innocentignorance · 2 years
Otome Review: Collar x Malice - Unlimited
So in Collar x Malice - Unlimited, sequel to Collar x Malice ,you get learn what it’s like to actually have a relationship with the guy of your dreams without anyone trying to actively kill you or whatever. I think this is actually a really nice take. Usually in otome games there is this huge drama or life threatening situation going on during which the heroine meets and falls in love with the love interests. Then after the drama is over so is the story usually.  In this game it basically tells what happens in that “Happily Ever After” that comes after playing the first game. Although you can still get Normal or Bad endings. Which is nice because, you know, such is life. So the story in this one is generally not as complicated as the first one since you basically solved everything and I can’t really write an overall summary since all the routes are very different and there is no common route. Also warning: may contain spoilers for the first game but I tried to keep it spoiler free for this one since you can’t play this game without playing the first one anyway.
There are also many side stories where you get some insights into some side characters, get to know them a bit better. There is also a story that is kinda the continuation of a bad ending of one of the routes in the first game. Which was honestly quite interesting and also really bittersweet.
There isn’t a lot that I have to warn you about in this game since the traumas that the characters have are not mentioned as heavily as the first game and you should really have played the first game in order to know what’s going on here. One warning that I should maybe make is that there is a bit more sexual content in this one so if you are maybe a delicate person who blushes at the mere mention of “sex” or kissing, consider yourself warned. So yeah. Warning :Suggestive Themes (Maybe??). 
Because I guess some people consider it steamy when they see their 2D boyfriend shirtless and hear him very vaguely reference sex. I am sorry if anyone is offended by this, I am just extremely salty about the fact that otome games portray love as something super pure and beautiful, and in order for love to be this way sex cannot happen, or it cannot be enjoyed. Like the heroine can never come out and say that she enjoys sex with her partner. Ugh. (I just want some R rated otome games. Usually I can go get my fill of smut between my beloved characters but this game surprisingly has very little fanfiction. I am so disappointed, I have no words.)
Anyway. Onto the routes!
Love Interests
Mineo Enomoto
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This guy’s after story was really funny and sweet. Although it’s not my cup of tea, since he’s a bit too innocent and oblivious. But he actually got a bit smarter in this game AND he took off that eyepatch. Like, thank fuck, man. You use guns n shit and depth perception is a thing. So even though Mineo is a bit innocent for me, I think he actually makes good match for the heroine since she’s very much the same. They are both young and quite inexperienced but they are figuring it all out together which I think is beautiful. 
Takeru Sasazuka
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God I love him so fucking much. Ehem. So Takeru’s route was very entertaining. In the first game he always had the “I couldn’t care less” attitude towards everyone especially in the beginning. He still has that harsh exterior going on but damn if it isn’t sweet inside. I honestly may be a little biased on this one since I love his character trope. But he goes through a genuine character development that was, I think, quite well-written since you don’t actually realize it all that much until a character points it out. His route was honestly a bit more realistic compared to the others in regards to how relationships work. They aren’t all sunshine and giggles. Overall, I love him. Could’ve been more “steamy” scenes or sexual interactions in general even if it was just implying . Still not too unhappy with the fanservice in this route. At least got to see him shirtless. Which is more than what we got in some other routes sobs
Kei Okazaki
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So after going through even more trauma in the first game, my man’s honestly on his way to fixing his fucked up mentality. However, he’s not quite there yet. In Kei’s route you get to see how it is to have your work can kinda get in the way of your relationship. They’re trying to have a relationship between their jobs and Kei’s lingering issues and of course with some misunderstandings along the way but they manage to tackle it in the end. Of course nothing is perfect which is, in my opinion, a good thing since perfect relationships do not exist. There was also a lot of implications of sexual activity in this one because our boi here is one horny bastard. Honestly, I love him. If only he wasn’t trying to sugar coat his mental issues and stuff with that adorable but sometimes annoying smile of his. like no Kei this much jealousy is not normal stfu
Kageyuki Shiraishi
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This bitch After going through so much fucking shit in the first game, here we are going through even more shit in this wonderful fandisk! Honestly if you were thirsting after him at any point, you’re out of luck cause our poor boi is in no condition to fuck. Dw he’s not injured or anything. Kageyuki’s route is the one with least fanservice of them all because he committed war crimes or some shit and no one trusts him now (understandably), except of course our protagonist, even though he turned himself in. Which is great and all but this only leads to a lot of yearning and heartbreak for both sides for the entire route. This route was also the most eventful route of them all, with life threatening situations and psychopaths from the past. Story wise, I think it was great. It just was not what you would expect from a fandisk content where you would expect to be witnessing the happily ever after of your OTPs. But in real life your actions have consequences and the power of love doesn’t fix shit. So yeah. Realism wins. Kind of.
Aiji Yanagi
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Daddy? Sorry I can honestly say I really loved Aiji’s route. There wasn’t any drama between him and the protagonist and overall the route had a relatively mature take on relationships. They also addressed some things that weren’t really addressed in the other route like the LI’s and the protagonist’s families. It was quite satisfying which is not very surprising since Aiji has always been the most mature among the LIs in this game. But damn, my boi definitely lacks xp in the romance department like don’t give me all that shy shit bro you’re almost thirty fuckin act like it but it wasn’t exaggerated so not really an issue. The parts with his family were also really wholesome in the end although at first you’re like “throw these bitches out the airlock they are not touching my baby.” This is also the route with most fanservice, I think. In the other routes you could pretend that they weren’t doing anything *looks left and right and whispers* ‘sexual’ even with all the implications if you chose to be real ignorant but in this one I think it was a bit more obvious like we get a glimpse of inner boob y’all that’s like seeing an entire dick in a regular game but not too obvious. Overall, I recommend :D
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innocentignorance · 5 years
Please Read
So this is it. (Not the whole story, of course, I doubt I’ll ever get it all out.) Please read and let me know. Also, as I mentioned before this is also a fanfiction, it doesn’t belong to Seduce Me, however, but another otome game. If you can guess which one, message me your guess :D I will of course announce. Just not in this first scribbles since there won’t be any mention of character names. I hope everyone enjoys this and gives me feedback :3
In our world, people, although not all, have these small talents that we call “Wishes” and people who have them are “Wishers”. These Wishes are supposed to gifts granted to us by Gods. Although, there were similarities, no two people had the same Wish. So there were almost infinitely many of them. Detecting any lies and deception with one look as if one was transparent, eyes that made every woman fall in love the moment they looked into them, a mind so fast and analytical it could solve anything with incredible speed. Words that are so honeyed and aptly put that they make anyone believe or perhaps even do anything. These are just a few of many.
They seem to be given in no particular pattern too, these Wishes, but legends say that they are what we would “wish” we could do or have were we living in a mundane world. There is, however, no evidence of such claims and not everyone believes that, of course. 
There are many who dislike or even despise their Wish, going as far as viewing them as a curse. I have met such people. One can even say I’m one of them.
My friends and family believe I don’t have a Wish. Such people are called “Mundane” by the Wishers. It is not a derogatory term even though some people take offense to it, such is unavoidable, but it is simply a stating of a fact. I admit that the word choice could’ve been wiser but it is what it is. 
The people around me believe I am a Mundane because the Wish that I possess can be considered quiet dangerous by a number of people, or a very useful tool to be exploited by others. I understand really. I used it many times to meet some ends myself. But people finding out about my Wish wouldn’t only be dangerous for me but so, so many more. Because they wouldn’t understand. They couldn’t understand what consequences their actions would have when using my gift. Not in the way I do, and even I don’t understand fully.
That’s why I can’t tell anyone. No one can know. Not now, not ever...
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innocentignorance · 5 years
Ok, so I need y’all to get serious on this.
(This isn’t about Seduce Me, btw so be warned.)
I have this new plot idea cooking up in my head. Nothing solid enough to write a whole ass story but it gets me really excited. So I’m going to write up what I can and I want you people to read it and give me some feedback, pls. Like I warned it’s not about Seduce Me but a fanfiction of another game. Although perhaps someone here would be interested in working with to adapt it to Seduce Me, if we even can. 
So, yeah... That’s all I ask. Pretty please :3
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innocentignorance · 6 years
Hey its me again.....I baked some cookies fo rt you guys, no tricks this time. I hope you like them!!(≧▽≦)
Matthew: DeAr GoD!!! I just baked some cookies too! There are so many cookies everywhere, man! We could fill a room. Do you even know what that means?
Damien: That we’ll have to eat cookies for every meal for the next few days?
Matthew: NO! I mean, yes, that too, but that’s not the point right now. 
Matthew: The point is so many cookies mean crumbs!
James: Crumbs?
Matthew: *Narrows his eyes and stares directly into the camera like in the Office* Crumbs. Everywhere.
Matthew: And that means Mika will whoop our asses. We need to find ants. A lot of them.
Sam: What?
Matthew: Ants will come in and they will eat the crumbs or take them home to their kids or something, and there will be no more crumbs.
Matthew: Then when all the crumbs are gone we’ll bring in the anteaters.
Erik: *Deadpan voice* The anteaters.
Matthew: Yeah! Those ants won’t even know what hit ‘em. One moment they’re all like “WoOoOoAaAh! There’s so much food here! This is great! I’m having fun!” and the next thing they know it’ll be like “BAAAM!! NO MORE FOOD! ONLY DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!”.
Matthew: And just like that both the crumbs and the ant will be gone. Problem solved.
Damien: …
James: …
Sam: …
Erik: …
James: *Sighs* You see what I mean by “weird behaviour”?
Matthew: Hey, this isn’t weird! This is just a perfectly normal problem solving process.
Erik: No. A “perfectly normal” problem solving process concerning cookie crumbs would involve a vacuum cleaner.
Matthew: Fine. You go ahead and be boring with your vacuum cleaner. In the meantime, I’ll bake more cookies so that there’ll be even more crumbs and we’ll see how yoUR VACUUM HANDLES THAT!
Damien: Matthew no!
Matthew: MaTtHeW yEs!
Sam: Should I go stop him?
James: Please.
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innocentignorance · 6 years
If the incubaes had children with the OCs, what would their names be? (Both genders please)
OMG! There is no way to measure how happy this ask made me!!!
Aurora - James:They would names their children something a bit old fashioned perhaps. And fancy.
Boy: Alistair
Girl: Isabella/Victoria
Galatea - Erik: These kids are like the most precious things in Erik’s life along with his wife so he’d name them accordingly. And Galatea would happily let him.
Boy: Gaius (Meaning ‘to rejoice’) 
Girl: Alaia (Meaning ‘joyful and happy’)
Alexandria - Sam: Sam would like to names the kids something practical, something easy to remember and pronounce. Alexandria would like to name them after her grandparents or something Latin. They find a somewhat of a common ground.
Boy: Harold Ace
Girl: Aquila Lux
Kathrine - Matthew: They would likely names their kids after characters from video games, movies or something, while trying to make sure it’s not something too ridiculous so that people wouldn’t make fun of them in the future.
Boy: Geralt
Girl: Luna
Sandra - Damien: I always thought they’d have twins - a boy and a girl - and give them matching names of course. . 
Boy: Lyle
Girl: Lily
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innocentignorance · 6 years
A fanfic of Erik taking care of the MC because she is sick
Here ya go!
Erik: I told you so.
MC: Ugh… Shut up, Erik.
Erik: Now, now, princess, is that anyway to talk to your caretaker?
MC: I don’t need you taking care of me.
Erik: You being unable to get out of bed to even go to the restroom says otherwise.
MC: I hate you.
Erik: No, you don’t. This is your fault for not listening to me when I told you wear something warmer. *Looks away*
Erik: …
MC: Erik?
Erik: I was really worried, you know. When I saw you lying on the couch, barely conscious and burning up. I don’t know much about human illnesses so I had to call your friends to actually find out what was wrong with you and how to make it better.
Erik: It was an awkward conversation, considering that they don’t know I’m a demon and it’s weird for a human to not know about “common cold”. I was too panicked to care at the time but I doubt I left a very good impression.
MC: …
MC: I’m sorry.
Erik: *Smiles softly* It’s fine as long as I can trust you to know better next time.
MC: *Nods*
Erik: Besides it is not I that has to take all that nasty medicine, now.
MC: *Groans and sniffs*
Erik: *Chuckles* Well, then, I’ll go to the kitchen and try to figure out how to make that “chicken soup” Naomi was talking about.
MC: I have my grandma’s recipe lying around somewhere.
Erik: I’ll take a look then. In worst case scenario, I’ll call Matthew for help. *Leans in and plants a kiss on her forehead* Rest now, princess. I’ll bring you some water, too.
MC: *Sniffs* Thank you, Erik.
Erik: Anything for my princess.
MC: I love you.
Erik: *Kisses her hand* And I love you.
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innocentignorance · 6 years
I asked the one about the boners awhile ago and ty for answering XD and also I have another question can you write something about Sam with the Mc, Mika?, having a panic attack? I’ve just wondered how he would handle it.
Lol, I’ll admit that was a bit of a weird question but I enjoyed answering it :D And here ya go!
She has been getting ready for this for years now, the entrance exam for the university of her choice. She studied relentless for hours and hours for the past 2 years, almost everyday. She was confident about her knowledge, that she would be able to answer any question no matter how difficult. But now that there was only 3 days left until the exam, her nerves were kind of wrecked. It came out of nowhere.
If he had to be honest, Sam didn’t really understand why she was working so hard and for what, but of course he didn’t tell her that. He simply understood that this was important for her and that she needed his support. He was fine with that. He wouldn’t have been able to offer any other kind of help anyway, he understood nothing about what she was doing. He was just around to listen for when she wanted rant about something, to tell her she could do it, to bring her snacks for when she forgot to eat, that kind of thing. And thankfully she wasn’t having any problems. She always said that she felt good about her progress and she was sure she’d get it. Until one day she just snapped.
Sam was watching TV in the living room when he heard the voices. There were rattling, glass shattering, trashing… He got up and ran upstairs super fast to see what was happening and there she was, Mika, curled up in a ball on her bed, pieces of the things she broke and the books she ripped scattered all over the room. Her eyes were wide open, and she was shaking and panting. He quickly went over to her side, punishing down the panic that was threatening to take over him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?! What happened?!”
She just shakes her head furiously, but remained otherwise unchanged.
“Hey, come on, doofus, breathe. Just take a deep breath.”
That seemed to help a little as she stared taking deep breaths, her trembling also decreased. He remembered helping Damien through something similar. He just needed to keep talking.
“That’s right, deep breaths. I don’t know what happened but I’m here, okay? I’ll stay with you and it’ll be okay.”
Her eyes were still wide open but they seemed more focused now. As he continued to speak they slowly started to focus on him.
“… so, uh, then I told him I was having none of his bullshit and that, uh, if he didn’t start talking in 5 seconds, I would whoop his ass-” Suddenly she got up from her curled up position and threw herself towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was startled for a moment but that was quickly replaced by relief. He pulled her close, too, putting his arms around her waist. She was still shaking slightly, and he could hear her quietly sobbing but he knew she felt a bit better now. He just held her until she stopped crying.
Finally she calmed down enough to pull back and look at his face. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying and… grateful. She gently placed her hand on his cheek.
“Thank you, Sam.” He just nodded, he was still worried about her.
“Is this about that exam you gonna take?”
She gulped and nodded. Her eyes filled with tears once again but she didn’t shed them. He wanted to tell her how ridiculous all of this was but he knew better than to belittle her fears now. So instead he just planted kiss on her forehead.
“It’s okay, doofus. I ain’t gonna lie by saying I understand everything that’s happening with all that but I get that you’re worried you’ll fuck up. But you should also know that I really believe you can do it. You gonna go in there and you gonna kick ass!” He told her.
She chuckled. “Yeah. I will.” She pulled him into a kiss. A short but a sweet one.
“You should probably get some rest now. I’m gonna be right here if you need me.” Sam told her and the smile he got as an answer was worth everything.
“Thank you, Sam. Thank you so much.” She said, quietly, before she was fast asleep.
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innocentignorance · 6 years
Please excuse my weird and random behavior. My brain is very wild and whacky. Oh! And I made cookies as an apology. Take as many as you want! *she holds out a plate of cookies to them*
Sam: *Shrugs* I’ll take it.
James: *Slaps his hand*
Sam: Hey!
James: Manners, Sam. There’s no need to apologise believe I witness behaviour that’s a lot weirder than that everyday. Everyone who sees Matthew or Sam on a daily basis does.
Matthew: Hey! What did I do?
James: I won’t grace that with an answer for you already know exactly what you do. 
James: Anyway, thank you again for the cookies, miss/ter. They’re just in time as Damien just said it would’ve been nice have something sweet to eat with our tea.
Damien: Yes! Thank you so much.
Sam: How do you know they’re sweet? What if they put salt instead of sugar? You know, just to fuck with us.
Erik: Not everyone is you, Sam.
Sam: *Glares*
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innocentignorance · 6 years
*kicks down the door with a meeseeks costume on* merry Christmas! *places a gift in front of all of them* oh and I'll fix the door. *fixes the door on her way out*
The boys: …
Sam: What the fu-
James: *Slaps a hand over his mouth*
James: *Clears his throat* What he means to say is: Thank you for the gifts, Miss/Mister. You are very generous.
Sam: *Muffled sounds*
James: No.
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innocentignorance · 7 years
Ik this is gonna be weird but of course I wonder things and then my mind goes to RLLY WEIRD places...ok umm I wonder if the guys have ever thought of Mika (or the character) and ever got a boner and I'm just curious of what it was and I just wanna know...Sorry you don't have to answer XD
I’m gonna take the liberty of using my own OCs for this. Also I think this is fairly normal thing to wonder about in the fan base of a game about sex demons.
Well, considering the boys are incubi and have romantic feelings for MC on their respective routes, I say this is common occurrence. But what specific things that MC does that turns them on. It’s different for all them.
For James it’s when she wears an elegant evening gown and/or dances. Aurora is a graceful dancer and she looks fantastic in a gown. During formal events, like the housewarming party that she threw, James simply can’t take her eyes of off her. He’s her dance partner for the entire eve and rarely lets anyone else dance with her. When he does he watches them like a hawk. After the party is, however, when they dance for real.(If you know what I mean)
Erik gets real turned on when Galatea initiates things. He’s the one who always flirt with her, stealing kisses throughout the day or starting the love sessions at night. So when Galatea does any of these things before he does, even if she right out tells him she wants to have sex, it turns him on BIG time.
Sam just gets the biggest boner when Alexandria is mad, bonus if at him. Alexandria is a patient person. She used to have a temper but she grew out of it. She rarely gets angry but when she does… Ohhh, boy, ya better run, ‘cause she gonna fuck you up. Sam, however, doesn’t run. Why? Because he’s fucking stupid. Because blood probably doesn’t really reach his brain very well at that time. It goes elsewhere. They do have good after Alexandria calms down, though.
The little victory dance that Kathrine does whenever she beats Matthew in a video game really does things to him, and well, that’s why she does it anyway. Of course Matthew’s been known to let her win on purpose just to see it, but unfortunately, Damien tell Kathrine whenever he does that so he doesn’t get the dance, or anything else, until she wins fairly. Sometimes Damien tells after the dance happened just to give Matthew a hard time.
Not often does Damien gets so horny that he has to have sex now. It does happen, however, when after a long day of work Sandra gives him a shoulder/neck massage with a lot kisses involved. He knows that she has no such intention but he can’t help but to pick her up and carry her to their shared bedroom and give her the time of her life.
Bonus: They all do get turned on when MC does something sexy in purpose to seduce them or bend over to pick something up. These are the things that she does unintentionally that gives them a boner. 
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innocentignorance · 7 years
Oh Sam, I got you a new dog tag it says "flames inside" do ya like it?
Sam: !!!
Sam: Wow, this is great man! Thanks a lot. I’ll add ‘em to the ones around my neck right away. *Ruffles you hair* Thanks, doofus. *Smiles*
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innocentignorance · 7 years
Hey have any of the boys seen Rick and Morty if not....WATCH IT..if yes WUBBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!
Honestly Rick and Morty and Seduce Me the Otome were two things that I never expected to see together. But considering recent hype about the show, I should have seen it coming. 
To answers your question, yes, the boys have seen it. All of them actually really like the show for different reasons. They always watch it together when a new episode comes out and afterwards, just sit down and discuss it. Or more accurately James and Erik discuss while Damien listens to them and occasionally offers his own opinions. They talk about the conspiracy theories and scientific side of the show. In the mean time Matthew and Sam proceed to shout “WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!” or “GET SWIFTY! SHIT ON THE FLOOR!” and similar things. It is one of the few shows that all of them likes.
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innocentignorance · 7 years
Hiii!!! I frigging LOVE your blog! And the Alexandria fanfic is amazing!! Anyway.. How would the incubi react to Mika's ex flirting with her while they're out on a date or something like that?
Hi!! I’m so happy that you enjoy my blog! I hope I can keep it up! And thank you for reading my HC:Alexandria. I put a lot of thought into her so your compliment means a lot. :))) (Also I’m sorry that this is so late and lacking) 
This has been sitting in my drafts for a very long time and it wasn’t going anywhere, so I thought I’d just share what I was able to write. I might write the other boys later.
They’re to have dinner at at nice restaurant, Mika’s all time favourite, for some special time together. Everything’s great and going smoothly. They’re having so much fun until suddenly a guy comes up to Mika and pulls her into a hug. He says it’s been ages since they last saw each other. He joins them, pulling up a chair without being invited and starts a, forced, conversation with Mika. He compliments her, saying she’s as beautiful as ever. It is hard not to catch the  look that passes his eyes. When Mika introduces him as his ex-boyfriend, it gets even worse.
James is calm at first. He’s not against Mika speaking with her friend any time. However, as time passes he slowly realises that she’s not comfortable with talking to the guy at all! Not to mention he’s shamelessly flirting with her right in front of him. He starts to feel extremely possessive. He’s not jealous because he can clearly see the uncomfortable look on her face. He grabs Mika’s hand and politely but firmly state that they’re leaving, gazing right into the man’s eyes. He might have let some fear enthrallment slip in there somewhere judging from the look on the guy’s face as they walk out.
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innocentignorance · 7 years
Hey, Remember how in SM2 Diana did this Tribal Dance for Sargent to be in the rebellion? I was wondering if you could make a scenario with Sam and Mika,Mc,Reader whatever of her doing the tribal dance if you can't that's fine thanks!
I actually headcannon that one of my OCs actually did that Tribal Dance. My OC Alexandria has a huge spy network/army in her command and there are brute demons in there, too. In the game it was said that the brute demons were massacred and Sergeant was the only survivor. In my universe more of them survived, unbeknownst to Sergeant, by escaping to the Human World. Alexandria did the Tribal Dance for them the same reason Diana did; to gain their trust and loyalty by helping them honor their dead people/comrades. 
Unfortunately, Sam wasn’t there to see it but when he found out about it, it lead to some interesting conversations(”You did what?”) and some… promises.
“You’re so doing that for me later.”
“That can be arranged ;)” 
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innocentignorance · 7 years
Okay now you have to hit me up with a MC being drunk and being with Sam, or even do Sam being drunk talking to the MC.
I’m gonna go with Sam being drunk this time. I don’t even know if demons can get drunk but even if not, they can in here!
Sam: Hey. Hey! Hey, doofus! 
MC: Yes, Sam?
Sam: *Laughes* Doofuuuuuuuuss!!!
MC: Uhh… Sam? You okay?
Sam: Fuck yeah, man! Never been better.*Belches*
MC: Oh, my God. You’re drunk, aren’t you?
Sam: No shit! What gave it away?
MC: Just a hunch.
Sam: The fuck’s a hunch?
MC: Nothing. You should go to bed. I have some work to do.
Sam: Oh, come ooooon! You’re always workin’. Come ‘ere and gimme a smooch!
MC: *Laugh* Dear God, Sam! What have you been drinking?
Sam: Dunno. Matthew was brewing some sissy ass drinks and wanted me to taste ‘em. I did and told him that those weak ass drinks *belches* ain’t gonna get anyone drunk. 
MC: Guess you were wrong.
Sam: No no no no, I wasn’t wrong. I downed a bottle of *belches* vodka and two beers after that. Or three. Not really sure.
MC: Well, I hope to God that demons can’t get alcohol poisoning. Come on, then. Let’s get your ass down stairs and I’ll make you some coffee.
Sam: Can I have it in one of ‘em fancy ass glasses?
MC: Those are martini glasses, Sam.
Sam: So?
MC: *Sighs* Fine. You can have your coffee in a martini glass.
Sam: Fuck yeeeeeeeee *belches* aaaaah!!!
*Later in the kitchen*
MC: You’re being awfully quite, Sam. Not that I’m complaining but I feel like you’re thinking real hard about something. 
Sam: …
MC: Sam?
Sam: I don’t get how you do it.
MC: Do what?
Sam: How do you put up with me? And why? I mean, I know that I’m an asshole. But you still stick with me. 
MC: Oh, Sam! Don’t think like that! You’re a great guy! I mean, yeah, you’re an asshole. A big one. All the time, but you’re a well meaning one.
Sam: The fuck’s that mean?
MC: It means even though you treat people like shit, you don’t really mean to hurt them. Except Matthew sometimes, but still! I know that you love all of us. And you’ve also been a little less asshole-ish lately.
Sam: Thanks, doofus. Really. You know, you’re like the best thing that ever happened to me. I kinda wanna be a better fuckin’ person for you. You’re so good and beautiful and caring.  You’re like an angel without wings.
MC: *Touched* Sam, I-
Sam: So like a person. But like a nice ass person. With a really nice ass. Damn!
MC: *Facepalms while laughing* Thank you, Sam.
Sam: No problem. You know what? I’m gonna get ya a *belches* fuckin’ cup. It’ll say “#1 Doofus”. ‘Cause you deserve it. 
MC: I’ll look forward to it. 
Sam: Yeah, well, I’m gonna go hit the hay. You comin’?
MC: Yeah. I’m coming.
They never spoke of what happened that night again. MC isn’t sure if Sam even remembers anything they talked about. He never mentions it. But one day when she comes home from work, she finds a lone cup on the dining table, filled with coffee, and on the cup it says: “#1 Doofus”.
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innocentignorance · 7 years
I’ve finally decided on my writing tag! There isn’t anything new yet but there will be. Check it out! #ignoringinnocence
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