mettleborn · 1 month
Closed starter for @inadxquacy (Laura)
Silence is in abundance here; silence and solitude. It is pleasingly still and quite nicely lit too, mostly due to the single shard of moonlight shining through the skylight as opposed to the glaring strip-lights overhead. Clearly Jack Crawford has spared no expense in creating this minimalist yet tasteful cell. Thus far the security guards have refused to utter a single word to him, though Lecter has witnessed one of them shudder with poorly concealed fear on more than one occasion now.
This nurse is new, he can tell from her scent; the scent that easily betrays how she would likely taste. Glancing over at her, Hannibal studies the woman for a moment, offering her no expression.
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“Chanel Number 5.” He finally asserts, with a nod of approval; a wise choice for someone on a nurse’s salary.
She is likely here to check on the injuries he sustained during his capture. The wound on his head still aches profusely and so he places his book down and politely sits up, so that she may attend to him, as is presumably her duty.
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siiinfully · 1 year
starter for @inadxquacy​‘s mark a.ntony from c.leo verse: historically divergent
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Egypt was under her brother’s control. It was by sheer luck that she had managed to escape, along with a handful of loyal handmaidens and guards. At first, their path forward hadn’t been clear, but when news of Caesar marching on Alexandria and leaving a legion in Greece, she was faced with two choices. Risk breaking through the guards that now patrolled the borders to present an offer before the Roman consul, or push forward to hopefully friendlier territory and reach the ears of the powerful men in Rome.
As much as she hated the idea of leaving her beloved country behind, she knew it would be for a little while. Just enough time for her to gain allies that could help her take back what her brother had stolen from her. So she pushed forward, reaching the camp of the 13th legion, but even then, presenting herself before whoever commanded the soldiers was risky. And so her handmaiden, Charmian, had suggested smuggling her inside an expensive, intricate rug, under the pretense of it being a gift, and to have it unrolled in front of the commander.
There were moments when she believed that she would be caught, speared through by a gladius, but it never came. Instead, she felt herself being laid down and the ropes being cut, the rug pushed forward with enough momentum for her to roll with it, ending with her on the very end and lifting her head up to look at Mark A.ntony for the first time.
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akuzeisms · 8 months
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   ⬐ @inadxquacy ⬎
“I was so lucky to have met you.” - Kay
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“No, Kaidan,” she replied softly, lips pursing as she tried to find the right words to say. He wasn’t the lucky one, not as far as she was concerned. Right now, he was the only thing holding her together. She was a mess; she couldn’t decide whether she was herself, or whether she was just an expert imitation Cerberus had created. That whole internal struggle had been mitigated by his presence; he’d kept her grounded, kept her focused on herself, focused on processing everything that was happening.
Turning to him, her eyes looked… almost sad, in a way. “I’m the lucky one. Not you. Or at least… I feel like I’m the luckier one. Maybe we both are, I don’t know.” That was also a possibility. Rubbing the back of her neck, she idly ran the long ponytail over her shoulder through her hands; she still wasn’t used to the length, given it had been years since she’d worn her hair so long. Not since Mindoir, that was for sure. “Right now… honestly, you’re the only thing keeping me sane. If you weren’t here, I’d feel like I was losing my mind.” Maybe she still was, and he was just keeping it at bay, but damn if he wasn’t doing an expert job at it.
She was just glad he hadn’t joined Cerberus for real. He hadn’t said it, but she’d figured it out; she knew about the little secret meetings he snuck off for on Illium and the Citadel. She brushed it off to anyone that asked as him probably looking for something to drink. “I’m still… just trying to wrap my head around all of it. I… I remember it, you know? I remember… dying.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she said it. “Vividly. Too vividly.” Every time she lost her cool, every time the panic set in when she was finally alone, it felt like it was happening all over again. The tightness in her chest, the difficulty breathing, it all felt like she was going through it again. He’d caught her like that once or twice. She wished he hadn’t, but she also knew the cat would be out of the bag sooner or later.
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“…sorry. I hope that’s not too much pressure on you. Knowing that… I mean.” Knowing that he was one of the single, most important threads to her sanity right now? She could only imagine the burden that was. Here she was, making sure everyone else was doing just fine, taking care of their messes, helping them tie up their own loose ends, and yet… she could barely tie up her own.
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savedpeople · 1 year
🎉 (maybe just sort of quick and shy kiss)
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve | Not Accepting | @inadxquacy
In contrast to most days, the atmosphere is lighter tonight in the Sanctuary. Those with essential duties are still stuck doing them, but the rest of the Saviors are, more or less, enjoying an easier night of chatter and New Year’s Eve celebrations. The main floor still dressed in lingering Christmas decorations they’d managed to scrounge up, groups can be seen huddled around games of ping pong and air hockey, while others test their luck at one of the many tables playing poker and other card games (Negan’s keeping an eye on one table in particular, lest its heavier drinkers start treading into strip poker territory.)
It seems everyone’s within arm’s reach of a drink and Negan’s no exception, laughing with beer in hand as he exits a crowd after kicking some poor guy’s ass in a game of ping pong. He finds an open column and leans his back against it, taking a moment to take in the sight before him. Spotting someone approaching him from the corner of his vision, he turns his head to see none other than Laura.
“Laura Number Two!” He greets her with a brilliant grin, though after a pause adds, “Man do I need to find a better nickname for you.” Taking another sip of his beer, he notices she has a drink of her own. “You put the kid to bed early so you could let loose tonight, or did you manage to find yourself a babysitter?” He chuckles, but before she can give him any sort of answer, someone with a megaphone begins counting down from ten, and soon the rest of the Sanctuary joins them.
Three... two... one...!
Yells and cheers erupt with the New Year, and the crowd around them begin to turn to each other for New Year’s hugs and kisses (or just a friendly pat on the back in many cases, as Negan hilariously notices; the men to women ratio in the Sanctuary is horrendous.) Laughing as his eyes scan the room, he sighs.
“Now where the shit did all of my wives run off to? The fact that I don’t have a line up of beautiful women waiting to kiss me right now is a goddamn crime.” He turns to Laura. “Am I right, or am I right?”
There’s a look on her face, like she’s debating something, and he’s not quite sure what to make of it when she steps closer to him. His gaze follows her as the space between them’s all but gone, and curiosity barely has time to cross his features before she leans up and places a quick kiss on his lips. It’s over before he can react (or return the gesture), and there’s genuine surprise on his face as she pulls away-- though it does, of course, soon give way to the grin slowly growing on his face.
“Well holy shit.” There’s a delighted, intrigued light in his eyes, and he leans back a little as if to get a better look at her. “Happy fuckin’ New Year to me. Was that all you just now, or did you get a little confidence boost from whatever you’ve been puttin’ in that glass?” Oh, he can see it now, the shyness taking over, and he chuckles. Adorable. “Maybe I oughta start calling you Laura With The Balls. Or maybe Laura With Fucking Amazing Taste In Men, because let’s be honest, ain’t no better way to start off the year.”
Negan’s attention shifts then, spotting Simon near the stairs. His posture straightens.
“Anyway, Ms. Full of Surprises.” He picks up Lucille from where she’d been leaning against the column, hoists her onto his shoulder. “It’s time for me to go be the fantastic leader that I am and give a rousing, inspirational speech to the masses about how much ass we’re gonna kick this year, or whatever.” He gives her a wink. “Maybe we’ll talk more later.”
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furyisms · 1 year
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@inadxquacy asked:
“Remember than unofficial new year’s promise I made? That I wouldn’t punch Shepard ever again? Yeah… I broke it. Because I gave him some punch at the meeting we had. To be fair it was pineapple punch so it wasn’t the worst punch.”
Kay starting the year off with crappy puns
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The sigh that escaped her lips was audible as she shook her head, rubbing her forehead at the audacity. Leave it to Kay to make a pun like that; she really should have seen it coming, but with him, anything was possible. Of all the things he could have made a pun about, he had to choose that?
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"As usual, you waste no time making terrible jokes," she chastised, though it was clear she was amused by the fact. "C'mon. You've gotta have something better than that up your sleeve. You're starting the new year off weak if that's the best you can do, Kay."
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solheimisms · 2 years
@inadxquacy cont'd ;;
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"A whip? Really?" One eyebrow raises as she leans her weight to one hip. "No. I'm good. I wouldn't want Shepard getting jealous or something. How you're still alive baffles me. If I were her, I'd surely have pushed you out a window by now." Too bad she didn't have a say in letting one of Shepard's old friends on board. If she had, she'd have considered tossing Alenko out the airlock by now.
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cinnapositivity · 9 months
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order up for @inadxquacy!
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smokedanced · 6 months
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𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Greens, blues.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Chocolate as itself, in candy I usually like the green and yellow and orange ones the most.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: I don't like music.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): I don't know; I don't watch movies nearly as much as I watch shows. I'm going to say book instead: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. (Movie wasn't great.)
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: For TV, Doctor Who and Hannibal. For video games, Mass Effect. For books, the Sandman comics.
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: I have no idea!
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Watched the first season of The Great with @lovepurposed recently!
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: I don't remember.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: Just finished A Feast for Crows by GRRM, about to start Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: Welonz's Let's Play of Dead Space on Youtube (I am 100 percent too cowardly to play it myself LOL) and the second season of Ghost Files.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: On this blog, my navigation page and muse pages, so I can add Chloe Price and a new OC, as well as mayyyyyybe Dhawan!Master. As in, I want my current muses' pages to at least be moved to the new page code and have something on the basics tabs before I add more muses.
tagged by: @collidingxworlds, thanks! tagging: @vocesofmd, @seadcgs, @mystiika, @temeryte, @musecraft, @hopegained, @donnanxble, @inadxquacy, @immobiliter and pretend I tagged you!
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Our Kaidans have officially moved to my main @inadxquacy which is now a multimuse. I will follow from there and all interactions will happen there
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blckwales · 2 years
All muses have been moved to my main @inadxquacy which is now my multimuse blog. See you there 👋
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mettleborn · 2 years
@inadxquacyy liked for a starter
Standing in his riding gear, William cannot help but shake his head with a bright laugh as he watches Laura approach at pace atop his best stud horse.
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“Has anyone ever told you, that you ride like a soldier galloping proudly into battle?” He asks rhetorically with another amused chuckle.
“If you are to succeed in attracting a nobleman, you must master the beast effortlessly. Not with such determined passion, but rather passively, as if one were afloat and, if I may add, with your legs slanted over one side and very much together.”
Lighting a small cigar, the Earl wafts the smoke away from his general domain. “Women with their legs so widened…” Gesturing vaguely towards her parted thighs with the end of his cigar, William allows his gaze to linger for a moment longer than is truly proper “…only truly succeed in making men think of them in such a position in their bedchambers, no matter how accomplished they may be in the pasture.”
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siiinfully · 1 year
@inadxquacy [ x ]:
Didnhe think she despised it? He wasn’t certain. Eleanor had been the most beautiful expecting mother he had even seen, when they expected their child he’d never felt more blessed and feeling it kick for the first time was short of a miracle. But he knew what he’d been taught, the pain and effort of pregnancy and labour was God’s punishment to Eve and her daughters and for two months he lost his wife due to the care she needed. He’d never been more terrified. During the Crusades he’d witnessed women losing their unborn due to injury or distress, he’d heard how some women had bled to death after giving birth. It was the fear he had of losing Eleanor and his child. “All a man can do is pray for God to protect his wife and child, and protect her from harm. But the burden, it was all yours.” It didn’t seem fair.
And he couldn’t deny he desired her flesh, hear her soft sounds as he claimed her. The kiss on his hand was almost cruel, she knew her softness and love was his weakness. And feeling her breast with his hand his mouth grew dry and he looked at her, able to see her desire. Kissing her Thomas’ hands fell to her waist and then to her hips, pulling her closer against his body. Breaking away slightly he looked at her, “I am your husband, body and soul, if you ever need me or desire my company all you have to is say so.” As traditional as he was he saw her above him. She was his queen and as the mother of his child she was vessel of their bloodline. Pleasure was sin but denying his wife her needs would be sin against her, something he could not allow and would seek forgiveness after her needs were fulfilled. And now his, he wanted her and another child. Looking at her for a moment his gaze darkened slightly, body overcome with lust as he watched her. Reaching for the laces of her dress he began to undo them gently. As much as he desired her he would not resorts to ravishing her, she deserved to be treated with care and gentleness.
It was ‘dangerous’ for him to give her all that power over their desires. She was a passionate woman by nature, sometimes driven by her intense emotions, but when it came to her husband, she had to remind herself that he wasn’t the same in that aspect. So, she sometimes denied herself of his company, his intimate embrace, believing it would help both of them. And so far, it worked, considering he never really shut her out when she wanted to be affectionate. However, his words opened a dam of yearnings and desires she had previously kept locked up, and she moaned, her entire body suddenly hyperaware of what was going on. Feeling him gently undo the laces of her dress, she closed her eyes and leaned towards him a little, a hand on his arm to keep herself from falling forward all the way. “Thomas,” she whispered, her chest tightening when she felt his hand brush over the swell of her breasts, but she let him finish his task, slow yet gentle and loving, before she focused on helping him remove his clothing.
She had taken over his squire’s duties in helping him dress often enough to know how take off certain pieces of clothing. Undoing the belt that held his tunic together made it easier for her to tug the fabric off; it had barely fallen to the ground when she was pulling him in for another kiss and pressing herself against his bigger, firmer form. Her soft, unmarked flesh brushed over his rougher, battle-scarred one, but she had seen it often enough that she remembered where every scar was and what it felt like beneath her fingertips. They hadn’t been this intimate in a while, and she didn’t mind going slow: it helped her enjoy every single second. Eleanor broke the kiss to catch her breath, looking up at him and then taking a few, slow steps back, towards the bed. She remembered their wedding night, from the way he looked under the glow of the candle lights to the gradual intensity of their coupling. It was with that thought that she sat down on the edge of the bed and sliding over to the middle, leaving room for him to join her there.
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akuzeisms · 2 years
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You’re an idealistic person who is not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You’ve got strong opinions and you are fully prepared to back up those opinions with your fists, if necessary. Sometimes you might come on a bit strong, but you always have good intentions. You’re very determined and you don’t back down easily. You have a protective side and, ultimately, you’re just trying to make the world a better place.
Oath of Redemption
Paladins who dedicate themselves to this oath believe that any person can be redeemed and that the path of benevolence and justice is one that anyone can walk. These paladins face evil creatures in the hope of turning them to the light, and the paladins slay them only when such a deed will clearly save other lives. Paladins who follow this path are known as redeemers. You’re a peaceful person and you try to avoid confrontation unless absolutely necessary. Some may see you as soft or too nice, but you know that forgiveness is more powerful than anger. You’re a patient person who is willing to give others the time and space they need when they need to work things through, though you know that some people are not worth your energy. You’re very aware of the harsh realities of the world but you’re an optimist at heart who likes to hope that one day people and things can change for the better.
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tagged by: @liightbound thanks! tagging: @republicing, @pessimistics, @archshot, @inadxquacy, @encontrole, @kenasakis & anyone else who'd like to steal!
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savedpeople · 2 years
bold all that apply to your muse  , memories of my childhood edition… tw, contains mentions of abuse / neglect / death / trauma. remember to repost, not reblog!
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(*Note: I’m answering this for how I imagine Negan and his life during childhood, not as he is now.)
scraped knees,  silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness, a dog barking,  rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement, the creak of an old house, forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods,  wondering how you made it through,  sudden loss,  trying to make sense of the noise,  hiding what you love to protect it,  trying to explain but your words falter,  invaded privacy,  confusion at the pain,  running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing, realizing you aren’t a priority,   grass stains on white clothing,  trying to earn love you will never have,  being threatened over the smallest mistake,  secrets you are warned not to share,  the feeling of never being good enough,  the hope things might someday get better,  grief that aches in your bones,  childish dares and pranks, the sense that your body isn’t yours,  shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry, sledding down a frozen hill,  absentmindedly following snakes through the grass,  punching a tree until your knuckles bleed, tears over every dead creature you find,  searching out small places you can hide… just in case,  climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking, floral dresses,  body tensing at approaching footsteps,  anger with nowhere to go,  brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat, taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
Tagged by: no one​​ Tagging: @mercyprevaild​ @betaofthedead​ @secondhandmckie​ @wexarethewalkingxdead​ (Carol) @inadxquacy​ (Laura) @thesnipersjellyfish​ (Sky) @lostgrimesgirl​
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furyisms · 1 year
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The One Who Doesn't Think They're Dramatic
Like Sherlock, you might not think you’re dramatic, *eye roll* but those around you know better. Even if you think you’re hiding it, you live for the attention. Everything you do is a performance, designed to influence how people view you. You’re not getting away with it like you think you are.
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tagging: @inadxquacy & anyone who’d like to steal!
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mettleborn-a · 3 years
Semi-plotted starter for @inadxquacy​
Lord Cavendish has been dressed in finery today, not quite befitting of a quite ordinary Wednesday afternoon and its clear the servants at Trematon have noticed. As he strides down the main staircase, it is clear the castle has gone into motion, his attire instantly sending his staff into high alert. Moving into his study, he fetches the paperwork related to the Ainsley family business, some admittedly obtained by less than legal means. Still, it was important he gained a proper picture of its assets before offering any advice or indeed investment; he is thinking of Laura of course, but naturally he is also thinking of himself; any business arrangement must be mutually beneficial after all.
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Tucking the papers into the inner pockets of his coat, he moves further down the staircase, pausing only when he sees to kitchen maids bickering near the entrance to the kitchen.
“All is fine.” He bellows, in an attempt to calm the building cacophony, the deep tenor of his voice echoing through the vast halls of the castle. “Lady Ainsley is visiting today, that is all.”
He can sense their collective sigh of relief, its palpable; little wonder he supposes given his penchant for arranging large parties at a moment’s notice, something he’s already considering for next week, perhaps to mark the summer solstice. Pausing, William glances at the maids in the day room, watching them eagerly dust as he waits for his footman to bend and shine his shoes. Issuing the man a brief nod of gratitude, William ventures out of the main archway, into the courtyard to stand in the mid-morning sun. Striking alight a cigarette to smoke as he waits for her coach to arrive, William nods to the gardener as he watches him heave and struggle with a particularly large tree root. Admittedly Cavendish would normally be out riding at this time of the day, but it is important he has determined, to welcome Laura in person today, to re-familiarise their friendship ahead of any talk of business.
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