catch57 · 7 months
i got tickets to see bob dylan this month tho!!!!!!!!!!!
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elekid · 2 years
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remember when i stacked all these damn hats in2018
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biographyonair · 1 year
Huey Lewis Coping His Hearing Loss With Family Help
#biographyonair #HueyLewis #diagnosis
Huey Lewis lost his hearing due to Meniere’s disease. Lweis’s kids helped him recover after the diagnosis.
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Automotive Upholstery Market - Forecast 2022 - 2027
Report Coverage
Automotive Upholstery Market is forecast to reach $7.09 billion by 2025, after growing at a CAGR of 6.21% during 2020-2025. One of the major factor driving the market of the Automotive Upholstery is the high demand of in-vehicle comfort and customization of the automotive interiors, by the customers. Moreover, the growing demand of autonomous driving and growing progress towards completely autonomous vehicles is anticipated to uplift the growth of the market during the forecast period.
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Key Takeaways
• North America dominated the automotive upholstery market in the 2018, owing to the high adoption of cars in this region. • The increasing demand of customization of car interiors and growth in the demand of autonomous vehicles is anticipated to boost the growth of the market. • The growing popularity of the light duty vehicles and consequent increase in the adoption of such vehicles anticipated to boost the growth of the market during forecast period.
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Fabric Type- Segment Analysis
By the type of fabric, Non-Woven fabric held the largest market share for automotive upholstery, in the year 2018. The growth is clearly depicted by the large number of product launches. The high demand of the organic fabrics and their benefits is one of the most important reason contributing towards the growth of the market during forecast period. In2018, South Korea based “Korea Nonwoven Technology Co. Ltd” launch a new non-woven fabric wipes. The launch of new products is anticipated to increase the adoption of these products thereby contributing towards the growth of the market during forecast period.
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Vehicle type- Segment Analysis
By the type of vehicle, Light duty vehicles held the major share in the market of Automotive Upholstery market, in 2018. The growth is majorly attributed to high adoption of the light duty vehicles in the developed countries such as the U.S., Canada, Germany, U.K and japan. Also, in developing Countries such as India and China, the adoption of light duty vehicles such as light weight trucks, cars is growing at a fast pace. The adoption of the advanced light duty vehicles in the major parts of the world is anticipated to raise the growth of the market.According to OICA, China held 35%market share in global light duty cars sales in 2017. The high demand and adoption of the new vehicles is anticipated to raise the growth of the market during forecast period.
Geography- Segment Analysis
North America dominated the Automotive Upholstery marketwith a share of more than 39%, which is followed by APAC. The growth of the market in North America is attributed to the high adoption of passenger cars in the countries such as the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Cars being one of the major need in almost all the households in the U.S majorly contributes towards the growth of the Automotive Upholstery market in this region during forecast period.With more than 11 million vehicles traveling on the U.S. roads, which is 11.5 % of the total vehicles in the world as reported by the OICA in 2017, is anticipated to uplift the growth of the Automotive Upholstery market during forecast period.
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Drivers –Automotive Upholstery Market • Growing Adoption of cars
In the developed countries such U.S and Canada, car is considered as the basic need and is adopted by almost each house hold in these areas. Moreover, in countries such as India and China the launch of light weight cars and low cost cars has increased the adoption of cars. The growth in the adoption of cars is anticipated to drive the growth of the market during forecast period.
• Increasing Customization of vehicle interior
In the modern era, the growing trend of customization is heavily impaction the market growth. The high demand of Customized car interior is one of the major reason driving the growth of the market. The adoption of non-woven seat covers is anticipated to drive the growth of the market during forecast period.
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Challenges – Automotive Upholstery Market
  • The high cost of raw material
One of the major reason hindering the growth of the Automotive Upholstery market is the rapidly growing prices of the high quality raw materials. The high prices of the raw material results in increasing the price of the finished goods as well, which hinders the adoption of these products, hindering the growth of the market.
Technology launches,acquisitions and R&D activitiesare key strategies adopted by players in the Automotive Upholstery Market. In 2018, the market of fuel additiveshas been consolidated by the top five players accounting for 44% of the market share. Major players in the Automotive Upholstery Market areLear Corporation, Adient PLC, Toyota Boshoku, and Faurecia S.A., among others.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches
In 2018, Toray announced the launch of a new nonwoven material which has a suede texture and consists of 30% plant based raw material and named it“Ultrasuede BX”. The launch of new and organic materials is anticipated to boost the growth of the market.
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bitcofun · 2 years
We ask the buidlers in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector for their ideas on the market ... and include a couple of random zingers to keep them on their toes! This week, our 6 Questions go to Tongtong Bee, co-founder of Panony-- an incubator, financier and consultant for blockchain and Web3 organization. I'm Tongtong Bee, the co-founder of Panony and creator and editor-in-chief of PANews. I began my expert journey as a reporter at China's conventional news outlets, consisting of China News Service, Jiemian and Cailian Media Group. Because 2015, I've been covering blockchain and fintech news as one of the couple of reporters in China to concentrate on these sectors at the time. My concentrate on financial concerns and emerging innovations caused me being chosen to report on the "Two Sessions" (NPC and CPPCC) in2018 Which's the year my service partner Alyssa and I began PANews. We've released over 20,000 short articles with approximately over 5 million page views each month, ended up being an often mentioned source in crypto and blockchain journalism, consisting of Forbes, Caixin, CCN, and we're a main news source of Tencent News. 1-- Looking at the top 100 jobs in crypto by market cap, which ones stand apart to you-- and for what factor? I need to state Bitcoin. Being a reporter crazy about financial research study, I got blown away when learning about its principle for the very first time. Bitcoin is created to be a significant advance in generating income more safe, along with a substantial deterrent to lots of kinds of monetary criminal offense. It is the very first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network driven by its users without any main authority. Bitcoin now has actually altered the world and will continue changing the monetary systems in lots of nations. It stays the imaginative result in all of its present and unlimited future usages. 2-- What is the single most ingenious usage case for blockchain you've ever seen? It might not be the one likeliest to prosper! Being part of Panony and PANews, we constantly feel ecstatic to satisfy and deal with numerous dazzling, ingenious tasks worldwide. I'm personally captivated with what they're doing at Cudos, a decentralized cloud computing platform. We understand that the cloud is expensive and central. In addition, as much as 50% of the time, the hardware is non-active or turned off, leading to low roi for business and a huge carbon footprint. Hence, the present advancement trajectory is unsustainable for the world. The Cudos network, utilizing its cloud-based dispersed computing technique that consists of blockchain assistance, permits companies to conserve approximately 10 times more than central hyper-scale cloud platforms and hardware owners to balance out (and possibly make money from) the expense of their hardware by leasing their computational power to the network. The blockchain market can be abundant. I'm grateful there are lots of skills out there developing a much better future together. 3-- What does decentralization suggest to you, and why is it crucial? Good concern. The decentralized web is the unstoppable future of the web. In the existing variation of the web, likewise referred to as Web2, individuals can't neglect the outcomes of huge corporations managing what takes place online: individual information being tracked and offered without our authorization, loss of power for our contents, being controlled by advertisements ... Most of the web is centralized. Web3, which looks for to considerably reimagine how we style and communicate with apps from the ground up, will repair a number of these problems. There are a couple of basic distinctions in between Web2 and Web3, however decentralization is at the heart. The Ethereum network is presently the biggest decentralized network, with access to countless decentralized applications. With a concentrate on digital ownership, the making capacity for material developers and the innovations of brand-new methods to invest has actually increased.
And in a decentralized web, people can manage their information, not some mega business or anyone else. 4-- List your preferred sports groups, and pick the single most unforgettable minute from seeing them. If you aren't a sports fan, select a couple of films and a minute! As a winter season video game lover myself, my memories of the Beijing 2022 Olympics are still fresh! Eileen Gu winning 2 gold medals and one silver at a single video game is definitely a complimentary ski feeling. Not simply seeing her stunning relocations is jaw-dropping; I likewise appreciate her consistent efforts to motivate ladies. I'm likewise honored to have actually made the Forbes China 30 Under 30 in 2020 with her (various list)! As a female business owner, I appreciate her spirit of adhering to objectives, challenging the status quo, pursuing dreams with enthusiasm and continuous effort. It offered me strength when my organization partner Alyssa and I began our service together. 5-- If you didn't require sleep, what would you make with the additional time? I actually want I do not require to sleep so I can do more things that intrigue me. I would most likely learn more books since I constantly discover it remarkable to learn more about something brand-new. Throughout the two-month lockdown in Shanghai, I outgrew a routine of indoor badminton workout and will keep doing that, doing it appropriately outdoors. I'm incredibly grateful that my spouse and I share lots of pastimes, and among them is to compose a book together on marketing in Shanghai. We're likewise rather thinking about making documentaries for Chinese folk artists and hope the world might see them one day. 6-- What's the future of social networks? We visualize the future of social networks is owned by material developers, neighborhoods-- not specific platforms that manage the stories. This is what Web3 brings us. Decentralization might be the plan for the future of social networks: Users might have direct access to the decentralized platform; no central authority can determine the guidelines of engagement and money making; social networks will end up being a freer area while likewise approving content developers complete ownership of their properties. Decentralized self-governing companies (DAO) are an unique method for online social company that will have significant ramifications. Characteristic of DAOs are most likely to have a huge influence on business of social networks. Blockchain tokens have the possible to alter that plan by permitting developers to monetize their fans utilizing a number of the exact same techniques that DAOs utilize to reward their members for contributions. We have actually seen pleas from users that Twitter might have the prospective to move the power balance and to be changed into a Web3 platform. We're likewise grateful to see a few of the jobs, consisting of Only 1 and Rally, are devoted to improving social platforms and reconstructing the social and developer economy. A long for the young, enthusiastic blockchain neighborhood: Our neighborhood requires more contractors who have a warm heart and a cool brain. Less FOMO, more persistence. And confusion is excellent: It makes individuals consider themselves. Read More
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thechildrenshour-1 · 2 years
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What ever happen to Tumblr I joined to look at the drug world ( especially meth &coke ) in2018 I learned a few things a new vocabulary and it was full of tweakers( new word) looking to pnp the People were real
There were a few brave souls selling that were real l really enjoyed everything
It’s all gone the real tweakers have been replaced LARGE breasted _ big assed hookers( prostituties
Tweakers gone hooker that don’t inhale
Sellers arE rip- off
I did a study years ago (.1980s) we. All heard about the rock-stars that did a $ 1 ,000,000.00 dollars worth of drugs in a year
Well I took the amount of meth I did broke it down to all $20 pieces added it up and in a good year I was close over $ 900,00.00’
Ps sold 1000’ s l bs a meth
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iluminaes · 6 years
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O, mother, blackest mother, what have i become?
❀ Books read in 2018: GODSGRAVE by JAY KRISTOFF (The Nevernight Chronicle #2)
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technologybrandnews · 3 years
in 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either “yanny” or what?
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In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either "Yanny" or what? Step 1: Introduction to the question "In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either "Yanny" or what?" "Yanny or Laurel" is an auditory illusion of a re-recording of a vocabulary word plus added background sounds, also mixed into the recording, which became popular in May 2018. within the brief sound recording, 53% of over 500,000 people answered a Twitter poll that they heard a person saying the first word "Laurel", while 47% reported hearing a voice saying the name "Yanny". Analysis of the sound frequencies has confirmed that both sets of sounds are present within the mixed recording, but some users specialize in the upper frequency sounds in "Yanny" and can't seem to listen to the lower sounds of the word "Laurel". Step 2: Answer the question "In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either "Yanny" or what?" Laurel: Please allow us to know as a comment if the solution isn't correct! Step 3: Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either "Yanny" or what?" Our machine learning tool is trying its best to seek out the relevant answer to your question. Now it's your turn, "The more we share, The more we have". Share our work with whom you care, alongside your comment... Kindly check our comments section. Sometimes our tool may wrong, but not our users.
User Questions:
1. Question: In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either "Yanny" or what? Context: "Yanny or Laurel" may be an illusion (auditory) that became popular in mid-2018. This audio-related illusion was from a brief sound recording that sounds of two words. When the audio became viral, almost the American internet users were divided into two groups. The first group claimed that the audio sound "Laurel" while the other group opposes the "Yanny" word. After analyzing the audio recording's frequencies, it was later confirmed that both sets of sound are present therein recording. So it's a mixed recording. Higher frequency sounds in "Yanny", and Lower sounds the word "Laurel". Read the full article
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vatsarajdeo · 5 years
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☣Judgment Day☣ #terminatorsalvation #judgmentday #happend #in2018 #watchthemovie #robotics #savetheworld #savethefuture #terminator #universalstudios #instagram #instaboy #instlove #instaworld #warbegins https://www.instagram.com/p/BkXGDgpBBvx/?igshid=2ir0w6uqi4lo
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pinkfrognyc · 5 years
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#taiwanesewaves @taiwanesewaves #2019 is #aroundthecorner #flashback #throwback #oneofourfavorites #band #musicband #in2018 #lastyear at #centralpark #summerstagenyc #rumseyplayfield @summerstage @centralparknewyork #shengxiang #生祥樂隊 #sing in #hukka www.pinkFROGnyc.com #pinkfrognyc #art illustration drawing design fingerpainting #dtgprinting graphicandproductdesign garmentprinting #tee sweatshirt hoodie kiddress youth toddler babyonesie handmade iphonecase tote prints #love #passion #wedesign #weprint #wearenewyork #wearepinkfrog madeinnyc travel #tourist #newyorktrip newyorkbaby #musiclover (at Rumsey Playfield) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WEcrCF8z4/?igshid=1g457w5vyza5m
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hiromijpn-blog · 5 years
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#lifeatsap #biggest #pipeline #generated #in2018 #sapjapan #wonaward #apj #ilovesap #一位とりました #😄 (at Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtC8otyAK89/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c48b0gedbvsh
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sweetforeverswiftie · 6 years
I honestly cant believe I was able to see Taylor perform Sparks Fly in 2018. Life is good. Life is sooooo good.
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mritzstiefels · 2 years
deeply disturbed after seeing who follows me on instagram
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bitcofun · 2 years
Let's take a more detailed take a look at today's altcoins revealing breakout signals. We'll discuss what the coin is, then dive into the trading charts and supply some analysis to assist you choose. 1. Ripple (XRP) Ripple XRP is the currency that works on a digital payment platform called RippleNet, on top of a dispersed journal database called XRP Ledger. While RippleNet is run by a business called Ripple, the XRP Ledger is open-source and not based upon a blockchain, however rather the previously mentioned dispersed journal database. XRP Price Analysis At the time of composing, XRP is ranked the 7 th cryptocurrency worldwide and the present rate is US$ 0.3249 Let's have a look at the chart listed below for rate analysis: Source: TradingView XRP printed some gains throughout Q1 and Q2 after moving sideways for the previous couple of weeks. The rate remains in a sag, with the 9, 18 and 40 EMAs supplying resistance on each effort to rally. However, bulls are revealing some interest at the 80% retracement, near $0.3210 If this level breaks, a relocation into possible assistance-- simply listed below the lows near $0.2932-- promises. If the rate does rally through the swing high at $0.3755-- maybe activated by an abrupt rise in Bitcoin-- bulls may discover some resistance at the 61.8% retracement level near $0.4050 Overlapping swing low and high near $0.4426 might supply the next target, where bears right away required the rate down in late December. More bullish market conditions might move targets up near the midpoint of Q1's combination, near $0.5032, where greater timeframes reveal an inefficiently traded zone. 2. The Sandbox (SAND) The Sandbox SAND is a blockchain-based virtual world permitting users to develop, develop, purchase and offer digital possessions in the kind of a video game. By integrating the powers of decentralised self-governing organisations (DAOs) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the Sandbox develops a decentralised platform for a growing video gaming neighborhood. The Sandbox utilizes the powers of blockchain innovation by presenting the SAND energy token, which assists in deals on the platform. SAND Price Analysis At the time of composing, SAND is ranked the 34 th cryptocurrency internationally and the existing cost is US$ 1.19 Let's have a look at the chart listed below for cost analysis: Source: TradingView SAND's remarkable gains throughout Q1 halted at $3.10 prior to backtracking 85% of the relocation. This cost action developed numerous locations of possible higher-timeframe resistance at the same time. The cost discovered resistance on its last swing up near $1.27-- a location that might supply resistance once again. If this swing high breaks, the cost may discover resistance near $1.40 If this location does offer resistance, it would recommend the development of a higher-timeframe debt consolidation. The quick go up left little higher-timeframe assistance. A large zone in between $0.9890 and $0.9146 has actually supplied assistance prior to and might offer assistance once again on a retest. This zone is in between the 71.8%- to-886% retracement levels of 2021 Q4's parabolic relocation. Continuation downward through this level, specifically if the total market stays bearish, might backtrack the majority of Q2's relocate to the next higher-timeframe assistance near $0.8645 3. Tron (TRX) Tron TRX is a blockchain-based os that intends to guarantee this innovation appropriates for everyday usage. Whereas Bitcoin can deal with approximately 6 deals per 2nd, and Ethereum as much as 25, TRON claims that its network has a capability for 2,000 TPS. This job is finest referred to as a decentralised platform concentrated on material sharing and home entertainment, and to this end, among its greatest acquisitions was the file-sharing service BitTorrent in2018 In general, TRON has actually divided its objectives into 6 stages. These consist of providing easy dispersed file sharing and driving content development through monetary benefits.
TRX Price Analysis At the time of composing, TRX is ranked the 13 th cryptocurrency worldwide and the existing rate is US$ 0.06821 Let's have a look at the chart listed below for cost analysis: Source: TradingView TRX accompanied the remainder of the market throughout the Q2 drop, falling almost 54% from mid-May up until it discovered a low recently. Price action formed a weekly assistance level near $0.06254, which has actually up until now held up the rate. The most current swing low inside this variety, near $0.06049, might be the target for any future stop runs. After this low, the swing low near $0.05689 and the space start near $0.05126 mark possible higher-timeframe assistance. The rate is presently coping considerable higher-timeframe resistance levels, with the closest possible resistance resting near $0.08492, simply over the previous regular monthly open. A sweep of the fairly equivalent highs above this resistance may discover sellers near $0.09235 however might reach as high as $0.1093 Learn How to Trade Live! Join Dave and The Crypto Den Crew and they'll reveal you survive on a webinar how to take your crypto trading to the next level. Where to Buy or Trade Altcoins? These coins have high liquidity on Binance Exchange, so that might aid with trading on AUD/USDT/BTC sets. And if you're taking a look at purchasing and HODLing cryptos, then Swyftx Exchange is a user friendly popular option in Australia. Market Analysis Crypto News Ripple (XRP) The Sandbox (SAND) Trading TRON (TRX) Disclaimer: The material and views revealed in the posts are those of the initial authors own and are not always the views of Crypto News. We do actively inspect all our material for precision to assist secure our readers. This short article material and links to external third-parties is consisted of for info and home entertainment functions. It is not monetary suggestions. Please do your own research study prior to taking part. Read More
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lovechoice · 6 years
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i was tagged by @xbaek for 7 pics from 2017 and uhh yeah uneventful year lmaooo
anyways i tag @nightsoft @minyoongiloveblog @1cay @milkbyfx @liqgloss  @odd1  @rocklee @seok @1goth and literally anyone else who wants to (or not) do this
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byterriblack · 6 years
I’m just going to assume Lloyd Banks announcing his retirement is just a technicality? To finalize his benefits package?
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