#im having a lot of fun this playthrough taking photos- though i need to take more
southernvampire · 6 months
experimenting with photo mode
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Hello omori and hxh fans
[ Spoilers for omori later on ] 
Hi!!!1! I just decided to make a bunch of hxh x omori sprites for my funny little fusion au idea because I really like hxh and omori both
so here are the sillies
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His name is KIRA. I might change it later on but for now it’ll be KIRA since i couldnt rlly decide on another one.
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Alluka!111ww1weeewe ue she is like the best ever in here. She’s mostly like DW Aubrey and a bit of Kel as well
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Her litle sprite
I don’t know what to do with nanika but I may put her in there somewhere. I don’t want to make her scary/bad in the story because shes not
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I havent made neutrals for leorio/kurapika yet but here !!! I made it for a little interaction. I decided that since in omori theres not much of an age difference, that kurapika will be 14 in the past and leorio will be 16, and later obv 18 and 20.
Alluka is still 11 and Kalluto is still 10 though, as well as killua and gon being both 12 in the past (14, 15, 16, 16, 18, and 20) 
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I made the text boxes and stuff with my art and this excellent dialogue generator it was very fun.
I havent made gon or kallutos dw sprites yet but...
[ Major omori spoilers & tw for death/suicide ]
ok so here we get into the nitty gritty of the story, so if youve played/watched a playthrough of omori you know what im talking abt...
so in the story, sunny accidentally kills mari and basil watches. If you didnt already guess, Killua is supposed to be sunny, Gon would be mari, and basil will be kalluto. 
Killua moved in with gon a month prior because he was old enough and his home situation obviously isnt the best (a lot of trauma with his parents and illumi which in the hikikomori route would go much in depth to) and since they lived together more they got into more fights. 
One day, Kalluto was over and Killua and Gon got in a big argument. Kalluto was speechless and they wanted to interfere but couldn’t as they saw their brothers face. Killua was getting really agitated and pushed Gon down the stairs accidcentally. 
Idk what the argument will be about specifically... I don’t know if i hsould have them do a performance or not like in the actual game. I also dont know what they’ll do with gon after they find out hes.. yk.. dead... but it’ll probably be a staged suicide as well, as that makes the rest of the group feel even more conflicted. Especially Leorio, who thought himself a bigger brother figure to Gon, and Kurapika, who feels guilty about often relying on Gon to comfort him instead of comforting Gon. 
The scene....
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The last box is more or less a reference to the scene in the truth sequence where there are a bunch of hospital beds and if you interact with them it says “This person is not alive.” or “This person is not breathing.” Ifg but yea.
Speaking of the truth sequence, instead of collecting photos, you collect scraps of ripped paper from a drawing of the truth by kalluto. Instead of taking photos, Kalluto likes to draw/do paper crafts, and instead of a photo album, they have a sketchbook for drawings relating to their friends.
After gon dies, Killua obv isolates like sunny in the game, but Mito is more involved in taking care of him unlike sunnys mom.
I think there will be two somethings, one being the bitterness of gons death and gons spirit being twisted into a sick innocent... thing, and the other being illumi’s... well basically everything illumi told killua about himself, and killua being convinced that it’s true.
Alluka tries to be positive, and is the one to get Killua out of the house, and sticks up for Kalluto when they need it.
Kalluto really wants killua to like them, and is now scared of him and feels like his burden. Theyre often anxious around him and Killua tries to repress any bad memories, so he doesnt interact with Kalluto when they see each other again much at all.
The zoldyck household is not a very good place to be in any case for Kalluto and Alluka. Illumi left, luckily, but their parents were still as harsh (transphobicc...), and often say theyre glad that their friend group seperated. Alluka learned to stand up for herself and Kalluto in this environment because Killua wasn’t there anymore. (Kalluto Basil parallels -- you came back to save me)
Kurapika also isolates but in a different way. He isn’t a hikikomori, and he goes outside a lot, but hes closed off emotionally. He stopped caring about school, so he didn’t even bother looking into college after he graduated. He pretends that he doesnt know his friends, which isnt very successful with Alluka or Leorio, but it really hurts Kalluto. When they try to talk to him, he’s very passive aggressive.
Kurapikas home life isnt great. He was orphaned at 12 years old, and his relationship with his legal guardian, Izunavi, wasn’t too amazing at first, but begrudgingly by the time he turned 14 they got along. Everything reverted when Gon died, however, as he stopped talking to his caretaker as well as his friends.
So hes kind of like real world aubrey in the way that he becomes prickly towards his friends, but he doesnt join a gang.... There would def be a ‘it means everything’ like scene and also a breakdown scene where Kurapika breaks down and apologizes to everybody, especially Kalluto who isnt there if were going like the sunny route plot. 
Leorio is at college!!!!! and going to med school obv.. I think he would have always wanted to be a doctor unlike hero, so in dw maybe he would have a SYRINGE AS A WEAPON HELP. But anyways he feels so guilty about gons death like gon was like a little brother to him, and he was so young. So he was definitely depressed like hero was/is. Alluka consistently visited him (and tried to visit kurapika and killua to no avail) before he left for college, and she helped him become less depressed. He wants his friends to be happy again and will do anything to make sure nothing happens to any of them. 
He notices especially how different Killua, Kurapika, and partially Kalluto are, and he is the one that really helps Kurapika open up after everything thats happened. He’s not sure how to talk to Kalluto and Killua about it as much, though.
...instead of garden sheers, kalluto has scissors... 
anyways thats my infodum p..... bye keep being silly
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ego-centrick-moved · 6 years
Jack posted a photo to his instagram with red lights shining on his face as he wore chases shirt and marvin's mask was spotted in the back
he livestreamed some fortnight and @lisasepticsuperplier spotted marvin’s mask hanging on the whiteboard. @maggiemaemoo also noticed and pointed out when he went on a “pee break” the mask went missing. this same mask was on the whiteboard in his new “am i colorblind” video.
it’s important to note that the red lights were in every video between chapter one and the colorblind video.
RGB lights/lens flares in most thumbnails.
he wore a black shirt in every video up until today (5/9) where he switched it out for chases shirt in “try to fall asleep” and a fairly normal tee in “am i colorblind”
i don't think “am i colorblind” is important to our theories at all, i actually think for once we got a normal video? besides the mask, nothing off happens the whole video and there’s no red lights. did jack go back to sleep?
"you see a man in front of you. this man looks strange, not like any man you have seen before. suddenly, you realize you were looking in a mirror..."
by this point we know all of the intros are connected/parallel events having to do with jack/the egos. this intro doesn’t end with “stories untold.” it’s likely the case because in game, we learn what the characters “untold” story is- and we start to uncover jacks. 
all of his egos have a similar likeness to jack, so he could be referring to coming face to face with any of them. i think, however, this is more of a “i don’t recognize myself” statement. jack has lost his memories, he hasn’t been himself and his subconscious knows. that’s why he doesn’t recognize the man in the mirror, why it looks strange to him. mirrors have been a common theme over time regarding anti/broken!jack, and mirrors were also involved in the second video this day.
i really think jack did a good job choosing stories untold to be The Game(tm) where all this shit goes down. there’s a lot of very obvious connections you can make with jack/the ego’s stories and this game, and i enjoy it a lot. i took some notes while watching the video, it would take to long to expand on them individually so i'll just share this screenshot. it’s a lil messy:
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now let’s jump to that ending. i’m still reeling from it; wig evaporated. 
i still have NO SOLID IDEA what he could’ve been referring to. does he remember everything or just some things? does he blame schneep or anti? does he remember who everyone is again? SO MANY QUESTIONS! gif credit
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@fear-is-nameless pointed out he looks directly at the camera, not through it. almost as if he's talking to someone. i think he’s either talking to us, or talking to schneep/chase considering (i think) they were the ones trying to get him to wake up to begin with. 
@no-strings-puppet pulled together the whispers that you can listen to slowed here, slowed and reversed here.
@damienisverygood made a transcript of the whispers, i have a hard time hearing it so i cant rly confirm for 100% that this is accurate, but definitely worth noting.
@monochromemedic had a really interesting theory about schneeps involvement in it all, it’s definitely worth taking a peek at.
@booperdoopcr has a theory that really got me thinking as well.
i really do think someone has been “pulling the strings,” choosing what jack can remember and locking away whatever memories either a, hurt him or b, doesn’t serve their agenda. it’s hard to tell if it’s anti who’s in control of what jack knows or if it’s our doctor. 
i don’t think schneep is evil or malevolent. if he’s keeping jack from remembering it’s for jacks health or the well-being of the other egos/himself. it’s an outdated theory that anti thrives off of attention (i can’t remember but i think jack said that wasn’t quite the case) so it would make sense for henrick to lock away memories that involved anti, it would also explain why jack doesn’t remember him (considering he was corrupted last time we saw him). the thing that doesn’t quite add up with this theory is why schneep was so frazzled to see jack playing his role, when he knew jack didn’t remember him or really know what he was doing. schneep looked scared when confronting jack, he knew something was wrong. overnightwatch happened after schneep left for “vacation,” yet jack seems to forget about that too. i don’t dismiss this theory completely, it just leaves a lot of questions.
anti, however, would benefit from jack having amnesia about him. if he doesn’t know who anti is and doesn’t know there’s something fishy going on, he can’t stop it. it would make sense for anti to make jack forget schneep, considering he tried to save him. it also could’ve just been a casualty of trying to get jack to forget everything regarding the glitch demon himself. it would also make sense for schneep to be frazzled in this case when confronting jack, because he likely didn’t know who he was talking to. he recognized jack, but he didn’t know jack. if that makes any sense.
i stand strongly by my theory that memory-lacking jack is just a puppet of antis, being controlled by him without really knowing. schneep has experience with anti, he was likely afraid of the unknown possibilities that stirred around confronting an unstable, unknowing puppet!jack. i honestly believe schneep came back to try to save jack. after he confronted puppet!jack, i think he started some sort of therapy to get him to remember, and had chases help. (like a parallel to the dr. alex/mom and james in the game ya feel?)
@chronically-illustrated pointed out that all of the endings could be a bit of interpretation of what happened to jack over the years. James Ation had a hard time interpreting reality so the truth manifested in complicated and symbolic ways. the outros could’ve symbolized jack’s memories coming back to him/events that have been actively happening. 
we see jack “wake up” periodically (i think the jack that remembers is conscious, just locked away, being tortured and watching everything unfold) , leaving hints and cries for help littered here and there. they almost ALWAYS get removed though, seemingly by anti trying to get things back under control. the tags on the DDLC playthroughs that got deleted (canyouhearme, i remember what happened), the entire overnightwatch stream getting deleted (seemingly from memory as well), the random tags showing up on posts only to get deleted later (the sos in morse code). anti doesn’t want jack catching on, he deletes all signs of him he can and all of jacks cries for help while simultaneously taunting us and fucking with us (like overnightwatch as whole). thanks to @fear-is-nameless for reminding me about the tags on DDLC.
no traditional outro or intro
this video just seemed very off. i don’t have a lot to say about it, but i’ll let my notes sum it up:
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i don’t really know what to make of it, other than it’s suspicious as all hell. the red light was in this video as well. 
he mentioned magic 6 times, made a blood/knife/threatening comment about 5 times, and got injured/burned twice. 
that mirror speech was all fine until he said “you got this- we got this.”  i just don't trust like that.
if anything, i think this just helps solidify the idea that memory vacant jack is just a puppet of antis. it might also reveal that anti’s whole plan is to become one with jack and be the foreman (host).
“papa” sounds a lot like anti in the closing scene lmao. i don’t think there’s much to read into, its just something funny. if he is a puppet i wonder if he sees anti as dad?
there IS a traditional outro/intro
i hate this man. i absolutely despise him. im kidding i love him and his creativity and torture knows no bounds. this mother fuck really did this to us.
before even watching the video, i knew we were NOT in the clear, after jack seemingly “waking up” yesterday and then this video? i love hate him. 
here are my general notes on the video. i added lines to make it easier to read cos this was a Lot:
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i take the notes during my first watch through so i'm sorry for the meaningless comments/reactions throughout. 
let’s break this down a lil bit. the video starts off weird. there’s no normal intro, and the red lights are there- just dim (this was brought to my attention from this post by @markired), “jack” fades in through static. 
@lizziebirb made this gif where you can see marvins mask show through the static:
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then that creepy grin is back as he introduces the game. he stares directly at us as he makes his “speech” about going to sleep. when he makes the comment “when you drift off, that’s when the fun begins,” i half expected to hear anti’s laugh. bone-chilling to say the least.
the character in the game is someone who just went through an accident of some kind, and memory loss is mentioned (another parallel?). jack glosses over that, and instead focuses on brain damage. now hear me out; what if jack doesn’t want to remember? what if he wants to stay asleep because he’s afraid? i feel like due to the theme of the last game egos aside, he normally would’ve pointed it out or made a connection? i could be wrong, im just thinking out loud.
he also, out of place, brought up “why are all these people in my house” which reminded me a lot of a post he reblogged a few days ago.
he says “i don't know if i need a mask” (referring to gas masks in game) but that line stuck out to me, due to the fact two egos have masks and one of them even popped up in this video. the other ego (jbm) we haven't heard almost anything from since this all started. 
i found a lot in the TV snow. we see marvin, JJ, and a hidden message. ill link the post with all the pictures here, but i would like to highlight a few screenshots in specific.
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in this one, jack’s webcam seems to glitch out when marvin pops up. i don't know if that was something that messed up in the rendering of the video, but it honestly reminds me a lot like the glitches that popped up during the antipocalypse days. with the way the color fades and there seems to be hints of color over his face. i wonder if there’s a second image there we just can’t see?
and then there was this:
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i traced over the words, but that’s all i saw. i’ve seen people claim it says “you need to wake up” but i just... don’t see that. it would make sense, but i never see the end of this sentence and i very clearly see an “A” in the 3rd word, so it doesn’t say “need”. it could say “you have to flee,” considering that is the next word we see after this. if that’s the case, who is he fleeing from and why? 
it could ALSO be someone telling jack he HAS to wake up. like they’re telling him he doesn’t have a choice, he can't just keep acting like things didn’t happen and put off confronting his memories/his egos. after waking up yesterday, and then this video today, i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s deliberately trying to fall back asleep.
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we also see JJ. but why? this is the only time i see him, and as far as i know jack doesn’t even reference him in this video, unlike how he referenced marvin with the abundance of magic-related comments. what’s the significance of JJ being in this video/making an appearance?
he also makes a face worth mentioning after reading the phrase “loose lips spit sekrits.” (i’m p sure it’s spelt that way because in dreams it’s common for things to be a little off, especially words. it wasn’t a typo by the developers, it was deliberate). this face goes entirely full screen and only lasts for about a second. it could be for comedic effect because he thought it was a typo, but it could also be a certain someone throwing some shade, yanno? someone's been slipping us hints, “spitting sekrits,” and another someone is probably not very thrilled about it.
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he then makes a comment about “revive” due to the word being on a podium. he picks up a fuse and says, “can the doctor revive me after this” (as JJ pops up on screen) which could be a direct reference to schneep “reviving” jack- or at least his attempts to.
fear was a big theme in this video, he repeated that he “wasn’t afraid” many times even though he was very obviously afraid. i wonder who he was trying to convince he wasn’t afraid? who are we even watching in this video, and who are they trying to prove something to? he breaks the fourth wall towards the end and tells us “no fear, im repeating it so you guys remember it.” does he want us to have no fear, is it important that we aren’t afraid? or is he trying to convince us/whoever he really isn’t afraid, just cautious for our sake? 
there were about 5 mentions of magic i caught throughout this video.
no traditional outro/intro
i’ll add more as the days go on, but in another two days (if there’s still ego stuff goin on) i’ll make another one. :D if you have any theories to add lmk by tagging me, messaging them to me, or just replying here ! i’ll throw them in where/if they fit and tag you. thanks for all the positive responses on my first theory post, i hope this one is as helpful. :D
Tags (im sorry): @jacksoopticboop @jacksepticeye-protection-squad @lum1natrix @puppet-master-anti @kasper-the-ghost @septicjacks @mrcamillaa @hufflepufftrax @rogue-of-broken-time  @marielgum @markired
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