allgather · 2 years
setup is slow, but working on migrating muses from a buncha blogs here for ease. this my be a temp hub while i figure out who i have muse for, whose single-muse blogs are worth keeping up.
muses include:
jounouchi from @impulseduel
shisui and kankuro from @weaponwield
iruka from @scnsei
takeo from (formerly) @kamadc
smellerbee from @freedcmfight
angus from @detectivest
and two new muses:
yuki sohma (fruits basket)
hatsuharu sohma (fruits basket)
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brothersaved · 2 years
when will @impulseduel return from war
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kaijoucorp · 4 years
impulseduel replied to your post
Literally ur art slaps so hard tho!! I’m such a fan of the way u draw Jou!!!
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asdsfcvbxvcbsdv Thank you ;;
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kaibacxrpsa · 4 years
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@impulseduel​ has sent: Jou is about 5’6’ (make fun of him for being short)
Send your character’s height and I’ll compare it to mine. {Accepting, mutuals]
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Seto vc: Well, you’re truly living up to the “barking dog never bites” saying.
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kulelna · 4 years
--- s.c. // @impulseduel​
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"Eh? Really?"
Ryou's voice soft to the point of near inaudibility, he mumbles this to no one, as far as an onlooker would be able to tell.
"Sort of... It's faint."
He speaks again as if in response to that nonexistent other. He speaks to no one. He looks at no one.
In fact, he doesn't even meet the single eye of the golden ring he holds in his hands.
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Ryou seems entirely oblivious to the world around him. His eyes see one thing alone; they're gazing through the window to an old antique shop, focused beyond the displays at something further inside the store. Something that a prong of the Millennium Ring is pointing at, the others hanging from it almost lazily, doing nothing but jangling occasionally with Ryou's movements.
While what could be heard of Ryou's voice held a tone of vague disbelief, there's nothing hiding the excitement and curiosity in his big brown eyes, wide and almost glimmering as they stare through the glass. It should be of little surprise that he then turns towards the door of the shop, the change of direction causing the floating prong to fall and another to rise in its place---
Abruptly, though, that prong falls too, in time with Ryou's realization that someone he recognizes is standing before him.
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"Oh. Hi, Jounouchi."
His greeting is friendly enough, but the surprise is easy to hear, too. It's gone when he continues, though.
"Are you getting some shopping done too?"
It's probably just the wind, but... there are some tiny clicks and clanks of metal hitting metal as the prongs of the Ring subtly sway.
It makes it look like it's impatient, somehow.
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blu3yes · 4 years
impulseduel replied to your post: @impulseduel "... Depends. What would we name it?"
“If I get to pick the crimes we commit and who we beat the shit out of, the name is up to you.” JOU DO NOT START A GANG. DO NOT.
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       “...Well, I did say be gay do crimes. Does that make us.... Gay?” This humor is so peak he’s almost about to crack a smile. 
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〚 @impulseduel​『 jou ! 』this meme ! 〛
said: fight - my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else.
          Danny’s stomach turned at the sight of the dark robe. A rare hunter. Bad news. And worse, Jou was clearly his target. When the man in shadow started egging them on, it was easy for Danny to keep a level head -- Jou on the other hand was a different story. Not that Danny would have expected him to stay calm with what the rare hunter was saying about his friends.
          When Jou shifted his weight into a fighting stance, Danny reached out to put a hand on his arm. “Hey.” Danny said sternly, with warning. His nerves only kicked in when he felt the tension in Jou’s muscles underneath his grip. There was no way Danny would be able to overpower him if things actually got physical. “Hey!” He said louder, attempting to snap Jou out of his anger-induced state.
          He pulled, trying to turn Jou toward himself. “He’s bluffing -- He doesn’t have your friends! He doesn’t even know where they are!” How Danny knew all that was inexplicable . . . he could just . . . hear some other voice in the rare hunter’s head, telling him to get whatever information he could out of Jou, and to say whatever he needed to to get Jou alone.
          “Stop freaking out before you do something stupid!”
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sennenpharaoh · 5 years
impulseduel replied to your post “Art by 5392stn A nice little “What if” if Atem took Dartz’s role~”
can i just say im watching + living 4 this on my dash.
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Welcome to my blog, home of the biggest slut of Season 4. Feel free to grab your complimentary Doma angst post at the door.
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bloodybonesnbruises · 5 years
@impulseduel a réagi à votre billet
jou, with his fists up, ready to literally fight: yeah yo leave yug ALONE
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     A maddening giggle, ever so amused by the other’s aggression, pitiful hopes, “Oh~ and why would I ever do that little Jounouchi, Hmmm?~ You going to fight me? Please, that will do nothing--you’re wasting your time!”
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     “Ah! Jonouchi-kun!” He’d been knee-deep in studies for a while so seeing the other teen was definitely a welcome treat as the boy just grinned, his eyes soft and gentle. “Have a seat, man. Today’s burgers are on me, ya know?” the more quiet teen seemed to only really light up when his friends were involved, as typically he was quiet, timid and stayed to himself playing with his various decks. 
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fatedcollection · 5 years
impulseduel replied to your post: mana / dmg could accidentally kill a person and...
mana vc: i have done nothing wrong in my entire life atem vc: i know this, and i love you
mana: practicing her magic and is obviously not doing so great atem: 
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brothersaved · 3 years
jou lightly stroking the back of seto's hand.
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   being a man of constant diligence and an overexertion of effort, seto very rarely has time to sit and ponder. contemplate. he’s been getting better, of course - largely in part to his very stubborn, very caring boyfriend forcing him to take days off.
   his soft touch rouses him from his thoughts, and seto glances up, giving him the smile that only jounouchi has ever coaxed out of him.
   there are so many words that he could say, but none seem appropriate, none beautiful enough, none he can define so easily.
   instead, he lets their fingers entwine, leaning in to gently press his lips to his. hoping, beyond anything, that it’s enough.
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xteanzu · 5 years
🤬 roast him good, anzu
                                                  Let Anzu Roast You                                                     ( ACCEPTING )
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‿︵🍑    ❝ If you had 100 yen for every time you did something stupid, you could’ve paid for your sister’s operation. ❞ ♪⊱━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♔━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⊰♪
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kaibacxrpsa · 4 years
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@impulseduel​ has sent: ♡  give me Enemies pls
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send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /   turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable (depends on ur definition of the word man) /   falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /   unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /   friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /   toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate /  rivals  /  petty (Seto vc: Is2G Im gonna give u a mirror to look at urself Jounuchi)  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
Jou & Seto @ each other like:
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bluccycddanccr-blog · 5 years
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“Oh, God. Jou’s trying to teach the Pharaoh memes and he’s started with yeet. I’m not sure if this is going to be entertaining or terrifying.”
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ore-no-taan · 5 years
💭 👫⚔️
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Does he sleep better when in bed with his partner?
He does, yes. The warmth and attention of another, knowing they’re there, is very calming. But he can sleep on his own if need be.
Does he display affection in public? What about private?
It took him along time to learn to do so, but yes. As affection wasn’t horribly common in Ancient Egypt, he never fully grew accustomed to the idea. But as he grows comfortable with his partner, he will open up more and show them affection. Often times, it’s even easier for him to do than say them words.
Is he protective of his partner?
Oh, fiercely. About as fiercely as he is with any friend -- and romantic or sexual partners are, to him, the same as best friends. So it would be unwise to mess with any of them.
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