#ilu guys i will brb
cringelias · 4 years
i'm shy but i just wanted to say i LOVE reading ur tags u r a real gem in this fandom (also some of your takes are galaxy brain but in the best way, i love them)
AWWWW OMG 🥺🥺🥺 TYSM FOR THIS BRB CRYING.....BRUV i am but a littol drop in da tma fandom THANK U FOR ENJOYING MY TAKES!!! i have thoughts i say them into a megaphone and force u guys to listen WHEHSHDJSD ilu mwah!!!!
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the-elegant-espeon · 5 years
Ducktales 2017 presents: Moonvasion! A Liveblog
*SpongeBob voice* a week and a half later:
Finally watching the finale! I know it's been out for a while, I've just been so busy with hw and stuff. I've managed to stay mostly unspoiled, with the exception of the very end. Here we go!
Awwqww he missed her so muuuuuch
Love how she glances at the lower 3rd
ilu mama
ilu Fenton
He's so polite
He's offering him a pie! What a sweetie
Ok Mamá totally knows GD is Fenton
I hope Carl is technically Carl barks
Love how "ah phooey" runs in the family
Oh look it's my favorite seagull
Love Beakley's wild driving
Dewstiny really.
I'm adding nerp to my vocabulary
Lil Bulb! My boy!
Lena's an ally I'm not crying you are
Also she's hanging out at the playground!!
So are Violet and Quackfaster!
Lil Bulb sacrificed himself 😭😭 I'll remember you always
Yeah she definitely knows
Fenton "who's Fenton" Crackshell-Cabrera
And so the rivalry begins
Love that the Ottoman Empire guys and Gabby McStabberson count as allies
Huey's really taking after Gyro huh
Wow Sellene and Storkulese really both super gay for Della and Donald huh
I kinda knew this was gonna happen, of course Della wants to keep the kids safe
Della and Selene deserve a better reunion smh
It's just. so unsettling seeing Manny on all fours
Beakley's scream oh my god
My single goal in life is to become Emily "don't disrespect the archives!" Quackfaster
Bringing the harpies back! I like it
Gizmo-poquito I'm gonna go cry now brb
Ooh that's a nice attention to detail. No sign of life, just like 10 years ago. on the moon.
Man Frank really loves Manny. I mean he deserves to be one of the few left
Dewey's face
Glomgold trying to do the nails on a chalkboard
Also he has those alphabet fridge magnets
It's fine I'm fine everything's fine
I want a Sharka
akdksoaojd I'm going to miss being a planet
This episode has some killer one liners
FETHRY!! and Gladstone too I guess
Brilliant plan Glomgold. Just brilliant.
What's Scrooge going to have to be? An Irishman? Who do the Scots hate?
God I love that Scrooge and Glomgold are working together DT 17 said scromgold rights
Love Manny catching Scrooge
Launchpad is still in there!
Ok good he's safe
Yay Mitsi!
Ok so Lunaris is totally off the shits
Oh Scrooge is so happy to have both of them back 😭😭😭
Oh my God. Frank's gonna kill all of the main characters. Next season is just Darkwing Duck.
Thank u Storkulese
Penny is exactly Launchpad's type but Launchpad isn't Penny's type. I'm not worried. Especially considering this show is about familial relationships
Ok first recreating the hug from the pilot and then that scene with the army? Infinity War who?
Shoutout to Goldie! Of course she'd come
Glomgold trying to sneak in
I need a whole separate post for this tbh
But I love that the Investors are the head
If anyone is going to deflect from F.O.W.L. it's going to be Gandra
Of course the Funzo's mascot works for them
Aahhhhh this was so good honestly this episode was fantastic. I can't believe it. Season 2 is complete! Thanks for a fantastic season I had such a wonderful time watching it. Immense props to the cast, and of course the crew as well, you can really see all of the hard work that's been put into the episode and the whole show. I can't wait to see what's next. And with that, I'll see ya for the live blog of the season 3 premier!
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notlucy · 6 years
Top 5 Peggy moments
U monster. ILU.
That little smile she gives Steve in the car when she knows he's not looking
When she uses her briefcase like a battering ram to catch a bad guy
The first episode when we see her emotional vulnerability over her friend, validating my eternal headcanon that Peggy is not actually an ice queen, she's just good at her fucking job. 
When she wears her little glasses and does her goddamn milk inspection or whatever it was. I CANNOT. 
"Goodbye, my darling." Brb throwing myself into the ocean.
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12x22 recap
The good, the bad & the ugly. A lot of ranting & a lot of Dean feels & Ackles praise. No sugar to be found in my coating. 
Ahoy lazy writing! That spell stuff. Smh. Ok Dean ilu but “Let's Shawshank this bitch” really? Ya do remember how that took years to do. This idea was ridiculous. Why are the writers hell-bent on making the brothers look incompetent this season?
“Blaze of glory...sonuvabitch.” Now THAT is my Dean. A crazy as shit idea, but one that actually has a chance of working.
On the other hand; “big, beautiful & dumb” fuck you, writers.
“yippee ki yay mother...” BOOM. This is why Jensen was excited abt 12x22. Nothing will convince me otherwise.
“Aww, ya wanna play mother to my son? He's all yours.” Ik I've said this half the season now, but DIE MARY.
Sam's speech: Y'all weren't dumb enough to fall for the BMOL bullshit like me & my mom but now they're trying to kill us all so let's team up & take them down. WHO IS WITH ME!1!11
Dean: “I'm not going.” In an extremely long list of shitting on Dean S12 has done THIS FUCKING TOOK THE CAKE. Oh yeah, go ahead Sam, go to your possible death, I'm gonna sit back here & deal with mom..smth that could totally be dealt with AFTER THE MAJOR SHOWDOWN YOU'RE GOING TO, but for Reasons I am, for the 1st time in 12 seasons, going to just chill on the bench voluntarily. It's not like I've spent the entire series protecting you at all costs...nah, I'll send ya off on your own, you got this. Yeah, sound totally in character, the Dean we all know. Great job bo bo. At least now that nickname makes sense bc this writing is nothing short of a joke. Oh but by all means, throw in an old line to garner nostalgia & a bro hug to distract us from this horse shit. All better now.
Dean & Mary scenes. All.The.Feels. At first Dean is trying to get her attention, thinking she's trapped...but then everything shifts when he realizes she wants to be in there. “I hate you.” AHHHH I screamed at my TV, seriously. That was sooooo huge for Dean, so hard & so needed to be said. Then it just gets so much more painful from there…
Tbh I'm too bitter that Dean was benched to give any fucks abt any of this BMOL shootout so moving along…
Back to Dean...ok this dialogue was a lot of shit. But I'll focus on Jensen's phenomenal performance before I complain abt that…
Dean calling Mary on her shit *standing ovation* Tell that bitch, Dean! “I had to be a father and I had to be a mother. To keep him safe. And that wasn't fair.” I HAVE WAITED 12 SEASON FOR THIS!
But here's where things go to shit…
“I couldn’t do it.” Seriously? You’re gonna put the shit that happened on him. Okay, sounds fake, but ok. I guess it’s fitting with the shit hole speech ya had him say next.
Sam this...Sam that...Sam Sam SAM. DEAN IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN YOU WENT TO HELL & YOU WERE TORTURED THERE YOUR LIFE WASN'T FREAKING PUPPIES & RAINBOWS EITHER. Would it have been that fucking difficult to put WE went to Hell, WE were tortured??? SOME acknowledgment that Mary ruined his life too??? It's Dean, so yes the focus is always going to be on someone else's hardships more than his own but leaving every other word the same & just switching WE in those 2 parts would have made all the difference in the world. But no. Dean doesn't matter. He isn't of import to these writers.
Back to Jensen's performance…
“I hate you. I hate you...and I love you. Cause I can't..I can't help it cause you're my mom. And I understand bc I have made deals to save the ones I love. More than once. I forgive you. I forgive you..for all of it..everything.”
The way his voice breaks on the 2nd I hate you /gross sobbing!!! This was so utterly heartbreaking on a number of levels. Dean, the guy who has put his family before everything else, who's mom was the one pure relationship he had-his go to happy place...and he's admitting out loud that he hates her. That was huge...& monumentally difficult. And his follow up “I love you bc I can't help it, ur my mom” that's part of why it was so hard on him. It's beaten into us by society to love our parents but society never factors in that some parents DON'T deserve our love. Kids don't wanna tell their parents they hate them, no matter how much the parent earned it. We're bombarded from an early age to love our parents & if not, if a child dares to question that love then THEY are seen as the ones in the wrong. In general, society doesn't account for horrible parents & kids who have them end up feeling shame &/or guilt over not loving them but they don't have to. You don't have to love a shitty parent any more than you have to love any other person who mistreats you.
The forgiving part. I've seen a lot of Dean fans unhappy he forgave her when she clearly didn't earn it but I have to disagree. The forgiveness had nothing to do with Mary & everything to do with Dean. Look how relieved he is when he says it. Dean had been carrying that bottled up hatred towards Mary his whole life & it got so much worse after her return. That's not good for anyone. Him saying “I forgive you” wasn't letting her off the hook or making everything she'd done ok, it was taking the weight off HIS shoulders of hating a parent. Having hate for someone you also love. That shit fucks with your head. Openly forgiving her was beneficial to HIM. If it made Mary feel better idgaf, the point is that Dean needed to do it for his own sake & that's why I liked it. That's why I won't add it to the list of “Dean apologizing to everyone” bc in this case it was in his best interest & that's what matters. As for Jensen, what can I say that won't sound like a broken record lol. He continues to amaze. He brought you right into that scene & you felt everything right along with Dean.
The Dean & Ketch fight. I waited so damn long for Dean to be able to his this asshole! But of course Mary kills him bc S12 Dean is a pacifist. WTF was that shit, seriously? Ketch is supposed to be a match to Dean but a little bullet to the shoulder & he's on his knees whining?? This is the killing machine the season built up as the big scary bad?? Lemme go vomit, brb. And what was with the “I knew you were a killer, you both are.” crap? Did he get some satisfaction in the last few seconds of his life to say I told you so? Lame ass end to a lame as plot.
Back to w/e the hell Sam was doing…
The umbridge bitch wasn't happy. Sam why the hell haven't you shot her yet? You dumb shit. He just stands there listening to her bullshit. SERIOUSLY SAM WHY IS SHE STILL ALIVE? Oh take out the scary computer, that helped a lot. At least Jody was around this time or Sam probly would've joined her team again.
Mary: blah blah a lot of excuses & justifying blah blah blah...BUT STILL NO GOD DAMN APOLOGY. I know “I'm sorry” is just words & actions speak louder but it's a damn start.
Oh but by all means, throw in another hug to distract the fans. Group hug=all is well with them. Sure, Jan.
Overall this ep was mediocre...which is an improvement on most of the season, but other than Dean finally getting to use the grenade launcher & Jensen killing us with the Mary flashbacks, it was poorly written & rushed.
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Info post: hay gais
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So I haven't posted in like a long time because college says no, and also because I run like four other blogs, but I'm just letting you know that this blog's not dead-- consider it on hiatus until I move some files between computers/winter break starts. Hopefully the Christmas Special will have lots of Thomas putting things in his facehole.  
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