#im so ill for algebra
legendling · 2 months
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ahhh!!! numbers!!!!!
(and x)
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izel-scribbles · 8 days
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redraw of this - i like working with traditional art so much more than digital
(for the record, i beat potato lord to it ;)
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
it's this way! / squirrelpaw and leafpaw
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eeveekitti · 1 month
i feel so incredibly inspired to work on my rw mods rn but alas. the Math Curse holds me back
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 months
am encountering cross stitch related problems
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cicadangel · 4 months
i've got like tunnel vision where right now like literally the only thing i can even think or care about is getting into a good college. i spend my every waking second busy, which i do enjoy, but it's... a lot. between swim and school and studying for the sat and internships and looking for internships and my job it's just all so much... and soon i'll have to start prepping for the ap exams... and just packing more and more and more on to my plate because i genuinely feel like im not doing enough. and the thing is i can't do anything less than what i'm doing if i want to get what i want, and i want it so bad that im willing to give up everything for it, i have to be working as hard and harder than i am. and i hate that i want it so bad but like.. that's not going to change.
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
I'm seriously having to resist so hard the urge to block everyone on this website over that math color post. if you think math is red I'm sorry but you're wrong and you're going to math hell also. forever.
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kaserollymoved · 1 year
Can't wait to stay home and express my love for sports by tuning in with tomorrow's car reveals and Milan Vs Tottenham 😌💕
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get-more-bald · 2 years
Chemistry is so difficult.... Why did i have to choose it as my extension :(
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vote2 · 2 years
just one hour left for this fucking program.....
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fizzing-saturn · 7 months
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shes always asking am i alright
(the weird little stick thing is meant to be a tongue)
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cyoza · 10 months
I swore to myself that I would never go back to education and here I am doing a MASTERS in MATHS nonetheless am I literally insane
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sludgeguzzler · 1 year
good morninggg im staying the whole day at school today
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fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
im extremely stressed but in a passive way. like i can't seem to get myself to work on the things that are stressing me out so instead im curled up under a fuzzy blanket with an extremely soft and warm and cuddly cat, which is objectively really nice but the stress is making me feel sick even if this is a really nice situation in the moment
#sigh.#i think im gonna fail this year. im failing in all of my classes except for orchestra and food+nutrition.#i can probably pass science and english but i dont think i can pass algebra II or sociology or spanish#i might be able to make them up if i can manage to snag a spot in summer school but idk if ill be able to do that#this is kind of terrifying. i dont want to end up spending an extra damn year in high school. i really really don't.#if i cant get into summer school then i might be able to just retake algebra II next year since i only need 3 credits to graduate and i -#- already have 2. i might not even have to take a full year if i do alright next semester.#i dont know how it'll work for sociology and spanish because like... sociology is a social studies class and i think i need 4 credits for -#- that? but i dont know for sure. they dont make it very clear.#i also dont know what the deal is with extra language classes either. idk if i have to retake those or not.#this fucking sucks. my executive dysfunction is the worst it's ever been i think. i can't function normally anymore.#i can't do schoolwork. i can barely do chores. even doing fun stuff requires me to jump through hurdles to actually do it.#im stressed 24/7 bc of it and i can barely sleep anymore and my body is constantly hurting and i have stress headaches and just. agh.#i have a meeting with my school counselor tomorrow to talk about options for making up failed classes so. yeah. hopefully that'll help.#winter break is almost here which is both gonna be horribly stressful and wonderfully relaxing#hopefully they'll just cancel each other out and ill feel Fine. not good or bad. just Fine.
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biohazrd · 2 years
bro i am fucking struggling bro im so close to giving up on my hiset bc how am i supposed to fucking learn algebra while my body feels like it's shutting down bro.
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im-yn-suckers · 9 months
hey can u do opposite version of "its not my fault you didnt tell them"
i mean yn came back from tour and bisit niki while his sleeping itd be cute
ohmygodohmygodyesss anon really having a big brain moment rn
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its not my fault you didnt tell them (original here )
pairing bf idol niki x gf idol reader
warnings- petnames, goofy petnames, kissing, cuddling, playful fighting, talking to enha like theyre your brothers if that counts, calling heeseung broski (my humors broken) calling niki pookie bear over text, uh idek anymore.
synopsis- you show up at your boyfriends dorm after being on tour for a month. niki doesnt tell his members the pet names you uses and they eavesdrop when you questions you about it and list off all the secret petnames.
y/n: broski, let me in so i can see my pookie bear. dont tell him tho
heeheeseungg: alr gimme a minute.
it was 11 am and you were let in to the boys dorm. you set your bags down, since your members dropped you off at the dorms, you still had your bags. they took to nikis room. you told the members they could watch, until niki kicked them out.
you snuggled under the covers and cuddled up to nikis back, seeing he was still sleeping you switched to lay in front of him. you snuck under his arm and nuzzled your nose into his neck, wrapping your arms your him.
he looked up and pulled you impossibly closer, you felt the smile on your neck. after pulling away, he kissed you softly and passionately. hearing the guys giggle, he pulled away and hid under the covers.
they closed the door a little bit but stayed there, being nosy. "i missed you my prince." they guys laughed and nikis face turned red.
"GUYS GET OUT PLEASE" they shut the door but, once again, they stayed there.
"yn, they dont know about the petnames, whyd u ruin it. theyre gunna tease me"
"i miss you too."
"sorry, i missed you so much, but still, WHYD YOU CALL ME THAT IN FRONT OF THE GUYS."
"am i not allowed to express my love for you?" pretending to be offended, you batted your eyelashes is a 'sad' way.
"you are, just not when ALL of them are there."
"what else did you not tell them about?''
"uh, alot. definitely not the petnames"
"so you didnt tell them about pretty boy, cutie, sweetie, honey, darling, or jack skellington?"
suddenly there was tons of laugher coming from the door, causing niki to get up and yell at them.
long story short, nikis a tall ass skeleton and doesnt tell people.
JOKES ASIDE, sunoo and jungwon (the shorter memebers of the group, even though they are tall asf too) called him jack skellington. heeseung called him pretty boy, jake called him cutie, and the others did a mix of all of them
send requests yall, ill do em when i have time
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