#in which katie rambles
didsomeonesayventus · 8 months
thinking about how I saw someone say "I wish alcryst stayed badass like in his intro scene" and like.
idk how to tell u that i thought the appeal was this lil fella at odds with himself on every level. He is FIGHTING himself at every level at two extremes, almost literally tearing himself apart from it, self destructive as he tries to build something "worthy" of himself. He's capable of such devastating brutality in battle (high Dex trend making for good crit chances and the only unit in the game who can learn Luna) and unbelievable compassion in the same small vessel (a keen eye for details, his talent being finding the best in others) with a judgment hot as a glowing white knife and capable of forgiving as easily as it would bend should new information present itself.
He hates himself he loves his world he is idealistic and in awe of everything around him but also able to see the bitterness of reality not always being so kind. He feels he's worthless and yet plunges into any course with everything he has and only the slightest hesitation and a bold- perhaps at times concerning -recklessness and courage to send himself, a ranged fighter, straight to the front lines.
He actually loves people, despite his every attempt to stay out of their way and not take up too much space of his own. He presents as timid and with a worthless confidence and yet when you get down to it or threaten his loved ones his spine is forged from steel and will not yield until the threat has passed. He is passionate and emotional, quiet and thoughtful. He aspires to be a strategist. He loves reading fairy tales.
Alcryst is a storm of a person, forever at war with who he wants to be. The whole appeal in is his wildly different sides u fool.
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tundrakatiebean · 24 days
Alright I’m just gonna say this because I think saying something might help? Instead of me just hiding everything and pretending I’m fine because I don’t want to bother people
I am full on in a depression spiral that started last night around my dad coming to visit. I’m safe. I’m not gonna do anything in the harm realm. But I am having a very rough brain time rn. I know I can get through this, I know I’ll be ok, but I’m having to fight my brain extra hard. So just like call me out if I’m being really mean to myself please. It helps slow the spiral down a bit.
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katyspersonal · 29 days
8, 12, 16, 18, 22, 23 for the last ask game!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I am not sure whether this qualifies as "everyone", the takes I've seen might not reflect larger fandom, but I'd say thoughts that beasts are innocent? Beasthood in Bloodborne is revealed, not created! Dark Souls trilogy AND Bloodborne both depict humans in their lore as inherently evil and dangerous by nature, but the gut punch is that the attempts to deal with it make things even worse.
Humanity did not need to consume the holy blood to start being violent, cruel, destructive, stupid, unhinged and to eat their own; we've always been this way. Does it matter if what we're consistently doing is in human form or furry form, in the end? Holy blood removed the restraints that already were not super functional should you analyse history and society in general! At the same time, attempts to 'remove' that side of humanity with Eyes Inside and Kin ascension are whole another can of worms, and likewise a bad thing no one asked for. But yeah.. Beasts, indeed, ARE men! This is just Fromsoft's brand of despair!
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I answered this question like 3 times already, because in 'choose peace' variant of the ask meme it was unaltered! XD ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) These replies are for Gratia, Forgotten Madman and Dores and they still work! This time I will offer not a set character, but a mentioned character that does have backstory potential!
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Logarius killed the king, but who was he? Was he Annalise's husband, since she is a Queen and not a princess? Or maybe he was her father, and she is the Queen on the account of no other ruler left?
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^ The King is unused content and there are two kinds of models used for him; the first collage is for 'ghost king' that comes in three variants, and the second one seems to be 'actual' king. Again, are these spirits relevant? Or they're his servants? Or you can use these references to make TWO characters - the father and Annalise's husband?
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I think this is some really good material to use for Cainhurst backstory! Maria's past in general is never developed aside of her Hunter era and all that happened afterwards, but I think he'd be a presence in her past in some way! As well as characters like Annalise, and maybe Bloody Crow depending on your timeline headcanons! + My take on it is to use both variants; former was how King used to be and three ghost variants currently function same as Brador's phantoms, latter is what he turned into (just less skeletial xd) since apparently for the ritual featuring Ring of Betrothal to conceive a child of blood it doesn't matter if you propose to Annalise as male or female hunter 🤔 And what are your thoughts VOTE NOW FROM YOUR PHONES
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
"Laurence is Choir and Micolash is Mensis" headcanon. Okay, this is instant lie, right off the bat, because I DO understand why so many people like this! It creates the parallel/opposition that is fun to utilise in Micolaurence ship. Rivalry and all. But, honestly though.. Laurence is the head of the Healing Church! The bit about "creation of the Choir divided Healing Church in two" could be read as either 1) the staff now had a proper distinction between blood ministration and Insight research, in which case Laurence still governs BOTH 2) Choir lowkey turned on Laurence by pursuing more Willem-esque research but wasn't defunded for one reason or another or 3) Choir formed after Laurence's death where Healing Church was no longer organised properly. And in all of these cases, he is not Choir's 'face'!
If anything, School of Mensis is closer to how Laurence researches with Moon rituals and removed Great One cords. He is not Choir, he is either above Choir or against Choir! And more than anything, I don't understand the appeal of drawing Laurence in unaltered Choir garb. Regardless of headcanons, it makes no sense for the leader to dress the exact same as his subordinates! He should create the impression of the most important person, not a Choir boy that forgot his hat! ......what?
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Siiiiiigh FINE, I'll downvote my own uploads here and say that it IS possible that Laurence was wearing this clothing and Choir copied him afterwards, when he either died or shifted into different direction (with new drip). It can work! But I still do not understand the appeal personally!
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
The historical background within Bloodborne's universe! What happened with Pthumerians, how all of this started, how Pthumerians and humans divided exactly, what happened in Loran, the reasoning between civil war within Pthumerians, what happened with the Great Ones, who was the guy that created Holy Moonlight Sword, what the heck was with beta!version of the Hunter's Dream since you can see Hunter's mark and Messenger statues back in Dungeons- argh if only they've made Bloodborne PREQUEL, because all this information is so worth it! I want to create a Pthumerian warrior character xD
Also no, not the "then do it yourself if you're so damn smart" moment: I do have all of this and more mapped in my head! You can read the summary in this ( x ) post if you want to, but warning, it is fanfic-sized, not even an essay!
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Everything in canon is my favourite part lol x) I don't even know which bit to single out! I think maybe Logarius' relation to the core Healing Church? With ignoring Brador, you could cope saying he was just 'another' assassin, or that the Cleric Beast he killed was not Laurence, or something.. But how can you erase Logarius and his Executioners, that went to destroy Cainhurst on Laurence's behalf? It is always just "oh look, Laurence and his TWO most important associates Ludwig and Gehrman! :3" meanwhile Logarius is just here like:
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23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
I used to dislike Gascoryk, believe it or not! I started right out with the 'the grandpa little girl mentioned IS Henryk, so he is Viola's father!' so it constantly felt strange for me. And I also had bad taste after previous fandoms where people would take a male character who canonically had girlfriend/wife established and either ignored her to not let her "get in the way" or paired her with female character to "get rid" of her (you just know what I mean). It just felt so weird for me that people liked this ship when I just started in the fandom?
But yeah, I could only see this ship enjoyed and treated normally so often before I started to question my own perception of it. Like maybe I was reading it the wrong way, or projected former cringe experiences with shippers on this new fandom that is more mature? This is why I say that I came around it 'unwillingly': everyone enjoyed it and no one thought it was strange, so I ended up being chill about it over thinking that maybe I was the strange one about it. Granted, it was to the BETTER, since I figured that timeline is flexible and they still had a story before Gasc's marriage, also open relationship is a thing, also maybe 'grandpa' was not to be taken literally but just a sign of how present he was in the family or something they told to the girl xd Not to mention that the most active shipper of Gascoryk that I know of absolutely DOES care about Viola and Eileen too, so I've had a lot of positive exposure that completely overrode the negative impression from previous fandoms that I carried here!
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singsweetmelodies · 8 months
every weekend that passes, i like oscar piastri more and more, and carlos sainz less and less
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deviouz · 4 months
can’t stop thinking about lifeweaver and cassidy from overwatch. i am simply down horrendous.
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oh-meow-swirls · 9 months
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playing as katie is far more amusing than playing as nate-
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katyobsesses · 1 year
Okay so obviously I'm freaking out over the fucking ending of the episode
But there was a moment I noticed earlier when Hen and Eddie were tossing the ball around.
Chim comments on it saying "...it's unnatural, Hen. Like the two of you down there tossing that ball around." With his teasing smile.
My brain went directly to that being a joke about her being a lesbian, and how she doesn't 'play with balls' because of that and how, well, to Chim Eddie is straight so he also doesn't usually play with balls.
Like they chose to cut to Eddie. That was on purpose, it meant something!
And like.. could it be a joke about how they're not usually playing catch? Or that they're not... Athletic?? Or something??? Yeah maybe, but that doesn't fit, or make much sense if I'm honest.
So I'm sticking with it being a 'playing with balls' joke. And with Eddie giving Chim that look because he's queer and how dare Chim insinuate anything else
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strumalong · 25 days
So glad I watched this live. I wasn't planning on it and did miss fearless and red, but omg seeing TTPD the first time it was performed? Even from a glitchy livestream? I feel alive rn. It almost feels like I was there to be honest, the adrenaline coursing through me
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werwlf · 1 month
btw I genuinely think what was funny with the Damon albarn hating on Taylor swift thing didn’t really have anything to do with Taylor but more with her fans who are very defensive of her. I’m not gonna pretend I know all the lore but like 90s bitpop bitches would literally trash talk a puppy if it made popular music you cannot take it too seriously and her fans seeing it as this deep personal attack was what was so funny to me… damon and Liam Gallagher hated each other so much they fucked on that football field can we talk about that.
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jamestaylorswift · 4 months
lmao the tags on the last post were totally getting away from me but ANOTHER PART is that people have consumer fatigue and know when they’re being sold something and are tired of it. pop music doesn’t even have the veneer of fun marketing schemes anymore (though you could argue were never fun in the first place)
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
wait i just watched a three min long tiktok about this lady complaining about her supervisor (fair) but the source of her hatred is that this lady said that she hates canadians (and also she tried to say “ay” is something said in Minnesota and not just a Canadian thing and this seemingly pissed this lady off so bad)
and all the comments are telling her to go to HR and that she’s a covert narcissist and im just. as a half “canadian” if someone said that to me i would be like “real as hell” and then forget about it. this is the funniest thing in the world to me.
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tundrakatiebean · 1 month
I was mildly hesitant about getting this like $45 dollar screen cover for my iPad but it looked really good for drawing and I needed to replace the one I had on
Omg it’s so good. Definitely worth. Working on am emote design rn and it’s sooooo nice to draw on
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undergiants · 5 months
Fighting urge to completely shave head again go brrrr
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singsweetmelodies · 9 months
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didsomeonesayventus · 6 months
42 for the spotify wrapped game!!
I was vaguely aware of pat benatar's work from my stepmom's PS2 atari collection game I played on occasion in my childhood, but I ended up rediscovering her when Alisaie brainrot hit me and I could only think of one artist that captured soft and idealistic with a strong sense of rebellion
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 month
haven't watched shadowside or played 4 but ngl it feels kinda pointless for summer and tate to be nate and katie's kids when nate can't even see yo-kai anymore in it and seemingly never brings that fact up-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw4#<- kind of#also nate and katie literally have no romantic chemistry in canon i know it was always endgame but like#why did they never actually give them anything. the crush always seems to be one-sided-#i honestly can't see them as anything more than friends and that's not just cuz of me liking other ships for them#they just. don't have any actual chemistry. nate has a crush on katie and that's literally it#there's never anything that implies katie has a crush on nate. even in the games. it's so weird#i'm sure i'd enjoy shadowside and 4 if i watched/played them but like. there's just so much weird stuff in the future era#like. whatever the fuck is going on in y-school heroes. i don't even try to figure out what that's about anymore#all i know is that future human jibanyan (jiba jinpei or something???) is apparently amy's grandson#which is neat i guess#idk i mean. there's a reason i just see the games as a trilogy#i just think it'd be more interesting if even if you do have nate not have a watch/be friends with jibbers and whisper as an adult#for him to at least bring it up??? at somepoint???#because otherwise it just feels completely useless to have summer and tate be nate's kids-#side note but i honestly don't blame people for not using the english names for shadowside characters tate is a terrible name#do you think his full name's tathan-#like. i feel like there's probably a better english name they could've used to continue the naming scheme-#but nope. tate. what kind of name is that#shadowside is so baffling to me-
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