#im not tagging beyond that. I'm so sorry to anyone new following me
finniestoncrane · 10 months
I'm here for a blind date
Im so sorry for the late request 😭
I've lost track of the days and time.
I'm a 26 year old man, Gay, and I work as a mailman, tying to save up for college. I'm 5'8, wear glasses, brownish red shaggy hair, some stubble.
I'm very anxious, people pleaser, clumsy, kinda dense ngl. Someone can tell me something and it's not guaranteed to get through my brain. I'm not too smart lmao. I'm nice, generally willing to help anyone. I consider myself a hardworking, picking up slack, I don't leave things half-assed.
I do have some issues with trust, I'm generally overly cautious approaching any relationship. Whether it be platonic or romantic.
I like collecting pins, tinkering with things, birds, photography, comics, gardening, and interior design to an extent.
Congrats on 1.5k!
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: is it normal to get jealous of you for a date i wrote? no? ok then💚
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"Oh great! Hi! Welcome to the Vill-Inn. I'm so glad you're here and not at all annoyed because if you hadn't showed up I was going to steal your seat! Enjoy your meal, I guess."
A strange welcome, but when you get to your table, you realise why the wait staff might have been planning on swooping in and stealing your date. Sitting across from you is a mass of hulking muscles attached to a stoney, but handsome, face.
"I am... well, most people call me Bane."
He offers you his hand and you take it, surprised by how gentle the hold is, though it's clear he's making a very conscious effort to withhold his strength. Bane seems shy, and really self-conscious, and you suppose you would too if you were bigger and taller than everyone around you. But he is polite, and surprisingly sweet.
The first thing he says to you, beyond introductions, is how much he likes your glasses. It's clear that he's been thinking of a compliment that isn't invasive, or that could backfire. You can tell how anxious he is, being very anxious yourself, so you try and ease up the tension, saying thank you, apologising for being a bit awkward, giving the whole 'I'm very anxious' spiel.
"Oh. That's... me too. I suppose we can be anxious together, si?"
Bane asks how you ended up on a blind date, and you explain that you felt like meeting someone new. You usually find it difficult, given that you're quite cautious and have trust issues, but that you figured it couldn't do you any harm. And this seems to resonate with him.
"I don't have many friends, or other relationships. Trust is a difficult thing to come by."
As he opens up, you realise you both have a lot more in common than you even could have realised. Both clumsy, although for Bane it comes with his size and strength, both a little bit lacking in the self-confidence department when it comes to intelligence. And you can see him breaking into a small smile when you tell him that you hate half-assing anything.
"I can be relentless too. Although... I mean, I won't push you for a second date... unless you want to... have one?"
You definitely do, and you're even more excited when he asks if you'll go bird-watching with him. That way, you can show off your photography skills. He might describe himself as dense, but he's picked up on everything you've said over the evening, unable to focus on anything but you. A very good sign.
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dyketectivecomics · 5 years
Are you even aware that Jonah Hex fought for the confederacy sold black people and treated them like crap and his books was knee deep in racism and freaking Bendis is trying to scrub that under a rug by giving him a queer legacy? Lgtb deserve better representation than granddaughter of slave trader (who apparently got cause let's keep all the stereotypes around while we're at it)
Are YOU even aware that Jonah Hex was sold into slavery by his father, and defected from the confederacy after learning that supporting them meant supporting that very same system of oppression that he himself was a victim of?
No, I guess not. Because that would require you to actually read his wikipedia page. It seems a miracle you can read or write at all, anon, since all of your brain cells can’t seem to function beyond sending trolling asks to try to stir up drama.
(I’ll dive a bit further, since you apparently want a Reaction. But the rest of y'all don’t have to worry about this clogging up your dash, since I’m putting a cut right here. If i get any more clownery about Jonah &/or Jinny Hex in my ask, you’re getting a thorough mock & a block. blacklisting and the block button are there for a reason guys. If Jinny or Jonah ain’t your cup of tea, regardless, I suggest using those tools &/or unfollowing me, because I can and will continue to reblog content with them (Especially Jinny, because, well. Jinny).)
Any story, in ANY medium, that covers an historical time, would need to address the racist (& if applicable, misogynistic) attitudes of the time period it is set in. Are those stories going to always be handled 100% unproblematically? Hell no. There’s lots of things that make me uncomfortable with any western movie/book/show that finds its origins in the antebellum south. Do I enjoy them regardless? Yes. Because I can separate the things that make me uncomfortable from things that are used to highlight a change in attitudes towards race &/or women, versus an author using the time period as an excuse to act out racist/misogynistic power fantasies.
But I’ll go ahead and bite one tidbit at a time here. “His books are knee-deep in racism.”
It’s been a LONG ass time since I’ve read a Jonah Hex comic. Or rather, had it read to me, since Dad read a few of his comics to me when I was TINY ass kid (god like? When I was 6/7? I had a very brief Western Phase then.) We ended up watching more westerns than reading them. I’m sure there’s plenty of #Problematic things to be found in the comics themselves. Hell, even just his origin with being ‘sold as a slave’ to an Apache tribe & subsequently ‘taken in’ by them is something we could spend hours and paragraphs tearing apart.
Recognizing something is wrong & calling it out is perfectly fine. But something so many ‘fans’ on tumblr fail to realize is that nothing will be 100% pure. Older comics especially are riddled with racism, and it’s important to recognize those tones. But if you expect me to preface every post I make about Jonah Hex from now with “sorry sorry, I know these comics were racist tho” you must be out of your damn head. 
Now for “Bendis is trying to scrub that under the rug by giving him a queer legacy”
Hon, no one is saying that Jinny’s existence automatically erases everything the writers have done with Jonah’s character. Hell, most people (fans included) aren't even aware of Jinny’s existence at this point in time unless they’re involved with reading comics. Jonah Hex’s “legacy” will survive well past whatever Bendis chooses to do with Jinny. Hell, I won’t be surprised if, after this run of Young Justice is over, she’s swept under the rug by DC & promptly forgotten. Because that’s usually what happens with next gen/legacy characters. People would rather read on ‘The Originals’ not their descendants. (the only hero I can think of off the top of my head who surpassed the legacy of their predecessor would be Zatanna vs Zatara. But she’s also had 40+ years to work to that point.)
What has been done with Jonah’s character in the past, and what Bendis & other writers choose to do with Jinny’s character in the future have nothing to do with one another. If Bendis chooses to integrate more of Jonah beyond just “here’s a weird old truck from his adventures, have fun with that!”, I’d love to see it & dissect it. Until then, there’s really only the name, and what’s looking to be the fantastical side of his adventures, rather than anything with historical weight.
“The LGBT community deserves better” (again, let’s keep in mind that your little ‘slave trader’ line there as a complete lie & the rest is just incomprehensible gibberish bc I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you pressed ‘send’ too soon in your haste to troll.)
As a queer, hispanic Texan, I could not disagree more. Who’s ancestor HASN’T done awful things in the past? Show me someone who has a completely pure legacy free of benefit from oppressing those of another race/gender/origin/etc. We all have a fucked up history. It’s our collective human history.
LGBT history itself is built on the backs of trans women of color.
Including one more (presumably, but she IS Texan so we’ll see if they expand to make her hispanic) white wlw character is hardly new, groundbreaking representation here in 2019. But it’s progress. It’s progress where there could have JUST AS EASILY been absolutely NO representation. This shouldn’t be something that I’m absolutely ECSTATIC to see. Queer representation off all kinds should be standard. 
But they aren’t.
So am I going to celebrate the fact that DC has given me a queer wlw character from an area very close to the one that I am from? An historically conservative place, mind you, where being LGBT+ can just as soon mean putting yourself in danger on the day-to-day when you live in a small, conservative Texas town?
Abso-fucking-lutely, I am. 
(And not that I believe that you are, anon. But if you’re following me, I kindly suggest you hop the fuck off my blog and go follow someone else. I’m gonna be over here celebrating what representation I can. And if I feel like sharing an analysis on racist overtones of older/newer comics, I will do so because it interests me to discuss it or because I decide to. Not because some ass decides NOW needs to be the time to ‘discuss’ it, if we can even call this pathetic attempt at trolling a ‘discussion’.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
Dear mutuals,
HAISIWIWIWISJSIIS ily so much you know that? thank you for being there for me, sticking around, and just being awesome people in general ^^
im so sorry if I missed someone or if you didn't want to be tagged hdjsisis
@ss-enigma my first actual mutual !!!!!!! thank you for sticking around so long, and for all the help you've given me ^^ I really deeply appreciate you!!!! I hope you have a swell new year enigma, I really do :D
@probably-flurp hi nsoaow thank you for your epicness!!! whenever I do see a post from you on my dash, buried under the hundreds of OSHA posts it makes me so happy !!! everything you create is so god tier, and just interacting with you beyond that is a blast ^^ awesome friend
@aryaokayfriend :) hi do you know how epic you are??? your skills???? god tier. you were one of the first writers I interacted with, and I'm so glad I did shejjs. And actually becoming mutuals??? With you???? I was star struck for so long because there was someone I admired so much... And they were following me? And now seeing your posts and seeing you in my notifs makes me so happy dhejsj thanks for sticking around
@ventismybitchboy fellow venti kisser! hi getting to interact with you this year was so fun djesj your thoughts were beyond good and then you were also just really funny???? clown on dash /j seriously though it's been a blast
@a-gods-somewhat-mortal-form sup you're just epic. we don't really talk much, but I think the likes and reblogs convey enough! you've been really cool, and I like seeing you in my notifs ^^ have a good new year
@night-flare how did we even become mutuals, I don't know or remember. you're cool though ^^ I know we don't talk like at all mostly but I do remember you and spotting you in my notifications is always a fun sight
@bad-puns-n-finger-guns one of the best urls ever actually, and true to it's word hsieisis. very epic and poggers mutual thank you for being one of mine ^^ your posts and reblogs are the best
@myluvkeiji hi iely!!!! you're a newer one on this list but by the archons have you been so cool to interact with! helping you through ebg was so fun, and interacting with you past that has been even better ^^
@hydrogender 1 you're epic, 2 you have great taste, 3 your ideas are awesome. need I say more??? seriously though, I genuinely appreciate you being around, and you're fun to interact with ^^ thank you
@mari-the-hedgiewolf we don't talk much if at all really at this point but I still think you're really cool!!! festering desire was the first series fic I found on Tumblr, so it's pretty dear to my heart :D thanks for being awesome
@keqinxx spookii are you aware of how cool a mutual you are bc jsjsi yes! either I met you through the samachurl rp account or through Zain, I don't remember, but you're pretty awesome!!!!! thanks for being here
@mayple we don't talk much but your url reminds me of maple syrup so you're automatically the coolest mutual /j seriously though you're cool ^^
@storytravelled epic mutual!!!!!!!!!! impeccable taste in characters and you reblog some of the funniest and/or coolest posts ^^ I really do appreciate you :)
if I missed anyone no I didnt /j seriously though if I missed you I'm so sorry, but know I appreciate you anyway!!!! I do notice you whenever you pop up in my notifs and it fills me with so much joy :D
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So I'm a 16 year old looking into being a Christian witch, because I'm feeling drawn to that path, and I feel like God wants me down this path as well. I've told my mom, and she accepts me, so now my next path to take is finding something right for me. So, that being said, maybe have any advice for a newbie? Thanks 😊
Hello! Congratulations on discerning a new path for yourself and welcome! I’m so glad your family is accepting of your desire to pursue a non traditional form of Christianity.
I have three major pieces of advice.
First, you do not need to be a specific “archetype” of witch, especially not at first. You don’t have to come into this saying “I’m a Green Witch” or “Im a Hedge Witch.” You can take time to explore what paths interest you and research those further. Let yourself get interested in various different types of magic and don’t bind yourself to one idea. If you like cooking, look into food magic. If you think you may like divination, start learning tarot. Think spirit work is cool? Do some research and learn how to protect yourself before you start inviting things into your home, but go for it. Mix and match your interests and don’t let anyone tell you that you have to pick just one.
Second, remember to center your faith. There are some great Christian witch blogs here and some Christian blogs that, while not inherently witchy, are very open to mysticism and folk magic. Off the top of my head I can think of @adhdcatholicwitch @hymnsofheresy @mysticismmess in particular. Go hunting through tags to find others. Remember that God is central to our faith, not magic. Yes, magic does cool stuff, but God is the river that all that power comes through. We can’t do anything without God and, as Christians, our devotion to God needs to come first. Pray. Do devotionals. Light candles and burn incense and talk with God. Chat with Saints if that’s your thing. Read the Bible and work to understand it beyond what you were taught in Sunday School and mass. @queerlychristian has some amazing sermons and material on interpreting the Bible beyond a literal guidebook or rulebook.
People (both witches and regular Christians alike) will try to tell you that this isn’t an acceptable path and that Christians can’t dabble in magic. Finding a healthy and strong relationship with God will help you persist in your path despite the opinions of others.
Finally, be careful who you learn from and what you practice. Magic is cool, there’s so many different things to explore and rituals to learn! But remember that not every ritual is from an open religion or culture. Learn what terms and actions are closed to you. Stay away from people who claim that there’s no such thing as a closed practice. Most indigenous magic systems (Native American religions, African religions, Indigenous Australian, etc.) are closed and many others require initiation and training. Also, Kabbalah is a Jewish practice and anyone who tries to tell you it’s fine for a Christian because “it’s the same God” is probably antisemitic. Check out @will-o-the-witch for more info on Jewish witchcraft and how to be a good ally to Jewish people (who aren’t just Christian Lite™️). Note that staying away from them doesn’t and shouldn’t mean that you are the equivalent of a 4 year old putting their fingers in their ears and going “la la la not lisrening.” It means not practicing closed traditions. Learn about them, know what Voodoo actually entails. Ask questions about what the evolution of root work in America was. Know which Native American groups practice what types of religions. Ignorance is not the same as respect.
Also, if you plan to follow Norse pagan blogs, make sure you do a quick scroll through the blog before following. Most are amazing people with great resources but unfortunately white supremacists have decided that Odin and Thor loooove and support white supremacy (spoiler: they don’t) and have hijacked the religion. 99% of Norse blogs are great, just be on the lookout for Nazi bs. Also, be wary of any witches that deny the presence of male witches or say anything about how witchiness is derived from womanhood. This is usually a calling card for transphobic behavior. There are a lot of TERFs in the witch community.
This got long and I’m sorry. If you have more specific questions, feel free to DM me and we can chat more. These are my major tips when starting witchcraft on tumblr.
Tl;dr: 1) explore what you love, 2) remember to be Christian first, witch second, and 3) be aware that there are racists, transphobes, sexists, and assholes in the witch community and be somewhat on the lookout for them.
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