#im so used to putting so many hashtags for instagram that idk how they work here
zaleidk · 2 years
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I AM BACK, still don’t know how tumblr works but hey, i drew more dialtown fanarts.
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hol-eage · 5 years
I keep wondering wether I have autisms or not. I'm a girl and I feel like there is not much info about it or it seems incomplete. Any advice?
hey darling! I’ve gotten similar asks a few times
theres a huge amount to go over in working this out, this reply is gonna be long im sorry!!!
I think one of the biggest ways to feel it out and get a grasp on whether you might be autistic is to... use autistic coping strategies
I found myself feeling reaffirmed once i saw how much easier my life was when i was sensory regulating for the first time,
years of therapy and anxiety/mood coping strategies didnt make as much impact as realising that the root of so many of my problems was my oversensitivity to light and sound and touch, and my under-sensitivity to smell
things i do to regulate:
//putting a hat/cap on when its not gloomy, //wearing headphones 90% of the time, //purposely stimming to regulate (sniffing wood scented candles, //looking at crystals/glass that reflects light, //pacing in circles for hours, //rocking, //my weighted blanket...)
//having soft lighting in my room, an eye mask for sleeping and when im in sensory overload, //loud full volume music, //routine (routine! routine! Routine!), //not forcing myself to eat foods that made me uncomfortable or //wear clothes that were itchy or uncomfy
so thats a good place to start!
things to search for
Go onto the hashtag #actuallyautistic,
I personally have a highlight on my instagram @/hgjosephine called ‘Calm’ thats about autism
stay away from parent led conversation (so fucking misinformed, abusive and depressing), stay away from autism speaks (disgusting charity), stay away from male autism stuff (not bc its bad and there are overlaps but overall i find it incredibly unhelpful and confusing in relation to my autistic experience)
I think the organisation National Autistic Society is safe! So read up information from them
Good things to search youtube for are:
-executive dysfunction
-special interests
-Ted talks by girls/women with autism
-“Why functioning labels are harmful”
-emotional regulation
-Sensory overload
-Sensory processing
-girls with autism misdiagnosis
-Autism spectrum (learning what the spectrum is exactly is incredibly important, and isnt readily shared or understood!!!)
A beautiful little documentary on youtube by the Channel 4 News called ‘Autism documentary: inside the UK’s only school for autistic girls’
In this documentary something the head teacher said struck a chord with me,
“We need to go looking for the lost girls. The girls who might need a diagnosis but haven’t had one because I suspect that they’re often excluded from school, they may be in prisons or young offenders centres, they may be living homeless. They’re vulnerable and misunderstood.”
The second she said “lost girls” I burst into tears, idk man it just feels like that’s what we are, it’s the most accurate description and it’s fucking heart breaking.
The youtuber ‘Agony Autie’ is also beautiful and a wonderful resource,
Another good youtuber is Amythest Scaber
An autistic illustrator who sometimes does autism specific illustrations is @/petite_gloom on instagram
I personally got referred by the mental health team (when they realised my problems didnt stem from mental health and my mental health problems were a side effect of living as an undiagnosed, unsupported autistic girl)
So if you have problems with anxiety or anything like that and can be referred to a mental health team they will be more supportive and understanding
Though if not, talking to your GP is a start, asking to be assessed for autism
(long long waiting list in most places, in the UK at least)
Doctors will be less informed on girls with Autism as the research is still new, so taking a print out from a site like National Autistic Society might be helpful.
You may find that you’ve been mislabelling things that youve been going through, examples i have are:
//Thinking meltdowns were panic attacks,
//Thinking sensory problems making me breakdown and cry (for no apparent reason) was depression,
//Thinking burnout was depression
//Thinking agitation and tics were moodswings and anxiety (they are mood swings and anxiety but using different labels helps you understand the root of it is autism based rather than mental health based)
If you need any specific tips then im more than happy to give advice! Questions on coping in certain situations, stimming suggestions, specifics on any of the things i listed etc etc
Good luck! I hope you’re safe:( i’m rooting for you!!!!!
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