#im gonna evaportate
bitchimasnake-sss · 3 months
tumblr au ft. the strawhats! (/some cameos)
basically what if the strawhats had tumblr?? hehe no. but what if?
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♻️🦐sanjissscokbook Follow
#and who taught you fucking evaporated?? #was it nami-swan? #she's the cutest #strawhat pirates
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⚔oni-giri Follow
ive witnessed many horrors of the world but one of my most jarring experiences of being alive is the fact that today, sanji actually managed to get a date 🤢😀
♻️🍊namitheexplorer Follow
and why are you jealous??? homo.
#just date already ffs #tired of this homoerotic tension everyday
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🐾tonytonychopper Follow
Can you stop being so dramatic bro. Look around bro and appreciate the beauty of the world bro. Youre bumming everybody out bro.
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🤠notnicorobin Follow
Does anyone have any tips for new mothers? I'm just twenty-eight and have made the decision to adopt six kids all at once. Any help will be appreciated!
♻️⚔oni-giri Follow
you have kids???
♻️⚔oni-giri Follow
wait are you talking about us???
45 notes
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👃🏾godussop Follow
you know if i wanted to, i could be the centre of attention at your stupid party by telling everyone my cool ass advertures but i dont because im nice
♻️😎godussopfanclub Follow
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🍊namitheexplorer Follow
being a lesbian is cool because some days, i just wanna run my fingers through her hair and smile at her fondly as we lie in the shade of the trees. on other days, i wanna wear her blood in a necklace around my neck and be buried with her so that when the archaeologists dig us up, they think we were one.
♻️🔵viviofalabasta Follow
If you missed me you could have just texted me babe.
♻️🍊namitheexplorer Follow
no, i need your blood.
♻️🤠notnicorobin Follow
As an archaeologist, i approve. It'll be so funny for the future archaeologists.
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🔥whitebeardsillegitimateson Follow
ofcourse it's kinda hard being the hottest, smartest, kindest, sexiest, most baby-girl big brother in the world, but someone has to do it. sorry what was your question again?
my question was when are you gonna come play with me and chopper?
♻️🔥whitebeardsillegitimateson Follow
luffy, i am a busy, busy man. i don't even know when i will be fr- i'll come by 7.
281 notes
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a/n: this was so fun to make!!! i cannot wait to make one more part to it lol
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230east · 7 years
He pauses, regarding them.
you are simply jealous
sine wavy
so gravy
so golden
retrieval system
ingrained through breeding
remember words
but not their
Im the sine of the times. you tangential. Inconsequential. I am essential. Intersectional. I cut through you. Angle of attack acute. You are obtuse. Cant see my point of view. we are not equal. Parallel paths will never cross. I pass into your mind. Sublime. Subliminal. Seeping in. Creeping like a criminal.
the minute you buy it your not gonna want it
its so well told the facts don’t make any sense
tranquil permanent present
multi award winning
tranquilize your mind.
tuning to the frequencies formulaic formlessness effortlessly effervescing and evaporating milk carnation canaries crying in the cellar door clanging in the kitchen
Bubbling up from the bottom captivating cavitation blast from the past im back again I come in from the floor seeping up subliminal mind control it's a mentality of metatarsals manipulating patterns in the permutations that percolate up past Pluto now we out the solar system elliptical in orbit tessellating tentacles
Evaportating into nothingness equilibrium balances on a fulcrum fluctuating in free fall gravitational gyration syncopating psychopathic holograms hovering overhead scintillating on the ceiling spinal cord drop the needle into the vein and flow like venom to my brain and paralyze my eyes perpetually peripheral visionary vertigo vibrating on the frequencies of Fibonacci spiraling fractal fracture fact into fiction
Open up say ah and swallow down the medicine
I’m here admiring the haberdashery
Everything is fucking pink. Everything a shade of red. Lip injection lip kit. Branded bitches. Image conscious. Imaginary consciousness. Destructive construct. Constructive criticism. Imma let you finish swift. but I made that bitch famous. Yeezy
Rhetorically roaring
Quiet, stillness, peace, hush, calm
Curb your dog please
Sun begins to pour into the windows and I cant shut it out anymore. So hard to capture this shaky feeling now its down in my bones. And no one calls my phone so I leave it on the floor. Next to the door I never hear knocks at. Anyway its ok. Ive got my demons to keep me company they pull me into the storm where I belong. Because im always flying im a tornado. Like an earthquake that wont stop rocking. Are we on a bed or a boat. I don't know anymore. Im floating. Up in the air. In an orbit. Around what planet. I don't know. But it aint earth. That's for sure. I left all my friends down there at the party. Where they said we don't play grime cuz its too controversial. Feel like kanye in the medical ward. No one understands my design cuz it aint made like yours. Its aint symmetrical. Its all angles. And they are acute. To cut you down. Like a redwood. And I say timbre. With my voice. Its so silence. The reverie. Begins in the end. Are you gonna finish that cuz I aint been eating nothing but powdered poems pulverized by my mind. Whats the time. He said don't worry baby. Cuz were going to the bottom now. And you’ll see it coming. But no you cant stop it. its inevitable. Im a vegetable. Like a leek. In the ceiling. Cant seem to break through. To you. Keep these clouds in my vision. Im invisible. Im an individual. No I will never be like you. And that's better for both of us. Because my mind is so mental. It is a drill. Im dental. Distance is just a path. It will bring us back together again. If you keep walking. Away. Today is just like yesterday. Its all the same. Ive been here before. But I don't remember. Because its too hard. To go back there. And everyone so basic I am acid. I am corrosive. I will burn a hole inside your mind. All the time. I cant say Im sorry. But I apologize. Im Apollo. Where I go its too hot for your wings. They’re melting. Like icarus. I hate liqourice. Im appaling. Now its to late to tell. You the words. I forgot to spell. Out for you. I put my neck on the guillotine. I aint a king. And I sure aint a queen. Get in you car. Gas guzzling. All you do is drive. Im the engine. Im combustion. Im the fire. You cant run from. Its all around now. In a ring. I wear all black but I cant sing. The blues are see through. Like the water. Its just another form of destruction. Cant you hear me howling. Into the wind. So it will carry. Over the mountains. That I climb from time to time. To talk to god. He don't say nothing. Not to me. but still I see. He’s looking down. All disappointed. Like how can I be. Something not me. im a creator. An orator. On the mount. Just saying nothing. All sound and fury. Resounding ringing. Wont pick it up though. Unknown number. Why don't you text me. cuz I wont read it. no time for talking. Im throwing off the shackles. That hold me down. Not to the ground. No im beneath. Unearth my bones. I am cro magnon. I am evolved. its natural. We are all animals. In a cage. I have escaped.  In the long run. You will see like me. im so future. Eyes so bleary. But they are open in the darkness. Don't need no sleep. Im out of rhythm. With the sun and moon. they just pull me down. Don't fuck with gravity. It cant control me. when I am floating. In the atmosphere. I am a black hole. Like your pupils. I consume all the light. And call it rainbow. Its all refraction. It's a distraction. While you were instagramming. I was programming. Its called brain washing. You think the same thing. Isn’t that crazy? Commercialized insanity. Personal branding. Curated images. Projecting perfection. Like who me? I just woke up like this. Hashtag Beyonce.
actually I integrate the philosophy of eastern sunrise into my western wing riding the space quasar quantum wave jumping off all these pedestals you put me on entombed in marble sarcophagi triangles in the sky writing my name over the airwaves artic icy intertwined in time we coalesce into the condensation on the window pane dripping down dirty dishes clean up your actress put her pretty plastic face on a façade so shiny in the towers of trump humping humming bird brain washing mechanical musings puppets on my string ghetto gepetto
theory wish upon a star im up here chirping chipper blither blather would you rather dandelion or daffodils all fluttering narcissintly insistently I say slithering slippery syncopate
0 notes
230east · 7 years
1957 Bel Air Nomad Chevrolet
you are simply jealous
sine wavy
so gravy
so golden
retrieval system
ingrained through breeding
remember words
but not their
Im the sine of the times. you tangential. Inconsequential. I am essential. Intersectional. I cut through you. Angle of attack acute. You are obtuse. Cant see my point of view. we are not equal. Parallel paths will never cross. I pass into your mind. Sublime. Subliminal. Seeping in. Creeping like a criminal.
the minute you buy it your not gonna want it
its so well told the facts don’t make any sense
tranquil permanent present
multi award winning
tranquilize your mind.
tuning to the frequencies formulaic formlessness effortlessly effervescing and evaporating milk carnation canaries crying in the cellar door clanging in the kitchen
Bubbling up from the bottom captivating cavitation blast from the past im back again I come in from the floor seeping up subliminal mind control it's a mentality of metatarsals manipulating patterns in the permutations that percolate up past Pluto now we out the solar system elliptical in orbit tessellating tentacles
Evaportating into nothingness equilibrium balances on a fulcrum fluctuating in free fall gravitational gyration syncopating psychopathic holograms hovering overhead scintillating on the ceiling spinal cord drop the needle into the vein and flow like venom to my brain and paralyze my eyes perpetually peripheral visionary vertigo vibrating on the frequencies of Fibonacci spiraling fractal fracture fact into fiction
Open up say ah and swallow down the medicine
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