#illager trophies
varteeny1234 · 1 month
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tonkigourmet · 2 years
Minecraft dungeons achievements
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Minecraft dungeons achievements free#
The Piglin Merchant is a merchant that sells the players items similar to the other merchants, but uses Gold as a currency instead of Emeralds. If you have any problems you can ask below, I will try to help. Then choose the difficulty you want and complete the hunt! It requires to give items which total items power must be at least 100 (an example a sword 73 power and armor 27 power). You can do it in the cave (this one down stairs) in player's camp. The new merchant is Piglin Merchant, it is really simple to get him, you need to complete any ancient hunt mission. If you already completed the main campaign of minecraft dungeons (with arch-illager) you probably got these guys, each of them is in main campaign missions (I wrote the names of missions above) Merchant: Mystery Merchant Mission: Pumpkin Pastures Merchant: Luxury Merchant Mission: Cacti Canyon Merchant: Village Merchant Mission: Creeper Woods Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe Up to four friends can play. The Deep End achievement in Minecraft: Defeat an Elder Guardian. Merchant: Gift Wrapper Mission: Soggy Swamp 22 has arrived for Minecraft Dungeons, and heres a list with all the changes. Merchant: Blacksmith Mission: Redstone Mines 85.9 Fancy That Find and open your first 'fancy' treasure chest. 86.0 Happy Camper Complete Squid Coast and set up camp. 87.0 Out of the Woods Complete Creeper Woods. The game is a different direction for the franchise and looks to be a relaxed, good time to have with friends. The new dungeon crawler game requires you to smash your way through 25 trophies and achievements to build your own empire.
Minecraft dungeons achievements free#
In order to get this one you have to make free 5 merchant-villagers and one new big pigman merchant. Minecraft Dungeons Global Achievements of all players Total achievements: 94 You must be logged in to compare these stats to your own 89.9 Wooden Sword Defeat 50 mobs. The Minecraft empire continues to expand with Minecraft Dungeons.
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some pictures from my adventures in my legit, single player, minecraft world. So far I’ve ran into 5 Illager scouting parties, ran from one and promised to slay the rest. These four banners are my trophies for protecting the village from harm. Also the picture of what looks like a love triangel but its actually the librarian and the farmer kissing and stuff. So cute! Also i managed to find my first two diamonds and die once by a f***ing vindicator which has the strength of a f***ing pig man with a diamond sword! But i used me trusty cross bow to kill them from afar and pick off the crossbow bastards. Also quick tip, if you want to avoid and early raid on a village, always ALWAYS carry a bucket of milk. It cures the exile effect.
Anyways have fun minecraft people!
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ninjacat1515 · 2 years
An Evoker placing a casual curse on a Hero. All of their important weapons and tools are shrunken to doll size. The Illager gives a sharp toothed smile and summons Vex as the Hero bats at the little monsters with a sword smaller than a butter knife.
Hero has a trick up their sleeve though, and throws a shrinking potion upon the Evoker, who is promptly reduced to the size of a hamster. Using a jar with holes poked in the lid, the Hero scoops up the swift Illager.
Tiny teeth bare and fists pound the glass, the Evoker yelling all sorts of colorful words in Illager language. The Vex get shrunken to the size of flies and are easily dealt with.
Evoker is placed on a trophy shelf in the Hero's base. Bread, meat and bits of vegetables are poked through the lid. Hero sets up a tank, lining it with wool, dark oak leaves and pieces of wood to create little hiding areas. Evoker is gently shaken out of the jar so fingers aren't chomped, and lightly tumbles into the tank.
He rushes to a hiding area and sulks, baleful eyes glaring.
"I'm going to collect each type of you lot!"
A wee hand flips the Hero off.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
Some TS Minecraft AU ideas:
Logan: Human. He’s an absolute redstone fanatic and is always trying to figure out new contraptions to build that will benefit the group’s survival. Plus he’s knowledgeable about all mob behaviors and can help construct efficient traps/farms.
And he’s the only one in the group who can read the Galactic Alphabet (the enchanting table’s language). He can even speak it at times, causing strange runes to glow on his body.
Roman: White Horse Centaur. He’s decked in gold armor and pridefully trots across the biomes, on quests such as finding a desert pyramid or leading a charge against Illager Raids. But you won’t ever catch him going into a cave because they terrify him. His preferred weapon is an iron sword but he likes using an enchanted bow, too.
Virgil: Human-Enderdragon Hybrid. He was in the dragon egg Deceit was guarding in The End. Soon after being “rescued” he grew up quickly over the next few months.
From there the Sides teach him how to fight hostile mobs, although around Ender creatures they cower at his appearance, and he can’t bring himself to kill them. Likewise, they don’t harm him nor the Sides whenever he is present.
Patton: Human. Usually he tends to the farms the group has set up and cares for the animals. Even though he’s allergic to cats, that doesn’t stop him from trying to feed them raw fish.
While he does have a soft heart and stays away from fighting, he’s fairly strong and often goes outside chopping down trees and fishing.
He hates Spiders and will scream at the first sight of them, regardless if it’s day or night.
Remus: Human-Creeper Hybrid. He wears a Creeper skull often and has a lot more mob skulls in his home as “trophies”. His inventory’s always full of TNT, flint & steel, and gunpowder. 
He griefs many things throughout the Overworld, and even the Nether which he visits a lot.
Lightning supercharges him, although he never says if he can potentially explode like other Creepers (he likes leaving it as a mystery).
Deceit: Human-Enderdragon Hybrid. His outfit’s similar to canon Deceit’s, but with purple accents instead of gold/yellow ones (including purple gloves). He’s got black scales and a purple eye on 1 half of his face, and his horns are hidden underneath his hat. 
In his End dimension, he guarded a dragon egg that only revealed itself to those who defeated him in a fight. When Thomas’ friends did, he was killed. But after the egg was taken, Thomas decided to revive him with Ender Crystals out of sympathy before leaving.
Since then he’s been grieving quite a bit, especially when he learns that the hatchling grew into someone who’d turn against him and his own kind.
Remy: Human. He never really hangs around the group a lot. Nobody knows what he does for a living. Sometimes he just..shows up at night to warn them about his “bffs” or “the girls”, which are the Phantoms that are spawning due to a Side’s lack of sleep (usually Logan).
He’s got an affinity with the Phantoms, who never attack him and usually calm down whenever he’s present. Because of that, Remy starts “repping” them by wearing shades with green lenses, a navy leather jacket, a white shirt, and jeans.
Emile: Human. He’s well-acquainted with the local village and lives there as a librarian. Fortunately said village is located right alongside a large emerald ore deposit, so he’s able to make plenty of trades with Villagers and get things the group may need.
He’s also fluent in “Villager Speak”, much to the bewilderment of the other Sides.
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im-illegal · 4 years
*hangs illager banners all over my house as trophies*
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mandrakebrew · 5 years
k so they’re all dead now
i got an ‘illager flag’ and a trophy so that’s cool
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ninjacat1515 · 3 years
A hero with a shield walks towards Matias confidently. He has a lead looped on the side of his belt, but no weapon.
"I think you've forgotten something crucial to a fight, boy..."
"No I haven't."
"So be it! Fool!" Matias laughs and begins firing his crossbow, chasing the hero around the field. But the young man has taken potions of Swiftness, and runs the Pillager ragged.
Angered and beginning to tire, Matias stands and fires bolt after bolt; the piercing enchantment doing nothing. His crossbow breaks, snapping apart in his hands. Glowering, he regards the annoying human with intense dislike.
"Wow! This was easier than I thought!"
"What are you talking about?!"
"I have tamed you!"
Matias stands there, incredulous.
"No you haven't! Illagers cannot be tamed!! We are not animals!!!"
But he no longer had his Ravager tooth blade. He couldn't even run. What was happening?!! He felt a surge of terror as the human transported him in a boat and guided him into a pen inside of a trophy room.
Matias was furious with himself. Why couldn't he at least attempt escape or simply throw a punch at the human's smug face? All he could do though, was stand in the pen. A weak and helpless prisoner.
The Pillager awoke in a cold sweat, and couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Agnes watched him with concern.
"You look awful, what happened?"
"Had a truly horrifying nightmare! A human tamed me! ME! That is impossible right??"
"Very much so. It would take some powerful magic to render one helpless. Magic humans do not wield, thankfully."
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