#in which dyllan has a possibly terrible take
sunwisecircle · 2 years
I keep seeing these posts about warding / banishment vs deities and I just... Listen. Listen. I am sitting in front of you with my hands to either side of your face looking directly into your eyes. If a mortal in and of themself has the power to banish a fucking god, that’s not much of a god, then, is it?
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sunwisecircle · 2 years
...is it weird that I literally cannot imagine the Theoi as white? Like, I saw a picture of a white woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and was like ????? because I didn’t know what tag I was in, then saw that it was supposed to be Hera and I went further ????????? I don’t know why it’s like that for me, but whenever I try to think about what any of the Theoi look like, they’re brown (except for Selene who randomly popped into my head as being very fair with black hair and I was like why does she look like my morphology professor [who’s Greek] oh wait my prof’s name is Artemis maybe that’s why). Part of it may be association for me (Demeter -> earth -> dark brown/black skin; Dionysos -> forests -> brown skin with warm undertone; Ares -> bronze armour -> tan with warm undertone; for Selene I still have a partial association because Selene -> moon -> pale with cool undertone) but I still feel a little awkward because I’m afraid of people misinterpreting it as me making the Theoi hashtag ~*~exotic~*~ but I swear that’s not the case?
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sunwisecircle · 2 years
I just? Saw a post? Outlining which deities are associated with which tarot cards??????????????????????? And it was aimed at beginners to figure out who tf is contacting them and I have got OPINIONS.
The cards do have some set meanings, but personal associations based on the imagery in the cards is also a thing, as well as personal association with the themes of the suits.
Pentacles/coins/stones will always and forever be Dionysos’ suit to me. His primary card in all of my decks is the King of Pentacles. In my Hush deck it’s also Temperance. It has not ever been The Devil, though the guide I saw had that listed as a card ‘associated’ with Him (by the fuck whom? Who laid these cards down as THE associations? What right do they have over me and my relationship with my god?), nor has it ever been The Fool or The Lovers. There are a few other cards in the minor arcana that I associate strongly with Dionysos because of personal reasons that would likely not make sense to other people (and is frankly no one’s business but my own).
My card is the Page of Coins in every deck I own, but in my Hush deck it’s also the Page of Swords because of the depiction on the card. They’re my cards. I can’t associate them with a deity because when this card falls out or gets drawn it’s like Dionysos putting his hands on my shoulders and saying Look at me I have something to say to you are you paying attention.
Ares is The Emperor and the King of Swords (I think); and Demeter is The Empress. I don’t recall which card it is, but in my Wild Wood deck there’s a card that’s a hawk and that’s Hermes; and while I don’t think it’s His card in particular (i.e., the card represents him), I closely associate The Fool with Hermes because he was the one who held my hand every time I jumped without looking.
It just seems so wrong to me to assume that tarot cards of all things will have universal meanings to everyone, much less universal associations with deities (and I’m really confused because this person listed card associations for Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, and Hellenic pantheons????? Do they know??? All of these deities personally??????????????? Or???????????). That and lists like this assume so much instead of allowing for personal introspection and evaluation; they assume one truth that is valid for all people and situations. If I had seen a list like that at the beginning of everything, I’d’ve been massively fucked up by it, probably as fucked up by it as that one post that said you had to ask a deity’s permission to worship them (and wait for an answer; and if they said no you had to accept that and find someone else to worship which what in the legitimate actual fuck??? They’re deities????????? They’re literally meant to be worshipped?????????????????????? Like who the fuck is going to look at someone with the sincere desire to worship and say no I don’t want you worshipping me what the fuck man what the FUCK this is the same bullshit that has people saying they can worship Lilith when she’s a part of Jewish tradition and i don’t think you can just gank things from other people’s religions like that??????????????????????????????), or that one post that gave information Dionysos ‘revealed to them in a dream’ and presented it as universal truth (which made me terrified that Dionysos was just going to up and leave me as a lesson to not become attached to things thanks for that I’m pretty sure my god isn’t going to abandon me to teach me a lesson that’s some passive-agressive hurt-you-to-help-you abuse tactics shit you absolute dickweed)(let me figure shit out on my own, yeah, that’s a different story, but he’s not just going to peace out on me what the fuck)(what the fuck sense would that make oh yeah I built kharis with Dionysos for years and then he abandoned me because he’s the breaker of chains and knowing I can depend on him is a chain wtf which cold-hearted god do you serve bitch????).
If someone doesn’t know which deity is reaching out to them, maybe some introspection is called for? And I know this is coming from someone who literally never in their entire life had a deity come to them first because my MO is walking up to deities with a snack and saying hey do you want to be friends, but pulling cards and having dreams and figuring out what they mean is something that does take personal reflection. Other people can’t do my religion for me. It’s mine. Fuck off.
By the nine. People need to STOP fucking making posts that assume what they say is the universal truth. Who the fuck even are they. Fuck. There’s a world of difference between “in my experience, this is the case” and “this is the case”; “here are some common associations” and “these are the associations”. Gods above and below. Fuck.
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sunwisecircle · 3 years
Good morning I’m just sitting here eating my toast and drinking my coffee and a post pops up because it’s in one of the deity tags I follow, and the post is a person asking someone else for a deity tarot reading.
On the one hand I get it. I have been confused af so many times and it would be great to just hand that confusion off to someone else, let them do a tarot or pendulum reading, and say okay all done :)
On the other hand are you really going to put your relationship with a deity in someone else’s hands is that really something you want.
Even ignoring my personal experience of being easily influenced by the words and experiences of others (hello, coming from an authoritarian background and having been brought up to not think for myself!) & that being something that Dionysos has gotten onto me for multiple times. Even ignoring the fact that if spirituality is something you draw comfort from, you’re placing your well-being in the hands of another. Even ignoring the fact that in most cases you are inviting a stranger into your personal relationship with the gods. Why in the names of all the gods above and below would you give that much power to someone else? Do you really want to have that little responsibility?
I mean I get it, I do. Gods above and below, do I get it! Relationships are hard; I’m an autist ffs! I can barely keep up with the care of mortal relationships, how am I supposed to do that with the divine?! And divination is hard. I’ve been playing with tarot cards for nearly a decade and I’m only just getting to the point where things regularly make sense when I pull a card. I can’t do pendulum readings, or that thing with candles where you read the flame. I can spot an omen when I see it in the wild and have weird dreams that I know mean something but fuck if I know what in the hells that omen was or what the actual fuck that dream was about. It feels almost like making a good decision to recognize that you don’t know and to seek out someone who does, but doesn’t it seem like a bad idea, if you don’t know, to seek out a random stranger of tumblr dot com because you don’t know enough to know if you’re being verarscht? There is literally one person here whom I trust enough to ask for a card pull in relation to religious stuff, and even then it would be along the lines of “hey what can I do to help myself get some clarity here”, not “hey what is this deity trying to say to me” (or it would be “hey I got these two cards and I’m hitting a dead end will you talk it through wih me so I’ll maybe get a lightbulb”).
And in the end, setting all that aside, I think the biggest thing that I worry about when I see things like that, people asking others to tell them what a deity wants, is who the fuck gave that person permission to speak for your gods?
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sunwisecircle · 2 years
Hellenic polytheists really out here trying to bring the Blessed Virgin into their practice because of her mom vibes as if Demeter isn’t right there
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