#in my opinion either they should have created ethan only (and given him a slightly different role/identity)
lulu2992 · 3 months
Today is the 5th Anniversary of Far Cry New Dawn!
I watched the Story Trailer again recently, and that reminded me that Joseph says something in the video...
After all I’ve done, and after all we’ve been through, you’ve come seeking help... from me? You must be truly terrified.
...that isn’t in the game. I don’t know if it’s because it was only recorded for the trailer or because it ended up being cut, but I think it was a great line and it’s a shame he doesn’t say it in the sequel.
The Voice’s prophecy was fulfilled and Joseph was right about the Collapse, so he feels vindicated and, in my opinion, doesn’t regret everything he’s done, but the line suggests that he’s at least come to realize that, maybe, the people of Hope County had a good reason to be upset, after all. Seventeen years ago, he believed accepting his help was the only logical option for them, but he apparently now understands that, from their point of view, seeking his assistance was always far from being the obvious choice. And if they do it anyway, that means the situation really is desperate...
Now, when he says “you”, it could be plural and referring to Prosperity as a whole, but if it’s singular, since the Security Captain has no history with the Father and he’s not an enemy to them at all (basically just a strange old man with family problems who gives them superpowers), the line was most likely not directed at them. If it was just for the trailer, maybe he’s addressing the players, but if it was supposed to be in the game, I wonder which character he could be talking to. Was one of the Captain’s allies, an enemy of Eden’s Gate, going to have to meet and speak with Joseph in an early version of the story?
New Eden and Prosperity (sort of) join forces against the Highwaymen in New Dawn, but the Captain is there to act as an intermediary. Joseph directly interacting with Kim, Jerome, or any other character from Far Cry 5, though? I highly doubt they would have become friends, but it certainly would have been interesting, and I would have loved to see that!
There’s another line in the trailer that isn’t in the game (“Power is the new currency, and thanks to your weakness, it’s easy to get rich”) but Mickey says, “The only currency in this world is power” in New Dawn, which I think is quite similar. Joseph’s unreleased line, however, doesn’t really have an equivalent.
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