#im a mammon simp today
dommelody · 2 years
hey guys its been a while ^^
lately I've became addicted to playing obey me so just decided to write some of my thoughts i mean pure and innocent ones lol just for a change XD and not me totally being a beel simp :") anways enjoy this fluff and wholesome story oh last thing if i find good respond to this one ill maybe make more of those lol enjoy then ^^
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☆mc's favoritism☆
It's another morning in the house of lamentation you woke up from your comfy bed opened the windows for some morning air-even tho there's no sun but for some air change-u did some stretching then u wore ur outfit for working out u get it right today ur goin to workout outdoors with beelzebub after he insisted frequently and even gave u some of his cheeseburgers as an exchange for doin morning workout with him although u told him that u will start after breakfast cause no way u ll be able to handle beel's workouts with an empty stomach and he agreed with big smile u went to the dining room
lucifer : "good morning Mc judging from ur outfit i take it that ur going to workout with beel ?"
"yep im starting to notice that i m gaining weight cause of someone lately "
beel with puppy eyes : "Mc did u not like it when i bring u food ? :"("
beel with a big innocent smile : "leave it to me Mc ^_^"
lucifer :" I see ,so because u cant go on a diet due to some indoors food delivery ur only hope is to exercise to lose weight well i dont think uve gained that much weight u look as beautiful as ever*smirk*
"thanks i guess hehe"
mammon : "Hey Mc i found a good place where u can sell stuff and u can gain alot of money there lets go after breakfast "
"oh sorry mammon I'm working out with beel after this"
mammon spaced out for a sec and then blushed : "huh u w-what ?///:
"mammon u perv u got it wrong we r going to exercise outdoors *sighs* even tho u see what im wearing ur still asking ??"
satan:" don't blame him Mc blame that stupid brain of his guess its just full of money thoughts too busy to think properly "
asmo :"did u literally just go and steal satan's unwashed green underwear mammon u perv~"
asmo : " iyaa~ dont blame me this time i was PURELY going to wash my underwear then i saw u going out of there then saw it "
satan :"*sighs*AND WHY THE FUCK R U WASHING UR UNDERWEAR AT 3AM,oh wait please don't answer
beel :" Mc try this cake its so delicious :) "
"Thanks beel ^^"
beel :" about our workout i modified urs a little bit because i dont think u can keep up with my pase but for the jogging u have to keep up with me at least 10 rounds around the town *munch* *munch* "
beel :"Huh ? but ithink its too easy, for me i do about 20 so u can do it but if u reached ur limits don't worry ill carry u home on my back hehe ^^ oh and for the exercises we're going to do all of it together im so excited *excited beel noises *
as beel was eating with eyes sparkling with excitement u couldn't ignore his outstanding appearance beel was used to workout early in the morning so he just made an exception just for u ^^ however his body was aching for some exercising so he did some rope jumping and pushups just minutes before coming to the dining room so he was sweating while wearing a short sleeve black t shirt which were tight around his big chest and muscular arms with sweat dripping from his face reaching his sexy Adam's apple then going straight between his chest just the thought of this big muscular man being excited to workout with u makes u shiver
*simping mc noises (haha caught u bish)
then u try to reach the strawberries which were in front of beel he noticed u staring at strawberries so he picked some
beel :"Mc here , I'll feed u this :)"
"oh thanks beel ^^"
as u ate the strawberries from his hand u licked ur lips and then u felt everyone 's eyes on u as soon as u where about to speak beel licked some of the strawberries close to ur mouth
everyone:" STOP RIGHT THERE !"
as beel realised what he did he turned to a blushing mess cause of his gluttony he just licked it unconsciously
beel :" im sorry Mc i didnt mean to >\\~\\<"
mc simping noises again *touching his cheek :" i dont hate it love~"
then as soon as beel saw the smirk on ur face he was blushing even harder he stood up and hugged u tightly :" lets go Mc cant wait to start our workout /// "
everyone : "AS IF ILL LET U TWO GO ALONE!"
beel :" but u never workout in the morni-"
mammon:" SHUDDUP!"
"how about going to the witch u sold satans underwear for and give it back to him that will be a good workout right?"
everyone laughed
Lucifer :"*cough* , recently i read that working out will lessen the stress and make u more productive so i think ill-"
"no luci not this time dont pretend that u didnt get a call from diavolo minutes ago to come after u finish breakfast asap"
beel :" let's go mc :)"
" yea im coming ^^ "
everyone glaring at beel :" UNFAIR "
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
i've just been doing my blog today, been ugh :( /lh but how're you?
Oh :0 that’s cool !!
I love that ur a Lucifer simp !! I do think he overworks himself and he does love his brothers, he’s just always trying not to show it, after all, he gave his loyalty to Diavolo just to protect both them and Lilith
Personally, I really like Mammon the most. Which might come off as cliche since I believe mostly the entire fandom LOVES Mammon but he’s just so precious and truly loves us :( most of the other brothers weren’t even nice to us until it was discovered that we’re Lilith’s decedent. Like ugh, Belphie get away 😭 im petty and u killed me (no offense to Belphie simps and lovers)
And I began rambling- sorry T ^ T
I’m okie, hbu hun ?
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angelkissedface · 4 years
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this could be you, mammon!!! if you weren’t a huge coward!!!
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denkineptune · 4 years
lucifer, mammon, levi + secret pining
♡ yes yes im working on requests hehe
♡ just a kinda quick thing i wrote on a whim, idk man jdfkdjf i might do another with the next half of the brothers but this is all my creativity could pump out today, idk if i like it too much, but hey, writing is the only way to get better so have these crumbs
♡ characters: lucifer, mammon, leviathan
fic details: headcanons, 1.4k words, slight angst, fluff, sfw v pure, possibly ooc lucifer?? idk man i don’t know his character that well but for some reason i wanted to write him, gender-neutral reader
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↠most of the time, i don’t think that he’d keep his pining a secret. he’s a proud demon (avatar of pride, no shit) and he wouldn’t try to hide his feelings too much
↠of course, there��d occasionally be some form of denial, but he is quite the sadist so he’d probably enjoy knowing that you know of his feelings
↠with that being said, if he was secretly pining, something would have had to make him feel like that was the only option. maybe someone would try to harm you to get something from him (don’t forget he’s a ruler of hell), or diavolo forbade it somehow (unlikely, because diavolo is a lil shit and he’d enjoy seeing that unfold)
↠he’s not great at keeping it a secret, just because of his nature, but if he knew that he was forced to do so, he would take that shit to the grave. 
↠and by “because of his nature”, i mean that he’s not really secretive; he makes his intentions completely clear with his actions imo. he can keep a secret if it’s necessary, but otherwise, he’s not making much of an effort to hide things. if a secret comes out, it’s out
↠since you’re living in his house, there’s really no way to avoid you, so he interacts with you like a normal person would. maybe some “accidental” slips-of-the-tongue, praising you more than most would consider platonic, but not much else
↠but when you’re not looking, lucifer will look up from his paper work and admire you
↠he tends to defend you when one of his brothers says something even a little teasing, even though you constantly say you don’t need it
↠you likely have a sneaking suspicion that he feels something for you, but honestly he never does anything to confirm it, so nothing ever comes of your hunch
↠sometimes, luci will imagine a life where he was allowed to love you without having to worry about what others would do or say. he never really has his head in the clouds, but when his mind is otherwise unoccupied, he finds himself in a fictional world where you come to comfort him when he’s down, where you hold his hand and smile up at him, where you kiss him on the cheek and hug him just because you love him too
↠but of course, this is all fake
↠and lucifer will have to live a life silently watching you fall for another, just outside his grasp
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↠he,,,,, he’s a dumbass. straight up- he’s an idiot. which, don’t get me wrong, is adorable and charming sometimes, but also can be kinda annoying. 
↠mammon thinks he’s being super sneaky about his feelings, but god, he’s obvious. i mean he blushes as soon as he sees you, doesn’t matter if you’re talking to him or not. he stumbles over his words and makes excuses to follow you around, claiming it’s because you can’t handle yourself, but everyone knows that he loves you- including, probably, you
↠i’m sorry but you’d have to be so oblivious to not notice his obvious pining- 
↠his brothers are so annoyed at his behavior,, like every time mammon makes an excuse to be near you, they just groan and roll their eyes because come on 
↠nothing prompts mammon to keep his feelings a secret, he’s just scared that he’ll lose you as a friend if he says anything. though, you do know, so it’s only a matter of time before you confront him about it, at which point, he will vehemently deny everything.
↠mammon’s a walking cliche, the living embodiment of the word uwu, who middle school boys would call a simp just because he’s nice. he melts any time you’re talking, even if what you’re saying isn’t something sweet. you bet he’s stayed up at night, thinking about you, wondering what being in a relationship with you would be like
↠would you be lovingly teasing? how affectionate are you with a boyfriend? would you play with his hair, let him fall asleep with his head in your lap, and hold him? what would your dates be like? do you like staying in, or would you rather go out? whatever you prefer, he’s alright with it, as long as he’s with you.
↠he doesn’t get much sleep on those nights....
↠it gets really bad, to the point where the people around mammon are practically begging him to confess. not for his sake or yours, but because he’s so,, obnoxious,,, he can’t talk about anything but you when you’re not around, he somehow manages to relate everything back to you in a beautiful way.
↠i think that he would refuse to say anything, though. he’s just really nervous, so you’d have to make the first move. he probably wouldn’t believe, at first, that you’re serious, thinking that it’s a prank rather than an actual confession.
↠once you assure him that everything is fine and that you do feel the same way, he gloats like a mf and does not stop for ages dlfkdl he’s precious, just let him be happy-
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↠he will ONLY keep his love a secret and i mean only 
↠ this mf will never reveal his crush on you because he is so,, anxious,, about everything. he’s very similar to mammon in that regard- he loves you so much, but if he confessed, what was he risking? you could be disgusted by him and stop talking to him altogether? you’re the only person who understands him, he can’t lose you
↠he has himself convinced that confessing to you is not worth the risk of you hating him, which is so sad c’mon man :((
↠with that being said, he won’t confess to you, there’s no chance of it. he manages to function semi-normally around you once he realizes his feelings, though if you get within a few inches of him, he’ll absolutely freak and run off, because he’s worried that he’ll get too flustered and you’ll catch on
↠he’s sure that you’d never like him back, but this doesn’t stop him from indulging in silly things that make his heart swell with love when he thinks of you, ex: playing games and using your name as the main love interest’s, sending you platonic love memes (you send some back, his heart stops), or writing letters to you spilling all of his feelings that he’ll never have the guts to send
↠he’s the kind to stare at you in class, get flustered when anyone teases him about his crush, and writes your name in cursive on all his school papers. his teachers are,,, confused,, to say the least
↠whenever you look at him and make accidental eye contact, his eyes dart away; he compares you to his favorite anime characters, and he’s even said that you’re more important to him than Ruri-chan on multiple occasions without being tsundere about it. 
↠levi might not want to confess to you, but that won’t stop him from trying to get you to fall for him. he gets pointers from asmo (an embarrassing experience, for sure) about things you like, he makes attempts to help you out without having to be asked, and tries to change his introverted behavior by offering to take you places for the day
↠being around you so much makes him anxious, he’s worried that he’ll slip up and reveal something you might not like, but he loves you too much to let you be around his idiotic brothers for longer than you have to be. if you spent too much time around mammon, well, levi’s not sure if he’d like you if you adopted his brother’s personality
↠you, once again, would need to make the first move. when you do, he deflects hard, almost trying to convince you that you could do better. 
↠he’s so insecure that he thinks that everyone else is a better option for you. everyone else is cooler, smarter, more confident. he’s just a geeky otaku with no social skills, why would you like him? you might need to do something drastic in order to convince him that, yes, you do like him, and yes, you are 100% sure that you’re not just ‘confused’
↠after that conversation, levi’s mildly panicked, too flustered to do anything right away, so you’ll have to wait til he calms down to talk to him any more. 
(although, bonus, while he’s cooling down, he buries his nose in your side, hiding his face, and it’s quite adorable.)
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kageyuji · 3 years
i just wanted to thank u for introducing me to “the arcana”. beware…up ahead is my rant for it and possible spoilers for my peeps who haven’t played it yet!
ASRA IS SO FRICKING CUTE N I LOVE HIM SM. pls, the dance at the masquerade?? BEAUTIFUL. and like, he just needs all the kisses in the world. AND HES JUST ALWAYS THERE FOR US AND IS ALWAYS MAKING SURE THAT WE ARE OKAY. AND FAUST TOO?? LIKE I WILL CRY RN. NO ONE HAS CARED FOR ME THIS MUCH?? HELLO ??? MARRIAGE RN. the amount of screenshots i have in my camera roll of asra and mammon and his dialogue is embarrassing. </33
it’s the fact that i always fall for the tan dudes w light hair mammon simp😞
in conclusion, i owe u the rest of my love and affection forever. the end.
YES IM LOVE HE !! every time i read the “i dug until my fingers bled. all i could find was charred bone and ash” part i come closer and closer to crying ever time :”) i finally had enough coins to unlock all of the paid thingies and i am Sobbing™ they’re so cute :(
pls same abt mammon though <//3 i finally unlocked the wallpaper of his bedroom today WBXIB
i lowkey wanna write more arcana stuff though :(( i have one (1) asra fic on my ao3 and that’s all
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