innocentignorance · 2 years
Random headcanons of the incubi >:)
matthew DEFINITELY makes ‘ur mom’ jokes
damien, sam, and matthew play roblox together. sam bullies little kids on it.
erik definitely has a skin care + all the other cares routine.
james has tried the mango planting seed trend from tiktok. it worked well!
james has the fattest green thumb EVER. no plant will die as long as he’s there.
matthew walks fast because he’s always had to keep up with his brothers when walking (because he’s so small!)
damien likes ballet and wants to try it sometime.
erik is LITERALLY METTATON but like way hotter and more fabulous.
damien is a source of knowing all the backrooms lore. he got james into it too.
they would all be into dnd.
james cries a little inside whenever he eats a sunflower seed.
sam glares really hard at people who smoke in public.
sam and matthew have grown out their pubestaches before. sam because he’s lazy and matthew because he wanted to “feel more like a man.”
erik has very luscious lashes.
matthew has sucked the skin on his wrist for too long and accidentally gave himself a hickey. oopsie!
erik is kinda into the “beach dad” look. (like the button up shirts with palm trees on it)
damien has some freckles on his body he’s embarrassed about.
whenever matthew blushes his ears turn red as well as his face.
sam LOVES sleeping. he also snores fucking loud (like to the point where you think an airplane is passing over your house).
damien likes to crochet! his first ever finished product was of a cute little kitty :)
sam loves chasing matthew around with the firework stick thingy during the 4th of july
matthew and damien like to take morning walks together. they also skip during them.
james loves using gel to slick back his hair.
erik can walk in heels flawlessly.
when sam was learning how to ballroom dance, james made matthew pretend to be m/c because he’s short (i may write a little drabble about this HAHA)
james tries out erik’s face masks when nobody’s around.
the end!! ill write more when i have the time :) hope i gave enough love for all the boys!!!
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Otome Review: Collar x Malice - Unlimited
So in Collar x Malice - Unlimited, sequel to Collar x Malice ,you get learn what it’s like to actually have a relationship with the guy of your dreams without anyone trying to actively kill you or whatever. I think this is actually a really nice take. Usually in otome games there is this huge drama or life threatening situation going on during which the heroine meets and falls in love with the love interests. Then after the drama is over so is the story usually.  In this game it basically tells what happens in that “Happily Ever After” that comes after playing the first game. Although you can still get Normal or Bad endings. Which is nice because, you know, such is life. So the story in this one is generally not as complicated as the first one since you basically solved everything and I can’t really write an overall summary since all the routes are very different and there is no common route. Also warning: may contain spoilers for the first game but I tried to keep it spoiler free for this one since you can’t play this game without playing the first one anyway.
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Otome Review: Collar x Malice - Unlimited
So in Collar x Malice - Unlimited, sequel to Collar x Malice ,you get learn what it’s like to actually have a relationship with the guy of your dreams without anyone trying to actively kill you or whatever. I think this is actually a really nice take. Usually in otome games there is this huge drama or life threatening situation going on during which the heroine meets and falls in love with the love interests. Then after the drama is over so is the story usually.  In this game it basically tells what happens in that “Happily Ever After” that comes after playing the first game. Although you can still get Normal or Bad endings. Which is nice because, you know, such is life. So the story in this one is generally not as complicated as the first one since you basically solved everything and I can’t really write an overall summary since all the routes are very different and there is no common route. Also warning: may contain spoilers for the first game but I tried to keep it spoiler free for this one since you can’t play this game without playing the first one anyway.
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Otome Review: Collar x Malice - Unlimited
So in Collar x Malice - Unlimited, sequel to Collar x Malice ,you get learn what it’s like to actually have a relationship with the guy of your dreams without anyone trying to actively kill you or whatever. I think this is actually a really nice take. Usually in otome games there is this huge drama or life threatening situation going on during which the heroine meets and falls in love with the love interests. Then after the drama is over so is the story usually.  In this game it basically tells what happens in that “Happily Ever After” that comes after playing the first game. Although you can still get Normal or Bad endings. Which is nice because, you know, such is life. So the story in this one is generally not as complicated as the first one since you basically solved everything and I can’t really write an overall summary since all the routes are very different and there is no common route. Also warning: may contain spoilers for the first game but I tried to keep it spoiler free for this one since you can’t play this game without playing the first one anyway.
There are also many side stories where you get some insights into some side characters, get to know them a bit better. There is also a story that is kinda the continuation of a bad ending of one of the routes in the first game. Which was honestly quite interesting and also really bittersweet.
There isn’t a lot that I have to warn you about in this game since the traumas that the characters have are not mentioned as heavily as the first game and you should really have played the first game in order to know what’s going on here. One warning that I should maybe make is that there is a bit more sexual content in this one so if you are maybe a delicate person who blushes at the mere mention of “sex” or kissing, consider yourself warned. So yeah. Warning :Suggestive Themes (Maybe??). 
Because I guess some people consider it steamy when they see their 2D boyfriend shirtless and hear him very vaguely reference sex. I am sorry if anyone is offended by this, I am just extremely salty about the fact that otome games portray love as something super pure and beautiful, and in order for love to be this way sex cannot happen, or it cannot be enjoyed. Like the heroine can never come out and say that she enjoys sex with her partner. Ugh. (I just want some R rated otome games. Usually I can go get my fill of smut between my beloved characters but this game surprisingly has very little fanfiction. I am so disappointed, I have no words.)
Anyway. Onto the routes!
Love Interests
Mineo Enomoto
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This guy’s after story was really funny and sweet. Although it’s not my cup of tea, since he’s a bit too innocent and oblivious. But he actually got a bit smarter in this game AND he took off that eyepatch. Like, thank fuck, man. You use guns n shit and depth perception is a thing. So even though Mineo is a bit innocent for me, I think he actually makes good match for the heroine since she’s very much the same. They are both young and quite inexperienced but they are figuring it all out together which I think is beautiful. 
Takeru Sasazuka
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God I love him so fucking much. Ehem. So Takeru’s route was very entertaining. In the first game he always had the “I couldn’t care less” attitude towards everyone especially in the beginning. He still has that harsh exterior going on but damn if it isn’t sweet inside. I honestly may be a little biased on this one since I love his character trope. But he goes through a genuine character development that was, I think, quite well-written since you don’t actually realize it all that much until a character points it out. His route was honestly a bit more realistic compared to the others in regards to how relationships work. They aren’t all sunshine and giggles. Overall, I love him. Could’ve been more “steamy” scenes or sexual interactions in general even if it was just implying . Still not too unhappy with the fanservice in this route. At least got to see him shirtless. Which is more than what we got in some other routes sobs
Kei Okazaki
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So after going through even more trauma in the first game, my man’s honestly on his way to fixing his fucked up mentality. However, he’s not quite there yet. In Kei’s route you get to see how it is to have your work can kinda get in the way of your relationship. They’re trying to have a relationship between their jobs and Kei’s lingering issues and of course with some misunderstandings along the way but they manage to tackle it in the end. Of course nothing is perfect which is, in my opinion, a good thing since perfect relationships do not exist. There was also a lot of implications of sexual activity in this one because our boi here is one horny bastard. Honestly, I love him. If only he wasn’t trying to sugar coat his mental issues and stuff with that adorable but sometimes annoying smile of his. like no Kei this much jealousy is not normal stfu
Kageyuki Shiraishi
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This bitch After going through so much fucking shit in the first game, here we are going through even more shit in this wonderful fandisk! Honestly if you were thirsting after him at any point, you’re out of luck cause our poor boi is in no condition to fuck. Dw he’s not injured or anything. Kageyuki’s route is the one with least fanservice of them all because he committed war crimes or some shit and no one trusts him now (understandably), except of course our protagonist, even though he turned himself in. Which is great and all but this only leads to a lot of yearning and heartbreak for both sides for the entire route. This route was also the most eventful route of them all, with life threatening situations and psychopaths from the past. Story wise, I think it was great. It just was not what you would expect from a fandisk content where you would expect to be witnessing the happily ever after of your OTPs. But in real life your actions have consequences and the power of love doesn’t fix shit. So yeah. Realism wins. Kind of.
Aiji Yanagi
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Daddy? Sorry I can honestly say I really loved Aiji’s route. There wasn’t any drama between him and the protagonist and overall the route had a relatively mature take on relationships. They also addressed some things that weren’t really addressed in the other route like the LI’s and the protagonist’s families. It was quite satisfying which is not very surprising since Aiji has always been the most mature among the LIs in this game. But damn, my boi definitely lacks xp in the romance department like don’t give me all that shy shit bro you’re almost thirty fuckin act like it but it wasn’t exaggerated so not really an issue. The parts with his family were also really wholesome in the end although at first you’re like “throw these bitches out the airlock they are not touching my baby.” This is also the route with most fanservice, I think. In the other routes you could pretend that they weren’t doing anything *looks left and right and whispers* ‘sexual’ even with all the implications if you chose to be real ignorant but in this one I think it was a bit more obvious like we get a glimpse of inner boob y’all that’s like seeing an entire dick in a regular game but not too obvious. Overall, I recommend :D
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Y’all I wanna start a new otome but can’t decide
So I’ll let you do it for me.  So I can:
a. Continue Piofiore: Fated Memories (I will do this eventually regardless)
b. Start Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth
c. Start Cupid Parasite
Pls help me decide
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Otome Review: Collar x Malice
So to try my hand in something new, I’m gonna write reviews about otome games that I play. I played quite a few and feel like I can judge whether it is good or not. I will try to be objective and spoiler free. If I accidently shit on an otome that you love or anything, sorry (not sorry) in advance lol.
I can also provide an ending guide later on if this is well received. 
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innocentignorance · 2 years
So I almost finished playing Collar x Malice - Unlimited and will probably write a review for it soon. I also started playing Piofiore: Fated Memories which is great so far other than some feminist issues but that always goes for otomes everywhere lol.
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Otome Review: Collar x Malice
So to try my hand in something new, I’m gonna write reviews about otome games that I play. I played quite a few and feel like I can judge whether it is good or not. I will try to be objective and spoiler free. If I accidently shit on an otome that you love or anything, sorry (not sorry) in advance lol.
I can also provide an ending guide later on if this is well received. 
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Otome Review: Collar x Malice
So to try my hand in something new, I’m gonna write reviews about otome games that I play. I played quite a few and feel like I can judge whether it is good or not. I will try to be objective and spoiler free. If I accidently shit on an otome that you love or anything, sorry (not sorry) in advance lol.
I can also provide an ending guide later on if this is well received. 
So! CollarxMalice. Long story short I loved it a lot. It was ride and it was a good one. The story was interesting, the love interests were hot and well written. It very easily became one of my favourites. I loved the characters so much that for the most part I couldn’t bring myself to play the bad endings in order to get all the CGs :’).
You are the protagonist, a rookie cop, Ichika Hoshino. There is a terrorist group that is active in Japan that has been causing a lot of trouble to the police and the nation in general. So much so that the town that is thought to be the center of their operations is under quarantine. Which is obviously where you live. So one day you’re just going about your business as usual when this terrorist group suddenly makes contact with you and tells (threatens) you to investigate them and find out why they’re doing and you’re like ????. At least you get to do this with a bunch of hot dudes.
Just to warn you there are some dark themes here including mind control, violence, past traumas, death, s*icidal thoughts. I won’t be mentioning them in the summaries but I will put a Trauma Level.
Love Interests (In the recommended route order)
Mineo Enomoto
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-Kinda awkward but in an endearing way -A bit stupid -Reminds me of a puppy -Trauma Level: Beginner
So this dude is kinda like a jock that is bad with women. He is a history fan and makes it know in the way he dresses and sometimes speaks. If you say something that can be taken as even slightly sexual, he will freak out. Like all the other otome love interest out there, he has some issues of his own but I think I can say his issues are the lightest among the others. He’s cute but not the type that I prefer in my 2D men. Still 7/10
Takeru Sasazuka
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-Tsundere -Kind of an asshole -Sweet tooth like holy fuck -(I love him) -Trauma Level: Medium-Intermediate
Nerd with a really sharp tongue. The dude is a genius when it comes to hacking especially and of course, as the genius stereotype goes, hates stupid people. They have a real good time with Mineo because of that. It’s really fun to watch their banter. Initially, he’s scary as fuck because he really doesn’t seem to give a fuck about your situation and intends to fully use you as a means to get info on the terrorist group. But as time passes you learn that inside that harsh exterior he actually really cares about people. Has issues. Darker than Mineo’s but not as dark as it gets. 9.5/10  (Also, I’ve only known Sasakuza for a couple days but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone on this website and then myself)
Kei Okazaki
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-Airhead -Who tf taught you manners?? -Always smiling -(Best boi) -Trauma Level: Intermediate
Your friendly neighborhood nosey fuck. For someone who acts and looks so easy going, he’s also pushy as fuck. Almost always has a smile on his face and texts with emojis that make you go ???.  Doesn’t even blink at any insult Takeru or the others are throwing at him. Also, a lot sharper than he looks and will fuck you up. Literal definition of the phrase “Looks like a cinnamon roll but will actually kill you”. He’s also the best boi and will do anything to protect you although sometimes that is the problem. Still, I love him. 9/10
Kageyuki Shiraishi
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-Eccentric -Has an anti-fan club -Honestly? Buckle up. -Trauma Level: Bruh
I think this route was a kind of a ride. I recommend playing it 4th as story gets deeper in this one. This dude is really weird but again in a kind of an endearing way. When you see him in other routes you usually just write him off as an asshole or sth, which actually doesn’t change too much in his own route. Initially at least. I mean, the dude doesn’t even remember people’s names unless they are useful. But as he opens up to you and you help him through some shit, you just wanna put his head on your lap and shush him to sleep. Also, there’s a lot of angst in this one. God. I love angst but sometimes it’s too much for my heart. 8.5/10
Aiji Yanagi
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-Mature -Chain smoker -Daddy Father figure of the group -Trauma Level: Medium-Intermediate
Aiji’s route is considered the True Route, which means you basically get to learn everything about everything, and get to resolve everything, and tie up all the loose ends that would usually remain at the end of other routes. Get ready for some angst mixed with mindfuck. Tears may also be involved.
As seen from the outside this guy looks perfect. Like he can do everything, he’s mature, he’s good looking, what else could you want. But of course in reality it’s not like that. He has general issues with any kind of relationship, always keeps people at an arms length for reasons you’ll get to learn. Once you’re past that he’s a great guy. He has a sort of a dark past he doesn’t like to talk about, which is why he’s a bit detached. He’s also a surprisingly sensitive guy. All life has value and all. And did I mentioned he can cook? 10/10 husband material. Overall, 9/10
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innocentignorance · 2 years
So I’ve been thinking...
The seduce me fandom is kinda dead, yeah? Or maybe it’s just me idk. That’s why I thought that maybe I should do incorrect quotes for other otomes or games? Would anyone be interested? Have any suggestions?
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Still one of my fav pieces.
Hey its me again.....I baked some cookies fo rt you guys, no tricks this time. I hope you like them!!(≧▽≦)
Matthew: DeAr GoD!!! I just baked some cookies too! There are so many cookies everywhere, man! We could fill a room. Do you even know what that means?
Damien: That we’ll have to eat cookies for every meal for the next few days?
Matthew: NO! I mean, yes, that too, but that’s not the point right now. 
Matthew: The point is so many cookies mean crumbs!
James: Crumbs?
Matthew: *Narrows his eyes and stares directly into the camera like in the Office* Crumbs. Everywhere.
Matthew: And that means Mika will whoop our asses. We need to find ants. A lot of them.
Sam: What?
Matthew: Ants will come in and they will eat the crumbs or take them home to their kids or something, and there will be no more crumbs.
Matthew: Then when all the crumbs are gone we’ll bring in the anteaters.
Erik: *Deadpan voice* The anteaters.
Matthew: Yeah! Those ants won’t even know what hit ‘em. One moment they’re all like “WoOoOoAaAh! There’s so much food here! This is great! I’m having fun!” and the next thing they know it’ll be like “BAAAM!! NO MORE FOOD! ONLY DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!”.
Matthew: And just like that both the crumbs and the ant will be gone. Problem solved.
Damien: …
James: …
Sam: …
Erik: …
James: *Sighs* You see what I mean by “weird behaviour”?
Matthew: Hey, this isn’t weird! This is just a perfectly normal problem solving process.
Erik: No. A “perfectly normal” problem solving process concerning cookie crumbs would involve a vacuum cleaner.
Matthew: Fine. You go ahead and be boring with your vacuum cleaner. In the meantime, I’ll bake more cookies so that there’ll be even more crumbs and we’ll see how yoUR VACUUM HANDLES THAT!
Damien: Matthew no!
Matthew: MaTtHeW yEs!
Sam: Should I go stop him?
James: Please.
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innocentignorance · 2 years
Sam: I hate being touched.
Sam: The last time I touched another person was last month. In hand-to-hand combat.
James: Alex is literally hugging you right now.
Sam: This means nothing.
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innocentignorance · 3 years
Actually that means you are not, in fact, a narcissist since they don’t perceive narcissism as a negative trait and will openly admit that they are narcissists. Except everyone’s moms in reddit treads. 
how much of a narcissist are u lovey x (ends my message with flattery just in case)
I am not a narcissist I am just always right and stronger than everyone
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innocentignorance · 3 years
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So I would like to draw your attention to this ongoing issue as the actual authorities of the country itself is doing jack shit about it. I know our generation cares about the environment. The forests and animals in them. Well this is your time to show that you do.
Thousands of acres of forest ground is burning and all they have to try and stop it is 3 firefighting planes. THREE. Thousands of trees and animals are dying. PEOPLE are dying because they can’t escape the fire. Because their houses burned down. 
I am NOT asking you to donate money. I am asking that you help spread awareness so that other countries will start sending help.
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innocentignorance · 3 years
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So I would like to draw your attention to this ongoing issue as the actual authorities of the country itself is doing jack shit about it. I know our generation cares about the environment. The forests and animals in them. Well this is your time to show that you do.
Thousands of acres of forest ground is burning and all they have to try and stop it is 3 firefighting planes. THREE. Thousands of trees and animals are dying. PEOPLE are dying because they can’t escape the fire. Because their houses burned down. 
I am NOT asking you to donate money. I am asking that you help spread awareness so that other countries will start sending help.
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innocentignorance · 3 years
Still an issue!
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So I would like to draw your attention to this ongoing issue as the actual authorities of the country itself is doing jack shit about it. I know our generation cares about the environment. The forests and animals in them. Well this is your time to show that you do.
Thousands of acres of forest ground is burning and all they have to try and stop it is 3 firefighting planes. THREE. Thousands of trees and animals are dying. PEOPLE are dying because they can’t escape the fire. Because their houses burned down. 
I am NOT asking you to donate money. I am asking that you help spread awareness so that other countries will start sending help.
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innocentignorance · 3 years
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So I would like to draw your attention to this ongoing issue as the actual authorities of the country itself is doing jack shit about it. I know our generation cares about the environment. The forests and animals in them. Well this is your time to show that you do.
Thousands of acres of forest ground is burning and all they have to try and stop it is 3 firefighting planes. THREE. Thousands of trees and animals are dying. PEOPLE are dying because they can’t escape the fire. Because their houses burned down. 
I am NOT asking you to donate money. I am asking that you help spread awareness so that other countries will start sending help.
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