.
Bheem immediately swung into action, inspecting the area and stretching her leg.
‘See, this is why you shouldn’t have walked after injuring your toe. You ended up putting extra pressure on this leg. Wait.’
He looked around the cabin and was glad to find some oil to massage her leg. He lifted both her legs to his shoulders, applying the oil on them tenderly. Jenny looked at his face throughout, as he tended to her.
In a different situation, the sight of her disheveled like this would have garnered a different reaction from Bheem. But right now, he was only concerned about bringing relief to her, and nothing else. There was no end to this man’s amazingness.
Somewhere along the way, she fell asleep, knowing he would be by her side through the night.
It had been some evening. They had all ventured into some unchartered territories, leaving some scandalized and the others giddy. But one thing was for sure. None of them was going to forget this evening and what transpired here.
P.S. - I may have been drunk while writing this.
@irisesforyoureyes @rambheem-is-real @thewinchestergirl1208 @eremin0109 @eenadu-varthalu @rorapostsbl @yehsahihai @budugu @maraudersbitchesassemble @justmeand-myinsight @rambheemisgoated @rosayounan @jrntrtitties @obsessedtoafault @rambheemlove @jjwolfesworld @alikokinav @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @dumdaradumdaradum @lovingperfectionwonderland @chaanv @ssabriel @milla984 @kaagazkefool @boochhaan @mesimpleone @filesbeorganized @ladydarkey @teddybat24 @stanleykubricks @burningsheepcrown @veteran-fanperson @ronika-writes-stuff @beingmes-blog @yonderghostshistories @nisreenart @chaidrivenwhore @bheemaxrama @umbrulla @mizutaama @rosefulmadness @gifseafins @fangirlshrewt97 @voidsteffy @maooyinysparkle @amalthea9 @vijayasena @stars-in-the-distance @astrafangs
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Since I never really introduce myself (Updated) :
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Url: @sparklyscarlett >> @insertsareallycoolname
Sooo my name is Niharika and I'm currently 15 yr old soon turning 16 (my birthday is on 18 June). I'm from India and I'm a proud 🕉️
Oh and I go by she/her
I love watching series, movies and anime (I don't really have a favorite genre, I just watch what feels ✨me✨)
Currently - just exploring all my favourite fandoms not really obsessed with any.
I love sketching (My art blog where I rarely post something - @artrika ) I'm also open to political discussions (no I'm not gonna force my political views on you) and I like to talk about history and religions (My side blog based on these - @justmeandradhakrishn).
My fav fandoms -Stranger Things, Demon Slayer, Banana Fish, Omori, IT, Death Note and Fnaf (The game one)
I just post what randomly comes in my mind 😋
Also dni if you are a spam account (like seriously)
Hope you enjoy here :D
Have a nice day/night <3
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his-heart-hymns · 1 day
Sooo what is your opinion on today's election results??👀
I was really surprised! I didn't have any idea that the INDI alliance would win around 230 seats. I think they are surprised too. 😂And we still don't know what the outcome is going to be, because BJP unlike 2019, doesn't have that 273 majority mark all alone. It's dependent on Nitish Kumar, Naidu, and other smaller parties. And Nitish Kumar is not a reliable partner at all,he can change sides at any moment😁and Naidu is an old Congress ally. So the INDIA alliance has some chances. Even if they don't form a government, at least we would have a strong opposition. And the most important thing is now BJP doesn't enjoy that elbow room because they don't have a majority of their own; they cannot pass bills arbitrarily. They now have to satisfy all of their allies, something BJP doesn't like. In short, authoritarianism would be under control.
Aur political opinion puch rahe ho,anonymous rehke,bade shaane ho.Matlab kuch honga toh mujhe honga.🤣🤣🤣
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krishna-sangini · 10 months
My Journey to Keshav
My journey to Keshav began when I was probably 2 or 3 years old. The tales that my grandpa and my great-granny told me; of Krishna's baal leelas, the cheer haran, His raas leela, His journey to Mathura, the slaying of Kansa, and then becoming the protector of uncountable people... All these tales I marvelled at as a toddler have the credit of hooking me onto my Keshav for the very first time.
This was just the start... Of a beautiful journey that would ultimately become my destination.
The toddler me grew up into a kid. That’s when the cartoon ‘Krishna Balram’ came onto the scene. And yeah, that show is 100% credited with making me fall head-over-heels for the sibling pair. I mean, y’all would be lying if you said you didn’t absolutely fall in love with Krishna and Balram after watching that show! Like, come on! Those two boys are simply sweethearts! Then came the ‘Little Krishna’ movie series. Ouffffff! My heart was completely occupied by the Makhan Chor by then. 
But then I entered teenage! The best phase of human life. You know, the phase everyone goes through where Westernization is considered cool and spirituality is considered ‘boring’ and ‘conservative’. Yeeeah… I fell into that ditch too. I pushed Kanha into the backseat. I got absorbed in the world of being ‘cool’ by shunning my religion and putting on the mask of atheism.
(This is not a dig at people who are genuinely atheists. Y'all are free to have your own opinions,  and I respect yours even if mine are different.) 
During those 5-6 years, I forgot all about my absolute bestie. The one who had stayed with me through every nightmare and sunshine. Needless to say, my life was a torment those years. Serious shitty family issues and my then school can be credited for that.
But again, once you’re into Krishna, he'll always find a way to bring you back if you go astray. That’s exactly what my Keshav did to me.
2020 saw the advent of the COVID-19 virus in India, and a long and tiring lockdown followed. Just as people were beginning to get frustrated to death, the good old Mahabharat and Ramayana started airing again. That was the turning point for me. Seeing Nitish Bhardwaj’s excellent portrayal of my Keshav, I was hit with the nostalgic memories of my childhood that I shared with Kanha. It was then that the thought struck me, “If a human can look so freaking beautiful, how much more radiant and divine must Kanha have looked in real life!”
And that was it. I called for Keshav after so long. He was waiting for me, perhaps. Waiting for me to call Him with all my heart, without my pride’s obstruction. I did, and He responded right away. A couple of days later was when I had that magnificent dream where my Keshav showed me a glimpse of Himself for the very first.
(I have posted about that dream here too; the link is in my pinned post. If you’re curious, you can check it out! Also, please share your Krishna story too!)
And since then, there has been no coming back.
I am now compensating for those 5 years by falling in love with my Keshav harder with each passing day. Not that I mind it. Because I absolutely love it. Now that I look back, it had been Him all along. All those times I sat crying alone in my room cuz of the mess our family was in, Keshav was there right by my side, caressing me gently. I was just too haughty to realize it. Had it not been for Him, the wicket of my life would already have toppled years ago.
Sooo, this is my journey to my Keshav. The journey that still continues; it will continue till we meet finally on the ultimate day… This journey has mended me in so many ways. It has shown me a whole new side of myself. It has helped me realize myself better. And best of all, it has made me feel my Keshav more and made me love Him much more. And I’m so so glad that I had people in my life who led me to the beginning of this journey. For this too, I thank our Manmohan.
Sooo, yeah. That’s it. How has your journey to Krishna been so far? Feel free to share!
Radhe Radhe, sakhis and sakhas! Kanha will stop by in your dream tonight~ (Yeah, he told me so himself!)
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ravennightbirt · 1 year
Lucienne Librarian of the Dreaming, DO NOT FUCK WITH HER BOOKS!!!!
Ok hear me out!
Lucienne was firstly Dreams Raven right? Which means she wasn’t created by Morpheus but because one of his citizens by choice.
And she was given another choice to become the Librarian! From what I understood Lucienne was the first Raven.
So I imagine she has some power by right or age alone not even talking about the fact that she’s the Librarian!!!
Which lead me to this:
The scream came out of nowhere and was loud enough that Hob startled so badly his book when flying and he jumped a good to few feed in the air.
Dream caught the book in a cloud of sand and set it down next to Hob. Aside from that he didn’t react at all.
“Lucienne!” The voices sounded very sorry and very panicked. “LUCIENNE! PLEASE I AM SOOO SOO SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT!!” It was also rising in pitch with every word.
Hob wasn’t sure what was happening. He got that Lucienne was scary. She had learned from the best after all and Hob, who had been the father of the printing business once, knew that Librarians in general were scary. This still seemed a bit excessive.
He turned to look at his boyfriend, when someone zoomed past them. Hob was pretty sure it was a dream…
“They are getting faster.” Dreams voice startled Hob again, but not enough to throw something out of reflex. “Usually Lucienne already has them in her claws by now.”
Hob just stared, sure Lucienne could be as bad as the Germans when it came to paper work, but claws was a bit…
That was when Hob registered the clicking of claws. It sounded like Matthew when he walked on stone ground, only larger and more menacing. It also got louder.
“Dream…” Hob asked a bit helpless and unsure if asking about it was a good idea. “Dream are the books shaking?!”
“You have met Crowley and his plants right?”
“Are you implying they are scared of Luci…”
Hob stopped cold, a long sharp claws wrapped around one of the bookshelf, that walled of their little reading nook. It looked like animated Obsidian. Then the person the claws belonged to poked her head around the bookshelf.
“Hello Lucienne” Dream greeted her with a soft half smile while Hob just gaped. It was in fact Lucienne, only she was much taller. Close to 8 feet if he had to guess and there were words writing themself all over her skin. Most were snow white, but deep red ink as well as bright blue also appeared.
“My Lord!” She still sounded much like Hob was used aside from the echo in her voice. Which made it sound as if two or three more Lucienne were talking with her.
Lucienne took another stepp around the bookshelf and by now Hob was sure Dream would need to reattach his jaw.
Lucienne had wings. A huge pair of them the colour of old paper…no scratch that they where made of paper! Every single feather a perfectly folded piece. Looking very much like touching them or worse getting hit by them would cut a person in half. There were also words running and shifting over them. Rather tame at the top but the longer Hob followed the feathers down, the more words were there. Until the wings were the colour of India ink. Literally spilling over with the amount of colour they were holding and dripping it down to the floor.
“Where are they?” She asked slowly and Hob felt every single hair on his body rise.
“That way.” Dream said and pointed in the direction the dream had zoomed past, just a minute ago. “What did they do?”
“Ripped a page out of a book.” She was already turning leaving ink puddles in her wake. Claws clicked again and Hob realised that Lucienne was walking on birds legs. Ravens if he had to guess. Her coat had elongated until it looked like a birds tail.
“Oh and Lucienne?” Dream asked and she halted. “Do not reduce them to dream matter please.” The only answer he got was a low angry rumble. Then she was gone.
“What the actual FUCK?!” Hob breathed and Dream shot him an amused look.
“Lucienne once was my raven, before she became my librarian.”
“THAT DOESNT EXPLAIN ANYTHING!!” Hob hollered, but Dream just looked at him.
“She was my first raven and I overestimated the amount of power I would need to turn her into a person again. As a result she retained parts of her Raven form as well as the ability to shift them at will.”
“She is scary as hell!”
“Oh no Luzifer too doesn’t invokes her anger. Not unless they want to punish one of their demons”
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iridisentry · 2 years
Re: Merlin and the 1000+ yrs later AU
When I read this kind of fic, the general idea is that Merlin has spent a 1000 years as a complete loner pining for Arthur(platonically or romantically) and as a result is a complete cynic and completely broken and when Arthur (+gang depending on fic) returns, they find him as a shell of who he was and heal him and everyone returns to the same dynamic they occupied before-- the great respected prince and his devoted, loyal but slightly (perceived) idiotic servant.
Which is... fine. I like those fics too, I'm a big fan of whump in general.
But... I think we're missing out on Merlin achieving his sheer potential as the token wise chaotic old man like Gandalf or Dumbledore or even the different versions of Merlin himself.
The man has lived for over a millenium. A whole fucking millenium.
Sure maybe he chose to spend it by the lakeside waiting for Arthur, never straying, ever a devoted servant/friend/lover but that's soooo boooooring. Sure, he can be a complete virgin, not getting into relationships at all because he's waiting for his soulmate but it's sooo frankly unbelievable. Merlin is the kind of character that thrives on loving ppl--his mom, Gwen, Morgana, Arthur, all the round table knights. Every person in Camelot falls in love with him at one point or another, he makes friends like honey attracting flies.
It's so much more interesting to make him heal after all that trauma and grief. He can even experience the Big Sad for a century if you like but after that... let him stray.
Let him find a friend.
Let him learn to live.
Let him fall in love again
and again
and again
with people he meets,
the sunrises and sunsets,
the way the wind whistles through the trees,
the new innovations, the leaps and bounds of science, the food, the clothes, the culture.
Let him leave Avalon, let him leave Albion, let him explore the world. He's named after a literal bird, you can't shackle a bird to one place, it's cruel.
Let the most powerful warlock ever meet others. See the way magic is used in different lands. The snake charmers of India for eg. We all know he has the most raw power but let's be honest, his education in Camelot is from ONE (1) spell-book and a man who wouldn't even perform magic unless in literal live or die situations. He can learn so much MORE. From druids, from the Catha, from wandering traders who use it to dye cloth, polish and cut gems, keep their produce fresh. From warriors who use it to fight and physiciams who use it to heal.
Merlin has lived for a millenium. Whether he wanted to or not.
He has seen shit. He needs a different outlook on life than "I hate everything and I wanna die" which is typical of us high schoolers. Give my baby the character growth he deserves.
When Arthur and gang trip out of the lake, I want them to meet Merlin who arrives a week late because he was helping dryads caught in the Californian forest fires. Merlin who speaks approximately 60 different languages and is involved in NGOs all over the world. He is overjoyed to see them of course and his contacts help him fake birth certificates etc for his friends.
He goes to protests and drags them to his immortal friends get-together which happens every half a century or so (dragons are canon, fight me if you think vampires or fallen angels can't exist) all the while working as .....well they can't exactly figure out what he works as. He says he is going to work every morning and he tells them funny anecdotes about his co-workers all the time but they can never place it-
"Jeremy has a headache from all the uncooperative patients"
"Amita is trying introduce an improved filing system, I love it but the oldies at the office think she's crazy-""Merlin, you're older than all of them put together" "Yes, and in my old age I know the importance of change unlike those toddlers. Amita is a genius, they should make her HOD, we'd all benefit really"
Gwen and Lancelot keep worrying about Merlin because goddamn this man has been alive for so long until Merlin casually mentions, "Oh yeah, I have a therapist. Petyr is great, I love him so much for keeping my sanity intact."
A Merlin who is the cheerful bubbly man Arthur remembers from their first few months and simultaneously knows so much, has experienced so much-- multiple wars and the destruction they cause, so many sweethearts who lived and died, the girl battling cancer who was his patient and such beautiful brave people changing the world for better.
A Merlin who is kind and caring and a chaotic little shit with zero fucks- "Merlin, hurry up we need to find <insert important world saving thing> or <insert certain doom> will happen!" "Chill guys, the future will unfold as the future does. Focus on the important things-like this cute caterpillar" *screams of frustration from all the knights* "Oh and by the way I had a guy take care of <world saving thing>. Do you wanna help me makea home for this caterpillar? *more frustrated screaming*
Anyway that's all I have. I just want to see Merlin unlock his true Overpowered Wise Old Guy Who Knows Everyone And Everything potential, is that so bad?
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yanderu-deredere · 8 months
soren with an indian darling would be sm fun to see. I can hundred percent see them as someone who is opposite of him. Someone who doesnt like street food, cant play any instrument to save her life etc. Same with ryuu do ykwim?
a/n: YES I LOVE GETTING ALL THESE DIFFERENT BACKGROUND DARLINGS LETS GOOOO also im sooo sorry but i don't know what you mean *sobs* so i hope i understood correctly! i wrote about both of them having an indian partner and their indian partner is opposite in personality of them
i lowkey rote this a little half-asleep lmao so hopefully it makes sense. i ended up getting 'tism excited and just word barfed this post tbh
warning: gender neutral reader
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soren kumar ★ profile
Soren with an Indian darling is literally all his parents have wished for LOL like yeah, he's a successful superstar but when will he get married? He's getting old! And, for some reason, though he's charming and sweet with all the girls his parents and the matchmaker bring to him, he manages to escape marriage every single time.
So, they're happy to find that he's brought home someone, regardless of gender. They just want him to be happy after all (and to bring them grandchildren in any way possible LOL). It's just a super bonus that the partner is Indian LMAO
He'd definitely be a little out of his element with a darling that's opposite of him but it doesn't matter as long as he's fallen in love.
Opposite of him would probably be a uptight traditional darling who doesn't really like getting in the middle of a bustling market or in the middle of the street to get food, someone who can't whole a tone to save their life, who follows rules to a T and takes a lot of stuff seriously all the time.
And that's all good! Soren would definitely flourish with a more strict darling. He needs someone that can kind of keep him in place and he'd love to drag his darling out of their comfort zone. Basically, the two of them would balance each other out perfectly.
Then, of course, Soren would still love to cook you good Indian comfort food. If he can't bring you with him to the food stalls, he'll bring the good Indian food to you. And it'll remind his darling of food from home, exactly the way they'd have eaten it when they were growing up.
The music thing might be a bit rough at first but he'll hold all the musical talent for the both of you. He also might have a little bit of fun trying to teach you.
The most fun of all for him would be dressing up a traditional darling. If you wear traditional Indian clothes like sarees and sherwanis, he'll find you the absolutely most gorgeous ones and have you wear them for him. He doesn't typically wear them but, if it means matching with you, he'd definitely do it.
And the really great part about an Indian darling is that Soren's born in America. He's never really been able to connect with his heritage. He definitely spent a lot of time in India with his extended family but he's always felt detached a little bit.
He'd really love it if his Indian darling could share their love of their heritage and their culture with him so that he could learn to love it a lot more.
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
An Indian darling wouldn't be as impactful for Ryuu as it would be for Soren. But, still, Ryuu would want to share in your culture. He'd always be asking his darling to share more and more with him and he'd honestly end up loving the culture just as much as he loves his darling.
An opposite darling with Ryuu would be someone who, like Soren's, would follow all the rules to a T but they'd also be the type to not really follow anyone. They'd be headstrong and be able to make decisions for themselves without really looking to others for ques. They'd also be the type of person to be very sociable but, unlike Ryuu, their form true bonds with people and really do care for the people they hang around with.
A leader-like darling would be best case scenario with Ryuu. Though he can be aggressive at times and very stubborn too, Ryuu has lived his entire life under someone else, following their orders. And he honestly would prefer it that way. So, to have a darling that could be that new person that'll give him orders? It makes Ryuu absolutely happy.
Ryuu wouldn't even mind that his darling is sociable and has a lot of close friends. Most yanderes would be but Ryuu has that much faith in his relationship with his darling.
And, if anything bad happens, he can make it good again with his bare hands
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handweavers · 1 year
sooo obsessed with the specific form of like esl british english spoken by people of a certain generation (basically 50+) and class from old commonwealth countries like india, pakistan, malaysia, as well as british colonies in the caribbean and africa where they were taught The Queen's English in school during a time where that's really the only exposure they had to english it wasn't through the internet or americanized media it was still very BBC english but it like. stayed that way even as english shifted and changed in first language anglophone countries because it's the first form of english they learned so the terms of phrase they use in english are very much like. 1960s RP british english that isn't necessarily the way that people in the UK speak english anymore idk it's hard to explain. esp those whose families had enough money in their homeland that they were educated in either a british style international school in their country or they went to the UK for uni or whatever like all in the 50s/60s/70s era. if you have family from these regions you know what i'm talking about like most of my dad's side of the family speaks english like this and i'm very fond of it
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sweetcandlyliar · 3 months
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» MEANING: Choi [ 崔 Korean From Sino Korean 崔 (choe) meaning "high, lofty, towering".] Eoduun [/eoduun/ 1. black. adjective. If you describe a situation as black, you are emphasizing that it is very bad indeed.]
VERSE: How To Kill A King; Sanguine; Night Shift.
OTHER NAMES: The CEO over at the big agency Eoduun is signed up to doesn't like his government name so they gave him KALI [Kali, Hinduism, Bengali, Tamil which means "the black one" in Sanskrit. The Hindu goddess Kali is the fierce destructive form of the wife of Shiva. She is usually depicted with black skin and four arms, holding a severed head and brandishing a sword. As a personal name, it is generally masculine in India.] since his name has the same meaning in Korean. *The Korean company Eoduun is sign up to has distributors outside the country. Their biggest partner is the ARIKUN COMPANY.
AGE: 21-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 3rd December 2002, Tuesday, night time.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Daegu, South Korea.
POWERS: Ahm, he's super talented but he doesn't realize it. He's a great songwriter and he plays various musical instruments but he lacks confidence in himself.
OCCUPATION: Member of a South Korean band called X.
GENDER: Cisgender Male.
SEXUALITY: My boy's bi, bi, bi...
POSITIVE: Generous, Idealistic, Great sense of humor, Ambitious, Determined.
NEGATIVE: Impatient, Ambitious, Tactless, Idealistic, Stubborn.
FACE CLAIM: Lee Joo-yeon.
HEIGHT: 5'9 [179 cm.]
WEIGHT: 122 lbs. [58 kg.]
BUILD: Lean, athletic.
GAIT: Relaxed.
HOMETOWN: Daegu, South Korea.
RESIDENCE: Seoul, South Korea, currently.
NATIONALITY: South Korean.
FINANCIAL STATUS: He just started earning money...
EDUCATION LEVEL: He's attending uni.
DEGREES: He's taking classes in Business Administration.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: His first language his hangul. He speaks English, Japanese, and Mandarin.
PARENTS: To be added.
SIBLINGS: He's got younger siblings.
PETS: He's got a kitty cat...
HISTORY: So, Eoduun was born and raised in a typical Korean family. Parents wanted him to study but he wanted to become a musician. Since he's the eldest child, his parents who are hard workers, wanted him to 'take life seriously,' get into a good college, be a public servant or at least work for a decent company. They never really encouraged his love for music although he iss very, very good. And it made sense for them that they didn't because they didn't have money to send him training or send him to art or music school. SOOO, this boy stowed away and went to Seoul at age 17 and worked various jobs and wrote songs he sold for nothing until he met a person, an entity that promised him success.
Eoduun is a very ambitious individual. He's so ambitious that he willingly sold his soul to an entity that tricked him - he didn't know that his time is going to be up soon. A blood disease left undetected will take his life three years after selling his soul.
2024, on his the year of his death, Eoduun would pass away and his soul that he sold is bound to be slave to the entity that tricked him who would use Eoduun's soul however it pleased.
BUT Thanatos got to Eodunn in time, preventing the transfer of soul to the trickster, however, the trickster knew how to fool death and Thanatos. Aside from the luck and success the entity bartered Eoduun, it slipped a power that Eoduun didn't know he had, the power of healing. And Thanatos can't work properly with this glitch. It would prolong Eoduun's time on the human realm.
The trickster plays the game with Thanatos, holding Eoduun's soul hostage, perhaps not physically, but Eoduun's soul is not able to leave human realm when his time is up.
Thanatos then takes over Eoduun's body to guard Eoduun's soul. He puts Eoduun's mind to sleep some time but a lot of times, they co-habit Eoduun's body.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Eoduun doesn't really date. He wants to be a great and successful musician so he was so focused on that.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Thanatos and a human bff.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: His ambition is his love.
PHOBIA(S): None.
MENTAL DISEASE(S): Depression...
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tianshiisdead · 1 year
Indchu for the ship asks?
A+! I have a constantly growing playlist for them and I listen to it on the bus to school and imagine them in love. They're old and have known each other for sooo long, I love the idea of them as an obnoxious old couple who squabble and irritate the kids with how full of themselves they are. They talk shit together. They mald over the young ones together. They have flashy taste in fashion and think the other has horrible taste but the kids (tm) literally put both of them in the same fashion group. (India is slightly more tasteful tho, China keeps trying on cringe lolita fits that are sooo ita)
On a more serious note, I think they know each other very deeply, they can understand each other through parallel experiences and age. I think China never stopped having that little part of him that looks up to India as a teacher (in religion) even though he'll never admit it. Maybe he keeps the letters they once wrote each other, a bit of sentimentality from when they were younger and so new and exciting to each other, when everything was so new and exciting. Idk my ancient history well enough so I might revise this later, but for now, yeah! My babies
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midchelle · 1 year
thank you @raylangivins for tagging. putting this on here because when it comes to beatles rpf, i follow the policy of containment
ao3 first lines tagline
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway (spoiler alert: rules are made to be broken…)
i haven't written ten fanfics but instead of just sharing the three I've uploaded i am going to take this opportunity to be self-indulgent and pad this list out with other little fragments I've had lying around for a while
“Oi!” John shouts. “What’s going on here?” 
“You are not supposed to be here,” the man says. His English sounds like that of all Europeans of his ilk: almost RP but far more enthusiastic about his consonants than any limey. “Jacky and the Strangers were booked to play tonight,” says Lord Kraut, “not the Beatles.”  
John squints. “What Beatles?” 
“You Beatle, John Lennon.” 
people (@aquarianshift) have been saying that this is the greatest opening in English literature. you decide.
2. What did they say in a tale of two cities? The best of times, the worst of times, the age of wisdom, the age of foolishness. Et cetera, et cetera. Heaven and hell. England and America. How could a few lines in black ink read business as usual on side of that narrow ocean and read bonfires and death threats on the other? The best of times. The worst of times. At the moment, the latter seemed more apt.
3. "This album," George said dryly as the slide guitar trickled away, "has the distinct honour of being the first effort by an ex-Beatle to be rejected by a record company."
"They're good songs --" said Paul. 
"'We don't hear a single.' That's what Warner Brothers said, " George lit a cigarette. "Do you know what a single is these days? The radio stations have been going around doing polls and they've decided a hit single is a song about love gained or lost aimed at fourteen to twenty year olds. What chance does that give me?" Paul picked at the remains of his toast and waited for that's your target audience, not mine --  something else along those lines -- but what happened was George ashed his cigarette, stood, and said, "Alright, break's over. Let me try that guitar bit again."
4. Morning dawned in a flushed glow. Sunlight picked out red and gold veins hidden within the sandstone of the temples. The carved blocks, tapering into pointed domes, were darkened by a rain that had tempered a balmy evening the night before.
this is from the george harrison being sad in india fic i havent finished because i have a beginning and ending and haven't figured out how to knit them together yet
5. No matter how swinging London got, it could never beat Paris. There was just something in the air, the attitude, the cant of light. The food, the romantic old cobblestone streets, even the grime on the townhouses had a dignified, artful quality.
from paul and john in paris 1966 fic i probably won't finish because the paul voice in this is sooo pretentious jesus
6. The letter reads:
Dear Mr & Mrs Starkey
John Winston Lennon has had Paul McCartney erased from his memory. Please never mention their relationship to him again. 
Thank you. 
At first, when he finds out, he’s relieved.
from mclennon eternal sunshine of the spotless mind au that i will. probably finish. sometime in the summer
fini! i'm supposed to tag ten people but i don't feel like it so i tag: @thetomboyeffect @scurator and idk anyone else who wants to do it
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crydecanon · 9 months
hey guysss its currently 2:48 for me and im a little bored, figured id do an intro (FINALLY) or at least update one if I did it already
SOOO I go by cid / sol / clyde or pitaya :)
my prns r : he/gem/solar/goo/claw/scale (only use he/claw on me if you don't know me very well!! TY!!)
im mexican am*rican !
im autistic and have add , and anxiety
My special interests are : south park, clyde Donovan, warrior cats, cryde, scraps (wc), and splat of the toons!!! (In no specific order)
some artists i loaf ; radiohead, lapfox trax, barry uhl, she wants revenge
specific songs (radiohead) : faithless the wonder boy, man of war, myxomatosis, India rubber! (No specific order) (2 lazy to list any other songs)
I have a sssligjt typing quirk (multiple s' in sentences, typing in all capsss SUM timess!)
im dry at timess and sometimes I can't make conversation ssso im sory for that :(
my dogs name is fido/mr wiggles !! (6-7 years old/
my cats name is maomao :3 (3 years old?? maybe 4)
this should be mossst of me!!!! don't b afraid 2 say hai, bye guys!!!
(Forgot to put thisss in here originally I also rp from time2time. not exactly exp despite doing it for 3 years 💥)
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allerod · 11 months
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answering those here aha @spiritcc
1. all fanfics are precious uwu. objectively it would be some shit like the lego omegaverse, but come on, a 13 years old wrote this, i can’t bash their dedication. let’s go with the house md fanfic i read when I was 13, where the christian god changes house into a woman bc he wanted him to get together with wilson. it wasn’t fun, it just left me feeling kind of gross as a kid
2. like most of the popular aus dhdjdj. college au? hate it. coffee shop au? hate it. you’re ruining the story and the characters just to mold them into the same boring frame as everyone else. i would take weird squirrel sex over florist/tattoo artist anyday
4. when we were taking a night bus from india to nepal we stopped at like 3 am for a dinner break in some random ass falling apart side road restaurant that served only one dish, dal bhat. so basically lentil soup with rice, but they also had a tone of veggies and other side dishes in it. and it was sooo good so so tasty i still think about it. we had a tone of other dal bhats but none come close to that one, and i’m never gonna recreate it bc really. how would i even start. there’s no point only thing i remember right now is how good it was
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