jonathanottofanpage 4 years
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Explore -Auto Immune Secrets at Jonathan Otto, just visit @: http://www.jonathanotto.tv/ ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://thesacredplant.com/interviews/jonno/ ; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://depressionanxietyseries.com/
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
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Explore - Jonathan Otto鈥檚 Websites and Works. Explore in detail at: http://www.jonathanotto.tv/films ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ 聽; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://thetruthaboutcancer.tv/agq-episode-1-premiere/ 聽& https://dietagainstdisease.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Check all work of Mr. Jonathan Otto at: http://www.jonathanotto.tv/films ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://thetruthaboutcancer.tv/agq-episode-1-premiere/ ; https://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/ & https://dietagainstdisease.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/ , Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Explore Autoimmune Secrets by Jonathan Otto Join discussion @ Reddit: 聽https://www.reddit.com/r/Journalist/comments/a13wz5/about_jonathan_otto_reviews/, Explore @ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/837247386956253456/, Follow Jonathan Otto on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonno.otto/
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Detoxifying body with natural juices
Detox (Short for "Detoxification") means an effective diet that cleanses the body as a whole and helps to eliminate toxins. Now our body receives more toxic substances with food and household chemicals than it can remove in its normal life, so additional cleaning of the body is necessary from time to time.
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This is especially important after a long course of treatment, processing and a lot of emotional stress, as well as pain in the head and poor skin condition. In addition, detox helps cleanse your body for people who have had problems with alcohol and drugs. Behind the buzzword is a simple fact - the body needs to be cleaned and rested, and with the help of proper nutrition, this is easy to achieve. Such a diet is well suited for those whose physical and mental well-being needs to be improved.
Body cleansing juices
The best juices that cleanse the body can be prepared in a home-made juicer. Freshly squeezed juice is recommended to be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 since its effect is usually very strong.
Apple juices: contains many vitamins and minerals, a large amount of pectin, which helps to remove toxins from the intestines.
Beetroot juice: due to the high content of minerals it has a blood-purifying and hematopoietic effect. This is a potent juice that can be mixed with other juices, such as carrot or apple. Mix 30 to 60 grams of beetroot juice with 180 grams of some other juice.
Cabbage juice: contains a lot of vitamin C and sulfur, which cleanses the body. Cabbage juice also contains vitamin U, which is recommended for gastric ulcers. To avoid the occurrence of gases, it is necessary to mix cabbage juice with other vegetable juices.
Carrot juice: an excellent source of beta-carotene, contains a large amount of calcium and other minerals. A high pectin content stimulates the cleansing of the liver and intestines. To balance the intensely sweet taste of carrots, you can add parsley, cabbage or lemon juice.
Celery juice: due to the high content of minerals, celery juice has a calming nervous system. Celery has a salty taste, which goes well with the taste of sweet vegetables, such as carrots or beets.
Cherry juice: a good source of vitamins A and C, helps to make the balance of blood acidity more alkaline. Cherry juice neutralizes excess acid residues, it is recommended to use it for gout and muscle inflammation. Since cherry juice has a strong sweet taste, it can be mixed with other fruit juices or diluted with water.
Cranberry flavour: has a diuretic effect, helps cleanse the urinary tract. Cranberry flavour has a strong sour taste, it must be mixed with sweet fruit juice.
Cucumber juice: cucumber has a cooling, diuretic, and action to cleanse the urinary tract. Cucumber juice contains a lot of potassium and other minerals.
Juice from sunflower leaves: a classic spring tonic rich in beta-carotene and minerals. The bitter taste of the juice improves the secretion of bile and cleanses the liver. If you decide to harvest sunflowers yourself, then choose the first spring leaves. Add a small amount of sunflower leaf juice to other vegetable juices.
Grapefruit juice: pink and red grapefruit has a sweeter taste than white grapefruit. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoid. To maximize the beneficial effect, use a little white inner shell when making juice.
Read more about the detox programs and health tips with聽Jonathan Otto聽, the journalist, researcher and famous personality throughout USA known for this extensive work and research in the league of health, diseases and mental issues.
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Looking for Bible Health Secrets by Jonathan Otto - http://www.jonathanotto.tv/ ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://thesacredplant.com/interviews/jonno/ 聽; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://depressionanxietyseries.com/ , Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonathanfanclb
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
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Diet Against Disease - Jonathan Otto
Diet Against Disease - Jonathan Otto. Review detail at: http://www.jonathanotto.tv/ ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://dietagainstdisease.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/jono.otto ; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://depressionanxietyseries.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Check Autoimmune, Depression, Women's Health, Natural Health Secrets by Jonathan Otto At his sites - http://www.jonathanotto.tv/ ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://thesacredplant.com/interviews/jonno/ 聽; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://depressionanxietyseries.com/, Explore @ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/837247386956253456/ , Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
How to Control Anxiety & Stress in Daily Life
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Even though we afflicted by tension, but life never stop. We want to learn how to manage anxiety so that we may also retain to live and prosper. The majority that can afflict by fear stay healthy lives. The difference is, we may additionally come to be annoying or be tormented by a panic assault at any second. These assaults can range from entire debilitation to mild pain. A few human beings are capable of hiding their attacks, and nobody around them is the wiser. For an unfortunate few, the tension is so overwhelming that it controls their lives and their lifestyle, and their behavior entirely based on their anxiety.
Whichever class you can fall below, recognize it is feasible to characteristic even while you are experiencing anxiety. In the article, coping with stress, you examine the worry scale. If you are an eight or above, it will become tough to recognition on whatever but your anxiety. For people in that class, it is very critical that you work on distinct techniques to carry your fear stage right down to a seven or under, earlier than trying some of the procedures in this article. You could manage that by way of medicinal drug, respiratory techniques, exercising, or meditation. The point is, be pro-active and works towards reducing your anxiety fear level. In this article, Jonathan Otto describe the different scales of anxiety.
Anxiety Scale
To recap from a previous article, hold a journal in that you record day by day what you experience your stage of hysteria to be. Four through 8 represent a discomfort zone of heightened tension stages that most of the people can nonetheless function. In case you locate yourself in that region, it is essential to works voluntarily in that quarter to reclaim your lifestyles from the tension monster. In different words, it is crucial to governing tension instead of stress manipulate you. Recall also, and you are changing the faulty wiring to your brain through not responding to the false alarm that sounded. You're training the manner your frame returns (the physical signs) on your tension. At the start, this could appear very difficult, however extra time; you may regularly notice the much less credit score you give your pressure, the much less impact it'll have on you.
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A massive part of anxiety is our response to it. When stress triggers in our bodies, we experience physical signs and symptoms. The second chew the tension monster takes is our worry about those symptoms. The much less concern we've of those signs, the less Manage Anxiety has over us. Most effective lively exercise will desensitize our nervous system.
Functioning with high stages of tension
The general public that revels in a high level of stress discovers it very hard to the cognizance of something; however, their anxiety. It is very tough to use any of your calming strategies. That is why it's so essential to exercise, exercise, and practice! The time to practice isn't while you are in the basic mode, but while you are experiencing mild to slight tension. Its miles during those times which you manage stress with your respiratory strategies or meditation or whatever it is you have located that works for you.
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
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Jonathan Otto explains Women's Health & Natural Health Secrets. Explore in detail at: http://www.jonathanotto.tv/films ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ 聽; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://thetruthaboutcancer.tv/agq-episode-1-premiere/ ; https://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/ & https://dietagainstdisease.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Jonathan Otto reviews for - Women's Health & Natural Health Secrets at https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ , Follow Jonathan Otto on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonno.otto/ , Follow Jonathan Otto on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonathanfanclb
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Jonathan Otto - Bible Health Secrets At: http://www.jonathanotto.tv/ ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://thesacredplant.com/interviews/jonno/ 聽; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://depressionanxietyseries.com/ , Check the discussions @ Reddit: 聽https://www.reddit.com/r/Journalist/comments/a13wz5/about_jonathan_otto_reviews/ , Buy Now Book from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Autoimmune-Secrets-JONATHAN-OTTO/dp/1598036661
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jonathanottofanpage 4 years
Jonathan Otto explains - Jonathan Otto explains Women's Health & Natural Health Secrets: https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; 聽http://www.jonathanotto.tv , Connect with Jonathan on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 5 years
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Diet Against Disease explained by Jonathan Otto at following websites: http://www.jonathanotto.tv/ ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://dietagainstdisease.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/jono.otto ; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://depressionanxietyseries.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 5 years
Check Jonathan Otto Work & Reviews At his sites - http://www.jonathanotto.tv/ ; https://biblehealthsecrets.com/ ; https://thesacredplant.com/interviews/jonno/ 聽; https://autoimmunesecrets.com/ ; https://depressionanxietyseries.com/, Explore @ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/837247386956253456/, Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathanottolive/
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jonathanottofanpage 5 years
Autoimmune diseases can be fatal if not cared for
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An autoimmune disease is usually of the fatal outcome and by the disturbing name, systemic lupus erythematosus. Autoimmune diseases suddenly found themselves on the headlines, arousing fears and curiosity. How does it happen that our immune system, which is there to defend us from viruses, bacteria, tumors, a sort of army of salvation, aims to destroy us?
Autoimmune diseases are subtle and elusive, with non-specific symptoms. If a person has fever, cough, muscle pain, it is easy to assume flu. But a patient with a systemic lupus erythematosus has very variable symptoms: they may have joint pains, as well as being easily burned in the sun; another may have inflammation of the kidneys that is as violent as dialysis.
A puzzle
Even today they are diseases we know little about. We have no idea what triggers them and sometimes makes them aggressive.
How can it be that a healthy young person is killed by an Autoimmune Disease in such a violent and sudden way?
It is possible, but it is a very rare eventuality. There is, for example, an autoimmune disease that can also be associated with lupus and in which particular antibodies, called antiphospholipid, cause thrombosis; a sub - manifestation of this form, which is called precisely "catastrophic", can quickly lead to death. And there is a niche of patients that do not respond to treatment and for which the outcome is ominous. But they are rare events, far from what usually happens.
Isn't there a test that ascertains an autoimmune disease beyond doubt?
In the case of multiple sclerosis, which affects the central nervous system, the diagnosis is suggested by magnetic resonance imaging and the search for particular antibodies. But in systemic lupus erythematosus, so-called because it involves more organs of the body, blood tests are only a small part of the investigation: the immunologist must put together with other laboratory tests and clinical data, often blurred, to arrive at the diagnosis. We must also frame the context. But to the question "do you feel tired", which of us does not answer yes? And then blood tests can be deceiving.
But why does the immune system attack the body that hosts it?
We don't know exactly. However, we can explain how it works. The immune system in its early stages is virtually able to attack whatever it encounters. Then the "negative selection" takes place: the organism presents to the immune cells all the structures and proteins of the body, and the lymphocytes that are too reactive are eliminated.
Autoimmune diseases seem to be increasing, is this really the case?
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In reality, there is no clear signal. Perhaps the increase is linked to the fact that we make more diagnoses than earlier. The aging of the population also plays a role. Many of these diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, also affect old age.
Why do autoimmune diseases target women more?
The female hormones have a role, not entirely clarified though. It has also been hypothesized that their immune system is more reactive than the male one: an advantage for defense against infections and tumors, but the downside is an increased risk of autoimmune diseases. Finally, some genes responsible for the greater efficiency of the immune system are found on the X chromosome: present in a single copy in males, but in two copies in females.
Is it possible to heal?
They are diseases that a person carries with them for life. As with high blood pressure, we try to remove the symptoms and reduce their intensity. Keep in mind, however, that in many cases, from the appearance of symptoms to when the patient goes to a specialist, it can take years, and before the diagnosis, more time passes: it is therefore difficult to intervene in that rather short window period in which therapies can change course.
New treatments on the horizon?
There is still much to do in terms of research and treatment. But almost every month, new drugs are tested for different autoimmune diseases, which we hope will prove more effective.
How dangerous is the effect of autoimmune diseases?
There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases. However, only certain diseases are common and may be familiar to the ears, such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis (AR), psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, colitis, myasthenia gravis, and celiac disease.
Each of these Autoimmune Diseases certainly causes various symptoms. This is because the body's cells that are attacked by the immune system in autoimmune diseases are not the same. In other words, the effects of autoimmune diseases react in the body in different ways depending on the type of disease. For example, in multiple sclerosis, the part of the body that is attacked is the central nervous system, while in celiac disease the part of the body that has problems is the digestive tract.
It's just that, as with other types of diseases, the effects of autoimmune diseases on the body are not very obvious. In fact, it can make the patient feel unable to perform daily activities. If later there are cases of death caused by autoimmune diseases, as in a study published in the American Public Health Association, it depends on the health conditions and the severity of the disease.
So, can autoimmune diseases be treated?
Unfortunately, until now there is no treatment that truly guarantees all types of autoimmune diseases that can be completely cured. However, do not be discouraged before, because early diagnosis of the disease and regular treatment is actually the right step to help prevent and control the recurrence of symptoms.
While adhering to the recommendations for treatment of the disease by physicians, it is also advised to any kind of suffering autoimmune disease to avoid various triggers that can worsen the development of the disease.
That's why it's important to respect the daily dietary rules recommended by doctors, maintaining a healthy body and environment to minimize the risk of infection.
Don't forget, people with autoimmune diseases must always obey and undergo all treatments in accordance with the type of disease, in order to maintain healthy body conditions and reduce the possibility of recurrence of symptoms.
Jonathan Otto, the popular researcher and journalist has released several research documentaries that depict how negative thoughts can actually affect your physical and mental health. If you watch these documentary series, you will come to know how the medicines can be overpowered by positive thoughts when it comes to healing of diseases including life threatening autoimmune diseases.
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jonathanottofanpage 5 years
Diet Against Disease explained by Jonathan Otto at: https://biblehealthsecrets.com/, Follow Jonathan Otto on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonno.otto/, Follow Jonathan Otto on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonathanfanclb
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